Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps; import java.util.*; import org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.*; import org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.control.LLayers; import org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.shared.Point; import org.vaadin.hene.popupbutton.PopupButton; import; import; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.server.Extension; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.Mmowgli2UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.HtmlLabel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.MmowgliComponent; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.Game; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.User; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateUpdate; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateUserUpdate; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps.LeafletLayers.MLTileLayer; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps.LeafletLayers.MLWmsLayer; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps.LeafletLayers.MLayer; /** * * Created on May 7, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ /* uses V-Leaflet Vaadin add-on */ public class LeafletMap extends VerticalLayout implements MmowgliComponent, View { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6277983933298162890L; private String title; private LMap map = new LMap(); HashMap<String, MLayer> layerMap; private PopupButton baseLayerPopup; private OptionGroup baseOptGr; private PopupButton overlayPopup; private OptionGroup overlayOpt; public static String DEF_TITLE_FIRST_PART = "<b style=\"color:#4F4F4F;font-family:'Arial';font-size:2.0em;line-height:150%;margin-left:20px;\">"; public static String DEF_TITLE_LAST_PART = "</b>"; private boolean imAGuest = false; // Find providers at @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public LeafletMap() { this(DEF_TITLE_FIRST_PART + Game.getTL().getMapTitle() + DEF_TITLE_LAST_PART); } @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public LeafletMap(String title) { this.title = title; } @Override public void initGui() { } public void initGuiTL() { setSpacing(true); setSizeUndefined(); setWidth("950px"); addStyleName("m-marginleft-20"); Label lab; HorizontalLayout hLay = new HorizontalLayout(); hLay.setMargin(false); hLay.setSpacing(false); hLay.setWidth("100%"); NativeButton butt; hLay.addComponent(butt = new NativeButton("go to default game location", new MyDefaultLocationListener())); hLay.setExpandRatio(butt, 0.5f); hLay.setComponentAlignment(butt, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); hLay.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(title)); lab.setWidth(null); makeLayerPopups(); HorizontalLayout popLay = new HorizontalLayout(); popLay.setMargin(false); popLay.setSpacing(false); popLay.setWidth("100%"); popLay.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); popLay.setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); popLay.addComponent(baseLayerPopup); popLay.addComponent(overlayPopup); hLay.addComponent(popLay); hLay.setComponentAlignment(popLay, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); hLay.setExpandRatio(popLay, 0.5f); addComponent(hLay); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); this.imAGuest = me.isViewOnly() || me.isAccountDisabled(); map.setAttributionPrefix("Powered by Leaflet with v-leaflet"); map.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); map.removeAllComponents(); // map.addControl(new LScale()); layerMap = installAllLayers(map); fillLayerPopupsTL(); // build the widgets setDefaultMapValuesTL(me); // set default zoom, center, layers if (!imAGuest) setUserMapValuesTL(me); // set zoom, center and layers from userID pref. setOptionGroupWidgetsFromLayerMap();// syncs up the widgets to match the active layers Collection<Extension> exts = map.getExtensions(); LLayers llayers = null; for (Extension ex : exts) if (ex instanceof LLayers) { llayers = (LLayers) ex; break; } if (llayers != null) map.removeExtension(llayers); addComponent(map); setExpandRatio(map, 1); map.setHeight("600px"); map.setWidth("100%"); map.addMoveEndListener(new MyMoveEndListener()); } private void makeLayerPopups() { baseLayerPopup = new PopupButton("Base layer"); baseLayerPopup.addStyleName("popupbutton-legacy"); overlayPopup = new PopupButton("Overlays"); LayerChoiceListener lis = new LayerChoiceListener(); initting = true; baseOptGr = new OptionGroup(); baseOptGr.addValueChangeListener(lis); baseOptGr.setImmediate(true); baseOptGr.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); baseLayerPopup.setContent(baseOptGr); overlayOpt = new OptionGroup(); overlayOpt.addValueChangeListener(lis); overlayOpt.setMultiSelect(true); overlayOpt.setImmediate(true); overlayOpt.setNullSelectionAllowed(true); overlayPopup.setContent(overlayOpt); initting = false; } private void setDefaultMapValuesTL(User me) { Game g = Game.getTL(); activateLayersFromCSV(g.getMapLayersCSV()); //sets the active bit of the appropriate layers in the layer map map.setCenter(g.getMapLatitude(), g.getMapLongitude()); map.setZoomLevel(g.getMapZoom()); } private void fillLayerPopupsTL() { boolean oldinitting = initting; initting = true; Iterator<Component> itr = map.