Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package edu.packt.neuralnet.som; import edu.packt.neuralnet.HiddenLayer; import edu.packt.neuralnet.NeuralException; import edu.packt.neuralnet.NeuralNet; import edu.packt.neuralnet.Neuron; import edu.packt.neuralnet.OutputLayer; import edu.packt.neuralnet.chart.Chart; import; import edu.packt.neuralnet.learn.LearningAlgorithm; import edu.packt.neuralnet.math.ArrayOperations; import edu.packt.neuralnet.math.RandomNumberGenerator; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFrame; /** * * @author fab */ public class CompetitiveLearning extends LearningAlgorithm { private int currentRecord = 0; private ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> newWeights; private ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> currWeights; private double initialLearningRate = 0.3; private int referenceEpoch = 30; private int[] indexWinnerNeuronTrain; private int[] indexWinnerNeuronTest; protected ChartFrame plot2DData; public boolean show2DData = false; public long sleep = -1; public CompetitiveLearning(NeuralNet _neuralNet) { this.learningParadigm = LearningParadigm.UNSUPERVISED; this.neuralNet = _neuralNet; this.newWeights = new ArrayList<>(); this.currWeights = new ArrayList<>(); int numberOfNeuronsInLayer = this.neuralNet.getOutputLayer().getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfNeuronsInLayer; j++) { int numberOfInputsInNeuron = this.neuralNet.getOutputLayer().getNeuron(j).getNumberOfInputs(); this.newWeights.add(new ArrayList<Double>()); this.currWeights.add(new ArrayList<Double>()); for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfInputsInNeuron; i++) { this.newWeights.get(j).add(0.0); this.currWeights.get(j).add(neuralNet.getOutputLayer().getWeight(i, j)); } } } public CompetitiveLearning(NeuralNet _neuralNet, NeuralDataSet _trainDataSet) { this(_neuralNet); this.trainingDataSet = _trainDataSet; indexWinnerNeuronTrain = new int[_trainDataSet.numberOfRecords]; } public CompetitiveLearning(NeuralNet _neuralNet, NeuralDataSet _trainDataSet, LearningMode _learningMode) { this(_neuralNet, _trainDataSet); this.learningMode = _learningMode; } @Override public Double calcNewWeight(int layer, int input, int neuron) throws NeuralException { if (layer > 0) { throw new NeuralException( "Competitive learning can be used only with single" + " layer neural network yet"); } else { Double deltaWeight = getLearningRate(epoch); //Neuron n=neuralNet.getOutputLayer().getNeuron(neuron); double xi = neuralNet.getInput(input); double wi = neuralNet.getOutputLayer().getWeight(input, neuron); int wn = indexWinnerNeuronTrain[currentRecord]; CompetitiveLayer cl = ((CompetitiveLayer) (((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).getOutputLayer())); switch (learningMode) { case BATCH: case ONLINE: deltaWeight *= cl.neighborhood(wn, neuron, epoch, referenceEpoch) * (xi - wi); break; } return deltaWeight; } } public double getLearningRate(int epoch) { double exponent = (double) (epoch) / (double) (referenceEpoch); return initialLearningRate * Math.exp(-exponent); } public double getDistance(double[] pointX, double[] pointW) { int size = pointX.length; Kohonen.Distance distance = ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).distanceMeasure; double totalDistance = 0; switch (distance) { case EUCLIDIAN: default: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { totalDistance += Math.pow(pointX[i] - pointW[i], 2); } totalDistance = Math.sqrt(totalDistance); } return totalDistance; } @Override public Double calcNewWeight(int layer, int input, int neuron, double error) throws NeuralException { throw new NeuralException("Competitive learning can be used only with the " + "neuron's inputs and outputs, no error is used"); } @Override public void train() throws NeuralException { if (neuralNet.getNumberOfHiddenLayers() > 0) { throw new NeuralException( "Competitive learning can be used only with " + "single layer neural network"); } else { epoch = 0; int k = 0; forward(); if (printTraining) { print(); } if (show2DData) { showPlot2DData(); } currentRecord = 0; forward(currentRecord); while (!stopCriteria()) { for (int j = 0; j < neuralNet.getNumberOfOutputs(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < neuralNet.getNumberOfInputs(); i++) { //weightUpdate(0, i, j,error.get(currentRecord) // .get(j)); double newWeight = newWeights.get(j).get(i); newWeights.get(j).set(i, newWeight + calcNewWeight(0, i, j)); } } switch (learningMode) { case BATCH: break; case ONLINE: default: applyNewWeights(); } currentRecord = ++k; if (k >= trainingDataSet.numberOfRecords) { if (learningMode == LearningAlgorithm.LearningMode.BATCH) { applyNewWeights(); } k = 0; currentRecord = 0; epoch++; if (show2DData) { showPlot2DData(); if (sleep != -1) try { Thread.sleep(sleep); } catch (Exception e) { } } } forward(k); if (printTraining) { print(); } } } } public void applyNewWeights() { int numberOfNeuronsInLayer, numberOfInputsInNeuron; CompetitiveLayer cl = (CompetitiveLayer) this.neuralNet.getOutputLayer(); numberOfNeuronsInLayer = cl.getNumberOfNeuronsInLayer(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfNeuronsInLayer; j++) { numberOfInputsInNeuron = cl.getNeuron(j).getNumberOfInputs(); for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfInputsInNeuron; i++) { double newWeight = this.newWeights.get(j).get(i); double currWeight = this.currWeights.get(j).get(i); this.currWeights.get(j).set(i, currWeight + newWeight); cl.getNeuron(j).updateWeight(i, currWeight + newWeight); this.newWeights.get(j).set(i, 0.0); } } } @Override public void forward(int i) throws NeuralException { if (neuralNet.getNumberOfHiddenLayers() > 0) { throw new NeuralException("Kohonen learning can be used only with " + "single layer neural network"); } else { neuralNet.setInputs(trainingDataSet.getArrayInputRecord(i)); ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).calc(); indexWinnerNeuronTrain[i] = ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).getIndexWinnerNeuron(); //simpleError=simpleErrorEach.get(i); } } @Override public void forward() throws NeuralException { if (neuralNet.getNumberOfHiddenLayers() > 0) { throw new NeuralException( "Competitive learning can be used only with " + "single layer neural network"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < trainingDataSet.numberOfRecords; i++) { neuralNet.setInputs(trainingDataSet.getInputRecord(i)); neuralNet.calc(); indexWinnerNeuronTrain[i] = ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).getIndexWinnerNeuron(); } //simpleError=simpleErrorEach.get(trainingDataSet.numberOfRecords-1); } } @Override public void test(int i) throws NeuralException { if (neuralNet.getNumberOfHiddenLayers() > 0) { throw new NeuralException("Hebbian learning can be used only with " + "single layer neural network"); } else { neuralNet.setInputs(testingDataSet.getArrayInputRecord(i)); neuralNet.calc(); indexWinnerNeuronTest[i] = ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).getIndexWinnerNeuron(); //simpleError=simpleErrorEach.get(i); } } @Override public void test() throws NeuralException { if (neuralNet.getNumberOfHiddenLayers() > 0) { throw new NeuralException("Hebbian learning can be used only with " + "single layer neural network"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < testingDataSet.numberOfRecords; i++) { neuralNet.setInputs(testingDataSet.getInputRecord(i)); neuralNet.calc(); indexWinnerNeuronTest[i] = ((Kohonen) (neuralNet)).getIndexWinnerNeuron(); } //currentOutputMean=trainingDataSet.getMeanNeuralOutput(); //simpleError=simpleErrorEach.get(trainingDataSet.numberOfRecords-1); } } @Override public void print() { if (learningMode == LearningMode.ONLINE) System.out.println("Epoch=" + String.valueOf(epoch) + "; Record=" + String.valueOf(currentRecord)); else if (currentRecord == 0) System.out.println("Epoch= " + String.valueOf(epoch)); } public boolean stopCriteria() { //boolean stop=true; return epoch >= MaxEpochs; } @Override public void showErrorEvolution() { } public void setPlot2DFrame(ChartFrame frame) { this.plot2DData = frame; } public void showPlot2DData() { double[][] data = ArrayOperations.arrayListToDoubleMatrix(; String[] seriesNames = { "Training Data" }; Paint[] seriesColor = { Color.WHITE }; Chart chart = new Chart("Training epoch n" + String.valueOf(epoch) + " ", data, seriesNames, 0, seriesColor, Chart.SeriesType.DOTS); if (plot2DData == null) { plot2DData = new ChartFrame("Training", chart.scatterPlot("X", "Y")); } Paint[] newColor = { Color.BLUE }; String[] neuronsNames = { "" }; CompetitiveLayer cl = ((CompetitiveLayer) (neuralNet.getOutputLayer())); double[][] neuronsWeights = cl.getWeights(); switch (cl.dimension) { case TWO_DIMENSION: ArrayList<double[][]> gridWeights = ((CompetitiveLayer2D) (cl)).getGridWeights(); for (int i = 0; i < gridWeights.size(); i++) { chart.addSeries(gridWeights.get(i), neuronsNames, 0, newColor, Chart.SeriesType.LINES); } break; case ONE_DIMENSION: neuronsNames[0] = "Neurons Weights"; chart.addSeries(neuronsWeights, neuronsNames, 0, newColor, Chart.SeriesType.LINES); break; case ZERO: neuronsNames[0] = "Neurons Weights"; default: chart.addSeries(neuronsWeights, neuronsNames, 0, newColor, Chart.SeriesType.DOTS); } plot2DData.getChartPanel().setChart(chart.scatterPlot("X", "Y")); } public ChartFrame getPlot2DFrame() { return plot2DData; } public void setLearningRate(double _learningRate) { this.LearningRate = _learningRate; this.initialLearningRate = _learningRate; } public void setReferenceEpoch(int _refEpoch) { this.referenceEpoch = _refEpoch; } }