Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FILE: //PROJECT: Micro-Manager //SUBSYSTEM: mmstudio //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AUTHOR: Henry Pinkard,, 2012 // // COPYRIGHT: University of California, San Francisco, 2012 // // LICENSE: This file is distributed under the BSD license. // License text is included with the source distribution. // // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. // package edu.mbl.jif.imaging.mmtiff; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; //import org.micromanager.MMStudioMainFrame; //import org.micromanager.utils.ImageUtils; //import org.micromanager.utils.MDUtils; //import org.micromanager.utils.MMScriptException; //import org.micromanager.utils.ReportingUtils; public class MultipageTiffWriter { // private static final long BYTES_PER_MEG = 1048576; // private static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE = 5*BYTES_PER_MEG; private static final long BYTES_PER_GIG = 1073741824; private static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE = 4 * BYTES_PER_GIG; public static final int DISPLAY_SETTINGS_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL = 256; //1 MB for now...might have to increase public static final long SPACE_FOR_COMMENTS = 1048576; public static final int INDEX_MAP_OFFSET_HEADER = 54773648; public static final int INDEX_MAP_HEADER = 3453623; public static final int DISPLAY_SETTINGS_OFFSET_HEADER = 483765892; public static final int DISPLAY_SETTINGS_HEADER = 347834724; public static final int COMMENTS_OFFSET_HEADER = 99384722; public static final int COMMENTS_HEADER = 84720485; public static final char ENTRIES_PER_IFD = 13; //Required tags public static final char WIDTH = 256; public static final char HEIGHT = 257; public static final char BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 258; public static final char COMPRESSION = 259; public static final char PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION = 262; public static final char IMAGE_DESCRIPTION = 270; public static final char STRIP_OFFSETS = 273; public static final char SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL = 277; public static final char ROWS_PER_STRIP = 278; public static final char STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS = 279; public static final char X_RESOLUTION = 282; public static final char Y_RESOLUTION = 283; public static final char RESOLUTION_UNIT = 296; public static final char IJ_METADATA_BYTE_COUNTS = 50838; // private tag registered with Adobe public static final char IJ_METADATA = 50839; // private tag registered with Adobe // public static final char IJ_METADATA_BYTE_COUNTS = TiffDecoder.META_DATA_BYTE_COUNTS; // public static final char IJ_METADATA = TiffDecoder.META_DATA; public static final char MM_METADATA = 51123; public static final int SUMMARY_MD_HEADER = 2355492; public static final ByteOrder BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; final private boolean omeTiff_; private TaggedImageStorageMultipageTiff masterMPTiffStorage_; private RandomAccessFile raFile_; private FileChannel fileChannel_; private long filePosition_ = 0; private int bufferPosition_; private int numChannels_ = 1, numFrames_ = 1, numSlices_ = 1; private HashMap<String, Long> indexMap_; private long nextIFDOffsetLocation_ = -1; private boolean rgb_ = false; private int byteDepth_, imageWidth_, imageHeight_, bytesPerImagePixels_; private long resNumerator_ = 1, resDenomenator_ = 1; private double zStepUm_ = 1; private LinkedList<ByteBuffer> buffers_; private boolean firstIFD_ = true; private long omeDescriptionTagPosition_; private long ijDescriptionTagPosition_; private long ijMetadataCountsTagPosition_; private long ijMetadataTagPosition_; //Reader associated with this file private MultipageTiffReader reader_; private long blankPixelsOffset_ = -1; private String summaryMDString_; public MultipageTiffWriter(String directory, String filename, JSONObject summaryMD, TaggedImageStorageMultipageTiff mpTiffStorage) { masterMPTiffStorage_ = mpTiffStorage; omeTiff_ = mpTiffStorage.omeTiff_; reader_ = new MultipageTiffReader(summaryMD); File f = new File(directory + "/" + filename); try { processSummaryMD(summaryMD); } catch (MMScriptException ex1) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex1); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } //This is an overestimate of file size because file gets truncated at end long fileSize = Math.min(MAX_FILE_SIZE, summaryMD.toString().length() + 2000000 + numFrames_ * numChannels_ * numSlices_ * ((long) bytesPerImagePixels_ + 2000)); try { f.createNewFile(); raFile_ = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); try { raFile_.setLength(fileSize); } catch (IOException e) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } //MMStudioMainFrame.getInstance().getAcquisitionEngine().abortRequest(); } }).start(); ReportingUtils.showError("Insufficent space on disk: no room to write data"); } fileChannel_ = raFile_.getChannel(); indexMap_ = new HashMap<String, Long>(); reader_.setFileChannel(fileChannel_); reader_.setIndexMap(indexMap_); buffers_ = new LinkedList<ByteBuffer>(); writeMMHeaderAndSummaryMD(summaryMD); } catch (IOException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } try { summaryMDString_ = summaryMD.toString(2); } catch (JSONException ex) { summaryMDString_ = ""; } } public MultipageTiffReader getReader() { return reader_; } public FileChannel getFileChannel() { return fileChannel_; } public HashMap<String, Long> getIndexMap() { return indexMap_; } private void writeMMHeaderAndSummaryMD(JSONObject summaryMD) throws IOException { if (summaryMD.has("Comment")) { summaryMD.remove("Comment"); } String summaryMDString = summaryMD.toString(); int mdLength = summaryMDString.length(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(40).order(BYTE_ORDER); if (BYTE_ORDER.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) { buffer.asCharBuffer().put(0, (char) 0x4d4d); } else { buffer.asCharBuffer().put(0, (char) 0x4949); } buffer.asCharBuffer().put(1, (char) 42); buffer.putInt(4, 40 + mdLength); //8 bytes for file header + //8 bytes for index map offset header and offset + //8 bytes for display settings offset header and display settings offset //8 bytes for comments offset header and comments offset //8 bytes for summaryMD header summary md length + //1 byte for each character of summary md buffer.putInt(32, SUMMARY_MD_HEADER); buffer.putInt(36, mdLength); ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[2]; buffers[0] = buffer; buffers[1] = ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(summaryMDString)); fileChannel_.write(buffers); filePosition_ += buffer.position() + mdLength; } public void close(String omeXML) throws IOException { writeNullOffsetAfterLastImage(); writeIndexMap(); String summaryComment = ""; try { JSONObject comments = masterMPTiffStorage_.getDisplayAndComments().getJSONObject("Comments"); ; if (comments.has("Summary") && !comments.isNull("Summary")) { summaryComment = comments.getString("Summary"); } } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.logError("Could't get acquisition summary comment from displayAndComments"); } writeImageJMetadata(numChannels_, summaryComment); if (omeTiff_) { try { writeImageDescription(omeXML, omeDescriptionTagPosition_); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.showError("Error writing OME metadata"); } } writeImageDescription(getIJDescriptionString(), ijDescriptionTagPosition_); writeDisplaySettings(); writeComments(); //extra byte of space, just to make sure nothing gets cut off raFile_.setLength(filePosition_ + 8); reader_.finishedWriting(); //Dont close file channel and random access file becase Tiff reader still using them fileChannel_ = null; raFile_ = null; } public boolean hasSpaceToWrite(TaggedImage img, int omeMDLength) { int mdLength = img.tags.toString().length(); int indexMapSize = indexMap_.size() * 20 + 8; int IFDSize = ENTRIES_PER_IFD * 12 + 4 + 16; //5 MB extra padding int extraPadding = 5000000; long size = mdLength + indexMapSize + IFDSize + bytesPerImagePixels_ + SPACE_FOR_COMMENTS + numChannels_ * DISPLAY_SETTINGS_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL + extraPadding + filePosition_; if (omeTiff_) { size += omeMDLength; } if (size >= MAX_FILE_SIZE) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isClosed() { return raFile_ == null; } public void writeBlankImage(String label) throws IOException { writeBlankIFD(); writeBuffers(); } public void writeImage(TaggedImage img) throws IOException { long offset = filePosition_; writeIFD(img); indexMap_.put(MDUtils.getLabel(img.tags), offset); writeBuffers(); } private void writeBuffers() throws IOException { ByteBuffer[] buffs = new ByteBuffer[buffers_.