Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliConstants.*; import java.util.*; import org.getopt.luke.HighFreqTerms; import org.getopt.luke.TermInfo; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import; import; import; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MMessage; /** * Created on May 18, 2011 * * MOVES Institute Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ /** Sample usage: Collection<?> result = SearchManager.searchAll(new String[]{"Arlington","Minnesota"}); System.out.println("Got "+result.size()); Collection<?> resultc = SearchManager.searchCards(new String[]{"Arlington","Minnesota"}); System.out.println("Got "+resultc.size() + " cards"); Collection<?> resultu = SearchManager.searchUsers(new String[]{"Arlington","Minnesota"}); System.out.println("Got "+resultu.size() + " users"); */ public class SearchManager { public static Collection<?> searchAll(String[] terms) { Pkt pkt = _preAmble(); Collection<Card> retn = _searchCards(terms, pkt); Collection<User> retu = _searchUsers(terms, pkt); Collection<ActionPlan> retap = _searchActionPlans(terms, pkt); Vector<Object> v = new Vector<Object>(); v.addAll(retu); // first u v.addAll(retap);// then ap v.addAll(retn); // then cards _postAmble(pkt); return v; } public static TermInfo[] getHighFrequencyTerms() { /* TermInfo[] ta = HighFreqTerms.getHighFreqTerms(); for(TermInfo ti : ta) System.out.println("TermInfo: "+ti.term.toString()+" "+ti.docFreq); return ta; */ return HighFreqTerms.getHighFreqTerms(); } public static Collection<?> searchCards(String[] terms) { Pkt pkt = _preAmble(); Collection<?> retn = _searchCards(terms, pkt); _postAmble(pkt); return retn; } public static Collection<?> searchUsers(String[] terms) { Pkt pkt = _preAmble(); Collection<?> retn = _searchUsers(terms, pkt); _postAmble(pkt); return retn; } public static Collection<?> searchActionPlans(String[] terms) { Pkt pkt = _preAmble(); Collection<?> retn = _searchActionPlans(terms, pkt); _postAmble(pkt); return retn; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Collection<Card> _searchCards(String[] terms, Pkt pkt) { return (Collection<Card>) _searchClass(terms, Card.class, Card.CARD_SEARCH_FIELDS, pkt.ftSess); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Collection<User> _searchUsers(String[] terms, Pkt pkt) { return (Collection<User>) _searchClass(terms, User.class, User.USER_SEARCH_FIELDS, pkt.ftSess); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Collection<ActionPlan> _searchActionPlans(String[] terms, Pkt pkt) { return (Collection<ActionPlan>) _searchClass(terms, ActionPlan.class, ActionPlan.ACTIONPLAN_SEARCH_FIELDS, pkt.ftSess); } private static Collection<?> _searchClass(String[] terms, Class<?> cls, String[] fields, FullTextSession srSess) { StringBuilder allTerms = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : terms) { allTerms.append(s); allTerms.append(" "); } String termString = allTerms.toString().trim(); try { QueryBuilder qb = srSess.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(cls).get(); query = qb.keyword().onFields(fields).matching(termString).createQuery(); org.hibernate.Query hQuery = srSess.createFullTextQuery(query, cls); // Wrap lucene query in hibernate query return hQuery.list(); // execute search } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Caught exception when searching: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + t.getLocalizedMessage() + " search terms: " + termString); return new ArrayList<Object>(); // empty } } /** Messages from the inter-session message bus arrive here, sent from ApplicationMaster. Returns true if the message * needs to be resent. */ public static boolean indexObjectFromMessageTL(char messageType, String message) { // Message type tags are defined in ApplicationConstants. C=new card, U = new user, // u = modified user. Right now we index cards and users. switch (messageType) { case NEW_CARD: //C': Long cardId = MMessage.MMParse(messageType, message).id; Card aCard = Card.getTL(cardId); SearchManager.indexHibernateObject(aCard, HSess.get()); break; case NEW_USER: //'U': case UPDATED_USER: //'u': Long userId = MMessage.MMParse(messageType, message).id; User aUser = User.getTL(userId); SearchManager.indexHibernateObject(aUser, HSess.get()); break; case NEW_ACTIONPLAN: case UPDATED_ACTIONPLAN: Long apId = MMessage.MMParse(messageType, message).id; ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); SearchManager.indexHibernateObject(ap, HSess.get()); break; default: break; } return false; } /** * Given a new object that has the hibernate search annotation "@Indexed" present, * add it to the existing index. The index is initially created at startup, and * this incrementally adds a new object to the existing index. If the object does * not implement the annotation, or is null, the exception is swallowed and nothing * happens, other than an error message. The indexing operation is pretty fast, a * ms or less, for a single object. * @param newObject */ public static void indexHibernateObject(Object newObject, Session session) { // Note that we do not want to use the default sessions associated with // Pre and Post here. try { FullTextSession srSess = Search.getFullTextSession(session); //Transaction srTx = srSess.beginTransaction(); //don't because it appears to be handled differently in Lucene TransactionalWorker, and transaction gets auto committed anyway srSess.index(newObject); //srTx.commit(); // ditto } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException badArg) { // This is thrown if the object passed in is null, or does not use the // @Indexed hibernate search annotation. As of this writing, Card and User use the // @Indexed annotation. System.err.println("Object to be Lucene-indexed does not implement the @Indexed annotation, ignored"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e); System.out.println("Unable to Lucene-index object, ignoring"); } } private static Pkt _preAmble() { Session sess = VHib.getSessionFactory().openSession(); FullTextSession srSess = Search.getFullTextSession(sess); Transaction srTx = srSess.beginTransaction(); srTx.setTimeout(HIBERNATE_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS); return new Pkt(sess, srSess, srTx); } private static void _postAmble(Pkt pkt) { pkt.trans.commit(); pkt.sess.close(); } private static class Pkt { public Session sess; public FullTextSession ftSess; public Transaction trans; public Pkt(Session sess, FullTextSession ftSess, Transaction trans) { this.sess = sess; this.ftSess = ftSess; this.trans = trans; } } /* * Original test code * //String[]{"Minnesota","Arlington"}); // First try for search // Build index // This would be done on application load Session sess = HibernateContainers.sessionFactory.openSession(); // Now here's how we search FullTextSession srSess = Search.getFullTextSession(sess); Transaction srTx = srSess.beginTransaction(); todo HIBERNATE_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS QueryBuilder qb = srSess.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Card.class).get(); query = qb.keyword().onField("text").matching("Minnesota").createQuery(); // Wrap lucene query in hibernate query org.hibernate.Query hQuery = srSess.createFullTextQuery(query, Card.class); // execute search List<?> result = hQuery.list(); qb = srSess.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(User.class).get(); query = qb.keyword().onField("location").matching("Arlington").createQuery(); hQuery = srSess.createFullTextQuery(query, User.class); result.addAll(hQuery.list()); System.out.println("Got "+result.size()); srTx.commit(); sess.close(); return result; */ }