Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research * * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute, * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is the root of the configuration tree for all the searches for tables and related queries. * This class is used to persist the configuration. * * @author rods * * @code_status Beta * * Created Date: Sep 7, 2007 * */ public class SearchTableConfig implements DisplayOrderingIFace, TableNameRendererIFace, Comparable<SearchTableConfig> { //private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SearchTableConfig.class); protected static SimpleDateFormat dbDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); protected String tableName; // This is really the Class name, the table name is protected Integer displayOrder; protected Vector<SearchFieldConfig> searchFields = new Vector<SearchFieldConfig>(); protected Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> displayFields = new Vector<DisplayFieldConfig>(); protected Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> wsFields = new Vector<DisplayFieldConfig>(); // Transient protected DBTableInfo tableInfo; /** * */ public SearchTableConfig() { // nothing } /** * */ public void initialize() { tableInfo = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoByTableName(tableName.toLowerCase()); for (SearchFieldConfig sfc : searchFields) { sfc.setStc(this); } for (DisplayFieldConfig dfc : displayFields) { dfc.setStc(this); } if (wsFields != null) { for (DisplayFieldConfig wsfc : wsFields) { wsfc.setStc(this); } } } /** * @param tableName * @param displayOrder */ public SearchTableConfig(final String tableName, final Integer displayOrder) { this.tableName = tableName; this.displayOrder = displayOrder; } /** * @return */ public boolean hasConfiguredSearchFields() { for (SearchFieldConfig sfc : searchFields) { if (sfc.isInUse()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return the table id or -1 if it hasn't been initialized */ public int getTableId() { return tableInfo != null ? tableInfo.getTableId() : -1; } /** * @return the tableName */ public String getTableName() { return tableName; } /** * @param tableName the tableName to set */ public void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } /** * @return the searchFields */ public Vector<SearchFieldConfig> getSearchFields() { return searchFields; } /** * @param searchFields the searchFields to set */ public void setSearchFields(Vector<SearchFieldConfig> searchFields) { this.searchFields = searchFields; } /** * @return the displayFields */ public Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> getDisplayFields() { return displayFields; } /** * @param displayFields the displayFields to set */ public void setDisplayFields(Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> displayFields) { this.displayFields = displayFields; } /** * @return the wsFields */ public Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> getWsFields() { return wsFields; } /** * @param wsFields the wsFields to set */ public void setWsFields(Vector<DisplayFieldConfig> wsFields) { this.wsFields = wsFields; } /** * @return the displayOrder */ public Integer getDisplayOrder() { return displayOrder; } /** * @param displayOrder the displayOrder to set */ public void setDisplayOrder(Integer displayOrder) { this.displayOrder = displayOrder; } /** * @return the tableInfo */ public DBTableInfo getTableInfo() { if (tableInfo == null) { tableInfo = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoByTableName(tableName.toLowerCase()); } return tableInfo; } /** * @param tableInfo the tableInfo to set */ public void setTableInfo(DBTableInfo tableInfo) { this.tableInfo = tableInfo; } /** * @param searchTerm * @param idsOnly * @return */ public String getSQL(final List<SearchTermField> terms, final boolean idsOnly, final boolean isHQL) { return getSQL(terms, idsOnly, null, isHQL); } /** * This code is not my finest hour. What needs to be re-worked is not paring each term each time. * @param searchTerm * @param idsOnly * @param ids * @return */ public String getSQL(final List<SearchTermField> terms, final boolean idsOnly, final Vector<Integer> ids, final boolean isHQL) { StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); DBTableInfo ti = getTableInfo(); // this sets the data member tableInfo String primaryKey = ti.getIdFieldName(); if (!isHQL) { primaryKey = primaryKey.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + primaryKey.substring(1, primaryKey.length()); primaryKey = StringUtils.replace(primaryKey, "Id", "ID"); } sqlStr.append("DISTINCT "); sqlStr.append(tableInfo.getAbbrev()); sqlStr.append('.'); sqlStr.append(primaryKey); if (!idsOnly) { for (DisplayFieldConfig field : displayFields) { sqlStr.append(','); sqlStr.append(tableInfo.getAbbrev()); sqlStr.append('.'); sqlStr.append(field.getFieldInfo().getName()); if (field.getFieldInfo().isPartialDate()) { sqlStr.append(','); sqlStr.append(tableInfo.getAbbrev()); sqlStr.append('.'); sqlStr.append(field.getFieldInfo().getDatePrecisionName()); } } } sqlStr.append(" FROM "); sqlStr.append(isHQL ? ti.getClassObj().getSimpleName() : ti.getName()); sqlStr.append(" as "); sqlStr.append(tableInfo.getAbbrev()); String joinSnipet = QueryAdjusterForDomain.getInstance().getJoinClause(tableInfo, isHQL, tableInfo.getAbbrev(), false); if (joinSnipet != null) { sqlStr.append(' '); sqlStr.append(joinSnipet); sqlStr.append(' '); } sqlStr.append(" WHERE "); boolean addParen = false; String sqlSnipet = QueryAdjusterForDomain.getInstance().getSpecialColumns(tableInfo, isHQL, false, tableInfo.getAbbrev()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlSnipet)) { sqlStr.append(sqlSnipet); sqlStr.append(" AND ("); addParen = true; } if (ids != null || terms.size() == 0) { int inListMax = 2500; int inI = 0; sqlStr.append("("); int i = 0; for (; i < ids.size(); i++) { if (inI == inListMax) { sqlStr.append(")"); inI = 0; } if (inI == 0) { if (i > 0) { sqlStr.append(" OR "); } sqlStr.append(tableInfo.getAbbrev()); sqlStr.append('.'); sqlStr.append(primaryKey); sqlStr.append(" IN ("); } if (inI > 0) sqlStr.append(','); sqlStr.append(ids.elementAt(i).toString()); inI++; } if (inI > 0) { sqlStr.append(")"); } sqlStr.append(")"); } /*else { String sqlSnipet = QueryAdjusterForDomain.getInstance().getSpecialColumns(tableInfo, isHQL, false, tableInfo.getAbbrev()); if (sqlSnipet != null) { sqlStr.append(sqlSnipet); sqlStr.append(" AND ("); addParen = true; } }*/ StringBuilder orderBy = new StringBuilder(); int orderByCnt = 0; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: If a full date was type in and it was parsed as such // and it couldn't be something else, then it only searches date fields. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cnt = 0; if (terms.size() > 0) { for (SearchTermField term : terms) { if (!term.isSingleChar()) { String termStr = term.getTermLowerCase(); String abbrev = tableInfo.getAbbrev(); for (SearchFieldConfig searchField : searchFields) { String numericTermStr = null; String clause = null; DBFieldInfo fi = searchField.getFieldInfo(); boolean isFieldDate = fi.getDataClass() == Date.class || searchField.getFieldInfo().getDataClass() == Calendar.class; String fieldName = isHQL ? fi.getName() : fi.getColumn(); boolean isFormatted = false; UIFieldFormatterIFace formatter = fi.getFormatter(); if (formatter != null) { if (formatter.isNumeric()) { isFormatted = term.isOn(SearchTermField.IS_NUMERIC) && !term.isOn(SearchTermField.HAS_DEC_POINT); if (isFormatted) { numericTermStr = (String) formatter.formatFromUI(termStr); } } else { if (formatter.isLengthOK(termStr.length())) { isFormatted = true; if (!formatter.isValid(term.getTerm())) { continue; } } } } if (ids == null) { if (isFieldDate) { boolean isDate = term.isOn(SearchTermField.IS_DATE); if (isDate || term.isOn(SearchTermField.IS_YEAR_OF_DATE)) { if (isDate) { if (isFieldDate) { clause = abbrev + '.' + fieldName + " = " + "'" + termStr + "'"; } else { continue; } } else { clause = "YEAR(" + abbrev + '.' + fi.getName() + ") = " + termStr; } } else { continue; } } else { if (fi.getDataClass() == Float.class || fi.getDataClass() == Double.class || fi.getDataClass() == BigDecimal.class) { if (!term.isOn(SearchTermField.IS_NUMERIC)) { continue; } clause = fieldName + " = " + termStr; } else if (fi.getDataClass() == Byte.class || fi.getDataClass() == Short.class || fi.getDataClass() == Integer.class || fi.getDataClass() == Long.class) { if (!term.isOn(SearchTermField.IS_NUMERIC) || term.isOn(SearchTermField.HAS_DEC_POINT)) { continue; } clause = abbrev + '.' + fieldName + " = " + termStr; } else if (isFormatted) { clause = abbrev + '.' + fieldName + " = " + "'" + (numericTermStr != null ? numericTermStr : termStr) + "'"; } else { clause = ESTermParser.getInstance().createWhereClause(term, abbrev, fieldName); /*boolean startWildCard = term.isOn(SearchTermField.STARTS_WILDCARD); boolean endWildCard = term.isOn(SearchTermField.ENDS_WILDCARD); if (startWildCard || endWildCard) { clause = "LOWER(" + abbrev + '.' + fieldName + ") LIKE " + (startWildCard ? "'%" : "'") + termStr + (endWildCard ? "%'" : "'"); } else { clause = "LOWER(" + abbrev + '.' + fieldName + ") = " + "'" + termStr + "'"; }*/ } } if (clause != null) { if (cnt > 0) sqlStr.append(" OR "); sqlStr.append(clause); } } cnt++; if (!idsOnly) { if (searchField.getIsSortable()) { if (orderByCnt == 0) { orderBy.append(" ORDER BY "); } else { orderBy.append(", "); } orderBy.append(abbrev); orderBy.append('.'); orderBy.append(searchField.getFieldName()); orderBy.append(searchField.getIsAscending() ? " ASC" : " DESC"); orderByCnt++; } } } } } } if (addParen) { sqlStr.append(")"); } if (cnt == 0 && terms.size() > 0) { return null; } if (orderByCnt > 0) { sqlStr.append(orderBy); } //System.err.println(sqlStr.toString()); return sqlStr.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int compareTo(final SearchTableConfig obj) { String str1 = tableInfo.getTitle(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str1)) { str1 = tableName; } String str2 = obj.tableInfo.getTitle(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str2)) { str2 = obj.tableName; } return str1.compareTo(str2); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return tableInfo.getTitle(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String getIconName() { return tableInfo.getClassObj().getSimpleName(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String getTitle() { return toString(); } /** * Dumps contents for Debugging. */ public void dump() { System.out.println("\n----------- " + tableName + " ------------"); System.out.println("Order: " + displayOrder); System.out.println(" --------- Search Fields -__-------"); for (SearchFieldConfig sfc : searchFields) { sfc.dump(); } System.out.println(" --------- Display Fields --------"); for (DisplayFieldConfig dfc : displayFields) { dfc.dump(); } } }