Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package edu.mayo.mprc.swift.ui.client.widgets; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * A disclosure panel that does not make it's entire header clickable. * <p/> * This has to be copied because GWT's DisclosurePanel is final. :-( * <p/> * TODO This just a crude hacking of the GWT version; should be refined eventually. * * @deprecated We should remove this panel as it is using an old GWT style */ public final class CustomDisclosurePanel extends Composite implements HasWidgets { /** * The default header widget used within a {@link DisclosurePanel}. */ private class DefaultHeader extends SimplePanel implements HasText, CustomDisclosureHandler { /** * imageTD holds the image for the icon, not null. labelTD holds the text * for the label. */ private final Element labelTD; private final Image iconImage; private final DisclosurePanelImages images; private DefaultHeader(final DisclosurePanelImages images, final String text) { super(DOM.createAnchor()); this.images = images; final Element elem = getElement(); DOM.setElementProperty(elem, "href", "javascript:void(0);"); // Avoids layout problems from having blocks in inlines. DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "display", "block"); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); setStyleName(STYLENAME_HEADER); iconImage = isOpen ? images.disclosurePanelOpen().createImage() : images.disclosurePanelClosed().createImage(); // I do not need any Widgets here, just a DOM structure. final Element root = DOM.createTable(); final Element tbody = DOM.createTBody(); final Element tr = DOM.createTR(); final Element imageTD = DOM.createTD(); labelTD = DOM.createTD(); setElement(root); DOM.appendChild(root, tbody); DOM.appendChild(tbody, tr); DOM.appendChild(tr, imageTD); DOM.appendChild(tr, labelTD); // set image TD to be same width as image. DOM.setElementProperty(imageTD, "align", "center"); DOM.setElementProperty(imageTD, "valign", "middle"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(imageTD, "width", iconImage.getWidth() + "px"); DOM.appendChild(imageTD, iconImage.getElement()); setText(text); addEventHandler(this); setStyle(); } @Override public final String getText() { return DOM.getInnerText(labelTD); } @Override public final void onClose(final CustomDisclosureEvent event) { setStyle(); } @Override public final void onOpen(final CustomDisclosureEvent event) { setStyle(); } @Override public final void setText(final String text) { DOM.setInnerText(labelTD, text); } private void setStyle() { if (isOpen) { images.disclosurePanelOpen().applyTo(iconImage); } else { images.disclosurePanelClosed().applyTo(iconImage); } } @Override public final void onBrowserEvent(final Event event) { // no need to call super. if (DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONCLICK) { // Prevent link default action. DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); setOpen(!isOpen); } } } // Stylename constants. private static final String STYLENAME_DEFAULT = "gwt-DisclosurePanel"; private static final String STYLENAME_SUFFIX_OPEN = "open"; private static final String STYLENAME_SUFFIX_CLOSED = "closed"; private static final String STYLENAME_HEADER = "header"; private static final String STYLENAME_CONTENT = "content"; private static DisclosurePanelImages createDefaultImages() { return (DisclosurePanelImages) GWT.create(DisclosurePanelImages.class); } /** * top level widget. The first child will be a panel containing the clickable and non-clickable parst of the header * The second child will either not exist or be a non-null to reference to * {@link #content}. */ private final VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private HorizontalPanel headerPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); /** * holds the clickable part of the header widget. */ private DefaultHeader clickableHeader; private SimplePanel staticHeader = new SimplePanel(); /** * the content widget, this can be null. */ private Widget content; private boolean isOpen = false; /** * null until #{@link #addEventHandler(CustomDisclosureHandler)} is called (lazily * initialized). */ private ArrayList /* <DisclosureHandler> */ handlers; /** * Creates a DisclosurePanel with the specified header text, an initial * open/close state and a bundle of images to be used in the default header * widget. * * @param images a bundle that provides disclosure panel specific images * @param headerText the text to be displayed in the header * @param isOpen the initial open/close state of the content panel */ public CustomDisclosurePanel(final DisclosurePanelImages images, final String headerText, final boolean isOpen) { init(isOpen, images, headerText); } /** * Creates a DisclosurePanel that will be initially closed using the specified * text in the header. * * @param headerText the text to be displayed in the header. */ public CustomDisclosurePanel(final String headerText) { this(createDefaultImages(), headerText, false); } /** * Creates a DisclosurePanel with the specified header text and an initial * open/close state. * * @param headerText the text to be displayed in the header * @param isOpen the initial open/close state of the content panel */ public CustomDisclosurePanel(final String headerText, final boolean