Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2014. Boston University
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
 * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND either express or
 * implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.web.struts.action;

import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.kuali.coeus.common.framework.print.AttachmentDataSource;
import org.kuali.coeus.common.framework.version.history.VersionHistoryService;
import org.kuali.coeus.sys.framework.service.KcServiceLocator;
import org.kuali.coeus.sys.framework.validation.AuditHelper;
import org.kuali.kra.award.awardhierarchy.AwardHierarchy;
import org.kuali.kra.award.budget.AwardBudgetExt;
import org.kuali.kra.award.budget.AwardBudgetService;
import org.kuali.kra.award.budget.document.AwardBudgetDocument;
import org.kuali.kra.award.commitments.AwardCostShare;
import org.kuali.kra.award.document.AwardDocument;
import org.kuali.kra.award.home.Award;
import org.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice;
import org.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintParameters;
import org.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintType;
import org.kuali.kra.award.printing.service.AwardPrintingService;
import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.Constants;
import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KeyConstants;
import org.kuali.kra.timeandmoney.document.TimeAndMoneyDocument;
import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiConstants;
import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.exception.WorkflowException;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.document.Document;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils;

import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.AwardDocumentRule;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.AwardForm;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.home.AwardExtension;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.service.BUAwardPrintingService;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.sapintegration.SapIntegrationService;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.sapintegration.SapTransmission;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.sapintegration.SapTransmissionResponse;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.sapintegration.ValidationError;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.sapintegration.ValidationResults;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.infrastructure.BUConstants;
import edu.ku.kuali.kra.subaward.service.SubAwardService;

 * This class represents the Struts Action for Award Actions page(AwardActions.jsp)
public class AwardActionsAction extends org.kuali.kra.award.web.struts.action.AwardActionsAction {
    private static final String AWARD_COPY_CHILD_OF_OPTION = "d";
    private static final String NEW_CHILD_SELECTED_AWARD_OPTION = "c";
    private static final String AWARD_COPY_NEW_OPTION = "a";
    private static final String NEW_CHILD_NEW_OPTION = "a";
    private static final String NEW_CHILD_COPY_FROM_PARENT_OPTION = "b";

    private static final String AWARD_PREFIX = "award-";
    private static final String AWARD_UPDATE_PREFIX = "award-update-";
    private static final String AWARD_TRANSMISSION_PREFIX = "award-transmit-";
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AwardActionsAction.class);

    private static final String ZERO = "0";

    private BUAwardPrintingService bUAwardPrintingService;

    // BUKC-0071: SAP Interface - Validate Prime Sponsor/Award Type only for federal accounts and if Sponsor/Prime Sponsor are not the same - replaces
    // code for issue (BUKC-0065)
    private static final Integer FEDERAL_CODE = 1;
    private static final Integer AWARD_TYPE_CODE_SUBGRANT = 6;
    private static final Integer AWARD_TYPE_CODE_SUBCONTRACT = 11;

    // BUKC-0023: Add History tab
     * This method gets called upon navigation to History tab.
     * @param mapping
     *            - The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form
     *            - The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response
     *            - The HTTP response we are creating
     * @return an ActionForward instance describing where and how control should be forwarded, or null if the response has already been completed.
    public ActionForward history(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        return mapping.findForward(BUConstants.MAPPING_AWARD_HISTORY_PAGE);

     * Based on the same method in the foundation's AwardBudgetService method
     * to get the last budget version on the award
     * @param award
     *            object to get the last version of budget associated with it
     * @return BudgetVersionOverview
    protected AwardBudgetExt getLastBudgetVersion(AwardDocument award) {
        List<AwardBudgetExt> awardBudgetDocumentVersions = award.getBudgetDocumentVersions();
        AwardBudgetExt budgetVersionOverview = null;
        int versionSize = awardBudgetDocumentVersions.size();
        if (versionSize > 0) {
            budgetVersionOverview = awardBudgetDocumentVersions.get(versionSize - 1);
        return budgetVersionOverview;

