Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Phaser; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * The actual blob produced by a Compiler2. * @author Jeffrey Bosboom <> * @since 11/1/2013 */ public class Compiler2BlobHost implements Blob { private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup(); private static final MethodHandle MAIN_LOOP = findVirtual(LOOKUP, "mainLoop"); private static final MethodHandle DO_INIT = findVirtual(LOOKUP, "doInit"); private static final MethodHandle DO_ADJUST = findVirtual(LOOKUP, "doAdjust"); private static final MethodHandle THROW_NEW_ASSERTION_ERROR = MethodHandles.filterReturnValue( findConstructor(LOOKUP, AssertionError.class, MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object.class)), MethodHandles.throwException(void.class, AssertionError.class)); private static final MethodHandle NOP = Combinators.nop(); private static final MethodHandle MAIN_LOOP_NOP = MethodHandles.insertArguments(MAIN_LOOP, 1, NOP); /* provided by Compiler2 */ private final ImmutableSet<Worker<?, ?>> workers; private final Configuration config; private final ImmutableSortedSet<Token> inputTokens, outputTokens; private final MethodHandle initCode; private final ImmutableList<MethodHandle> steadyStateCode; private final ImmutableList<MethodHandle> storageAdjusts; /** * Instructions to load items for the init schedule. unload() will * unload all items, as the init schedule only runs if all reads can * be satisfied. */ private ImmutableList<ReadInstruction> initReadInstructions; /** * Instructions to write output from the init schedule. */ private ImmutableList<WriteInstruction> initWriteInstructions; /** * Instructions to move items from init storage to steady-state storage. */ private ImmutableList<Runnable> migrationInstructions; /** * Instructions to load items for the steady-state schedule. unload() * will only unload items loaded by load(); the drain instructions will * retrieve any unconsumed items in the storage. */ private final ImmutableList<ReadInstruction> readInstructions; /** * Instructions to write output from the steady-state schedule. */ private final ImmutableList<WriteInstruction> writeInstructions; /** * Instructions to extract items from steady-state storage for transfer * to a DrainData object. For input storage, this only extracts * unconsumed items (items at live indices except the last throughput * indices, which are covered by the read instructions' unload()). */ private final ImmutableList<DrainInstruction> drainInstructions; private final ImmutableMap<Token, Buffer> precreatedBuffers; /* provided by the host */ private final boolean collectTimings; private final ImmutableMap<Token, Integer> minimumBufferCapacity; private ImmutableMap<Token, Buffer> buffers; private final ImmutableList<Runnable> coreCode; private final SwitchPoint sp1 = new SwitchPoint(), sp2 = new SwitchPoint(); private final Phaser barrier; private volatile Runnable drainCallback; private volatile DrainData drainData; public Compiler2BlobHost(ImmutableSet<Worker<?, ?>> workers, Configuration configuration, ImmutableSortedSet<Token> inputTokens, ImmutableSortedSet<Token> outputTokens, MethodHandle initCode, ImmutableList<MethodHandle> steadyStateCode, ImmutableList<MethodHandle> storageAdjusts, List<ReadInstruction> initReadInstructions, List<WriteInstruction> initWriteInstructions, List<Runnable> migrationInstructions, List<ReadInstruction> readInstructions, List<WriteInstruction> writeInstructions, List<DrainInstruction> drainInstructions, ImmutableMap<Token, Buffer> precreatedBuffers) { this.workers = workers; this.config = configuration; this.inputTokens = inputTokens; this.outputTokens = outputTokens; this.initCode = initCode; this.steadyStateCode = steadyStateCode; this.storageAdjusts = storageAdjusts; this.initReadInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(initReadInstructions); this.initWriteInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(initWriteInstructions); this.migrationInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(migrationInstructions); this.readInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(readInstructions); this.writeInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(writeInstructions); this.drainInstructions = ImmutableList.copyOf(drainInstructions); this.precreatedBuffers = precreatedBuffers; this.collectTimings = config.getExtraData("timings") != null ? (Boolean) config.getExtraData("timings") : false; List<Map<Token, Integer>> capacityRequirements = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReadInstruction i : Iterables.concat(this.initReadInstructions, this.readInstructions)) capacityRequirements.add(i.getMinimumBufferCapacity()); for (WriteInstruction i : Iterables.concat(this.initWriteInstructions, this.writeInstructions)) capacityRequirements.add(i.getMinimumBufferCapacity()); this.minimumBufferCapacity = CollectionUtils.union((key, value) -> Collections.max(value), capacityRequirements); MethodHandle mainLoop = MAIN_LOOP.bindTo(this), doInit = DO_INIT.bindTo(this), doAdjust = DO_ADJUST.bindTo(this), mainLoopNop = MAIN_LOOP_NOP.bindTo(this); ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(new ModuleClassLoader(new Module())); ImmutableList.Builder<Runnable> coreCodeRunnables = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < this.steadyStateCode.size(); ++i) { MethodHandle ssc = this.steadyStateCode.get(i); MethodHandle code = sp1.guardWithTest(mainLoopNop, sp2.guardWithTest(mainLoop.bindTo(ssc), NOP)); coreCodeRunnables.add(pf.createProxy("Proxy" + i, ImmutableMap.of("run", code), Runnable.class)); } this.coreCode =; MethodHandle throwAE = THROW_NEW_ASSERTION_ERROR .bindTo("Can't happen! Barrier action reached after draining?"); MethodHandle barrierAction = sp1.guardWithTest(doInit, sp2.guardWithTest(doAdjust, throwAE)); final Runnable onAdvanceRunnable = pf.createProxy("BarrierAction", ImmutableMap.of("run", barrierAction), Runnable.class); this.barrier = new Phaser(coreCode.size()) { @Override protected boolean onAdvance(int phase, int registeredParties) {; return super.onAdvance(phase, registeredParties); } }; } @Override public Set<Worker<?, ?>> getWorkers() { return workers; } @Override public Set<Token> getInputs() { return inputTokens; } @Override public Set<Token> getOutputs() { return outputTokens; } @Override public int getMinimumBufferCapacity(Token token) { if (!inputTokens.contains(token) && !outputTokens.contains(token)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(token.toString() + " not an input or output of this blob"); return minimumBufferCapacity.get(token); } @Override public void installBuffers(Map<Token, Buffer> buffers) { if (this.buffers != null) throw new IllegalStateException("installBuffers called more than once"); buffers = CollectionUtils.union(buffers, precreatedBuffers); ImmutableMap.Builder<Token, Buffer> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Token t : Sets.union(inputTokens, outputTokens)) { Buffer b = buffers.get(t); if (b == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no buffer for token " + t); if (b.capacity() < getMinimumBufferCapacity(t)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("buffer for %s has capacity %d, but minimum is %d", t, b.capacity(), getMinimumBufferCapacity(t))); builder.put(t, b); } this.buffers =; for (ReadInstruction i : Iterables.concat(this.initReadInstructions, this.readInstructions)) i.init(this.buffers); for (WriteInstruction i : Iterables.concat(this.initWriteInstructions, this.writeInstructions)) i.init(this.buffers); } @Override public int getCoreCount() { return coreCode.size(); } @Override public Runnable getCoreCode(int core) { return coreCode.get(core); } @Override public void drain(Runnable callback) { drainCallback = callback; } @Override public DrainData getDrainData() { return drainData; } private void mainLoop(MethodHandle coreCode) throws Throwable { try { coreCode.invokeExact(); barrier.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); } catch (Throwable ex) { barrier.forceTermination(); SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] { sp1, sp2 }); ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } private void doInit() throws Throwable { Stopwatch initTime = null; if (collectTimings) initTime = Stopwatch.createStarted(); for (int i = 0; i < initReadInstructions.size(); ++i) { ReadInstruction inst = initReadInstructions.get(i); while (!inst.load()) if (isDraining()) { doDrain(initReadInstructions.subList(0, i), ImmutableList.