Java tutorial
/* * * $Date: 2012-04-02 11:10:19 -0700 (Mon, 02 Apr 2012) $ * $Author: dcosta $ * $Revision: $ * * Copyright 2011,2012 the University of New Mexico. * * This work was supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative * Agreements #DEB-0832652 and #DEB-0936498. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package edu.lternet.pasta.portal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.lternet.pasta.client.DataPackageManagerClient; import edu.lternet.pasta.client.LoginClient; import edu.lternet.pasta.client.PastaAuthenticationException; import edu.lternet.pasta.client.PastaIdleTimeException; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.EmlPackageId; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.EmlPackageIdFormat; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.EmlUtility; import edu.lternet.pasta.common.ResourceNotFoundException; /** * * @author dcosta * */ public class Harvester implements Runnable { /* * Class variables */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(edu.lternet.pasta.portal.Harvester.class); private static final String PACKAGEID_PARSING_ERROR = "Unable to parse packageId from document. The document may not be well-formed XML."; /* * Instance variables */ private int dummyPackageIdCounter = 1; private String harvesterPath = null; private String harvestReportId = null; private String harvestDirPath = null; private boolean evaluate; // List of EML documents URLs to batch process private ArrayList<String> documentURLs = null; private String uid = null; /* * Constructors */ /** * Constructs a Harvester object with the specified values. * * @param harvesterPath the directory under which harvest results are stored * @param harvestReportId the harvest report identifier * @param uid the user identifier, e.g. "ucarroll" * @param isEvaluate true if evaluate, false if upload */ public Harvester(String harvesterPath, String harvestReportId, String uid, boolean isEvaluate) { this.harvesterPath = harvesterPath; this.harvestReportId = harvestReportId; this.harvestDirPath = String.format("%s/%s", harvesterPath, harvestReportId); this.uid = uid; this.evaluate = isEvaluate; } /* * Class methods */ /** * Create a directory if it does not already exist. This will attempt * to create any parent directories if necessary. * * @param dirPath the full pathname of the directory to create * @returns boolean representing success or failure of directory creation */ public static void createDirectory(String dirPath) throws IOException { File file = new File(dirPath); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { return; } if (!file.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory: " + dirPath); } } /* * A main program that exercises much of the HarvesterServlet's functionality.\ * No command arguments are needed. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String testURL = ""; //String testMetacatHarvestURL = ""; String uid = null; String password = null; ConfigurationListener.configure(); PropertiesConfiguration options = ConfigurationListener.getOptions(); if (options == null) { logger.error("Failed to load the DataPortal properties file: ''"); } else { String harvesterPath = options.getString("harvester.path"); uid = options.getString("eventservice.uid"); if (uid == null) { logger.error("No value found for property: 'eventservice.uid'"); } else { uid = "ucarroll"; } boolean isEvaluate = true; String harvestReportId = uid + "-evaluate"; Harvester harvester = new Harvester(harvesterPath, harvestReportId, uid, isEvaluate); password = options.getString("eventservice.password"); if (password == null) { logger.error("No value found for property: 'eventservice.password'"); } /* * Authenticate the test user */ try { LoginClient loginClient = new LoginClient(uid, password); } catch (PastaAuthenticationException e) { logger.error("User '" + uid + "' failed to authenticate."); } harvester.documentURLs = new ArrayList<String>(); harvester.documentURLs.add(testURL); try { harvester.processDocumentURLs(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } } /* * Instance methods */ /* * Check whether too many harvests are already executing. */ private boolean checkForTooManyHarvests() { boolean tooMany = false; return tooMany; } /* * Reads the contents of the document URL into a string. */ private String emlStringFromURL(String documentURL) throws IOException { String emlString = null; try { URL url = new URL(documentURL); // Use Java 7 try-with-resources. It closes the stream automatically. try (InputStream inputStream = url.openStream()) { InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); emlString = getAsString(inputStreamReader, true); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw (e); } return emlString; } /** * Reads character data from the <code>Reader</code> provided, using a * buffered read. Returns data as a <code>StringBufer</code> * * @param reader <code>Reader</code> object to be read * * @param closeWhenFinished <code>boolean</code> value to indicate * whether Reader should be closed when reading * finished * * @return <code>StringBuffer</code> containing * characters read from the <code>Reader</code> * * @throws IOException if there are problems accessing or using the Reader. */ public StringBuffer getAsStringBuffer(Reader reader, boolean closeWhenFinished) throws IOException { if (reader == null) return null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { char[] buff = new char[4096]; int numCharsRead; while ((numCharsRead =, 0, buff.length)) != -1) { sb.append(buff, 0, numCharsRead); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } finally { if (closeWhenFinished) { try { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } catch (IOException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); } } } return sb; } /** * Reads character data from the <code>Reader</code> provided, using a * buffered