Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2016 New York University This file is part of Data Polygamy which is released under the Revised BSD License See file LICENSE for full license details. */ package edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ctdata; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.Function; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.GraphInput; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.MergeTrees; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.MergeTrees.TreeType; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.MyIntList; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.Persistence; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.ReebGraphData; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.SimplifyFeatures; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.ct.SimplifyFeatures.Feature; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.FrameworkUtils; import edu.nyu.vida.data_polygamy.utils.Utilities; public class TopologicalIndex implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static class Attribute implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int id; public Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal>> data = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal>>(); public IntOpenHashSet nodeSet = new IntOpenHashSet(); public void copy(Attribute att) { =; data.putAll(; nodeSet.addAll(att.nodeSet); } } public static class Event implements Comparable<Event>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int time; public boolean positive; public int id; @Override public int compareTo(Event o) { return time - o.time; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { Event r = (Event) obj; return r.time == time && == id && positive == r.positive; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (time + " " + id + " " + positive).hashCode(); } } public static class PersistencePoints implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public DoubleArrayList ex = new DoubleArrayList(); public DoubleArrayList sad = new DoubleArrayList(); public void addPersistencePoint(Feature f, TreeType tree) { double pt = f.exFn; double s = f.sadFn; if (pt < 100) { pt *= 1; } if (tree == TreeType.JoinTree && f.sadFn < f.exFn) { pt = f.sadFn; s = f.exFn; } ex.add(pt); sad.add(s); } } static TreeType[] types = { TreeType.JoinTree, TreeType.SplitTree }; int attribute; int spatialRes, tempRes; boolean is2D = false; public boolean empty = true; public int stTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public int enTime = 0; public int nv; Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<GraphInput> functions = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<GraphInput>(); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]> minIndex = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]>(); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]> maxIndex = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]>(); // total number of events // [0] number of positive events // [1] number of negative events // [2] number of non events ArrayList<int[]> nEvents = new ArrayList<int[]>(); // 2D case ArrayList<Integer[]> edges = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); public TopologicalIndex() { } public TopologicalIndex(int spatialRes, int tempRes, int nv) { this.empty = false; this.nv = nv; this.tempRes = tempRes; this.spatialRes = spatialRes; if (spatialRes != FrameworkUtils.CITY) is2D = true; } public Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]> getIndex(boolean min) { if (min) return minIndex; else return maxIndex; } public int createIndex(Attribute att, ArrayList<Integer[]> edges2D) { this.attribute =; //if ( == 0) return 1; for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { TreeType tree = types[t]; boolean min = true; if (tree == TreeType.SplitTree) { min = false; } try { for (int tempBin : { //System.out.println("Time: " + tempBin); ArrayList<SpatioTemporalVal> stArr =; int actualVertices = stArr.size(); //if (actualVertices == 0) continue; int localSt = stArr.get(0).getTemporal(); int localEnd = stArr.get(stArr.size() - 1).getTemporal(); stTime = Math.min(stTime, localSt); enTime = Math.max(enTime, localEnd); GraphInput tf = functions.get(tempBin); if (tf == null) { if (is2D) { tf = new TimeSeries2DFunction(stArr, att.nodeSet, edges2D, this.nv, this.tempRes, localSt, localEnd); } else tf = new TimeSeriesFunction(stArr); functions.put(tempBin, tf); } MergeTrees ct = new MergeTrees(); ct.computeTree(tf, tree); ReebGraphData data = ct.output(tree); if (data.noArcs == 0) { System.err.println("Empty Attribute: " +; return 1; } Function fn = new Persistence(data); SimplifyFeatures sim = new SimplifyFeatures(); sim.simplify(data, null, fn, 0.01f); Feature[] f = sim.brFeatures; if (min) { if (f[0].sadFn != data.nodes[0].fn) {"I have no idea what is happening!!!!! Version 3"); } f[0].v = data.nodes[0].v; } else { if (is2D) { actualVertices = tf.getFnVertices().length; } else if (tf.getFnVertices().length != actualVertices) {"Its time you quit!!"); } if (f[0].v == actualVertices) { // new root added int to = data.arcs[data.noArcs - 1].to; int from = data.arcs[data.noArcs - 1].from; if (data.nodes[from].v != actualVertices) {"I have no idea what is happening!!!!!"); } f[0].v = data.nodes[to].v; if (data.nodes[to].fn != f[0].exFn) {"I have no idea what is happening!!!!! Version 2"); } } } //System.out.println("creating contour tree for " + tempBin); if (min) { minIndex.put(tempBin, f); } else { maxIndex.put(tempBin, f); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } } return 0; } public ArrayList<byte[]> queryEvents(float th, boolean outlier, Attribute att, String threshold) { return queryEvents(th, outlier, att, threshold, false); } public ArrayList<byte[]> queryEvents(float th, boolean outlier, Attribute att, String threshold, boolean print) { int timeSteps = FrameworkUtils.getTimeSteps(this.tempRes, this.stTime, this.enTime); ArrayList<byte[]> results = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); if (timeSteps == 0) return results; for (int i = 0; i < this.nv; i++) { byte[] events = new byte[timeSteps]; Arrays.fill(events, FrameworkUtils.nonEvent); results.add(events); int[] nEventsArray = new int[3]; nEventsArray[0] = 0; // positive events nEventsArray[1] = 0; // negative events nEventsArray[2] = timeSteps; // non events nEvents.add(nEventsArray); } for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { TreeType tree = types[t]; boolean min = true; if (tree == TreeType.SplitTree) { min = false; } Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]> index = getIndex(min); PersistencePoints perVals = new PersistencePoints(); for (int tempBin : { Feature[] f = index.get(tempBin); if (f.length == 0) continue; double pth = th * f[0].wt; if (!outlier) { try { if (threshold.isEmpty()) { pth = getThreshold(f); } else { pth = Double.parseDouble(threshold); } } catch (ConvergenceException e) { continue; } } for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (f[i].wt >= pth) { perVals.addPersistencePoint(f[i], tree); } else { break; } } if (!outlier) { Collections.sort(perVals.ex); int no = perVals.ex.size(); double[] vals = new double[no]; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = perVals.ex.get(i); } if (vals.length == 0) { continue; } double eventTh = min ? vals[vals.length - 1] : vals[0]; if (outlier) { eventTh = iqOutlierTh(vals, min); } getEvents(results, functions.get(tempBin), index.get(tempBin), min, eventTh, print); perVals = new PersistencePoints(); } } if (outlier) { Collections.sort(perVals.ex); int no = perVals.ex.size(); double[] vals = new double[no]; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = perVals.ex.get(i); } if (vals.length == 0) { continue; } double eventTh = min ? vals[vals.length - 1] : vals[0]; if (outlier) { if (threshold.isEmpty()) { eventTh = iqOutlierTh(vals, min); } else { eventTh = Double.parseDouble(threshold); } } getEvents(results, eventTh, index, min, att); } } return results; } public static double epsilon = 0.00001; private double iqOutlierTh(double[] vals, boolean min) { DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics(vals); double fq = ds.getPercentile(25); double tq = ds.getPercentile(75); double