Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.createLabel; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.setControlSize; import static edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry.getResourceString; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.ActionMap; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.InputMap; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.Border; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import; import; import; import edu.ku.brc.ui.CustomDialog; import edu.ku.brc.ui.IconManager; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIRegistry; import edu.ku.brc.ui.UIHelper.CommandType; /* * Creates a ResultSetController with First, Last, Previous, Next, New and Delete buttons. * When the current index is -1 then the controller is disabled. Setting the length to zero will * automatically set the current index to -1 and disable the controller. * * @code_status Complete ** * @author rods * */ public class ResultSetController implements ValidationListener { protected static Border enabledBorder = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new Color(64, 64, 64)); protected static Border disabledBorder = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY.brighter()); protected static Color enabledTxtBG = Color.WHITE; protected static Color disabledTxtBG = new Color(225, 225, 225);//Color.WHITE.darker(); protected List<ResultSetControllerListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ResultSetControllerListener>(); protected FormValidator formValidator = null; protected JPanel panel = null; protected JButton firstBtn = null; protected JButton prevBtn = null; protected JLabel recDisp = null; protected JButton nextBtn = null; protected JButton lastBtn = null; protected JButton newRecBtn = null; protected JButton delRecBtn = null; protected JButton searchRecBtn = null; protected int currentInx = 0; protected int lastInx = 0; protected int numRecords = 0; protected boolean isNewObj = false; protected boolean doLayoutBtns; // Global Key Actions private Hashtable<CommandType, JButton> btnsHash = new Hashtable<CommandType, JButton>(); // Static Members private static Hashtable<CommandType, RSAction<CommandType>> commandsHash = null; private static ResultSetController currentFocusedRS = null; private static ResultSetController backStopRS = null; static { registerFocusListener(); } /** * */ private ResultSetController() { } /** * Constructor. * @param formValidator the form validator that listens for when the index changes to a new object * @param addNewBtn indicates it should include the "Add" (New Object) button * @param addDelBtn indicates it should include Delete button * @param objTitle the title of a single object in the controller (used for building tooltips) * @param len the intial length of the List of Objects (can be zero) */ public ResultSetController(final FormValidator formValidator, final boolean addNewBtn, final boolean addDelBtn, final boolean addSearchBtn, final String objTitle, final int len, final boolean doLayoutBtns) { this.formValidator = formValidator; this.doLayoutBtns = doLayoutBtns; if (formValidator != null) { formValidator.addValidationListener(this); } String objectTitle = objTitle; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(objectTitle)) { objectTitle = getResourceString("Item"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(objectTitle)) { objectTitle = "Item"; // use English if nothing can be found. } } buildRecordNavBar(addNewBtn, addDelBtn, addSearchBtn, objectTitle); setLength(len); } /** * */ public void setupGotoListener() { KeyStroke gotoKS = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_L, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()); String ACTION_KEY = "GOTO"; InputMap inputMap = panel.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); ActionMap actionMap = panel.getActionMap(); inputMap.put(gotoKS, ACTION_KEY); actionMap.put(ACTION_KEY, new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showGotoRecDlg(); } }); } /** * Creates a TooTip using the proper Object * @param ttKey the ToolTip key * @param objTitle the arg for the tooltip * @return the full tooltip */ public static String createTooltip(final String ttKey, final String objTitle) { return String.format(getResourceString(ttKey), new Object[] { objTitle }); } /** * Creates the UI for the controller. * @param addNewBtn indicates it should include the "Add" (New Object) button * @param addDelBtn indicates it should include Delete button * @param objTitle the title of a single object in the controller (used for building tooltips) */ protected void buildRecordNavBar(final boolean addNewBtn, final boolean addDelBtn, final boolean addSearchBtn, final String objTitle) { String colDef = "p,2dlu,p,2dlu,max(50dlu;p):grow,2dlu,p,2dlu,p" + (addNewBtn ? ",12px,p" : "") + (addDelBtn ? ",2dlu,p" : "") + (addSearchBtn ? ",2dlu,p" : ""); Insets insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); DefaultFormBuilder rowBuilder = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout(colDef, "p")); firstBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("FirstRec", null, null); prevBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("PrevRec", null, null); btnsHash.put(CommandType.Previous, prevBtn); btnsHash.put(CommandType.First, firstBtn); recDisp = createLabel(" "); recDisp.