Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Northwestern University. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.service; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.StudyCalendarValidationException; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.dao.StudyDao; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.dao.StudySiteDao; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain.Site; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain.Study; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain.StudySecondaryIdentifier; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.domain.StudySite; import edu.northwestern.bioinformatics.studycalendar.service.dataproviders.StudySiteConsumer; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.EMPTY_LIST; import static org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.collect; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; public class StudySiteService { private SiteService siteService; private StudySiteDao studySiteDao; private StudySiteConsumer studySiteConsumer; public static final String SITE_IS_NULL = "Site is null"; public static final String STUDY_IS_NULL = "Study is null"; public static final String SITES_LIST_IS_NULL = "Sites List is null"; private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private StudyDao studyDao; public List<Site> refreshAssociatedSites(Study study) { List<StudySite> updated = refreshStudySitesForStudy(study); return collectSites(updated); } public List<StudySite> assignStudyToSites(Study study, List<Site> sites) { if (study == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(STUDY_IS_NULL); } if (sites == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SITES_LIST_IS_NULL); } List<StudySite> results = new ArrayList<StudySite>(); for (Site site : sites) { StudySite studySite = StudySite.findStudySite(study, site); if (studySite == null) { studySite = new StudySite(study, site);; } results.add(studySite); } return results; } public void removeStudyFromSites(Study study, List<Site> sites) { for (Site site : sites) { StudySite found = StudySite.findStudySite(study, site); if (found != null) { if (!found.isUsed()) { removeStudySite(found); } else { logger.debug("Cannot remove the study site with id " + found.getId() + " because it is currently being used."); } } } } private void removeStudySite(StudySite removing) { Site site = removing.getSite(); Study study = removing.getStudy(); site.getStudySites().remove(removing); study.getStudySites().remove(removing); studySiteDao.delete(removing); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public List<StudySite> refreshStudySitesForStudy(final Study study) { if (study == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(STUDY_IS_NULL); } return refreshStudySitesForStudies(asList(study)).get(0); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public List<List<StudySite>> refreshStudySitesForStudies(final List<Study> studies) { if (studies == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(STUDY_IS_NULL); } List<List<StudySite>> refreshed = new ArrayList<List<StudySite>>(); final Map<String, List<Site>> sites = buildProvidedSiteMap(); List<List<StudySite>> allProvided = studySiteConsumer.refreshSites(studies); for (int i = 0; i < studies.size(); i++) { final Study study = studies.get(i); List<StudySite> provided = allProvided.get(i); if (provided == null) { provided = EMPTY_LIST; } Collection<StudySite> qualifying =, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object o) { StudySite potential = (StudySite) o; // Verify Study Provider and StudySite Provider Are Equal if (study.getProvider() == null || !study.getProvider().equals(potential.getProvider())) { return false; } // Verify Site Provider and StudySite Provider Are Equal (And Site Exists) List<Site> providerSpecific = sites.get(potential.getProvider()); if (providerSpecific == null || !providerSpecific.contains(potential.getSite())) { return false; } // Verify new study site Site site = providerSpecific.get(providerSpecific.indexOf(potential.getSite())); if (StudySite.findStudySite(study, site) != null) { return false; } return true; } }); logger.debug("Found " + qualifying.size() + " new study sites from the provider."); for (StudySite u : qualifying) { logger.debug("- " + u); } // StudySites returned from provider are proxied by CGLIB. This causes problems when saving, // so we want to create a fresh StudySite instance. Also, we want to populate the site with a // valid Site from SiteService. Collection<StudySite> enhanced = CollectionUtils.collect(qualifying, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object o) { StudySite s = (StudySite) o; List<Site> providerSpecific = sites.get(s.getProvider()); Site site = providerSpecific.get(providerSpecific.indexOf(s.getSite())); StudySite e = new StudySite(study, site); e.getStudy().addStudySite(e); e.getSite().addStudySite(e); e.setProvider(s.getProvider()); e.setLastRefresh(s.getLastRefresh()); return e; } }); for (StudySite s : enhanced) {; } refreshed.add(study.getStudySites()); } return refreshed; } private Map<String, List<Site>> buildProvidedSiteMap() { Map<String, List<Site>> results = new HashMap<String, List<Site>>(); for (Site s : siteService.getAll()) { String p = s.getProvider(); if (isNotBlank(p)) { if (results.get(p) == null) { results.put(p, new ArrayList<Site>()); } results.get(p).add(s); } } return results; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public List<StudySite> refreshStudySitesForSite(final Site site) { if (site == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(STUDY_IS_NULL); } return refreshStudySitesForSites(asList(site)).get(0); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public List<List<StudySite>> refreshStudySitesForSites(final List<Site> sites) { if (sites == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SITE_IS_NULL); } List<List<StudySite>> refreshed = new ArrayList<List<StudySite>>(); final Map<String, List<Study>> studies = buildProvidedStudyMap(); final List<List<StudySite>> allProvided = studySiteConsumer.refreshStudies(sites); for (int i = 0; i < sites.size(); i++) { final Site site = sites.get(i); List<StudySite> provided = allProvided.get(i); if (provided == null) { provided = EMPTY_LIST; } Collection<StudySite> qualifying =, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object o) { StudySite potential = (StudySite) o; // Verify Provider for existing Site is equal to StudySite Provider if (site.getProvider() == null || !site.getProvider().equals(potential.getProvider())) { return false; } // Verify Provider for existing Study is equal to StudySite Provider (And Study Exists) List<Study> providerSpecific = studies.get(potential.getProvider()); if (providerSpecific == null || CollectionUtilsPlus.matching(asList(potential.getStudy()), providerSpecific, StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher.instance()).size() == 0) { return false; } // Verify new study site Study study = (Study) CollectionUtilsPlus.matching(asList(potential.getStudy()), providerSpecific, StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher.instance()).iterator().next(); if (StudySite.findStudySite(study, site) != null) { return false; } return true; } }); logger.debug("Found " + qualifying.size() + " new study sites from the provider."); for (StudySite u : qualifying) { logger.debug("- " + u); } // StudySites returned from provider are proxied by CGLIB. This causes problems when saving, // so we want to create a fresh StudySite instance. Also, we want to populate the site with a // valid Site from SiteService. Collection<StudySite> enhanced = CollectionUtils.collect(qualifying, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object o) { StudySite s = (StudySite) o; List<Study> providerSpecific = studies.get(s.getProvider()); Study study = (Study) CollectionUtilsPlus.matching(asList(s.getStudy()), providerSpecific, StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher.instance()).iterator().next(); StudySite e = new StudySite(study, site); e.getStudy().addStudySite(e); e.getSite().addStudySite(e); e.setProvider(s.getProvider()); e.setLastRefresh(s.getLastRefresh()); return e; } }); for (StudySite s : enhanced) {; } refreshed.add(site.getStudySites()); } return refreshed; } private Map<String, List<Study>> buildProvidedStudyMap() { Map<String, List<Study>> results = new HashMap<String, List<Study>>(); for (Study s : studyDao.getAll()) { String p = s.getProvider(); if (isNotBlank(p)) { if (results.get(p) == null) { results.put(p, new ArrayList<Study>()); } results.get(p).add(s); } } return results; } protected static class CollectionUtilsPlus { public static Collection matching(Collection lefts, Collection rights, CollectionMatcher matcher) { return toggleMatching(lefts, rights, matcher, true); } public static Collection nonmatching(Collection lefts, Collection rights, CollectionMatcher matcher) { return toggleMatching(lefts, rights, matcher, false); } private static Collection toggleMatching(Collection lefts, Collection rights, CollectionMatcher matcher, boolean toggle) { Collection matching = new ArrayList(); if (lefts == null || rights == null) { return matching; } for (Object l : lefts) { boolean match = false; for (Object r : rights) { if (l != null && r != null && matcher.match(l, r)) { match = true; } } if (match == toggle) { matching.add(l); } } return matching; } } protected interface CollectionMatcher { public boolean match(Object o1, Object o2); } protected static class StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher implements CollectionMatcher { public static StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher instance() { return new StudySecondaryIdentifierMatcher(); } public boolean match(Object o1, Object o2) { SortedSet<StudySecondaryIdentifier> s1 = resolveStudySecondaryIdentifier(o1); SortedSet<StudySecondaryIdentifier> s2 = resolveStudySecondaryIdentifier(o2); if (s1 == null || s2 == null) return false; return CollectionUtils.intersection(s1, s2).size() > 0; } private static SortedSet<StudySecondaryIdentifier> resolveStudySecondaryIdentifier(Object o) { if (o instanceof Study) { return ((Study) o).getSecondaryIdentifiers(); } else if (o instanceof StudySite) { return resolveStudySecondaryIdentifier(((StudySite) o).getStudy()); } return null; } } public StudySite getStudySite(String studyAssignedId, String siteAssignedId) { Study study = studyDao.getByAssignedIdentifier(studyAssignedId); if (study != null) { List<StudySite> studySites = refreshStudySitesForStudy(study); for (StudySite studySite : studySites) { if (studySite.getSite().getAssignedIdentifier().equals(siteAssignedId)) { return studySite; } } } return null; } public StudySite resolveStudySite(StudySite studySite) { String studyIdent = studySite.getStudy().getAssignedIdentifier(); if (studyIdent == null) { throw new StudyCalendarValidationException("No study identifier specified."); } Study study = studyDao.getByAssignedIdentifier(studyIdent); if (study == null) { throw new StudyCalendarValidationException("Study %s not found.", studyIdent); } String siteIdent = studySite.getSite().getAssignedIdentifier(); if (siteIdent == null) { throw new StudyCalendarValidationException("No site identifier specified"); } Site site = siteService.getByAssignedIdentifier(siteIdent); if (site == null) { throw new StudyCalendarValidationException("Site %s not found.", siteIdent); } StudySite existingStudySite = study.getStudySite(site); if (existingStudySite != null) { return existingStudySite; } else { studySite.setStudy(study); studySite.setSite(site); return studySite; } } ///// Collect Helpers @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private List<Site> collectSites(List<StudySite> in) { return new ArrayList<Site>(collect(in, new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object o) { if (o instanceof StudySite) { return ((StudySite) o).getSite(); } return null; } })); } @Required public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) { this.siteService = siteService; } @Required public void setStudySiteConsumer(StudySiteConsumer studySiteConsumer) { this.studySiteConsumer = studySiteConsumer; } @Required public void setStudySiteDao(StudySiteDao studySiteDao) { this.studySiteDao = studySiteDao; } @Required public void setStudyDao(StudyDao studyDao) { this.studyDao = studyDao; } }