Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2016 New York University This file is part of Data Polygamy which is released under the Revised BSD License See file LICENSE for full license details. */ package edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.exp; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.Hours; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.relationship_computation.CorrelationReducer; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.SpatialGraph; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ctdata.SpatioTemporalVal; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ctdata.TopologicalIndex; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ctdata.TopologicalIndex.Attribute; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils.TimeSeriesStats; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils.TimeSeriesWritable; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils.TopologyTimeSeriesWritable; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.Utilities; public class NoiseExp { static String[] dataAttributes = { "count-db_idx", "unique-medallion_id", "avg-miles", "avg-fare" }; HashSet<String> dataAttributesHashSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(dataAttributes)); HashMap<String, Attribute> attributes = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); Random r = new java.util.Random(); float alpha = 0.05f; HashMap<String, ArrayList<Float>> values = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Float>>(); HashMap<String, Double> iqr = new HashMap<String, Double>(); void load1DData(String aggregatesFile, int year) { String[] s = null; try { BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aggregatesFile)); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); while (true) { if (s == null) { break; } String attr = Utilities.splitString(s[0], ":")[1].trim(); //System.out.println("Attribute: " + attr); Attribute a = new Attribute(); a.nodeSet.add(0); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); if (s != null && s.length > 0 && s[0].toLowerCase().startsWith("spatial")) { s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); } if (s == null || s.length == 0) { System.out.println("Empty: ---------------------- " + attr); } while (s != null && s.length > 0) { int month = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.splitString(s[0], ":")[1].trim()); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); HashSet<SpatioTemporalVal> set = new HashSet<SpatioTemporalVal>(); while (s != null && s.length == 2) { if (month / 100 == year) { int time = Integer.parseInt(s[0]); float value = Float.parseFloat(s[1]); SpatioTemporalVal val = new SpatioTemporalVal(0, time, value); set.add(val); ArrayList<Float> vals = (values.get(attr) == null) ? new ArrayList<Float>() : values.get(attr); vals.add(value); values.put(attr, vals); set.add(val); } s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); } if (set.size() > 0) { ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal> arr = new ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal>(set); Collections.sort(arr);, arr); } } if (dataAttributesHashSet.contains(attr)) { attributes.put(attr, a); } s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); } buf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } void load2DData(String aggregateFile, String graphFile, int year) { String[] s = null; IntOpenHashSet nodeSet = new IntOpenHashSet(); try { BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aggregateFile)); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); //System.out.println(s[0]); while (true) { if (s == null) { break; } String attr = Utilities.splitString(s[0], ":")[1].trim(); Attribute a = attributes.get(attr); if (a == null) { a = new Attribute(); attributes.put(attr, a); } s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ":"); int sid = Integer.parseInt(s[1].trim()); nodeSet.add(sid); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); while (s != null && s.length > 0) { int month = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.splitString(s[0], ":")[1].trim()); s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); HashSet<SpatioTemporalVal> set = new HashSet<SpatioTemporalVal>(); while (s != null && s.length == 2) { if (month / 100 == year) { int time = Integer.parseInt(s[0]); float value = Float.parseFloat(s[1]); SpatioTemporalVal val = new