Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliConstants.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import*; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.*; import com.vaadin.shared.Version; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.Transport; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.cache.MCacheManager; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.BadgeManager; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.KeepAliveManager; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.export.ReportGenerator; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.VHib; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.VHibPii; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.imageServer.ImageServlet; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateClosed; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.HibernateOpened; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.InterTomcatIO; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MMessagePacket; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.gamemaster.GameEventLogger; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.scoring.ScoreManager2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer.MSysOut; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgliMobile.MmowgliMobileVaadinServlet; /** * Created on Jan 22, 2014 * * MOVES Institute Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class AppMaster { private ServletContext servletContext; //private InstancePollerThread instancePollerThread; private MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer miscTimer; private BadgeManager badgeManager; private MailManager mailManager; private MCacheManager mCacheManager; private ReportGenerator reportGenerator; private String appUrlString = ""; // gets setup before any logons, then // completed on first login private URL appUrl; private KeepAliveManager keepAliveManager; private VHib vaadinHibernate; private VHibPii piiHibernate; private AppMasterMessaging appMasterMessaging; private String gameImagesUrlString; private String userImagesFileSystemPath; private String userImagesUrlString; private URL userImagesUrl; private ClusterMasterController clusterMasterMaster; public static int sysOutLogLevel = 0; //ALL_LOGS; static { //sysOutLogLevel |= BROADCASTER_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= BADGEMANAGER_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= CARD_UPDATE_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= DB_LISTENER_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= HIBERNATE_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= HIBERNATE_SESSION_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= MCACHE_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= MESSAGING_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= PUSH_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= TICK_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= USER_UPDATE_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= SYSTEM_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= ACTIONPLAN_UPDATE_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= REPORT_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= JMS_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= ERROR_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= MISC_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= MAIL_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= MOBILE_LOGS; sysOutLogLevel |= NEWUSER_CREATION_LOGS; //sysOutLogLevel |= DEBUG_LOGS; MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "System log level = " + sysOutLogLevel); } private static AppMaster myInstance = null; private static boolean initted = false; public static AppMaster instance(VaadinServlet servlet, ServletContext context) { if (myInstance == null) { myInstance = new AppMaster(servlet, context); myInstance.init2(); } return myInstance; } public static AppMaster instance() { if (myInstance == null) throw new RuntimeException("AppMaster must be initialized from servlet"); return myInstance; } private AppMaster(VaadinServlet vservlet, ServletContext context) { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "Running Vaadin " + Version.getFullVersion()); servletContext = context; setConstants(); appMasterMessaging = new AppMasterMessaging(this); new MmowgliEncryption(context); // initializes the singleton trustAllCerts(); mailManager = new MailManager(); } // called after the instance variable is set up private void init2() { // JMS keep-alive monitor Long keepAliveInterval = null; String kaIntv = servletContext.getInitParameter(WEB_XML_JMS_KEEPALIVE_KEY); if (kaIntv != null) { try { keepAliveInterval = Long.parseLong(kaIntv); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Bad format for long jmsKeepAliveIntervalMS in web.xml"); } } keepAliveManager = new KeepAliveManager(this, keepAliveInterval); // latter maybe null miscTimer = new MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer(); } //@formatter:off private ClusterMasterController buildClusterMaster() { String arbiter = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_CLUSTERMASTER_ARBITER_KEY); if (arbiter == null) return new ClusterMasterController.SingleDeployment(); String fullClassName = ClusterMasterController.class.getName(); Class<?> arbiterCls = null; try { arbiterCls = Class.forName(fullClassName + "$" + arbiter); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } if (arbiterCls == null) { try { arbiterCls = Class.forName(arbiter); // for grins } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { MSysOut.println(ERROR_LOGS, "ClusterMasterArbiter class not found, using SingleDeployment instead"); return new ClusterMasterController.SingleDeployment(); } } // Here if we found a class to work with ClusterMasterController cntl; try { Constructor<?> constr = arbiterCls.getConstructor((Class<?>[]) null); cntl = (ClusterMasterController) constr.newInstance((Object[]) null); return cntl; } catch (Exception ex) { MSysOut.println(ERROR_LOGS, "Could not instantiate ClusterMasterArbiter, using SingleDeployment instead"); return new ClusterMasterController.SingleDeployment(); } } //@formatter:on public boolean amIClusterMaster() { return clusterMasterMaster.amIMaster(); } public String getMasterLockPath() { String s = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_CLUSTERMASTER_LOCK_PATH_KEY); if (s != null) { s = replaceTokens(s); } return s; } public String getInitParameter(String s) { String ret = servletContext.getInitParameter(s); MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "Web.xml key " + s + " returns " + ret); return ret; } private void tweekPushTransport() { String transportstr = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_PUSH_TRANSPORT_KEY); if (transportstr != null) { try { PUSHTRANSPORT = Enum.valueOf(Transport.class, transportstr.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { for (Transport tr : Transport.values()) { if (tr.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(transportstr)) { PUSHTRANSPORT = tr; return; } } System.err.println("************Bad value for config-parameter 'transport'=" + transportstr + "************************"); } } } private void setConstants() { VAADIN_BUILD_VERSION = Version.getFullVersion(); // 7.3.0 String s = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_SMTP_HOST_KEY); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) MmowgliConstants.SMTP_HOST = s; //@formatter:off JMS_INTERNODE_URL = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_JMS_URL_KEY); JMS_INTERNODE_TOPIC = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_JMS_TOPIC_KEY); DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN_KEY); GAME_URL_TOKEN = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_GAME_URL_TOKEN_KEY); DEPLOYMENT = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_DEPLOYMENT_KEY); GAME_IMAGES_URL_RAW = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_GAME_IMAGES_URL_KEY); USER_IMAGES_URL_RAW = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_USER_IMAGES_URL_KEY); USER_IMAGES_FILESYSTEM_PATH_RAW = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_USER_IMAGES_FILESYSTEM_PATH_KEY); REPORTS_FILESYSTEM_PATH_RAW = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_REPORTS_FILESYSTEM_PATH_KEY); REPORTS_URL_RAW = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_REPORTS_URL_KEY); REPORT_TO_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX = getInitParameter(WEB_XML_REPORTS_TO_IMAGES_RELATIVE_PATH_PREFIX); //@formatter:on REPORTS_FILESYSTEM_PATH = replaceTokens(REPORTS_FILESYSTEM_PATH_RAW); new File(REPORTS_FILESYSTEM_PATH).mkdirs(); userImagesFileSystemPath = replaceTokens(USER_IMAGES_FILESYSTEM_PATH_RAW); computeUrls(); tweekPushTransport(); setClamScanConstants(servletContext); try { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(MMOWGLI_BUILD_PROPERTIES_PATH); Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(is); MMOWGLI_BUILD_ID = prop.getProperty(MMOWGLI_BUILD_ID_KEY); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Build id could not be retrieved: " + ioe.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // This is also done later, because the appUrlString can't be gotten in V7 until page is opened. private void computeUrls() { REPORTS_URL = replaceTokens(REPORTS_URL_RAW); gameImagesUrlString = replaceTokens(GAME_IMAGES_URL_RAW); userImagesUrlString = replaceTokens(USER_IMAGES_URL_RAW); } private String replaceTokens(String s) { String ret = s.replace(DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN, DEPLOYMENT); return ret.replace(GAME_URL_TOKEN, appUrlString); } public MailManager getMailManager() { return mailManager; } public String getAppUrlString() { return appUrlString; } public URL getAppUrl() { return appUrl; } public void oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI() { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "AppMaster.oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI()"); if (appUrlString == null || appUrlString.length() <= 0) { try { URL url = Page.getCurrent().getLocation().toURL(); url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getFile()); //lose any query bit appUrl = url; appUrlString = url.toString(); if (appUrlString.endsWith("/") || appUrlString.endsWith("\\")) appUrlString = appUrlString.substring(0, appUrlString.length() - 1); computeUrls(); MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "AppMaster.oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI() url set to " + appUrlString); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { System.err.println("Can't form App URL in AppMaster.oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI()"); } } else { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "AppMaster.oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI() url already set, currently: " + appUrlString); } } // todo combine, public static String getUrlString() { String rets = null; try { URL url = Page.getCurrent().getLocation().toURL(); if (url.getPort() == 80 || url.getPort() == 443) url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getFile()); //lose any query bit else url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getFile()); String urlString = url.toString(); if (urlString.endsWith("/") || urlString.endsWith("\\")) urlString = urlString.substring(0, urlString.length() - 1); rets = urlString; } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { System.err.println("Can't form App URL in AppMaster.oneTimeSetAppUrlFromUI()"); } return rets; } public void init(ServletContext context) { piiHibernate = VHibPii.instance(); piiHibernate.init(context); vaadinHibernate = VHib.instance(); vaadinHibernate.init(context); vaadinHibernate.installDataBaseListeners(); mCacheManager = MCacheManager.instance(); clusterMasterMaster = buildClusterMaster(); // can be a race here handleClusterMaster(amIClusterMaster()); // and here GameEventLogger.logApplicationLaunch(); startThreads(); initted = true; MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "Out of AppMaster.init"); } public static boolean isInitted() { return initted; } private Object clusterMasterSyncher = new Object(); // must sync because the zookeeper listener can jump in private boolean oneTimeTasksDone = false; private boolean changedTasksDone = false; public void handleClusterMaster(boolean itsMe) { synchronized (clusterMasterSyncher) { if (itsMe) { if (!oneTimeTasksDone) { doClusterMasterOneTimeTasks(); oneTimeTasksDone = true; } if (!changedTasksDone) { doClusterMasterChangedTasks(); changedTasksDone = true; } } else { if (changedTasksDone) { undoClusterMasterChangedTasks(); changedTasksDone = false; } } } } private void doClusterMasterOneTimeTasks() { handleMoveSwitchScoring(); } private void doClusterMasterChangedTasks() { startBadgeManager(); startAutomaticReportGeneration(); } private void undoClusterMasterChangedTasks() { stopBadgeManager(); stopAutomaticReportGeneration(); } /** * Called after the db has been setup; We need to read game table to see if we * should be the badgemanager among clusters. */ public void startBadgeManager() { badgeManager = new BadgeManager(this); MSysOut.println(BADGEMANAGER_LOGS, "Badge Manager instantiated on " + AppMaster.instance().getServerName()); // miscStartup(context); } public void stopBadgeManager() { if (badgeManager != null) badgeManager.kill(); badgeManager = null; MSysOut.println(BADGEMANAGER_LOGS, "Badge Manager killed on " + AppMaster.instance().getServerName()); } public void startAutomaticReportGeneration() { reportGenerator = new ReportGenerator(this); MSysOut.println(REPORT_LOGS, "Report generator launched on " + AppMaster.instance().getServerName()); } public void stopAutomaticReportGeneration() { if (reportGenerator != null) reportGenerator.kill(); reportGenerator = null; MSysOut.println(REPORT_LOGS, "Report generator killed on " + AppMaster.instance().getServerName()); } /** * This puts all scores from the userscore/move table into the basicScore field in the user object. They are duplicates, but the * one in the table is required for table sorting. * Done once per startup only on cluster master * @param context */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleMoveSwitchScoring() { HSess.init(); Game game = (Game) HSess.get().get(Game.class, 1L); if (game.getCurrentMove().getNumber() != game.getLastMove().getNumber()) { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "AppMaster setting up user points for new move number " + game.getCurrentMove().getNumber()); List<User> users = (List<User>) HSess.get().createCriteria(User.class).list(); for (User u : users) { u.setBasicScoreOnly(ScoreManager2.getBasicPointsFromCurrentMove(u, HSess.get())); // needed for table sorting u.setInnovationScoreOnly(ScoreManager2.getInnovPointsFromCurrentMove(u, HSess.get())); HSess.get().update(u); } game.setLastMove(game.getCurrentMove()); HSess.get().update(game); } HSess.close(); } private void startThreads() { getInterNodeIO(); // may fail will get retried in sender thread // poller no longer used with new session report // instancePollerThread = new InstancePollerThread("Instance Poller"); // instancePollerThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); // instancePollerThread.setDaemon(true); // allow tomcat to kill the app w/ no // // warnings // instancePollerThread.start(); } private void trustAllCerts() { // Lifted from // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { @Override public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } @Override public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } } }; // Install the all-trusting trust manager try { SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error installing \"All-trusting SSL trust manager\" : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " / " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public String getServerName() { String name = "unknown"; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); name = addr.getHostName(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Can't look up host name in ApplicationMaster"); } return name; } private void setClamScanConstants(ServletContext context) { PATH_TO_CLAMSCAN_VIRUS_SCANNER = context.getInitParameter(WEB_XML_CLAMSCAN_VIRUS_SCANNER_PATH); if (PATH_TO_CLAMSCAN_VIRUS_SCANNER == null) return; String argKEY = WEB_XML_CLAMSCAN_ARGUMENT; String arg = context.getInitParameter(argKEY); if (arg == null) return; Vector<String> vec = new Vector<String>(); vec.add(arg); int i = 1; while ((arg = context.getInitParameter(argKEY + i)) != null) { vec.add(arg); i++; } CLAMSCAN_ARGUMENTS = vec.toArray(new String[vec.size()]); } public boolean sendJmsMessage(char jmskeepalive, String serializeMsg) { return true; // todo V7 } /* May return null if can't do it yet */ public InterTomcatIO getInterNodeIO() { return appMasterMessaging.getInterTomcatIO(); } public MCacheManager getMcache() { return mCacheManager; } public BadgeManager getBadgeManager() { return badgeManager; } public KeepAliveManager getKeepAliveManager() { return keepAliveManager; } public MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer getMiscTimer() { return miscTimer; } /* * Instance message format: servername, clientip, "userid " userid, uuid * Not used with new session report */ /* class InstancePollerThread extends Thread { public boolean killed = false; public InstancePollerThread(String name) { super(name); getInterNodeIO().addReceiver(new JmsReceiver() { @Override public boolean handleIncomingTomcatMessageTL(MMessagePacket pkt) { if (pkt.msgType == INSTANCEREPORT) { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS,"Instance report received: " + pkt.msg); AppMaster.this.logPollReport(pkt.msg); } return false; } @Override public void handleIncomingTomcatMessageEventBurstCompleteTL() { } }); } @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(INSTANCEPOLLERINTVERVAL_MS); // 5 minutes InterTomcatIO sessIO = getInterNodeIO(); if (sessIO != null) { AppMaster me = AppMaster.instance(); MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS,me.getServerName() + " ApplicationMaster requesting instances to respond with \"YES-IM_AWAKE\""); AppMaster.this.resetPollReports(); // sessIO.send(INSTANCEREPORTCOMMAND, AppMaster.getServerName() + // "\n","");// add EOMessage token Broadcaster.broadcast(new MMessagePacket(INSTANCEREPORTCOMMAND, me.getServerName() + "\n", "", // ui_id "", // session_id me.getServerName())); // tomcat_id } } catch (InterruptedException intEx) { if (killed) return; else ; // System.out.println("Thread interrupted but not killed"); just got nudged } } } } private HashSet<PollReport> pollReports = new HashSet<PollReport>(); private Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("(.*),(.*),(.*),\\s*userid\\s*(.*)"); private void logPollReport(String msg) { Matcher m = regex.matcher(msg); if (m.matches()) { if (m.groupCount() == 4) { String svr =; String brw =; String ip =; String uid =; uid = uid.equals("-1") ? "--" : uid; // String uuid =; synchronized (pollReports) { pollReports.add(new PollReport(svr, brw, ip, uid));// ,uuid)); } return; } } System.err.println("Poll report format error: " + msg); } public String[][] getPollReport() { synchronized (pollReports) { String[][] oa = new String[pollReports.size()][]; int count = pollReports.size(); int i = 0; Iterator<PollReport> itr = pollReports.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext() && i < count) { PollReport pr =; oa[i++] = new String[] { pr.server, pr.browser, pr.clientIP, pr.userid }; } return oa; } } private void resetPollReports() { synchronized (pollReports) { pollReports.clear(); ; } } class PollReport { public String server; public String clientIP; public String userid; public String browser; public PollReport(String server, String browser, String clientIP, String userid) { this.server = server; this.browser = browser; this.clientIP = clientIP; this.userid = userid; } } */ // Called from AppMasterMessaging on receipt of a rebuild_reports message public void pokeReportGenerator() { if (reportGenerator != null) { MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "AppMaster.pokeReportGenerator()"); reportGenerator.poke(); } } // Called from the Game Admin menu to get the reports to be be rebuild public void requestPublishReportsTL() { if (reportGenerator != null) // if we're the master... reportGenerator.poke(); else appMasterMessaging.doRebuildReportsRequestTL(); // sends requests to other AppMasters } public static String getAlternateVideoUrlTL() { return getAlternateVideoUrl(HSess.get()); } public static String