Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2016 New York University This file is part of Data Polygamy which is released under the Revised BSD License See file LICENSE for full license details. */ package edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.standard_techniques; import infodynamics.measures.continuous.kernel.EntropyCalculatorKernel; import infodynamics.measures.continuous.kernel.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKernel; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; import net.sf.javaml.core.DenseInstance; import net.sf.javaml.distance.fastdtw.dtw.DTW; import net.sf.javaml.distance.fastdtw.timeseries.TimeSeries; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.PearsonsCorrelation; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.MultipleOutputs; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils.PairAttributeWritable; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils.SpatioTemporalValueWritable; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.SpatialGraph; public class CorrelationTechniquesReducer extends Reducer<PairAttributeWritable, SpatioTemporalValueWritable, Text, Text> { public static FrameworkUtils utils = new FrameworkUtils(); Configuration conf; int dataset1, dataset2, spatial, temporal; int dataset1Key = 0; int dataset2Key = 1; String fileName; HashMap<Integer, String> datasets = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // spatial information SpatialGraph spatialGraph = new SpatialGraph(); SpatialGraph nbhdGraph = new SpatialGraph(); SpatialGraph zipGraph = new SpatialGraph(); int gridSize = 0; int[][] originalGrid; boolean isNbhd = false; boolean isGrid = false; boolean isZip = false; boolean isCity = false; // temporal information boolean isHour = false; boolean isDay = false; boolean isWeek = false; boolean isMonth = false; boolean isYear = false; HashMap<Integer, String> idToDataset = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // header HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> header = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>>(); ArrayList<TreeMap<Integer, Float>>[] timeSeries; // Monte Carlo permutation test // null hypothesis (H0): random predictability // we want to reject H0 // p-value is the rate of repetitions in the // permutation test that have high score // (i.e., if p-value is high, it means that // a high score can be computed by random; // in other words, a high p-value confirms H0) // we reject H0 if p-value <= alpha float alpha = 0.05f; int repetitions = 1000; Text keyWritable = new Text(); Text valueWritable = new Text(); boolean s3 = true; private MultipleOutputs<Text, Text> out; private void resolutionHandler(int spatialResolution, int temporalResolution) { spatial = spatialResolution; temporal = temporalResolution; // resetting isNbhd = false; isZip = false; isGrid = false; isCity = false; isHour = false; isDay = false; isWeek = false; isMonth = false; isYear = false; switch (spatial) { case FrameworkUtils.NBHD: spatialGraph.init(nbhdGraph); isNbhd = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.ZIP: spatialGraph.init(zipGraph); isZip = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.GRID: isGrid = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.CITY: isCity = true; break; default: isCity = true; break; } switch (temporal) { case FrameworkUtils.HOUR: isHour = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.DAY: isDay = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.WEEK: isWeek = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.MONTH: isMonth = true; break; case FrameworkUtils.YEAR: isYear = true; break; default: isYear = true; break; } } @Override public void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { out = new MultipleOutputs<Text, Text>(context); conf = context.getConfiguration(); String[] datasetIdsStr = conf.get("dataset-keys", "").split(","); String[] datasetNames = conf.get("dataset-names", "").split(","); if (datasetIdsStr.length != datasetNames.length) { System.out.println("Something went wrong... Number of ids should match number of datasets"); System.exit(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < datasetIdsStr.length; i++) { int datasetId = Integer.parseInt(datasetIdsStr[i]); String[] datasetAggHeader = conf.get("dataset-" + datasetIdsStr[i] + "-agg", "").split(","); HashMap<Integer, String> headerTemp = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int j = 0; j < datasetAggHeader.length; j++) { int attribute = Integer .parseInt(datasetAggHeader[j].substring(0, datasetAggHeader[j].indexOf("-"))); String name = datasetAggHeader[j].substring(datasetAggHeader[j].indexOf("-") + 1, datasetAggHeader[j].length()); headerTemp.put(attribute, name); } header.put(datasetId, headerTemp); datasets.put(datasetId, datasetNames[i]); } // nbhd grapgh nbhdGraph.init(true, conf); // zipcode graph zipGraph.init(false, conf); // grid gridSize = 2048; //gridSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("spatial-resolution").replace("grid", "")); originalGrid = new int[gridSize][gridSize]; for (int j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) originalGrid[i][j] = j * gridSize + i; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void reduce(PairAttributeWritable key, Iterable<SpatioTemporalValueWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { resolutionHandler(key.getSpatialResolution(), key.getTemporalResolution()); int size = 0; switch (spatial) { case FrameworkUtils.NBHD: size = spatialGraph.nbNodes(); break; case FrameworkUtils.ZIP: size = zipGraph.nbNodes(); break; case FrameworkUtils.GRID: size = gridSize; break; case FrameworkUtils.CITY: size = 1; break; default: size = 1; break; } timeSeries = (ArrayList<TreeMap<Integer, Float>>[]) new ArrayList[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ArrayList<TreeMap<Integer, Float>> spatialTimeSeries = new ArrayList<TreeMap<Integer, Float>>(); spatialTimeSeries.add(new TreeMap<Integer, Float>()); // 0 spatialTimeSeries.add(new TreeMap<Integer, Float>()); // 1 timeSeries[i] = spatialTimeSeries; } // initializing some variables dataset1 = key.getFirstDataset(); dataset2 = key.getSecondDataset(); fileName = datasets.get(dataset1) + "-" + datasets.get(dataset2) + "/" + utils.temporalResolutionStr(key.getTemporalResolution()) + "-" + utils.spatialResolutionStr(key.getSpatialResolution()) + "/data"; Iterator<SpatioTemporalValueWritable> it = values.iterator(); SpatioTemporalValueWritable st; while (it.hasNext()) { st =; int dataset = st.getDataset(); int temporal = st.getTemporal(); int spatial = st.getSpatial(); float val = st.getValue(); int datasetKey = 0; if (dataset == dataset1) datasetKey = dataset1Key; else datasetKey = dataset2Key; TreeMap<Integer, Float> map = timeSeries[spatial].get(datasetKey); map.put(temporal, val); timeSeries[spatial].set(datasetKey, map); } double corr = 0; // Pearsons Correlations double mi = 0; // Mutual Information double dtw = 0; // DTW int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { double[] tempValues = computeCorrelationTechniques(timeSeries, i, i, false); if (tempValues == null) continue; corr += tempValues[0]; mi += tempValues[1]; dtw += tempValues[2]; count++; } if (count == 0) return; corr = corr / count; mi = mi / count; dtw = dtw / count; /* * Monte Carlo Permutation Test */ double pValueCorr = 0; double pValueMI = 0; double pValueDTW = 0; ArrayList<Integer[]> pairs = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); switch (spatial) { case FrameworkUtils.NBHD: for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { double mcCorr = 0; pairs.clear(); pairs = bfsShift(true); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) { Integer[] pair = pairs.get(i); double[] tempValues = computeCorrelationTechniques(timeSeries, pair[0], pair[1], false); if (tempValues == null) continue; corr += tempValues[0]; //mi += tempValues[1]; //dtw += tempValues[2]; count++; } mcCorr = (count == 0) ? 0 : mcCorr / count; if (corr > 0) { if (mcCorr >= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } else { if (mcCorr <= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } if (pValueCorr > (alpha * repetitions)) break; // pruning } pValueCorr = pValueCorr / ((double) (repetitions)); emitKeyValue(key, corr, mi, dtw, pValueCorr, pValueMI, pValueDTW); break; case FrameworkUtils.ZIP: for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { double mcCorr = 0; pairs.clear(); pairs = bfsShift(false); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) { Integer[] pair = pairs.get(i); double[] tempValues = computeCorrelationTechniques(timeSeries, pair[0], pair[1], false); if (tempValues == null) continue; corr += tempValues[0]; //mi += tempValues[1]; //dtw += tempValues[2]; count++; } mcCorr = (count == 0) ? 0 : mcCorr / count; if (corr > 0) { if (mcCorr >= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } else { if (mcCorr <= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } if (pValueCorr > (alpha * repetitions)) break; // pruning } pValueCorr = pValueCorr / ((double) (repetitions)); emitKeyValue(key, corr, mi, dtw, pValueCorr, pValueMI, pValueDTW); break; case FrameworkUtils.GRID: for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { double mcCorr = 0; pairs.clear(); pairs = toroidalShift(); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) { Integer[] pair = pairs.get(i); double[] tempValues = computeCorrelationTechniques(timeSeries, pair[0], pair[1], false); if (tempValues == null) continue; corr += tempValues[0]; //mi += tempValues[1]; //dtw += tempValues[2]; count++; } mcCorr = (count == 0) ? 0 : mcCorr / count; if (corr > 0) { if (mcCorr >= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } else { if (mcCorr <= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } if (pValueCorr > (alpha * repetitions)) break; // pruning } pValueCorr = pValueCorr / ((double) (repetitions)); emitKeyValue(key, corr, mi, dtw, pValueCorr, pValueMI, pValueDTW); break; case FrameworkUtils.CITY: for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { double[] tempValues = computeCorrelationTechniques(timeSeries, 0, 0, true); double mcCorr = (tempValues == null) ? 0 : tempValues[0]; double mcMI = (tempValues == null) ? 0 : tempValues[1]; double mcDTW = (tempValues == null) ? 0 : tempValues[2]; if (corr > 0) { if (mcCorr >= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } else { if (mcCorr <= corr) pValueCorr += 1; } if (mcMI >= mi) pValueMI += 1; if (dtw > 0) { if (mcDTW >= dtw) pValueDTW += 1; } else { if (mcDTW <= dtw) pValueDTW += 1; } } pValueCorr = pValueCorr / ((double) (repetitions)); pValueMI = pValueMI / ((double) (repetitions)); pValueDTW = pValueDTW / ((double) (repetitions)); emitKeyValue(key, corr, mi, dtw, pValueCorr, pValueMI, pValueDTW); break; default: // do nothing break; } } @Override public void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { out.close(); } private void emitKeyValue(PairAttributeWritable key, double corr, double mi, double dtw, double pValueCorr, double pValueMI, double pValueDTW) throws IOException, InterruptedException { keyWritable = new Text(header.get(dataset1).get(key.getFirstAttribute()) + "," + header.get(dataset2).get(key.getSecondAttribute())); valueWritable = new Text(corr + "," + mi + "," + dtw + "," + pValueCorr + "," + pValueMI + "," + pValueDTW); out.write(keyWritable, valueWritable, fileName); } private double[] computeCorrelationTechniques(ArrayList<TreeMap<Integer, Float>>[] timeSeries, int index1, int index2, boolean temporalPermutation) { double[] values = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; TreeMap<Integer, Float> map1 = timeSeries[index1].get(dataset1Key); TreeMap<Integer, Float> map2 = timeSeries[index2].get(dataset2Key); ArrayList<Double> array1 = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> array2 = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int temp : map1.keySet()) { if (map2.containsKey(temp)) { array1.add((double) map1.get(temp)); array2.add((double) map2.get(temp)); } } double[] completeTempArray1 = new double[map1.keySet().size()]; int index = 0; for (int temp : map1.keySet()) { completeTempArray1[index] = map1.get(temp); index++; } double[] completeTempArray2 = new double[map2.keySet().size()]; index = 0; for (int temp : map2.keySet()) { completeTempArray2[index] = map2.get(temp); index++; } map1.clear(); map2.clear(); if (array1.size() < 2) return null; // Pearson's Correlation double[] tempDoubleArray1 = new double[array1.size()]; double[] tempDoubleArray2 = new double[array2.size()]; int indexD1 = (temporalPermutation) ? new Random().nextInt(array1.size()) : 0; int indexD2 = (temporalPermutation) ? new Random().nextInt(array2.size()) : 0; for (int i = 0; i < array1.size(); i++) { int j = (indexD1 + i) % array1.size(); int k = (indexD2 + i) % array2.size(); tempDoubleArray1[i] = array1.get(j); tempDoubleArray2[i] = array2.get(k); } array1 = null; array2 = null; PearsonsCorrelation pearsonsCorr = new PearsonsCorrelation(); values[0] = pearsonsCorr.correlation(tempDoubleArray1, tempDoubleArray2); // Mutual Information try { values[1] = getMIScore(tempDoubleArray1, tempDoubleArray2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); /*String