Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.ui.db; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQueryIFace; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQueryListener; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.JPAQuery; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.RecordSetIFace; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionListener; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionProcessor; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.RecordSet; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.ExpressSearchTask; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.subpane.ESResultsTablePanelIFace; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandAction; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandDispatcher; import edu.ku.brc.ui.DateWrapper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.JStatusBar; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; /** * @code_status Alpha * * @author rods * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ResultSetTableModel extends DefaultTableModel implements SQLExecutionListener, CustomQueryListener { // Static Data Members private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ResultSetTableModel.class); protected static DateWrapper scrDateFormat = AppPrefsCache.getDateWrapper("ui", "formatting", "scrdateformat"); protected static int VISIBLE_ROWS = 10; // XXX Got get this from elsewhere // Data Members protected ESResultsTablePanelIFace parentERTP; protected Vector<Class<?>> classNames = new Vector<Class<?>>(); protected Vector<String> colNames = new Vector<String>(); protected int currentRow = 0; protected QueryForIdResultsIFace results; protected boolean doSequentially; protected int numColumns = 0; protected Vector<Integer> ids = null; // Must be initialized to null! protected Vector<Vector<Object>> cache = new Vector<Vector<Object>>(); protected List<ERTICaptionInfo> captionInfo = null; protected int[] columnIndexMapper = null; protected PropertyChangeListener propertyListener = null; protected JStatusBar statusBar = UIRegistry.getStatusBar(); protected boolean doDebug = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().getBoolean("esdebug", false); // Frame buffer protected int startInx = 0; protected int endInx = 0; protected boolean useColOffset = false; /** * Construct with a QueryForIdResultsIFace * @param parentERTP * @param results */ public ResultSetTableModel(final ESResultsTablePanelIFace parentERTP, final QueryForIdResultsIFace results) { this(parentERTP, results, false); } /** * @param parentERTP * @param results * @param doSequentially */ public ResultSetTableModel(final ESResultsTablePanelIFace parentERTP, final QueryForIdResultsIFace results, final boolean doSequentially, final boolean doSelfStart) { this.parentERTP = parentERTP; this.results = results; this.doSequentially = doSequentially; captionInfo = results.getVisibleCaptionInfo(); if (!results.showProgress()) { statusBar = null; } initialize(); if (doSelfStart) { startDataAquisition(doSequentially); } } /** * @param parentERTP * @param results * @param doSequentially */ public ResultSetTableModel(final ESResultsTablePanelIFace parentERTP, final QueryForIdResultsIFace results, final boolean doSequentially) { this(parentERTP, results, doSequentially, true); } /** * perform initializations which must be performed before startDataAcquisition() is called. */ protected void initialize() { //nothing to do here } public void startDataAcquisition() { startDataAquisition(doSequentially); } /** * @param doSequentiallyArg */ protected void startDataAquisition(final boolean doSequentiallyArg) { //System.out.println("\n"+results.getTitle()+" " +results.isHQL()); if (statusBar != null) { statusBar.incrementRange(getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (results.isHQL()) { List<ERTICaptionInfo> captions = results.getVisibleCaptionInfo(); numColumns = captions.size(); for (ERTICaptionInfo caption : captions) { Class<?