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); recDisp.setOpaque(true); recDisp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); recDisp.setBorder(enabledBorder); recDisp.setFont(recDisp.getFont().deriveFont(recDisp.getFont().getSize2D() - 2)); MouseListener mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() { private boolean showIfPopupTrigger(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.isPopupTrigger()) { JPopupMenu popupMenu = createPopupMenu(); if (popupMenu != null && popupMenu.getComponentCount() > 0) {, mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY()); return true; } } return false; } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { showIfPopupTrigger(mouseEvent); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { showIfPopupTrigger(mouseEvent); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.MouseAdapter#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { if (numRecords == 1) { UIRegistry.writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(getResourceString("OnlyOneRrecordInCon")); } else { showGotoRecDlg(); } } } }; recDisp.addMouseListener(mouseListener); nextBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("NextRec", null, null); lastBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("LastRec", null, null); btnsHash.put(CommandType.Next, nextBtn); btnsHash.put(CommandType.Last, lastBtn); firstBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("GotoFirstRecordTT", objTitle)); prevBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("GotoPreviousRecordTT", objTitle)); nextBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("GotoNextRecordTT", objTitle)); lastBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("GotoLastRecordTT", objTitle)); firstBtn.setOpaque(false); prevBtn.setOpaque(false); nextBtn.setOpaque(false); lastBtn.setOpaque(false); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); rowBuilder.add(firstBtn, cc.xy(1, 1)); rowBuilder.add(prevBtn, cc.xy(3, 1)); rowBuilder.add(recDisp, cc.xy(5, 1)); rowBuilder.add(nextBtn, cc.xy(7, 1)); rowBuilder.add(lastBtn, cc.xy(9, 1)); int col = 11; if (addNewBtn) { if (false) { newRecBtn = new JButton("+") { public void setEnabled(boolean enable) { //log.debug("newRecBtn - RS: "+ formValidator.getName() + " " + newRecBtn.hashCode() + " "+enable+" isNewObj: "+isNewObj); if (formValidator != null && formValidator.getName() != null && formValidator.getName().equals("Collection Object")) { int x = 0; x++; if (enable) { int y = 0; y++; } } if (enable) { int x = 0; x++; } super.setEnabled(enable); } }; setControlSize(newRecBtn); ActionListener l = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { for (ResultSetControllerListener rscl : listeners) { rscl.newRecordAdded(); } } }; newRecBtn.addActionListener(l); } else { newRecBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("NewRecord", null, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { for (ResultSetControllerListener rscl : listeners) { rscl.newRecordAdded(); } } }); } newRecBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("NewRecordTT", objTitle)); newRecBtn.setEnabled(true); newRecBtn.setMargin(insets); btnsHash.put(CommandType.NewItem, newRecBtn); if (doLayoutBtns) { rowBuilder.add(newRecBtn, cc.xy(col, 1)); col += 2; } } if (addDelBtn) { if (false) { delRecBtn = new JButton("-") { public void setEnabled(boolean enable) { //log.debug("delRecBtn - RS: "+formValidator.getName() + " " + hashCode() + " "+enable); if (formValidator != null && formValidator.getName() != null && formValidator.getName().equals("Permit")) { int x = 0; x++; } if (!enable) { int x = 0; x++; } super.setEnabled(enable); } }; } else { delRecBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("DeleteRecord", null, null); } delRecBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("DeleteRecordTT", objTitle)); delRecBtn.setMargin(insets); btnsHash.put(CommandType.DelItem, delRecBtn); if (doLayoutBtns) { rowBuilder.add(delRecBtn, cc.xy(col, 1)); col += 2; } } if (addSearchBtn) { searchRecBtn = UIHelper.createIconBtn("Search", IconManager.IconSize.Std16, null, null); searchRecBtn.setToolTipText(createTooltip("SearchForRecordTT", objTitle)); searchRecBtn.setMargin(insets); if (doLayoutBtns) { rowBuilder.add(searchRecBtn, cc.xy(col, 1)); col += 2; } } firstBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { firstRecord(); } }); prevBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { prevRecord(); } }); nextBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { nextRecord(); } }); lastBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { lastRecord(); } }); // Make sure it gets centered rowBuilder.getPanel().setOpaque(false); DefaultFormBuilder outerCenteredPanel = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout("c:p:g", "p")); outerCenteredPanel.add(rowBuilder.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, 1)); panel = outerCenteredPanel.getPanel(); panel.setOpaque(false); } /** * */ protected JPopupMenu createPopupMenu() { JPopupMenu popupMenu = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem mi = UIHelper.createLocalizedMenuItem("Go to Record", null, null, true, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showGotoRecDlg(); } }); popupMenu.add(mi); return popupMenu; } /** * */ private void firstRecord() { if (notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(currentInx, 0)) { currentInx = 0; updateUI(); notifyListeners(); } } /** * */ private void lastRecord() { if (notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(currentInx, lastInx)) { currentInx = lastInx; updateUI(); notifyListeners(); } } /** * */ public void prevRecord() { if (currentInx < 1) return; setUIEnabled(false); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(currentInx, currentInx - 1)) { // Note: notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex sometimes can call a method // that ends up setting the currentInx and therefore we should make // sure that by decrementing it will still have a good value if (currentInx > 0) { currentInx--; updateUI(); notifyListeners(); } } } }); } public void nextRecord() { if (currentInx > numRecords - 2) return; setUIEnabled(false); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(currentInx, currentInx + 1)) { currentInx++; updateUI(); notifyListeners(); } } }); } /** * */ protected void showGotoRecDlg() { JTextField tf = UIHelper.createTextField(5); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); DefaultFormBuilder p = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout("p,2px,f:p:g", "p")); p.add(UIHelper.createI18NLabel("RS_NUM_LBL"), cc.xy(1, 1)); p.add(tf, cc.xy(3, 1)); p.setDefaultDialogBorder(); CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Frame) null, "", true, CustomDialog.OKCANCEL, p.getPanel()); dlg.setCustomTitleBar(getResourceString("RS_JUMP_TITLE")); UIHelper.centerAndShow(dlg); if (!dlg.isCancelled()) { String recNumStr = tf.getText(); if (!recNumStr.isEmpty() && StringUtils.isNumeric(recNumStr)) { try { int recNum = Integer.parseInt(recNumStr); if (recNum > 0 && recNum <= lastInx) { setIndex(recNum - 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } /** * Resets the current index to zero. * @param enabled true enabled, false not enabled */ public void reset() { currentInx = 0; updateUI(); } /** * Set the the controller to have no items and the number of records to zero. * @param enabled true enabled, false not enabled */ public void clear() { currentInx = -1; numRecords = 0; lastInx = -1; updateUI(); } /** * Sets a new length or size of the controller and adjust the current index to zero or -1. * @param len the new length */ public void setLength(final int len) { currentInx = len > 0 ? 0 : -1; numRecords = len; lastInx = numRecords - 1; updateUI(); } /** * Sets the controller to a new index * @param index the new index */ public void setIndex(final int index, final boolean doIndexNotify) { if (index < numRecords) { int oldInx = currentInx; currentInx = index; updateUI(); if (doIndexNotify) { notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(oldInx, currentInx); } notifyListeners(); } } /** * Sets the controller to a new index * @param index the new index */ public void setIndex(final int index) { setIndex(index, true); } /** * * @return the length (the number of records) */ public int getLength() { return numRecords; } /** * @return the current index */ public int getCurrentIndex() { return currentInx; } /** * @return the panel */ public JPanel getPanel() { return panel; } /** * Enables/Disables the UI according to where we are in the resultset */ public void updateUI() { if (panel == null) return; // This needs to be done first because the enabling of the other buttons // may rely on the 'New Btn' if (newRecBtn != null) { //log.debug("updateUI - RS - formValidator.isTopLevel() "+formValidator.isTopLevel()+" isEnabled() "+formValidator.isEnabled()); boolean enable = formValidator == null ? false : (formValidator.isTopLevel() || (formValidator.getParent() != null ? formValidator.getParent().isEnabled() : formValidator.isEnabled())); newRecBtn.setEnabled(enable); } boolean isNewAndValid = newRecBtn == null ? true : newRecBtn.isEnabled(); /*boolean isNewAndValid = true; if (formValidator != null) { isNewAndValid = !isNewObj || (isNewObj && formValidator.isFormValid()); }*/ //System.err.println("isNewObj "+isNewObj+" isNewAndValid "+isNewAndValid+" currentInx "+currentInx); firstBtn.setEnabled(currentInx > 0 && isNewAndValid); prevBtn.setEnabled(currentInx > 0 && isNewAndValid); nextBtn.setEnabled(currentInx < lastInx && isNewAndValid); lastBtn.setEnabled(currentInx < lastInx && isNewAndValid); boolean enabled = numRecords > 0; recDisp.setEnabled(enabled); recDisp.setBorder(enabled ? enabledBorder : disabledBorder); //recDisp.setBackground(enabled ? enabledTxtBG : disabledTxtBG); String lbl = UIRegistry.getLocalizedMessage("RecordControllerDisplay", (currentInx + 1), numRecords); recDisp.setText(numRecords > 0 ? lbl : " "); // XXX Move to I18N properties file formatted if (delRecBtn != null) { delRecBtn.setEnabled(numRecords > 0); } panel.validate(); } /** * @return the recDisp */ public JLabel getRecDisp() { return recDisp; } /** * Returns the JButton that is used to create new records. * @return the JButton that is used to create new records */ public JButton getNewRecBtn() { return newRecBtn; } /** * Returns the JButton that is used to create new records. * @return the JButton that is used to create new records */ public JButton getDelRecBtn() { return delRecBtn; } /** * Returns the JButton that is used to search for existing records. * @return the JButton that is used to search for existing records. */ public JButton getSearchRecBtn() { return searchRecBtn; } /** * Adds a listener. * @param l the listener */ public void addListener(ResultSetControllerListener l) { listeners.add(l); } /** * Remove a listener. * @param l the listener */ public void removeListener(ResultSetControllerListener l) { listeners.remove(l); } /** * Remove all the listeners. */ public void removeAllListeners() { listeners.clear(); } /** * Notifies all the listeners that the index has changed. */ protected void notifyListeners() { for (ResultSetControllerListener rscl : listeners) { rscl.indexChanged(currentInx); } } /** * Notifies all the listeners that the index has changed. But any one listener can return * false that it isn't OK and then it stops and returns false. * @param oldIndex the old index * @param newIndex the new index * @return returns whether it was ok to change indexes */ protected boolean notifyListenersAboutToChangeIndex(final int oldIndex, final int newIndex) { for (ResultSetControllerListener rscl : listeners) { boolean isOK = rscl.indexAboutToChange(oldIndex, newIndex); if (!isOK) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Sets all the UI Enabled/Disabled * @param enabled true/false */ public void setUIEnabled(final boolean enabled) { if (!enabled) { firstBtn.setEnabled(false); prevBtn.setEnabled(false); nextBtn.setEnabled(false); lastBtn.setEnabled(false); recDisp.setEnabled(false); if (newRecBtn != null) { newRecBtn.setEnabled(false); } if (delRecBtn != null) { delRecBtn.setEnabled(false); } } else { updateUI(); } } /** * @return the isNewObj */ public boolean isNewObj() { return isNewObj; } /** * @param isNewObj the isNewObj to set */ public void setNewObj(boolean isNewObj) { //System.err.println("this.isNewObj "+this.isNewObj+ " isNewObj "+isNewObj); this.isNewObj = isNewObj; updateUI(); } /** * This is not static because it makes it easier to create the RSAction objects. */ protected void createRSActions() { if (commandsHash == null) { commandsHash = new Hashtable<CommandType, RSAction<CommandType>>(); for (CommandType cmdType : CommandType.values()) { RSAction<CommandType> action = new RSAction<CommandType>(cmdType); commandsHash.put(cmdType, action); } } } /** * Sets the current (or focused ResultSetController) into the action btns. * @param rsc ResultSetController */ protected static void installRS(final ResultSetController rsc) { if (commandsHash == null && rsc != null) { rsc.createRSActions(); } if (commandsHash != null) { for (RSAction<CommandType> rsca : commandsHash.values()) { rsca.setRs(rsc); if (rsc != null) { JButton btn = rsc.btnsHash.get(rsca.getType()); if (btn != null) { KeyStroke ks = UIHelper.getKeyStroke(rsca.getType()); String ACTION_KEY = rsca.getType().toString(); InputMap inputMap = btn.