Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliConstants.*; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliEvent.*; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.vaadin.dialogs.ConfirmDialog; import*; import; import; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.CardSummaryListHeader.NewCardListener; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.Sess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.WantsCardUpdates; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.WantsUserUpdates; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.gamemaster.GameEventLogger; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.IDNativeButton; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer.MSysOut; /** * * Created on Jan 27, 2011 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class CardChainPage extends VerticalLayout implements MmowgliComponent, NewCardListener, WantsCardUpdates, WantsUserUpdates, View { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7863991203052850316L; private static String idea_dash_tt = "View idea card activity"; private static String view_chain_tt = "View parent, sibling and child cards"; private Object cardId; private CardSummary parentSumm; private CardLarge cardLg; private Button chainButt; private IDNativeButton gotoIdeaDashButt, gotoTopLevelButt; private HorizontalLayout listsHL; // card columns private HorizontalLayout topHL; // master card at top private GhostVerticalLayoutWrapper cardMarkingPanel; private OptionGroup markingRadioGroup; private boolean isGameMaster = false; private MarkingChangeListener markingListener; @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public CardChainPage(Object cardId) { this.cardId = cardId; chainButt = new NativeButton(); gotoIdeaDashButt = new IDNativeButton(null, IDEADASHBOARDCLICK); gotoTopLevelButt = new IDNativeButton(null, PLAYIDEACLICK); isGameMaster = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL().isGameMaster(); } @Override public void initGui() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead @HibernateClosed public void initGuiTL() { VerticalLayout outerVl = this; outerVl.setWidth("100%"); outerVl.setSpacing(true); cardMarkingPanel = makeCardMarkingPanelTL(); Card c = Card.getTL(cardId); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); User me = globs.getUserTL(); if (c.isHidden() && !me.isAdministrator() && !me.isGameMaster()) { // This case should only come into play when a non-gm user is showing this page // by explicitly using the url. Not too frequent an occurance. Label lab = new Label("This card is not active"); lab.addStyleName("m-cardlarge-hidden-label"); outerVl.setHeight("300px"); outerVl.addComponent(lab); outerVl.setComponentAlignment(lab, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); return; } loadMarkingPanel_oobTL(c); // won't have Roles lazily update w/out above loadMarkingPanel_oob(DBGet.getCard(cardId)); markingRadioGroup.addValueChangeListener(markingListener = new MarkingChangeListener()); // Top part topHL = new HorizontalLayout(); addComponent(topHL); topHL.setWidth("95%"); setComponentAlignment(topHL, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); // Card columns listsHL = new HorizontalLayout(); addComponent(listsHL); listsHL.setSpacing(true); setComponentAlignment(listsHL, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); addChildListsTL(); chainButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(CARDCHAINPOPUPCLICK, CardChainPage.this, cardId); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController().miscEventTL(evt); HSess.close(); return; } }); } public Object getCardId() { return cardId; } @HibernateRead private GhostVerticalLayoutWrapper makeCardMarkingPanelTL() { GhostVerticalLayoutWrapper wrapper = new GhostVerticalLayoutWrapper(); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); vl.setSpacing(true); wrapper.ghost_setContent(vl); Label lab = new HtmlLabel("<b><i>Game Master Actions</i></b>"); vl.addComponent(lab); vl.setComponentAlignment(lab, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); NativeButton editCardButt = new NativeButton("Edit Card"); editCardButt.addStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); editCardButt.addClickListener(new EditCardTextListener()); vl.addComponent(editCardButt); markingRadioGroup = new OptionGroup(null); markingRadioGroup.setMultiSelect(false); markingRadioGroup.setImmediate(true); markingRadioGroup.setDescription("Only game masters may change."); vl.addComponent(markingRadioGroup); NativeButton clearButt = new NativeButton("clear card marking"); clearButt.addStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); vl.addComponent(clearButt); clearButt.addClickListener(new MarkingClearListener()); Collection<?