Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.kit.dama.ui.admin; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.ListSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.LiferayTheme; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.Role; import edu.kit.dama.commons.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import edu.kit.dama.commons.types.IConfigurable; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.exception.MsgBuilder; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.exception.NoteBuilder; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.exception.UIComponentUpdateException; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.CSSTokenContainer; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIComponentTools; import edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.utils.UIHelper; import static edu.kit.dama.util.Constants.USERS_GROUP_ID; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author jejkal */ public abstract class AbstractConfigurationTab<C> extends CustomComponent { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractConfigurationTab.class); private String DEBUG_ID_PREFIX = AbstractConfigurationTab.class.getName() + "_"; public static final String NEW_UNIQUE_ID = "MINUS_ONE_ELEMENT"; public static final String NEW_ELEMENT_LABEL = "NEW"; private GridLayout mainLayout; private ListSelect elementList; private GenericSpecificPropertiesLayout specificPropertiesLayout; private Panel propertiesPanel; private Button commitChangesButton; private PropertiesLayoutType propertiesLayoutType; private Button navigateButton; private String selectedElementId; public enum PropertiesLayoutType { BASIC, SPECIFIC; } public enum ListSelection { NO, NEW, VALID, INVALID; } /** * Default constructor. */ public AbstractConfigurationTab() { DEBUG_ID_PREFIX += hashCode() + "_"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.substring(0, DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.length() - 1) + " ..."); setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.substring(0, DEBUG_ID_PREFIX.length() - 1)); setCompositionRoot(getMainLayout()); setSizeFull(); } /** * Get the tab main layout. * * @return The main layout. */ private GridLayout getMainLayout() { if (mainLayout == null) { mainLayout = buildMainLayout(); } return mainLayout; } /** * Build the main layout. The implementation of this method has to build and * return the main configuration layout of this tab located right to the * element list. * * @return The main layout as GridLayout. */ public abstract GridLayout buildMainLayout(); /** * Returns the element id which is currently selected in the element list. * The result could be either NEW_UNIQUE_ID if the 'New' entry is selected * or one of the element ids added to the list while calling * {@link #fillElementList()}. * * @return The selected element id. */ public final String getSelectedElementId() { return selectedElementId; } /** * Get the element list containing the selection of elements that can be * configured using this tab. * * @return The element list. */ public final ListSelect getElementList() { if (elementList == null) { String id = "elementList"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); elementList = new ListSelect("AVAILABLE ELEMENTS"); elementList.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); elementList.setHeight("100%"); elementList.setWidth("300px"); elementList.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); elementList.addStyleName(CSSTokenContainer.BOLD_CAPTION); elementList.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { ListSelection listSelection = validateListSelection(); switch (listSelection) { case NO: fireNoListEntrySelected(); break; case NEW: fireNewInstanceSelected(); break; case VALID: fireValidListEntrySelected(); break; case INVALID: fireInvalidListEntrySelected(); break; default: UIComponentTools.showError("ERROR", "Unknown error occurred while updating " + "element selection. " + NoteBuilder.CONTACT, -1); LOGGER.error("Failed to update " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ". Cause: Undefined enum constant detected, namely '" + + "'."); break; } } }); } return elementList; } /** * Get the selected itemId. By default, this is getElementList().getValue() * but it might be overwritten if the element list is not used. * * @return The selected id. */ public String getSelectedItemId() { return (String) getElementList().getValue(); } /** * Reload the element list by removing all elements, adding the dummy * element for creating new entries and calling {@link #fillElementList()} * to fill the remaining elements. * */ public void reloadElementList() { getElementList().removeAllItems(); getElementList().addItem(NEW_UNIQUE_ID); getElementList().setItemCaption(NEW_UNIQUE_ID, NEW_ELEMENT_LABEL); fillElementList(); } /** * Fill the element list with all currently existing elements. */ public abstract void fillElementList(); /** * Check whether an element with the provided ID already exists or not. * * @param pId The element id. * * @return TRUE if an element exits, FALS otherwise. */ public abstract boolean elementWithIdExists(String pId); /** * Load an element by its ID. * * @param pId A valid element id or NEW_UNIQUE_ID for returning a new * element. * * @return The element or null if no element exists for the provided id. */ public abstract C loadElementById(String pId); /** * Select the provided element, means filling the UI accordingly. * * @param pSelection The selected element. * * @throws ConfigurationException If the configuration of pSelection is * somehow invalid. * @throws