Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Michigan State University <rdpstaff at> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.cli; import; import; import; import edu.msu.cme.pyro.cluster.utils.Cluster; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.AbundStatUtils; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.AbundStatsCalculator; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.RPlotter; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.Sample; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.calculators.Jaccard; import edu.msu.cme.rdp.abundstats.calculators.Sorensen; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; /** * * @author fishjord */ public class AbundMain { private static final String rplotterTemplate = "png(filename=\"%{heatmap_file_name}\", width=1200, height=1200)\n" + "col_grad <- c(\"#0000FF\",\"#0202FF\",\"#0505FF\",\"#0707FF\",\"#0A0AFF\",\"#0C0CFF\",\"#0F0FFF\",\"#1111FF\",\"#1414FF\",\"#1616FF\",\n" + "\"#1919FF\",\"#1C1CFF\",\"#1E1EFF\",\"#2121FF\",\"#2323FF\",\"#2626FF\",\"#2828FF\",\"#2B2BFF\",\"#2D2DFF\",\"#3030FF\",\"#3232FF\",\n" + "\"#3535FF\",\"#3838FF\",\"#3A3AFF\",\"#3D3DFF\",\"#3F3FFF\",\"#4242FF\",\"#4444FF\",\"#4747FF\",\"#4949FF\",\"#4C4CFF\",\"#4F4FFF\",\n" + "\"#5151FF\",\"#5454FF\",\"#5656FF\",\"#5959FF\",\"#5B5BFF\",\"#5E5EFF\",\"#6060FF\",\"#6363FF\",\"#6565FF\",\"#6868FF\",\"#6B6BFF\",\n" + "\"#6D6DFF\",\"#7070FF\",\"#7272FF\",\"#7575FF\",\"#7777FF\",\"#7A7AFF\",\"#7C7CFF\",\"#7F7FFF\",\"#8282FF\",\"#8484FF\",\"#8787FF\",\n" + "\"#8989FF\",\"#8C8CFF\",\"#8E8EFF\",\"#9191FF\",\"#9393FF\",\"#9696FF\",\"#9999FF\",\"#9B9BFF\",\"#9E9EFF\",\"#A0A0FF\",\"#A3A3FF\",\n" + "\"#A5A5FF\",\"#A8A8FF\",\"#AAAAFF\",\"#ADADFF\",\"#AFAFFF\",\"#B2B2FF\",\"#B5B5FF\",\"#B7B7FF\",\"#BABAFF\",\"#BCBCFF\",\"#BFBFFF\",\n" + "\"#C1C1FF\",\"#C4C4FF\",\"#C6C6FF\",\"#C9C9FF\",\"#CCCCFF\",\"#CECEFF\",\"#D1D1FF\",\"#D3D3FF\",\"#D6D6FF\",\"#D8D8FF\",\"#DBDBFF\",\n" + "\"#DDDDFF\",\"#E0E0FF\",\"#E2E2FF\",\"#E5E5FF\",\"#E8E8FF\",\"#EAEAFF\",\"#EDEDFF\",\"#EFEFFF\",\"#F2F2FF\",\"#F4F4FF\",\"#F7F7FF\",\"#F9F9FF\",\"#FFFFFF\")\n" + "distFile <- read.table(\"%{plot_input_matrix}\", header= TRUE, sep=\"\", dec=\".\", fill = TRUE, row.names = 1)\n" + "matrix <- as.matrix(distFile)\n" + "distMatrix <- as.dist(matrix)\n" + "hc <- hclust(distMatrix, \"average\")\n" + "dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)\n" + "hv <- heatmap(matrix, Rowv = dend, Colv = \"Rowv\", col=col_grad, scale=\"none\",\n" + " symm = TRUE, margin=c(7,7),\n" + " xlab = \"xseq\", ylab= \"yseq\",\n" + " main = \"%{plot_title}\")\n" + "png(filename=\"%{plot_file_name}\", width=1200, height=1024)\n" + "plot(hc, hang=-1, cex=1, xlab = \"\", ylab=\"distance\", main = \"%{plot_title}\", sub=\"UPGMA Clustering\")"; private static final Options options = new Options(); static { options.addOption("r", "result-dir", true, "Directory to put the result files in (default=.)"); options.addOption("t", "otu-table", false, "input file is an otu table, not rdp cluster file"); options.addOption("R", "R-location", true, "Triggers the R plotter subsystem, provide the path to the R command"); options.addOption("l", "lower-cutoff", true, "Lowest cutoff in the cluster file to compute stats for"); options.addOption("u", "upper-cutoff", true, "Highest cutoff in the cluster file to compute stats for"); options.addOption("j", "jaccard", false, "Compute jaccard abundance stats"); options.addOption("s", "sorensen", false, "Compute sorensen abundance stats"); } private static void processSamples(List<Sample> samples, List<AbundStatsCalculator> statCalcs, File resultDir, String prefix, RPlotter plotter) throws IOException { for (AbundStatsCalculator calc : statCalcs) { float[][] matrix = AbundStatUtils.computeSymMatrix(samples, calc); File matrixOut = new File(resultDir, prefix + calc.getCalcName() + ".txt"); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(matrixOut); AbundStatUtils.writeMatrix(out, samples, matrix); out.close(); if (plotter != null) { plotter.generateRPlot(resultDir.getParentFile(), matrixOut, new