Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.actionplans; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.LMap; import org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.LTileLayer; import com.vaadin.server.ExternalResource; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Reindeer; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.Mmowgli2UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.HtmlLabel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.gamemaster.GameEventLogger; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps.LeafletLayers; //import; /** * * Created on Feb 8, 2011 * Updated on Mar 14, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class ActionPlanPageTabMap extends ActionPlanPageTabPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7244591383530793474L; private edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.GoogleMap mmowgliMap; // private MmowgliMapWidget googleMapWidget; private static String MAPWIDTH = "685px"; private static String MAPHEIGHT = "670px"; private static String MAPHEIGHT_WITH_BUTTONS = "650px"; private static double MAPW_CALC = 685.0d; private static double MAPH_CALC = 670.0d; private static double MAPH_CALC_WITH_BUTTONS = 650.0d; private long markerIdx = 1; boolean editingOK = false; boolean messageSent = false; private GridLayout flagGrid; private MapSaveButtPan savePanel; private int throwAwayMoveEvents = 0; private final int THROWAWAYMOVES = 2; private LMap map = new LMap(); // private LTileLayer osmTiles = new LTileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"); private LTileLayer mapBoxTiles = new LTileLayer(); private LTileLayer mapQstTiles = new LTileLayer(); @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public ActionPlanPageTabMap(Object apId, boolean isMockup, boolean readonly) { super(apId, isMockup, readonly); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible) // do this only when we're showing ourselves togglePopupsAndMarkers(editingOK); super.setVisible(visible); } private void togglePopupsAndMarkers(boolean show) { /* // Cycle through all the markers and tell their content obj to show or hide the bottom tools List<Marker> lis = googleMapWidget.getMarkers(); for (Marker m : lis) { PopupContent pop = (PopupContent) m.getInfoWindowContent()[0].getContent(); pop.setToolsVisible(show); ((MmowgliMarker)m).setDraggable(show); } */ } @Override public void initGui() { setSizeUndefined(); ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); mmowgliMap = ap.getMap(); if (mmowgliMap == null) { mmowgliMap = new edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.GoogleMap(); GoogleMap.saveTL(mmowgliMap); ap.setMap(mmowgliMap); ActionPlan.updateTL(ap); } VerticalLayout leftLay = getLeftLayout(); leftLay.setSpacing(false); leftLay.setMargin(false); Label missionLab = new Label("Authors, put your plan on the map!"); leftLay.addComponent(missionLab); leftLay.setComponentAlignment(missionLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); missionLab.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-title-text"); Label missionContentLab; if (!isMockup) missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(ap.getMapInstructions()); else { Game g = Game.getTL(); missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(g.getDefaultActionPlanMapText()); } leftLay.addComponent(missionContentLab); leftLay.setComponentAlignment(missionContentLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); leftLay.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-content-text"); /* Component c; c=buildMapFlags(leftLay); // does the addComponent leftLay.setComponentAlignment(c, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); */ toggleFlags(editingOK); Label sp; leftLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("1px"); leftLay.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); map.setAttributionPrefix("Powered by Leaflet with v-leaflet"); map.