Java tutorial
/* * * $Date: 2012-06-22 12:23:25 -0700 (Fri, 22 June 2012) $ * $Author: dcosta $ * $Revision: 2145 $ * * Copyright 2011,2012 the University of New Mexico. * * This work was supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative * Agreements #DEB-0832652 and #DEB-0936498. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package edu.lternet.pasta.portal; import; import; import; import java.sql.Time; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.EmlPackageId; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.EmlPackageIdFormat; public class HarvestReport { /* * Class variables */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(edu.lternet.pasta.portal.HarvestReport.class); /* * Instance variables */ /* * Constructors */ /* * Class methods */ /* * Instance methods */ /** * Composes harvest report HTML list for use inside a JSP. A list * of reports is generated based on the user id. * * @param uid the user id, e.g. "ucarroll" * @return the HTML string, a "<ul>" element */ public String composeHarvestReports(String uid, String reportId) { StringBuffer htmlStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); ArrayList<String> harvestDirs = getHarvestDirs(uid); for (String harvestDir : harvestDirs) { String selected = (harvestDir.equals(reportId)) ? " selected='selected'" : ""; String formattedReportId = reportIdFormatter(harvestDir); htmlStringBuffer.append( String.format("<option value='%s'%s>%s</option>\n", harvestDir, selected, formattedReportId)); } return htmlStringBuffer.toString(); } /** * Generates HTML for a specific harvest report based on the * specified reportId value. * * @param reportId the report ID, e.g. "ucarroll-evaluate-2012-04-16-13346200183" * @return the harvest report HTML string, a "<table>" element */ public String harvestReportHTML(String reportId) { String reportPath = HarvestReportServlet.getHarvesterPath() + "/" + reportId; boolean isEvaluate = (reportId != null && reportId.contains("-evaluate-")); String verb = isEvaluate ? "evaluated" : "uploaded"; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); stringBuffer.append("<table>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<thead>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<tr>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Package Id</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Was<br/>" + verb + "</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Report</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Total<br/>Quality<br/>Checks</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Valid</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Info</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Warn</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">Error</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<th class=\"nis\">System Message</th>\n"); stringBuffer.append("</tr>\n"); stringBuffer.append("</thead>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<tbody>\n"); String urlMessagesPath = reportPath + "/urlMessages.txt"; ArrayList<String> urlMessages = getUrlMessages(urlMessagesPath); for (String urlMessage : urlMessages) { stringBuffer.append(urlMessageHTML(urlMessage)); } ArrayList<String> packageIds = getPackageIds(reportPath, reportId); for (String packageId : packageIds) { stringBuffer.append(dataPackageHTML(reportPath, reportId, packageId, isEvaluate)); } stringBuffer.append("</tbody>\n"); stringBuffer.append("</table>\n"); String htmlString = stringBuffer.toString(); return htmlString; } /* * Get a list of URL error messages, if any, that were generated * during the evaluate/insert processing. */ private ArrayList<String> getUrlMessages(String urlMessagesPath) { ArrayList<String> urlMessages = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (urlMessagesPath != null && !urlMessagesPath.equals("")) { File urlMessagesFile = new File(urlMessagesPath); if (urlMessagesFile != null && urlMessagesFile.exists()) { String urlMessagesText = FileUtils.readFileToString(urlMessagesFile); if (urlMessagesText != null && urlMessagesText.length() > 0) { String[] messages = urlMessagesText.