> markings = CardMarking.getContainer().getItemIds(); CardMarking hiddencm = null; for (Object o : markings) { CardMarking cm = CardMarking.getTL(o); if (cm == CardMarkingManager.getHiddenMarking()) hiddencm = cm; else if (cm == CardMarkingManager.getNoChildrenMarking()) ; // todo enable with game switch else markingRadioGroup.addItem(cm); } if (hiddencm != null) markingRadioGroup.addItem(hiddencm); Card card = Card.getTL(cardId); // feb refactor DBGet.getCardTL(cardId); vl.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("5px"); NativeButton newActionPlanButt = new IDNativeButton("create action plan from this card", CARDCREATEACTIONPLANCLICK, cardId); newActionPlanButt.addStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); vl.addComponent(newActionPlanButt); if (Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL().isTweeter()) { String tweet = TWEETBUTTONEMBEDDED_0 + buildTweet(card) + TWEETBUTTONEMBEDDED_1; Label tweeter = new HtmlLabel(tweet); tweeter.setHeight(TWEETBUTTON_HEIGHT); tweeter.setWidth(TWEETBUTTON_WIDTH); vl.addComponent(tweeter); } return wrapper; } String spaceEscaper = "-a1b2c4_"; private String buildTweet(Card c) { String s = "#mmowgli " + c.getId() + " " + c.getText(); try { s = s.replace(" ", spaceEscaper); s = URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8"); return s.replace(spaceEscaper, " "); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Bogus error in"); return s; } } private boolean hasMarking(Set<CardMarking> set, CardMarking thisCm) { long thisId = thisCm.getId(); for (CardMarking cm : set) if (cm.getId() == thisId) return true; return false; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class MarkingChangeListener implements ValueChangeListener { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void valueChange(final ValueChangeEvent event) { HSess.init(); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); Property<?> prop = event.getProperty(); CardMarking cm = (CardMarking) prop.getValue(); Card card = Card.getLockedTL(cardId); final User u = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); if (cm == null) { // markings have been cleared if (card.getMarking().size() > 0) { globs.getScoreManager().cardMarkingWillBeClearedTL(card); // call this before hitting db HashSet<CardMarking> mset = new HashSet<>(card.getMarking()); // for log card.getMarking().clear(); card.setHidden(false); Card.updateTL(card); GameEventLogger.cardMarkedTL(card, u, mset); } } else { HSess.get().refresh(cm); boolean needWarning = (!card.getFollowOns().isEmpty() && CardMarkingManager.isHiddenMarking(cm)); if (!needWarning) { setMarkingsTL(card, cm); Card.updateTL(card); GameEventLogger.cardMarkedTL(card, u, null); } else {, "Child cards will also be hidden. Continue?", new ConfirmDialog.Listener() { @Override public void onClose(ConfirmDialog dialog) { if (dialog.isConfirmed()) { HSess.init(); CardMarking cmm = (CardMarking) event.getProperty().getValue(); HSess.get().refresh(cmm); Card c = Card.getLockedTL(cardId); setMarkingsTL(c, cmm); hideAllChildrenTL(c); // does the Card.update GameEventLogger.cardMarkedTL(c, u, null); HSess.close(); } } }); } } HSess.close(); } } private void hideAllChildrenTL(Card c) { c.getMarking().clear(); c.getMarking().add(CardMarkingManager.getHiddenMarking()); c.setHidden(true); Set<Card> childs = c.getFollowOns(); Iterator<Card> itr = childs.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Card ch =; hideAllChildrenTL(ch); // recurse } Card.updateTL(c); } private void setMarkingsTL(Card card, CardMarking cm) { Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getScoreManager().cardMarkingWillBeSetTL(card, cm); // call this before hitting db card.getMarking().clear(); // Only one marking at a time card.getMarking().add(cm); MSysOut.println(MmowgliConstants.CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.setMarkingsTL() setting card marking hidden bit to " + CardMarkingManager.isHiddenMarking(cm)); card.setHidden(CardMarkingManager.isHiddenMarking(cm)); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class MarkingClearListener implements ClickListener { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { markingRadioGroup.setValue(null); // clear all, let its handler be called } } @HibernateRead private boolean loadMarkingPanel_oobTL(Card c) { //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS,"CardChainPage.loadMarkingPanel_oobTL, card id = "+c.getId()+" hidden = "+c.isHidden()); boolean ret = false; // no update required if (markingListener != null) markingRadioGroup.removeValueChangeListener(markingListener); Set<CardMarking> mSet = c.getMarking(); // db now setup to insure never null, but for old cards: if (mSet == null) { c.setMarking(mSet = new TreeSet<CardMarking>()); Sess.sessUpdateTL(c); ret = true; } Collection<?