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 * Copyright 2015 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow;

import edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTransition;
import edu.kit.dama.authorization.entities.IAuthorizationContext;
import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException;
import edu.kit.dama.authorization.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException;
import edu.kit.dama.commons.types.IConfigurable;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.base.DigitalObject;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.base.Investigation;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.IMetaDataManager;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.MetaDataManagement;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.ap.AbstractStagingAccessPoint;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.TransferClientProperties;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.ingest.INGEST_STATUS;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.ingest.IngestInformation;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.exceptions.TransferPreparationException;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.util.StagingConfigurationManager;
import edu.kit.dama.util.SystemUtils;
import edu.kit.dama.util.ZipUtils;
import edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.exceptions.CleanupException;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.exceptions.DataWorkflowProcessingException;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.exceptions.ExecutionPreparationException;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.exceptions.IngestException;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.exceptions.StagingPreparationException;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.impl.DataWorkflowPersistenceImpl;
import edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.util.DataWorkflowHelper;
import edu.kit.lsdf.adalapi.AbstractFile;
import edu.kit.lsdf.adalapi.exception.AdalapiException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The AbstractExecutionEnvironmentHandler defines a generic implementation of a
 * typical DataWorkflow task execution workflow. The workflow is executed using
 * the method {@link #executeTask(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
 * }
 * of AbstractExecutionEnvironmentHandler. Please refer to the documentation of
 * this method for more details about a task execution workflow.
 * There are only two differences between different execution handler
 * implementations:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The way how/where a user application is started. This is covered by
 * implementing {@link #startUserApplication(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
 * }.</li>
 * <li>The way how a user application is monitored after it has started. This is
 * done by implementing {@link #getTaskStatus(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
 * }.</li>
 * </ul>
 * Apart from these functional differences, different execution handler
 * implementations might use different configuration properties. Appropriate
 * methods for describing required properties are provided by the IConfigurable
 * interface.
 * @author mf6319
public abstract class AbstractExecutionEnvironmentHandler implements IConfigurable {

    private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory

     * Default constructor.
    public AbstractExecutionEnvironmentHandler() {

     * Obtain a TASK_STATUS representing the current processing status of the
     * user application associated with the provided task. Possible results are:
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FINISHED}
     * and {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FAILED}. All other
     * results will cause a failed execution!
     * The EnvironmentHandler-implementation is responsible for performing
     * appropriate checks. It may use a handler-specific JobId stored in {@link DataWorkflowTask#getJobId()
     * } or any other custom mechanism to obtain a valid status.
     * @param pTask The task for which the processing status should be obtained.
     * @return One of the allowed TASK_STATUS values
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FINISHED}
     * and {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FAILED}.
    public abstract DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS getTaskStatus(DataWorkflowTask pTask);

     * Start the user application for the provided task. The implementation of
     * this method is highly dependent of the execution environment. It defines
     * where the application main script is executed (locally or remotely),
     * covers the remote login if required based on handler-specific properties
     * and the actual execution. If the execution has started, this method call
     * should return. Checking for the execution status should be covered by
     * calling {@link #getTaskStatus(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * } separately.
     * @param pTask The task containing the application information.
     * @throws DataWorkflowProcessingException If the application startup fails.
    public abstract void startUserApplication(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws DataWorkflowProcessingException;

