Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.tasks; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getFormattedResStr; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DBConnection; import edu.ku.brc.helpers.Encryption; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.DataModelObjBase; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Institution; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpecifyUser; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandAction; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CommandDispatcher; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CustomDialog; import edu.ku.brc.ui.DocumentAdaptor; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; /** * * @author megkumin & Ricardo * */ public class SecurityAdminTask extends BaseTask { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SecurityAdminTask.class); public static final String SECURITY_ADMIN = "SecurityAdmin"; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected SubPaneIFace starterPane = null; public SecurityAdminTask() { super(SECURITY_ADMIN, getResourceString(SECURITY_ADMIN)); CommandDispatcher.register(SECURITY_ADMIN, this); iconName = "Security"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.core.Taskable#initialize() */ public void initialize() { if (!isInitialized) { super.initialize(); // sets isInitialized to false } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.core.BaseTask#getStarterPane() */ public SubPaneIFace getStarterPane() { if (starterPane == null) { if (SubPaneMgr.getInstance().aboutToShutdown()) { SecurityAdminPane userGroupAdminPane = new SecurityAdminPane(title, this); userGroupAdminPane.createMainControlUI(); starterPane = userGroupAdminPane; TaskMgr.disableAllEnabledTasks(); } } return starterPane; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void subPaneRemoved(final SubPaneIFace subPane) { super.subPaneRemoved(subPane); if (starterPane != null && (starterPane == subPane || subPanes.size() == 0)) { starterPane.shutdown(); starterPane = null; TaskMgr.reenableAllDisabledTasks(); TaskMgr.getTask("Startup").requestContext(); } } /** * Enables the User to change password. */ public static void changePassword(final boolean isStartingEmpty) { final ViewBasedDisplayDialog dlg = new ViewBasedDisplayDialog((Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(), "SystemSetup", "ChangePassword", null, getResourceString(getKey("CHG_PWD_TITLE")), "OK", null, null, true, MultiView.HIDE_SAVE_BTN | MultiView.DONT_ADD_ALL_ALTVIEWS | MultiView.USE_ONLY_CREATION_MODE | MultiView.IS_EDITTING); dlg.setWhichBtns(CustomDialog.OK_BTN | CustomDialog.CANCEL_BTN); dlg.setFormAdjuster(new FormPane.FormPaneAdjusterIFace() { @Override public void adjustForm(final FormViewObj fvo) { final ValPasswordField oldPwdVTF = fvo.getCompById("1"); final ValPasswordField newPwdVTF = fvo.getCompById("2"); final ValPasswordField verPwdVTF = fvo.getCompById("3"); final PasswordStrengthUI pwdStrenthUI = fvo.getCompById("4"); if (isStartingEmpty && pwdStrenthUI != null) { pwdStrenthUI.setDoPainting(true); } Institution institution = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Institution.class); int minPwdLen = (int) institution.getMinimumPwdLength(); newPwdVTF.setMinLen(minPwdLen); verPwdVTF.setMinLen(minPwdLen); pwdStrenthUI.setMinPwdLen(minPwdLen); DocumentAdaptor da = new DocumentAdaptor() { @Override protected void changed(final DocumentEvent e) { super.changed(e); // Need to invoke later so the da gets to set the enabled state last. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String pwdStr = new String(newPwdVTF.getPassword()); String verStr = new String(verPwdVTF.getPassword()); boolean pwdOK = pwdStrenthUI.checkStrength(pwdStr) && pwdStr.equals(verStr) && newPwdVTF.getState() == UIValidatable.ErrorType.Valid; dlg.getOkBtn().setEnabled(pwdOK); pwdStrenthUI.repaint(); } }); } }; oldPwdVTF.getDocument().addDocumentListener(da); verPwdVTF.getDocument().addDocumentListener(da); newPwdVTF.getDocument().addDocumentListener(da); } }); Hashtable<String, String> valuesHash = new Hashtable<String, String>(); dlg.setData(valuesHash); UIHelper.centerAndShow(dlg); if (!dlg.isCancelled()) { int pwdLen = 6; String oldPwd = valuesHash.get("OldPwd"); String newPwd1 = valuesHash.get("NewPwd1"); String newPwd2 = valuesHash.get("NewPwd2"); if (newPwd1.equals(newPwd2)) { if (newPwd1.length() >= pwdLen) { SpecifyUser spUser = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(SpecifyUser.class); //String username = spUser.getName(); String spuOldPwd = spUser.getPassword(); String newEncryptedPwd = null; String oldDecryptedPwd = Encryption.decrypt(spuOldPwd, oldPwd); if (oldDecryptedPwd != null && oldDecryptedPwd.equals(oldPwd)) { newEncryptedPwd = Encryption.encrypt(newPwd2, newPwd2); spUser.setPassword(newEncryptedPwd); if (! { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString(getKey("PWD_ERR_SAVE")), Color.RED); } } else { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString(getKey("PWD_ERR_BAD")), Color.RED); } if (newEncryptedPwd != null) { Pair<String, String> masterPwd = UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.getInstance() .getUserNamePasswordForDB(); String encryptedMasterUP = UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.encrypt(masterPwd.first, masterPwd.second, newPwd2); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(encryptedMasterUP)) { AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().put( UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.getInstance().getMasterPrefPath(true), encryptedMasterUP); UIHelper.setTextToClipboard(encryptedMasterUP); UIRegistry.showLocalizedMsg(JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, "INFORMATION", "SPUSR_NEWPWD"); } else { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString(getKey("PWD_ERR_RTRV")), Color.RED); } } else { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString(getKey("PWD_ERR_BAD")), Color.RED); } } else { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getFormattedResStr(getKey("PWD_ERR_LEN"), pwdLen), Color.RED); } } else { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString(getKey("PWD_ERR_NOTSAME")), Color.RED); } } } /** * @param key * @return */ private static String getKey(final String key) { return "SecurityAdminTask." + key; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.plugins.Taskable#getMenuItems() */ public List<MenuItemDesc> getMenuItems() { menuItems = new Vector<MenuItemDesc>(); // show security summary menu item // no need to check security as everyone can see their own summary... besides it's read only String menuTitle = getKey("SHOW_SECURITY_SUMMARY_MENU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String mneu = getKey("SHOW_SECURITY_SUMMARY_MNEU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String desc = getKey("SHOW_SECURITY_SUMMARY_DESC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ JMenuItem mi = UIHelper.createLocalizedMenuItem(menuTitle, mneu, desc, true, null); // I18N mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { SecuritySummaryDlg dlg = new SecuritySummaryDlg(null); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); String menuDesc = "Specify.SYSTEM_MENU/Specify.COLSETUP_MENU"; MenuItemDesc showSummaryMenuDesc = new MenuItemDesc(mi, menuDesc); showSummaryMenuDesc.setPosition(MenuItemDesc.Position.After, getResourceString(getKey("SECURITY_TOOLS_MENU"))); // check whether user can see the security admin panel // other permissions will be checked when the panel is created // XXX RELEASE String securityName = buildTaskPermissionName(SECURITY_ADMIN); if (!AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn() || SecurityMgr.getInstance().checkPermission(securityName, BasicSpPermission.view)) //$NON-NLS-1$ { // security tools menu item menuTitle = getKey("SECURITY_TOOLS_MENU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ mneu = getKey("SECURITY_TOOLS_MNEU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ desc = getKey("SECURITY_TOOLS_DESC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ mi = UIHelper.createLocalizedMenuItem(menuTitle, mneu, desc, true, null); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (SubPaneMgr.getInstance().aboutToShutdown()) { SecurityAdminTask.this.requestContext(); } } }); MenuItemDesc mid = new MenuItemDesc(mi, menuDesc); mid.setPosition(MenuItemDesc.Position.After, getResourceString("SystemSetupTask.COLL_CONFIG")); //mid.setSepPosition(MenuItemDesc.Position.After); menuItems.add(mid); menuItems.add(showSummaryMenuDesc); } menuTitle = getKey("MASTER_PWD_MENU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ mneu = getKey("MASTER_PWD_MNEU"); //$NON-NLS-1$ desc = getKey("MASTER_PWD_DESC"); //$NON-NLS-1$ mi = UIHelper.createLocalizedMenuItem(menuTitle, mneu, desc, true, null); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { SpecifyUser spUser = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(SpecifyUser.class); UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.getInstance().editMasterInfo(spUser.getName(), DBConnection.getInstance().getDatabaseName(), true); } }); MenuItemDesc mid = new MenuItemDesc(mi, UIHelper.isMacOS() ? "HELP" : "HELP/ABOUT", //$NON-NLS-1$ UIHelper.isMacOS() ? MenuItemDesc.Position.Bottom : MenuItemDesc.Position.Before); //$NON-NLS-2$ menuItems.add(mid); return menuItems; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public List<ToolBarItemDesc> getToolBarItems() { String securityName = buildTaskPermissionName(SECURITY_ADMIN); if (!AppContextMgr.isSecurityOn() || SecurityMgr.getInstance().checkPermission(securityName, BasicSpPermission.view)) //$NON-NLS-1$ { if (AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().getBoolean("SEC_TOOLBAR", false)) { toolbarItems = new Vector<ToolBarItemDesc>(); toolbarItems.add(new ToolBarItemDesc(createToolbarButton("Security", iconName, ""))); } } return toolbarItems; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void doCommand(CommandAction cmdAction) { if (cmdAction.isType(SECURITY_ADMIN)) { processAdminCommands(cmdAction); } } /** * @param cmdAction */ private void processAdminCommands(@SuppressWarnings("unused") CommandAction cmdAction) { log.error("not implemented"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public PermissionEditorIFace getPermEditorPanel() { return new BasicPermisionPanel(SECURITY_ADMIN, "ENABLE", null, null, null); } /** * @return the permissions array */ @Override protected boolean[][] getPermsArray() { return new boolean[][] { { true, true, true, true }, { false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false }, { false, false, false, false } }; } /*class PwdDocAdapter extends DocumentAdaptor { private CustomDialog dlg; private ValPasswordField pwdField; private boolean doCheckLen; private PasswordStrengthUI pwdStrenthUI; public PwdDocAdapter(final CustomDialog dlg, final ValPasswordField pwdField, final PasswordStrengthUI pwdStrenthUI, final boolean doCheckLen) { super(); this.dlg = dlg; this.pwdField = pwdField; this.pwdStrenthUI = pwdStrenthUI; this.doCheckLen = doCheckLen; } @Override protected void changed(DocumentEvent e) { super.changed(e); // Need to invoke later so the da gets to set the enabled state last. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //boolean enabled = dlg.getOkBtn().isEnabled(); //String pwdStr = new String(newPwdVTF.getPassword()); //boolean pwdOK = pwdStrenthUI.checkStrength(pwdStr); //dlg.getOkBtn().setEnabled(enabled && pwdOK); //pwdStrenthUI.repaint(); } }); } }*/ }