Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.administration; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.vaadin.dialogs.ConfirmDialog; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Runo; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.HtmlLabel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.CardType.CardClass; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; /** * * Created on Mar 28, 2013 * Updated on Mar 12, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class TopCardsGameDesignPanel extends AbstractGameBuilderPanel implements MoveChangeListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8754541959486935856L; private NativeSelect positiveTypeSelect, negativeTypeSelect; private CardTypeFields positiveFields, negativeFields; private Move moveBeingEdited, runningMove; private enum PosNegType { POSITIVE, NEGATIVE }; private CardTypeListener myCardTypeListener = new CardTypeListener(); private boolean commitCardType = true; private Label childCardsWarning; private Label cantEditPositiveTypeWarning = new Label( "(Warning: a significant number of top cards exist; their type will be changed with a new selection here.)"); private Label cantEditNegativeTypeWarning = new Label( "(Warning: a significant number of top cards exist; their type will be changed with a new selection here.)"); @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public TopCardsGameDesignPanel(Move move, GameDesignGlobals globs) { super(false, globs); this.moveBeingEdited = move; this.runningMove = Game.getTL().getCurrentMove(); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); positiveFields = new CardTypeFields(CardType.getCurrentPositiveIdeaCardTypeTL(), globals); positiveTypeSelect = new NativeSelect(); addComponent(renderFields(positiveFields, positiveTypeSelect, "1 Choose POSITIVE top card type for this round", cantEditPositiveTypeWarning)); positiveFields.initGui(); negativeFields = new CardTypeFields(CardType.getCurrentNegativeIdeaCardTypeTL(), globals); negativeTypeSelect = new NativeSelect(); addComponent(renderFields(negativeFields, negativeTypeSelect, "2 Choose NEGATIVE top card type for this round", cantEditNegativeTypeWarning)); negativeFields.initGui(); fillSelectCommonTL(positiveTypeSelect, CardType.getDefinedPositiveTypesTL()); fillSelectCommonTL(negativeTypeSelect, CardType.getDefinedNegativeTypesTL()); positiveTypeSelect.addValueChangeListener(myCardTypeListener); negativeTypeSelect.addValueChangeListener(myCardTypeListener); addComponent(childCardsWarning = new Label( "(Can only change card types for this round during PREPARE phase, or during earlier rounds.)"), 0); adjustRO(); // will set above to (in)visible } private void adjustRO() { boolean locked = !isInMoveConstruction(); positiveTypeSelect.setReadOnly(locked); negativeTypeSelect.setReadOnly(locked); childCardsWarning.setVisible(locked); moveBeingEdited = (Move) Move.mergeTL(moveBeingEdited); // boolean warning = checkCardCountGtZero(CardType.getPositiveIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited)); // true if > zero cards boolean warning = checkCardCountGtTL(CardType.getCurrentPositiveIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited), 8); // true if > 8 cards cantEditPositiveTypeWarning.setVisible(warning); positiveFields.setFieldsReadOnly(locked); //warning = checkCardCountGtZero(CardType.getNegativeIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited)); warning = checkCardCountGtTL(CardType.getCurrentNegativeIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited), 8); cantEditNegativeTypeWarning.setVisible(warning); negativeFields.setFieldsReadOnly(locked); } private boolean isPriorMove() { return moveBeingEdited.getNumber() < runningMove.getNumber(); } private boolean isThisMove() { return moveBeingEdited.getNumber() == runningMove.getNumber(); } private boolean isInMoveConstruction() { if (isPriorMove()) return false; // previous move if (!isThisMove()) return true; // future move return true; // This is done elsewhere: /* // Here if we're editing the running move. Report if we detect a significant number of child cards played in this move so the // designer can be warned Criteria criteria = HibernateContainers.getSession().createCriteria(Card.class).add(Restrictions.eq("createdInMove", moveBeingEdited)) .add(Restrictions.isNotNull("parentCard")).setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); int cardCountFromIsInMoveConstruction = ((Long) criteria.list().get(0)).intValue(); return cardCountFromIsInMoveConstruction < 10; */ } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean checkCardCountGtZero(CardType ct) { return checkCardCountGtTL(ct, 0); } private boolean checkCardCountGtTL(CardType ct, int limit) { Criteria criteria = HSess.get().createCriteria(Card.class).add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct)) .setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); int num = ((Long) criteria.list().get(0)).intValue(); return num > limit; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class NewCardClassListener implements ClickListener { CardClass cls; String title; NewCardClassListener(CardClass cls) { this.cls = cls; if (cls == CardClass.POSITIVEIDEA) title = "Add New Left-side Top-Level Card Type"; else title = "Add New Right-side Top-Level Card Type"; } @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Window win = new AddCardClassDialog(cls, title); win.addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { Object sessKey = HSess.checkInit(); if (cls == CardClass.POSITIVEIDEA) { fillSelectCommonTL(positiveTypeSelect, CardType.getDefinedPositiveTypesTL()); } else if (cls == CardClass.NEGATIVEIDEA) { fillSelectCommonTL(negativeTypeSelect, CardType.getDefinedNegativeTypesTL()); } HSess.checkClose(sessKey); } }); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(win);; } } private Component renderFields(CardTypeFields fields, NativeSelect combo, String name, Label editWarningLab) { VerticalLayout topPan = new VerticalLayout(); topPan.setWidth("98%"); topPan.addStyleName("m-greyborder3"); Label lab; topPan.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("18px"); HorizontalLayout topHL = new HorizontalLayout(); topHL.setSpacing(true); ; topHL.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); topHL.setExpandRatio(lab, 0.5f); topHL.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel("<b>" + name + "</b>")); lab.setSizeUndefined(); topHL.addComponent(combo); Button newTypeButt; topHL.addComponent(newTypeButt = new NativeButton("Define new top-level type")); newTypeButt.addStyleName(Runo.BUTTON_SMALL); newTypeButt.setReadOnly(globals.readOnlyCheck(false)); newTypeButt.setEnabled(!newTypeButt.isReadOnly()); if (!newTypeButt.isReadOnly()) newTypeButt.addClickListener(new NewCardClassListener(fields.cardClass)); topHL.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); topHL.setExpandRatio(lab, 0.5f); topPan.addComponent(topHL); topHL.setWidth("100%"); addComponent(editWarningLab); topPan.addComponent(fields); fields.setWidth("100%"); return topPan; } public TypeLine setTypeLine(CardType ct, NativeSelect combo) { Collection<?> coll = combo.getContainerPropertyIds(); for (Object o : coll) { TypeLine tl = (TypeLine) o; if (tl.typ.getId() == ct.getId()) return tl; } return null; } private void savePositiveCardTypeTL(CardType ct, ConfirmDialog.Listener backOutListener) { ConfirmListener lis = new ConfirmListener(PosNegType.POSITIVE, ct, backOutListener); moveBeingEdited = Move.mergeTL(moveBeingEdited); // test int count = getCardCountFromThisMoveTL(moveBeingEdited, CardType.CardClass.POSITIVEIDEA); if (count > 0) {, "Card Type Change", "Changing a card type's descriptive text for a round will change all " + count + " existing cards of the former type, which may not be what you intend" + " since the cards have been played based on different text. " + "Is this what you want to do?", "Yes", "Cancel", lis); } else lis.confirmedTL(); } private void saveNegativeCardTypeTL(CardType ct, ConfirmDialog.Listener backOutListener) { ConfirmListener lis = new ConfirmListener(PosNegType.NEGATIVE, ct, backOutListener); moveBeingEdited = Move.mergeTL(moveBeingEdited); int count = getCardCountFromThisMoveTL(moveBeingEdited, CardType.CardClass.NEGATIVEIDEA); if (count > 0) {, "Card Type Change", "Changing a card type's descriptive text for a round will change all " + count + " existing cards of the former type, which