> cls = caption.getColClass(); classNames.addElement(cls == Boolean.class ? String.class : cls); colNames.addElement(caption.getColName()); } JPAQuery jpaQuery = null; String sqlStr = results.getSQL(results.getSearchTerm(), ids); if (sqlStr != null) { jpaQuery = new JPAQuery(sqlStr, this); jpaQuery.setCount(results.isCount()); if (!results.isCount()) { jpaQuery.setMaxResults(results.getMaxTableRows()); //not sure if this ok... } jpaQuery.setParams(results.getParams()); if (doSequentiallyArg) { jpaQuery.execute(); } else { results.setQueryTask(jpaQuery.start()); } } } else { SQLExecutionProcessor sqlProc = new SQLExecutionProcessor(this, results.getSQL(results.getSearchTerm(), ids)); if (doSequentiallyArg) { sqlProc.execute(); } else { sqlProc.start(); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel#isCellEditable(int, int) */ @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int arg0, int arg1) { return false; } /** * Cleans up internal data members. */ public void cleanUp() { parentERTP = null; results = null; propertyListener = null; for (Vector<Object> list : cache) { list.clear(); } cache.clear(); if (ids != null) { ids.clear(); } } /** * Returns the number of columns * @return Number of columns */ public int getColumnCount() { if (captionInfo != null) { return captionInfo.size(); } return numColumns; } /** * Returns the Class object for a column * @param column the column in question * @return the Class of the column */ @Override public Class<?> getColumnClass(int column) { /* * Modified this to fix a bug that (so far) had only shown itself for Timestamp columns. * * ResultSetTableModel.getValueAt(row, column) returns a formatted object for the column. * * Then in the JTable display code, JTable.getCellRenderer calls getDefaultRenderer(getColumnClass()) * Which returns a formatter for columnClass and trie to format the already-formatted value * from getValueAt(). Which actually works out (except the "centered" property is sometimes overridden * for Numbers) for all classes (usually a default formatter Object is eventually returned) except * java.sql.Timestamp. * * Everything seems OK now. * */ Class<?> cls = getColumnClass2(column); if (cls == java.util.Calendar.class) { return String.class; //whatever getValueAt(?, column) returns. } return cls; //return Object.class; //whatever getValueAt(?, column) returns. } protected Class<?> getColumnClass2(int column) { if (captionInfo != null) { if (captionInfo.get(column).getColClass() == null) { return String.class; } //log.debug(captionInfo.get(column).getColClass().getName()); return captionInfo.get(column).getColClass(); } if (classNames.size() > 0) { Class<?> classObj = classNames.elementAt(column); if (classObj == Calendar.class || classObj == java.sql.Date.class || classObj == Date.class || classObj == Timestamp.class) { return String.class; } return classObj; } return String.class; } /** * Get the column name * @param column the column of the cell to be gotten */ @Override public String getColumnName(int column) { if (captionInfo != null) { return captionInfo.get(column).getColLabel(); } if (column > -1 && column < colNames.size()) { return colNames.get(column); } return "N/A"; } /** * Gets the 'raw' value of the row col. * @param rowArg the row of the cell to be gotten * @param colArg the column of the cell to be gotten */ public Object getCacheValueAt(final int row, final int column) { if (row > -1 && row < cache.size()) { Vector<Object> rowArray = cache.get(row); if (column > -1 && column < rowArray.size()) { return rowArray.get(column); } } return null; } /** * Gets the value of the row col. * @param rowArg the row of the cell to be gotten * @param colArg the column of the cell to be gotten */ public Object getValueAt(final int row, final int column) { if (row > -1 && row < cache.size()) { Vector<Object> rowArray = cache.get(row); if (column > -1 && column < rowArray.size()) { Object obj = rowArray.get(column); Class<?> dataClassObj = getColumnClass2(column); //see comment for getColumnClass(). if (obj == null && (dataClassObj == null || dataClassObj == String.class)) { return ""; } if (obj instanceof Calendar) { return scrDateFormat.format((Calendar) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Timestamp) { return scrDateFormat.format((Date) obj); } else if (obj instanceof java.sql.Date || obj instanceof Date) { return scrDateFormat.format((Date) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { if (getColumnClass2(column) == Boolean.class) { return obj; } return UIRegistry.getResourceString(obj.toString()); } //System.out.println(row+" "+column+" ["+obj+"] "+getColumnClass(column).getSimpleName() + " " + useColOffset); UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = captionInfo != null ? captionInfo.get(column).getUiFieldFormatter() : null; if (formatter != null && formatter.isInBoundFormatter()) { return formatter.formatToUI(obj); } return obj; } } return "No Data"; } /** * Sets a new value into the Model * @param aValue the value to be set * @param row the row of the cell to be set * @param column the column of the cell to be set */ @Override public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int column) { // empty } /** * Returns the number of rows * @return Number of rows */ public int getRowCount() { return cache == null ? 