> checkBoxes = markingRadioGroup.getItemIds(); markingRadioGroup.setValue(null); for (Object obj : checkBoxes) { CardMarking cm = (CardMarking) obj; if (hasMarking(mSet, cm)) { markingRadioGroup.setValue(cm); break; // only one marking at a time } } if (markingListener != null) markingRadioGroup.addValueChangeListener(markingListener); return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class EditCardTextListener implements ClickListener { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead @HibernateClosed @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Card c = Card.getTL(cardId); EditCardTextWindow w = new EditCardTextWindow(c.getText()); w.addCloseListener(new EditCardCloseListener()); HSess.close(false); // no commit } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class EditCardCloseListener implements CloseListener { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead @HibernateClosed @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { EditCardTextWindow w = (EditCardTextWindow) e.getWindow(); if (w.results != null) { HSess.init(); Card c = Card.getLockedTL(cardId); c.setText(w.results); MSysOut.println(MmowgliConstants.CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.EditCardCloseListener.windowClose() updating card text to '" + w.results + "'"); Card.updateTL(c); GameEventLogger.cardTextEdittedTL(c, Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL()); HSess.close(); } } } private ArrayList<CardType> followOnTypes; private ArrayList<VerticalLayout> columnVLs; private void addChildListsTL() { MovePhase phase = MovePhase.getCurrentMovePhaseTL(); Set<CardType> allowedTypes = phase.getAllowedCards(); followOnTypes = new ArrayList<CardType>(); for (CardType ct : allowedTypes) if (!ct.isIdeaCard()) // "idea/initiating" is the opposite of followon followOnTypes.add(ct); Collections.sort(followOnTypes, new Comparator<CardType>() { @Override public int compare(CardType arg0, CardType arg1) { return (int) (arg0.getDescendantOrdinal() - arg1.getDescendantOrdinal()); } }); columnVLs = new ArrayList<VerticalLayout>(followOnTypes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < followOnTypes.size(); i++) { VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); vl.setSpacing(true); columnVLs.add(vl); listsHL.addComponent(vl); } Card card = Card.getTL(cardId); Card parent = card.getParentCard(); VerticalLayout spacerVL = new VerticalLayout(); if (parent != null) { topHL.addComponent(spacerVL); topHL.setExpandRatio(spacerVL, 1.0f); spacerVL.setWidth("100%"); parentSumm = CardSummary.newCardSummarySmallTL(parent.getId()); spacerVL.addComponent(parentSumm); parentSumm.initGui(); spacerVL.setComponentAlignment(parentSumm, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); parentSumm.setCaption("Parent Card"); parentSumm.addStyleName("m-parent-card-summary"); } else { topHL.addComponent(spacerVL); topHL.setExpandRatio(spacerVL, 1.0f); spacerVL.setWidth("100%"); gotoTopLevelButt.setStyleName("m-gotoTopLevelButton"); gotoTopLevelButt.setDescription(idea_dash_tt); gotoTopLevelButt.setId(PLAY_AN_IDEA_BLUE_BUTTON); gotoTopLevelButt.setDescription("Show two top-level card rows"); spacerVL.addComponent(gotoTopLevelButt); spacerVL.setComponentAlignment(gotoTopLevelButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } if (isGameMaster) { spacerVL.addComponent(cardMarkingPanel); spacerVL.setComponentAlignment(cardMarkingPanel, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); } cardLg = CardLarge.newCardLargeTL(card.getId()); topHL.addComponent(cardLg); cardLg.initGuiTL(); VerticalLayout buttVL = new VerticalLayout(); buttVL.setHeight("100%"); topHL.addComponent(buttVL); topHL.setComponentAlignment(buttVL, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); topHL.setExpandRatio(buttVL, 1.0f); Label spacer = new Label(); buttVL.addComponent(spacer); buttVL.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1.0f); buttVL.addComponent(gotoIdeaDashButt); gotoIdeaDashButt.setStyleName("m-gotoIdeaDashboardButton"); gotoIdeaDashButt.setDescription(idea_dash_tt); gotoIdeaDashButt.setId(GO_TO_IDEA_DASHBOARD_BUTTON); buttVL.setComponentAlignment(gotoIdeaDashButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); buttVL.addComponent(chainButt); chainButt.setStyleName("m-viewCardChainButton"); chainButt.setDescription(view_chain_tt); buttVL.setComponentAlignment(chainButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); spacer = new Label(); buttVL.addComponent(spacer); buttVL.