File(resultDir, prefix + calc.getCalcName()), prefix + calc.getCalcName()); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File inputFile; File resultDir = new File("."); RPlotter plotter = null; boolean isClusterFile = true; List<AbundStatsCalculator> statCalcs = new ArrayList(); double clustCutoffFrom = Double.MIN_VALUE, clustCutoffTo = Double.MAX_VALUE; String usage = "Main [options] <cluster file>"; try { CommandLine line = new PosixParser().parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("result-dir")) { resultDir = new File(line.getOptionValue("result-dir")); if (!resultDir.exists() && !resultDir.mkdirs()) { throw new Exception( "Result directory " + resultDir + " does not exist and could not be created"); } } if (line.hasOption("R-location")) { plotter = new RPlotter(); plotter.setCommandTemplate(rplotterTemplate); plotter.setRPath(line.getOptionValue("R-location")); plotter.setOutFileExt(".png"); if (!new File(plotter.getRPath()).canExecute()) { throw new Exception(plotter.getRPath() + " does not exist or is not exectuable"); } } if (line.hasOption("lower-cutoff")) { clustCutoffFrom = Double.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("lower-cutoff")); } if (line.hasOption("upper-cutoff")) { clustCutoffTo = Double.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("upper-cutoff")); } if (line.hasOption("jaccard")) { statCalcs.add(new Jaccard(true)); } if (line.hasOption("sorensen")) { statCalcs.add(new Sorensen(true)); } if (line.hasOption("otu-table")) { isClusterFile = false; } if (statCalcs.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Must specify at least one stat to compute (jaccard, sorensen)"); } args = line.getArgs(); if (args.length != 1) { throw new Exception("Unexpected number of command line arguments"); } inputFile = new File(args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { new HelpFormatter().printHelp(usage, options); System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } if (isClusterFile) { RDPClustParser parser; parser = new RDPClustParser(inputFile); try { if (parser.getClusterSamples().size() == 1) { throw new IOException("Cluster file must have more than one sample"); } List<Cutoff> cutoffs = parser.getCutoffs(clustCutoffFrom, clustCutoffTo); if (cutoffs.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException( "No cutoffs in cluster file in range [" + clustCutoffFrom + "-" + clustCutoffTo + "]"); } for (Cutoff cutoff : cutoffs) { List<Sample> samples = new ArrayList(); for (ClusterSample clustSample : parser.getClusterSamples()) { Sample s = new Sample(clustSample.getName()); for (Cluster clust : cutoff.getClusters().get(clustSample.getName())) { s.addSpecies(clust.getNumberOfSeqs()); } samples.add(s); } processSamples(samples, statCalcs, resultDir, cutoff.getCutoff() + "_", plotter); } } finally { parser.close(); } } else { List<Sample> samples = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile)); String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null || line.split("\\s+").length < 2) { throw new IOException("Must be 2 or more samples for abundance statistic calculations!"); } int numSamples = line.split("\\s+").length; boolean header = true; try { Integer.valueOf(line.split("\\s+")[0]); header = false; } catch (Exception e) { } if (header) { for (String s : line.split("\\s+")) { samples.add(new Sample(s)); } } else { int sample = 0; for (String s : line.split("\\s+")) { samples.add(new Sample("" + sample)); samples.get(sample).addSpecies(Integer.valueOf(s)); sample++; } } int lineno = 2; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.trim().equals("")) { continue; } int sample = 0; if (line.split("\\s+").length != numSamples) { System.err.println( "Line number " + lineno + " didn't have the expected number of samples (contained " + line.split("\\s+").length + ", expected " + numSamples + ")"); } for (String s : line.split("\\s+")) { samples.get(sample).addSpecies(Integer.valueOf(s)); sample++; } lineno++; } processSamples(samples, statCalcs, resultDir, inputFile.getName(), plotter); } } }