Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.kit.dama.mdm.content.mets; import; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.GroupId; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.Role; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.UserId; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.impl.AuthorizationContext; import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException; import edu.kit.dama.commons.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import edu.kit.dama.commons.exceptions.PropertyValidationException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.base.DigitalObject; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.base.MetaDataSchema; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.base.UserData; import; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.content.impl.exceptions.MetaDataExtractionException; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.content.mets.plugin.IMetsTypeExtractor; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.IMetaDataManager; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.MetaDataManagement; import; import edu.kit.dama.staging.exceptions.StagingProcessorException; import edu.kit.dama.staging.processor.AbstractStagingProcessor; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.content.mets.util.MetsBuilder; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.content.mets.util.MetsHelper; import edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataorganization.entity.core.IDataOrganizationNode; import edu.kit.dama.util.DataManagerSettings; import edu.kit.lsdf.adalapi.AbstractFile; import edu.kit.lsdf.adalapi.exception.AdalapiException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * This abstract staging processor implementation creates a mets document for an * ingested digital object. An implementing class may or may not add custom * properties. Furthermore, an implementation may or may not extract community * specific metadata added as custom descriptive metadata to the final mets * document. * * The default extractor allows to link the extractor either to a metadata * schema defined by the repository or to a standard md type defined by the mets * standard. * * The result mets file is stored in a subfolder named 'metadata' in the * 'generated' folder of the ingest. The file will be named * 'mets_<oid>.xml where <oid> is the digital object identifier of * the associated object. * * @author jejkal */ public abstract class MetsMetadataExtractor extends AbstractStagingProcessor { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetsMetadataExtractor.class); /** * Holding meta data information about data. */ private DigitalObject digitalObject = null; /** * Unique Id of digital object. */ private String digitalObjectIdentifier = null; /** * Id of the DMD section should be unique for each community. */ private String communityDmdSectionId = null; /** * Type of the community metadata. */ private String communityMDType = null; /** * List of additional extractors from mets file. */ private List<IMetsTypeExtractor> additionalExtractors; /** * Constant for Mets DMD ID. */ private final String COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID = "communityMetadataDmdId"; /** * Constant for Mets DMD Type. */ private final String COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID = "communityMDType"; /** * Constant for Mets schema Id of community metadata. */ private final String COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID = "communityMetadataSchemaId"; /** * Schema Id of community metadata. should be unique for each community. */ private String communityMetadataId = null; /** * Map holding all available extractors. */ private Map<String, IMetsTypeExtractor> extractorMap; /** * Mets file holding all metadata. */ private MetsBuilder metsBuilder; /** * Context for ingest authorization. */ private AuthorizationContext ingestAuthorization; /** * Subdir for metadata in the generated folder. */ protected static final String METADATA_FOLDER_NAME = "metadata"; /** * Default constructor. * * @param pUniqueIdentifier The unique identifier of this processor. */ public MetsMetadataExtractor(String pUniqueIdentifier) { super(pUniqueIdentifier); this.additionalExtractors = new ArrayList<>(); buildExtractorMap(); } /** * Get all property keys specific for this mets extractor implementation. * * @return An array of property keys. */ protected abstract String[] getExtractorPropertyKeys(); /** * Get a description for an extractor-specific property keys. * * @param pProperty The property key. * * @return The description. */ protected abstract String getExtractorPropertyDescription(String pProperty); /** * Validate all extractor-specific properties. * * @param pProperties The properties mapping. * * @throws PropertyValidationException if one property is missing or * invalid. */ protected abstract void validateExtractorProperties(Properties pProperties) throws PropertyValidationException; /** * Configure the extractor instance using the provided properties. * * @param pProperties The properties mapping. */ protected abstract void configureExtractor(Properties pProperties); /** * Create XML document containing community specific metadata. This element * will be inserted in the metadata xml. This method will be called inside * the method finalizePostTransferProcessing. (see * {@link AbstractStagingProcessor#finalizePostTransferProcessing(}) * * @param pContainer The transfer task container which contains the file * tree on the transfer source machine. This should be locally and all files * in the tree should be accessible in a posix-like way. This is necessary * as some metadata might be extracted