Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; /** * A Klass the the IR node representing a class, interface or primitive type; * basically, it's a symbolic representation of a Class object. * (The name "Class" was already taken.) * @author Jeffrey Bosboom <> * @since 4/3/2013 */ public final class Klass implements Accessible, Parented<Module> { @IntrusiveList.Next private Klass next; @IntrusiveList.Previous private Klass previous; @ParentedList.Parent private Module parent; private final String name; private final Set<Modifier> modifiers; private final Klass superclass; private final List<Klass> interfaces; /** * For Klasses with a backing Class, lazily initialized on first use. */ private List<Field> fields; /** * For Klasses with a backing Class, lazily initialized on first use. */ private List<Method> methods; /** * If this Klass represents a live Class, it's here. Null otherwise. */ private final Class<?> backingClass; /** * Creates a new mutable Klass instance. * @param name * @param superclass * @param interfaces * @param module * @deprecated Prefer the constructor taking modifiers, to avoid forgetting * to set PUBLIC or FINAL as appropriate. */ @Deprecated public Klass(String name, Klass superclass, List<Klass> interfaces, Module module) { this(name, superclass, interfaces, EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class), module); } /** * Creates a new mutable Klass instance. * @param name * @param superclass * @param interfaces * @param modifiers * @param module */ public Klass(String name, Klass superclass, List<Klass> interfaces, Set<Modifier> modifiers, Module module) { checkNotNull(name); checkNotNull(module); checkState(module.getKlass(name) == null, "klass named %s already in module", name); = name; //EnumSet.copyOf throws on empty non-EnumSets, so we use addAll instead this.modifiers = EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class); modifiers().addAll(modifiers); this.superclass = superclass; this.interfaces = interfaces == null ? new ArrayList<Klass>(2) : new ArrayList<>(interfaces); this.fields = new ParentedList<>(this, Field.class); this.methods = new ParentedList<>(this, Method.class); this.backingClass = null; module.klasses().add(this); //sets parent } /** * Creates a new immutable Klass instance representing the given class, * recursively creating new Klass instances as required to resolve * references from the given class. * @param klass * @param module * @return */ public Klass(Class<?> klass, Module module) { checkNotNull(klass); checkNotNull(module); checkArgument(module.getKlass(klass.getName()) == null, "klass named %s already in module", klass.getName()); this.backingClass = klass; = klass.getName(); this.modifiers = Sets.immutableEnumSet(Modifier.fromClassBits(Shorts.checkedCast(klass.getModifiers()))); //We're committed now. Even through we aren't fully constructed, //register us with the module so any circular dependencies can find us. //Note that this means we can't use any of the klasses we recurse for //during our own construction! module.klasses().add(this); //sets parent if (klass.getSuperclass() != null) this.superclass = module.getKlass(klass.getSuperclass()); else if (klass.isInterface()) //At the JVM level, interfaces have Object as superclass. this.superclass = module.getKlass(Object.class); else { assert klass.equals(Object.class) || klass.isPrimitive(); this.superclass = null; } ImmutableList.Builder<Klass> interfacesB = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Class<?> c : klass.getInterfaces()) interfacesB.add(module.getKlass(c)); this.interfaces =; } private void lazyInitFields() { ParentedList<Klass, Field> fieldList = new ParentedList<>(this, Field.class); for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : getBackingClass().getDeclaredFields()) fieldList.add(new Field(f, this, getParent())); this.fields = Collections.unmodifiableList(fieldList); } private void lazyInitMethods() { ParentedList<Klass, Method> methodList = new ParentedList<>(this, Method.class); for (java.lang.reflect.Constructor<?> c : getBackingClass().getDeclaredConstructors()) methodList.add(new Method(c, this)); for (java.lang.reflect.Method m : getBackingClass().getDeclaredMethods()) methodList.add(new Method(m, this)); this.methods = Collections.unmodifiableList(methodList); } /** * Creates the array class with the given component type and (additional) * dimensions. * @param componentType * @param dimensions * @param module */ public Klass(Klass componentType, int dimensions, Module module) { checkNotNull(componentType); checkArgument(dimensions >= 1); checkNotNull(module); StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder(Strings.repeat("[", dimensions)); //Always a reference type; if not already an array, add L and ;. nameBuilder.append(componentType.isArray() ? componentType.getName() : "L" + componentType.getName() + ";"); = nameBuilder.toString(); checkArgument(module.getKlass(name) == null, "array klass %s already in module", name); module.klasses().add(this); //sets parent //The access modifier for an array class is that of its element type. //Even if the element type is mutable, we only check the modifier once. this.modifiers = ImmutableSet.<Modifier>builder().addAll(componentType.getAccess().modifiers()) .add(Modifier.ABSTRACT).add(Modifier.FINAL).build(); this.superclass = module.getKlass(Object.class); this.interfaces = ImmutableList.of(module.getKlass(Cloneable.class), module.getKlass(Serializable.class)); this.fields = ImmutableList.of(); this.methods = ImmutableList.of(); this.backingClass = null; } /** * Returns true iff this Klass is mutable. Klasses created from a Class * object are immutable. Klasses representing array classes, even arrays of * mutable Klasses, are immutable. * @return true iff this Klass is mutable */ public boolean isMutable() { return getBackingClass() == null && !isArray(); } /** * If this Klass represents a class defined in a live Class object, returns * that Class object. Otherwise, returns null. * @return the backing Class of this Klass, or null */ public Class<?