Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.administration.user; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.GroupId; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.IAuthorizationContext; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.IRoleRestriction; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.Role; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.UserId; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException; import; import; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.CSSTokenContainer; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIComponentTools; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.admin.UserGroup; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.IMetaDataManager; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.MetaDataManagement; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIHelper; import edu.kit.dama.ui.commons.util.UIUtils7; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author dx6468 */ public final class MembershipRoleEditorWindow extends Window { public final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MembershipRoleEditorWindow.class); public final static String DEBUG_ID_PREFIX = MembershipRoleEditorWindow.class.getName() + "_"; private final static String NAME_COLUMN_ID = "Name"; private final static String ROLE_COLUMN_ID = "Role"; private final static String INFO_COLUMN_ID = "Info"; private final UserDataAdministrationTab userDataAdministrationTab; private final UserId userId; private GridLayout mainPanel; private Table membershipsTable; private ComboBox roleComboBox; private Button commitChangeButton; /** * Create a new instance of a Memberships view window. * * @param userDataAdministrationTab The parent tab. */ public MembershipRoleEditorWindow(UserDataAdministrationTab userDataAdministrationTab) { this.userDataAdministrationTab = userDataAdministrationTab; userId = new UserId( userDataAdministrationTab.getUserDataTablePanel().getSelectedUserData().getDistinguishedName()); LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + " ..."); setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.substring(0, DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.length() - 1)); setWidth("900px"); setHeight("500px"); setModal(true); setCaption("Memberships of '" + userId.getStringRepresentation() + "'"); setContent(getMainLayout()); } /** * Get the main layout. * * @return The main layout. */ private GridLayout getMainLayout() { if (mainPanel == null) { String id = "mainPanel"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder builder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, 2); builder.addComponent(getMembershipsTable(), 0, 0); Label l = new Label( "To update the membership role of the selected group(s) select the new role below and click <i>'Apply New Role'</i>. The new role is limited by the user's maximum role.", ContentMode.HTML); Label spacer = new Label("<br/>", ContentMode.HTML); Button closeButton = new Button("Close"); closeButton.addClickListener((event) -> { close(); }); VerticalLayout actionLayout = new VerticalLayout(l, spacer, getRoleComboBox(), getCommitChangeButton()); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(l, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(getRoleComboBox(), Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(getCommitChangeButton(), Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(getCommitChangeButton(), Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); actionLayout.setSpacing(true); actionLayout.setSizeFull(); builder.addComponent(actionLayout, 1, 0); builder.addComponent(closeButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT, 1, 1, 1, 1); mainPanel = builder.getLayout(); mainPanel.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); mainPanel.setSizeFull(); mainPanel.setColumnExpandRatio(0, .7f); mainPanel.setColumnExpandRatio(1, .3f); mainPanel.setRowExpandRatio(0, .99f); mainPanel.setRowExpandRatio(1, .01f); mainPanel.setSpacing(true); mainPanel.setMargin(true); updateMainPanel(); } return mainPanel; } /** * Get the memberships table. * * @return The memberships table. */ private Table getMembershipsTable() { if (membershipsTable == null) { String id = "membershipsTable"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); membershipsTable = new Table(); membershipsTable.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); membershipsTable.setSizeFull(); membershipsTable.setSelectable(true); membershipsTable.setMultiSelect(true); IndexedContainer c = new IndexedContainer(); c.addContainerProperty(NAME_COLUMN_ID, String.class, null); c.addContainerProperty(ROLE_COLUMN_ID, Role.class, null); c.addContainerProperty(INFO_COLUMN_ID, String.class, null); membershipsTable.setContainerDataSource(c); membershipsTable.setColumnHeader(NAME_COLUMN_ID, "Group Name"); membershipsTable.setColumnHeader(ROLE_COLUMN_ID, "Role"); membershipsTable.setColumnHeader(INFO_COLUMN_ID, "Info"); membershipsTable.addGeneratedColumn(ROLE_COLUMN_ID, (Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) -> { Role role = (Role) source.getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(itemId, columnId) .getValue(); Label cellContent = new Label(); if (role != null && role.moreThan(Role.NO_ACCESS)) { cellContent.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.GREEN_BOLD_CENTERED_LABEL); cellContent.setValue(role.toString()); } else if (role != null && !role.moreThan(Role.NO_ACCESS)) { cellContent.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.RED_BOLD_CENTERED_LABEL); cellContent.setValue(role.toString()); } else { cellContent.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.ORANGE_BOLD_CENTERED_LABEL); cellContent.setValue("NO MEMBER"); } return cellContent; }); membershipsTable.addGeneratedColumn(INFO_COLUMN_ID, (Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) -> { String value = (String) source.getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(itemId, columnId) .getValue(); Label cellContent = new Label(); cellContent.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.RED_BOLD_CENTERED_LABEL); if (value != null) { cellContent.setValue("!"); cellContent.setDescription(value); } else { cellContent.setValue(""); cellContent.setDescription(null); } return cellContent; }); } return membershipsTable; } /** * Get the role selection combobox. * * @return The ComboBox. */ private ComboBox getRoleComboBox() { if (roleComboBox == null) { String id = "roleComboBox"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); roleComboBox = new ComboBox("NEW ROLE"); roleComboBox.