SpatioTemporalVal(sid, time, value); ArrayList<Float> vals = (values.get(attr) == null) ? new ArrayList<Float>() : values.get(attr); vals.add(value); values.put(attr, vals); set.add(val); } s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); } if (set.size() > 0) { ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal> monthlyArr =; if (monthlyArr == null) { monthlyArr = new ArrayList<>();, monthlyArr); } monthlyArr.addAll(set); } } if (dataAttributesHashSet.contains(attr)) { attributes.put(attr, a); } s = Utilities.getLine(buf, ","); } buf.close(); for (Attribute a : attributes.values()) { for (ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal> arr : { Collections.sort(arr); } a.nodeSet = nodeSet; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void noiseExp(String dataFile, String graphFile, String polygonsFile, boolean is2D) throws IOException { ArrayList<TopologicalIndex> mainDataIndex = new ArrayList<>(); SpatialGraph spatialGraph = new SpatialGraph(); ArrayList<Integer[]> edges = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); int spatialRes = 0; int nv = 1; if (is2D) { try { spatialGraph.init(polygonsFile, graphFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } spatialRes = FrameworkUtils.NBHD; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(graphFile)); String[] s = Utilities.splitString(reader.readLine().trim()); nv = Integer.parseInt(s[0].trim()); int ne = Integer.parseInt(s[1].trim()); for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { s = Utilities.splitString(reader.readLine().trim()); int v1 = Integer.parseInt(s[0].trim()); int v2 = Integer.parseInt(s[1].trim()); if (v1 == v2) { continue; } Integer[] arr = new Integer[2]; arr[0] = v1; arr[1] = v2; edges.add(arr); } reader.close(); } else { spatialRes = FrameworkUtils.CITY; } //long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!is2D) { this.load1DData(dataFile, 2011); } else { this.load2DData(dataFile, graphFile, 2011); } //long en = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("time to load data: " + (en - st)); for (int i = 0; i < dataAttributes.length; i++) { //System.out.println("Creating index for data " + dataAttributes[i]); TopologicalIndex index = this.createIndex(attributes, dataAttributes[i], spatialRes, nv, edges); mainDataIndex.add(index); iqr.put(dataAttributes[i], getIQR(values.get(dataAttributes[i]))); } for (int magn = 1; magn <= 10000; magn++) { System.out.println("Amplitude: " + magn); ArrayList<TopologicalIndex> noiseDataIndex = new ArrayList<>(); // adding noise to data HashMap<String, Attribute> newAttributes = addNoise((double) magn); for (int i = 0; i < dataAttributes.length; i++) { //System.out.println("Creating index for data " + dataAttributes[i]); TopologicalIndex index = this.createIndex(newAttributes, dataAttributes[i], spatialRes, nv, edges); noiseDataIndex.add(index); } boolean outlier = false; float th = 0.90f; if (!is2D) { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttributes.length; i++) { System.out.println("Attribute: " + dataAttributes[i]); ArrayList<byte[]> e1 = mainDataIndex.get(i).queryEvents(th, outlier, attributes.get(dataAttributes[i]), ""); ArrayList<byte[]> e2 = noiseDataIndex.get(i).queryEvents(th, outlier, newAttributes.get(dataAttributes[i]), ""); TopologyTimeSeriesWritable t1 = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable(0, 0, i, e1.get(0), mainDataIndex.get(i).stTime, mainDataIndex.get(i).enTime, mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbPosEvents(0), mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbNegEvents(0), mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbNonEvents(0), outlier); TopologyTimeSeriesWritable t2 = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable(0, 0, i, e2.get(0), noiseDataIndex.get(i).stTime, noiseDataIndex.get(i).enTime, noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbPosEvents(0), noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbNegEvents(0), noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbNonEvents(0), outlier); int temporal = FrameworkUtils.HOUR; TimeSeriesStats stats = CorrelationReducer.getStats(temporal, t1, t2, false); stats.computeScores(); if (!stats.isIntersect()) return; float alignedScore = stats.getRelationshipScore(); System.out.println("Score: " + alignedScore); System.out.println("Strength: " + stats.getRelationshipStrength()); //System.out.println(stats.getMatchEvents() + " " + stats.getMatchPosEvents() + " " + stats.getMatchNegEvents()); //System.out.println(t1.getNbNegEvents() + " " + t1.getNbPosEvents()); //System.out.println(t2.getNbNegEvents() + " " + t2.getNbPosEvents()); int repetitions = 1000; float pValue = 0; for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { stats = new TimeSeriesStats(); stats.add(CorrelationReducer.getStats(FrameworkUtils.HOUR, t1, t2, true)); stats.computeScores(); float mcScore = stats.getRelationshipScore(); if (alignedScore > 0) { if (mcScore >= alignedScore) pValue += 1; } else { if (mcScore <= alignedScore) pValue += 1; } } pValue = pValue / ((float) (repetitions)); if (pValue <= alpha) { System.out.println("p-value: " + pValue); } else { System.out.println("p-value: " + pValue + " [not significant]"); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttributes.length; i++) { System.out.println("Attribute: " + dataAttributes[i]); ArrayList<byte[]> e1 = mainDataIndex.get(i).queryEvents(th, outlier, attributes.get(dataAttributes[i]), ""); int n1 = mainDataIndex.get(i).nv; TopologyTimeSeriesWritable[] tarr1 = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable[n1]; for (int j = 0; j < n1; j++) { tarr1[j] = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable(j, 0, i, e1.get(j), mainDataIndex.get(i).stTime, mainDataIndex.get(i).enTime, mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbPosEvents(j), mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbNegEvents(j), mainDataIndex.get(i).getNbNonEvents(j), outlier); } int temporal = FrameworkUtils.HOUR; TimeSeriesStats stats = new TimeSeriesStats(); ArrayList<byte[]> e2 = noiseDataIndex.get(i).queryEvents(th, outlier, newAttributes.get(dataAttributes[i]), ""); int n2 = noiseDataIndex.get(i).nv; if (n1 != n2) { System.out.println("Something is wrong ..."); System.exit(0); } TopologyTimeSeriesWritable[] tarr2 = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable[n2]; for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { tarr2[j] = new TopologyTimeSeriesWritable(j, 0, i, e2.get(j), noiseDataIndex.get(i).stTime, noiseDataIndex.get(i).enTime, noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbPosEvents(j), noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbNegEvents(j), noiseDataIndex.get(i).getNbNonEvents(j), outlier); stats.add(CorrelationReducer.getStats(temporal, tarr1[j], tarr2[j], false)); } stats.computeScores(); float alignedScore = stats.getRelationshipScore(); System.out.println("Score: " + alignedScore); System.out.println("Strength: " + stats.getRelationshipStrength()); //System.out.println(stats.getMatchEvents() + " " + stats.getMatchPosEvents() + " " + stats.getMatchNegEvents()); //System.out.println(nn1 + " " + np1); //System.out.println(nn2 + " " + np2); double pValue = 0; int repetitions = 1000; ArrayList<Integer[]> pairs = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); for (int j = 0; j < repetitions; j++) { pairs.clear(); pairs = spatialGraph.generateRandomShift(); stats = new TimeSeriesStats(); for (int p = 0; p < pairs.size(); p++) { Integer[] pair = pairs.get(p); stats.add(CorrelationReducer.getStats(temporal, tarr1[pair[0]], tarr2[pair[1]], false)); } stats.computeScores(); float mcScore = stats.getRelationshipScore(); if (alignedScore > 0) { if (mcScore >= alignedScore) pValue += 1; } else { if (mcScore <= alignedScore) pValue += 1; } } pValue = pValue / ((float) (repetitions)); if (pValue <= alpha) { System.out.println("p-value: " + pValue); } else { System.out.println("p-value: " + pValue + " [not significant]"); } } } } } public HashMap<String, Attribute> addNoise(double increase) { HashMap<String, Attribute> newAttributes = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); for (String att : attributes.keySet()) { if (!