> getBackingClass() { return backingClass; } public String getName() { return name; } public Set<Modifier> modifiers() { return modifiers; } public Klass getSuperclass() { return superclass; } public List<Klass> interfaces() { return interfaces; } public List<Field> fields() { if (fields == null) lazyInitFields(); return fields; } public List<Method> methods() { if (methods == null) lazyInitMethods(); return methods; } /** * Returns an iterable of all superclasses of this class, in ascending * order; thus, the first class is the immediate superclass. * @return an an iterable of all superclasses of this class */ public Iterable<Klass> superclasses() { return new Iterable<Klass>() { @Override public Iterator<Klass> iterator() { return new AbstractSequentialIterator<Klass>(getSuperclass()) { @Override protected Klass computeNext(Klass previous) { return previous.getSuperclass(); } }; } }; } public Field getField(String name) { for (Field f : fields()) if (f.getName().equals(name)) return f; return null; } public Method getMethod(String name, MethodType type) { for (Method m : methods()) if (m.getName().equals(name) && (m.getType().equals(type) || m.isSignaturePolymorphic())) return m; return null; } public Iterable<Method> getMethods(final String name) { return FluentIterable.from(methods()).filter(new Predicate<Method>() { @Override public boolean apply(Method input) { return input.getName().equals(name); } }); } /** * Looks up the method with the given name and type as though performing * virtual dispatch. That is, if this class does not contain the given * method, it will be searched for in superclasses, with the required * adjustment to the receiver type. * @param name the name of the method to look up * @param type the type of the method to look up, including the receiver as * the first argument * @return the method that would be called by virtual dispatch, or null if * no method matches */ public Method getMethodByVirtual(String name, MethodType type) { /* TODO: this doesn't correctly enforce the visibility rules for * overrides -- see JVMS 5.4.5. */ //We require an exact match on the non-receiver args. MethodType descriptorType = type.dropFirstArgument(); RegularType receiver = type.getParameterTypes().get(0); for (Klass k = this; k != null; k = k.getSuperclass()) { for (Method m : k.getMethods(name)) { if (m == null || m.modifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) continue; if (m.isSignaturePolymorphic()) //accepts any method type return m; MethodType desc = m.getType().dropFirstArgument(); RegularType rec = m.getType().getParameterTypes().get(0); if (desc.equals(descriptorType) && receiver.isSubtypeOf(rec)) return m; } } //If we can't find a match in a class, try interfaces. Queue<Klass> interfaceWorklist = new ArrayDeque<>(interfaces()); while (!interfaceWorklist.isEmpty()) { Klass k = interfaceWorklist.remove(); for (Method m : k.getMethods(name)) { if (m == null || m.modifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) continue; MethodType desc = m.getType().dropFirstArgument(); RegularType rec = m.getType().getParameterTypes().get(0); if (desc.equals(descriptorType) && receiver.isSubtypeOf(rec)) return m; } interfaceWorklist.addAll(k.interfaces()); } return null; } @Override public Access getAccess() { return Access.fromModifiers(modifiers()); } @Override public void setAccess(Access access) { modifiers().removeAll(Access.allAccessModifiers()); modifiers().addAll(access.modifiers()); } public final boolean isArray() { return getName().startsWith("["); } /** * If this Klass represents an array class, returns the number of array * dimensions; otherwise, returns 0. * @return the number of dimensions, or 0 */ public final int getDimensions() { return getName().lastIndexOf('[') + 1; } /** * Returns the component Klass of this array class; that is, the Klass with * one fewer dimension (possibly with zero dimensions). Thus [[I becomes * [I. * @return the component Klass of this array class * @throws IllegalStateException if this Klass is not an array class */ public final Klass getComponentKlass() { checkState(isArray(), "not array class: %s", getName()); int nd = getDimensions() - 1; if (nd == 0) return getElementKlass(); else return getParent().getArrayKlass(getElementKlass(), getDimensions() - 1); } /** * Returns the element Klass of this array class; that is, the Klass with * all dimensions stripped off. Thus [[I becomes I. * @return the element Klass of this array class * @throws IllegalStateException if this Klass is not an array class */ public final Klass getElementKlass() { checkState(isArray(), "not array class: %s", getName()); if (getBackingClass() != null) { Class<?> b = getBackingClass(); while (b.getComponentType() != null) b = b.getComponentType(); return getParent().getKlass(b); } //Our element type is mutable, so we must have already created it. String elementName = getName().replaceAll("\\[*L(.*);", "$1"); Klass elementKlass = getParent().getKlass(elementName); assert elementKlass != null; return elementKlass; } @Override public final Module getParent() { return parent; } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } public void dump(OutputStream stream) { dump(new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } public void dump(Writer writer) { dump(new PrintWriter(writer)); } public void dump(PrintWriter writer) { writer.write(Joiner.on(' ').join(modifiers())); writer.write(" "); writer.write(getName()); writer.println(); if (getSuperclass() != null) { writer.write('\t'); writer.write("extends "); writer.write(Joiner.on(", ").join(superclasses())); writer.println(); } if (!interfaces().isEmpty()) { writer.write('\t'); writer.write("implements "); writer.write( Joiner.on(", ").join(FluentIterable.from(interfaces()).transform(new Function<Klass, String>() { @Override public String apply(Klass input) { return input.getName(); } }))); writer.println(); } //TODO: "indirectly implements" writer.println(); for (Field f : fields()) writer.println(f.toString()); writer.println(); for (Method m : methods()) { m.dump(writer); writer.println(); } writer.flush(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Module m = new Module(); System.out.println(new Klass(ParentedList.class, m)); m.getKlass(ParentedList.class).dump(new PrintWriter(System.out, true)); System.out.println(new Klass(ImmutableList.class, m)); System.out.println(new Klass(javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem.class, m)); System.out.println(new Klass(java.nio.file.Files.class, m)); System.out.println(new Klass(, m)); System.out.println(m.klasses().size() + " classes reflectively parsed"); System.out.println(m.constants().getNullConstant()); System.out.println(m.constants().getSmallestIntConstant(-255)); } }