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); roleComboBox.setWidth("100%"); roleComboBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); try { Role maxRole = (Role) UserServiceLocal.getSingleton().getRoleRestriction(userId, UIHelper.getSessionContext()); for (Role role : Role.getValidRoles()) { if (role.moreThan(maxRole)) { //do not continue break; } roleComboBox.addItem(role); } //select max. role by default; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException | EntityNotFoundException ex) { //unable to determine max. role, just continue } roleComboBox.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.BOLD_CAPTION); } return roleComboBox; } /** * Get the commit button. * * @return The commit button. */ private Button getCommitChangeButton() { if (commitChangeButton == null) { String id = "commitChangeButton"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); commitChangeButton = new Button("Apply New Role"); commitChangeButton.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); commitChangeButton.setDescription("Apply the selected role to all selected group memberships."); commitChangeButton.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { boolean wasSuccess = commitChangedRoles(); getMembershipsTable().select(null); if (wasSuccess) { UIComponentTools.showInformation("Selected memberships successfully updated."); } else { UIComponentTools.showWarning( "There where errors during membership update. Please refer to the 'Info' column in the table."); } }); } return commitChangeButton; } /** * Commit changes to the memberships. * * @return TRUE if all updates where successful. */ private boolean commitChangedRoles() { Collection<String> groupIds = (Collection<String>) getMembershipsTable().getValue(); boolean wasSuccess = true; for (String groupId : groupIds) { //update role for selecte group GroupId gid = new GroupId(groupId); Role newRole = (Role) getRoleComboBox().getValue(); //obtain current role to check "last manager" Role currentRole = (Role) getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource() .getContainerProperty(groupId, ROLE_COLUMN_ID).getValue(); if (currentRole != null && currentRole.atLeast(Role.MANAGER) && newRole.lessThan(currentRole)) { //current role is manager, check if we have the last manager if (UIHelper.isLastGroupManager(gid, userId)) { //unable to take away last manager permission getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, INFO_COLUMN_ID) .setValue("Unable to update group. User '" + userId + "' is the only group manager."); wasSuccess = false; } } if (wasSuccess) { //if no error until now, try to update role using default context but ONLY if the role (in the USERS group) is at least CURATOR wasSuccess = UIHelper.getSessionUserRole().atLeast(Role.CURATOR) && updateRole(groupId, userId, newRole, UIHelper.getSessionContext()); if (!wasSuccess) { //update using default context failed/not possible, use group-specific context wasSuccess = updateRole(groupId, userId, newRole, UIHelper.getSessionContext(gid)); } } if (wasSuccess) { //reset error it no error occured getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, INFO_COLUMN_ID) .setValue(null); } } getMembershipsTable().refreshRowCache(); return wasSuccess; } /** * Update the membership role for the provided user in the provided group to * 'role'. * * @param groupId The groupId. * @param userId The userId. * @param role The new role. * @param context The authorization context used to authorize the membership * update. * * @return TRUE if everything succeeded. */ private boolean updateRole(String groupId, UserId userId, Role role, IAuthorizationContext context) { boolean result = false; try { GroupServiceLocal.getSingleton().changeRole(new GroupId(groupId), userId, role, context); //update table getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, ROLE_COLUMN_ID) .setValue(role); result = true; } catch (EntityNotFoundException ex) { //no member? try { GroupServiceLocal.getSingleton().addUser(new GroupId(groupId), userId, role, context); getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, ROLE_COLUMN_ID) .setValue(role); result = true; } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException ex1) { //should not happen getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, INFO_COLUMN_ID) .setValue("Membership of user '" + userId + "' in group '" + groupId + "' already exists."); } catch (EntityNotFoundException | UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex1) { getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, INFO_COLUMN_ID) .setValue("Failed to create membership of user '" + userId + "' in group '" + groupId + "'. User or group not found/accessible."); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { //not authorized getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().getContainerProperty(groupId, INFO_COLUMN_ID) .setValue("You are not authorized to modify the membership of user '" + userId + "' in group '" + groupId + "'."); } return result; } /** * Update the main panel, e.g. reload the memberships table. */ private void updateMainPanel() { // Update components reloadMembershipsTable(); // Execute case-dependent commands UserDataTablePanel.UserDataEffectivity userEffectivity = userDataAdministrationTab.getUserDataTablePanel() .validateSelectedUserData(); boolean commitAllowed = true; switch (userEffectivity) { case NO: case INVALID: commitAllowed = false; break; default://allow update } getCommitChangeButton().setEnabled(commitAllowed); if (!commitAllowed) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("Invalid user selected. Update not supported."); } } /** * Reload the memberships table. */ private void reloadMembershipsTable() { getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().removeAllItems(); IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(UIHelper.getSessionContext()); try { List<UserGroup> groups = mdm.find(UserGroup.class); for (UserGroup group : groups) { IRoleRestriction role = null; try { role = GroupServiceLocal.getSingleton().getMaximumRole(new GroupId(group.getGroupId()), userId, UIHelper.getSessionContext()); } catch (EntityNotFoundException ex) { //no member, role remains null } //add a new group row getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource().addItem(group.getGroupId()); getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource() .getContainerProperty(group.getGroupId(), NAME_COLUMN_ID).setValue(group.getGroupName()); getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource() .getContainerProperty(group.getGroupId(), ROLE_COLUMN_ID).setValue(role); getMembershipsTable().getContainerDataSource() .getContainerProperty(group.getGroupId(), INFO_COLUMN_ID).setValue(null); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { UIComponentTools.showWarning("You are not authorized to obtain membership information."); } finally { mdm.close(); } } }