Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without * prior written authorization of the copyright holder. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * */ package edu.mayo.informatics.lexgrid.convert.directConversions.UmlsCommon; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.logging.LgMessageDirectorIF; import org.LexGrid.util.sql.DBUtility; import org.LexGrid.util.sql.GenericSQLModifier; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This class loads that tables that I need from RRF files into a database. * * @author <A HREF="">Dan Armbrust</A> * @author <A HREF="">Thomas Johnson</A> * @version subversion $Revision: $ checked in on $Date: $ */ public class LoadRRFToDB { public static String[] validateRRF(URI rrfLocation, boolean skipNonLexGridFiles, LgMessageDirectorIF md) throws Exception { Random r = new Random(); // generate a random db label return createAndLoadTables(rrfLocation, skipNonLexGridFiles, false, "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:" + r.nextInt(100), "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "sa", "", md, true); } public static String[] loadRRFToDB(URI rrfLocation, boolean skipNonLexGridFiles, boolean recalcRootOnly, String dbServer, String dbDriver, String username, String password, LgMessageDirectorIF md) throws Exception { return createAndLoadTables(rrfLocation, skipNonLexGridFiles, recalcRootOnly, dbServer, dbDriver, username, password, md, false); } private static String[] createAndLoadTables(URI rrfLocation, boolean skipNonLexGridFiles, boolean recalcRootOnly, String dbServer, String dbDriver, String username, String password, LgMessageDirectorIF md, boolean validateMode) throws Exception {"Connecting to RRF Files"); BufferedReader reader = getReader(rrfLocation.resolve("MRFILES.RRF"));"Connecting to db Files"); Connection sqlConnection = DBUtility.connectToDatabase(dbServer, dbDriver, username, password); GenericSQLModifier gsm = new GenericSQLModifier(sqlConnection); Hashtable columnTypeMap = readMRCols(rrfLocation); Hashtable tableColumnMap = new Hashtable(); List tables = new ArrayList(); if (skipNonLexGridFiles) { // the only tables that I need to load tables.add("MRCONSO"); tables.add("MRDOC"); tables.add("MRREL"); tables.add("MRSAB"); tables.add("MRRANK"); if (!recalcRootOnly) { tables.add("MRDEF"); tables.add("MRSTY"); tables.add("MRSAT"); tables.add("MRHIER"); } }"Creating SQL database tables"); PreparedStatement create = null; PreparedStatement drop = null; String line = reader.readLine(); int mrhierHCDCol = -1; while (line != null) { String[] vals = stringToArray(line, '|'); // for MRFILES, all I care about is the following String file = vals[0]; String tableName = file.substring(0, file.indexOf('.')); // if file is MRHIER, remember HCD column number (base 0) if ("MRHIER".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && vals.length > 1) { mrhierHCDCol = Arrays.asList(vals[2].split(",")).indexOf("HCD"); } if (skipNonLexGridFiles || recalcRootOnly) { if (!tables.contains(tableName)) { line = reader.readLine(); continue; } } else { if (file.indexOf('/') != -1) { // skip files in subfolders. line = reader.readLine(); continue; } if (!tables.contains(tableName)) tables.add(tableName); } String[] columns = stringToArray(vals[2], ','); tableColumnMap.put(file, columns); StringBuffer tableCreateSQL = new StringBuffer(); tableCreateSQL.append("CREATE TABLE {IF NOT EXISTS} ^" + tableName + "^ ("); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { tableCreateSQL.append(" ^" + columns[i] + "^ " + mapUMLSType((String) columnTypeMap.get(columns[i] + "|" + file)) + " default NULL,"); } // chop the last comma tableCreateSQL.deleteCharAt(tableCreateSQL.length() - 1); tableCreateSQL.append(") {TYPE}"); // make sure the table doesn't exist try { drop = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " {CASCADE}")); drop.executeUpdate(); drop.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // most likely means that the table didn't exist. } create = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL(tableCreateSQL.toString())); create.executeUpdate(); create.close(); line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close();"Creating indexes"); PreparedStatement createIndex = null; createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi1^ ON ^MRCONSO^ (^CUI^, ^SAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi2^ ON ^MRCONSO^ (^CUI^, ^AUI^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi3^ ON ^MRCONSO^ (^AUI^, ^CODE^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi4^ ON ^MRREL^ (^RELA^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi5^ ON ^MRREL^ (^REL^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi6^ ON ^MRREL^ (^RUI^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi7^ ON ^MRREL^ (^SAB^, ^RELA^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi8^ ON ^MRSAB^ (^RSAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi9^ ON ^MRRANK^ (^SAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi10^ ON ^MRRANK^ (^TTY^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); if (!recalcRootOnly) { createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi11^ ON ^MRDEF^ (^CUI^, ^SAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi12^ ON ^MRSAT^ (^METAUI^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi13^ ON ^MRSAT^ (^CUI^, ^SAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi14^ ON ^MRSAT^ (^CODE^, ^SAB^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi15^ ON ^MRSTY^ (^CUI^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection.prepareStatement( gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi16^ ON ^MRHIER^ (^CUI^, ^AUI^, ^HCD^, ^SAB^, ^CXN^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); createIndex = sqlConnection .prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL("CREATE INDEX ^mi17^ ON ^MRHIER^ (^CUI^, ^SAB^, ^CXN^)")); createIndex.executeUpdate(); createIndex.close(); } PreparedStatement insert = null; Iterator allTables = tables.iterator(); Set rootCUIs = new HashSet(); while (allTables.hasNext()) { System.gc(); String table = (String);"Loading " + table); boolean loadingMrHier = table.equalsIgnoreCase("MRHIER"); StringBuffer insertSQL = new StringBuffer(); insertSQL.append("INSERT INTO " + table + " ("); String[] vals = (String[]) tableColumnMap.get(table + ".RRF"); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (gsm.getDatabaseType().equals("ACCESS") && vals[i].equals("VALUE")) { // reserved word in MSAccess insertSQL.append("\"" + vals[i] + "\", "); } else { insertSQL.append(vals[i] + ", "); } } // chop the last comma and space insertSQL.deleteCharAt(insertSQL.length() - 2); insertSQL.append(") VALUES ("); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { insertSQL.append("?, "); } // chop the last comma and space insertSQL.deleteCharAt(insertSQL.length() - 2); insertSQL.append(")"); insert = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(gsm.modifySQL(insertSQL.toString())); URI tableURI = rrfLocation.resolve(table + ".RRF"); if (verifyTableExists(tableURI)) { try { reader = getReader(tableURI); int count = 1; line = reader.readLine(); boolean restrictToRootCUIs = recalcRootOnly && table.equalsIgnoreCase("MRCONSO"); boolean restrictToRootRels = recalcRootOnly && table.equalsIgnoreCase("MRREL"); while (line != null && line.length() > 0) { // Note: If we are only using the data to recalculate // root nodes, // we only need CUIs defining root hierarchical terms // and any related // relationships. if (restrictToRootCUIs && !line.contains("|SRC|RHT|")) { line = reader.readLine(); continue; } String[] data = stringToArray(line, '|'); // If processing MRHIER, we only care about entries // relevant to // the specified MRHIER processing option. Many entries // in this file // we do not require since they can be derived from // MRREL. // MRHIER typically is much larger since it pre-computes // the entire // hierarchy, so we want to conserve time and space by // loading only // those entries that require special handling. if (loadingMrHier && mrhierHCDCol > 0 && data.length > mrhierHCDCol && StringUtils.isBlank(data[mrhierHCDCol])) { line = reader.readLine(); continue; } if (restrictToRootCUIs && data.length >= 1) rootCUIs.add(data[0]); if (restrictToRootRels && (data.length < 5 || (!rootCUIs.contains(data[0]) && !rootCUIs.contains(data[4])))) { line = reader.readLine(); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { insert.setString(i + 1, data[i]); } insert.executeUpdate(); count++; line = reader.readLine(); if (validateMode && count > 100) { line = null; } if (count % 10000 == 0) { md.busy(); } if (count % 100000 == 0) {"Loaded " + count + " into " + table); } } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { md.fatalAndThrowException("problem loading the table " + table, e); } } else { md.warn("Could not load table " + table + ". This" + "most likely means the corresponding RRF file" + "was not found in the source."); } insert.close(); System.gc(); } sqlConnection.close(); return (String[]) tables.toArray(new String[tables.size()]); } private static String mapUMLSType(String type) throws Exception { if (type.startsWith("varchar")) { return "{limitedText}" + type.substring(type.indexOf('('), type.length()); } else if (type.startsWith("char")) { return "{limitedText}" + type.substring(type.indexOf('('), type.length()); } else if (type.startsWith("numeric") || type.equals("integer")) { return "{limitedText}(20)"; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown type"); } } private static Hashtable readMRCols(URI rrfLocation) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); BufferedReader reader = getReader(rrfLocation.resolve("MRCOLS.RRF")); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { String[] vals = stringToArray(line, '|'); String key = vals[0] + "|" + vals[6]; result.put(key, vals[7]); line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); return result; } private static String[] stringToArray(String string, char token) { ArrayList vals = new ArrayList(); int startPos = 0; int endPos = string.indexOf(token); while (endPos != -1) { vals.add(string.substring(startPos, endPos)); startPos = endPos + 1; endPos = string.indexOf(token, startPos); } vals.add(string.substring(startPos, string.length())); return (String[]) vals.toArray(new String[vals.size()]); } private static BufferedReader getReader(URI filePath) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { BufferedReader reader; if (filePath.getScheme().equals("file")) { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filePath))); } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(filePath.toURL().openConnection().getInputStream())); } return reader; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { URI testURI = new URI(""); // URI testURI = new URI("file:///W:/temp"); // System.out.println(new File(testURI).exists()); HttpURLConnection connecition = (HttpURLConnection) testURI.toURL().openConnection(); System.out.println(connecition.getResponseCode()); System.out.println(testURI.resolve("TEST").toString()); } private static boolean verifyTableExists(URI tableURI) { // if its a file, check if it exists if (tableURI.getScheme().equals("file")) { return new File(tableURI).exists(); } // otherwise, just try to connect.. // TODO: find a better way to check this instead of catching an // exception. else { try { tableURI.toURL().openConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } } }