Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliConstants.*; import java.util.Collection; import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewProvider; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.HtmlLabel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.Leaderboard; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.SignupsTable; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.export.ActionPlanExporter; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.export.CardExporter; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.export.GameExporter; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MMessagePacket; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MessagingManager2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.MessagingManager2.MMMessageListener2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.actionplans.ActionDashboard; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.actionplans.ActionPlanPage2; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.actionplans.HowToWinActionPopup; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.administration.GameDesignPanel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.administration.VipListManager; import*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.gamemaster.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.maps.LeafletMap; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.registrationlogin.RegistrationPageBase; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.userprofile.UserProfilePage3; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.BrowserWindowOpener; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.IDButtonIF; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.MiscellaneousMmowgliTimer.MSysOut; /** * * Created on Mar 6, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public abstract class AbstractMmowgliController implements MmowgliController, MMMessageListener2 { private boolean initted = false; //private Navigator navigator; private AbstractMmowgliControllerHelper helper; public AbstractMmowgliController() { if (!initted) { init(); initted = true; } } public void init() { helper = new AbstractMmowgliControllerHelper(); } public void setupNavigator(Navigator nav) { nav.addProvider(new MyViewProvider()); nav.addView("", CallToActionPage.class); // to start with nav.setErrorProvider(new MyErrorViewProvider()); } public void miscEventTL(AppEvent appEvent) { MmowgliEvent mEv = appEvent.getEvent(); Object param = appEvent.getData(); Mmowgli2UI ui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); ActionPlan ap; switch (mEv) { case ACTIONPLANSHOWCLICK: if (param instanceof Long) ap = ActionPlan.getTL((Long) param); else { ap = (ActionPlan) param; ap = ActionPlan.mergeTL(ap); // dif session } if (ap == null) { System.err.println("ACTIONPLANSHOWCLICK with invalid id: " + param); break; } ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, param)); break; case CARDCLICK: Card c = Card.getTL(param); if (c == null) { System.err.println("CARDCLICK with invalid card id: " + param); // I'd like to remove the fragment, probably by emulating the browser button break; } ui.navigateTo(appEvent);// how about sending along the component break; case CARDCHAINPOPUPCLICK: CardChainTreeTablePopup chainpopup = new CardChainTreeTablePopup(appEvent.getData());; Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().addWindow(chainpopup); // does initGui() internally break; case SHOWUSERPROFILECLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, param)); break; case CARDAUTHORCLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(MmowgliEvent.SHOWUSERPROFILECLICK, ui, param)); break; case TAKEACTIONCLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, param)); break; default: MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "TODO, AbstractMmowgliController.miscEvent(): " + mEv.toString()); } } @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void menuClick(MmowgliEvent mEv, MenuBar menubar) { HSess.init(); Mmowgli2UI ui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); switch (mEv) { case MENUGAMEMASTERUSERADMIN: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(MmowgliEvent.MENUGAMEMASTERUSERADMIN, ui, null)); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERABOUTMMOWGLI: helper.handleAboutMmowgli(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERACTIVECOUNTCLICK: helper.handleShowActiveUsersActionTL(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERACTIVECOUNTBYSERVERCLICK: helper.handleShowActiveUsersPerServer(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERACTIVEPLAYERREPORTCLICK: helper.handleShowPlayerReport(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERMONITOREVENTS: EventMonitorPanel mpan = new EventMonitorPanel(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().setFrameContent(mpan); mpan.initGui(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERPOSTCOMMENT: helper.handleGMCommentAction(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERBROADCAST: helper.handleMessageBroadcastAction(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERBROADCASTTOGMS: helper.handleGMBroadcastAction(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERBLOGHEADLINE: helper.handleSetBlogHeadlineAction(menubar); break; // case MENUGAMEMASTERUSERPOLLINGCLICK: // helper.handleShowPollingResults(menubar); // break; case MENUGAMEMASTERCARDCOUNTCLICK: helper.handleShowNumberCardsActionTL(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERTOTALREGISTEREDUSERS: helper.handleShowTotalRegisteredTL(menubar); break; case MENUGAMEADMINPUBLISHREPORTS: helper.handlePublishReportsTL(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINEXPORTACTIONPLANS: new ActionPlanExporter().exportAllPlansToBrowser("Export ActionPlans"); break; case MENUGAMEMASTER_EXPORT_SELECTED_CARD: Component cmp = ui.getFrameContent(); if (cmp != null && cmp instanceof CardChainPage) { Object cId = ((CardChainPage) cmp).getCardId(); new CardExporter().exportSingleCardTreeToBrowserTL("Card " + cId.toString() + " chain", cId); break; } //else fall through case MENUGAMEADMINEXPORTCARDS: new CardExporter().exportCardTreeToBrowserTL("Export Card Tree"); break; case MENUGAMEMASTEROPENREPORTSPAGE: String url = AppMaster.instance().getReportsUrl(); //if(!url.endsWith("/")) // url = url+"/";; //+"reports"); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_EXPORTGAMESETTINGS: new GameExporter().exportToBrowser("Game Design"); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_BUILDGAMECLICK_READONLY: case MENUGAMEADMIN_BUILDGAMECLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, null)); break; case MENUGAMEMASTER_EXPORT_SELECTED_ACTIONPLAN: helper.exportSelectedActionPlan(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINLOGINLIMIT: helper.handleLoginLimitActionTL(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETCARDSREADWRITE: helper.setCardsTL(false, GameEvent.EventType.CARDSREADWRITE); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETCARDSREADONLY: helper.setCardsTL(true, GameEvent.EventType.CARDSREADWRITE); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETGAMEREADWRITE: helper.setGameTL(false, GameEvent.EventType.GAMEREADWRITE); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETGAMEREADONLY: helper.setGameTL(true, GameEvent.EventType.GAMEREADONLY); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETTOPCARDSREADONLY: helper.setTopCardsTL(true, GameEvent.EventType.TOPCARDSREADONLY); break; case MENUGAMEADMINSETTOPCARDSREADWRITE: helper.setTopCardsTL(false, GameEvent.EventType.TOPCARDSREADWRITE); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_START_EMAILCONFIRMATION: helper.setEmailConfirmationTL(true, GameEvent.EventType.GAMEEMAILCONFIRMATIONSTART); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_END_EMAILCONFIRMATION: helper.setEmailConfirmationTL(false, GameEvent.EventType.GAMEEMAILCONFIRMATIONEND); case MENUGAMEADMINMANAGESIGNUPS: SignupsTable.showDialog("Manage Signups"); break; case MENUGAMEADMINDUMPSIGNUPS: helper.handleDumpSignupsTL(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERADDTOVIPLIST: new VipListManager().add(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERVIEWVIPLIST: new VipListManager().view(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINDUMPEMAILS: helper.handleDumpEmailsTL(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINDUMPGAMEMASTERS: helper.handleDumpGameMasterEmailsTL(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERCREATEACTIONPLAN: helper.handleCreateActionPlanTL(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERINVITEAUTHORSCLICK: AddAuthorEventHandler.inviteAuthorsToActionPlan(); break; case MENUGAMEADMINKILLALLSESSIONS: helper.handleKillAllSessions(); break; default: MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "TODO, AbstractMmowgliController.menuEvent(): " + mEv); } HSess.close(); } @HibernateOpened public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (!(event.getButton() instanceof IDButtonIF)) throw new RuntimeException( "Programming error, AbstractMmowgliController.buttonClick() expets IDButtons"); Object key = HSess.checkInit(); IDButtonIF butt = (IDButtonIF) event.getButton(); MmowgliEvent mEv = butt.getEvent(); Object param = butt.getParam(); // maybe null Mmowgli2UI ui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); GameLinks gl; switch (mEv) { case HOWTOWINACTIONCLICK: HowToWinActionPopup winPopup = new HowToWinActionPopup("How to Win the Action"); //No hib RegistrationPageBase.openPopupWindow(UI.getCurrent(), winPopup, 650); break; case IMPROVESCORECLICK: gl = GameLinks.getTL();, PORTALTARGETWINDOWNAME); //No hib break; case SIGNOUTCLICK: MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = ui.getSessionGlobals(); globs.loggingOut = true; User u = globs.getUserTL(); GameEventLogger.logUserLogoutTL(u); MessagingManager2 mgr = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getMessagingManager(); if (mgr != null) mgr.sendSessionMessage(new MMessagePacket(USER_LOGOUT, "" + globs.getUserID()), ui); globs.vaadinSessionClosing(); /* sendToBus(USER_LOGOUT, "" + uid, false); InterTomcatIO sIO = getSessIO(); if(sIO != null) sIO.kill(); */ gl = GameLinks.getTL(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().quitAndGoTo(gl.getThanksForPlayingLink()); break; case HOWTOPLAYCLICK: HowToPlayCardsPopup popup = new HowToPlayCardsPopup(); RegistrationPageBase.openPopupWindow(Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(), popup, 650); // reuse centering code to miss video already on the break; case MAPCLICK: LeafletMap lMap = new LeafletMap(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().setFrameContent(lMap); lMap.initGuiTL(); break; case CARDCREATEACTIONPLANCLICK: Object cardId = butt.getParam(); helper.handleCreateActionPlan(event.getButton(), cardId); break; case