read. Returns data as a <code>String</code> * * @param reader <code>Reader</code> object to be read * * @param closeWhenFinished <code>boolean</code> value to indicate * whether Reader should be closed when reading * finished * * @return <code>String</code> containing * characters read from the <code>Reader</code> * * @throws IOException if there are problems accessing or using the Reader. */ public String getAsString(Reader reader, boolean closeWhenFinished) throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = getAsStringBuffer(reader, closeWhenFinished); return sb.toString(); } /** * Accesses the harvesterPath value. * * @return harvesterPath */ public String getHarvesterPath() { return harvesterPath; } /** * Accesses the harvestReportId value. * * @return harvestReportId */ public String getHarvestReportId() { return harvestReportId; } /** * Access the evaluate boolean value. * * @return evaluate: true if this is an evaluate operation, * false if this is an upload operation */ public boolean isEvaluate() { return evaluate; } /* * Harvests or evaluates a single EML document. */ private void processEMLFile(String harvestDirPath, String uid, File emlFile, boolean isEvaluate) { String filename = "serviceMessage.txt"; String packageId = ""; EmlPackageId emlPackageId = null; try { DataPackageManagerClient dpmClient = new DataPackageManagerClient(uid); String serviceMessage = null; /* * Parse the packageId from the EML document. * * If we fail to determine the packageId value by parsing the EML * document, then assign a dummy value. Increment the integer part * of the dummy value to ensure uniqueness during this harvest. */ try { emlPackageId = EmlUtility.emlPackageIdFromEML(emlFile); EmlPackageIdFormat epif = new EmlPackageIdFormat(); packageId = epif.format(emlPackageId); } catch (Exception e) { packageId = "Unknown-Package-ID-" + dummyPackageIdCounter++; } String packageIdPath = harvestDirPath + "/" + packageId; String verb = isEvaluate ? "Evaluating" : "Uploading";"%s data package: %s", verb, packageId)); Harvester.createDirectory(packageIdPath); /* * Process upload (insert or update) operation */ if (!isEvaluate) { if (emlPackageId != null) { String scope = emlPackageId.getScope(); Integer identifier = emlPackageId.getIdentifier(); boolean isUpdate = isUpdate(dpmClient, scope, identifier); String resourceMap = null; try { if (isUpdate) { resourceMap = dpmClient.updateDataPackage(scope, identifier, emlFile); } else { resourceMap = dpmClient.createDataPackage(emlFile); } if (resourceMap != null) { String resourceMapPath = packageIdPath + "/resourceMap.txt"; File resourceMapFile = new File(resourceMapPath); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(resourceMapFile, resourceMap); /* * Store a local copy of the quality report so that * quality check statistics can be displayed in the * harvest report. */ String revision = emlPackageId.getRevision().toString(); String qualityReportStr = dpmClient.readDataPackageReport(scope, identifier, revision); String qualityReportPath = packageIdPath + "/qualityReport.xml"; File qualityReportFile = new File(qualityReportPath); boolean append = false; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(qualityReportFile, qualityReportStr, append); } } catch (PastaIdleTimeException e) { writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { String eMessage = e.getMessage(); if (isQualityReport(eMessage)) { filename = "qualityReport.xml"; serviceMessage = eMessage; } else { serviceMessage = String.format("Error uploading packageId '%s': %s", packageId, eMessage); logger.error(serviceMessage); } writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, serviceMessage); } } else { serviceMessage = PACKAGEID_PARSING_ERROR; logger.error(serviceMessage); writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, serviceMessage); } } /* * Process evaluate operation */ else { if (emlPackageId != null) { String qualityReportXML = null; try { qualityReportXML = dpmClient.evaluateDataPackage(emlFile); String qualityReportPath = packageIdPath + "/qualityReport.xml"; File qualityReportFile = new File(qualityReportPath); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(qualityReportFile, qualityReportXML); } catch (PastaIdleTimeException e) { writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(serviceMessage); writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, e.getMessage()); } } else { serviceMessage = PACKAGEID_PARSING_ERROR; logger.error(serviceMessage); writeServiceMessage(packageIdPath, filename, serviceMessage); } } } catch (PastaAuthenticationException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } private void writeServiceMessage(String packageIdPath, String filename, String serviceMessage) { String serviceMessagePath = packageIdPath + "/" + filename; try { File serviceMessageFile = new File(serviceMessagePath); boolean append = true; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(serviceMessageFile, serviceMessage, append); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(String.format("Error writing service message to file %s: %s", serviceMessagePath, e.getMessage())); } } /* * Boolean to determine whether the entity body returned by the * DataPackageManager service is a quality report XML. */ private boolean isQualityReport(String serviceMessage) { boolean isQualityReport = false; if (serviceMessage != null) { if (serviceMessage.contains("<qr:qualityReport")) { if (serviceMessage.trim().endsWith("</qr:qualityReport>")) { isQualityReport = true; } } } return isQualityReport; } /* * Boolean to determine whether a data package should be * updated versus created. * * @return true if the data package should be updated, false if * it should be created. */ private boolean isUpdate(DataPackageManagerClient dpmClient, String scope, Integer identifier) throws Exception { boolean isUpdate = false; try { String revisionsStr = dpmClient.listDataPackageRevisions(scope, identifier, null); if (revisionsStr != null) { String[] revisionsArray = revisionsStr.