     * Execute the provided task on the execution environment associated with
     * this handler. The execution is divided into multiple steps that are
     * partly executed asynchronously. Therefor, this method must be executed
     * multiple times per task. The single phases are the following:
     * <b>Preparation Phase:</b> In this phase the execution is prepared.
     * Directory structures are created, the user application is obtained,
     * extracted and prepared and the data staging of digital objects is
     * scheduled. This phase will end with one or multiple data transfer tasks
     * for providing the input data. The check for availability of the data goes
     * into the next phase.
     * <b>Execution Phase:</b> In this phase the actual execution takes place.
     * This phase can start if all data is staged to the processing storage. As
     * soon as this is done, the execution is started either locally or
     * remotely. Depending on the handler implementation the implementation can
     * be done synchronously or asynchronously. However, this phase ends as soon
     * as the client application has terminated, which will be checked via {@link #getTaskStatus(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * }.
     * <b>Ingest Phase:</b> After successful execution the ingest of the result
     * data is scheduled. Therefor, according metadata structures will be
     * created and a new ingest is scheduled. As the ingest should be available
     * immediately, the pre-ingest is directly done in this phase by creating
     * links of all output files at the pre-ingest location. The status of the
     * ingest is set to PRE_INGEST_FINISHED immediately, the task will change
     * its status into INGEST and the actual ingest process will take place
     * asynchronously.
     * <b>Cleanup Phase:</b> As soon as the ingest has finished successfully,
     * all task-related data can be removed. The task changes its status to
     * CLEANUP. If the cleanup succeeds, the task enters the FINISHED state,
     * otherwise the CLEANUP_FAILED state is entered. However, both states
     * describe a successfully finished task from the user perspective.
     * This method throws several different exceptions depending on the state
     * where the execution has failed. Depending on the exception, the state of
     * the task will change as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>ExecutionPreparationException: PREPARTION_FAILED</li>
     * <li>StagingPreparationException: STAGING_FAILED</li>
     * <li>StartProcessingException: PROCESSING_FAILED</li>
     * <li>IngestException: INGEST_FAILED</li>
     * <li>CleanupException: CLEANUP_FAILED</li>
     * </ul>
     * Depending on the handler implementation single steps (e.g. parts of
     * preparation and execution) must be performed remotely.
     * @param pTask The task to submit.
     * @return The current task status.
     * @throws ExecutionPreparationException If the preparation of the execution
     * fails.
     * @throws DataWorkflowProcessingException If the processing cannot be
     * started.
     * @throws StagingPreparationException If some staging related step fails,
     * e.g. check for downloads or the ingest of result data.
     * @throws IngestException If the result ingest process has failed.
     * @throws CleanupException If the cleanup has failed.
    public final DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS executeTask(DataWorkflowTask pTask)
            throws ExecutionPreparationException, StagingPreparationException, DataWorkflowProcessingException,
            IngestException, CleanupException {
        //perfom basic checks for null and mandatory fields

        DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS statusBefore = pTask.getStatus();
        DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS statusAfter = TASK_STATUS.UNKNOWN;
        LOGGER.debug("Status of task {} before execution cycle: {}", pTask.getId(), statusBefore);
        try {
            switch (statusBefore) {
            case SCHEDULED:
                //task is scheduled, status change to PREPARING possible
                LOGGER.debug("Task is scheduled, preparing execution.");
                if (performPreparation(pTask)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Preparation returned TRUE. Task should be in status PREPARATION_FINISHED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Preparation returned FALSE. Task should be in status PREPARATION_FAILED.");
            case PREPARING:
                //Preparation running. This should never happen, but it happened come back later.
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is still in state PREPARING.", pTask.getId());
                if (performPreparation(pTask)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Preparation returned TRUE. Task should be in status PREPARATION_FINISHED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Preparation returned FALSE. Task should be in status PREPARATION_FAILED.");
            case PREPARATION_FAILED:
                //Preparation has failed. Unable to continue without reset to SCHEDULED.
                        "Task with id {} is in state PREPARATION_FAILED. Reset the state to SCHEDULED in order to re-attempt preparation.",
            case PREPARATION_FINISHED:
                //Preparation has failed. Unable to continue without reset to SCHEDULED.
                LOGGER.debug("Task preparation has finished. Performing staging.");
                if (performStaging(pTask)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Staging returned TRUE. Task should be in status STAGING_FINISHED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Staging returned FALSE. Task is in status {}.", pTask.getStatus());
            case STAGING:
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is still in state STAGING. Checking status.", pTask.getId());
                if (performStaging(pTask)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Staging returned TRUE. Task should be in status STAGING_FINISHED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Staging returned FALSE. Task is in status {}.", pTask.getStatus());
            case STAGING_FAILED:
                //Staging has failed. Unable to continue without reset to SCHEDULED.
                        "Task with id {} is in state STAGING_FAILED. Reset the state to STAGING in order to re-attempt staging.",
            case STAGING_FINISHED:
                LOGGER.debug("Task staging has finished. Starting user application.");
                if (performProcessing(pTask)) {
                            "Processing returned TRUE. Task should be in status PROCESSING_FINISHED or PROCESSING_FAILED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Processing returned FALSE. Task is in status {}.", pTask.getStatus());
            case PROCESSING:
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is still in state PROCESSING. Checking task status.", pTask.getId());
                if (performProcessing(pTask)) {
                            "Processing returned TRUE. Task should be in status PROCESSING_FINISHED or PROCESSING_FAILED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Processing returned FALSE. Task is in status {}.", pTask.getStatus());
            case PROCESSING_FAILED:
                //Processing has failed.  Unable to continue without reset to STAGING.
                        "Task with id {} is in state PROCESSING_FAILED. Reset the state to STAGING in order to re-attempt processing.",
            case PROCESSING_FINISHED:
                LOGGER.debug("Task processing has finished. Starting ingest.");
            case INGEST:
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is still in state INGEST.", pTask.getId());
            case INGEST_FINISHED:
                LOGGER.debug("Ingest is finished. Starting cleanup.");
                if (performCleanup(pTask)) {
                            "Cleanup returned TRUE. Task should be in status CLEANUP_FINISHED or CLEANUP_FAILED.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Cleanup returned FALSE. Task is in status {}.", pTask.getStatus());
            case INGEST_FAILED:
                //Ingest has failed. Unable to continue without reset to PROCESSING.
                        "Task with id {} is in state INGEST_FAILED. Reset the state to PROCESSING in order to re-attempt staging out.",
            case CLEANUP:
                //Cleanup running. Come back later.
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is still in state CLEANUP.", pTask.getId());
            case CLEANUP_FAILED:
                //Cleanup failed. This is a final status.
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is in final state CLEANUP_FAILED.", pTask.getId());
            case CLEANUP_FINISHED:
                //Cleanup succeeded. This is a final status.
                LOGGER.debug("Task with id {} is in final state CLEANUP_FINISHED.", pTask.getId());
            case UNKNOWN:
      "Task with id {} is in state UNKNOWN. No idea why.", pTask.getId());
                LOGGER.error("Task with id {} is in an unexpected state. Manual intervention necessary.",
            statusAfter = pTask.getStatus();
        } catch (ExecutionPreparationException ex) {
            statusAfter = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARATION_FAILED;
            throw ex;
        } catch (StagingPreparationException ex) {
            statusAfter = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED;
            throw ex;
        } catch (DataWorkflowProcessingException ex) {
            statusAfter = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING_FAILED;
            throw ex;
        } catch (IngestException ex) {
            statusAfter = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.INGEST_FAILED;
            throw ex;
        } catch (CleanupException ex) {
            statusAfter = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.CLEANUP_FAILED;
            throw ex;
        } finally {
            LOGGER.debug("Status of task {} after execution cycle: {}", pTask.getId(), statusAfter);
            if (!statusBefore.equals(statusAfter)) {
                LOGGER.debug("Updating status of task {} from {} to {}", pTask.getId(), statusBefore, statusAfter);
                setTaskStatus(pTask, statusAfter);
        return statusAfter;

     * Check helper for null arguments and the existence of mandatory fields,
     * e.g. the task id or an associated investigation. If any check fails, an
     * IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
     * @param pTask The task to check.
    private void checkTask(DataWorkflowTask pTask) {
        if (pTask == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pTask must not be null.");

        if (pTask.getId() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pTask must be a persisted entity.");

        if (pTask.getInvestigationId() <= 0l) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is not associated with an investigation.");

     * Helper method for setting the task status to the provided status enum.
    private boolean setTaskStatus(DataWorkflowTask pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS pStatus) {
        boolean result = false;
        IAuthorizationContext ctx = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskContext(pTask);
        try {
            result = true;
        } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Failed to update status of task with id " + pTask.getId() + " to " + pStatus, ex);
        return result;

     * Setup basic properties of the execution, e.g. directories, and prepare
     * the user application. The preparation phase can only be entered if pTask
     * is in status {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#SCHEDULED} or for checks
     * if the status is
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARING}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FINISHED}
     * or {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FAILED}. Otherwise, an
     * ExecutionPreparationException will be thrown. After creating all
     * necessary directories, {@link #prepareApplication(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * } will be called. As a result pTask is either in state
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FINISHED} and TRUE is
     * returned or pTask is in state
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FAILED} and a
     * RuntimeException is thrown. There is no possibility for any other
     * exception at this point. If the preparation has failed, FALSE is
     * returned.
     * Once the preparation phase was finished, subsequent calls will then
     * either return TRUE or FALSE, depending on the status. To repeat the
     * preparation phase, the status of pTask has to be reset to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#SCHEDULED}.
     * @param pTask The task that will be prepared.
     * @return TRUE if the preparation was successful, FALSE otherwise.
     * @throws ExecutionPreparationException If pTask is not in a proper state,
     * if any directory could not be obtained or if a the application
     * preparation has failed.
    private boolean performPreparation(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws ExecutionPreparationException {
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isPreparationPhase(pTask.getStatus())) {
            throw new ExecutionPreparationException("Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is in state "
                    + pTask.getStatus() + ". Preparation not possible.");

