Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import static edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.convertToDDDDDD; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderFactory; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectingEvent; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.CollectionObject; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Collector; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Determination; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Geography; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Locality; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Taxon; import edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks.PluginsTask; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; import edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.DEGREES_FORMAT; import edu.ku.brc.util.LatLonConverter.DIRECTION; import; /** * Creates Google Earth KML for the LocalityMapper. * * @author jstewart * * @code_status Complete */ public class CollectingEventLocalityKMLGenerator { /** Logger used to emit any messages from this class. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CollectingEventLocalityKMLGenerator.class); /** Keyhole Markup Language namespace declaration. */ protected static String KML_NAMESPACE_DECL = ""; /** <code>CollectingEvents</code> to map in the KML output. */ protected List<FormDataObjIFace> dataObjs; /** Labels to apply to the events mapped. */ protected List<String> labels; /** A mapping from a species name to a URL with a species image. */ protected Hashtable<String, String> speciesToImageMapper; protected String textColor = "000000"; /** A URL to an image file to be used as the placemark icon. */ protected String placemarkIconURL; /** The background color of the placemark balloons. */ protected String balloonStyleBgColor; /** The text color for the placemark balloons. */ protected String balloonStyleTextColor; /** The format description for the placemark balloons. */ protected String balloonStyleText; /** The description of the KML/KMZ File */ protected String description; /** * Constructs a new KML generator object. */ public CollectingEventLocalityKMLGenerator() { dataObjs = new Vector<FormDataObjIFace>(); labels = new Vector<String>(); } /** * @param description the description to set */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * @param textColor the textColor to set */ public void setTextColor(String textColor) { this.textColor = textColor; } /** * Adds a collecting event to the set to be mapped. * * @param ce the event * @param label the label for the event */ public void addDataObj(FormDataObjIFace ce, String label) { dataObjs.add(ce); labels.add(label); } /** * Clears all data from the generator's data sets. */ public void clear() { dataObjs.clear(); labels.clear(); } /** * Sets the speciesToImageMapper. * * @param speciesToImageMapper the mapping <code>Hashtable</code> */ public void setSpeciesToImageMapper(final Hashtable<String, String> speciesToImageMapper) { this.speciesToImageMapper = speciesToImageMapper; } /** * Write the KML out to a file. * * @param filename the name of the output file * @throws IOException a file I/O exception occurred */ public void outputToFile(final String filename) throws IOException { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement("kml").addAttribute("xmlns", KML_NAMESPACE_DECL); Element kmlDocument = root.addElement("Document"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) { kmlDocument.addElement("description").addText(description); } GenericKMLGenerator.generateStyle(kmlDocument, placemarkIconURL, balloonStyleBgColor, balloonStyleTextColor, balloonStyleText); boolean isDoingCollectingEvents = false; DataProviderSessionIFace session = null; try { session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); for (int i = 0; i < dataObjs.size(); ++i) { String label = labels.get(i); FormDataObjIFace dataObj = dataObjs.get(i); session.attach(dataObj); if (dataObj instanceof CollectingEvent) { generatePlacemark(kmlDocument, (CollectingEvent) dataObj, label); isDoingCollectingEvents = true; } else if (dataObj instanceof Locality) { generatePlacemark(kmlDocument, (Locality) dataObj, label); } else if (dataObj instanceof CollectionObject) { generatePlacemark(kmlDocument, (CollectionObject) dataObj, label); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } if (isDoingCollectingEvents) { /*String kmlStr = generatePathForLocalities(); if (kmlStr != null) { writer.write(kmlStr); }*/ } FileWriter out = new FileWriter(filename); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, format); writer.write(document); writer.close(); out.close(); } // /** // * Builds an XML chunk describing the path from the first locality to the