Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package edu.ku.brc.specify.config; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.BigDecimalValidator; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.DoubleValidator; /** * Helper for methods for convert to and from various different formats to Decimal Degrees. * * @author rods * * @code_status Beta * * Created Date: Jan 10, 2007 * */ public class LatLonConverter { protected static DecimalFormatSymbols formatSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.getDefault()); protected static String decimalSep; public final static char UNICODE_DEGREE = 0x00b0; public final static String DEGREES_SYMBOL = "\u00b0"; public final static String SEPS = DEGREES_SYMBOL + ":'\" "; protected final static int DDDDDD_LEN = 7; protected final static int DDMMMM_LEN = 5; protected final static int DDMMSS_LEN = 3; //public static int[] DECIMAL_SIZES = {7, 5, 3, 0}; public static int[] DECIMAL_SIZES = { DDDDDD_LEN, DDMMSS_LEN, DDMMMM_LEN, 0 }; public enum LATLON { Latitude, Longitude } public enum FORMAT { DDDDDD, DDMMSS, DDMMMM, None } // None must be at the end so the values match Specify 5 public enum DEGREES_FORMAT { None, Symbol, String } public enum DIRECTION { None, NorthSouth, EastWest } private static boolean useDB = false; public static DecimalFormat decFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.0000000#"); protected static StringBuffer zeroes = new StringBuffer(64); //patched protected static BigDecimal minusOne = new BigDecimal("-1.0"); protected static DecimalFormat decFormatter2 = new DecimalFormat("#0"); protected static BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal("1.0"); protected static BigDecimal sixty = new BigDecimal("60.0"); public static String[] NORTH_SOUTH; public static String[] EAST_WEST; public static String[] northSouth = null; public static String[] eastWest = null; protected static DoubleValidator doubleValidator = new DoubleValidator(); protected static BigDecimalValidator bigDecValidator = new BigDecimalValidator(); static { NORTH_SOUTH = new String[] { "N", "S" }; EAST_WEST = new String[] { "E", "W" }; northSouth = new String[] { "N", "S" }; eastWest = new String[] { "E", "W" }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { zeroes.append("00000000"); } decimalSep = Character.toString(formatSymbols.getDecimalSeparator()); } /** * */ private LatLonConverter() { super(); } /** * @param formatInt * @return */ public static FORMAT convertIntToFORMAT(final int formatInt) { switch (formatInt) { case 0: return FORMAT.DDDDDD; case 1: return FORMAT.DDMMSS; case 2: return FORMAT.DDMMMM; default: return FORMAT.DDDDDD; } } /** * @param bd * @param latLonStr * @param type * @return */ public static String ensureFormattedString(final BigDecimal bd, final String latLonStr, final FORMAT type, final LATLON latOrLon) { return ensureFormattedString(bd, latLonStr, type, latOrLon, DECIMAL_SIZES[type.ordinal()]); } /** * @param bd * @param latLonStr * @param type * @return */ public static String ensureFormattedString(final BigDecimal bd, final String latLonStr, final FORMAT type, final LATLON latOrLon, final int decimalSize) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(latLonStr)) { if (bd == null) { return null; } String outStr = format(bd, latOrLon, type, DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol, decimalSize); if (latOrLon == LATLON.Latitude) { outStr += " " + northSouth[bd.doubleValue() < 0.0 ? 1 : 0]; } else { outStr += " " + eastWest[bd.doubleValue() < 0.0 ? 1 : 0]; } return outStr; } return latLonStr; } /** * @param str * @param actualFmt * @param addSymbols * @param inclZeroes * @return */ public static LatLonValueInfo adjustLatLonStr(final String strArg, final FORMAT actualFmt, final boolean addSymbols, final boolean inclZeroes, final LATLON latOrLon) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strArg)) { String str = strArg; boolean redoSplit = false; String[] tokens = breakStringAPart(str); boolean startsWithMinus = str.startsWith("-"); if (startsWithMinus) { str = str.substring(1); redoSplit = true; } if (tokens.length == 1) { if (latOrLon == LATLON.Latitude) { str += " " + northSouth[startsWithMinus ? 1 : 0]; } else { str += " " + eastWest[startsWithMinus ? 