Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliConstants.*; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.vaadin.server.SessionInitEvent; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinService; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.server.WebBrowser; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.CACManager.CACData; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.AppMenuBar; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.Game; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.User; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateUserRead; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MessagingManager2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.WantsGameUpdates; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.scoring.ScoreManager2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.MediaLocator; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer.MSysOut; /** * * Created on Jan 24, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class MmowgliSessionGlobals implements Serializable, WantsGameUpdates { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2942884991365648347L; public Cookie sessionCookie = null; public boolean initted = false; public boolean stopping = false; public boolean loggingOut = false; private String browserApp = ""; private String browserMiniType = ""; private String browserOS = ""; private int browserMajVersion = 0; private String browserMajVersionString = ""; private int browserMinVersion = 0; private String browserAddress = ""; private boolean internetExplorer7 = false; private boolean internetExplorer = false; private String loginTimeStamp = ""; private MmowgliController controller; private MessagingManager2 messagingManager; private MediaLocator mediaLoc; private ScoreManager2 scoreManager; private Serializable userId = null; private String userName = ""; private Mmowgli2UI firstUI = null; private boolean loggedIn = false; private UUID userSessionIdentifier = UUID.randomUUID(); private CACData cacData = null; // CAC information private boolean gameAdministrator = false; private boolean gameMaster = false; private boolean viewOnlyUser = false; private boolean gameReadOnly = false; private boolean cardsReadOnly = false; private boolean topCardsReadOnly = false; private boolean priorActionPlansReadOnly = true; private HashMap<Object, Object> panelState = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); public MmowgliSessionGlobals(SessionInitEvent event, Mmowgli2VaadinServlet servlet) { event.getSession().setAttribute(MmowgliSessionGlobals.class, this); // store this for use across the app //appMaster = (AppMaster)servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(MmowgliConstants.APPLICATION_MASTER_ATTR_NAME); scoreManager = new ScoreManager2(); loginTimeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()).toString(); sessionCookie = getCookie(event.getRequest().getCookies()); } public void init(WebBrowser webBr) { deriveBrowserBooleans(webBr); MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "Login from " + browserIDString()); } private Cookie getCookie(Cookie[] arr) { if (arr != null) for (Cookie c : arr) if (VAADINSESSIONCOOKIENAME.equals(c.getName())) return c; return null; } public String getVaadinSessionCookie() { if (sessionCookie == null) { // try once VaadinRequest req = VaadinService.getCurrentRequest(); if (req != null) sessionCookie = getCookie(req.getCookies()); } return (sessionCookie == null ? "null" : sessionCookie.getValue()); } private void deriveBrowserBooleans(WebBrowser webBr) { browserApp = webBr.getBrowserApplication(); browserMiniType = returnBrowserType(webBr); browserOS = returnBrowserOS(webBr); browserMajVersion = webBr.getBrowserMajorVersion(); browserMajVersionString = "" + browserMajVersion; browserMinVersion = webBr.getBrowserMinorVersion(); browserAddress = webBr.getAddress(); if (browserApp.contains("MSIE 7.0")) { internetExplorer = true; if (browserMajVersion <= 7) internetExplorer7 = true; } } public String getBrowserMiniType() { return browserMiniType; } public String getBrowserOS() { return browserOS; } public int getBrowserMajorVersion() { return browserMajVersion; } public String getBrowserMajorVersionString() { return browserMajVersionString; } public String getBrowserAddress() { return browserAddress; } public String browserIDString() { return browserAddress + " with " + browserApp + " " + browserMajVersion + " " + browserMinVersion; } public boolean isIE() { return internetExplorer; } public boolean isIE7() { return internetExplorer7; } public void setController(MmowgliController mmowgliController) { controller = mmowgliController; } public MmowgliController getController() { return controller; } public MediaLocator getMediaLocator() { return mediaLoc; } public void setMediaLocator(MediaLocator mediaLocator) { this.mediaLoc = mediaLocator; } public void setUserID(User u) { this.userId = u.getId(); gameAdministrator = u.isAdministrator(); gameMaster = u.isGameMaster(); viewOnlyUser = u.isViewOnly(); userName = u.getUserName(); } @HibernateUserRead public void setUserIDTL(Object userOrUserId) { User me; if (userOrUserId instanceof User) me = (User) userOrUserId; else { me = User.getTL((Serializable) userOrUserId); MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "User.getTL() in MmowgliSessionGlobals.setUserIDTL()"); } userId = me.getId(); gameAdministrator = me.isAdministrator(); gameMaster = me.isGameMaster(); viewOnlyUser = me.isViewOnly(); userName = me.getUserName(); } public Serializable getUserID() { return userId; } @HibernateUserRead public User getUserTL() { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "User.getTL() in MmowgliSessionGlobals.getUserTL()"); return