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); map.removeAllComponents(); try { LeafletLayers.installAllProviders(map); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("ActionPlanPageTabMap error loading layers: " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } double lat = mmowgliMap.getLatCenter(); double lon = mmowgliMap.getLonCenter(); map.setCenter(lat, lon); map.setZoomLevel(mmowgliMap.getZoom()); map.setWidth(MAPWIDTH); map.setHeight(editingOK ? MAPHEIGHT_WITH_BUTTONS : MAPHEIGHT); // Build a mmowgliMap widget from our content /* googleMapWidget = new MmowgliMapWidget(app, mmowgliMap.getLatLonCenter(), mmowgliMap.getZoom(), GOOGLEMAPS_KEY); googleMapWidget.setWidth(MAPWIDTH); googleMapWidget.setHeight(editingOK ? MAPHEIGHT_WITH_BUTTONS : MAPHEIGHT); googleMapWidget.addControl(MapControl.MenuMapTypeControl); googleMapWidget.addControl(MapControl.SmallMapControl); //googleMapWidget.addListener(new MyMapClickListener()); googleMapWidget.addListener(new MyMapMoveListener()); //googleMapWidget.addListener(new MyMarkerClickListener()); googleMapWidget.addListener(new MyMarkerMovedListener()); googleMapWidget.reportMapBounds(); */ loadMarkers(ap); VerticalLayout rightLay = getRightLayout(); rightLay.setSpacing(false); rightLay.setMargin(false); rightLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("15px"); savePanel = new MapSaveButtPan(); rightLay.addComponent(savePanel); rightLay.setComponentAlignment(savePanel, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); savePanel.setVisible(editingOK); // MapSaveListener msLis = new MapSaveListener(); // savePanel.setClickHearers(msLis.mapLocListener,msLis.mapMarkerListener,msLis.cancelListener); /* DragAndDropWrapper ddw = new DragAndDropWrapper(googleMapWidget); ddw.setDropHandler(new MapDropHandler()); ddw.setSizeFull(); rightLay.addComponent(ddw); rightLay.setExpandRatio(ddw, 1.0f); */ rightLay.addComponent(map); rightLay.setExpandRatio(map, 1); } private void reloadMarkers(ActionPlan ap) { /* googleMapWidget.getMarkers().clear(); loadMarkers(ap); */ } private void loadMarkers(ActionPlan ap) { /* List<GoogleMapMarker> lis = ap.getMap().getMarkers(); //mmowgliMap.getMarkers(); for(GoogleMapMarker gmm : lis) { MmowgliMarker mm; googleMapWidget.addMarker(mm=new MmowgliMarker(googleMapWidget,markerIdx++,gmm)); mm.setDraggable(true); } */ } //@formatter:off public static String NUMBERTAG = "${num}"; public static String ALPHATAG = "${let}"; static Object[][] flagData = { { -1, "", "" }, { -1, "", "" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, // 00 - 20 { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 101, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 101, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 21, "" + NUMBERTAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Digit}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 26, "" + ALPHATAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Upper}+)" + "\\.png" }, { 26, "" + ALPHATAG + ".png", "" + "(\\p{Upper}+)" + "\\.png" }, }; //@formatter:on Component buildMapFlags(VerticalLayout vl) { flagGrid = new GridLayout(); vl.addComponent(flagGrid); flagGrid.setSizeUndefined(); flagGrid.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); flagGrid.setColumns(6); for (Object[] row : flagData) { int num = (Integer) row[0]; String url = (String) row[1]; if (num == -1) flagGrid.addComponent(MapFlag.getMapFlag(1, null, url)); else { if (url.indexOf(NUMBERTAG) != -1) flagGrid.addComponent(MapFlag.getMapFlag(num, null, url, false)); else if (url.indexOf(ALPHATAG) != -1) flagGrid.addComponent(MapFlag.getMapFlag(num, null, url, true)); } } return flagGrid; } private void toggleSaveButtPan(boolean enabled) { savePanel.setVisible(enabled & !isReadOnly); map.setHeight(enabled ? MAPHEIGHT_WITH_BUTTONS : MAPHEIGHT); //googleMapWidget.setHeight(enabled ? MAPHEIGHT_WITH_BUTTONS : MAPHEIGHT); } private void toggleFlags(boolean enabled) { return; /* Iterator<Component> itr = flagGrid.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()); */ } /* @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MapDropHandler implements DropHandler { @Override public void drop(DragAndDropEvent event) { if(!editingOK) return; Component c = event.getTransferable().getSourceComponent(); if(! (c instanceof MapFlag)) return; WrapperTargetDetails details = (WrapperTargetDetails) event.getTargetDetails(); int absTop = details.getAbsoluteTop(); // absolute pos of drop wrapper (mmowgliMap here) on the page int absLeft = details.getAbsoluteLeft(); MouseEventDetails deets = details.getMouseEvent(); int clientX = deets.getClientX(); int clientY = deets.getClientY(); Point2D.Double neBounds = googleMapWidget.getBoundsNE(); Point2D.Double swBounds = googleMapWidget.getBoundsSW(); int mouseLeft = clientX - absLeft ; //- (int)Math.round(gmm.getIconAnchorX()); int mouseUp = clientY - absTop ; double percentLeft = ((double)mouseLeft) / MAPW_CALC; double hCalc = editingOK ? MAPH_CALC_WITH_BUTTONS : MAPH_CALC; double percentDown = ((double)mouseUp) / hCalc; double lonWidth = Math.abs(neBounds.x - swBounds.x); double latHeight = Math.abs(neBounds.y - swBounds.y); double lon = swBounds.x+(percentLeft*lonWidth); double lat = neBounds.y-(percentDown*latHeight); //System.out.println("calculated drop point: lon: "+lon+" lat: "+lat); showDropWindow(lat,lon,(MapFlag)c); } @Override public AcceptCriterion getAcceptCriterion() { return AcceptAll.get(); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void showDropWindow(final double lat, final double lon, MapFlag flag) { final DropWindow win = new DropWindow(lat,lon,flag); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(win);; win.addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { MapFlag flag = win.newFlag; if(flag != null) { // meaning save clicked, not cancel GoogleMapMarker gmm = new GoogleMapMarker(); // our db object gmm.setLat(lat); gmm.setLon(lon); gmm.setIconUrl(win.getIconUrl()); gmm.setPopupContent(win.getPopupContent()); gmm.setDraggable(true); // since we've been dropped we're in the right mode googleMapWidget.addMarker(new MmowgliMarker(googleMapWidget,markerIdx++,gmm)); savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void showDropWindow(final MmowgliMarker mm) { final DropWindow win = new DropWindow(mm); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(win);; win.addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { // Think we can just update our marker MapFlag flag = win.newFlag; if(flag != null) { GoogleMapMarker gmm = mm.wrappee; // meaning save clicked, not cancel gmm.setLat(; gmm.setLon(win.lon); gmm.setIconUrl(win.getIconUrl()); gmm.setPopupContent(win.getPopupContent()); gmm.setDraggable(true); mm.setLatLng(gmm.getLatLon()); mm.setIconUrl(gmm.getIconUrl()); mm.setPopupContent(gmm.getTitle(),gmm.getPopupContent()); mm.popContent.requestRepaint(); savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class PopupContent extends VerticalLayout { private MmowgliMarker marker; Label titleLabel; Label contentLabel; PopupContent(MmowgliMarker mark, String labtxt, String txt) { this.marker = mark; setSizeUndefined(); //setHeight("75px"); setWidth("215px"); // about the min width setSpacing(true); titleLabel = new Label(labtxt); addComponent(titleLabel); setComponentAlignment(titleLabel,Alignment.TOP_CENTER); contentLabel = new HtmlLabel(txt); contentLabel.setWidth("99%"); addComponent(contentLabel); setComponentAlignment(contentLabel,Alignment.TOP_LEFT); makeFooterTools(); } public void setToolsVisible(boolean yn) { footerSpacer.setVisible(yn); buttLayout.setVisible(yn); } private Label footerSpacer; private HorizontalLayout buttLayout; private void makeFooterTools() { addComponent(footerSpacer = new Label()); footerSpacer.setHeight("12px"); buttLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttLayout.setMargin(false); addComponent(buttLayout); setComponentAlignment(buttLayout,Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); Button deleteButt = new Button("delete this marker"); deleteButt.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); deleteButt.setWidth("110px"); // can't get vaadin to size it properly buttLayout.addComponent(deleteButt); Label sp; buttLayout.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("10px"); Button editButt = new Button("edit this text"); editButt.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); editButt.setWidth("70px");// can't get vaadin to size it properly buttLayout.addComponent(editButt); deleteButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (marker != null) { // googleMapWidget.removeMarker(marker); marker = null; savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); } } }); editButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // showDropWindow(marker); } }); } public String getContentText() { return contentLabel.getValue().toString(); } public String getTitle() { return titleLabel.getValue().toString(); } public void setContentText(String text) { contentLabel.setValue(text); } public void setTitle(String title2) { titleLabel.setValue(title2); } } class MyMarkerMovedListener implements MarkerMovedListener { @Override public void markerMoved(Marker movedMarker) { savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); savePanel.canMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); } }*/ /* class MyMarkerClickListener implements MarkerClickListener { @Override public void markerClicked(Marker clickedMarker) { } } */ /* class MyMapMoveListener implements