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < buffs.length; i++) { buffs[i] = buffers_.removeFirst(); } fileChannel_.write(buffs); } private void writeIFD(TaggedImage img) throws IOException { char numEntries = (char) ((firstIFD_ ? ENTRIES_PER_IFD + 4 : ENTRIES_PER_IFD)); if (img.tags.has("Summary")) { img.tags.remove("Summary"); } String mdString = img.tags.toString() + " "; //2 bytes for number of directory entries, 12 bytes per directory entry, 4 byte offset of next IFD //6 bytes for bits per sample if RGB, 16 bytes for x and y resolution, 1 byte per character of MD string //number of bytes for pixels int totalBytes = 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4 + (rgb_ ? 6 : 0) + 16 + mdString.length() + bytesPerImagePixels_; int IFDandBitDepthBytes = 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4 + (rgb_ ? 6 : 0); ByteBuffer ifdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(IFDandBitDepthBytes).order(BYTE_ORDER); CharBuffer charView = ifdBuffer.asCharBuffer(); long tagDataOffset = filePosition_ + 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4; nextIFDOffsetLocation_ = filePosition_ + 2 + numEntries * 12; bufferPosition_ = 0; charView.put(bufferPosition_, numEntries); bufferPosition_ += 2; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, WIDTH, (char) 4, 1, imageWidth_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, HEIGHT, (char) 4, 1, imageHeight_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, BITS_PER_SAMPLE, (char) 3, rgb_ ? 3 : 1, rgb_ ? tagDataOffset : byteDepth_ * 8); if (rgb_) { tagDataOffset += 6; } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, COMPRESSION, (char) 3, 1, 1); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION, (char) 3, 1, rgb_ ? 2 : 1); if (firstIFD_) { omeDescriptionTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, (char) 2, 0, 0); ijDescriptionTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, (char) 2, 0, 0); } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, STRIP_OFFSETS, (char) 4, 1, tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += bytesPerImagePixels_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, (char) 3, 1, (rgb_ ? 3 : 1)); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, ROWS_PER_STRIP, (char) 3, 1, imageHeight_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, (char) 4, 1, bytesPerImagePixels_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, X_RESOLUTION, (char) 5, 1, tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += 8; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, Y_RESOLUTION, (char) 5, 1, tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += 8; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, RESOLUTION_UNIT, (char) 3, 1, 3); if (firstIFD_) { ijMetadataCountsTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IJ_METADATA_BYTE_COUNTS, (char) 4, 0, 0); ijMetadataTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IJ_METADATA, (char) 1, 0, 0); } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, MM_METADATA, (char) 2, mdString.length(), tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += mdString.length(); //NextIFDOffset ifdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition_, (int) tagDataOffset); bufferPosition_ += 4; if (rgb_) { charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 1, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 2, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); } buffers_.add(ifdBuffer); buffers_.add(getPixelBuffer(img)); buffers_.add(getResolutionValuesBuffer()); buffers_.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(mdString))); filePosition_ += totalBytes; firstIFD_ = false; } private void writeIFDEntry(ByteBuffer buffer, CharBuffer cBuffer, char tag, char type, long count, long value) throws IOException { cBuffer.put(bufferPosition_ / 2, tag); cBuffer.