getAlternateVideoUrl(Session sess) { Game g = Game.get(sess); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""); String acro = g.getAcronym(); if (acro == null || acro.length() <= 0) sb.append("game-wiki/-/wiki/PlayerResources/Video+Resources"); else { sb.append(acro); sb.append("-videos"); } return sb.toString(); } public String getGameImagesUrlString() { return gameImagesUrlString; } public URL getUserImagesUrl() { if (userImagesUrl == null) getUserImagesUrlString(); // this builds it return userImagesUrl; } public String getUserImagesUrlString() { try { if (userImagesUrlString.contains(GAME_URL_TOKEN)) { URL url = Page.getCurrent().getLocation().toURL(); url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getFile()); String gameUrl = url.toString(); if (gameUrl.endsWith("/")) gameUrl = gameUrl.substring(0, gameUrl.length() - 1); userImagesUrlString = userImagesUrlString.replace(GAME_URL_TOKEN, gameUrl); } userImagesUrl = new URL(userImagesUrlString); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { System.err.println("** Error constructing user images url from:" + userImagesUrlString); } return userImagesUrlString; } public String getUserImagesFileSystemPath() { return userImagesFileSystemPath; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getMobileQRUrlStringTL() { String rets = "errorInAppMaster.getMobileQRUrlStringTL()"; // error default try { rets = ImageServlet.getBaseImageUrl().toURI().toString() + MOBILE_QR_IMAGE_NAME; List<Image> iLis = HSess.get().createCriteria(Image.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("name", MOBILE_QR_IMAGE_NAME)).list(); if (iLis == null || iLis.size() <= 0) { createQrImageTL(); } else { Image img = iLis.get(0); if (!img.getDescription().equals(MmowgliMobileVaadinServlet.getBaseMobileUrl().toExternalForm())) { // deployment url has changed Image.deleteTL(img); createQrImageTL(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Program error in AppMaster.getMobileQRUrlStringTL(): " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "/ " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } return rets; } private void createQrImageTL() throws WriterException, IOException { Image imgObj = new Image(MOBILE_QR_IMAGE_NAME, MOBILE_QR_IMAGE_MIMETYPE); QRCodeWriter writer = new QRCodeWriter(); HashMap<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = new HashMap<>(); hints.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L); hints.put(EncodeHintType.MARGIN, 4); String url = MmowgliMobileVaadinServlet.getBaseMobileUrl().toExternalForm(); BitMatrix bm = writer.encode(url, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 550, 550, hints); BufferedImage bi = MatrixToImageWriter.toBufferedImage(bm); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(bi, MOBILE_QR_IMAGE_FILETYPE, baos); baos.flush(); imgObj.setBytes(baos.toByteArray()); imgObj.setDescription(url); Image.saveTL(imgObj); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Media> lis = HSess.get().createCriteria(Media.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("source", Media.Source.DATABASE)).add(Restrictions.eq("url", imgObj.getName())) .list(); if (lis != null) { for (Media m : lis) Media.deleteTL(m); } Media media = new Media(); media.setDescription(imgObj.getName() + " in db"); media.setSource(Media.Source.DATABASE); media.setUrl(imgObj.getName()); media.setType(Media.MediaType.IMAGE); Media.saveTL(media); } /** * Called from the servlet listener, which keeps track of our myInstance count * * @param sessCount */ public void doSessionCountUpdate(int sessCount) { appMasterMessaging.doSessionCountUpdate(sessCount); } public int getSessionCount() { return appMasterMessaging.getSessionCount(); } public Object[][] getSessionCountByServer() { return appMasterMessaging.getSessionCountByServer(); } public void incomingDatabaseEvent(final MMessagePacket mMessagePacket) { appMasterMessaging.incomingDatabaseEvent(mMessagePacket); } /* This is where database listener messages come in */ public void sendToOtherNodes(MMessagePacket mMessagePacket) { appMasterMessaging.handleIncomingSessionMessage(mMessagePacket); } public String getReportsUrl() { return REPORTS_URL; } /* This is intended to be used before redeploying */ public void killAllSessionsAndTellOtherNodesTL() { killAllSessionsTL(); appMasterMessaging.sendKillAllSessionsCommand(); } public void killAllSessionsTL() { GameLinks links = GameLinks.getTL(); String thanks = links.getThanksForPlayingLink(); synchronized (sessionsInThisMmowgliNode) { Iterator<VaadinSession> itr = sessionsInThisMmowgliNode.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { VaadinSession sess =; for (UI ui : sess.getUIs()) { ui.getPage().setLocation(thanks); ui.close(); } sess.close(); } } } public void pushPingAllSessionsInThisClusterNode() { synchronized (sessionsInThisMmowgliNode) { Iterator<VaadinSession> itr = sessionsInThisMmowgliNode.