MapMoveListener { @Override public void mapMoved(int newZoomLevel, Point2D.Double newCenter,Point2D.Double boundsNE, Point2D.Double boundsSW) { // showSavePanel(); // will only show save if a marker has been updated if(++throwAwayMoveEvents <= THROWAWAYMOVES) return; if(editingOK) { if(!savePanel.saveLocButt.isEnabled()) { savePanel.saveLocButt.setEnabled(true); savePanel.canMarkerButt.setEnabled(true); } if(!messageSent) { sendStartEditMessage( DBGet.getUser(app.getUser()).getUserName()+" may be editing the action plan map."); messageSent = true; } } } } */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MapSaveListener { public ClickListener mapLocListener = new ClickListener() { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); mmowgliMap = ap.getMap(); // mmowgliMap.setLatLonCenter(googleMapWidget.getCenter()); // mmowgliMap.setZoom(googleMapWidget.getZoom()); GoogleMap.updateTL(mmowgliMap); ActionPlan.updateTL(ap); User u = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); GameEventLogger.logActionPlanUpdateTL(ap, "map changed", u.getId()); savePanel.saveLocButt.setEnabled(false); if (!savePanel.saveMarkerButt.isEnabled()) savePanel.canMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); //messageSent = false; HSess.close(); } }; public ClickListener cancelListener = new ClickListener() { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); reloadMarkers(ActionPlan.getTL(apId)); savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); savePanel.saveLocButt.setEnabled(false); savePanel.canMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); HSess.close(); } }; /* public ClickListener mapMarkerListener = new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.get(apId); mmowgliMap = ap.getMap(); mmowgliMap.setDescription(googleMapWidget.getDescription()); List<Marker> lis =googleMapWidget.getMarkers(); List<GoogleMapMarker> dbMarkerList = mmowgliMap.getMarkers(); for(GoogleMapMarker gmm : dbMarkerList) GoogleMapMarker.delete(gmm); dbMarkerList.clear(); for(Marker m : lis) { GoogleMapMarker gmm = new GoogleMapMarker(); gmm.setIconAnchorXY(m.getIconAnchor()); gmm.setLatLon(m.getLatLng()); PopupContent pop = (PopupContent)m.getInfoWindowContent()[0].getContent(); gmm.setPopupContent(pop.getContentText()); gmm.setIconUrl(m.getIconUrl()); gmm.setTitle(m.getTitle());; dbMarkerList.add(gmm); } GoogleMap.update(mmowgliMap); ActionPlan.update(ap); User u = DBGet.getUser(Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserID()); GameEventLogger.logActionPlanUpdate(ap, "map marker changed", u.getId()); //u.getUserName()); savePanel.saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); if(!savePanel.saveLocButt.isEnabled()) savePanel.canMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); } }; */ } @Override public boolean actionPlanUpdatedOobTL(Serializable apId) { // This panel does NOT do a dynamic update of someone else's changes....too problematic for losing work. return false; } @Override public void setICanEdit(boolean yn) { editingOK = yn; toggleSaveButtPan(yn); toggleFlags(yn); togglePopupsAndMarkers(yn); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class MapFlag extends DragAndDropWrapper { public static MapFlag getMapFlag(int count, String caption, String urlBase) { return getMapFlag(count, caption, urlBase, false); } public static MapFlag getMapFlag(int count, String caption, String urlBase, boolean isAlpha) { String url = urlBase; if (count > 1) { if (isAlpha) url = url.replace(ALPHATAG, "A"); else url = url.replace(NUMBERTAG, "00"); } Resource res = new ExternalResource(url); Embedded embedded = new Embedded(caption, res); embedded.setWidth("27px"); // These 2 shouldn't be required, and AREN'T on my desktop machine. embedded.setHeight("27px"); return new MapFlag(count, embedded, urlBase, isAlpha); } public static MapFlag deriveMapFlag(String iconUrl) { boolean matched = false; String group = null; int row; for (row = 0; row < flagData.length; row++) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(flagData[row][2].toString()); // reg expr = indx 2 Matcher m = p.matcher(iconUrl); matched = m.matches(); if (matched) { // got a match if (m.groupCount() == 0) ; //System.out.println("Whole thing matches"); else group =; break; } } if (!matched) return getMapFlag(1, null, flagData[0][1].toString()); //redblank int range = (Integer) flagData[row][0]; if (range == -1) return getMapFlag(1, null, flagData[row][1].toString()); MapFlag mf = getMapFlag(range, null, flagData[row][1].toString(), !Character.isDigit(group.charAt(0))); if (group != null) mf.indx = decodeGroup(group); return mf; } private static int decodeGroup(String s) { if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0))) return Integer.parseInt(s); return Character.getNumericValue(s.charAt(0)); } Embedded embedded; int count; String urlBase; boolean isAlpha; int indx = -1; private MapFlag(int count, Embedded comp, String urlBase, boolean isAlpha) { this(count, comp, urlBase, isAlpha, -1); } private MapFlag(int count, Embedded comp, String urlBase, boolean isAlpha, int idx) { super(comp); this.setSizeUndefined(); this.count = count; this.embedded = comp; this.urlBase = urlBase; this.isAlpha = isAlpha; this.indx = idx; setDragStartMode(DragStartMode.COMPONENT); } public String urlFromCount(Object obj) { int val = 0; if (obj instanceof Integer) val = (Integer) obj; else if (obj instanceof Double) val = ((Double) obj).intValue(); else if (obj instanceof Float) val = ((Float) obj).intValue(); count = val; if (isAlpha) return urlBase.replace(ALPHATAG, alphaFromCount(val)); else return urlBase.replace(NUMBERTAG, fmtr.format(val)); } private DecimalFormat fmtr = new DecimalFormat("00"); static char[] charArray = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; String alphaFromCount(int idx) { if (idx < 1) idx = 1; if (idx > 26) idx = 26; return String.valueOf(charArray[idx - 1]); } public MapFlag clone() { Embedded emb = new Embedded(null, embedded.getSource()); return new MapFlag(count, emb, urlBase, isAlpha); } } /* class MmowgliMarker extends { GoogleMapMarker wrappee; PopupContent popContent; int numberIndx; public MmowgliMarker(GoogleMap googleMap, long idx, GoogleMapMarker gmm) { super(idx,gmm.getLatLon(),gmm.getTitle()); wrappee=gmm; super.setIconUrl (gmm.getIconUrl()); super.setIconAnchor (gmm.getIconAnchorXY()); super.setVisible (gmm.isVisible()); super.setDraggable (gmm.isDraggable()); super.setInfoWindowContent(googleMap,popContent = new PopupContent(this,gmm.getTitle(),gmm.getPopupContent())); numberIndx = MapFlag.deriveMapFlag(gmm.getIconUrl()).indx; } @Override public void setIconUrl(String imageUrl) { super.setIconUrl(imageUrl); wrappee.setIconUrl(imageUrl); } @Override public void setIconAnchor(java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double iconAnchor) { super.setIconAnchor(iconAnchor); wrappee.setIconAnchorXY(iconAnchor); } public void setPopupContent(String title, String text) { popContent.setTitle(title); popContent.setContentText(text); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MmowgliMapWidget extends com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.GoogleMap { ArrayList<Marker> markers = new ArrayList<Marker>(); public MmowgliMapWidget(Point2D.Double center, int zoom, String apiKey) { super(center, zoom, apiKey); } @Override public void addMarker(Marker marker) { markers.add(marker); super.addMarker(marker); } public List<Marker> getMarkers() { return markers; } @Override public void removeMarker(Marker marker) { markers.remove(marker); super.removeMarker(marker); } @Override public void removeAllMarkers() { markers.clear(); super.removeAllMarkers(); } } */ /* class DropWindow extends Window { Label numberLab; double lat,lon; private MapFlag flag; public MapFlag newFlag; TextArea popupContentTextArea; Embedded emb; Label popupContentTextLab; Slider slider; public DropWindow(MmowgliMarker mm) { super("Edit Marker"); setWidth("290px"); setHeight("290px"); = mm.getLatLng().y; this.lon = mm.getLatLng().x; this.flag = MapFlag.deriveMapFlag(mm.getIconUrl()); initGui(); int flagIdx = flag.indx; flagIdx = (flagIdx==-1?0:flagIdx); try{slider.setValue((double)flagIdx);} catch(Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error in ActionPlanPageTabMap.DropWindow"); System.err.println(ex.getClass().getSimpleName()+"/ "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } PopupContent popCont = (PopupContent)mm.getInfoWindowContent()[0].getContent(); popupContentTextArea.setValue(popCont.getContentText()); } public DropWindow(double lat, double lon, MapFlag flag) { super("Add Marker"); setWidth("290px"); setHeight("290px"); = lat; this.lon = lon; this.flag = flag.clone(); initGui(); } private void initGui() { VerticalLayout vl = getMyContent(); vl.setMargin(true); vl.setSpacing(true); vl.setSizeFull(); setContent(vl); } private VerticalLayout getMyContent() { VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); Label popupContentTextLab; vl.addComponent(popupContentTextLab=new Label("Enter popup text")); popupContentTextLab.setSizeUndefined(); popupContentTextArea = new TextArea();; popupContentTextArea.setSizeFull(); vl.addComponent(popupContentTextArea); vl.setExpandRatio(popupContentTextArea, 1.0f); HorizontalLayout iconHL = new HorizontalLayout(); vl.addComponent(iconHL); iconHL.setSpacing(true); iconHL.setMargin(false); iconHL.setWidth("100%"); vl.setComponentAlignment(iconHL, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); emb = new Embedded(null,flag.embedded.getSource()); iconHL.addComponent(emb); if(flag.count > 1) { String sliderLab; int min,max; if(flag.isAlpha) { numberLab = new Label("A"); numberLab.setSizeUndefined(); sliderLab = "Select between A and "+flag.alphaFromCount(flag.count); min = 1; max = flag.count; } else { numberLab = new Label("0"); numberLab.setSizeUndefined(); sliderLab = "Select between 0 and "+(flag.count-1); min = 0; max = flag.count-1; } iconHL.addComponent(numberLab); slider = new Slider(sliderLab); slider.setWidth("100%"); slider.setMin(min); slider.setMax(max); slider.setImmediate(true); slider.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object obj = event.getProperty().getValue(); if(obj instanceof Integer) flag.indx = (Integer)obj; emb.setSource(new ExternalResource(flag.urlFromCount(obj))); } }); iconHL.addComponent(slider); iconHL.setExpandRatio(slider, 1.0f); } HorizontalLayout buttLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttLayout.setWidth("100%"); vl.addComponent(buttLayout); buttLayout.setMargin(false); buttLayout.setSpacing(true); Button cancelButt = new Button("Cancel",new CancelListener()); Button saveButt = new Button("Save",new SaveListener()); Label sp; buttLayout.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("1px"); buttLayout.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); buttLayout.addComponent(cancelButt); buttLayout.addComponent(saveButt); return vl; } public String getPopupContent() { return popupContentTextArea.getValue().toString(); } public String getIconUrl() { return ((ExternalResource)emb.getSource()).getURL(); } class CancelListener implements ClickListener { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { newFlag = null; UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(DropWindow.this); } } class SaveListener implements ClickListener { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { newFlag = flag; UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(DropWindow.this); } } } */ public static class MapSaveButtPan extends HorizontalLayout { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static int SAVELOC_BUTTON = 0; public static int SAVEMARKER_BUTTON = 1; Button saveLocButt, saveMarkerButt, canMarkerButt;; public MapSaveButtPan() { setSpacing(true); setMargin(false); Label lab; addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); saveLocButt = new Button("Save map location"); addComponent(saveLocButt); saveLocButt.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); saveLocButt.addStyleName("m-greenbutton"); saveLocButt.setEnabled(false); saveLocButt.setImmediate(true); saveLocButt.setDescription( "Saves map dimensions so map is initially shown this way for all viewers. Without saving, the map reverts to its startup size and zoom when you leave this page."); saveMarkerButt = new Button("Save marker changes"); addComponent(saveMarkerButt); saveMarkerButt.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); saveMarkerButt.addStyleName("m-greenbutton"); saveMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); saveMarkerButt.setImmediate(true); saveMarkerButt.setDescription( "Save marker locations and text. Without saving, leaving this action plan then returning will display previous marker information."); canMarkerButt = new Button("Cancel"); addComponent(canMarkerButt); canMarkerButt.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); canMarkerButt.addStyleName("m-greenbutton"); canMarkerButt.setEnabled(false); canMarkerButt.setImmediate(true); canMarkerButt.setDescription("Cancel pending marker and position changes"); addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("5px"); } public void setClickHearers(ClickListener saveLocLis, ClickListener saveMarkerLis, ClickListener cancelLis) { saveMarkerButt.addClickListener(saveMarkerLis); saveLocButt.addClickListener(saveLocLis); canMarkerButt.addClickListener(cancelLis); } public void setClickHearer(ClickListener lis) { setClickHearers(lis, lis, lis); } } }