Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.kit.dama.ui.admin; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.UserId; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.admin.ServiceAccessToken; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.admin.exception.SecretDecryptionException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.admin.exception.SecretEncryptionException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.IMetaDataManager; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.MetaDataManagement; import; import; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.login.MainLoginAuthenticator; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIComponentTools; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIHelper; import edu.kit.dama.ui.commons.util.UIUtils7; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; /** * * @author jejkal */ public class ServiceAccessTokenDialog { private ComboBox authenticatorSelection; private VerticalLayout mainLayout; private GridLayout authenticatorConfigurationLayout; final List<AbstractAuthenticator> authenticators = new ArrayList<>(); private TextField tokenField = new TextField(); private PasswordField secretField = new PasswordField(); private TextField nosecretField = new TextField(); private final CheckBox showSecret = new CheckBox("Show Secret"); private final Button generateButton = new Button("Generate"); private final Button okButton = new Button("OK"); private final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); private Window currentWin = null; private long selectedId = -1; public ServiceAccessTokenDialog() { buildMainLayout(); } private void buildMainLayout() { authenticatorSelection = new ComboBox("Credential Type"); authenticatorSelection.setWidth("100%"); authenticatorSelection.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); authenticatorSelection.addStyleName("myboldcaption"); //load all authenticators authenticators.add(new MainLoginAuthenticator()); authenticatorSelection.addItem(authenticators.get(0).getAuthenticatorId()); //fill authenticator list and selection box AuthenticatorFactory.getInstance().getAuthenticators().forEach((auth) -> { authenticators.add(auth); authenticatorSelection.addItem(auth.getAuthenticatorId()); }); //selection handler authenticatorSelection.addValueChangeListener((event) -> { String value = (String) authenticatorSelection.getValue(); authenticators.forEach((auth) -> { if (auth.getAuthenticatorId().equals(value)) { updateAuthenticatorAttributeLayout(auth); } }); }); //generate secret handling generateButton.addClickListener((event) -> { String newSecret = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16); if (secretField != null) { //check this just to get sure secretField.setValue(newSecret); nosecretField.setValue(newSecret); UIComponentTools.showInformation("New random secret has been generated."); } }); //show secret handling showSecret.addValueChangeListener((event2) -> { if (secretField != null) { //check this just to get sure if (showSecret.getValue()) { nosecretField.setValue(secretField.getValue()); authenticatorConfigurationLayout.replaceComponent(secretField, nosecretField); } else { secretField.setValue(nosecretField.getValue()); authenticatorConfigurationLayout.replaceComponent(nosecretField, secretField); } } }); ClickListener listener = (Button.ClickEvent event) -> { boolean update = false; boolean created = false; if (okButton.equals(event.getSource()) && selectedId > 0) { //update of existing credential update = true; IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(UIHelper.getSessionContext()); try { ServiceAccessToken existingToken = mdm.find(ServiceAccessToken.class, selectedId); //transfer information from existing token to new one and persist ServiceAccessToken newToken = getToken(existingToken.getUserId()); newToken.setId(selectedId); newToken.setServiceId(existingToken.getServiceId());; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException | SecretEncryptionException ex) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("Unable to store credential."); return; } finally { mdm.close(); } } else if (okButton.equals(event.getSource()) && selectedId <= 0) { //creation of new token String typeSelection = (String) authenticatorSelection.getValue(); IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(UIHelper.getSessionContext()); String userId = UIHelper.getSessionUser().getDistinguishedName(); try { try { List<ServiceAccessToken> token = mdm.findResultList( "SELECT t FROM ServiceAccessToken t WHERE t.serviceId=?1 AND t.userId=?2", new Object[] { typeSelection, userId }, ServiceAccessToken.class); if (!token.isEmpty()) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("There exists already a credential of type '" + typeSelection + "' for your userId."); return; } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("Unable to check for existing credential."); return; } ServiceAccessToken newToken = getToken(userId); String uid = newToken.getUserId(); newToken.setUserId(null); if (!mdm.find(newToken, newToken).isEmpty()) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException("Duplicate credential detected."); } newToken.setUserId(uid);; created = true; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException | SecretEncryptionException ex) { UIComponentTools .showWarning("Failed to create new credential. (Message: " + ex.getMessage() + ")"); return; } finally { mdm.close(); } } //close window if (currentWin != null) { UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(currentWin); if (update) { UIComponentTools.showInformation("Credential successfully updated."); } else if (created) { UIComponentTools.showInformation("Credential successfully created."); } } }; okButton.addClickListener(listener); cancelButton.addClickListener(listener); //fill dummy config layout authenticatorConfigurationLayout = new GridLayout(1, 1); authenticatorConfigurationLayout.addComponent(new Label("Please select an authenticator.")); authenticatorConfigurationLayout.setSpacing(true); authenticatorConfigurationLayout.setWidth("400px"); HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(cancelButton, okButton); buttonLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(authenticatorSelection, authenticatorConfigurationLayout, buttonLayout); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(authenticatorConfigurationLayout, 1.0f); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(buttonLayout, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); } private ServiceAccessToken getToken(String userId) throws SecretEncryptionException { String value = (String) authenticatorSelection.getValue(); AbstractAuthenticator selection = (AbstractAuthenticator) CollectionUtils.find(authenticators, (Object o) -> ((AbstractAuthenticator) o).getAuthenticatorId().equals(value)); Map<String, String> credentialMap = new HashMap<>(); if (tokenField == null) { //no credential information } else { //token field visible, use caption as key and value as secret credentialMap.put(tokenField.getCaption(), tokenField.getValue()); if (secretField != null) { //secret is also visible, use caption as key and value as secret credentialMap.put(secretField.getCaption(), secretField.getValue()); } } //let the AbstractAuthenticator create the access token as only its implementation 'knows' how the information is stored return selection.generateServiceAccessToken(new UserId(userId), credentialMap); } private void updateAuthenticatorAttributeLayout(AbstractAuthenticator authenticator) { UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder builder; String[] attributes = authenticator.getCredentialAttributeNames(); switch (attributes.length) { case 0: { tokenField = null; secretField = null; nosecretField = null; builder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(1, 1); break; } case 1: { tokenField = new TextField(attributes[0]); tokenField.addStyleName("myboldcaption"); secretField = null; nosecretField = null; builder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(1, 1); break; } default: { tokenField = new TextField(attributes[0]); tokenField.addStyleName("myboldcaption"); secretField = new PasswordField(attributes[1]); secretField.addStyleName("myboldcaption"); nosecretField = new TextField(attributes[1]); nosecretField.addStyleName("myboldcaption"); builder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, 3); } } if (tokenField != null) { builder.fillRow(tokenField, 0, 0, 1); } else { builder.fillRow(new Label("No configuration needed."), 0, 0, 1); } if (secretField != null) { builder.addComponent(secretField, 0, 1); builder.addComponent(generateButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT, 1, 1, 1, 1); builder.fillRow(showSecret, 0, 2, 1); } GridLayout newLayout = builder.getLayout(); newLayout.setSpacing(true); newLayout.setWidth("400px"); mainLayout.replaceComponent(authenticatorConfigurationLayout, newLayout); authenticatorConfigurationLayout = newLayout; } public void showDialog(long selection) { selectedId = selection; //load data in case of update boolean updateMode = false; if (selectedId > 0) { updateMode = true; IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(UIHelper.getSessionContext()); try { ServiceAccessToken token = mdm.find(ServiceAccessToken.class, selectedId); //check if there is an authenticator for the token's service id boolean validAuthenticator = false; for (AbstractAuthenticator auth : authenticators) { if (auth.getAuthenticatorId().equals(token.getServiceId())) { validAuthenticator = true; break; } } if (!validAuthenticator) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("No authenticator for credential with serviceId '" + token.getServiceId() + "' configured. Please contact a system adminstrator."); return; } else {; if (tokenField != null) { tokenField.setValue(token.getTokenKey()); } if (secretField != null) { secretField.setValue(token.getSecret()); nosecretField.setValue(secretField.getValue()); } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("You are not authorized to retrieve the selected credential."); } catch (SecretDecryptionException ex) { //The secret cannot be decrypted. This can be the case if it is not encrypted, e.g. for the HTTPAuthenticator, but could also be the case of the global secret //in the datamanager.xml was changed. However, we cannot see the secret but we allow to set a new one, so we warn but continue. UIComponentTools.showWarning( "Unable to decrypt the secret of the selected credential.<br/>You can either assign a new secret or cancel the update."); } finally { mdm.close(); } } authenticatorSelection.setEnabled(!updateMode); okButton.setCaption((updateMode) ? "Update" : "Create"); //create and show new window currentWin = new Window((updateMode) ? "Update Credential" : "Create Credential"); currentWin.setContent(mainLayout);; UI.getCurrent().addWindow(currentWin); } }