<DrainInstruction>of()); return; } } initCode.invoke(); doWrites(initWriteInstructions); for (Runnable r : migrationInstructions); //Show the GC we won't use these anymore. initReadInstructions = null; initWriteInstructions = null; migrationInstructions = null; readOrDrain(); SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] { sp1 }); if (collectTimings) System.out.println("init time: " + initTime.stop()); } private final Stopwatch adjustTime = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); private int adjustCount; private void doAdjust() throws Throwable { if (collectTimings) { adjustTime.start(); ++adjustCount; } doWrites(writeInstructions); for (MethodHandle h : storageAdjusts) h.invokeExact(); readOrDrain(); if (collectTimings) adjustTime.stop(); } /** * Handle short writes round-robin so other Blobs can make progress (thus * freeing up buffer space). * @param writes the write instructions to execute */ private static void doWrites(List<? extends NothrowCallable<Boolean>> writeInstructions) { ArrayList<NothrowCallable<Boolean>> writes = new ArrayList<>(writeInstructions); while (!writes.isEmpty()) for (Iterator<NothrowCallable<Boolean>> it = writes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { NothrowCallable<Boolean> write =; if ( it.remove(); } } private void readOrDrain() { for (int i = 0; i < readInstructions.size(); ++i) { ReadInstruction inst = readInstructions.get(i); while (!inst.load()) if (isDraining()) { doDrain(readInstructions.subList(0, i), drainInstructions); return; } } } /** * Extracts elements from storage and puts them in a DrainData for an * interpreter blob. * @param reads read instructions whose load() completed (thus requiring * unload()) * @param drains drain instructions, if we're in the steady-state, or an * empty list if we didn't complete init */ private void doDrain(List<ReadInstruction> reads, List<DrainInstruction> drains) { Stopwatch drainTime = null; if (collectTimings) drainTime = Stopwatch.createStarted(); List<Map<Token, Object[]>> data = new ArrayList<>(reads.size() + drains.size()); for (ReadInstruction i : reads) data.add(i.unload()); for (DrainInstruction i : drains) data.add(; ImmutableMap<Token, List<Object>> mergedData = CollectionUtils.union((key, value) -> { int size = 0; for (Object[] v : value) size += v.length; List<Object> data1 = new ArrayList<>(size); for (Object[] v : value) data1.addAll(Arrays.asList(v)); return data1; }, data); //Try once to write data on output edges, then let the interpreter handle it. Predicate<Token> isOutput =; for (Map.Entry<Token, List<Object>> e : Maps.filterKeys(mergedData, isOutput).entrySet()) { final Buffer b = buffers.get(e.getKey()); final Object[] d = e.getValue().toArray(); int written = b.write(d, 0, d.length); //Remove the data we wrote. e.getValue().subList(0, written).clear(); } DrainData forInterp = new DrainData(mergedData, //We put state back in the workers via StateHolders, which are //DrainInstructions, so no state in the DrainData. (It will be //in the DrainData produced by the interpreter blob, so //distributed will still see it.) ImmutableTable.<Integer, String, Object>of()); Interpreter.InterpreterBlobFactory interpFactory = new Interpreter.InterpreterBlobFactory(); Blob interp = interpFactory.makeBlob(workers, interpFactory.getDefaultConfiguration(workers), 1, forInterp); interp.installBuffers(buffers); Runnable interpCode = interp.getCoreCode(0); final AtomicBoolean interpFinished = new AtomicBoolean(); interp.drain(() -> interpFinished.set(true)); while (!interpFinished.get()); this.drainData = interp.getDrainData(); SwitchPoint.invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] { sp1, sp2 });; if (collectTimings) { drainTime.stop(); System.out.println("total adjust time: " + adjustTime + " over " + adjustCount + " adjusts"); System.out.println("drain time: " + drainTime); } } private boolean isDraining() { return drainCallback != null; } public static interface ReadInstruction { public void init(Map<Token, Buffer> buffers); public Map<Token, Integer> getMinimumBufferCapacity(); /** * Loads data items from a Buffer into ConcreteStorage. Returns true * if the load was successful. This operation is atomic; either all the * data items are loaded (and load() returns true), or none are and it * returns false. * @return true iff the load succeeded. */ public boolean load(); /** * Retrieves data items from a ConcreteStorage. To be called only after * load() returns true, before executing a steady-state iteration. This * method only retrieves items loaded by load(); a drain instruction * will retrieve other data. * @return */ public Map<Token, Object[]> unload(); } public static interface WriteInstruction extends NothrowCallable<Boolean> { public void init(Map<Token, Buffer> buffers); public Map<Token, Integer> getMinimumBufferCapacity(); /** * Writes data items to the output Buffer. Returns true if all data * items were written, or false if more writing is necessary. * @return true iff all data was written */ @Override public Boolean call(); } public static interface DrainInstruction extends NothrowCallable<Map<Token, Object[]>> { @Override public Map<Token, Object[]> call(); } }