Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Monash e-Research Centre * (Monash University, Australia) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Monash University nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import*; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author Simon Yu * <p/> * Email: * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 * <p/> * Date: 24/07/13 12:31 PM */ public class NXHandler extends DefaultHandler { private List<NXEntryBean> nxEntryBeans = new ArrayList<NXEntryBean>(); private NXEntryBean nxEntryBean; private AccessionBean identifiedAccession; private GeneBean geneBean; //accessions and dbsource in the identifiers private List<DbSourceAcEntryBean> dbAcEntryBeans; private NXPeMsAntiEntryBean peMsAntiEntryBean; //all pe ms ann evidences for a xrefs List<PEEvidenceBean> peMsAnnEvidenceBeans; //individual pe ms ann evidence in the xrefs/xref if any private PEEvidenceBean peMsAnnEvidenceBean; //individual pe anti ann evidence in the xrefs/xref if any private PEEvidenceBean peAntiAnnEvidenceBean; // xref three attributes 1. database, 2. category, 3. accession private String xrefDatabase; private String xrefCategory; private String xrefAccession; private int peAntiAnnCounter = 0; private String peAntiURL; private boolean peMsAnnEvExisted = false; private boolean peAntiAnnEvExisted = false; private boolean mainProteinDesc = false; private boolean mainGeneSymbol = false; private XMLStack pathStack = new XMLStack(); private StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); public List<NXEntryBean> getNxEntryBeans() { return nxEntryBeans; } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { pathStack.push(qName); //Reset the StringBuilder stringBuilder.setLength(0); //get the current from the stack String currentPath = pathStack.currentPath(); //start - nextprotExport/proteins/protein if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_PROTEIN)) { String nxAc = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_PROTEIN_UNIQUE_NAME); //create NextProt entry bean nxEntryBean = new NXEntryBean(); //set the db source name nxEntryBean.setDbSourceName(DbAcType.NextProt.type()); //create a AccessionBean identifiedAccession = new AccessionBean(); identifiedAccession.setAccession(nxAc); identifiedAccession.setAcType(DbAcType.NextProt.type()); nxEntryBean.setIdentifiedAccessionBean(identifiedAccession); //create geneBean geneBean = new GeneBean(); geneBean.setDisplayName(; geneBean.setChromosome(ChromType.UNKNOWN.chm()); //set the GeneBean nxEntryBean.setGeneBean(geneBean); //create DbSourceAcEntryBean list for storing the each DbSourceAcEntryBean dbAcEntryBeans = new ArrayList<DbSourceAcEntryBean>(); //add the nextport access and nextport dbsource DbSourceAcEntryBean nxDbSourceAcEntryBean = createDbAcEntryBean(DbAcType.NextProt.type(), nxAc, DbAcType.NextProt.type()); dbAcEntryBeans.add(nxDbSourceAcEntryBean); } //start -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/proteinExistence if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_PROTEIN_EXISTENCE)) { String evidence = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(evidence)) { String nxAc = nxEntryBean.getIdentifiedAccessionBean().getAccession(); //Create PE TE OTH CUR evidence NXPeTeOthEntryBean nxPeTeOthEntryBean = createPeTeOthEvidencesBean(evidence, nxAc); //add the NXPeTeOthEntryBean nxEntryBean.setNxPeTeOthEntryBean(nxPeTeOthEntryBean); } } //start - protein/proteinNames/entityName Element if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_PROTEIN_DESC_MAIN_ENTITY)) { mainProteinDesc = Boolean.valueOf(attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_MAIN_NAME)).booleanValue(); } //start - nextprotExport/proteins/protein/chromosomalLocations/chromosomalLocation if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_CHROM_LOCATION)) { String chrom = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_CHROMOSOME); String band = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_BAND); String strand = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_STRAND); String ensgAc = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_ACCESSION); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(chrom)) { nxEntryBean.getGeneBean().setChromosome(chrom); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(band)) { nxEntryBean.getGeneBean().setBand(band); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strand)) { nxEntryBean.getGeneBean().setStrand(strand); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ensgAc)) { nxEntryBean.getGeneBean().setEnsgAccession(ensgAc); } } //start - nextprotExport/proteins/protein/geneNames/entityName if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_GENE_SYMBOL_MAIN_ENTITY)) { mainGeneSymbol = Boolean.valueOf(attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_MAIN_NAME)).booleanValue(); } //start - nextprotExport/proteins/protein/identifiers if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_IDENTIFIERS)) { //do nothing, } //start -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/identifiers/identifier if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_IDENTIFIER)) { String type = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_TYPE); String acValue = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_NAME); String dbName = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_DATABASE); //create DbSourceAcEntryBean for individual identifier DbSourceAcEntryBean dbSourceAcEntryBean = createDbAcEntryBean(type, acValue, dbName); //add this DbSourceAcEntryBean into list if (dbSourceAcEntryBean != null) { dbAcEntryBeans.add(dbSourceAcEntryBean); } } //start -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_XREFS)) { //create a pe ms an pe anti entry bean peMsAntiEntryBean = new NXPeMsAntiEntryBean(); //create pe ms ann evidence bean list, to store all pe ms ann evidences under the xrefs/xref peMsAnnEvidenceBeans = new ArrayList<PEEvidenceBean>(); //create a pe anti ann evidence empty object peAntiAnnEvidenceBean = new PEEvidenceBean(); //reset peAntiAnnCounter peAntiAnnCounter = 0; } //start -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs/xref if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_XREF)) { String database = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_XREF_DATABASE); String category = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_XREF_CATEGORY); String accession = attributes.getValue(NXFields.ATTR_XREF_ACCESSION); this.xrefDatabase = database; this.xrefCategory = category; this.xrefAccession = accession; int colorLevel = findPeMsAnnColorLevel(database, category); if (colorLevel != -1) { //create a pe ms ann evidence object peMsAnnEvidenceBean = new PEEvidenceBean(); peMsAnnEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(colorLevel); String peMsAnnEv = xrefDatabase + " - " + xrefAccession; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(peMsAnnEv)) { peMsAnnEvidenceBean.setEvidenceValue(peMsAnnEv); } //create a TPBDataTypeBean TPBDataTypeBean tpbDataTypeBean = new TPBDataTypeBean(); //set the data type tpbDataTypeBean.setDataType(DataType.PE_MS_ANN.type()); //set the traffic lights level to 3 tpbDataTypeBean.setLevel(TLLevel.TL3.level()); peMsAnnEvidenceBean.setTpbDataTypeBean(tpbDataTypeBean); peMsAnnEvExisted = true; } //count pe anti ann countPeAntiEvidences(database, category, accession); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { //get current path from the stack String currentPath = pathStack.currentPath(); //end - nextprotExport/proteins/protein if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_PROTEIN)) { nxEntryBeans.add(nxEntryBean); } //end - protein/proteinNames/entityName/value end if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_PROTEIN_DESC)) { String desc = stringBuilder.toString(); identifiedAccession.setDescription(desc); mainProteinDesc = false; } //end - nextprotExport/proteins/protein/geneNames/entityName/value if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_GENE_SYMBOL)) { String geneSymbol = stringBuilder.toString(); nxEntryBean.getGeneBean().setDisplayName(geneSymbol); mainGeneSymbol = false; } //end - nextprotExport/proteins/protein/identifiers if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_IDENTIFIERS)) { //Set the DbSourceAcEntryBean list nxEntryBean.setDbSourceAcEntryBeans(dbAcEntryBeans); } //process pe ms ann and pe anti ann evidence hyperlink. //end of nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs/xref/url if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_XREF_URL)) { String xrefUrl = stringBuilder.toString(); xrefUrl = StringUtils.trim(xrefUrl); if (peMsAnnEvExisted) { peMsAnnEvidenceBean.setHyperlink(xrefUrl); } //find peAntiUrl findPeAnTiAnnURL(xrefDatabase, xrefCategory, xrefAccession, xrefUrl); //reset the database, category and accession xrefDatabase = null; xrefCategory = null; xrefAccession = null; } //process individual pe ms ann evidence bean //end -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs/xref if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_XREF)) { //add the pe ms ann evidence bean into list if (peMsAnnEvExisted) { peMsAnnEvidenceBeans.add(peMsAnnEvidenceBean); peMsAnnEvExisted = false; } } //end -- nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs if (currentPath.equalsIgnoreCase(NXFields.PATH_XREFS)) { //add the pe ms ann evidence bean list (peMsAnnEvidenceBeans)into NXPeMsAntiEntryBean peMsAntiEntryBean.setPeMsAnnEvidenceBeans(peMsAnnEvidenceBeans); //create pe anti ann evidence if it exists if (peAntiAnnEvExisted) { if (peAntiAnnCounter == 0) { peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.BLACK.color()); } if (peAntiAnnCounter == 1) { peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.RED.color()); } if (peAntiAnnCounter > 1) { peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.YELLOW.color()); } peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setEvidenceValue(peAntiAnnCounter + " " + NXConts.XREF_HPA_ANTIBODY_DESC); peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setHyperlink(peAntiURL); //create a TPBDataTypeBean TPBDataTypeBean tpbDataTypeBean = new TPBDataTypeBean(); //set the data type tpbDataTypeBean.setDataType(DataType.PE_ANTI_ANN.type()); //set the traffic lights level to 3 tpbDataTypeBean.setLevel(TLLevel.TL3.level()); peAntiAnnEvidenceBean.setTpbDataTypeBean(tpbDataTypeBean); //set the pe anti ann object peMsAntiEntryBean.setPeAntiAnnEvidenceBean(peAntiAnnEvidenceBean); //dpn't forget to rest pe anti ann evidence existed flag to false. peAntiAnnEvExisted = false; //reset peAntiURL to null. peAntiURL = null; } //and nxEntryBean.setNxPeMsAntiEntryBean(peMsAntiEntryBean); } //finally pop the current path as it's end of current element. pathStack.pop(); } @Override public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException { //super the super-class super.characters(ch, start, length); //using a stringbuilder to get all characters during startElement and endElement processing stringBuilder.append(ch, start, length); } private NXPeTeOthEntryBean createPeTeOthEvidencesBean(String evidence, String nxAccession) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(evidence)) { //create NXPeTeOthEntryBean to store peOthCur Evidence and teOthCur Evidence NXPeTeOthEntryBean nxPeTeOthEntryBean = new NXPeTeOthEntryBean(); //nextprot pe oth cur evidence PEEvidenceBean nxPeOthEvidenceBean = new PEEvidenceBean(); //If it's protein level, we set the evidence level as green level, else we set it as black for pe if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(evidence, NXFields.EV_PROTEIN_LEVEL)) { nxPeOthEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.GREEN.color()); } else { nxPeOthEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.BLACK.color()); } //create a TPBDataTypeBean for PE Oth Cur TPBDataTypeBean peOthCurTDT = new TPBDataTypeBean(); //set the data type peOthCurTDT.setDataType(DataType.PE_OTH_CUR.type()); //set the traffic lights level to 3 peOthCurTDT.setLevel(TLLevel.TL3.level()); nxPeOthEvidenceBean.setTpbDataTypeBean(peOthCurTDT); nxPeOthEvidenceBean.setEvidenceValue(evidence); nxPeOthEvidenceBean.setHyperlink(NXFields.NX_BASE_URL + nxAccession); //Nextprot te oth cur evidence TEEvidenceBean nxTeOthEvidenceBean = new TEEvidenceBean(); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(evidence, NXFields.EV_PROTEIN_LEVEL) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(evidence, NXFields.EV_TRANSCRIPT_LEVEL)) { nxTeOthEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.GREEN.color()); } else { nxTeOthEvidenceBean.setColorLevel(ColorType.BLACK.color()); } //create a