0 : cache.size(); } /** * @param index * @return */ public Integer getRowId(final int index) { return ids.get(index); } /** * Removes a row from the model. * @param index the index to be removed. */ public void removeRow(final int index) { cache.remove(index); ids.remove(index); fireTableRowsDeleted(index, index); } /** * @return the results */ public QueryForIdResultsIFace getQueryForIdResults() { return results; } /** * Returns a RecordSet object from the table * @param rows the selected rows * @param returnAll indicates whether all the records should be returned if nothing was selected * @return Returns a RecordSet object from the table */ public RecordSetIFace getRecordSet(final int[] rows, final boolean returnAll) { RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(); rs.setType(RecordSet.GLOBAL); rs.initialize(); // return if now rows are selected if (!returnAll && (rows == null || rows.length == 0)) { return rs; } if (rows == null) { for (Integer id : ids) { rs.addItem(id); } } else { for (int inx : rows) { rs.addItem(ids.get(inx)); } } return rs; } /** * Clears all the data from the model * */ public void clear() { if (ids != null) { ids.clear(); } if (cache != null) { for (Vector<Object> row : cache) { row.clear(); } cache.clear(); } classNames.clear(); colNames.clear(); currentRow = 0; } /** * @param propertyListener the propertyListener to set */ public void setPropertyListener(PropertyChangeListener propertyListener) { this.propertyListener = propertyListener; } /** * @param setter * @param parent * @param fieldName * @param fieldClass * @param resultSet * @param colIndex * @throws SQLException */ protected void setField(final DataObjectSettable setter, final Object parent, final String fieldName, final Class<?> fieldClass, final ResultSet resultSet, final int colIndex) throws SQLException { Object fieldDataObj = resultSet.getObject(colIndex + 1); //log.debug("fieldName ["+fieldName+"] fieldClass ["+fieldClass.getSimpleName()+"] colIndex [" + colIndex + "] fieldDataObj [" + fieldDataObj+"]"); if (fieldDataObj != null) { if (fieldClass == String.class) { setter.setFieldValue(parent, fieldName, fieldDataObj); } else if (fieldClass == Byte.class) { setter.setFieldValue(parent, fieldName, resultSet.getByte(colIndex + 1)); } else if (fieldClass == Short.class) { setter.setFieldValue(parent, fieldName, resultSet.getShort(colIndex + 1)); } else { setter.setFieldValue(parent, fieldName, fieldDataObj); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionListener#exectionDone(edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionProcessor, java.sql.ResultSet) */ @Override //@SuppressWarnings("null") public synchronized void exectionDone(final SQLExecutionProcessor process, final ResultSet resultSet) { if (statusBar != null) { statusBar.incrementValue(getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (resultSet == null || results == null) { log.error("The " + (resultSet == null ? "resultSet" : "results") + " is null."); if (propertyListener != null) { propertyListener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, "rowCount", null, 0)); } return; } List<ERTICaptionInfo> captions = results.getVisibleCaptionInfo(); // This can do one of two things: // 1) Take multiple columns and create an object and use a DataObjectFormatter to format the object. // 2) Table multiple objects that were derived from the columns and roll those up into a single column's value. // This happens when you get back rows of info where part of the columns are duplicated because you really // want those value to be put into a single column. // // Step One - Is to figure out what type of object needs to be created and what the Columns are // that need to be set into the object so the dataObjFormatter can do its job. // // Step Two - If the objects are being aggregated then the object created from the columns are added to a List // and then last formatted as an "aggregation" try { if ( { ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); // Composite boolean hasCompositeObj = false; DataObjSwitchFormatter dataObjFormatter = null; UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = null; Object compObj = null; // Aggregates ERTICaptionInfo aggCaption = null; ERTICaptionInfo compositeCaption = null; Vector<Object> aggList = null; DataObjectSettable aggSetter = null; Stack<Object> aggListRecycler = null; DataObjectSettable dataSetter = null; // data getter for Aggregate or the Subclass // Loop through the caption to figure out what columns will be displayed. // Watch for Captions with an Aggregator or Composite numColumns = captions.size(); for (ERTICaptionInfo caption : captions) { colNames.addElement(caption.getColLabel()); int inx = caption.getPosIndex() + 1; //log.debug(metaData.getColumnClassName(inx)); Class<?> cls = null; try { cls = Class.forName(metaData.getColumnClassName(inx)); if (cls == Calendar.class || cls == java.sql.Date.class || cls == Date.class) { cls = String.class; } } catch (SQLException ex) { cls = String.class; } classNames.addElement(cls); caption.setColClass(cls); if (caption.getAggregatorName() != null) { //log.debug("The Agg is ["+caption.getAggregatorName()+"] "+caption.getColName()); // Alright we have an aggregator aggList = new Vector<Object>(); aggListRecycler = new Stack<Object>(); aggCaption = caption; aggSetter = DataObjectSettableFactory.get(aggCaption.getAggClass().getName(), FormHelper.DATA_OBJ_SETTER); // Now check to see if we are aggregating the this type of object or a child object of this object // For example Collectors use an Agent as part of the aggregation if (aggCaption.getSubClass() != null) { dataSetter = DataObjectSettableFactory.get(aggCaption.getSubClass().getName(), FormHelper.DATA_OBJ_SETTER); } else { dataSetter = aggSetter; } } else if (caption.getColInfoList() != null) { formatter = caption.getUiFieldFormatter(); if (formatter != null) { compositeCaption = caption; } else { // OK, now aggregation but we will be rolling up multiple columns into a single object for formatting // We need to get the formatter to see what the Class is of the object hasCompositeObj = true; aggCaption = caption; dataObjFormatter = caption.getDataObjFormatter(); if (dataObjFormatter != null) { if (dataObjFormatter.getDataClass() != null) { aggSetter = DataObjectSettableFactory.get( dataObjFormatter.getDataClass().getName(), ""); } else { log.error("formatterObj.getDataClass() was null for " + caption.getColName()); } } else { log.error("DataObjFormatter was null for " + caption.getColName()); } } } //colNames.addElement(metaData.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println("**************** " + caption.getColLabel()+ " "+inx+ " " + caption.getColClass().getSimpleName()); } // aggCaption will be non-null for both a Aggregate AND a Composite if (aggCaption != null) { // Here we need to dynamically discover what the column indexes are that we to grab // in order to set them into the created data object for (ERTICaptionInfo.ColInfo colInfo : aggCaption.getColInfoList()) { for (int i = 0; i < metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { String colName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(colInfo.getColumnName(), "."); if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(metaData.getColumnName(i + 1))) { colInfo.setPosition(i); break; } } } // Now check to see if there is an Order Column because the Aggregator // might need it for sorting the Aggregation String ordColName = aggCaption.getOrderCol(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ordColName)) { String colName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(ordColName, "."); //log.debug("colName ["+colName+"]"); for (int i = 0; i < metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { //log.debug("["+colName+"]["+metaData.getColumnName(i+1)+"]"); if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(metaData.getColumnName(i + 1))) { aggCaption.setOrderColIndex(i); break; } } if (aggCaption.getOrderColIndex() == -1) { log.error("Agg Order Column Index wasn't found [" + ordColName + "]"); } } } if (ids == null) { ids = new Vector<Integer>(); } else { ids.clear(); } // Here is the tricky part. // When we are doing a Composite we are just taking multiple columns and // essentially replace them with a single value from the DataObjFormatter // // But when doing an Aggregation we taking several rows and rolling them up into a single value. // so this code knows when it is doing an aggregation, so it knows to only add a new row to the display-able // results when primary id