     * This method corresponds to the Create New Child behavior on Award Hierarchy JQuery UI. It calls various helper methods based on the options
     * selected in the UI.
     * @param mapping
     * @param form
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public ActionForward create(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        String awardNumber = getAwardNumber(request);
        // BUKC-0020: Fix a bug to allow creating awards after 10th child
        // int index = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.split(awardNumber, "-")[1]);
        String i = awardNumber.replaceAll("\\d*\\-0*", "");
        int index = Integer.parseInt(i);
        ActionForward forward = null;

        if (awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index).getCreateNewChildRadio() != null) {
            AwardHierarchy targetNode = findTargetNode(request, awardForm);
            String radio = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index).getCreateNewChildRadio();
            if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(radio, NEW_CHILD_NEW_OPTION)) {
                AwardHierarchy newChildNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                forward = prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(mapping, awardForm, targetNode, newChildNode);
            } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(radio, NEW_CHILD_COPY_FROM_PARENT_OPTION)) {
                AwardHierarchy newChildNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                forward = prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(mapping, awardForm, targetNode, newChildNode);
            } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(radio, NEW_CHILD_SELECTED_AWARD_OPTION)) {
                String awardNumberOfNodeToCopyFrom = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index)
                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(awardNumberOfNodeToCopyFrom)
                        || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(awardNumberOfNodeToCopyFrom, ZERO)) {
                            "awardHierarchyTempObject[" + index + "].newChildPanelTargetAward",
                            KeyConstants.ERROR_CREATE_NEW_CHILD_OTHER_AWARD_NOT_SELECTED, awardNumber);
                    forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
                } else {
                    AwardHierarchy newChildNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                    forward = prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(mapping, awardForm, targetNode, newChildNode);
        } else {
                    "awardHierarchyTempObject[" + index + "].newChildPanelTargetAward",
                    KeyConstants.ERROR_CREATE_NEW_CHILD_NO_OPTION_SELECTED, awardNumber);
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
        return forward;


     * This method corresponds copy award action on Award Hierarchy UI. Depending on various options selected appropriate helper methods get called.
     * @see org.kuali.kra.award.web.struts.action.AwardActionsAction#copyAward(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping,
     *      org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
    public ActionForward copyAward(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        String awardNumber = getAwardNumber(request);

        // BUKC-0020: Fix a bug to allow creating awards after 10th child
        // int index = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.split(awardNumber, "-")[1]);
        String i = awardNumber.replaceAll("\\d*\\-0*", "");
        int index = Integer.parseInt(i);

        ActionForward forward = null;
        AwardHierarchy newRootNode = null;
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index).getCopyAwardRadio())) {
            String radio = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index).getCopyAwardRadio();
            Boolean copyDescendants = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index).getCopyDescendants();
            AwardHierarchy targetNode = findTargetNode(request, awardForm);
            if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(radio, AWARD_COPY_NEW_OPTION)) {
                if (copyDescendants != null && copyDescendants) {
                    newRootNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                    forward = prepareToForwardToNewFinalChildAward(mapping, awardForm, request, response,
                            targetNode, newRootNode);

                } else {
                    newRootNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                    forward = prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(mapping, awardForm, targetNode, newRootNode);
            } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(radio, AWARD_COPY_CHILD_OF_OPTION)) {
                String awardNumberOfNodeToBeParent = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyTempObjects().get(index)
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(awardNumberOfNodeToBeParent)
                        && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(awardNumberOfNodeToBeParent, ZERO)) {
                    if (copyDescendants != null && copyDescendants) {
                        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(awardNumberOfNodeToBeParent)) {
                            newRootNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean()
                            forward = prepareToForwardToNewFinalChildAward(mapping, awardForm, request, response,
                                    targetNode, newRootNode);
                    } else {
                        newRootNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().copyAwardAsChildOfAnotherAward(
                                targetNode.getAwardNumber(), awardNumberOfNodeToBeParent);
                        forward = prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(mapping, awardForm, targetNode, newRootNode);
                } else {
                            "awardHierarchyTempObject[" + index + "].copyAwardPanelTargetAward",
                            KeyConstants.ERROR_COPY_AWARD_CHILDOF_AWARD_NOT_SELECTED, awardNumber);
                    forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
            // BUKC-0014: KC/SAP Interface - Nullify Transmission Date and Transmission History when copying an award
            ((AwardExtension) newRootNode.getAward().getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(null);
            ((AwardExtension) newRootNode.getAward().getExtension())
                    .setAwardTransmissions(new ArrayList<AwardTransmission>());
            // BUKC-0015: Nullify grant number when copy an award when copying an award
            ((AwardExtension) newRootNode.getAward().getExtension()).setGrantNumber(null);
            if (newRootNode.hasChildren() && (copyDescendants != null && copyDescendants)) {
                for (AwardHierarchy child : newRootNode.getChildren()) {
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(null);
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension())
                            .setAwardTransmissions(new ArrayList<AwardTransmission>());
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setGrantNumber(null);
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setWalkerSourceNumber(null);
        } else {
                    "awardHierarchyTempObject[" + index + "].copyAwardPanelTargetAward",
                    KeyConstants.ERROR_COPY_AWARD_NO_OPTION_SELECTED, awardNumber);
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
        return forward;