from uploaded files. * * @return community specific metadata as XML document. * * @throws MetaDataExtractionException Error during extraction. */ protected abstract Document createCommunitySpecificDocument(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws MetaDataExtractionException; @Override public final void performPreTransferProcessing(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { digitalObjectIdentifier = pContainer.getTransferInformation().getDigitalObjectId(); LOGGER.debug("performPreTransferExtraction for object with identifier: '{}'", digitalObjectIdentifier); if (getDigitalObject() == null) { // Load digital object from database IMetaDataManager imdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); imdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); try { DigitalObject result = imdm.findSingleResult( "SELECT o FROM DigitalObject o WHERE o.digitalObjectIdentifier=?1", new Object[] { digitalObjectIdentifier }, DigitalObject.class); if (result == null) { throw new StagingProcessorException( "No DigitalObject found for identifier '" + digitalObjectIdentifier + "'"); } else { setDigitalObject(result); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { throw new StagingProcessorException( "Not authorized to access digital object with id " + digitalObjectIdentifier, ex); } finally { imdm.close(); } } } @Override public final void finalizePreTransferProcessing(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { LOGGER.debug("finalizePreTransferExtraction -- Creating metadata document in mets extractor {}", getName()); File metsFile = getMetsFile(pContainer); try { String xmlString = createMetadataDocument(pContainer); if (xmlString == null) { LOGGER.warn("createMetadataDocument() returned 'null'. XML document {} will be empty.", metsFile.getAbsolutePath()); xmlString = ""; } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(metsFile, xmlString); LOGGER.debug("XML metadata successfully written."); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new StagingProcessorException( "Failed to write metadata to file " + metsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".", ex); } generateIndexFiles(metsFile, true); try { LOGGER.debug("Adding generated content located at {} to transfer container.", metsFile.getParentFile().getParentFile()); //add /generated folder content to container pContainer.addGeneratedFile(metsFile.getParentFile().getParentFile()); } catch (AdalapiException | MalformedURLException ex) { throw new StagingProcessorException("Failed to add generated content to transfer container.", ex); } } @Override public final void performPostTransferProcessing(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { LOGGER.trace("performPostTransferProcessing - Nothing to do"); } @Override public final void finalizePostTransferProcessing(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { LOGGER.trace( "finalizePostTransferProcessing - Add Dataorganization and Structure section to Mets document."); Function<IDataOrganizationNode, String> defaultObjectNodeResolver = (IDataOrganizationNode node) -> { return DataManagerSettings.getSingleton().getStringProperty(DataManagerSettings.GENERAL_BASE_URL_ID, "http://localhost:8080") + "/rest/dataorganization/organization/download/" + Long.toString(digitalObject.getBaseId()) + "/" + ((node.getName() != null) ? node.getName() : ""); }; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { metsBuilder.createDOSection(defaultObjectNodeResolver); metsBuilder.createStructureSection(defaultObjectNodeResolver); metsBuilder.write(baos); File metsFile = getMetsFile(pContainer); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(metsFile, baos.toString()); generateIndexFiles(metsFile, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Error writing mets file", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Error adding data organization to mets file.", ex); } } /** * Get file for METS file. Location depends on state of the transfer. * * @param pContainer The transfer task container which contains the file * tree on the transfer source machine. This should be locally and all files * in the tree should be accessible in a posix-like way. This is necessary * as some metadata might be extracted from uploaded files. * @return File pointing to Mets file. * @throws StagingProcessorException If finishing the processor fails. */ private File getMetsFile(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { // ok, all meta data collected write data to file(s) String metadataDir; File serverGeneratedDir; try { metadataDir = new File(pContainer.getGeneratedUrl().toURI()).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + METADATA_FOLDER_NAME; serverGeneratedDir = new File(metadataDir); serverGeneratedDir.mkdir(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to obtain metadata destination directory.", ex); throw new StagingProcessorException("Failed to obtain metadata destination directory.", ex); } String xmlFileName = "mets_" + getDigitalObject().getDigitalObjectIdentifier() + ".xml"; File metsFile = new File(serverGeneratedDir, xmlFileName); LOGGER.debug("XML metadata will be written to: '{}'", metsFile.getAbsolutePath()); return metsFile; } /** * Get the metadata schema linked to this extractor. Basically, a database * query for the schemaIdentifier obtained from the properties is done. If * nothing was found or if the search fails, <i>null</i> is returned. * * @return The schema or <i>null</i> if nothing was found. */ public final MetaDataSchema getLinkedSchema() { return getLinkedSchema(communityMetadataId); } /** * Get the digital object. * * @return the digitalObject */ public final DigitalObject getDigitalObject() { return digitalObject; } @Override