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); ActionMap actionMap = btn.getActionMap(); inputMap.put(ks, ACTION_KEY); actionMap.put(ACTION_KEY, rsca); rsca.setBtn(btn); } else { //System.err.println("Btn for ["+rsca.getType()+"] is null"); } } } } } /** * */ private static void registerFocusListener() { final KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); focusManager.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { Component permanentFocusOwner = null; String propName = e.getPropertyName(); if (propName.equals("permanentFocusOwner")) { permanentFocusOwner = focusManager.getFocusOwner(); } Component comp = permanentFocusOwner; while (comp != null && !(comp instanceof MultiView)) { comp = comp.getParent(); } ResultSetController rsc = null; boolean fnd = false; if (comp instanceof MultiView) { FormViewObj fvo = ((MultiView) comp).getCurrentViewAsFormViewObj(); if (fvo != null && fvo.getRsController() != null) { rsc = fvo.getRsController(); if (currentFocusedRS == null || currentFocusedRS != rsc) { currentFocusedRS = rsc; fnd = true; } } } if (!fnd) { currentFocusedRS = backStopRS; } installRS(currentFocusedRS); } }); } /** * Gets the Mneu Integer from a Key to I18N * @param key the Mneu key * @return the Integer */ protected static Integer getMneuInt(final String key) { String str = getResourceString(key); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str)) { return new Integer(str.charAt(0)); } return null; } /** * Helper method for creating the menu items. * @param menuItem the parent menu it for the menu items * @param titleKey the I18N key for the button title * @param menuKey the I18N key for the mneumonic * @param cmdType the command */ protected static void createMenuItem(final JMenuItem menuItem, final String titleKey, final CommandType cmdType) { KeyStroke ks = UIHelper.getKeyStroke(cmdType); JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(UIRegistry.getInstance().makeAction(commandsHash.get(cmdType), getResourceString(titleKey), null, "", ks.getKeyCode(), ks)); menuItem.add(mi); } /** * Add special MenuItems to the data menu. * @param mi the data menu */ public static void addMenuItems(final JMenuItem mi) { ResultSetController rsc = new ResultSetController(); rsc.createRSActions(); createMenuItem(mi, "DATA_FIRST", CommandType.First); createMenuItem(mi, "DATA_PREVIOUS", CommandType.Previous); createMenuItem(mi, "DATA_NEXT", CommandType.Next); createMenuItem(mi, "DATA_LAST", CommandType.Last); } /** * @param backStopRS the backStopRS to set */ public static void setBackStopRS(ResultSetController backStopRS) { ResultSetController.backStopRS = backStopRS; installRS(backStopRS); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RSAction<T> extends AbstractAction implements PropertyChangeListener { protected CommandType type; protected ResultSetController rs = null; protected JButton btn = null; public RSAction(final CommandType type) { super(); this.type = type; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (rs != null && btn != null) { // rods (04/26/11) NOTE: the 'doClick' on the button does not work. // I think it has to do with the event being dispatched on the UI thread. // With this change the call to change the index gets call directly //btn.doClick(); switch (type) { case First: rs.firstRecord(); break; case Previous: rs.prevRecord(); break; case Next: rs.nextRecord(); break; case Last: rs.lastRecord(); break; case Save: break; case NewItem: break; case DelItem: break; } } } public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled) { if (!enabled || rs == null) { super.setEnabled(false); } else if (btn != null) { super.setEnabled(btn.isEnabled()); } else { super.setEnabled(false); } } /** * @return the btn */ public JButton getBtn() { return btn; } /** * @param btn the btn to set */ public void setBtn(JButton btn) { if (this.btn != null) { this.btn.removePropertyChangeListener(this); } this.btn = btn; if (this.btn != null) { super.setEnabled(this.btn.isEnabled()); this.btn.addPropertyChangeListener(this); } } /** * @return the type */ public CommandType getType() { return type; } /** * @return the rs */ public ResultSetController getRs() { return rs; } /** * @param rs the rs to set */ public void setRs(ResultSetController rs) { = rs; setEnabled(rs != null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("enabled")) { super.setEnabled((Boolean) evt.getNewValue()); } } } //----------------------------------------------------- // ValidationListener //----------------------------------------------------- /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ValidationListener#wasValidated(UIValidator) */ public void wasValidated(final UIValidator validator) { if (formValidator != null && firstBtn.isEnabled() != formValidator.isFormValid()) { setUIEnabled(formValidator.isFormValid()); } } }