UIComponentUpdateException If pSelection could not be used to * update the UI properly. */ public abstract void selectElement(C pSelection) throws ConfigurationException, UIComponentUpdateException; /** * Reset the configuration part of the tab. */ public void resetConfigurationComponents() { resetComponents(); getBasicPropertiesLayout().reset(); getSpecificPropertiesLayout().reset(); setPropertiesLayout(PropertiesLayoutType.BASIC); } /** * Reset specific components of the configuration part of the tab, e.g. the * implementation class field which might not be available for all element * configuration tabs. */ public abstract void resetComponents(); /** * Enable/disable components depending on the element list selection denoted * by the provided value. * * @param listSelection The element list selection type. */ public void setEnabledComponents(ListSelection listSelection) { switch (listSelection) { case NO: case INVALID: getPropertiesPanel().setEnabled(false); getCommitChangesButton().setEnabled(false); enableComponents(false); break; case NEW: getPropertiesPanel().setEnabled(false); getCommitChangesButton().setEnabled(false); enableComponents(true); break; case VALID: getPropertiesPanel().setEnabled(true); getCommitChangesButton().setEnabled(true); enableComponents(false); break; default: UIComponentTools.showError("ERROR", "Unknown error occurred while updating " + "element. " + NoteBuilder.CONTACT, -1); LOGGER.error("Failed to update " + getPropertiesPanel().getId() + ". Cause: Undefined enum constant detected, namely '" + + "'."); } } /** * Enable/Disable specific components of the configuration part of the tab, * e.g. the implementation class field which might not be available for all * element configuration tabs. * * @param pValue TRUE = enable specific components; disable them otherwise. */ public abstract void enableComponents(boolean pValue); /** * Returns the commit button used to commit changes. * * @return The commit button. */ public Button getCommitChangesButton() { if (commitChangesButton == null) { String id = "commitChangesButton"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); commitChangesButton = new Button("Commit Changes"); commitChangesButton.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); commitChangesButton.setImmediate(true); commitChangesButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { commitChanges(); } }); } return commitChangesButton; } /** * Do commit changes. This method is triggered by the commit button. */ public abstract void commitChanges(); /** * Add the provided element instance to the element list. Providing this * method in an abstract way allows the implementation to decide how element * list entries are rendered and what are their ids. * * @param pItem The element instance to add. */ public abstract void addNewElementInstance(C pItem); /** * Update the provided element instance in the element list. During the * update the element with the id pf pItem might be removed and re-added * afterwards. Providing this method in an abstract way allows the * implementation to decide how element list entries are rendered and what * are their ids. * * @param pItem The element instance to update. */ public abstract void updateElementInstance(C pItem); /** * Set the selected properties layout type. Depending on the type, the * configuration part of the tab may change. * * @param pPropertiesLayoutType The new type. */ public void setPropertiesLayout(PropertiesLayoutType pPropertiesLayoutType) { this.propertiesLayoutType = pPropertiesLayoutType; switch (pPropertiesLayoutType) { case BASIC: fireBasicPropertiesLayoutSelected(); break; case SPECIFIC: fireSpecificPropertiesLayoutSelected(); break; default: UIComponentTools.showError("ERROR", "Unknown error occurred while updating " + "element view. " + NoteBuilder.CONTACT, -1); LOGGER.error("Failed to update " + getPropertiesPanel().getId() + ". Cause: Undefined enum constant detected, namely '" + + "'."); } } /** * Get the properties panel. The properties panel contains the configuration * part of the tab. There are two representations for each element: the * BASIC and the SPECIFIC one. Their look and their content depend on their * specific implementation. * * @return The panel holding the configuration part. */ public Panel getPropertiesPanel() { if (propertiesPanel == null) { String id = "propertiesPanel"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); propertiesPanel = new Panel(); propertiesPanel.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); propertiesPanel.setSizeFull(); propertiesPanel.setStyleName(LiferayTheme.PANEL_LIGHT); propertiesPanel.setImmediate(true); setPropertiesLayout(PropertiesLayoutType.BASIC); } return propertiesPanel; } /** * Reload the entire UI. This will reload the element list, selects the * 'NEW' entry, which causes a reload of the configuration part and * resetting it to the BASIC type. */ public void reload() { reloadElementList(); getElementList().select(NEW_UNIQUE_ID); getBasicPropertiesLayout().reloadGroupBox(); getBasicPropertiesLayout().getGroupBox().select(USERS_GROUP_ID); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (enabled) { super.setEnabled(true); reload(); } else { if (!isEnabled()) { //have to do this in order to change values setEnabled(true); } getElementList().removeAllItems(); getBasicPropertiesLayout().getGroupBox().removeAllItems(); super.setEnabled(false); } } public final void update() { setEnabled(UIHelper.getSessionUserRole().atLeast(Role.CURATOR)); } /** * Get the navigation button to switch between BASIC and SPECIFIC view. * * @return The navigation button. */ public Button getNavigateButton() { if (navigateButton == null) { String id = "navigateButton"; LOGGER.debug("Building " + DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id + " ..."); navigateButton = new Button("Switch to Extended Properties"); navigateButton.setId(DEBUG_ID_PREFIX + id); navigateButton.