     * @see org.kuali.kra.award.web.struts.action.AwardActionsAction#findTargetNode(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
     *      org.kuali.kra.award.AwardForm)
    private AwardHierarchy findTargetNode(HttpServletRequest request, AwardForm awardForm) {
        return awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode().findNodeInHierarchy(getAwardNumber(request));

     * Setup all needed when creating a new final child award.
    private ActionForward prepareToForwardToNewFinalChildAward(ActionMapping mapping, AwardForm awardForm,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AwardHierarchy targetNode,
            AwardHierarchy newNodeToView) throws Exception {
        ActionForward forward;
        if (newNodeToView != null) {
            Award newChildAward = newNodeToView.getAward();
            if (!newNodeToView.isRootNode()) {
            awardForm.getAwardDocument().getDocumentHeader().setDocumentDescription("Copied Hierarchy");


            // BUKC-0014: KC/SAP Interface - Nullify Transmission Date and Transmission History when copying copying a child award
            ((AwardExtension) newNodeToView.getAward().getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(null);
            ((AwardExtension) newNodeToView.getAward().getExtension())
                    .setAwardTransmissions(new ArrayList<AwardTransmission>());
            // BUKC-0015: Nullify grant number when copy an award when copying an award
            ((AwardExtension) newNodeToView.getAward().getExtension()).setGrantNumber(null);
            if (newNodeToView.hasChildren()) {
                for (AwardHierarchy child : newNodeToView.getChildren()) {
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(null);
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension())
                            .setAwardTransmissions(new ArrayList<AwardTransmission>());
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setGrantNumber(null);
                    ((AwardExtension) child.getAward().getExtension()).setWalkerSourceNumber(null);

  , awardForm, request, response);
            super.submitAward(mapping, awardForm, request, response);
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_HOME_PAGE);
        } else {
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
        return forward;

    private void createAwardTransmission(AwardExtension newExt, AwardExtension oldExt) {
        // also
        newExt.setAwardTransmissions(new ArrayList<AwardTransmission>());
        for (AwardTransmission transmission : oldExt.getAwardTransmissions()) {
            AwardTransmission copiedTransmission = (AwardTransmission) ObjectUtils.deepCopy(transmission);
            copiedTransmission.setTransmissionChildren(new ArrayList<AwardTransmissionChild>());
            for (AwardTransmissionChild tranChild : transmission.getTransmissionChildren()) {
                AwardTransmissionChild copiedTransmissionChild = (AwardTransmissionChild) ObjectUtils

     * Setup all needed when creating a new child award.
    private ActionForward prepareToForwardToNewChildAward(ActionMapping mapping, AwardForm awardForm,
            AwardHierarchy targetNode, AwardHierarchy newNodeToView) throws WorkflowException {
        ActionForward forward;
        if (newNodeToView != null) {
            Award newChildAward = newNodeToView.getAward();
            if (!newNodeToView.isRootNode()) {
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_HOME_PAGE);
        } else {
            forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
        return forward;

     * Since a child award will always be part of a multiple award hierarchy, we need to set the boolean to true so that the anticipated
     * and obligated totals on Details & Dates tab will be uneditable on initial creation. After the initial save of document
     * this is handled in the docHandler and home methods of AwardAction.
     * @param award
    private void setMultipleNodeHierarchyOnAwardFormTrue(Award award) {


     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Update all account numbers retrieving from SAP
     * @param mapping
     *            - The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form
     *            - The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response
     *            - The HTTP response we are creating
     * @return an ActionForward instance describing where and how control should be forwarded, or null if the response has already been completed.
    public ActionForward updateAccountNumbers(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {
        BusinessObjectService boService = KcServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class);
        // parse through the submitted awards, and set account number to parent
        // award account number
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        AwardHierarchy rootHierarchyNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode();

        for (AwardHierarchy awardHierarchy : rootHierarchyNode.getChildren()) {
            boolean wipeParentAccountNumber = false;
            for (AwardHierarchy awardHierarchy2 : awardHierarchy.getChildren()) {
                // check to see if the checkbox for this award is checked, if
                // so,
                if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey(AWARD_UPDATE_PREFIX + awardHierarchy2.getAwardNumber())) {
                    wipeParentAccountNumber = true;
            if (wipeParentAccountNumber) {

        return mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_ACTIONS_PAGE);