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < revisionsArray.length; i++) { String revision = revisionsArray[i]; if (revision != null && !revision.equals("")) { isUpdate = true; break; } } } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { // A 404 status means that no revisions were found. // No action needed. } return isUpdate; } /** * Runs the processDocumentURLs() code in a separate thread for batch * processing. */ public void run() { try { processDocumentURLs(); logger.debug("Launched batch processing thread to process " + documentURLs.size() + " EML documents."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while batch processing document URLs: " + e.getMessage()); } } /* * Inserts or evaluates a list of EML documents. The document * URLs must first be stored in the this.documentURLs * instance variable. */ private void processDocumentURLs() throws Exception { boolean tooManyHarvests = checkForTooManyHarvests(); if (!tooManyHarvests) { // Directory for storing harvester files for this harvest Harvester.createDirectory(harvestDirPath); // Sub-directory for temporary EML files String harvestEMLPath = harvestDirPath + "/eml"; Harvester.createDirectory(harvestEMLPath); for (String documentURL : documentURLs) { if (documentURL != null && !documentURL.equals("")) { String urlErrorMessage = null; String emlString = null; try { emlString = emlStringFromURL(documentURL); } catch (IOException e) { urlErrorMessage = "IOException : " + e.getMessage(); logger.error(urlErrorMessage); } /* * Save the EML to file then process it for evaluation or upload */ if (emlString != null) { File emlFile = saveEmlToFile(harvestEMLPath, emlString, evaluate); processEMLFile(harvestDirPath, uid, emlFile, evaluate); // Sleep to allow DAS database connection recovery Thread.sleep(30000); } else if (urlErrorMessage != null) { writeUrlIoMessage(harvestDirPath, documentURL, urlErrorMessage); } } } } } /** * Inserts or evaluates a single EML document, passed in as an XML string. * * @param emlString the EML XML document string */ public void processSingleDocument(String emlString) throws Exception { // Directory for storing harvester files for this harvest Harvester.createDirectory(harvestDirPath); // Sub-directory for temporary EML files String harvestEMLPath = harvestDirPath + "/eml"; Harvester.createDirectory(harvestEMLPath); /* * Save the EML to file then process it for evaluation or upload */ if (emlString != null) { File emlFile = saveEmlToFile(harvestEMLPath, emlString, evaluate); processEMLFile(harvestDirPath, uid, emlFile, evaluate); } } /** * Inserts or evaluates a single EML document, passed in as an XML file. * * @param emlFile the EML XML document file */ public void processSingleDocument(File emlFile) throws Exception { // Directory for storing harvester files for this harvest Harvester.createDirectory(harvestDirPath); // Sub-directory for temporary EML files String harvestEMLPath = harvestDirPath + "/eml"; Harvester.createDirectory(harvestEMLPath); /* * Process the EML file for evaluation or upload */ if (emlFile != null) { processEMLFile(harvestDirPath, uid, emlFile, evaluate); } } /* * Write the text of a URL IO error message to file for subsequent use in * harvest reports. */ private void writeUrlIoMessage(String path, String url, String message) { boolean append = true; String urlMessagesPath = path + "/urlMessages.txt"; File urlMessagesFile = new File(urlMessagesPath); try { if (urlMessagesFile != null) { String messageText = "URL: " + url + " ; " + message + "\n"; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(urlMessagesFile, messageText, append); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } /* * Saves an EML document to the file system for subsequent * processing. */ private File saveEmlToFile(String harvestEMLPath, String xml, boolean isEvaluate) { File tempFile = null; Date now = new Date(); Long mili = now.getTime(); String tempFileName = mili.toString() + ".xml"; logger.debug("NOW: " + mili.toString()); StringBuffer xmlBuffer = new StringBuffer(xml); String tempFilePath = harvestEMLPath + "/" + tempFileName; tempFile = new File(tempFilePath); try { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempFile); writeToWriter(xmlBuffer, fileWriter, true); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException:\n" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return tempFile; } /** * Sets the documentURLs instance variable to the specified urlList. * * @param urlList A list of documentURL string. Each URL should reference * an EML document to be processed. */ public void setDocumentURLs(ArrayList<String> urlList) { this.documentURLs = urlList; } /** * Reads character data from the <code>StringBuffer</code> provided, and * writes it to the <code>Writer</code> provided, using a buffered write. * * @param buffer <code>StringBuffer</code> whose contents are * to be written to the <code>Writer</code> * * @param writer <code></code> where contents * of StringBuffer are to be written * * @param closeWhenFinished <code>boolean</code> value to indicate * whether Reader should be closed when reading * finished * * @return <code>StringBuffer</code> containing * characters read from the <code>Reader</code> * * @throws IOException if there are problems accessing or using the Writer. */ public void writeToWriter(StringBuffer buffer, Writer writer, boolean closeWhenFinished) throws IOException { if (writer == null) { throw new IOException("writeToWriter(): Writer is null"); } char[] bufferChars = new char[buffer.length()]; buffer.getChars(0, buffer.length(), bufferChars, 0); try { writer.write(bufferChars); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } finally { if (closeWhenFinished) { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); } } } } }