iqr = tq - fq; if (min) { double th = fq - 1.5 * iqr; return (th - epsilon); } else { double th = tq + 1.5 * iqr; return (th + epsilon); } } public int getNbPosEvents(int spatial) { return nEvents.get(spatial)[0]; } public int getNbNegEvents(int spatial) { return nEvents.get(spatial)[1]; } public int getNbNonEvents(int spatial) { return nEvents.get(spatial)[2]; } void getEvents(ArrayList<byte[]> events, double eventTh, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Feature[]> featureMap, boolean min, Attribute att) { // getting events using merge tree for (int tempBin : { Feature[] features = featureMap.get(tempBin); GraphInput tf = functions.get(tempBin); getEvents(events, tf, features, min, eventTh, false); } } private void getEvents(ArrayList<byte[]> events, GraphInput tf, Feature[] features, boolean min, double eventTh, boolean print) { float[] fnVertices = tf.getFnVertices(); // nv = 1; // if (is2D) { // nv = ((TimeSeries2DFunction)tf).nv; // } IntOpenHashSet set = new IntOpenHashSet(); for (Feature f : features) { float pt = f.exFn; if (min) { if (f.sadFn < f.exFn) { pt = f.sadFn; } if (pt > eventTh) { continue; } int exv = f.v; IntArrayList queue = new IntArrayList(); queue.add(exv); while (queue.size() > 0) { int vin = queue.remove(0); if (set.contains(vin)) { continue; } set.add(vin); pt = fnVertices[vin]; if (pt <= eventTh) { int tid = vin / nv; int time = tf.getTime(tid); int spatial = vin % nv; int index = FrameworkUtils.getTimeSteps(this.tempRes, this.stTime, time); byte[] spatialEvents = events.get(spatial); spatialEvents[index - 1] = FrameworkUtils.negativeEvent; events.set(spatial, spatialEvents); if (print) { // October 15th, 2011 to October 31st, 2011 if ((time >= 1318636800) && (time <= 1320105599)) { System.out.print(FrameworkUtils.getTemporalStr(FrameworkUtils.HOUR, time) + "\t"); System.out.print(eventTh + ", " + pt); System.out.println(""); } } int[] nEventsArray = nEvents.get(spatial); nEventsArray[1]++; nEventsArray[2]--; nEvents.set(spatial, nEventsArray); MyIntList star = tf.getStar(vin); for (int i = 0; i < star.length; i++) { if (!set.contains(star.array[i])) { queue.add(star.array[i]); } } } } } else { if (pt < eventTh) { continue; } int exv = f.v; IntArrayList queue = new IntArrayList(); queue.add(exv); while (queue.size() > 0) { int vin = queue.remove(0); if (set.contains(vin)) { continue; } set.add(vin); pt = fnVertices[vin]; if (pt >= eventTh) { int tid = vin / nv; int time = tf.getTime(tid); int spatial = vin % nv; int index = FrameworkUtils.getTimeSteps(this.tempRes, this.stTime, time); byte[] spatialEvents = events.get(spatial); spatialEvents[index - 1] = FrameworkUtils.positiveEvent; events.set(spatial, spatialEvents); if (print) { // October 15th, 2011 to October 31st, 2011 if ((time >= 1318636800) && (time <= 1320105599)) { System.out.print(FrameworkUtils.getTemporalStr(FrameworkUtils.HOUR, time) + "\t"); System.out.print(eventTh + ", " + pt); System.out.println(""); } } int[] nEventsArray = nEvents.get(spatial); nEventsArray[0]++; nEventsArray[2]--; nEvents.set(spatial, nEventsArray); MyIntList star = tf.getStar(vin); for (int i = 0; i < star.length; i++) { if (!set.contains(star.array[i])) { queue.add(star.array[i]); } } } } } } } public double getThreshold(Feature[] f) { KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<DoublePoint> kmeans = new KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<DoublePoint>(2, 1000); ArrayList<DoublePoint> pts = new ArrayList<DoublePoint>(); if (f.length < 2) { return f[0].wt * 0.4; } for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { DoublePoint dpt = new DoublePoint(new double[] { f[i].wt }); pts.add(dpt); } List<CentroidCluster<DoublePoint>> clusters = kmeans.cluster(pts); double maxp = 0; double minp = 0; int ct = 0; for (CentroidCluster<DoublePoint> c : clusters) { double mp = 0; double mnp = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (DoublePoint dpt : c.getPoints()) { double[] pt = dpt.getPoint(); mp = Math.max(mp, pt[0]); mnp = Math.min(mnp, pt[0]); } if (mp > maxp) { maxp = mp; minp = mnp; } ct++; } if (ct > 2) {"Can there be > 2 clusters?"); } return minp; } }