public final String[] getInternalPropertyKeys() { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); keys.add(COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID); keys.add(COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID); keys.add(COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID); String[] extractorKeys = getExtractorPropertyKeys(); if (extractorKeys != null) { keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(extractorKeys)); } /** * Test for plugins */ extractorKeys = getExtractorPluginsKeys(); if (extractorKeys.length > 0) { keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(extractorKeys)); } String[] returnValue = keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder types = new StringBuilder(); for (String type : returnValue) { if (types.length() > 0) { types.append(", "); } types.append(type); } LOGGER.trace("Found the follwong property keys: [{}]", types.toString()); } return returnValue; } @Override public final String getInternalPropertyDescription(String pKey) { String postfix = "\nPossible values: TRUE, FALSE"; StringBuilder types = new StringBuilder(); for (MDTYPE type : MDTYPE.values()) { if (types.length() > 0) { types.append(", "); } types.append(type.toString()); } if (null != pKey) { switch (pKey) { case COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID: return "Id of the descriptive metadata section of the mets document containing the community metadata. This id should be defined in the mets profile of the according community."; case COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID: return "Id of an endorsed metadata type defined by the mets standard. Possible types are: [" + types.toString() + "]. If no MDType is defined, an external metadata schema identified via the property " + COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID + " might be used instead."; case COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID: return "Id of the metadata schema registered at the repository. The schema url is used as OTHERMDTYPE attribute in the according descriptive metadata section."; default: /** * Test if property is part of a plugin. */ IMetsTypeExtractor plugin = extractorMap.get(pKey); if (plugin != null) { return plugin.getDescription() + postfix; } return getExtractorPropertyDescription(pKey); } } String message = "No custom property with key " + pKey + " supported."; LOGGER.warn(message); return message; } @Override public final void validateProperties(Properties pProperties) throws PropertyValidationException { LOGGER.debug("Validating mets metadata extractor named {}", getName()); if (pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID) == null) { // LOGGER.warn("No {} property defined for mets extractor named {}. No community metadata will be added to mets documents created by this extractor.", COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID, getName()); throw new PropertyValidationException( "Mandatory property '" + COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID + "' is missing."); } //Does this check make any sense? /* if (pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID) != null && pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID) != null) { LOGGER.warn("Both, property {} and property {}, are defined for mets extractor named {}. The value of property {} will be ignored.", COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID, COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID, getName(), COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID); }*/ if (pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID) == null) { throw new PropertyValidationException( "Mandatory property '" + COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID + "' is missing."); } else { if (getLinkedSchema(pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID)) == null) { throw new PropertyValidationException("The value of '" + COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID + "' does not refer to a valid schema identifier."); } } if (pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID) == null) { throw new PropertyValidationException("Mandatory property '" + COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID + "' is missing."); } String mdType = pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID); if (mdType != null) { try { LOGGER.debug("Successfully checked value {} of property {}", MDTYPE.valueOf(mdType), COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new PropertyValidationException("Property " + COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID + " has an invalid value.", ex); } } for (String plugins : extractorMap.keySet()) { IMetsTypeExtractor plugin = extractorMap.get(plugins); if (pProperties.containsKey(plugins)) { validatePluginString(plugins, pProperties.getProperty(plugins)); } else { LOGGER.warn( "New plugin '{}' available! As it is not configured yet it will be ignored. Please " + "reconfigure extractor '{}' if you want to support this plugin!", plugin.getName(), getClass().toString()); } } LOGGER.debug("Performing validation of extractor-specific properties."); validateExtractorProperties(pProperties); } @Override public final void configure(Properties pProperties) throws PropertyValidationException, ConfigurationException { LOGGER.debug("Configuring mets metadata extractor named {}", getName()); communityDmdSectionId = pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_DMD_SECTION_ID); communityMetadataId = pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_METADATA_SCHEMA_ID); communityMDType = pProperties.getProperty(COMMUNITY_MD_TYPE_ID); if (communityDmdSectionId == null || communityMetadataId == null || communityMDType == null) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Missing mandatory properties detected. Unable to instantiate metadata extractor."); } LOGGER.debug("Performing extractor-specific configuration."); for (String pluginKey : extractorMap.keySet()) { IMetsTypeExtractor plugin = extractorMap.get(pluginKey); LOGGER.debug("Check for plugin '{}'.", plugin.getName()); if (pProperties.containsKey(pluginKey)) { LOGGER.debug("Property for plugin '{}' exists.", plugin.getName()); if (validatePluginString(pluginKey, pProperties.getProperty(pluginKey))) { LOGGER.debug("Add plugin '{}'!", plugin.getName()); additionalExtractors.add(plugin); } } } configureExtractor(pProperties); } /** * Create a METS document compiling all existing metadata. * * @param pContainer Container holding all files. * @return METS document as String. * @throws StagingProcessorException Error during metadata extraction. */ public final String createMetadataDocument(TransferTaskContainer pContainer) throws StagingProcessorException { UserData creator = null; String owner = pContainer.getTransferInformation().getOwnerId(); IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); ingestAuthorization = new AuthorizationContext(new UserId(pContainer.getTransferInformation().getOwnerId()), new GroupId(pContainer.getTransferInformation().getGroupId()), Role.MEMBER); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); try { creator = mdm.findSingleResult("SELECT u FROM UserData u WHERE u.distinguishedName=?1", new Object[] { owner }, UserData.class); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { //ignore...the mets builder will handle a missing creator later on } finally { mdm.close(); } ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { LOGGER.debug("Creating basic mets document."); metsBuilder = MetsBuilder.init(getDigitalObject()).createMinimalMetsDocument(creator); LOGGER.debug("Creating community specific descriptive metadata document."); Document doc = createCommunitySpecificDocument(pContainer); if (doc == null) { throw new Exception( "No community metadata element was returned. Assuming ingest of invalid digital object."); } LOGGER.debug( "Determining md type and schema location for community specific descriptive metadata section."); MetaDataSchema linkedSchema = getLinkedSchema(); MDTYPE schemaType = MDTYPE.OTHER; String schemaLocation = null; if (communityMDType != null) { LOGGER.debug("Using provided MDTYPE element {}.", communityMDType); schemaType = MDTYPE.valueOf(communityMDType); //schemaLocation remains null as it is already defined in the mets profile } else if (linkedSchema != null) { LOGGER.debug("Using MDTYPE.OTHER and provided metadata schema url {}.", linkedSchema.getMetaDataSchemaUrl()); //schemaType remains OTHER as another schema is used schemaLocation = linkedSchema.getMetaDataSchemaUrl(); } LOGGER.debug("Adding custom descriptive metadata section to mets document."); metsBuilder.addCustomDmdSection(communityDmdSectionId, schemaType, schemaLocation, doc).write(bout); LOGGER.debug("Returning final mets document."); return bout.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StagingProcessorException( "Failed to create METS document for transfer #" + pContainer.getTransferId(), e); } } /** * Set the digital object. * * @param digitalObject the digitalObject to set */ private void setDigitalObject(DigitalObject digitalObject) { this.digitalObject = digitalObject; } /** * Look for all existing plugins implementing the IMetsTypeExtractor * interface. Add all found plugins to the extractorMap. * * @see #extractorMap * @return String array containing all found schema identifiers. */ private String[] getExtractorPluginsKeys() { return extractorMap.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); } private void buildExtractorMap() { LOGGER.debug("Looking for 'MetsTypeExtractor' plugins!"); String prefix = "Plugin:"; extractorMap = new HashMap(); for (IMetsTypeExtractor plugin : ServiceLoader.load(IMetsTypeExtractor.class)) { String name = plugin.getName(); String namespace = plugin.getNamespace(); String pluginKey = prefix + name;"Found plugin for schema identifier '{}'!", name); // Check if schema is 'registered' as Metadataschema. if (checkForSchema(name) || namespace.length() > 0) { // dummy test if (extractorMap.containsKey(pluginKey)) { String className = extractorMap.get(pluginKey).getClass().toString(); LOGGER.error("Two plugins with the same schema identifier '{}' exists: {} / {}", name, className, plugin.getClass().toString()); } extractorMap.put(pluginKey, plugin); } } } /** * Validate input for plugins ignoring case. Only 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' are * allowed. If value is 'null' false will be returned. * * @param pPlugin Name (schema identifier) of the plugin * @param pTrueOrFalse Value of the plugin. * @return true if the value is 'TRUE' * @throws PropertyValidationException Invalid input detected. */ private boolean validatePluginString(String pPlugin, String pTrueOrFalse) throws PropertyValidationException { boolean yesOrNo; if (pTrueOrFalse != null) { if (pTrueOrFalse.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { yesOrNo = true; } else if (pTrueOrFalse.