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Validate for SAP grant transmission
     * @param mapping
     *            - The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form
     *            - The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response
     *            - The HTTP response we are creating
     * @return an ActionForward instance describing where and how control should be forwarded, or null if the response has already been completed.
    public ActionForward validateForTransmission(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {
        KcServiceLocator.getService(AuditHelper.class).setAuditMode(mapping, (AwardForm) form, true);
        // call the validate() method of the IntegrationService
        SapIntegrationService integrationService = KcServiceLocator.getService(SapIntegrationService.class);
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        AwardHierarchy primaryAwardNode = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode();
        Award primaryAward = primaryAwardNode.getAward();
        ((AwardExtension) primaryAward.getExtension()).setProposedForTransmissionIndicator(Constants.TRUE_FLAG);
        ((AwardExtension) primaryAward.getExtension()).setValidatedForTransmission(false);

        // BUKC-0071: SAP Interface - Validate Prime Sponsor/Award Type only for federal accounts and if Sponsor/Prime Sponsor are not the same -
        // replaces code for issue (BUKC-0065)

        // cycle through the award list and only pass on those that have been
        // check as proposed for transmission
        ArrayList<Award> awardsList = new ArrayList<Award>();

        checkAwardChildren(primaryAwardNode, awardsList, request);

        SapTransmission transmission = new SapTransmission(primaryAward, awardsList);
        ValidationResults results = integrationService.validate(transmission);
        if (results != null) {
            if (results.getGlobalValidationErrors() != null) {
                for (ValidationError error : results.getGlobalValidationErrors()) {
                    String[] errorParams = error.getErrorParams()
                            .toArray(new String[error.getErrorParams().size()]);
                    GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError("awardTransmission", error.getErrorKey(), errorParams);
            if (results.getAwardsInError() != null) {
                for (Long awardId : results.getAwardsInError()) {
                    for (ValidationError error : results.getAwardValidationError(awardId)) {
                        if (error.getErrorKey() != null) {
                            String[] errorParams = error.getErrorParams()
                                    .toArray(new String[error.getErrorParams().size()]);
                            GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError("awardTransmission", error.getErrorKey(),
        if (GlobalVariables.getMessageMap() != null && GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasNoErrors()) {
            ((AwardExtension) primaryAward.getExtension()).setValidatedForTransmission(true);

            for (Award award : awardsList) {
                AwardDocument tmpAwardDocument = award.getAwardDocument();
                AwardBudgetExt awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt = getLastBudgetVersion(tmpAwardDocument);
                if (!"Group".equalsIgnoreCase(((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).getChildType())
                        && awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt != null && !Constants.BUDGET_STATUS_CODE_TO_BE_POSTED
                                .equals(awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt.getAwardBudgetStatusCode())) {
                    // add a warning message
                            "warning.award.sapintegration.awardBudgetNotToBePosted", award.getAwardNumber());

                // BUKC-0071: SAP Interface - Validate Prime Sponsor/Award Type only for federal accounts and if Sponsor/Prime Sponsor are not the
                // same - replaces code for issue (BUKC-0065)

                ((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).setValidatedForTransmission(true);
        return mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_ACTIONS_PAGE);

     * Process business rule to show a warning when award type is either subgrant or subcontract and prime sposor is not entered
     * or if prime sponsor is present but the award type is not subgrant nor subgrant, this validation only applies on federal accounts.
     * @param awardDocument
    private void processPrimeSponsorAwardTypeSelectionBusinessRule(AwardDocument awardDocument) {
        Award award = awardDocument.getAward();

        // validate only if the account is federal
        if (isFederalAccount(award)) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(award.getPrimeSponsorCode()) && (isSubGrant(award) || isSubContract(award))) {

            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(award.getPrimeSponsorCode())
                    && !(award.getPrimeSponsorCode().equals(award.getSponsorCode()))) {
                if (!(isSubGrant(award) || isSubContract(award))) {


     * Determines if the given Award is a federal account. This is based on the
     * description of the AccountTypeCode on the Award.
     * @param award
     *            the Award to check to determine if it is a federal account or not
     * @return true if the given award is a a federal account, false if not
    private boolean isFederalAccount(Award award) {
        return award.getAccountTypeCode().equals(FEDERAL_CODE);