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { switch (getPropertiesLayout()) { case SPECIFIC: setPropertiesLayout(PropertiesLayoutType.BASIC); break; default: setPropertiesLayout(PropertiesLayoutType.SPECIFIC); break; } }); } return navigateButton; } /** * Get the BASIC properties layout. As this layout might be different for * all configurable element this method must be implemented by the according * configuration tab. * * @return The base properties layout. */ public abstract AbstractBasePropertiesLayout getBasicPropertiesLayout(); /** * Get the SPECIFIC properties layout. The default layout can be used * together with elements implementing the {@link IConfigurable} interface * to configure supported attributes. Elements not implementing this * interface may return an own layout implementation. * * @return The specific properties layout. */ public GenericSpecificPropertiesLayout getSpecificPropertiesLayout() { if (specificPropertiesLayout == null) { specificPropertiesLayout = new GenericSpecificPropertiesLayout(); } return specificPropertiesLayout; } /** * Get the selected properties layout type. * * @return The selected properties layout type. */ private PropertiesLayoutType getPropertiesLayout() { return propertiesLayoutType; } /** * Handler for changing the configuration part to the BASIC type. */ private void fireBasicPropertiesLayoutSelected() { getNavigateButton().setCaption("Extended Properties"); getPropertiesPanel().setContent(getBasicPropertiesLayout()); } /** * Handler for changing the configuration part to the SPECIFIC type. */ private void fireSpecificPropertiesLayoutSelected() { getNavigateButton().setCaption("Basic Properties"); getPropertiesPanel().setContent(getSpecificPropertiesLayout()); } /** * Event handler that is called if the 'New' element is selected in the * element list. It resets the configuration part of the tab and * enables/disables components according to the selection. */ public final void fireNewInstanceSelected() { resetConfigurationComponents(); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.NEW); } /** * Event handler that is called if a valid and existing element is selected * in the element list. It loads the element, fils the configuration part of * the tab and enables/disables components according to the selection. */ public final void fireValidListEntrySelected() { C selectedElement = loadElementById(selectedElementId); try { selectElement(selectedElement); getBasicPropertiesLayout().updateSelection(selectedElement); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.VALID); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { UIComponentTools.showError("Update of element selection not possible! Cause: " + ex.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Failed to update '" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "'. Cause: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); resetComponents(); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.INVALID); } catch (UIComponentUpdateException ex) { UIComponentTools.showError("Update of element list selection not possible! Cause: " + ex.getMessage()); LOGGER.error(MsgBuilder.updateFailed(getPropertiesPanel().getId()) + "Cause: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.INVALID); } } /** * Event handler that is called if an invalid element (e.g. which is no * longer available) is selected in the element list. It resets the * configuration part of the tab, enables/disables components according to * the selection and shows a warning. */ public final void fireInvalidListEntrySelected() { resetConfigurationComponents(); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.INVALID); UIComponentTools.showWarning("Selected element not found in database."); } /** * Event handler that is called if no element is selected in the element * list. It resets the configuration part of the tab and enables/disables * components according to the selection. */ public final void fireNoListEntrySelected() { resetConfigurationComponents(); setEnabledComponents(ListSelection.NO); } public final ListSelection validateListSelection(String pSelection) { // Get selected list entry String selection = pSelection == null ? ((String) getElementList().getValue()) : pSelection; LOGGER.debug("Validating list selection for current value '{}'", selection); // Validate selection if (selection == null) { LOGGER.warn("Found NO selection. This should only happen during commit operation."); return ListSelection.NO; } if (NEW_UNIQUE_ID.equals(selection)) { LOGGER.debug("Found NEW selection."); // Case 1: New element requested selectedElementId = selection; return ListSelection.NEW; } // Find selected element in the database selectedElementId = (elementWithIdExists(selection)) ? selection : NEW_UNIQUE_ID; if (NEW_UNIQUE_ID.equals(selection)) { // Case 2: Element invalid LOGGER.debug("Found INVALID selection."); selectedElementId = NEW_UNIQUE_ID; return ListSelection.INVALID; } else { // Case 3: Selection valid LOGGER.debug("Found VALID selection."); return ListSelection.VALID; } } /** * Validate the element list selection and return an according enum. * Depending on the enum's value UI elements might be enabled/disabled. * * @return The selection type enum. */ public final ListSelection validateListSelection() { return validateListSelection(null); } }