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { LTileLayer lay = (LTileLayer); boolean baseLayer = false; String handle = ""; if (lay instanceof MLTileLayer) { baseLayer = ((MLTileLayer) lay).isBaseLayer(); handle = ((MLTileLayer) lay).getHandle(); } if (lay instanceof MLWmsLayer) { baseLayer = ((MLWmsLayer) lay).isBaseLayer(); handle = ((MLWmsLayer) lay).getHandle(); } if (baseLayer) { baseOptGr.addItem(lay); baseOptGr.setItemCaption(lay, handle); } else { overlayOpt.addItem(lay); overlayOpt.setItemCaption(lay, handle); } } initting = oldinitting; } private void setOptionGroupWidgetsFromLayerMap() { Collection<MLayer> vals = layerMap.values(); ArrayList<MLayer> overlays = new ArrayList<>(); for (MLayer lay : vals) { if (lay.isActive()) { if (baseOptGr.containsId(lay)) baseOptGr.setValue(lay); else if (overlayOpt.containsId(lay)) overlays.add(lay); } } overlayOpt.setValue(overlays); } /* private void setOptionGroupWidgetsFromDBTL() { User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); List<String> actives = me.getActiveMapLayers(); ArrayList<MLayer> overlays = new ArrayList<>(); for(String s : actives) { MLayer lay = layerMap.get(s); if(baseOptGr.containsId(lay)) baseOptGr.setValue(lay); else if(overlayOpt.containsId(lay)) overlays.add(lay); } overlayOpt.setValue(overlays); } */ private void activateLayersFromCSV(String s) { if (s == null) return; String[] sa = s.split(","); ArrayList<String> aLis = new ArrayList<>(sa.length); for (String layer : sa) { aLis.add(layer.trim()); } _activateLayers(aLis); } private void setUserMapValuesTL(User me) { if (me == null) me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); Float myLat = me.getMapCenterLatitude(); Float myLon = me.getMapCenterLongitude(); Integer myZoom = me.getMapZoom(); if (myLat != null && myLon != null & myZoom != null) { map.setCenter(myLat, myLon); map.setZoomLevel(myZoom); } List<String> activeLayers = me.getActiveMapLayers(); _activateLayers(activeLayers); } private void _activateLayers(List<String> activeLayers) { if (activeLayers.isEmpty()) return; _clearActiveLayers(); boolean oldinitting = initting; initting = true; for (String key : activeLayers) { MLayer lay = layerMap.get(key); if (lay != null) lay.setActive(true); } initting = oldinitting; } private void _clearActiveLayers() { Collection<MLayer> lays = layerMap.values(); for (MLayer lay : lays) lay.setActive(false); } boolean initting = false; private class LayerChoiceListener implements ValueChangeListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (!initting) { Object prop = event.getProperty(); // this is the option group if (prop == baseOptGr) { Collection<?> allBaseLayers = baseOptGr.getItemIds(); for (Object o : allBaseLayers) { ((AbstractLeafletLayer) o).setActive(false); } AbstractLeafletLayer lay = (AbstractLeafletLayer) event.getProperty().getValue(); lay.setActive(true); } else /* if(prop == overlayOpt)*/ { Collection<?> allLayers = overlayOpt.getItemIds(); for (Object o : allLayers) { ((AbstractLeafletLayer) o).setActive(false); } Set<?> checked = (Set<?>) event.getProperty().getValue(); for (Object o : checked) ((AbstractLeafletLayer) o).setActive(true); } if (!imAGuest) updateDBActiveList(); } } } @HibernateUpdate @HibernateUserUpdate private void updateDBActiveList() { Object key = HSess.checkInit(); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); List<String> lis = me.getActiveMapLayers(); lis.clear(); for (MLayer lay : layerMap.values()) { if (lay.isActive()) lis.add(lay.getHandle()); } User.updateTL(me); HSess.closeAndCheckReopen(key); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MyDefaultLocationListener implements ClickListener { @Override @HibernateUpdate @HibernateUserUpdate public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); me.setMapCenterLatitude(null); me.setMapCenterLongitude(null); me.setMapZoom(null); me.getActiveMapLayers().clear(); setDefaultMapValuesTL(me); setOptionGroupWidgetsFromLayerMap();// syncs up the widgets to match the active layers User.updateTL(me); HSess.close(); } } class MyMoveEndListener implements LeafletMoveEndListener { @Override @HibernateUpdate @HibernateUserUpdate public void onMoveEnd(LeafletMoveEndEvent event) { if (imAGuest) return; HSess.init(); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); Point center = event.getCenter(); me.setMapCenterLatitude(center.getLat().floatValue()); me.setMapCenterLongitude(center.getLon().floatValue()); me.setMapZoom((int) event.getZoomLevel()); // todo save double in db? User.updateTL(me); HSess.close(); } } private HashMap<String, MLayer> installAllLayers(LMap map) { try { return LeafletLayers.installAllProviders(map); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Error installing all leaflet layers / " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); return new HashMap<String, MLayer>(); // empty } } @Override public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { Object key = HSess.checkInit(); initGuiTL(); HSess.checkClose(key); } }