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 1, type); buffer.putInt(bufferPosition_ + 4, (int) count); if (type == 3 && count == 1) { //Left justify in 4 byte value field cBuffer.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 4, (char) value); cBuffer.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 5, (char) 0); } else { buffer.putInt(bufferPosition_ + 8, (int) value); } bufferPosition_ += 12; } private ByteBuffer getResolutionValuesBuffer() throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16).order(BYTE_ORDER); buffer.putInt(0, (int) resNumerator_); buffer.putInt(4, (int) resDenomenator_); buffer.putInt(8, (int) resNumerator_); buffer.putInt(12, (int) resDenomenator_); return buffer; } public void setAbortedNumFrames(int n) { numFrames_ = n; } private ByteBuffer getPixelBuffer(TaggedImage img) throws IOException { if (rgb_) { if (byteDepth_ == 1) { byte[] originalPix = (byte[]) img.pix; byte[] pix = new byte[originalPix.length * 3 / 4]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < originalPix.length; i++) { if ((i + 1) % 4 != 0) { pix[count] = originalPix[i]; count++; } } return ByteBuffer.wrap(pix); } else { short[] originalPix = (short[]) img.pix; short[] pix = new short[originalPix.length * 3 / 4]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < originalPix.length; i++) { if ((i + 1) % 4 != 0) { pix[count] = originalPix[i]; count++; } } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(pix.length * 2).order(BYTE_ORDER); buffer.asShortBuffer().put(pix); return buffer; } } else { if (byteDepth_ == 1) { return ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) img.pix); } else { short[] pix = (short[]) img.pix; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(pix.length * 2).order(BYTE_ORDER); buffer.asShortBuffer().put(pix); return buffer; } } } private void processSummaryMD(JSONObject summaryMD) throws MMScriptException, JSONException { rgb_ = MDUtils.isRGB(summaryMD); numChannels_ = MDUtils.getNumChannels(summaryMD); numFrames_ = MDUtils.getNumFrames(summaryMD); numSlices_ = MDUtils.getNumSlices(summaryMD); imageWidth_ = MDUtils.getWidth(summaryMD); imageHeight_ = MDUtils.getHeight(summaryMD); String pixelType = MDUtils.getPixelType(summaryMD); if (pixelType.equals("GRAY8") || pixelType.equals("RGB32") || pixelType.equals("RGB24")) { byteDepth_ = 1; } else if (pixelType.equals("GRAY16") || pixelType.equals("RGB64")) { byteDepth_ = 2; } else if (pixelType.equals("GRAY32")) { byteDepth_ = 3; } else { byteDepth_ = 2; } bytesPerImagePixels_ = imageHeight_ * imageWidth_ * byteDepth_ * (rgb_ ? 3 : 1); //Tiff resolution tag values double cmPerPixel = 0.0001; if (summaryMD.has("PixelSizeUm")) { try { cmPerPixel = 0.0001 * summaryMD.getDouble("PixelSizeUm"); } catch (JSONException ex) { } } else if (summaryMD.has("PixelSize_um")) { try { cmPerPixel = 0.0001 * summaryMD.getDouble("PixelSize_um"); } catch (JSONException ex) { } } double log = Math.log10(cmPerPixel); if (log >= 0) { resDenomenator_ = (long) cmPerPixel; resNumerator_ = 1; } else { resNumerator_ = (long) (1 / cmPerPixel); resDenomenator_ = 1; } if (summaryMD.has("z-step_um") && !summaryMD.isNull("z-step_um")) { zStepUm_ = summaryMD.getDouble("z-step_um"); } } /** * writes channel LUTs and display ranges for composite mode Could also be * expanded to write ROIs, file info, slice labels, and overlays */ private void writeImageJMetadata(int numChannels, String summaryComment) throws IOException { String info = summaryMDString_; if (summaryComment != null && summaryComment.length() > 0) { info = "Acquisition comments: \n" + summaryComment + "\n\n\n" + summaryMDString_; } //size entry (4 bytes) + 4 bytes file info size + 4 bytes for channel display //ranges length + 4 bytes per channel LUT int mdByteCountsBufferSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 * numChannels; int bufferPosition = 0; ByteBuffer mdByteCountsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(mdByteCountsBufferSize).order(BYTE_ORDER); //nTypes is number actually written among: fileInfo, slice labels, display ranges, channel