last. // * // * @return an XML string // */ // protected String generatePathForLocalities() // { // int cnt = 0; // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<Placemark>\n"); // sb.append(GenericKMLGenerator.generateXmlElement("styleUrl", "#custom")); // sb.append("\n"); // sb.append("<LineString>\n"); // sb.append("<coordinates>"); // for( FormDataObjIFace dataObj : dataObjs ) // { // Locality loc = dataObj instanceof CollectingEvent ? ((CollectingEvent)dataObj).getLocality() : (Locality)dataObj; // if (loc != null && loc.getLongitude1() != null && loc.getLatitude1() != null) // { // sb.append(loc.getLongitude1()); // sb.append(","); // sb.append(loc.getLatitude1()); // sb.append(","); // sb.append("0.0\n"); // cnt++; // } // } // sb.append("</coordinates>\n"); // sb.append("</LineString>\n"); // sb.append("</Placemark>\n\n\n"); // // return cnt > 0 ? sb.toString() : null; // } /** * Generates a KML chunk describing the given collecting event. * * @param ce the event * @param label the label for the event * @return the KML string */ protected void generatePlacemark(Element kmlDocument, final Locality loc, final String label) { if (loc == null || loc.getLatitude1() == null || loc.getLongitude1() == null) { return; } BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1(); BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1(); // TODO Finishing implementing this method with Geography //Geography geo = loc.getGeography(); // build the placemark Element placemark = kmlDocument.addElement("Placemark"); placemark.addElement("styleUrl").addText("#custom"); placemark.addElement("name").addText(label != null ? label : loc.getLocalityName()); // build the fancy HTML popup description placemark.addElement("description").addCDATA(generateHtmlDesc(loc)); GenericKMLGenerator.buildPointAndLookAt(placemark, new Pair<Double, Double>(lat.doubleValue(), lon.doubleValue())); } /** * Generates a KML chunk describing the given collecting event. * @param kmlDocument * * @param ce the event * @param label the label for the event * @return the KML string */ protected void generatePlacemark(Element kmlDocument, final CollectingEvent ce, final String label) { if (ce == null || ce.getLocality() == null || ce.getLocality().getLatitude1() == null || ce.getLocality().getLongitude1() == null) { return; } // get all of the important information Locality loc = ce.getLocality(); BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1(); BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1(); // get event times Calendar start = ce.getStartDate(); DateFormat dfStart = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); String startString = ""; if (start != null) { dfStart.setCalendar(start); startString = dfStart.format(start.getTime()); } Calendar end = ce.getEndDate(); DateFormat dfEnd = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); String endString = ""; if (end != null) { dfEnd.setCalendar(end); endString = dfEnd.format(end.getTime()); } // build the placemark Element placemark = kmlDocument.addElement("Placemark"); placemark.addElement("styleUrl").addText("#custom"); StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); if (label != null) { name.append(label); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(startString)) { name.append(startString); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(endString) && !startString.equals(endString)) { name.append(" - "); name.append(endString); } } placemark.addElement("name").addText(name.toString()); // build the fancy HTML popup description placemark.addElement("description").addCDATA(generateHtmlDesc(ce)); GenericKMLGenerator.buildPointAndLookAt(placemark, new Pair<Double, Double>(lat.doubleValue(), lon.doubleValue())); } protected String generateHtmlDesc(CollectingEvent ce) { // get names of collectors List<String> agentNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Collector c : ce.getCollectors()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(c.getAgent().getFirstName())) { agentNames.add(c.getAgent().getLastName()); } else { agentNames.add(c.getAgent().getFirstName() + " " + c.getAgent().getLastName()); } } // get taxonomy of collection object Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, CollectionObject> coHash = new Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, CollectionObject>(); Vector<Pair<String, String>> genusSpecies = new Vector<Pair<String, String>>(); for (CollectionObject co : ce.getCollectionObjects()) { String genus = null; String species = null; for (Determination d : co.getDeterminations()) { if (d.isCurrentDet()) { Taxon t = d.getPreferredTaxon(); species = t.getName(); genus = t.getParent().getName(); break; } } Pair<String, String> genusSpeciesPair = new