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { yesOrNo = false; } else { throw new PropertyValidationException("Property '" + pPlugin + "' has to be TRUE or FALSE."); } } else { LOGGER.warn("No value available for plugin '{}'. It may be added later.", pPlugin); yesOrNo = false; } return yesOrNo; } /** * Get the metadata schema linked to this extractor. Basically, a database * query for the schemaIdentifier obtained from the properties is done. If * nothing was found or if the search fails, <i>false</i> is returned. * * @param pSchemaIdentifier identifier of the schema. (identifier has to be * unique) * * @return False if schema is not defined or there are more than one schema * with the same identifier. */ private boolean checkForSchema(String pSchemaIdentifier) { boolean schemaDefined = (getLinkedSchema(pSchemaIdentifier) != null); return schemaDefined; } /** * Get the MetaDataSchema linked with the given schema identifier. The * schema identifier has to be unique. * * @param pSchemaIdentifier schema identifier of the schema. * @return MetaDataSchema of given schema identifier. */ private MetaDataSchema getLinkedSchema(String pSchemaIdentifier) { MetaDataSchema metadataSchema = null; //check in backend IMetaDataManager imdm = null; try { imdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); imdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); List<MetaDataSchema> find = imdm.findResultList( "SELECT s FROM MetaDataSchema s WHERE s.schemaIdentifier=?1", new Object[] { pSchemaIdentifier }, MetaDataSchema.class); if (!find.isEmpty()) { if (find.size() > 1) { LOGGER.warn( "There are {} schemas registered for schema identifier '{}'. This may cause problems.", find.size(), pSchemaIdentifier); } metadataSchema = find.get(0); } else { LOGGER.warn("No metadata schema with id '{}'.", pSchemaIdentifier); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to check for existence of metadata schema with id " + pSchemaIdentifier + ". Skipping check.", ex); } finally { if (imdm != null) { imdm.close(); } } //search failed at all return metadataSchema; } /** * Generate all selected index files from given METS document. * * @param pSourceFile METS document. * @param test Generate files without content. */ private void generateIndexFiles(File pSourceFile, boolean test) throws StagingProcessorException { String xmlString = "Dry run"; if (test) { LOGGER.debug("Generate dummy index files. (Mets file: '{}')", pSourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { LOGGER.debug("Generate index files and schedule them for indexing. (Mets file: '{}')", pSourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); } String targetDir = pSourceFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; String postfixFileName = "_" + getDigitalObject().getDigitalObjectIdentifier() + ".xml"; try { // first write the community specific part File communityIndexFile = new File(targetDir + communityMetadataId + postfixFileName); String xPath = String.format("mets:dmdSec[@ID=\"%s\"]/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/*", communityDmdSectionId); LOGGER.debug("Extract from file '{}' with xPath '{}'.", communityIndexFile.getAbsolutePath(), xPath); if (!test) { xmlString = MetsHelper.extractFromFile(pSourceFile, xPath, Namespace.getNamespace("mets", "")); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(communityIndexFile, xmlString); if (!test) { schedule4Index(communityIndexFile, communityMetadataId.toLowerCase()); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new StagingProcessorException("Error writing community index file.", ex); } // Write index files from all selected plugins for (IMetsTypeExtractor item : additionalExtractors) { LOGGER.debug("Add extractor '{}' to indexing. ", item.getName()); File pluginFile = new File(targetDir + item.getName() + postfixFileName); try { String xmlStringPlugin = "dry run"; if (!test) { xmlStringPlugin = item.extractType(pSourceFile); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(pluginFile, xmlStringPlugin); if (!test) { schedule4Index(pluginFile, item.getName()); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new StagingProcessorException( "Error writing mets index file: " + pluginFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } } } /** * Add generated XML file to MetadataIndexingHelper. Files are only indexed * if given schema identifier is registered in the MetadataSchema table. * * @param xmlFile file name of the generated XML file. * @param schemaIdentifier schema identifier */ private void schedule4Index(File xmlFile, String schemaIdentifier) { MetaDataSchema linkedSchema = getLinkedSchema(schemaIdentifier); if (linkedSchema != null) { MetadataIndexingHelper.getSingleton().scheduleIndexingTask(getDigitalObject().getDigitalObjectId(), new AbstractFile(xmlFile), linkedSchema, ingestAuthorization); LOGGER.debug("Indexing task for metadata schema with id '{}' successfully scheduled.", schemaIdentifier); } else { LOGGER.warn("Linked metadata schema with id '" + schemaIdentifier + "' not found. Registration of indexing task skipped."); } } /** * Create an 'empty' document with the linked namespace. Only needed if no * content metadata exists. * * @return Empty document. */ protected Document createEmptyDocument() { Document xmlDocument = null; // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="create empty xml "> try { LOGGER.debug("Create empty document."); xmlDocument = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); MetaDataSchema linkedSchema = getLinkedSchema(); StringBuilder elementName = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder attribute = new StringBuilder("xmlns"); if (linkedSchema != null) { elementName.append(linkedSchema.getSchemaIdentifier()).append(":"); attribute.append(":").append(linkedSchema.getSchemaIdentifier()); } elementName.append("nometadata"); Element rootElement = xmlDocument.createElement(elementName.toString()); if (linkedSchema != null) { rootElement.setAttribute(attribute.toString(), linkedSchema.getMetaDataSchemaUrl()); } xmlDocument.appendChild(rootElement); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { LOGGER.error("Error creating empty document.", ex); } // </editor-fold> return xmlDocument; } }