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1.0f); int col = -1; for (CardType ct : followOnTypes) { col++; VerticalLayout columnV = columnVLs.get(col); CardSummaryListHeader lstHdr = CardSummaryListHeader.newCardSummaryListHeader(ct, card); lstHdr.addNewCardListener(this); columnV.addComponent(lstHdr); lstHdr.initGui(); } listFollowers_oobTL(card.getId()); // gets current vaadin transaction session } /* private void addPlayAnIdeaButtonTL(VerticalLayout lay) { MediaLocator mediaLoc = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getMediaLocator(); Game g = Game.getTL(); IDNativeButton butt = new IDNativeButton(null, PLAYIDEACLICK); butt.addStyleName("borderless"); mediaLoc.decoratePlayIdeaButton(butt, g); butt.addStyleName("m-playIdeaButton"); butt.setDescription("Review and play idea cards"); butt.setId(PLAY_AN_IDEA_BLUE_BUTTON); lay.addComponent(butt); } */ private void listFollowers_oobTL(Object id) { listFollowers_oob(HSess.get(), id); } private void listFollowers_oob(Session sess, Object badboyId) { Card badboy = Card.get(badboyId, sess); Set<Card> children = badboy.getFollowOns(); Vector<CardSummary> vec = new Vector<CardSummary>(); User me = User.get(Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserID(), sess); int col = -1; for (CardType ct : followOnTypes) { col++; VerticalLayout columnV = columnVLs.get(col); int numcards = columnV.getComponentCount(); // including header, which we // don't touch for (int i = numcards - 1; i > 0; i--) columnV.removeComponent(columnV.getComponent(i)); if (children != null) { vec.clear(); // need to sort below // todo, enforce this in db for (Card c : children) { if (!isGameMaster && CardMarkingManager.isHidden(c)) continue; if (!Card.canSeeCard_oob(c, me, sess)) continue; if (c.getCardType().getId() == ct.getId()) { CardSummary summ = CardSummary.newCardSummary(c.getId(), sess, me); vec.add(summ); } } for (CardSummary cs : vec) { columnV.addComponent(cs); cs.initGui(sess); } } } } private VerticalLayout getCardColumnLayout(Card childCard) { int col = -1; for (CardType ct : followOnTypes) { col++; if (childCard.getCardType().equals(ct)) return columnVLs.get(col); } return null; } private boolean isDescendent(Card possibleChildCard) { VerticalLayout vl = getCardColumnLayout(possibleChildCard); if (vl == null) return false; int numChil = vl.getComponentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numChil; i++) { Object comp = vl.getComponent(i); if (comp instanceof CardSummary) { CardSummary cs = (CardSummary) comp; if (cs.getCardId().equals(possibleChildCard.getId())) { cs.refreshContents(possibleChildCard); return true; } } } return false; } /** This is an attempt to put more logic on the server and less into big client updates */ private void updateFollowers_oobTL(Card thisCard) { // Easiest to throw everything away and reload, but trying to increase performance here. // We've been informed that the parent card has been updated, the most obvious reason being that // some one has played a follow on card. Cards are immutable, so the only thing to check is the addition // of a new one -- i.e., don't have to worry about updated text or author, etc. // The follow-on list in a card is now maintained sorted by Hibernate, so start picking off the top until // we get to one we have, then stop; Then add the new ones to the top of the layout SortedSet<Card> children = thisCard.getFollowOns(); //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollowers_oobTL(), num children = " + children.size()); Vector<Card> newCards = new Vector<Card>(); for (Card c : children) { //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "next child, id = " + c.getId()); VerticalLayout vl = getCardColumnLayout(c); if (vl != null) { int numChil = vl.getComponentCount(); if (numChil <= 1) {// want to miss header newCards.add(c); } else { CardSummary cs = (CardSummary) vl.getComponent(1); //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS,"CardChainPage.updateFollers_oobTL(), cs.cardId vs c.getId returns " + cs.getCardId().equals(c.getId()) + " " + cs.getCardId() + " " + c.getId()); if (!cs.getCardId().equals(c.getId())) { newCards.add(c); //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollers_oobTL(), added card " + c.getId() + " to column"); continue; // next card } else { //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollers_oobTL(), card " + c.getId() + " already in layout!"); break; // the card has been found already in the layout, we're done since they're already sorted } } } else { //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollowers_oobTL(), cant find card column for card " + c.getId()); } //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollowers_oobTL(), new