Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015. Konstantin Macarenco
 * [This program is licensed under the GPL version 3 or later.]
 * Please see the file COPYING in the source
 * distribution of this software for license terms.

package edu.pdx.konstan2.PortlandLive;

import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * Created by kmacarenco on 7/21/15.
 * Class description:
 *  1. Implements AsyncJob, i.e. can interact with HtmlRequester
 *  2. By itself is just a struct that holds arrivals information, requires master task
 *      to perform some action on this information,  master task is this case is one of
 *      the activities interested in arrivals information.

public class ArrivalsFactory implements AsyncJob {

    // *** In Class global variables ***
    private String url; // Holds url to be executed by HtmlParser
    private String response; // Response storage
    private HashMap<String, Arrival> arrivalsMap; // Map: arrival_description -> Arrival
    private ArrivalsUrlStringBuilder arrivalsRequest = new ArrivalsUrlStringBuilder(); //
    private MasterTask master;
    public static final String command = "addArrivals";

    public ArrivalsFactory(MasterTask master) {
        arrivalsMap = new HashMap<>();
        this.master = master;

    // url setter/getter
    public String url() {
        return url;

    // response setter
    public void setResponse(String resp) {
        response = resp;

    // by execute we will try to parse response and run master
    public void execute() {
        new responseParserFactory().parseArrivals(response, arrivalsMap);;


    public void getArrivalsAt(String[] stopLocations) {
        url = arrivalsRequest.request(stopLocations);

    public Iterator iterator() {
        return arrivalsMap.entrySet().iterator();

// Representation of Arrival.
// FIXME: at this point is not capable of dealing with detour information.
class Arrival {
    String id;
    Long blockID;
    Boolean departed;
    Boolean detoured;
    JSONObject detour;
    Long dir;
    Long estimated;
    Long feet;
    String fullsign;
    Boolean inCongestion;
    Long loadPercentage;
    Long locid;
    Long route;
    Long scheduled;
    String shortSign;
    String status;
    String reason;
    String tripID;
    Boolean newTrip;
    Boolean replacedService;
    String piece;
    String vehicleID;
    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
    ArrayList<Route> routes = new ArrayList<>();
    JSONObject jsonArrival;

    public String asString() {
        Date scheduled = new Date(this.scheduled);
        Date estimated;
        if (this.estimated != null) {
            estimated = new Date(this.estimated);
            return shortSign + " " + scheduled.toString() + " estimated at " + estimated.toString();
        } else {
            return shortSign + " " + scheduled.toString();

    public Arrival(JSONObject v) {
        jsonArrival = v;
        id = (String) v.get("id");
        blockID = (Long) v.get("blockID");
        departed = (Boolean) v.get("departed");
        detoured = (Boolean) v.get("detoured");
        //        detour          = (JSONObject) v.get("detour"); TODO Add detours later
        dir = (Long) v.get("dir");
        estimated = (Long) v.get("estimated");
        feet = (Long) v.get("feet");
        fullsign = (String) v.get("fullSign");
        inCongestion = (Boolean) v.get("inCongestion");
        loadPercentage = (Long) v.get("loadPercentage");
        locid = (Long) v.get("locid");
        route = (Long) v.get("route");
        scheduled = (Long) v.get("scheduled");
        shortSign = (String) v.get("shortSign");
        status = (String) v.get("status");
        //        reason          = (String) v.get("reason");
        tripID = (String) v.get("tripID");
        newTrip = (Boolean) v.get("newTrip");
        //        replacedService = (Boolean) v.get("replacedService");
        piece = (String) v.get("piece");
        vehicleID = (String) v.get("vehicleID");