data1 = ""; for (double d : tempDoubleArray1) data1 += d + ", "; String data2 = ""; for (double d : tempDoubleArray2) data2 += d + ", "; System.out.println(data1); System.out.println(data2);*/ System.exit(-1); } tempDoubleArray1 = null; tempDoubleArray2 = null; // DTW double[] completeTempDoubleArray1 = new double[completeTempArray1.length]; double[] completeTempDoubleArray2 = new double[completeTempArray2.length]; if (temporalPermutation) { indexD1 = new Random().nextInt(completeTempArray1.length); for (int i = 0; i < completeTempArray1.length; i++) { int j = (indexD1 + i) % completeTempArray1.length; completeTempDoubleArray1[i] = completeTempArray1[j]; } indexD2 = new Random().nextInt(completeTempArray2.length); for (int i = 0; i < completeTempArray2.length; i++) { int j = (indexD2 + i) % completeTempArray2.length; completeTempDoubleArray2[i] = completeTempArray2[j]; } } else { System.arraycopy(completeTempArray1, 0, completeTempDoubleArray1, 0, completeTempArray1.length); System.arraycopy(completeTempArray2, 0, completeTempDoubleArray2, 0, completeTempArray2.length); } completeTempArray1 = null; completeTempArray2 = null; completeTempDoubleArray1 = normalize(completeTempDoubleArray1); completeTempDoubleArray2 = normalize(completeTempDoubleArray2); values[2] = getDTWScore(completeTempDoubleArray1, completeTempDoubleArray2); return values; } private double[] normalize(double[] array) { DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(array); double mean = stats.getMean(); double stdDev = stats.getStandardDeviation(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (array[i] - mean) / stdDev; } return array; } private double getMIScore(double[] array1, double[] array2) throws Exception { MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKernel mutual = new MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKernel(); mutual.setProperty("NORMALISE_PROP_NAME", "true"); mutual.initialise(1, 1); mutual.setObservations(array1, array2); double mi = mutual.computeAverageLocalOfObservations(); EntropyCalculatorKernel entropyCalculator = new EntropyCalculatorKernel(); entropyCalculator.setProperty("NORMALISE_PROP_NAME", "true"); entropyCalculator.initialise(); entropyCalculator.setObservations(array1); double entropy1 = entropyCalculator.computeAverageLocalOfObservations(); entropyCalculator.initialise(); entropyCalculator.setObservations(array2); double entropy2 = entropyCalculator.computeAverageLocalOfObservations(); /*double mi = MutualInformation.calculateMutualInformation( array1, array2); double entropy1 = Entropy.calculateEntropy(array1); double entropy2 = Entropy.calculateEntropy(array2);*/ if ((entropy1 == 0) || (entropy2 == 0)) return 0; return (mi / Math.sqrt(entropy1 * entropy2)); // normalized variant } private double getDTWScore(double[] array1, double[] array2) { double[] constantArray1 = new double[array1.length]; Arrays.fill(constantArray1, 0); double[] constantArray2 = new double[array2.length]; Arrays.fill(constantArray2, 0); double dtwAB = DTW.getWarpDistBetween(new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(array1)), new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(array2))); double dtwA0 = DTW.getWarpDistBetween(new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(array1)), new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(constantArray2))); double dtwB0 = DTW.getWarpDistBetween(new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(array2)), new TimeSeries(new DenseInstance(constantArray1))); if ((dtwA0 + dtwB0) == 0) return 0; return (1 - (dtwAB / (dtwA0 + dtwB0))); } private ArrayList<Integer[]> toroidalShift() { // each element inside the array list represents a pair ArrayList<Integer[]> result = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); Random random = new Random(); int x = random.nextInt(gridSize); int y = random.nextInt(gridSize); // shifted grid for (int j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { int newX = (x + i) % gridSize; int newY = (y + j) % gridSize; Integer[] pair = new Integer[2]; pair[0] = originalGrid[i][j]; pair[1] = originalGrid[newX][newY]; result.add(pair); } } return result; } // TODO: we may not have all the neighborhoods for the data private ArrayList<Integer[]> bfsShift(boolean isNbhd) { if (isNbhd) return spatialGraph.generateRandomShift(); return zipGraph.generateRandomShift(); } }