cards found: " + newCards.size()); } // If we looked at all and found any new ones, add them to our // Add from the bottom int sz; if ((sz = newCards.size()) > 0) { for (int i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Card cd = newCards.get(i); VerticalLayout vl = getCardColumnLayout(cd); if (vl != null) { CardSummary csum = CardSummary.newCardSummary_oobTL(cd.getId()); //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.updateFollowers_oobTL(), new card added to layout, id: " + cd.getId()); vl.addComponent(csum, 1); // under the header csum.initGui(); } } } } private void markHidden(Card c) { c.getMarking().clear(); c.getMarking().add(CardMarkingManager.getHiddenMarking()); c.setHidden(true); } @Override @HibernateCardUpdate public void cardCreatedTL(Card c) { MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); Card parent = Card.getLockedTL(cardId); //Card.getTL(cardId); c.setParentCard(parent); Card.saveTL(c); if (parent.isHidden()) // hidden parents produce hidden children markHidden(c); // Optimized from below parent.getFollowOns().add(c); /* SortedSet<Card> set = parent.getFollowOns(); // not required for sure if(set == null) // I don't think this happens // set = new TreeSet<Card>(new Card.DateDescComparator()); set.add(c); // test parent.setFollowOns(set); // and I don't think this is required */ // If the set has only one card, that's the one we added, so he had no children before. We want to send an email // to the parent author saying that the first followon was played on his card. But we only do that once -- each player // only gets one of this type of email. Checked-for in mailmanager. if (parent.getFollowOns().size() == 1) { AppMaster.instance().getMailManager().firstChildPlayedTL(parent, c); } // Now it used to be that we'd wait for the update listener, then fill out our list all over // Trying to optimize so we stick the new one on the top of the list and don't bother updating ourselves // if the new card is already there. Card.updateTL(parent); globs.getScoreManager().cardPlayedTL(c); // update score only from this app instance GameEventLogger.cardPlayedTL(c); } @Override public void drawerOpenedTL(Object cardTypeId) { int wcol = 0; for (CardType ct : followOnTypes) { if (ct.getId() != (Long) cardTypeId) { VerticalLayout vl = columnVLs.get(wcol); CardSummaryListHeader sumHdr = (CardSummaryListHeader) vl.getComponent(0); sumHdr.closeDrawer(); } wcol++; } } public boolean cardPlayed_oobTL(Serializable externCardId) { // System.out.println("CardChainPageNewInProgress knows card was played externally, app= "+app.toString()); // System.out.println(" My card (played)= "+DBGet.getCard(cardId).getText()); // System.out.println(" Ext crd (played) = "+DBGet.getCard(externCardId).getText()); // If a card was created, it might be hanging off of me // I'll handle it then when I receive the word that I've been // updated -- i.e., the child was attached to me. // not here, which says the card has been newly added to the db. //MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS,"CardChainPage.cardPlayed_oobTL() (void method) externCardId = "+externCardId+" my cardId = "+cardId); return false; // don't need ui update } public boolean cardUpdated_oobTL(Serializable externCardId, long revision) { MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.cardUpdated_oobTL() externCardId/rev = " + externCardId + "/" + revision + " my cardId = " + cardId + " hash = " + hashCode()); Card c = Card.getRevisionTL(externCardId, revision); if (c == null) // happens under load? return false; if (externCardId.equals(cardId)) { // Don't do this: externCardId == cardId ! MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.cardUpdated_oobTL / " + c.toString2()); MSysOut.println(CARD_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.cardUpdated_oobTL / num children: " + c.getFollowOns().size()); loadMarkingPanel_oobTL(c); cardLg.update_oobTL(c); updateFollowers_oobTL(c); for (VerticalLayout vl : columnVLs) { CardSummaryListHeader lstHdr = (CardSummaryListHeader) vl.getComponent(0); lstHdr.cardUpdated_oobTL(); } return true; // ui } else return isDescendent(c); // child might have hidden or edited } /** * We only want to check to see if the user star has changed */ @Override public boolean userUpdated_oobTL(Object uId) { MSysOut.println(USER_UPDATE_LOGS, "CardChainPage.userUpdated_oobTL(" + uId.toString() + ")"); return cardLg.updateUser_oobTL(uId); } /* View interface */ @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateConditionallyOpened @HibernateConditionallyClosed public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { Object key = HSess.checkInit(); initGuiTL(); HSess.checkClose(key); } }