LUTS, //slice labels, ROI, overlay, and # of extra metadata entries int nTypes = 3; //file info, display ranges, and channel LUTs int mdBufferSize = 4 + nTypes * 8; //Header size: 4 bytes for magic number + 8 bytes for label (int) and count (int) of each type mdByteCountsBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, 4 + nTypes * 8); bufferPosition += 4; //2 bytes per a character of file info mdByteCountsBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, 2 * info.length()); bufferPosition += 4; mdBufferSize += info.length() * 2; //display ranges written as array of doubles (min, max, min, max, etc) mdByteCountsBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, numChannels * 2 * 8); bufferPosition += 4; mdBufferSize += numChannels * 2 * 8; for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { //768 bytes per LUT mdByteCountsBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, 768); bufferPosition += 4; mdBufferSize += 768; } //Header (1) File info (1) display ranges (1) LUTS (1 per channel) int numMDEntries = 3 + numChannels; ByteBuffer ifdCountAndValueBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(0, numMDEntries); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(ifdCountAndValueBuffer, ijMetadataCountsTagPosition_ + 4); fileChannel_.write(mdByteCountsBuffer, filePosition_); filePosition_ += mdByteCountsBufferSize; //Write metadata types and counts ByteBuffer mdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(mdBufferSize).order(BYTE_ORDER); bufferPosition = 0; //All the ints declared below are non public field in TiffDecoder final int ijMagicNumber = 0x494a494a; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, ijMagicNumber); bufferPosition += 4; //Write ints for each IJ metadata field and its count final int fileInfo = 0x696e666f; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, fileInfo); bufferPosition += 4; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, 1); bufferPosition += 4; final int displayRanges = 0x72616e67; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, displayRanges); bufferPosition += 4; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, 1); bufferPosition += 4; final int luts = 0x6c757473; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, luts); bufferPosition += 4; mdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition, numChannels); bufferPosition += 4; //write actual metadata //FileInfo for (char c : info.toCharArray()) { mdBuffer.putChar(bufferPosition, c); bufferPosition += 2; } try { JSONArray channels = masterMPTiffStorage_.getDisplayAndComments().getJSONArray("Channels"); JSONObject channelSetting; for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { channelSetting = channels.getJSONObject(i); //Display Ranges: For each channel, write min then max mdBuffer.putDouble(bufferPosition, channelSetting.getInt("Min")); bufferPosition += 8; mdBuffer.putDouble(bufferPosition, channelSetting.getInt("Max")); bufferPosition += 8; } //LUTs for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { channelSetting = channels.getJSONObject(i); LUT lut = ImageUtils.makeLUT(new Color(channelSetting.getInt("Color")), channelSetting.getDouble("Gamma")); for (byte b : lut.getBytes()) { mdBuffer.put(bufferPosition, b); bufferPosition++; } } } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError( "Problem with displayAndComments: Couldn't write ImageJ display settings as a result"); } ifdCountAndValueBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(0, mdBufferSize); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(ifdCountAndValueBuffer, ijMetadataTagPosition_ + 4); fileChannel_.write(mdBuffer, filePosition_); filePosition_ += mdBufferSize; } private String getIJDescriptionString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("ImageJ=" + "1.4\n"); if (numChannels_ > 1) { sb.append("channels=" + numChannels_ + "\n"); } if (numSlices_ > 1) { sb.append("slices=" + numSlices_ + "\n"); } if (numFrames_ > 1) { sb.append("frames=" + numFrames_ + "\n"); } if (numFrames_ > 1 || numSlices_ > 1 || numChannels_ > 1) { sb.append("hyperstack=true\n"); } if (numChannels_ > 1 && numSlices_ > 1 && masterMPTiffStorage_.slicesFirst()) { sb.append("order=zct\n"); } //cm so calibration unit is consistent with units used in Tiff tags sb.append("unit=um\n"); if (numSlices_ > 1) { sb.append("spacing=" + zStepUm_ + "\n"); } //write single channel contrast settings or display mode if multi channel try { JSONObject channel0setting = masterMPTiffStorage_.getDisplayAndComments().getJSONArray("Channels") .getJSONObject(0); if (numChannels_ == 1) { double min = channel0setting.getInt("Min"); double max = channel0setting.getInt("Max"); sb.append("min=" + min + "\n"); sb.append("max=" + max + "\n"); } else { int displayMode = channel0setting.getInt("DisplayMode"); //COMPOSITE=1, COLOR=2, GRAYSCALE=3 if (displayMode == 1) { sb.append("mode=composite\n"); } else if (displayMode == 2) { sb.append("mode=color\n"); } else if (displayMode == 3) { sb.append("mode=gray\n"); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { } sb.append((char) 0); return new String(sb); } private void writeImageDescription(String value, long imageDescriptionTagOffset) throws IOException { //write first image IFD ByteBuffer ifdCountAndValueBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(0, value.length()); ifdCountAndValueBuffer.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(ifdCountAndValueBuffer, imageDescriptionTagOffset + 4); //write String ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(value)); fileChannel_.write(buffer, filePosition_); filePosition_ += buffer.capacity(); } private byte[] getBytesFromString(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError("Error encoding String to bytes"); return null; } } private void writeNullOffsetAfterLastImage() throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); buffer.order(BYTE_ORDER); buffer.putInt(0, 0); fileChannel_.write(buffer, nextIFDOffsetLocation_); } private void writeComments() throws IOException { //Write 4 byte header, 4 byte number of bytes JSONObject comments; try { comments = masterMPTiffStorage_.getDisplayAndComments().getJSONObject("Comments"); } catch (JSONException ex) { comments = new JSONObject(); } String commentsString = comments.toString(); ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); header.putInt(0, COMMENTS_HEADER); header.putInt(4, commentsString.length()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(commentsString)); fileChannel_.write(header, filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(buffer, filePosition_ + 8); ByteBuffer offsetHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); offsetHeader.putInt(0, COMMENTS_OFFSET_HEADER); offsetHeader.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(offsetHeader, 24); filePosition_ += 8 + commentsString.length(); } private void writeIndexMap() throws IOException { //Write 4 byte header, 4 byte number of entries, and 20 bytes for each entry int numMappings = indexMap_.size(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8 + 20 * numMappings).order(BYTE_ORDER); buffer.putInt(0, INDEX_MAP_HEADER); buffer.putInt(4, numMappings); int position = 2; for (String label : indexMap_.keySet()) { String[] indecies = label.split("_"); for (String index : indecies) { buffer.putInt(4 * position, Integer.parseInt(index)); position++; } buffer.putInt(4 * position, indexMap_.get(label).intValue()); position++; } fileChannel_.write(buffer, filePosition_); ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); header.putInt(0, INDEX_MAP_OFFSET_HEADER); header.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(header, 8); filePosition_ += buffer.capacity(); } private void writeDisplaySettings() throws IOException { JSONArray displaySettings; try { displaySettings = masterMPTiffStorage_.getDisplayAndComments().getJSONArray("Channels"); } catch (JSONException ex) { displaySettings = new JSONArray(); } int numReservedBytes = numChannels_ * DISPLAY_SETTINGS_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL; ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(displaySettings.toString())); header.putInt(0, DISPLAY_SETTINGS_HEADER); header.putInt(4, numReservedBytes); fileChannel_.write(header, filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(buffer, filePosition_ + 8); ByteBuffer offsetHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(BYTE_ORDER); offsetHeader.putInt(0, DISPLAY_SETTINGS_OFFSET_HEADER); offsetHeader.putInt(4, (int) filePosition_); fileChannel_.write(offsetHeader, 16); filePosition_ += numReservedBytes + 8; } private void writeBlankIFD() throws IOException { // boolean blankPixelsAlreadyWritten = blankPixelsOffset_ != -1; boolean blankPixelsAlreadyWritten = false; char numEntries = (char) (((firstIFD_ && omeTiff_) ? ENTRIES_PER_IFD + 2 : ENTRIES_PER_IFD) + (firstIFD_ ? 2 : 0)); String mdString = "NULL "; //2 bytes for number of directory entries, 12 bytes per directory entry, 4 byte offset of next IFD //6 bytes for bits per sample if RGB, 16 bytes for x and y resolution, 1 byte per character of MD string //number of bytes for pixels int totalBytes = 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4 + (rgb_ ? 6 : 0) + 16 + mdString.length() + (blankPixelsAlreadyWritten ? 0 : bytesPerImagePixels_); int IFDandBitDepthBytes = 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4 + (rgb_ ? 6 : 0); ByteBuffer ifdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(IFDandBitDepthBytes).order(BYTE_ORDER); CharBuffer charView = ifdBuffer.asCharBuffer(); long tagDataOffset = filePosition_ + 2 + numEntries * 12 + 4; nextIFDOffsetLocation_ = filePosition_ + 2 + numEntries * 12; bufferPosition_ = 0; charView.put(bufferPosition_, numEntries); bufferPosition_ += 2; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, WIDTH, (char) 4, 1, imageWidth_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, HEIGHT, (char) 4, 1, imageHeight_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, BITS_PER_SAMPLE, (char) 3, rgb_ ? 3 : 1, rgb_ ? tagDataOffset : byteDepth_ * 8); if (rgb_) { tagDataOffset += 6; } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, COMPRESSION, (char) 3, 1, 1); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION, (char) 3, 1, rgb_ ? 2 : 1); if (firstIFD_ && omeTiff_) { omeDescriptionTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, (char) 2, 0, 0); } if (firstIFD_) { ijDescriptionTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, (char) 2, 0, 0); } if (!blankPixelsAlreadyWritten) { //Write blank pixels writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, STRIP_OFFSETS, (char) 4, 1, tagDataOffset); blankPixelsOffset_ = tagDataOffset; tagDataOffset += bytesPerImagePixels_; } else { writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, STRIP_OFFSETS, (char) 4, 1, blankPixelsOffset_); } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, (char) 3, 1, (rgb_ ? 3 : 1)); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, ROWS_PER_STRIP, (char) 3, 1, imageHeight_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, (char) 4, 1, bytesPerImagePixels_); writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, X_RESOLUTION, (char) 5, 1, tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += 8; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, Y_RESOLUTION, (char) 5, 1, tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += 8; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, RESOLUTION_UNIT, (char) 3, 1, 3); if (firstIFD_) { ijMetadataCountsTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IJ_METADATA_BYTE_COUNTS, (char) 4, 0, 0); ijMetadataTagPosition_ = filePosition_ + bufferPosition_; writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, IJ_METADATA, (char) 1, 0, 0); } writeIFDEntry(ifdBuffer, charView, MM_METADATA, (char) 2, mdString.length(), tagDataOffset); tagDataOffset += mdString.length(); //NextIFDOffset ifdBuffer.putInt(bufferPosition_, (int) tagDataOffset); bufferPosition_ += 4; if (rgb_) { charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 1, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); charView.put(bufferPosition_ / 2 + 2, (char) (byteDepth_ * 8)); } buffers_.add(ifdBuffer); if (!blankPixelsAlreadyWritten) { buffers_.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[bytesPerImagePixels_])); } buffers_.add(getResolutionValuesBuffer()); buffers_.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(getBytesFromString(mdString))); filePosition_ += totalBytes; firstIFD_ = false; } }