     * Determines if the given Award is a Sub-grant. This is based on the
     * description of the AwardType on the Award.
     * @param award
     *            the Award to check to determine if it is a sub-grant or not
     * @return true if the given award is a sub-grant, false if not
    private boolean isSubGrant(Award award) {
        return AWARD_TYPE_CODE_SUBGRANT.equals(award.getAwardTypeCode());

     * Determines if the given Award is a Sub-contract. This is based on the
     * description of the AwardType on the Award.
     * @param award
     *            the Award to check to determine if it is a sub-contract or not
     * @return true if the given award is a sub-contract, false if not
    private boolean isSubContract(Award award) {
        return AWARD_TYPE_CODE_SUBCONTRACT.equals(award.getAwardTypeCode());

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Validate user children selection and mark object proposed for transmission
     * @param hierarchyNode
     *            - The AwardHierarchy instance
     * @param awardsList
     *            - AwardList
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
    private void checkAwardChildren(AwardHierarchy hierarchyNode, ArrayList<Award> awardsList,
            HttpServletRequest request) {
        for (AwardHierarchy awardHierarchy : hierarchyNode.getChildren()) {
            // check to see if the checkbox for this award is checked, if so,
            if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey(AWARD_PREFIX + awardHierarchy.getAwardNumber())) {
                // mark the object proposed for transmission and save it to the
                // DB
                ((AwardExtension) awardHierarchy.getAward().getExtension())
            } else {
                ((AwardExtension) awardHierarchy.getAward().getExtension())

            ((AwardExtension) awardHierarchy.getAward().getExtension()).setValidatedForTransmission(false);
            BusinessObjectService boService = KcServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class);
            if (awardHierarchy.getChildren() != null && awardHierarchy.getChildren().size() > 0) {
                checkAwardChildren(awardHierarchy, awardsList, request);

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Validate user children selection for transmission and mark object proposed for transmission
    private void checkAwardChildrenForTransmission(AwardHierarchy hierarchyNode, ArrayList<Award> awardsList,
            HttpServletRequest request) {
        for (AwardHierarchy awardHierarchy : hierarchyNode.getChildren()) {
            // check to see if the checkbox for this award is checked, if so,
            if (request.getParameterMap()
                    .containsKey(AWARD_TRANSMISSION_PREFIX + awardHierarchy.getAwardNumber())) {
                // mark the object proposed for transmission and save it to the
                // DB
                ((AwardExtension) awardHierarchy.getAward().getExtension()).setValidatedForTransmission(true);

            // recursively check grandchildren
            if ("Group".equalsIgnoreCase(((AwardExtension) awardHierarchy.getAward().getExtension()).getChildType())
                    && awardHierarchy.getChildren() != null && awardHierarchy.getChildren().size() > 0) {
                checkAwardChildrenForTransmission(awardHierarchy, awardsList, request);

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: RDFD print functionality.
     * @param mapping
     *            - The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form
     *            - The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response
     *            - The HTTP response we are creating
     * @return an ActionForward instance describing where and how control should be forwarded, or null if the response has already been completed.
     * @throws Exception
     *             - if an exception occurs
    public ActionForward printAward(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        SapIntegrationService integrationService = KcServiceLocator.getService(SapIntegrationService.class);

        // call the transmit() method on SAPIntegrationService
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        Award primaryAward = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode().getAward();
        // cycle through the award list and only pass on those that have been
        // marked as approved for transmission
        ArrayList<Award> awardsList = new ArrayList<Award>();

        checkAwardChildren(awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode(), awardsList, request);

        SapTransmission transmission = new SapTransmission(primaryAward, awardsList);
        String transmissionXml = integrationService.getTransmitXml(transmission);
        transmissionXml = StringUtils.replace(transmissionXml, "ns2:", "");

        StringReader xmlReader = new StringReader(transmissionXml);
        StreamSource xmlSource = new StreamSource(xmlReader);

        InputStream xslStream = this.getClass()
        StreamSource xslSource = new StreamSource(xslStream);

        StringWriter resultWriter = new StringWriter();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(resultWriter);

        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(xslSource);
        transformer.transform(xmlSource, result);

        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

        return null;