1 : 0]; } redoSplit = true; } if (redoSplit) { tokens = breakStringAPart(str); } String zero = inclZeroes ? "0" : ""; //System.err.println("tokens[1] ["+tokens[1]+"]["+str+"]"); boolean hasDegreesTxt = tokens[1].length() == 3 && tokens[1].equals("deg"); LatLonValueInfo latLonInfo = new LatLonValueInfo(hasDegreesTxt); latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[0]); int toksLen = tokens.length; String dirStr = null; FORMAT fmt = null; if (actualFmt != null && actualFmt != FORMAT.None) { switch (actualFmt) { case DDDDDD: dirStr = tokens[toksLen - 1]; break; case DDMMMM: if (toksLen == 3) { latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[1]); dirStr = tokens[2]; } else { latLonInfo.addPart(zero); dirStr = tokens[1]; } break; case DDMMSS: if (toksLen == 4) { latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[1]); latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[2]); dirStr = tokens[3]; } else if (toksLen == 3) { String tok1 = tokens[1]; if (StringUtils.contains(tok1, formatSymbols.getDecimalSeparator())) { String[] tks = StringUtils.split(tok1, formatSymbols.getDecimalSeparator()); latLonInfo.addPart(tks[0]); latLonInfo.addPart(tks[1]); } else { latLonInfo.addPart(tok1); latLonInfo.addPart(zero); } dirStr = tokens[2]; } else if (toksLen == 2) { latLonInfo.addPart(zero); latLonInfo.addPart(zero); dirStr = tokens[1]; } break; default: break; } // switch fmt = actualFmt; } else { switch (toksLen) { case 2: { dirStr = tokens[1]; fmt = FORMAT.DDDDDD; break; } case 3: { if (hasDegreesTxt) { fmt = FORMAT.DDDDDD; } else { latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[1]); fmt = FORMAT.DDMMMM; } dirStr = tokens[2]; break; } case 4: { if (hasDegreesTxt) { fmt = FORMAT.DDMMMM; } else { latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[1]); fmt = FORMAT.DDMMSS; } latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[2]); dirStr = tokens[3]; break; } case 5: latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[2]); latLonInfo.addPart(tokens[3]); dirStr = tokens[4]; fmt = FORMAT.DDMMSS; break; default: break; } // switch } // if latLonInfo.addPart(dirStr); latLonInfo.setFormat(fmt); latLonInfo.setDirStr(dirStr); return latLonInfo; } return null; } /** * @param strArg * @param fromFmt * @param toFmt * @param latOrLon * @return */ public static String convert(final String strArg, final FORMAT fromFmt, final FORMAT toFmt, final LATLON latOrLon) { if (fromFmt == toFmt) { return strArg; } LatLonValueInfo latLonVal = adjustLatLonStr(strArg, fromFmt, false, true, latOrLon); if (latLonVal == null) { System.err.println("Unable to convert [" + strArg + "] from: " + fromFmt + " with: " + latOrLon); return null; } String str = latLonVal.getStrVal(false); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str)) { BigDecimal bd = null; switch (fromFmt) { case DDDDDD: bd = convertDDDDStrToDDDDBD(str); break; case DDMMMM: bd = convertDDMMMMStrToDDDDBD(str); break; case DDMMSS: bd = convertDDMMSSStrToDDDDBD(str); break; case None: break; } String outStr = ""; if (bd != null) { outStr = format(bd, latOrLon, toFmt, DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol, DECIMAL_SIZES[toFmt.ordinal()]); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(latLonVal.getDirStr())) { outStr += " " + latLonVal.getDirStr(); } } return outStr; } return null; } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees, Minutes and Decimal Seconds. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 3 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMSS(final BigDecimal bd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDMMSS(bd, DEGREES_FORMAT.None, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); } /** * @param bd * @param decimalLen * @return */ public static String convertToSignedDDMMSS(final BigDecimal bd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToSignedDDMMSS(bd, decimalLen, DEGREES_FORMAT.None); } /** * @param bd * @param decimalLen * @param degFmt * @return */ public static String convertToSignedDDMMSS(final BigDecimal bd, final int decimalLen, final DEGREES_FORMAT degFmt) { String sign = ""; if (bd.compareTo(bd.abs()) < 0) { sign = "-"; } String convertedAbs = convertToDDMMSS(bd, degFmt, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); return sign + convertedAbs; } /** * Calculates how many decimal places there is in the string. * @param latLonStr the string to be checked * @return the number of decimals places */ public static int getDecimalLength(final String latLonStr) { int decimalFmtLen = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(latLonStr)) { int decIndex = latLonStr.lastIndexOf('.'); if (decIndex > -1 && latLonStr.length() > decIndex) { decimalFmtLen = latLonStr.length() - decIndex; } } return decimalFmtLen; } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees, Minutes and Decimal Seconds. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 3 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMSS(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDMMSS(bd, degreesFMT, direction, decimalLen, false); } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees, Minutes and Decimal Seconds. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 3 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMSS(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen, final boolean alwaysIncludeDir) { if (bd.doubleValue() == 0.0) { return "0." + zeroes.substring(0, decimalLen); } if (useDB) { BigDecimal remainder = bd.remainder(one); BigDecimal num = bd.subtract(remainder); BigDecimal minutes = new BigDecimal(remainder.multiply(sixty).abs().intValue()); BigDecimal secondsFraction = remainder.abs().multiply(sixty).subtract(minutes); BigDecimal seconds = secondsFraction.multiply(sixty); //System.out.println("["+decFormatter2.format(num)+"]["+minutes+"]["+seconds+"]"); return decFormatter2.format(num) + " " + decFormatter2.format(minutes) + " " + decFormatter.format(seconds); } //else double num = Math.abs(bd.doubleValue()); int whole = (int) Math.floor(num); double remainder = num - whole; double minutes = remainder * 60.0; int minutesWhole = (int) Math.floor(minutes); double secondsFraction = minutes - minutesWhole; double seconds = secondsFraction * 60.0; boolean addMinSecsSyms = degreesFMT != DEGREES_FORMAT.None; if (minutesWhole == 60) { whole += 1; minutesWhole = 0; } // round to 2 decimal places precision seconds = Math.round(seconds * 1000) / 1000.0; int secondsWhole = (int) Math.floor(seconds); if (secondsWhole == 60) { minutesWhole += 1; seconds = 0.0; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(whole); if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol) { sb.append(DEGREES_SYMBOL); } sb.append(' '); sb.append(minutesWhole); if (addMinSecsSyms) sb.append("'"); sb.append(' '); sb.append(String.format("%2." + decimalLen + "f", seconds)); if (addMinSecsSyms) sb.append("\""); if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.String || alwaysIncludeDir) { int inx = bd.doubleValue() < 0.0 ? 1 : 0; if (direction != DIRECTION.None) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(direction == DIRECTION.NorthSouth ? northSouth[inx] : eastWest[inx]); } } //System.err.println("["+sb.toString()+"]"); //return whole + (DEGREES_FORMAT.None ? "\u00B0" : "") + " " + minutesWhole + " " + StringUtils.strip(String.format("%12.10f", new Object[] {seconds}), "0"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees and Decimal Minutes. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 2 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMMM(final BigDecimal bd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDMMMM(bd, DEGREES_FORMAT.None, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); } /** * @param dd * @param decimalLen * @return */ public static String convertToSignedDDMMMM(final BigDecimal dd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToSignedDDMMMM(dd, decimalLen, DEGREES_FORMAT.None); } /** * @param dd * @param decimalLen * @param degFmt * @return */ public static String convertToSignedDDMMMM(final BigDecimal dd, final int decimalLen, final DEGREES_FORMAT degFmt) { String sign = ""; if (dd.compareTo(dd.abs()) < 0) { sign = "-"; } String convertedAbs = convertToDDMMMM(dd, degFmt, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); return sign + convertedAbs; } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees and Decimal Minutes. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 2 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMMM(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDMMMM(bd, degreesFMT, direction, decimalLen, false); } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Degrees and Decimal Minutes. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 2 piece string */ public static String convertToDDMMMM(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen, final boolean alwaysIncludeDir) { if (bd.doubleValue() == 0.0) { return "0.0"; } if (useDB) { BigDecimal remainder = bd.remainder(one); BigDecimal num = bd.subtract(remainder); BigDecimal minutes = remainder.multiply(sixty).abs(); //System.out.println("["+decFormatter2.format(num)+"]["+minutes+"]"); return decFormatter2.format(num) + " " + decFormatter2.format(minutes); } //else boolean addMinSecsSyms = degreesFMT != DEGREES_FORMAT.None; double num = Math.abs(bd.doubleValue()); int whole = (int) Math.floor(num); double remainder = num - whole; double minutes = remainder * 60.0; //System.out.println("["+whole+"]["+String.format("%10.10f", new Object[] {minutes})+"]"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(whole); if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol) { sb.append("\u00B0"); } sb.append(' '); // round to four decimal places of precision //minutes = Math.round(minutes*10000) / 10000; sb.append(String.format("%" + 2 + "." + decimalLen + "f", minutes)); if (addMinSecsSyms) sb.append("'"); if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.String || alwaysIncludeDir) { int inx = bd.doubleValue() < 0.0 ? 