may not be what you intend" + " since the cards have been played based on different text. " + "Is this what you want to do?", "Yes", "Cancel", lis); } else lis.confirmedTL(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class ConfirmListener implements ConfirmDialog.Listener { ConfirmDialog.Listener whoToCallIfTheyChangeTheirMind; CardType ct; PosNegType pn; ConfirmListener(PosNegType pn, CardType ct, ConfirmDialog.Listener cancelLis) { whoToCallIfTheyChangeTheirMind = cancelLis; this.ct = ct; = pn; } @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void onClose(ConfirmDialog dialog) { if (dialog.isConfirmed()) { HSess.init(); confirmedTL(); HSess.close(); } else { if (whoToCallIfTheyChangeTheirMind != null) whoToCallIfTheyChangeTheirMind.onClose(dialog); } } public void confirmedTL() { Move m = Move.mergeTL(moveBeingEdited); CardType cdTy = CardType.mergeTL(ct); if (pn == PosNegType.POSITIVE) CardType.setPositiveIdeaCardTypeAllPhasesTL(m, cdTy); else CardType.setNegativeIdeaCardTypeAllPhasesTL(m, cdTy); changeCardTypesTL(m, cdTy); } } @Override protected void changeMove(Move m) { moveChangedTL(m); } @Override public void moveChangedTL(Move m) // for TopCardsGameDesignPanel { moveBeingEdited = m; okToUpdateDbFlag = false; boolean oldFlag = commitCardType; commitCardType = false; adjustRO(); positiveFields.moveChangedTL(m); CardType ct = CardType.getCurrentPositiveIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited); positiveFields.cardTypeChanged(ct); changeTypeCombo(positiveTypeSelect, ct); negativeFields.moveChangedTL(m); ct = CardType.getCurrentNegativeIdeaCardType(moveBeingEdited); ; changeTypeCombo(negativeTypeSelect, ct); negativeFields.cardTypeChanged(ct); commitCardType = oldFlag; okToUpdateDbFlag = true; } private void changeTypeCombo(NativeSelect combo, CardType ct) { Collection<?> ids = combo.getItemIds(); for (Object o : ids) { if (((TypeLine) o).typ.getId() == ct.getId()) { ((TypeLine) o).typ = ct; // prevent duplicate objs in hibernate boolean ro = combo.isReadOnly(); combo.setReadOnly(false);; combo.setReadOnly(ro); return; } } } private void fillSelectCommonTL(NativeSelect combo, List<CardType> lis) { boolean oldCommit = commitCardType; commitCardType = false; boolean oldRo = combo.isReadOnly(); combo.setReadOnly(false); TypeLine typeLFirst = null; combo.removeAllItems(); Move myMove = Move.mergeTL(moveBeingEdited); Set<CardType> cts = myMove.getCurrentMovePhase().getAllowedCards(); for (CardType ct : lis) { TypeLine tl = new TypeLine(ct); if (typeLFirst == null) typeLFirst = tl; else if (containsCt(cts, ct)) typeLFirst = tl; combo.addItem(tl); } combo.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); combo.setImmediate(true); if (typeLFirst != null); combo.setReadOnly(oldRo); commitCardType = oldCommit; } private boolean containsCt(Set<CardType> set, CardType ct) { for (CardType cardType : set) if (cardType.getId() == ct.getId()) return true; return false; } @Override Embedded getImage() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class TypeLine extends Label { /* This class generates the "LegacyPropertyToString" error in cat.out. It's not our fault. It's internal Vaadin.*/ private CardType typ; public TypeLine(CardType typ) { super(typ.getTitle() + "/" + typ.getSummaryHeader()); this.typ = typ; } public CardType getCardType() { return typ; } @Override public String toString() { return typ.getTitle() + "/" + typ.getSummaryHeader(); } } private int getCardCountFromThisMoveTL(Move m, CardClass ccls) { m = Move.mergeTL(m); Criteria criteria = makeCardClassQueryTL(m, ccls); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); return ((Long) criteria.list().get(0)).intValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void changeCardTypesTL(Move m, CardType typ) { Criteria criteria = makeCardClassQueryTL(m, typ.getCardClass()); List<Card> lis = criteria.list(); for (Card c : lis) { c.setCardType(typ); //Card.update(c); Card.updateTL(c); } } private Criteria makeCardClassQueryTL(Move m, CardClass cclss) { return HSess.get().createCriteria(Card.class).createAlias("createdInMove", "MOVE") .createAlias("cardType", "CARDTYPE").add(Restrictions.eq("MOVE.number", m.getNumber())) .add(Restrictions.eq("CARDTYPE.cardClass", cclss)); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class