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Transmission to SAP logic. Cycle through the award list and only pass on those that have been
     * marked as approved for transmission then create a record with sending data before calling the web service.
     * @param mapping
     *            - The ActionMapping used to select this instance
     * @param form
     *            - The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
     * @param request
     *            - The HTTP request we are processing
     * @param response
     *            - The HTTP response we are creating
     * @return an ActionForward instance describing where and how control should be forwarded, or null if the response has already been completed.
     * @throws Exception
     *             - if an exception occurs
    public ActionForward transmitAward(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        BusinessObjectService boService = KcServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class);
        SapIntegrationService integrationService = KcServiceLocator.getService(SapIntegrationService.class);

        // call the transmit() method on SAPIntegrationService
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        Award primaryAward = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode().getAward();
        // cycle through the award list and only pass on those that have been
        // marked as approved for transmission
        ArrayList<Award> awardsList = new ArrayList<Award>();

        checkAwardChildrenForTransmission(awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode(), awardsList, request);

        if (((AwardExtension) primaryAward.getExtension()).getLastTransmissionDate() == null
                && awardsList.isEmpty()) {
            return mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_ACTIONS_PAGE);

        SapTransmission transmission = new SapTransmission(primaryAward, awardsList);
        // create transmission record with sending data
        SapTransmissionResponse transmissionResponse = integrationService.transmit(transmission);
        // SapTransmissionResponse transmissionResponse= new SapTransmissionResponse(Status.SUCCESS, null, null, null, null, null, null);
        Map<Long, String> sponsoredProgramIds = transmissionResponse.getSponsoredProgramIds();

        // BU Customization ID: N/A 20130306 20140317 - Handle SAP Walker number
        Map<Long, String> walkerIds = transmissionResponse.getWalkerIds();

        // add to transmission record with response data and timestamp
        // mark all award as transmitted
        Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance();
        Date transmissionDate = new Date(cl.getTime().getTime());

        if (transmissionResponse != null) {

            if (transmissionResponse.isSuccess()) {
                // set last transmission date on root award
                ((AwardExtension) primaryAward.getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(transmissionDate);
                if (sponsoredProgramIds.containsKey(primaryAward.getAwardId())) {
                    String sponsoredProgramId = sponsoredProgramIds.get(primaryAward.getAwardId());
          "Found a generated sponsored program id '" + sponsoredProgramId
                            + "' from SAP service for parent award with id: " + primaryAward.getAwardId()
                            + ".  Updating award cost share source destination.");
                    for (AwardCostShare awardCostShare : primaryAward.getAwardCostShares()) {
                // set last transmission date on all awards
                for (Award award : awardsList) {
                    // Integer lastBudgetVersionNumber =
                    // getAwardBudgetService().getLastBudgetVersion(award.getAwardDocument()).getBudgetVersionNumber();

                    List<AwardBudgetExt> budgetDocumentVersions = getAwardBudgetService()
                    // iterate through versions and post the highest one that is
                    // "to be posted"
                    for (AwardBudgetExt budgetDocumentVersion : budgetDocumentVersions) {
                        AwardBudgetExt awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt = budgetDocumentVersion;
                        // lastBudgetVersionNumber ==
                        // budgetDocumentVersion.getBudgetVersionOverview().getBudgetVersionNumber()
                        // &&
                        if (awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt != null && Constants.BUDGET_STATUS_CODE_TO_BE_POSTED
                                .equals(awardBudgetVersionOverviewExt.getAwardBudgetStatusCode())) {
                            Document document = getDocumentService()
                  "About to attempt to post an AwardBudgetDocument. Type: "
                                    + document.getDocumentNumber());
                            if (document instanceof AwardBudgetDocument) {
                                AwardBudgetDocument awardBudgetDocument = (AwardBudgetDocument) getDocumentService()

                    // TODO - TEMP FIX, needs to be removed!!!
                    if (!"Group".equalsIgnoreCase(((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).getChildType())) {
                        ((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).setLastTransmissionDate(transmissionDate);
                    if (sponsoredProgramIds.containsKey(award.getAwardId())) {
                        String sponsoredProgramId = sponsoredProgramIds.get(award.getAwardId());
              "Found a generated sponsored program id '" + sponsoredProgramId
                                + "' from SAP service for award with id: " + award.getAwardId()
                                + ".  Updating award account number.");