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { String message = messages[i]; if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { urlMessages.add(message); } } } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return urlMessages; } /* * Generate the HTML <tr> element for a URL error message. This * message occurs when a document URL (specified either in the * harvester window or in a legacy Metacat harvest list) generates * an error. In these cases, the EML cannot be evaluated and even * the packageId value is unknown. */ private String urlMessageHTML(String urlMessage) { String html = ""; if (urlMessage != null && urlMessage.length() > 0) { html = "<tr>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">n/a</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">No</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">n/a</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">0</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">0</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">0</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">0</td>" + "<td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">0</td><" + "/td><td class=\"data\" align=\"center\">" + urlMessage + "</td></tr>"; } else { html = "<tr><td class=\"data\" colspan=\"9\"></td></tr>"; } return html; } /* * Get all packageId values for the specified harvest report ID. */ private ArrayList<String> getPackageIds(String reportPath, String reportId) { ArrayList<String> packageIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (reportId != null && !reportId.equals("")) { File dir = new File(reportPath); File[] fileArray = dirListByAscendingDate(dir); for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++) { File aFile = fileArray[i]; String fileName = aFile.getName(); if (fileName != null && !fileName.equals("eml")) { packageIds.add(fileName); } } } return packageIds; } /* * Sorts directories by date in ascending order. */ private File[] dirListByAscendingDate(File folder) { if (!folder.isDirectory()) { return null; } File files[] = folder.listFiles(); Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<Object>() { public int compare(final Object o1, final Object o2) { return new Long(((File) o1).lastModified()).compareTo(new Long(((File) o2).lastModified())); } }); return files; } /* * Generates the data package HTML for a single row in the * harvest report table. */ private String dataPackageHTML(String harvestReportPath, String reportId, String packageId, boolean isEvaluate) { String dataPackageLink = packageId; String qualityReportLink = "n/a"; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer("<tr>\n"); String packageIdPath = harvestReportPath + "/" + packageId; String qualityReportPath = packageIdPath + "/qualityReport.xml"; File qualityReportFile = new File(qualityReportPath); boolean wasInserted = wasInserted(packageIdPath, isEvaluate); String inserted = wasInserted ? "Yes" : "No"; if (wasInserted && !isEvaluate) { dataPackageLink = getDataPackageLink(packageId); } boolean qualityReportExists = qualityReportFile != null && qualityReportFile.exists(); if (qualityReportExists) { qualityReportLink = getQualityReportLink(packageId, qualityReportPath); } else if (wasInserted) { qualityReportLink = getQualityReportLink(packageId, null); } String serviceMessage = serviceMessage(packageIdPath); int[] statusCounts = getStatusCounts(qualityReportFile); stringBuffer.append("<td class=\"nis\">" + dataPackageLink + "</td>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<td class=\"nis\">" + inserted + "</td>\n"); stringBuffer.append("<td class=\"nis\">" + qualityReportLink + "</td>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < statusCounts.length; i++) { stringBuffer.append("<td class=\"nis\">" + statusCounts[i] + "</td>\n"); } stringBuffer.append("<td class=\"nis\" align=\"left\" >" + serviceMessage + "</td>\n"); stringBuffer.append("</tr>\n"); String html = stringBuffer.toString(); return html; } /* * Generates the data package link to the mapbrowse servlet * for a data package based on its packageId value. */ private String getDataPackageLink(String packageId) { String link = ""; if (packageId != null && packageId.length() > 0) { EmlPackageIdFormat epf = new EmlPackageIdFormat(); EmlPackageId emlPackageId = epf.parse(packageId); String scope = emlPackageId.getScope(); Integer identifier = emlPackageId.getIdentifier(); Integer revision = emlPackageId.getRevision(); link = "<a class=\"searchsubcat\" href=\"./mapbrowse?scope=" + scope + "&identifier=" + identifier.toString() + "&revision=" + revision.toString() + "\">" + packageId + "</a>"; } return link; } /* * Generates the quality report link for an entry in the * harvest report table. If localPath is a non-null value, * it will pass the value to the localPath query parameter * of the reportviewer servlet. */ private String getQualityReportLink(String packageId, String localPath) { String link = ""; URLCodec urlCodec = new URLCodec(); try { if (packageId != null && packageId.length() > 0) { link = "<a class=\"searchsubcat\" href=\"./reportviewer?packageid=" + packageId; if (localPath != null) { String encodedPath = urlCodec.encode(localPath); link += "&localPath=" + encodedPath; } link += "\" target=\"_blank\">view</a>"; } } catch (EncoderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return link; } /* * Generates an array of five int values representing status counts * for the quality checks in the specified quality report file. */ private int[] getStatusCounts(File qualityReportFile) { int[] statusCounts = new int[5]; int total = 0; int valid = 0; int info = 0; int warn = 0; int error = 0; try { if (qualityReportFile != null && qualityReportFile.exists()) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(qualityReportFile); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = documentBuilder.parse(fis); NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("status"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); String status = node.getTextContent(); if (status != null && status.length() > 0) { if (status.equals("valid")) { valid++; total++; } if (status.equals("info")) { info++; total++; } if (status.equals("warn")) { warn++; total++; } if (status.equals("error")) { error++; total++; } } } statusCounts[0] = total; statusCounts[1] = valid; statusCounts[2] = info; statusCounts[3] = warn; statusCounts[4] = error; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return statusCounts; } /* * Boolean to determine whether a given data package was either * evaluated or inserted. */ private boolean wasInserted(String packageIdPath, boolean isEvaluate) { boolean wasInserted = false; String fileName = isEvaluate ? "qualityReport.xml" : "resourceMap.txt"; String path = packageIdPath + "/" + fileName; File file = new File(path); wasInserted = file.exists(); return wasInserted; } /* * Reads text from the service message file for a data package and * returns it as a String value. Returns an empty string if no * service message file exists for the data package. */ private String serviceMessage(String packageIdPath) { String serviceMessage = ""; String fileName = "serviceMessage.txt"; String path = packageIdPath + "/" + fileName; File file = new File(path); try { if (file.exists()) { serviceMessage = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return serviceMessage; } /** * Returns the report identifier for the newest harvest report * that has been generated for the specified user. * * @param uid the user id, e.g. "ucarroll" * @return a report identifier value for the newest report */ public String newestHarvestReport(String uid) { String newestReport = null; if (uid != null && uid.length() > 0) { ArrayList<String> harvestDirs = getHarvestDirs(uid); newestReport = getNewestReport(harvestDirs); } return newestReport; } /* * Gets a list of harvest report directory names for the specified * user id. */ private ArrayList<String> getHarvestDirs(String uid) { ArrayList<String> harvestDirs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (uid != null && !uid.equals("")) { String harvesterPath = HarvestReportServlet.getHarvesterPath(); File dir = new File(harvesterPath); String[] fileNames = dir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE); if (fileNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) { String fileName = fileNames[i]; if (fileName != null && (fileName.startsWith(uid + "-evaluate-") || fileName.startsWith(uid + "-upload-"))) { harvestDirs.add(fileName); } } } } Comparator<String> reportComparator = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String a, String b) { Long aLong = parseEpoch(a); Long bLong = parseEpoch(b); Long diff = aLong - bLong; int result = (diff < 0L ? 1 : -1); return result; } }; Collections.sort(harvestDirs, reportComparator); return harvestDirs; } /* * Gets the newest harvest report identifier from a list of * harvest report identifiers. */ private String getNewestReport(ArrayList<String> reports) { String newest = null; Long maxLong = new Long(0L); for (String report : reports) { String[] tokens = report.split("-"); Long newLong = new Long(tokens[5]); if (newLong > maxLong) { maxLong = newLong; newest = report; } } return newest; } /* * Parse the epoch value from a harvest report identifier and * return it as a Long. */ private Long parseEpoch(String reportId) { Long epochValue = null; if (reportId != null && reportId.length() > 0) { String tokens[] = reportId.split("-"); if (tokens != null) { Integer length = tokens.length; epochValue = Long.valueOf(tokens[length - 1]); } } return epochValue; } private String reportIdFormatter(String reportId) { String newId; if (reportId != null) { String tokens[] = reportId.split("-"); Integer length = tokens.length; Long epoch = Long.valueOf(tokens[length - 1]); Time time = new Time(epoch); Date date = new Date(epoch); newId = date.toString(); return newId + " (" + tokens[1] + ")"; } else { return ""; } } }