User.getTL(getUserID()); } @HibernateUserRead public User getUserLockedTL() { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "User.getTL() in MmowgliSessionGlobals.getUserTL()"); return User.getLockedTL(getUserID()); } public String getUserName() { return userName; } public String getUserLoginTimeData() { return loginTimeStamp; } public MediaLocator mediaLocator() { return mediaLoc; } public String getGameImagesUrl() { return AppMaster.instance().getGameImagesUrlString(); } public UI getFirstUI() { return firstUI; } public void setFirstUI(Mmowgli2UI ui) { firstUI = ui; } public UUID getUserSessionIdentifier() { return userSessionIdentifier; } public ScoreManager2 getScoreManager() { return scoreManager; } public int getSessionCount() { return AppMaster.instance().getSessionCount(); } public Object[][] getSessionCountByServer() { return AppMaster.instance().getSessionCountByServer(); } public void setLoggedIn(boolean b) { loggedIn = b; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return loggedIn; } public Object getPanelState(Object key) { return panelState.get(key); } public void setPanelState(Object key, Object val) { panelState.put(key, val); } public boolean isGameAdministrator() { return gameAdministrator; } public boolean isGameMaster() { return gameMaster; } public boolean isGameReadOnly() { return gameReadOnly; } public void setGameReadOnly(boolean wh) { gameReadOnly = wh; } private boolean isCardsReadOnly() { return cardsReadOnly | gameReadOnly; } private void setCardsReadOnly(boolean wh) { cardsReadOnly = wh; } private boolean isTopCardsReadOnly() { return topCardsReadOnly | gameReadOnly; } private void setTopCardsReadOnly(boolean wh) { topCardsReadOnly = wh; } public boolean isViewOnlyUser() { return viewOnlyUser; } private void setPriorActionPlansReadOnly(boolean wh) { priorActionPlansReadOnly = wh; } public boolean isPriorActionPlansReadOnly() { return priorActionPlansReadOnly; } public static class CardPermission { public boolean canCreate = true; public String whyNot = null; CardPermission(boolean canCreate, String whyNot) { this.canCreate = canCreate; this.whyNot = whyNot; } } public String whyCantCreateCard(boolean isTopCard) { return cardPermissionsCommon(isTopCard).whyNot; } public boolean canCreateCard(boolean isTopCard) { return cardPermissionsCommon(isTopCard).canCreate; } public CardPermission cardPermissionsCommon(boolean isTopCard) { if (isViewOnlyUser()) return new CardPermission(false, "View-only account cannot create cards"); if (isTopCard && isTopCardsReadOnly() && !isGameAdministrator()) return new CardPermission(false, "Adding top-level cards is disabled"); if (isGameReadOnly()) return new CardPermission(false, "Game is read-only"); if (isCardsReadOnly()) return new CardPermission(false, "Adding cards is disabled"); return new CardPermission(true, null); } /* * Something in the game object was changed */ @Override public boolean gameUpdatedExternallyTL(Object nullObj) { Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().setWindowTitle(HSess.get()); // Got a null ptr exception here once, so do some checking // Collection<UI> uis = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().getSession().getUIs(); Mmowgli2UI mui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); if (mui != null) { VaadinSession sess = mui.getSession(); if (sess != null) { Collection<UI> uis = sess.getUIs(); for (UI ui : uis) { if (ui instanceof Mmowgli2UI) { AppMenuBar menubar = ((Mmowgli2UI) ui).getMenuBar(); if (menubar != null) { // can be at start menubar.gameUpdatedExternallyTL(null); } } } } } setGameBooleans(Game.getTL()); return true; } public void setMessagingManager(MessagingManager2 mm) { messagingManager = mm; } public MessagingManager2 getMessagingManager() { return messagingManager; } public void vaadinSessionClosing() { MessagingManager2 mgr = getMessagingManager(); if (mgr != null) { mgr.unregisterSession(); mgr.killThread(); } } public void setGameBooleans(Game g) { setGameReadOnly(g.isReadonly()); setCardsReadOnly(g.isCardsReadonly()); setTopCardsReadOnly(g.isTopCardsReadonly()); setPriorActionPlansReadOnly(!g.isEditPriorMovesActionPlans()); MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "Session game globals set to game r/o:" + g.isReadonly() + " cards r/o:" + g.isCardsReadonly() + " top cards r/o:" + g.isTopCardsReadonly()); } private String returnBrowserType(WebBrowser webBr) { if (webBr.isFirefox()) { return "Firefox"; } if (webBr.isSafari()) { return "Safari"; } if (webBr.isIE()) { return "IE"; } if (webBr.isChrome()) { return "Chrome"; } if (webBr.isOpera()) { return "Opera"; } if (webBr.isLinux()) { return "Linux"; } if (webBr.isAndroid()) { return "Android"; } if (webBr.isIPhone()) { return "IPhone"; } if (webBr.isIPad()) { return "IPad"; } if (webBr.isIOS()) { return "IOS"; } return ""; } private String returnBrowserOS(WebBrowser webBr) { if (webBr.isAndroid()) { return "Android"; } if (webBr.isIOS()) { return "IOS"; } if (webBr.isIPad()) { return "IPad"; } if (webBr.isIPhone()) { return "IPhone"; } if (webBr.isLinux()) { return "Linux"; } if (webBr.isMacOSX()) { return "MacOSX"; } if (webBr.isWindows()) { return "Windows"; } if (webBr.isWindowsPhone()) { return "Windows Phone"; } return "Unknown OS/platform"; } public String getAlternateVideoUrlTL() { return getAlternateVideoUrl(HSess.get()); } public String getAlternateVideoUrl(Session sess) { Game g = Game.get(sess); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""); String acro = g.getAcronym(); if (acro == null || acro.isEmpty()) sb.append("game-wiki/-/wiki/PlayerResources/Video+Resources"); else { sb.append(acro); sb.append("-videos"); } return sb.toString(); } public void setCACInfo(CACData cData) { this.cacData = cData; } public CACData getCACInfo() { return cacData; } }