Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.busrules; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace; import edu.ku.brc.helpers.Encryption; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Agent; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Institution; import edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.SpecifyUser; import edu.ku.brc.ui.DocumentAdaptor; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.util.Pair; /** * @author rod * * @code_status Alpha * * Oct 28, 2008 * */ public class SpecifyUserBusRules extends BaseBusRules { private static final int PWD_LEN_THRESHOLD = 25; // supposedly anything less than 25 chars is not encrypted private char currEcho; private String currentPlainTextPWD = null; // Not encrypted. private Integer spUserId = null; private ValPasswordField pwdTxt = null; private JTextField keyTxt = null; private JButton showPwdBtn = null; private PasswordStrengthUI pwdStrenthUI = null; private JButton genBtn = null; private JButton copyBtn = null; private int minPwdLen; /** * */ public SpecifyUserBusRules() { super(SpecifyUser.class); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void initialize(final Viewable viewableArg) { if (viewableArg == null || pwdTxt != null) { return; } super.initialize(viewableArg); pwdTxt = formViewObj.getCompById("3"); keyTxt = formViewObj.getCompById("key"); showPwdBtn = formViewObj.getCompById("ShowPwd"); pwdStrenthUI = formViewObj.getCompById("6"); genBtn = formViewObj.getCompById("GenerateKey"); copyBtn = formViewObj.getCompById("CopyToCB"); // This is in case the BusRules are used without the form. if (pwdTxt == null) { return; } Institution institution = AppContextMgr.getInstance().getClassObject(Institution.class); minPwdLen = (int) institution.getMinimumPwdLength(); pwdTxt.setMinLen(minPwdLen); pwdStrenthUI.setMinPwdLen(minPwdLen); final char echoChar = pwdTxt.getEchoChar(); currEcho = echoChar; pwdTxt.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { super.focusLost(e); String pwdStr = new String(pwdTxt.getPassword()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pwdStr) && pwdStr.length() < PWD_LEN_THRESHOLD) { // make sure the password has changed if (currentPlainTextPWD == null || !currentPlainTextPWD.equals(pwdStr)) { // this means the password is new currentPlainTextPWD = pwdStr; } } } }); if (showPwdBtn != null) { showPwdBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { currEcho = currEcho == echoChar ? 0 : echoChar; pwdTxt.setEchoChar(currEcho); showPwdBtn.setText( UIRegistry.getResourceString(currEcho == echoChar ? "SHOW_PASSWORD" : "HIDE_PASSWORD")); } }); } if (copyBtn != null) { copyBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { UIHelper.setTextToClipboard(new String(pwdTxt.getPassword())); } }); } if (genBtn != null) { genBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(currentPlainTextPWD) && currentPlainTextPWD.length() >= minPwdLen) { String key = createEncryptMasterKey(currentPlainTextPWD); if (key != null) { if (keyTxt != null) { keyTxt.setText(key); } UIHelper.setTextToClipboard(key); UIRegistry.showLocalizedMsg("SPUSR_KEYGEN"); } } } }); genBtn.setEnabled(false); copyBtn.setEnabled(false); pwdTxt.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentAdaptor() { @Override protected void changed(DocumentEvent e) { super.changed(e); char[] chars = pwdTxt.getPassword(); boolean enable = chars != null && chars.length >= minPwdLen; genBtn.setEnabled(enable); copyBtn.setEnabled(enable); } }); } if (pwdStrenthUI == null) { return; } pwdStrenthUI.setPasswordField(pwdTxt, null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace) */ @Override public boolean isOkToSave(Object dataObj, DataProviderSessionIFace session) { return super.isOkToSave(dataObj, session); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.lang.Object, boolean) */ @Override public STATUS processBusinessRules(Object parentDataObj, Object dataObj, boolean isExistingObject) { return super.processBusinessRules(parentDataObj, dataObj, isExistingObject); } /** * @return */ protected ValComboBoxFromQuery getAgentCBX() { if (formViewObj != null) { Component agentCBX = formViewObj.getControlByName("agent"); if (agentCBX != null && agentCBX instanceof ValComboBoxFromQuery) { return (ValComboBoxFromQuery) agentCBX; } } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void afterFillForm(final Object dataObj) { super.afterFillForm(dataObj); SpecifyUser spUser = (SpecifyUser) dataObj; boolean doReset = true; if (spUser != null && spUser.getId() != null) { if (spUserId != null) { doReset = !spUserId.equals(spUser.getId()); } spUserId = spUser.getId(); } if (spUser != null && doReset) { currentPlainTextPWD = null; if (genBtn != null) { genBtn.setEnabled(false); copyBtn.setEnabled(false); } } if (formViewObj != null && formViewObj.getDataObj() instanceof SpecifyUser) { ValComboBoxFromQuery cbx = getAgentCBX(); if (cbx != null && spUser != null) { for (Agent agent : spUser.getAgents()) { //System.err.println(spUser.getName() + " "+agent.toString()+" "+agent.getDivision().getName()+"="+currDiv.getName()); cbx.setValue(agent, null); break; } } } } /** * Encrypt's the Master U/P with a plain text password string. * @param pwdStr plain text password string */ protected String createEncryptMasterKey(final String pwdStr) { String key = null; if (!pwdStr.isEmpty()) { String oldPwd = Encryption.getEncryptDecryptPassword(); try { Pair<String, String> usrPwd = UserAndMasterPasswordMgr.getInstance().getUserNamePasswordForDB(); Encryption.setEncryptDecryptPassword(pwdStr); key = Encryption.encrypt(usrPwd.first + "," + usrPwd.second, pwdStr); } finally { Encryption.setEncryptDecryptPassword(oldPwd); } return key; } return null; } /** * NOTE: This is being called when editing an existing person. * @param id * @param keyName * @param isPwd * @return */ private boolean isFieldOK(final String id, final String keyName, final boolean isPwd) { JTextField tf = null; Component comp = formViewObj.getCompById(id); if (comp instanceof EditViewCompSwitcherPanel) { tf = (JTextField) ((EditViewCompSwitcherPanel) comp).getCurrentComp(); } else { tf = (JTextField) comp; } String value = tf.getText().trim(); if (StringUtils.contains(value, ' ') || (!isPwd && StringUtils.contains(value, ','))) { UIRegistry.showLocalizedError(keyName); return false; } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public STATUS processBusinessRules(final Object dataObj) { reasonList.clear(); if (!(dataObj instanceof SpecifyUser)) { return STATUS.Error; } STATUS nameStatus = isCheckDuplicateNumberOK("name", (FormDataObjIFace) dataObj, SpecifyUser.class, "specifyUserId"); if (!isFieldOK("1", "NO_SPC_USRNAME", false)) { return STATUS.Error; } if (!isFieldOK("3", "NO_SPC_PWDNAME", true)) { return STATUS.Error; } return nameStatus != STATUS.OK ? STATUS.Error : STATUS.OK; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace) */ @Override public void beforeMerge(Object dataObj, DataProviderSessionIFace session) { super.beforeMerge(dataObj, session); if (formViewObj != null) { SpecifyUser spUser = (SpecifyUser) formViewObj.getDataObj(); String pwd = spUser.getPassword(); if (pwd.length() < PWD_LEN_THRESHOLD) { spUser.setPassword(Encryption.encrypt(pwd, pwd)); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.busrules.BaseBusRules#okToDelete(java.lang.Object, edu.ku.brc.dbsupport.DataProviderSessionIFace, edu.ku.brc.ui.forms.BusinessRulesOkDeleteIFace) */ @Override public void okToDelete(final Object dataObj, final DataProviderSessionIFace session, final BusinessRulesOkDeleteIFace deletable) { reasonList.clear(); boolean isOK = false; if (deletable != null) { SpecifyUser su = (SpecifyUser) dataObj; Integer id = su.getId(); if (id == null) { isOK = true; } else { isOK = okToDelete(0, new String[] { "spquery", "SpecifyUserID", "spreport", "SpecifyUserID", "workbench", "SpecifyUserID", "workbenchtemplate", "SpecifyUserID" }, su.getId()); } deletable.doDeleteDataObj(dataObj, session, isOK); } else { super.okToDelete(dataObj, session, deletable); } } }