                    // BU Customization ID: N/A 20130306 20140317 - Handle SAP Walker number
                    if (walkerIds.containsKey(award.getAwardId())) {
                        String walkerId = walkerIds.get(award.getAwardId());
              "Found a generated walker  id '" + walkerIds
                                + "' from SAP service for award with id: " + award.getAwardId()
                                + ".  Updating award walker number.");
                        ((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).setWalkerSourceNumber(walkerId);

            } else {
                // display error
                        Constants.GRANTS_GOV_GENERIC_ERROR_KEY, transmissionResponse.getMessage());

            // BU Customization ID: N/A 20130429 - Issue 55 - KC_SAP Interface to display warning
            List<String> warningMessages = transmissionResponse.getWarningMessages();
            if (warningMessages.size() > 0) {
                for (String warning : warningMessages) {
                            "warning.award.sapintegration.warning.message", warning);
          "Found a warning message : " + warning);

            // add transmission record
            AwardTransmission newAwardTransmission = new AwardTransmission();
            Long awardId = awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode().getAward().getAwardId();
            newAwardTransmission.setSuccessIndicator(transmissionResponse.isSuccess() ? "Y" : "N");

            for (Award award : awardsList) {
                // add child award transmission for each
                AwardTransmissionChild transmissionChild = new AwardTransmissionChild();
                transmissionChild.setChildType(((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).getChildType());
                String overheadKey = (String) GlobalVariables.getUserSession()
                String baseCode = (String) GlobalVariables.getUserSession()
                String offCampus = (String) GlobalVariables.getUserSession()

            ((AwardExtension) awardForm.getAwardHierarchyBean().getRootNode().getAward().getExtension())
        } else {

        return mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_ACTIONS_PAGE);

     * BU KC/SAP Integration: Generate BU Grant number after a successful transmission.
     * @param award
     *            to generate grant number
    private void generateGrantNumber(Award award) {
        // - This field should be 8 digits long
        // - The 1st 2 digits will be '50' if the Award.Account_Type = 1;
        // - The 1st 2 digits will be '55' if the Award.Account_Type = 2;
        // - The last 6 digits will be the first 6 digits of the
        // Award.Award_number;
        // - Ex. If Award_Number = 123456-00001 and Account_Type = 1; then
        // Grant_Number = 50123456
        String grantNumber;
        if (new Integer(1).compareTo(award.getAccountTypeCode()) == 0) {
            grantNumber = "50";
        } else if (new Integer(2).compareTo(award.getAccountTypeCode()) == 0) {
            grantNumber = "55";
        } else {
            // do nothing
        grantNumber = grantNumber.concat(award.getAwardNumber().substring(0, 6));
        ((AwardExtension) award.getExtension()).setGrantNumber(grantNumber);

    // BUKC-0022: Add BU's Award Notification
     * This method is overridden to accommodate changes for BU AwardPrintNotice Customization
    public ActionForward printNotice(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        Map<String, Object> reportParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        AwardPrintingService awardPrintService = KcServiceLocator.getService(AwardPrintingService.class);

        // Added validation to make sure the user selects at least one document number from the list
        if (!hasDocumentSelectedForPrint(awardForm)) {
                    BUConstants.ERROR_BUAWARDPRINT_CHECKBOX_SELECTION_REQUIRED, new String[] {});
            return mapping.findForward(Constants.MAPPING_AWARD_BASIC);
        String rootAwardNumber = awardForm.getRootAwardNumber();
        Map<String, Object> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Award rootAward = getAwardVersionService().getActiveAwardVersion(rootAwardNumber);
        fieldValues.put("awardNumber", rootAwardNumber);

        reportParameters.put("timeAndMoneyList", populateTimeAndMoneyInfoForPrintNoticeSelectedDocs(
                awardForm.getTimeAndMoneyInfoForPrintNotice(), awardForm));
        reportParameters.put("rootAward", rootAward);

        // Reset selected T&M docs
        AwardPrintNotice awardPrintNotice = awardForm.getAwardPrintNotice();
        ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).setTimeAndMoney1(false);
        ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).setTimeAndMoney2(false);
        ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).setTimeAndMoney3(false);
        ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).setTimeAndMoney4(false);
        ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).setTimeAndMoney5(false);

        AttachmentDataSource dataStream = awardPrintService.printAwardReport(
                awardForm.getAwardDocument().getAward(), AwardPrintType.AWARD_NOTICE_REPORT, reportParameters);
        streamToResponse(dataStream, response);

        return null;