(dataAttributesHashSet.contains(att))) continue; Attribute attribute = attributes.get(att); double increment = iqr.get(att) / 10000.0; for (int month : { ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal> arr =; for (int j = 0; j < arr.size(); j++) { SpatioTemporalVal val = arr.get(j); float noiseIncrement = (float) (r.nextGaussian() * increment * increase); val.setVal(val.getVal() + noiseIncrement); arr.set(j, val); }, arr); } newAttributes.put(att, attribute); } return newAttributes; } public TopologicalIndex createIndex(HashMap<String, Attribute> attributes, String attribute, int spatialRes, int nv, ArrayList<Integer[]> edges) { TopologicalIndex index = new TopologicalIndex(spatialRes, FrameworkUtils.HOUR, nv); Attribute a = attributes.get(attribute); index.createIndex(a, edges); return index; } public static TimeSeriesStats getStats(TimeSeriesWritable timeSeries1, TimeSeriesWritable timeSeries2, boolean temporalPermutationTest) { TimeSeriesStats output = new TimeSeriesStats(); if ((timeSeries1 == null) || (timeSeries2 == null)) return output; // detecting intersection long start1 = timeSeries1.getStart(); long end1 = timeSeries1.getEnd(); long start2 = timeSeries2.getStart(); long end2 = timeSeries2.getEnd(); if (((end1 < start2) && (start1 < start2)) || ((end1 > end2) && (start1 > end2))) return output; output.setIntersect(true); DateTime start1Obj = new DateTime(start1 * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime end1Obj = new DateTime(end1 * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime start2Obj = new DateTime(start2 * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime end2Obj = new DateTime(end2 * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC); byte[] eventTimeSeries1 = timeSeries1.getTimeSeries(); byte[] eventTimeSeries2 = timeSeries2.getTimeSeries(); int startRange = 0; int endRange = 0; startRange = (start1 > start2) ? Hours.hoursBetween(start2Obj, start1Obj).getHours() : Hours.hoursBetween(start1Obj, start2Obj).getHours(); endRange = (end1 > end2) ? Hours.hoursBetween(end2Obj, end1Obj).getHours() : Hours.hoursBetween(end1Obj, end2Obj).getHours(); int indexStart1 = (start2 > start1) ? startRange : 0; int indexStart2 = (start2 > start1) ? 0 : startRange; int indexEnd1 = (end2 > end1) ? eventTimeSeries1.length : eventTimeSeries1.length - endRange; int indexEnd2 = (end2 > end1) ? eventTimeSeries2.length - endRange : eventTimeSeries2.length; byte[] timeSeries1Int = Arrays.copyOfRange(eventTimeSeries1, indexStart1, indexEnd1); byte[] timeSeries2Int = Arrays.copyOfRange(eventTimeSeries2, indexStart2, indexEnd2); if (timeSeries1Int.length != timeSeries2Int.length) { System.out.println("Something went wrong... Different sizes"); System.exit(-1); } if (timeSeries1Int.length == 0) { return output; } int nMatchEvents = 0; int nMatchPosEvents = 0; int nMatchNegEvents = 0; int nPosFirstNonSecond = 0; int nNegFirstNonSecond = 0; int nNonFirstPosSecond = 0; int nNonFirstNegSecond = 0; int indexD1 = (temporalPermutationTest) ? new Random().nextInt(timeSeries1Int.length) : 0; int indexD2 = (temporalPermutationTest) ? new Random().nextInt(timeSeries2Int.length) : 0; for (int i = 0; i < timeSeries1Int.length; i++) { int j = (indexD1 + i) % timeSeries1Int.length; int k = (indexD2 + i) % timeSeries2Int.length; byte result = (byte) (timeSeries1Int[j] | timeSeries2Int[k]); switch (result) { case FrameworkUtils.nonEventsMatch: // both non events // do nothing break; case FrameworkUtils.posEventsMatch: // both positive nMatchEvents++; nMatchPosEvents++; break; case FrameworkUtils.nonEventPosEventMatch: // one positive, one non-event if (timeSeries1Int[j] == FrameworkUtils.positiveEvent) nPosFirstNonSecond++; else nNonFirstPosSecond++; break; case FrameworkUtils.negEventsMatch: // both negative nMatchEvents++; nMatchPosEvents++; break; case FrameworkUtils.nonEventNegEventMatch: // one negative, one non-event if (timeSeries1Int[j] == FrameworkUtils.negativeEvent) nNegFirstNonSecond++; else nNonFirstNegSecond++; break; case FrameworkUtils.negEventPosEventMatch: // one negative, one positive nMatchEvents++; nMatchNegEvents++; break; default: System.out.println("Something went wrong... Wrong case"); System.exit(-1); } } output.setParameters(nMatchEvents, nMatchPosEvents, nMatchNegEvents, nPosFirstNonSecond, nNegFirstNonSecond, nNonFirstPosSecond, nNonFirstNegSecond); return output; } public double getIQR(ArrayList<Float> arrayList) { double[] vals = new double[arrayList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) { vals[i] = (double) arrayList.get(i); } DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics(vals); double fq = ds.getPercentile(25); double tq = ds.getPercentile(75); return (tq - fq); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // data set file String dataFile = args[0]; // 2D graph file String graphFile = args[1]; // 2D polygons String polygonsFile = args[2]; // 1D or 2D ? boolean is2D = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[3]); NoiseExp pts = new NoiseExp(); pts.noiseExp(dataFile, graphFile, polygonsFile, is2D); } }