isOpen) { this(createDefaultImages(), headerText, isOpen); } @Override public void add(final Widget w) { if (getContent() == null) { setContent(w); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("A DisclosurePanel can only contain two Widgets."); } } /** * Attaches an event handler to the panel to receive {@link DisclosureEvent} * notification. * * @param handler the handler to be added (should not be null) */ public void addEventHandler(final CustomDisclosureHandler handler) { if (handlers == null) { handlers = new ArrayList(); } handlers.add(handler); } @Override public void clear() { setContent(null); } /** * Gets the widget that was previously set in {@link #setContent(Widget)}. * * @return the panel's current content widget */ public Widget getContent() { return content; } /** * Gets the widget that is currently being used as a header. * * @return the widget currently being used as a header */ public Widget getHeader() { return staticHeader; } public void setHeaderText(final String text) { clickableHeader.setText(text); } /** * Gets a {@link HasText} instance to provide access to the headers's text, if * the header widget does provide such access. * * @return a reference to the header widget if it implements {@link HasText}, * {@code null} otherwise */ public HasText getHeaderTextAccessor() { final Widget widget = staticHeader; return (widget instanceof HasText) ? (HasText) widget : null; } /** * Determines whether the panel is open. * * @return {@code true} if panel is in open state */ public boolean isOpen() { return isOpen; } // this has to be copied here because WidgetIterators is package access only private static Widget[] copyWidgetArray(final Widget[] widgets) { final Widget[] clone = new Widget[widgets.length]; System.arraycopy(widgets, 0, clone, 0, widgets.length); return clone; } public static Iterator<Widget> createWidgetIterator(final HasWidgets container, final Widget[] contained) { return new Iterator<Widget>() { private int index = -1; private int last = -1; private boolean widgetsWasCopied = false; private Widget[] widgets = contained; { gotoNextIndex(); } private void gotoNextIndex() { ++index; while (index < contained.length) { if (contained[index] != null) { return; } ++index; } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (index < contained.length); } @Override public Widget next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } last = index; final Widget w = contained[index]; gotoNextIndex(); return w; } @Override public void remove() { if (last < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (!widgetsWasCopied) { widgets = copyWidgetArray(widgets); widgetsWasCopied = true; } container.remove(contained[last]); last = -1; } }; } @Override public Iterator<Widget> iterator() { return createWidgetIterator(this, new Widget[] { getContent() }); } @Override public boolean remove(final Widget w) { if (w.equals(getContent())) { setContent(null); return true; } return false; } /** * Removes an event handler from the panel. * * @param handler the handler to be removed */ public void removeEventHandler(final CustomDisclosureHandler handler) { if (handlers == null) { return; } handlers.remove(handler); } /** * Sets the content widget which can be opened and closed by this panel. If * there is a preexisting content widget, it will be detached. * * @param content the widget to be used as the content panel */ public void setContent(final Widget content) { final Widget currentContent = this.content; // Remove existing content widget. if (currentContent != null) { mainPanel.remove(currentContent); currentContent.removeStyleName(STYLENAME_CONTENT); } // Add new content widget if != null. this.content = content; if (content != null) { mainPanel.add(content); content.addStyleName(STYLENAME_CONTENT); setContentDisplay(); } } /** * Sets the widget used as the header for the panel. * * @param headerWidget the widget to be used as the header */ public void setHeader(final Widget headerWidget) { staticHeader.setWidget(headerWidget); } /** * Changes the visible state of this {@code DisclosurePanel}. * * @param isOpen {@code true} to open the panel, {@code false} * to close */ public void setOpen(final boolean isOpen) { if (this.isOpen != isOpen) { this.isOpen = isOpen; setContentDisplay(); fireEvent(); } } private void fireEvent() { if (handlers == null) { return; } final CustomDisclosureEvent event = new CustomDisclosureEvent(this); for (Iterator it = handlers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final CustomDisclosureHandler handler = (CustomDisclosureHandler); if (isOpen) { handler.onOpen(event); } else { handler.onClose(event); } } } private void init(final boolean isOpen, final DisclosurePanelImages images, final String headerText) { this.isOpen = isOpen; clickableHeader = new DefaultHeader(images, headerText); initWidget(mainPanel); headerPanel.add(clickableHeader); headerPanel.add(staticHeader); mainPanel.add(headerPanel); setStyleName(STYLENAME_DEFAULT); setContentDisplay(); } private void setContentDisplay() { if (isOpen) { removeStyleDependentName(STYLENAME_SUFFIX_CLOSED); addStyleDependentName(STYLENAME_SUFFIX_OPEN); } else { removeStyleDependentName(STYLENAME_SUFFIX_OPEN); addStyleDependentName(STYLENAME_SUFFIX_CLOSED); } if (content != null) { content.setVisible(isOpen); } } }