TPBDataTypeBean for TE Oth Cur TPBDataTypeBean teOthCurTDT = new TPBDataTypeBean(); //set the data type teOthCurTDT.setDataType(DataType.TE_OTH_CUR.type()); //set the traffic lights level to 3 teOthCurTDT.setLevel(TLLevel.TL3.level()); nxTeOthEvidenceBean.setTpbDataTypeBean(teOthCurTDT); nxTeOthEvidenceBean.setEvidenceValue(evidence); nxTeOthEvidenceBean.setHyperlink(NXFields.NX_BASE_URL + nxAccession); //add these two evidence beans nxPeTeOthEntryBean.setNxPeOthEvidenceBean(nxPeOthEvidenceBean); nxPeTeOthEntryBean.setNxTeOthEvidenceBean(nxTeOthEvidenceBean); return nxPeTeOthEntryBean; } return null; } private DbSourceAcEntryBean createDbAcEntryBean(String acType, String accession, String dbName) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(acType) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(accession)) { DbSourceAcEntryBean nxDbSourceAcEntryBean = new DbSourceAcEntryBean(); DBSourceBean dbSourceBean = new DBSourceBean(); AccessionBean accessionBean = new AccessionBean(); //set accession type accessionBean.setAcType(acType); //set accession accessionBean.setAccession(accession); //set for dbsource if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dbName)) { dbSourceBean.setDbName(dbName); } else { dbSourceBean.setDbName(DbAcType.Unknown.type()); } //set the accession bean nxDbSourceAcEntryBean.setAccessionBean(accessionBean); //set the dbsource bean nxDbSourceAcEntryBean.setDbSourceBean(dbSourceBean); return nxDbSourceAcEntryBean; } return null; } //find the pe ms ann color level private int findPeMsAnnColorLevel(String database, String category) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(database) && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(category))) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(database, NXFields.XREF_DB_PRIDE) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(category, NXFields.XREF_CA_PROTEOMIC_DATABASES)) { return ColorType.RED.color(); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(database, NXFields.XREF_DB_PEPTIDE_ATLAS) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(category, NXFields.XREF_CA_PROTEOMIC_DATABASES)) { return ColorType.YELLOW.color(); } } // negative 1 means no pe ms ann evidence return -1; } //count the pe anti ann evidence private void countPeAntiEvidences(String database, String category, String accession) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(database) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(category) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(accession)) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(database, NXFields.XREF_DB_HPA) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(category, NXFields.XREF_CA_ANTIBODY_DATABASES)) { //ony hpa and cab accession will be taken into account if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(accession, NXFields.XREF_AC_PREFIX_HPA) || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(accession, NXFields.XREF_AC_PREFIX_CAB)) { peAntiAnnCounter++; } peAntiAnnEvExisted = true; } } } //find pe anti ann hyperlink url private void findPeAnTiAnnURL(String xdatabase, String xcategory, String xaccession, String xrefUrl) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(xdatabase) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(xcategory) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(xaccession)) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(xdatabase, NXFields.XREF_DB_HPA) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(xcategory, NXFields.XREF_CA_ANTIBODY_DATABASES)) { //using the ENSG accession as perfer hyperlink if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(xaccession, NXConts.XREF_AC_PREFIX_ENSG)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(xrefUrl)) { peAntiURL = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(xrefUrl, NXFields.XREF_AC_ENSG_URL_END_PART); } } //if no hyperlink for ensg then we have to use others if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(xrefAccession, NXFields.XREF_AC_PREFIX_HPA) || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(xrefAccession, NXFields.XREF_AC_PREFIX_CAB)) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(peAntiURL)) { peAntiURL = xrefUrl; } } } } } }