Pair<String, String>(genus, species); genusSpecies.add(genusSpeciesPair); coHash.put(genusSpeciesPair, co); } DBTableInfo colObjTableInfo = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(CollectionObject.getClassTableId()); DBFieldInfo catalogNumberFI = colObjTableInfo.getFieldByColumnName("CatalogNumber"); UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = catalogNumberFI.getFormatter(); Element desc = DocumentHelper.createElement("div"); //sb.append("<center><h3>"); //sb.append(startString); //sb.append(" - "); //sb.append(endString); //sb.append("</h3></center><br/>"); desc.addElement("h3").addText(getResourceString("GE_COLLECTOR")); Element ul = desc.addElement("ul"); for (String agent : agentNames) { ul.addElement("li").addText(agent); } if (genusSpecies.size() > 0) { desc.addElement("br"); desc.addElement("h3").addText(getResourceString("GE_COLLECTION_OBJECTS")); Element table = desc.addElement("table"); AppPreferences remotePrefs = AppPreferences.getRemote(); String primaryURL = remotePrefs.get(PluginsTask.GE_BALLOON_PRIMARY_URL, null); String primaryURLTitle = remotePrefs.get(PluginsTask.GE_BALLOON_PRIMARY_URL_TITLE, null); String secondaryURL = remotePrefs.get(PluginsTask.GE_BALLOON_SECONDARY_URL, null); String secondaryURLTitle = remotePrefs.get(PluginsTask.GE_BALLOON_SECONDARY_URL_TITLE, null); Element tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("th").addElement("center").addText(getResourceString("GE_CATALOG_NUMBER")); tr.addElement("th").addText(getResourceString("GE_TAXONOMY")); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(primaryURL)) { tr.addElement("th").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addElement("center") .addText(getResourceString("GE_PRIMARY")); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(secondaryURL)) { tr.addElement("th").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addElement("center") .addText(getResourceString("GE_SECONDARY")); } for (Pair<String, String> tax : genusSpecies) { tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("td").addElement("center") .addText((formatter != null) ? formatter.formatToUI(coHash.get(tax).getCatalogNumber()).toString() : coHash.get(tax).getCatalogNumber()); // simple name text String taxonomicName = (tax.first != null ? tax.first : "") + " " + (tax.second != null ? tax.second : ""); tr.addElement("td").addElement("i").addText(taxonomicName); String linkTextColor = (textColor.startsWith("F") ? "WHITE" : "BLACK"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(primaryURL)) { String primaryURLStr = String.format(primaryURL, tax.first, tax.second); tr.addElement("td").addElement("center").addElement("a") .addAttribute("style", "color:" + linkTextColor).addAttribute("href", primaryURLStr) .addText(primaryURLTitle); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(secondaryURL)) { String secondaryURLStr = String.format(secondaryURL, tax.first, tax.second); tr.addElement("td").addElement("center").addElement("a") .addAttribute("style", "color:" + linkTextColor).addAttribute("href", secondaryURLStr) .addText(secondaryURLTitle); } if (speciesToImageMapper != null) { String imgSrc = speciesToImageMapper.get(taxonomicName); //System.out.println("["+taxonomicName+"]["+imgSrc+"]"); if (imgSrc != null) { tr.addElement("td").addElement("img").addAttribute("src", imgSrc); } else { tr.addElement("td"); } } } } return XMLtoString(desc); } private String XMLtoString(Element el) { OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); Writer writer = new StringWriter(); try { new XMLWriter(writer, format).write(el); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return writer.toString(); } private String generateHtmlDesc(Locality loc) { BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1(); BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1(); Element desc = DocumentHelper.createElement("div"); // desc.addElement("h3").addText(getResourceString("GE_LOCALITY")); Element table = desc.addElement("table"); Element tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right") .addText(getResourceString("Latitude") + ":"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addText("" + lat.doubleValue()); tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right") .addText(getResourceString("Longitude") + ":"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addText("" + lon.doubleValue()); if (loc.getGeography() != null) { tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right") .addText(getResourceString("Geography") + ":"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor) .addText(loc.getGeography().getFullName()); } return XMLtoString(desc); } private String generateHtmlDesc(CollectionObject colObj) { CollectingEvent ce = colObj.getCollectingEvent(); Locality loc = ce.getLocality(); BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1(); BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1(); //DBTableInfo coti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(CollectionObject.getClassTableId()); DBTableInfo ceti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(CollectingEvent.getClassTableId()); StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(colObj.getIdentityTitle()); String taxonStr = null; String startDateStr = null; String geoStr = null; for (Determination det : colObj.getDeterminations()) { if (det.getIsCurrent()) { Taxon taxon = det.getTaxon(); if (taxon != null) { taxonStr = taxon.getFullName(); } } } if (ce.getStartDate() != null) { DBFieldInfo sdFI = ceti.getFieldByColumnName("StartDate"); UIFieldFormatterIFace fmtr = sdFI.getFormatter(); if (fmtr == null) { fmtr = UIFieldFormatterMgr.getInstance().getFormatter("PartialDate"); } if (fmtr != null) { Object dateFmtObj = fmtr.formatToUI(ce.getStartDate(), ce.getStartDatePrecision()); if (dateFmtObj != null) { startDateStr = dateFmtObj.toString(); } } } if (loc.getGeography() != null) { geoStr = loc.getGeography().getFullName(); } // sb.append( // DocumentHelper.createElement("h3") // .addText(getResourceString("GE_LOCALITY")+":").asXML()); Element table = DocumentHelper.createElement("table"); appendCellTR(table, CollectingEvent.getClassTableId(), "StartDate", "Start Date", startDateStr); appendCellTR(table, Taxon.getClassTableId(), null, "Taxon", taxonStr); appendCellTR(table, Locality.getClassTableId(), "Latitude1", "Latitude", convertToDDDDDD(loc.getLatitude1(), DEGREES_FORMAT.String, DIRECTION.NorthSouth, 4)); appendCellTR(table, Locality.getClassTableId(), "Longitude1", "Longitude", convertToDDDDDD(loc.getLongitude1(), DEGREES_FORMAT.String, DIRECTION.EastWest, 4)); appendCellTR(table, Geography.getClassTableId(), null, "Geography", geoStr); return XMLtoString(table); } /** * @param table * @param title * @param value */ private void appendCellTR(final Element table, final Integer tableId, final String colName, final String titleArg, final String value) { String title = titleArg; if (titleArg == null && tableId != null) { DBTableInfo ti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(tableId); if (ti != null) { if (colName != null) { DBFieldInfo fi = ti.getFieldByColumnName(colName); if (fi != null) { title = fi.getTitle(); } } else { title = ti.getTitle(); } } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(title) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { Element tr = table.addElement("tr"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor + "; text-align:right") .addText(title + ":"); tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("style", "color:#" + textColor).addText(value); } } /** * Generates a KML chunk describing the given collecting event. * * @param ce the event * @param label the label for the event * @return the KML string */ protected void generatePlacemark(Element kmlDocument, final CollectionObject colObj, final String label) { if (colObj == null || colObj.getCollectingEvent() == null || colObj.getCollectingEvent().getLocality() == null) { return; } CollectingEvent ce = colObj.getCollectingEvent(); Locality loc = ce.getLocality(); if (loc.getLatitude1() == null || loc.getLongitude1() == null) { return; } BigDecimal lat = loc.getLatitude1(); BigDecimal lon = loc.getLongitude1(); //DBTableInfo coti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(CollectionObject.getClassTableId()); DBTableInfo ceti = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoById(CollectingEvent.getClassTableId()); StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(colObj.getIdentityTitle()); // build the placemark Element placemark = kmlDocument.addElement("Placemark"); placemark.addElement("styleUrl").addText("#custom"); placemark.addElement("name").addText(label != null ? label : title.toString()); placemark.addElement("description").addCDATA(generateHtmlDesc(colObj)); GenericKMLGenerator.buildPointAndLookAt(placemark, new Pair<Double, Double>(lat.doubleValue(), lon.doubleValue())); } /** * @param placemarkIconURL the placemarkIconURL to set */ public void setPlacemarkIconURL(String placemarkIconURL) { this.placemarkIconURL = placemarkIconURL; } /** * @param balloonStyleBgColor the balloonStyleBgColor to set */ public void setBalloonStyleBgColor(String balloonStyleBgColor) { this.balloonStyleBgColor = balloonStyleBgColor; } /** * @param balloonStyleTextColor the balloonStyleTextColor to set */ public void setBalloonStyleTextColor(String balloonStyleTextColor) { this.balloonStyleTextColor = balloonStyleTextColor; } /** * @param balloonStyleText the balloonStyleText to set */ public void setBalloonStyleText(String balloonStyleText) { this.balloonStyleText = balloonStyleText; } }