Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 John Berlin * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package edu.odu.cs.cs350.yellow1.jar; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; /** * This class runs all mutants and tests via {@link ExecuteJar}. * <br>The running of each ExecuteJar is done in parallel using {@link ExecutorService} with a thread pool of size * <b>Max(2,availableProcessors/2)</b> since most cpus are now dual core * <br>Expects multiple mutant jars to be present for execution for best results * @author jberlin * */ public class JarExecutor { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(JarExecutor.class); private FilenameFilter jarFilter = FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".jar"); private File jarDir; private File logDir; private List<ExecutionResults> mutationTestingResults; private Queue<File> jarsToExecute; private String pathToJarsDir; private String pathToLogDir; private String pathToCompareScript; private String pathToTestSuit; private String pathToGold; private int mutantsKilled = 0; private int mutantsNotKilled = 0; private int logsCreated = 0; private int numTests = 0; private ExecutionState executionState = ExecutionState.multiFile; /** * Construct a new JarExecutor instance with specified * {@link ExecutionState} * * @param pathToJarsDir * absolutePath to the directory holding the created jars * @param pathToLogDir * absolutePath to the directory where to captured output should * be placed * @param pathToCompareScript * the absolutePath to the compare script * @param executionState * the {@link ExecutionState} for the jarExecutor to be in * @param pathToTestSuite * absolutePath to testSuite */ public JarExecutor(String pathToJarsDir, String pathToLogDir, String pathToCompareScript, ExecutionState executionState, String pathToTestSuite, String pathToGold) { this.pathToTestSuit = pathToTestSuite; this.pathToJarsDir = pathToJarsDir; this.pathToLogDir = pathToLogDir; this.pathToCompareScript = pathToCompareScript; this.pathToGold = pathToGold; this.jarDir = new File(pathToJarsDir); this.logDir = new File(pathToLogDir); this.executionState = executionState; this.mutationTestingResults = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Construct a new JarExecutor instance with default ExecutionState * {@link ExecutionState#multiFile} * * @param pathToJarsDir * absolutePath to the directory holding the created jars * @param pathToLogDir * absolutePath to the directory where to captured output should * be placed * @param pathToCompareScript * the absolutePath to the compare script * @param pathToTestSuite * absolutePath to testSuite */ public JarExecutor(String pathToJarsDir, String pathToLogDir, String pathToCompareScript, String pathToTestSuite, String pathToGold) { this.pathToTestSuit = pathToTestSuite; this.pathToJarsDir = pathToJarsDir; this.pathToLogDir = pathToLogDir; this.pathToGold = pathToGold; this.pathToCompareScript = pathToCompareScript; this.jarDir = new File(pathToJarsDir); this.logDir = new File(pathToLogDir); this.executionState = ExecutionState.multiFile; this.mutationTestingResults = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Set the execution state for the * * @param executionsState */ public void setExecutionState(ExecutionState executionsState) { this.executionState = executionsState; } /** * Set up the executor by looking for and getting the jars and then check to * see if the log directory <br> * exists if not create it * * @return if set up was successful */ public boolean setUp() { if (executionState.equals(ExecutionState.multiFile)) { jarsToExecute = new ArrayDeque<File>(); jarsToExecute.addAll(Arrays.asList(jarDir.listFiles(jarFilter))); if (jarsToExecute.isEmpty()) { logger.error("JarExecutor no jars were found in jar directory"); return false; } } else { if (jarDir.listFiles(jarFilter).length <= 0) { logger.error("JarExecutor executing in singleFile mode found no jar"); return false; } } if (!logDir.exists()) { return logDir.mkdir(); } return true; } /** * Concurrently run all jars created with the test suite * For each test in the suite run them against every mutant using * <br>For Each mutant create an {@link ExecuteJar} then execute them and * gather information from the results which are available through other method calls to this class * @return true */ public boolean start() { ExecutorService threadPool = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(Math.max(2, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2)); List<Callable<ExecutionResults>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); //since the only operations on the shared files are reads it //is relatively safe to do so in parallel File testDir = new File(pathToTestSuit); List<File> tests = Arrays.asList(testDir.listFiles()); numTests = tests.size(); while (!jarsToExecute.isEmpty()) { File executeJar = jarsToExecute.poll(); tasks.add(new ExecuteJar(executeJar, pathToGold, pathToLogDir, tests)); } try { List<Future<ExecutionResults>> results = threadPool.invokeAll(tasks); for (Future<ExecutionResults> rets : results) { ExecutionResults result = rets.get(); mutationTestingResults.add(result); System.out.println(result.toString()); if (result.isKilled()) { ++mutantsKilled; } else ++mutantsNotKilled; logsCreated += result.getStandardErrOutput().size() + result.getStandardOutput().size(); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } /** * Get the results of the mutation testing * * @return List of ExecutionResults representing the execution of each * mutant */ public List<ExecutionResults> getMutationTestingResults() { return mutationTestingResults; } /** * Get the number of successful executions ie killed * * @return number of successful executions */ public int getNumberOfMutantsKilled() { return mutantsKilled; } /** * Get the number of failed executions ie not killed by any test * * @return number of failed executions */ public int getNumberOfMutantsNotKilled() { return mutantsNotKilled; } /** * Get the number of logs created * * @return number of logs created */ public int getNumberOfLogsCreated() { return logsCreated; } /** * Get the number of tests in the test suite * * @return number of tests in the test suite */ public int getNumberOfTests() { return numTests; } @Override public String toString() { return "JarExecutor [mutantsKilled=" + mutantsKilled + ", mutantsNotKilled=" + mutantsNotKilled + ", logsCreated=" + logsCreated + ", numTests=" + numTests + "]"; } }