1 : 0; if (direction != DIRECTION.None) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(direction == DIRECTION.NorthSouth ? northSouth[inx] : eastWest[inx]); } } //return whole + (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol ? "\u00B0" : "") + " " + StringUtils.strip(String.format("%10.10f", new Object[] {minutes}), "0"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Decimal Degrees. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @return a 1 piece string */ public static String convertToDDDDDD(final BigDecimal bd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDDDDD(bd, DEGREES_FORMAT.String, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); } /** * @param dd * @param decimalLen * @return */ public static String convertToSignedDDDDDD(final BigDecimal dd, final int decimalLen) { return convertToSignedDDDDDD(dd, decimalLen, DEGREES_FORMAT.None); } public static String convertToSignedDDDDDD(final BigDecimal dd, final int decimalLen, final DEGREES_FORMAT degFmt) { String sign = ""; if (dd.compareTo(dd.abs()) < 0) { sign = "-"; } String convertedAbs = convertToDDDDDD(dd, degFmt, DIRECTION.None, decimalLen); return sign + convertedAbs; } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Decimal Degrees. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @param degreesFMT indicates whether to include the degrees symbol * @return a 1 piece string */ public static String convertToDDDDDD(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen) { return convertToDDDDDD(bd, degreesFMT, direction, decimalLen, false); } /** * Converts BigDecimal to Decimal Degrees. * @param bd the DigDecimal to be converted. * @param degreesFMT indicates whether to include the degrees symbol * @return a 1 piece string */ public static String convertToDDDDDD(final BigDecimal bd, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final DIRECTION direction, final int decimalLen, final boolean alwaysIncludeDir) { if (bd == null || bd.doubleValue() == 0.0) { return "0.0"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("%" + decimalLen + "." + decimalLen + "f", bd.abs())); if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol) { sb.append("\u00B0"); } if (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.String || alwaysIncludeDir) { int inx = bd.doubleValue() < 0.0 ? 1 : 0; if (direction != DIRECTION.None) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(direction == DIRECTION.NorthSouth ? northSouth[inx] : eastWest[inx]); } } //return format(bd.abs()) + (degreesFMT == DEGREES_FORMAT.Symbol ? "\u00B0" : ""); return sb.toString(); } /** * Given a single character string should the direction be negative. * @param direction the string * @return true negative, false positive */ protected static boolean isNegative(final String direction) { return direction.equals("S") || direction.equals("W"); } public static BigDecimal convertDDDDStrToDDDDBD(final String str) { String withoutDegSign = StringUtils.chomp(str, ""); //above doesn't always work for Windows/Mac so try again... withoutDegSign = StringUtils.chomp(withoutDegSign, ""); //apparently need to do this on mac withoutDegSign = StringUtils.remove(withoutDegSign, UNICODE_DEGREE); String val = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(withoutDegSign, decimalSep, ""), "-", ""); return StringUtils.isNumeric(val) ? parseDoubleToBigDecimal(withoutDegSign) : null; } public static BigDecimal convertDDDDStrToDDDDBD(final String str, final String direction) { String val = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(str, decimalSep, ""), "-", ""); if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(val)) { return null; } BigDecimal bd = parseDoubleToBigDecimal(str); if (isNegative(direction)) { return bd.multiply(minusOne); } return bd; } public static String[] breakStringAPart(final String str) { return StringUtils.split(str, SEPS); } public static BigDecimal convertDDMMSSStrToDDDDBD(final String str) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(str, " d'\"" + DEGREES_SYMBOL); if (parts.length != 3) { return null; } double p0 = parseDouble(parts[0]); boolean neg = false; if (p0 < 0) { p0 = p0 * -1; neg = true; } double p1 = parseDouble(parts[1]); double p2 = parseDouble(parts[2]); BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(p0 + ((p1 + (p2 / 60.0)) / 60.0)); if (neg) { val = val.multiply(minusOne); } return val; } public static BigDecimal convertDDMMSSStrToDDDDBD(final String str, final String direction) { BigDecimal bd = convertDDMMSSStrToDDDDBD(str); if (isNegative(direction)) { return bd.multiply(minusOne); } return bd; } public static BigDecimal convertDDMMMMStrToDDDDBD(final String str) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(str, " dm'\"" + DEGREES_SYMBOL); double p0 = parseDouble(parts[0]); boolean neg = false; if (p0 < 0) { p0 = p0 * -1; neg = true; } Double p1 = parseDouble(parts[1]); if (p1 != null) { BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(p0 + (p1 / 60.0)); if (neg) { val = val.multiply(minusOne); } return val; } return null; } public static BigDecimal convertDDMMMMStrToDDDDBD(final String str, final String direction) { BigDecimal bd = convertDDMMMMStrToDDDDBD(str); if (isNegative(direction)) { return bd.multiply(minusOne); } return bd; } /** * Strinps any zeros at end of string, but will append a zero if string would end in a decimal. * @param str the string to be converted * @return the new string */ public static String stripZeroes(final String str) { if (str.indexOf('.') == -1) { return str; } // else String newStr = StringUtils.stripEnd(str, "0"); if (newStr.endsWith(decimalSep)) { return newStr + "0"; } return newStr; } /** * Returns a formatted string using the class level formatter and then strips any extra zeroes. * @param bd the BigDecimal to be formatted. * @return the formatted string */ public static String format(final BigDecimal bd) { String formatted = decFormatter.format(bd); return stripZeroes(formatted); } /** * Converts a Lat/Lon BigDecimal to a String * @param value the value * @param latOrLon whether it is a latitude or longitude * @param format the format to use * @param degreesFMT indicates whether to use a symbol or append single character text representation of the direction ('N', 'S', 'E', 'W") * @return string of the value */ public static String format(final BigDecimal value, final LATLON latOrLon, final FORMAT format, final DEGREES_FORMAT degreesFMT, final int decimalLen) { DIRECTION dir = latOrLon == LATLON.Latitude ? DIRECTION.NorthSouth : DIRECTION.EastWest; switch (format) { case DDDDDD: return convertToDDDDDD(value, degreesFMT, dir, decimalLen); case DDMMMM: return convertToDDMMMM(value, degreesFMT, dir, decimalLen); case DDMMSS: return convertToDDMMSS(value, degreesFMT, dir, decimalLen); case None: break; } return ""; } /** * @param str * @return */ public static BigDecimal convertDirectionalDDMMSSToDDDD(final String str) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(str, " d'\"" + DEGREES_SYMBOL); String dir = null; if (parts.length < 4) { parts[2] = parts[2].replaceAll("[NSEW]", ""); int beginIndex = str.indexOf(parts[2]) + parts[2].length(); dir = str.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 1); } else { dir = parts[3].substring(0, 1); } double p0 = parseDouble(parts[0]); double p1 = parseDouble(parts[1]); double p2 = parseDouble(parts[2]); BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(p0 + ((p1 + (p2 / 60.0)) / 60.0)); if (isNegative(dir)) { val = val.multiply(minusOne); } return val; } /** * @param dm * @return */ public static BigDecimal convertDirectionalDDMMMMToDDDD(final String dm) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(dm, " d'\"" + DEGREES_SYMBOL); String dir = null; if (parts.length < 3) { parts[1] = parts[1].replaceAll("[NSEW]", ""); int beginIndex = dm.indexOf(parts[1]) + parts[1].length(); dir = dm.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 1); } else { dir = parts[2].substring(0, 1); } double p0 = parseDouble(parts[0]); double p1 = parseDouble(parts[1]); BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(p0 + (p1 / 60.0)); if (isNegative(dir)) { val = val.multiply(minusOne); } return val; } /** * @param str * @return */ public static BigDecimal convertDirectionalDDDDToDDDD(final String str) { String[] parts = StringUtils.split(str, " d'\"" + DEGREES_SYMBOL); String dir = null; if (parts.length < 2) { parts[0] = parts[0].replaceAll("[NSEW]", ""); int beginIndex = str.indexOf(parts[0]) + parts[0].length(); dir = str.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 1); } else { dir = parts[1].substring(0, 1); } double p0 = parseDouble(parts[0]); BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(p0); if (isNegative(dir)) { val = val.multiply(minusOne); } return val; } public static Double parseDouble(final String value) { try { return doubleValidator.validate(value, Locale.getDefault()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } return null; } /** * @param value: a decimal format number (exponential or other formats not supported) * @return */ public static BigDecimal parseDoubleToBigDecimal(final String value) { return bigDecValidator.validate(value, Locale.getDefault()); } }