PLAYIDEACLICK: case CALLTOACTIONCLICK: case SHOWUSERPROFILECLICK: case IDEADASHBOARDCLICK: case TAKEACTIONCLICK: case LEADERBOARDCLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, param)); break; case RFECLICK: helper.showRfeWindow(param); break; case SEARCHCLICK: helper.handleSearchClick(param); break; case POSTTROUBLECLICK: gl = GameLinks.getTL();, PORTALTARGETWINDOWNAME); break; case ACTIONPLANREQUESTCLICK: gl = GameLinks.getTL();, PORTALTARGETWINDOWNAME); break; default: MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "TODO, AbstractMmowgliController.buttonClick(): " + mEv); } HSess.checkClose(key); } public void handleEventTL(MmowgliEvent mEv, Object obj, Component cmp) { Mmowgli2UI ui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); switch (mEv) { case HANDLE_LOGIN_STARTUP: doStartupTL(obj); break; case SHOWUSERPROFILECLICK: ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(mEv, ui, obj)); break; case SEARCHCLICK: helper.handleSearchClick(obj); break; default: MSysOut.println(SYSTEM_LOGS, "TODO, AbstractMmowgliController.handleEvent(): " + mEv); } } @HibernateUserRead private void doStartupTL(Object userId) { User u; if (userId instanceof User) u = (User) userId; else u = User.getTL(userId); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().setUserIDTL(u); Mmowgli2UI ui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); ui.setRunningApplicationFrameworkTL(u); Game g = Game.getTL(); ui.showOrHideFouoButton(g.isShowFouo()); goHome(ui); // "Home page" if (u.isAdministrator() && g.getAdminLoginMessage() != null) handleAdminMessage(g); } private void goHome(Mmowgli2UI ui) { String s = Page.getCurrent().getUriFragment(); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) try { ui.navigateTo(new AppEvent(s)); return; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { System.err.println("Don't understand uri fragment " + s); } ui.setFrameContent(new CallToActionPage()); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void handleAdminMessage(Game g) { final Window dialog = new Window("Important!"); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); dialog.setContent(vl); vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.setMargin(true); vl.setSpacing(true); vl.addComponent(new HtmlLabel(g.getAdminLoginMessage())); HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(true); final CheckBox cb; buttHL.addComponent(cb = new CheckBox("Show this message again on the next administrator login")); cb.setValue(true); Button closeButt; buttHL.addComponent(closeButt = new Button("Close")); closeButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(cb.getValue().toString())) ; // do nothing else { HSess.init(); Game.getTL().setAdminLoginMessage(null); Game.updateTL(); HSess.close(); } UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(dialog); } }); vl.addComponent(buttHL); vl.setComponentAlignment(buttHL, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(dialog);; } // MessageReceiver interface for oob events // This is the controller for one user session, but the user may have several windows, in the form of // Vaadin UI objects. The message needs to be passed to each UI, if appropriate. @Override public void receiveMessage(MMessagePacket pkt) { MSysOut.println(MESSAGING_LOGS, "AbstractMmowgliController.receiveMessage() handling msg type " + pkt.msgType); // Our session might be down or going down, so check first MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); if (globs == null || globs.stopping) return; HSess.init(); // First check session-global handlers switch (pkt.msgType) { case UPDATED_GAME: globs.gameUpdatedExternallyTL(null); break; /* refactor case UPDATED_CARDTYPE: CardType ct = (CardType) HSess.get().get(CardType.class, Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); CardTypeManager.updateCardType(ct); break; */ /* Not used with new session report case INSTANCEREPORTCOMMAND: helper.doSessionReport(pkt.msg); break; */ } // Now check each UI Mmowgli2UI appui = Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI(); // got some null ptrs here if (appui != null) { VaadinSession vSess = appui.getSession(); if (vSess != null) { Collection<UI> uis = vSess.getUIs(); if (uis != null) { for (UI ui : uis) { if (ui == null || !(ui instanceof Mmowgli2UI) || !((Mmowgli2UI) ui).isUiFullyInitted()) // might be the error ui continue; Mmowgli2UI mui = (Mmowgli2UI) ui; mui.access(mui.getControllerHelper().getAccessRunner(pkt)); } } } } try { HSess.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { MSysOut.println(ERROR_LOGS, "AbstractMmowgliController.receiveMessage():" + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // MessageReceiver interface for oob events // This is the controller for one user session, but the user may have several windows, in the form of // Vaadin UI objects. The message needs to be passed to each UI, if appropriate. // TODO (future) it would be more appropriate to attach a message handler to each UI. That is, each UI // would have it's own receiveMessage(pkt). //@Override public void oldreceiveMessage(MMessagePacket pkt) { // MSysOut.println("AbstractMmowgliController receiveMessage(pkt) type= " + pkt.msgType); HSess.init(); try { switch (pkt.msgType) { case UPDATED_ACTIONPLAN: case NEW_ACTIONPLAN: helper.actionPlanUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case NEW_CARD: helper.cardPlayed_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_CARD: helper.cardUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_CHAT: helper.chatLogUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_GAME: helper.gameUpdated_oob(); break; case UPDATED_MEDIA: // normally means only that the caption has been edited helper.mediaUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_MOVE: helper.moveUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_MOVEPHASE: helper.movePhaseUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case NEW_MESSAGE: helper.newGameMessage_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case UPDATED_USER: // probably a scoring change helper.userUpdated_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case GAMEEVENT: helper.gameEvent_oob(pkt.msgType, pkt.msg); // messageType,message); break; case NEW_USER: helper.newUser_oob(Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); break; case USER_LOGON: // id = Long.parseLong(message); // User u = DBGet.getUser(id,sessMgr.getSession()); // broadcastNews_oob(sessMgr,"User " + u.getUserName() + " / " + u.getLocation() + " now online"); break; case USER_LOGOUT: // id = Long.parseLong(message); // User usr = DBGet.getUser(id,sessMgr.getSession()); // broadcastNews_oob(sessMgr,"User " + usr.getUserName() + " / " + usr.getLocation() + " went offline"); break; /* not used with new session report case INSTANCEREPORTCOMMAND: helper.doSessionReport(pkt.msg); break; */ /* refactor case UPDATED_CARDTYPE: Object key = HSess.checkInit(); CardType ct = (CardType) HSess.get().get(CardType.class, Long.parseLong(pkt.msg)); HSess.checkClose(key); CardTypeManager.updateCardType(ct); break; */ } } catch (RuntimeException re) { System.err.println("RuntimeException trapped in MmowgliOneApplicationController oob loop: " + re.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + re.getLocalizedMessage()); re.printStackTrace(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Throwable trapped in MmowgliOneApplicationController oob loop: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + t.getLocalizedMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } HSess.close(); } public String buildFragment(AppEvent ev) { return "" + ev.getEvent().ordinal() + "_" + (ev.getData() == null ? "" : ev.getData().toString()); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MyViewProvider implements ViewProvider { View myView = null; @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateConditionallyOpened @HibernateConditionallyClosed public String getViewName(String viewAndParameters) { Object key = HSess.checkInit(); String retrn = null; try { AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(viewAndParameters); retrn = handleEventTL(evt); } catch (Throwable ex) { if (viewAndParameters == null || viewAndParameters.equals("")) retrn = ""; // startup else { System.err.println("Bad fragment:" + viewAndParameters); retrn = null; } } HSess.checkClose(key); return retrn; } @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateConditionallyOpened @HibernateConditionallyClosed public View getView(String viewName) { Object key = HSess.checkInit(); if (viewName.equals("")) { View vw = new CallToActionPage(); // startup HSess.checkClose(key); return vw; } View v = myView; myView = null; HSess.checkClose(key); return v; } // Return null if don't understand private String handleEventTL(AppEvent appEvent) { MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); MmowgliEvent mEv = appEvent.getEvent(); Object param = appEvent.getData(); switch (mEv) { case CARDCLICK: long cardid = Long.parseLong(param.toString()); if (Card.canSeeCardTL(Card.getTL(cardid), globs.getUserTL())) myView = new CardChainPage(Long.parseLong(param.toString())); else myView = new CallToActionPage(); // default break; case MAPCLICK: myView = new LeafletMap(); break; case LEADERBOARDCLICK: myView = new Leaderboard(); break; case PLAYIDEACLICK: myView = new PlayAnIdeaPage2(); break; case CALLTOACTIONCLICK: myView = new CallToActionPage();//this one doesn't need it c2ap.initGui(); break; case SHOWUSERPROFILECLICK: myView = new UserProfilePage3(Long.parseLong(param.toString())); break; case IDEADASHBOARDCLICK: myView = new IdeaDashboard(); break; case TAKEACTIONCLICK: myView = new ActionDashboard(); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_BUILDGAMECLICK_READONLY: if (globs.getUserTL().isGameMaster()) myView = new GameDesignPanel(true); else myView = new CallToActionPage(); break; case MENUGAMEADMIN_BUILDGAMECLICK: if (globs.getUserTL().isDesigner()) myView = new GameDesignPanel(false); else myView = new CallToActionPage(); break; case MENUGAMEMASTERUSERADMIN: if (globs.getUserTL().isAdministrator()) myView = new UserAdminPanel(); else myView = new CallToActionPage(); break; case ACTIONPLANSHOWCLICK: myView = new ActionPlanPage2(Long.parseLong(param.toString())); break; default: return null; } return appEvent.getFragmentString(); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MyErrorViewProvider implements ViewProvider { @Override public String getViewName(String viewAndParameters) { return ""; } @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateConditionallyOpened @HibernateConditionallyClosed public View getView(String viewName) { MSysOut.println(ERROR_LOGS, "Bad url tag, error provider redirecting to CallToAction"); Object key = HSess.checkInit(); View vw = new CallToActionPage(); HSess.checkClose(key); return vw; } } }