changes. DataObjFieldFormatMgr dataObjMgr = DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance(); Vector<Object> row = null; boolean firstTime = true; int prevId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // really can't assume any value but will choose Max int numCols = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); do { int id = resultSet.getInt(1); //log.debug("id: "+id+" prevId: "+prevId); // Remember aggCaption is used by both a Aggregation and a Composite if (aggCaption != null && !hasCompositeObj) { if (firstTime) { prevId = id; row = new Vector<Object>(); firstTime = false; cache.add(row); ids.add(id); } else if (id != prevId) { //log.debug("Agg List len: "+aggList.size()); if (row != null && aggList != null) { int aggInx = captions.indexOf(aggCaption); row.remove(aggInx); row.insertElementAt(dataObjMgr.aggregate(aggList, aggCaption.getAggClass()), aggInx); if (aggListRecycler != null) { aggListRecycler.addAll(aggList); } aggList.clear(); row = new Vector<Object>(); cache.add(row); ids.add(id); } prevId = id; } else if (row == null) { row = new Vector<Object>(); cache.add(row); ids.add(id); } } else { row = new Vector<Object>(); cache.add(row); ids.add(id); } // Now for each Caption column get a value for (ERTICaptionInfo caption : captions) { int posIndex = caption.getPosIndex(); if (caption == aggCaption) // Checks to see if we need to take multiple columns and make one column { if (hasCompositeObj) // just doing a Composite { if (aggSetter != null && row != null && dataObjFormatter != null) { if (compObj == null) { compObj = aggCaption.getAggClass().newInstance(); } for (ERTICaptionInfo.ColInfo colInfo : aggCaption.getColInfoList()) { setField(aggSetter, compObj, colInfo.getFieldName(), colInfo.getFieldClass(), resultSet, colInfo.getPosition()); } row.add(DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance().format(compObj, compObj.getClass())); } else if (formatter != null) { int len = compositeCaption.getColInfoList().size(); Object[] val = new Object[len]; int i = 0; for (ERTICaptionInfo.ColInfo colInfo : compositeCaption.getColInfoList()) { int colInx = colInfo.getPosition() + posIndex + 1; if (colInx < numCols) { val[i++] = resultSet.getObject(colInx); } else { //val[i++] = resultSet.getObject(posIndex+1); val[i++] = "(Missing Data)"; } } row.add(formatter.formatToUI(val)); } else { log.error("Aggregator is null! [" + aggCaption.getAggregatorName() + "] or row or aggList"); } } else if (aggSetter != null && row != null && aggList != null) // Doing an Aggregation { Object aggObj; if (aggListRecycler.size() == 0) { aggObj = aggCaption.getAggClass().newInstance(); } else { aggObj = aggListRecycler.pop(); } Object aggSubObj = aggCaption.getSubClass() != null ? aggCaption.getSubClass().newInstance() : null; aggList.add(aggObj); //@SuppressWarnings("unused") //DataObjAggregator aggregator = DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance().getAggregator(aggCaption.getAggregatorName()); //log.debug(" aggCaption.getOrderColIndex() "+ aggCaption.getOrderColIndex()); //aggSetter.setFieldValue(aggObj, aggregator.getOrderFieldName(), resultSet.getObject(aggCaption.getOrderColIndex() + 1)); Object dataObj; if (aggSubObj != null) { aggSetter.setFieldValue(aggObj, aggCaption.getSubClassFieldName(), aggSubObj); dataObj = aggSubObj; } else { dataObj = aggObj; } for (ERTICaptionInfo.ColInfo colInfo : aggCaption.getColInfoList()) { setField(dataSetter, dataObj, colInfo.getFieldName(), colInfo.getFieldClass(), resultSet, colInfo.getPosition()); } row.add("PlaceHolder"); } else if (aggSetter == null || aggList == null) { log.error("Aggregator is null! [" + aggCaption.getAggregatorName() + "] or aggList[" + aggList + "]"); } } else if (row != null) { if (caption.getColName() == null && caption.getColInfoList().size() > 0) { int len = caption.getColInfoList().size(); Object[] val = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < caption.getColInfoList().size(); i++) { int inx = posIndex + 1 + i; val[i] = caption.processValue(resultSet.getObject(inx)); } row.add(caption.getUiFieldFormatter().formatToUI(val)); //col += caption.getColInfoList().size() - 1; } else { Object obj = caption.processValue(resultSet.getObject(posIndex + 1)); row.add(obj); } } } } while (; // We were always setting the rolled up data when the ID changed // but on the last row we need to do it here manually (so to speak) if (aggCaption != null && aggList != null && aggList.size() > 0 && row != null) { int aggInx = captions.indexOf(aggCaption); row.remove(aggInx); String colStr; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aggCaption.getAggregatorName())) { colStr = DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance().aggregate(aggList, aggCaption.getAggregatorName()); } else { colStr = DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance().aggregate(aggList, aggCaption.getAggClass()); } row.insertElementAt(colStr, aggInx); aggList.clear(); aggListRecycler.clear(); } fireTableStructureChanged(); fireTableDataChanged(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (propertyListener != null) { propertyListener .propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, "rowCount", null, new Integer(cache.size()))); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionListener#executionError(edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.SQLExecutionProcessor, java.lang.Exception) */ @Override public synchronized void executionError(SQLExecutionProcessor process, Exception ex) { if (statusBar != null) { statusBar.incrementValue(getClass().getSimpleName()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQueryListener#exectionDone(edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQuery) */ @Override public void exectionDone(final CustomQueryIFace customQuery) { if (statusBar != null) { statusBar.incrementValue(getClass().getSimpleName()); } results.queryTaskDone(customQuery); List<?> list = customQuery.getDataObjects(); List<ERTICaptionInfo> captions = results.getVisibleCaptionInfo(); //log.debug("Results size: "+list.size()); if (ids == null) { ids = new Vector<Integer>(); } else { ids.clear(); } if (!customQuery.isInError() && !customQuery.isCancelled() && list != null && list.size() > 0) { /*if (numColumns == 1) { for (Object rowObj : list) { Vector<Object> row = new Vector<Object>(list.size()); row.add(rowObj); cache.add(row); } } else*/ { int maxTableRows = results.getMaxTableRows(); int rowNum = 0; for (Object rowObj : list) { if (rowNum == maxTableRows) { break; } if (customQuery.isCancelled()) { break; } //Vector<Object> row = new Vector<Object>(list.size()); //list.size()????? Vector<Object> row = new Vector<Object>( rowObj.getClass().isArray() ? ((Object[]) rowObj).length : 1); if (rowObj != null && rowObj.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] rowCols = (Object[]) rowObj; int capInx = 0; for (int col = 0; col < rowCols.length; col++) { Object colObj = rowCols[col]; ERTICaptionInfo capInfo = captions.get(capInx); if (col == 0) { if (colObj instanceof Integer) { ids.add((Integer) colObj); if (doDebug) log.debug("*** 1 Adding id[" + colObj + "]"); } else { //log.error("First Column must be Integer id! ["+colObj+"]"); row.add(capInfo.processValue(colObj)); capInx++; } } else if (capInfo.getColName() == null && capInfo.getColInfoList().size() > 0) { int len = capInfo.getColInfoList().size(); Object[] val = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < capInfo.getColInfoList().size(); i++) { val[i] = capInfo.processValue(rowCols[col + i]); } row.add(capInfo.getUiFieldFormatter().formatToUI(val)); col += capInfo.getColInfoList().size() - 1; capInx++; } else { Object obj = capInfo.processValue(colObj); row.add(obj); if (doDebug) log.debug("*** 2 Adding id[" + obj + "]"); capInx++; } } // for } else { row.add(rowObj); } cache.add(row); rowNum++; } } results.cacheFilled(cache); fireTableDataChanged(); } if (propertyListener != null) { propertyListener .propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, "rowCount", null, new Integer(cache.size()))); } if (parentERTP != null) { CommandAction cmdAction = new CommandAction(ExpressSearchTask.EXPRESSSEARCH, "SearchComplete", customQuery); cmdAction.setProperty("QueryForIdResultsIFace", results); cmdAction.setProperty("ESResultsTablePanelIFace", parentERTP); CommandDispatcher.dispatch(cmdAction); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQueryListener#executionError(edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.CustomQuery) */ @Override public void executionError(CustomQueryIFace customQuery) { UIRegistry.getStatusBar().incrementValue(getClass().getSimpleName()); } /** * @return the parentERTP */ public ESResultsTablePanelIFace getParentERTP() { return parentERTP; } /** * @return true if results are still being loaded or created. */ public boolean isLoadingCells() { return false; } public QueryForIdResultsIFace getResults() { return results; } }