     * This methods validates user selection
     * @param awardForm
     *            awardForm
     * @return whether the user selected
    private boolean hasDocumentSelectedForPrint(AwardForm awardForm) {
        AwardPrintNotice awardPrintNotice = awardForm.getAwardPrintNotice();
        return (((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney1()
                || ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney2()
                || ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney3()
                || ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney4()
                || ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney5());

     * This method populates T&M objects
     * @param timeAndMoneyDocuments
     *            a list of T&M document
     * @param awardForm
     *            award form
     * @return user selection of the presented T&M document list
     * @throws WorkflowException
    private List<TimeAndMoneyDocument> populateTimeAndMoneyInfoForPrintNoticeSelectedDocs(
            List<TimeAndMoneyDocument> timeAndMoneyDocuments, AwardForm awardForm) throws WorkflowException {
        AwardPrintNotice awardPrintNotice = awardForm.getAwardPrintNotice();

        int listSize;
        listSize = 5;
        if (timeAndMoneyDocuments.size() < 5) {
            listSize = timeAndMoneyDocuments.size();

        List<TimeAndMoneyDocument> timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice = new ArrayList<TimeAndMoneyDocument>();
        for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
        // Filter list for selected T&M docs
        List<TimeAndMoneyDocument> returnList = new ArrayList<TimeAndMoneyDocument>();

        if (timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice.size() > 0
                && ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney1()) {
        if (timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice.size() > 1
                && ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney2()) {
        if (timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice.size() > 2
                && ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney3()) {
        if (timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice.size() > 3
                && ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney4()) {
        if (timeAndMoneyDocsForPrintNotice.size() > 4
                && ((edu.ku.kuali.kra.award.printing.AwardPrintNotice) awardPrintNotice).getTimeAndMoney5()) {

        return returnList;

     * This methods gets the BUAwardPrintingService attribute value.
     * @returns BUAwardPrintingService service
    public BUAwardPrintingService getBUAwardPrintingService() {
        return KcServiceLocator.getService(BUAwardPrintingService.class);

     * This methods gets the AwardBudgetService attribute value.
     * @returns AwardBudgetService service
    public AwardBudgetService getAwardBudgetService() {
        return KcServiceLocator.getService(AwardBudgetService.class);

     * private AwardCostShare getMostRecentAwardCostShare(Award award) {
     * List<AwardCostShare> costShares = award.getAwardCostShares();
     * if (costShares.isEmpty()) {
     * return null;
     * }
     * return getMostRecentSequenceAssociate(costShares);
     * }
     * private <T extends SequenceAssociate<?>> T getMostRecentSequenceAssociate(List<T> sequenceAssociates) {
     * Collections.sort(sequenceAssociates, new Comparator<SequenceAssociate<?>>() {
     * public int compare(SequenceAssociate<?> sequence1, SequenceAssociate<?> sequence2) {
     * return sequence1.getSequenceNumber().compareTo(sequence2.getSequenceNumber());
     * }
     * });
     * return sequenceAssociates.get(sequenceAssociates.size() - 1);
     * }

    public ActionForward route(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        AwardForm awardForm = (AwardForm) form;
        AwardDocument awardDocument = awardForm.getAwardDocument();
        save(mapping, form, request, response);
        // BUKC-0090: Adding new custom data element needed in KC: FAIN (ENHC0012305)
        boolean valid = new AwardDocumentRule().processFainRequiredBusinessRule(awardDocument);

         * BUKC-0136-a: KC Subaward: (Revert to BUKC-0111) Funding Source Award data should be from the latest FINAL version (Jira KRAFDBCK-10754, BU
         * Subaward QA issue 5, DFCT0011410, and DFCT0011447)
         * Link the new version with the subawards from the previous active award version.
        if (valid) {

        return super.route(mapping, form, request, response);

     * Update the linked subaward's funding source to the new version of the award
     * @param award
     * @throws WorkflowException
    private void updateLinkedSubaward(Award award) {
        Set<Long> modifiedSubawards = new HashSet<Long>();

        List<SubAward> linkedSubawards = getSubAwardService().getLinkedSubAwards(award);
        for (SubAward subAward : award.getSubAwardList()) {

        if (linkedSubawards.size() > 0) {
            getSubAwardService().updateSubAwardFundingSource(modifiedSubawards, award);

    protected VersionHistoryService getVersionHistoryService() {
        return KcServiceLocator.getService(VersionHistoryService.class);

    public SubAwardService getSubAwardService() {
        return KcServiceLocator.getService(SubAwardService.class);