CardTypeListener implements ValueChangeListener { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { NativeSelect combo = (NativeSelect) event.getProperty(); TypeLine tLine = (TypeLine) combo.getValue(); if (tLine == null) return; Object key = HSess.checkInit(); CardTypeFields fields = null; if (combo == positiveTypeSelect) { fields = positiveFields; if (commitCardType) savePositiveCardTypeTL(tLine.typ, new CardTypeCancelListener()); } else { //if(combo == negativeTypeSelect) { fields = negativeFields; if (commitCardType) saveNegativeCardTypeTL(tLine.typ, new CardTypeCancelListener()); } boolean changingFlag = fields.okToUpdateDbFlag; fields.okToUpdateDbFlag = false; //we ARE changing moves boolean ro = fields.titleTA.isReadOnly(); fields.titleTA.setReadOnly(false); fields.titleTA.setValue(tLine.typ.getTitle()); fields.titleTA.setReadOnly(ro); ro = fields.summaryTA.isReadOnly(); fields.summaryTA.setReadOnly(false); fields.summaryTA.setValue(tLine.typ.getSummaryHeader()); fields.summaryTA.setReadOnly(ro); ro = fields.promptTA.isReadOnly(); fields.promptTA.setReadOnly(false); fields.promptTA.setValue(tLine.typ.getPrompt()); fields.promptTA.setReadOnly(ro); ro = fields.colorComp.isReadOnly(); fields.colorComp.setReadOnly(false); fields.colorComp.changeCardType(tLine.typ); fields.colorComp.setReadOnly(ro); fields.okToUpdateDbFlag = changingFlag; HSess.checkClose(key); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class CardTypeCancelListener implements ConfirmDialog.Listener { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void onClose(ConfirmDialog arg0) { HSess.init(); boolean oldcommitflag = commitCardType; commitCardType = false; moveChangedTL(moveBeingEdited); // this will do it commitCardType = oldcommitflag; HSess.close(); } } class CardTypeFields extends AbstractGameBuilderPanel implements CardTypeChangeListener, MoveChangeListener { public TextArea titleTA, summaryTA, promptTA; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Integer typeOrdinal; public CardClass cardClass; public CardType activeType; private CardColorChooserComponent colorComp; public CardTypeFields(CardType typ, GameDesignGlobals globs) { super(false, globs); activeType = typ; typeOrdinal = typ.getDescendantOrdinal(); cardClass = typ.getCardClass(); String posTitle = typ.getTitle(); String posPrompt = typ.getPrompt(); String posSummHdr = typ.getSummaryHeader(); titleTA = (TextArea) addEditLine("Card title", "CardType.title", typ, typ.getId(), "Title").ta; titleTA.setReadOnly(false); titleTA.setValue(posTitle); titleTA.setRows(1); titleTA.setReadOnly(true); titleTA.addStyleName("m-textarea-greyborder"); summaryTA = (TextArea) addEditLine("Card summary header", "CardType.summaryHeader", typ, typ.getId(), "SummaryHeader").ta; summaryTA.setReadOnly(false); summaryTA.setValue(posSummHdr); summaryTA.setRows(1); summaryTA.setReadOnly(true); summaryTA.addStyleName("m-textarea-greyborder"); promptTA = (TextArea) addEditLine("Card prompt", "CardType.prompt", typ, typ.getId(), "Prompt").ta; summaryTA.setReadOnly(false); promptTA.setValue(posPrompt); promptTA.setRows(2); promptTA.setReadOnly(true); promptTA.addStyleName("m-textarea-greyborder"); addEditComponent("Card color", "CardType.cssColorStyle", colorComp = new CardColorChooserComponent(null)); colorComp.setReadOnly(false); colorComp.changeCardType(typ); colorComp.setReadOnly(true); } void setFieldsReadOnly(boolean wh) { boolean ro = globals.readOnlyCheck(wh); titleTA.setReadOnly(ro); summaryTA.setReadOnly(ro); promptTA.setReadOnly(ro); colorComp.setReadOnly(ro); } @Override public void cardTypeChanged(CardType ct) { okToUpdateDbFlag = false; activeType = ct; changeCardType(ct); colorComp.changeCardType(ct); okToUpdateDbFlag = true; } @Override public void moveChangedTL(Move move) { // notChangingMovesFlag = false; // changeMove(move); // notChangingMovesFlag = true; } @Override Embedded getImage() { return null; } @Override protected int getColumn1PixelWidth() { return super.getColumn1PixelWidth() + 70; // default = 80 } @Override protected int getColumn2PixelWidth() { return super.getColumn2PixelWidth() - 50; // default = 240 } } }