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { VaadinSession sess =; for (final UI ui : sess.getUIs()) { if (!ui.isClosing() && ui instanceof Mmowgli2UI) { ui.access(new Runnable() { public void run() { ((Mmowgli2UI) ui).pingPush(); ui.push(); // empty push to keep connection alive over Akamai MSysOut.println(TICK_LOGS, "Keep alive push, ui " + ui.hashCode()); } }); } } } } } private Set<VaadinSession> sessionsInThisMmowgliNode = Collections .synchronizedSet(new HashSet<VaadinSession>()); // The synchronized blocks below protect concurrent access to the hashset private void removeVaadinSession(VaadinSession sess) { synchronized (sessionsInThisMmowgliNode) { sessionsInThisMmowgliNode.remove(sess); } } private synchronized void addVaadinSession(VaadinSession sess) { synchronized (sessionsInThisMmowgliNode) { sessionsInThisMmowgliNode.add(sess); } } /** * Called from servlet */ public void logSessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) { addVaadinSession(event.getSession()); sendMySessionReport(); } /** * Called from servlet * Might be entered as a result of session.close() from controller, in which case we're mostly done. */ @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void sessionEndingFromTimeoutOrLogout(MmowgliSessionGlobals globs, VaadinSession sess) { globs.stopping = true; Object key = HSess.checkInit(); removeVaadinSession(sess); sendMySessionReport(); if (!globs.loggingOut) { // Try to do this, but check...the User.get has been generating some misc errors try { Serializable id = globs.getUserID(); if (id != null) { User u = globs.getUserTL(); if (u != null) GameEventLogger.logSessionTimeoutL(u); } } catch (Throwable t) { MSysOut.println(ERROR_LOGS, "Error logging Session timeout, probably trying to use db: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } HSess.checkClose(key); } public void sendMySessionReport() { appMasterMessaging.doSessionReportBroadcast(getLocalNodeReportRaw()); } /******* Player reports *********/ /* public synchronized String getCompletePlayerReportHTML() { //String s = getCompletePlayerReport(); // temp return getSinglePlayerReportHTML(); } */ /* public synchronized String getCompletePlayerReport() { return null; //todo } */ public synchronized StringBuilder getCompletePlayerReportRaw() { String[][] sa = appMasterMessaging.getSessionReportsByServer(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String[] row : sa) { sb.append(row[0]); // servername sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER); sb.append(row[1]); // report sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER); } return sb; } private String reportHTMLpre = "<html><head><style>td{padding:10px;}table {font-family:'Trebuchet MS',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;border:1px solid darkgrey;background-color:#CCCCCC;}</style></head><body><table><tr><td>"; private String reportHTMLpost = "</td></tr></table>"; public synchronized String getSinglePlayerReportHTML() { String s = getLocalNodeReport(); s = s.replace(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER, "</td><td>"); s = s.replace(SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER, "</td></tr><tr><td>"); return reportHTMLpre + s + reportHTMLpost; } public synchronized String getLocalNodeReport() { StringBuilder sb = getLocalNodeReportRaw(); sb.insert(0, getSessionReportHeader()); sb.insert(0, getServerName() + SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER); return sb.toString(); } int nuts = 0; public String getSessionReportHeader() { return "<b>Server</b>\t<b>User</b>\t<b>ID</b>\t<b>Start</b>\t<b>IP</b>\t<b>Browser</b>\t<b>Version</b>\t<b>OS</b>" + SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER; } public synchronized StringBuilder getLocalNodeReportRaw() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); synchronized (sessionsInThisMmowgliNode) { // Synchronized to protect hashset Iterator<VaadinSession> itr = sessionsInThisMmowgliNode.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { VaadinSession sess =; MmowgliSessionGlobals sGlobs = sess.getAttribute(MmowgliSessionGlobals.class); // empty first is servername sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); // " User "); String uname = sGlobs.getUserName(); sb.append(uname.length() <= 0 ? "not logged in" : uname); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); Serializable id = sGlobs.getUserID(); sb.append(id == null ? " " : id); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); // " at "); sb.append(sGlobs.getUserLoginTimeData()); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); // " from "); sb.append(sGlobs.getBrowserAddress()); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); // " using "); sb.append(sGlobs.getBrowserMiniType()); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); sb.append(sGlobs.getBrowserMajorVersionString()); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_FIELD_DELIMITER); sb.append(sGlobs.getBrowserOS()); sb.append(SESSION_REPORT_ITEM_DELIMITER); } } return sb; } public static int SESS_RPT_SERVER_COLUMN = 0; public static int SESS_RPT_NAME_COLUMN = 1; public static int SESS_RPT_ID_COLUMN = 2; public static int SESS_RPT_START_COLUMN = 3; public static int SESS_RPT_IP_COLUMN = 4; public static int SESS_RPT_BROWSER_COLUMN = 5; public static int SESS_RPT_VERSION_COLUMN = 6; public static int SESS_RPT_OS_COLUMN = 7; public static int SESSION_REPORT_MAX_WIDTH = 8; }