        boolean preparationSuccessful = false;
        if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.SCHEDULED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//schedule preparation
            LOGGER.debug("Setting status of task {} to PREPARING", pTask.getId());
            setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARING);
            IAuthorizationContext ctx = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskContext(pTask);
            File stagingBasePath;
            try {
                stagingBasePath = DataWorkflowHelper.getStagingBasePath(pTask);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new ExecutionPreparationException("Failed to prepare execution.", ex);
            File inputDir = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskInputDirectory(stagingBasePath);
            File outputDir = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskOutputDirectory(stagingBasePath);
            File tempDir = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskTempDirectory(stagingBasePath);
            File workingDir = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskWorkingDirectory(stagingBasePath);
            //prepare all directories needed for execution
  "Setting up task directories\nInput: {}\nOutput: {}\nWorking: {}\nTemp: {}", inputDir,
                    outputDir, workingDir, tempDir);

            if (!inputDir.mkdirs() || !outputDir.mkdirs() || !tempDir.mkdirs() || !workingDir.mkdirs()) {
                throw new ExecutionPreparationException(
                        "Failed to create sub-directory structure at " + stagingBasePath);
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("Directories successfully created.");

            String accessPointId = pTask.getExecutionEnvironment().getStagingAccessPointId();
            AbstractStagingAccessPoint accessPoint = StagingConfigurationManager.getSingleton()
            String inUrl = accessPoint.getUrlForLocalPath(inputDir, ctx).toString();
  "Setting input directory as URL {}", inUrl);
            String outUrl = accessPoint.getUrlForLocalPath(outputDir, ctx).toString();
  "Setting output directory as URL {}", outUrl);
            String workingUrl = accessPoint.getUrlForLocalPath(workingDir, ctx).toString();
  "Setting working directory as URL {}", workingUrl);
            String tempUrl = accessPoint.getUrlForLocalPath(tempDir, ctx).toString();
  "Setting temp directory as URL {}", tempUrl);

            try {
                //Obtain and extract the application into the working directory and modify scripts according to variables.
                setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARATION_FINISHED);
                preparationSuccessful = true;
            } finally {
                if (!preparationSuccessful) {
                            "Application preparation for task with id {} was not successful. Aborting scheduled staging for task.",
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARATION_FAILED);
        } else if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARATION_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {
            //return fast
            preparationSuccessful = true;
        } //otherwise, status should be PREPARATION_FAILED and FALSE will be returned
        return preparationSuccessful;

     * Prepare the user application of the provided task. The preparation
     * includes obtaining the application archive from the application archive
     * URL that is part of the task configuration, extract the obtained ZIP
     * archive to the working directory of the task and finally, perform
     * variable substitution.
     * Due to the fact, that the working directory of the task is accessible
     * from the repository system running locally as well as from the execution
     * environment potentially located somewhere else, the entire preparation
     * can be identical for almost any imaginable
     * EnvironmentHandler-implementation. Therefor, this method is not abstract
     * but implemented in a default way and can be overwritten if required.
     * @param pTask The task for which the application should be prepared.
     * @throws ExecutionPreparationException If one part of the preparation
     * fails.
    private void prepareApplication(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws ExecutionPreparationException {
        //obtain and extract zip
        File executionBasePath;
        try {
            executionBasePath = DataWorkflowHelper.getStagingBasePath(pTask);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new ExecutionPreparationException("Failed to prepare execution.", ex);
        File workingDirectory = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskWorkingDirectory(executionBasePath);
        File destination = new File(workingDirectory, "");
        FileOutputStream propertiesStream = null;
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Obtaining application package URL");
            AbstractFile applicationPackage = new AbstractFile(
                    new URL(pTask.getConfiguration().getApplicationPackageUrl()));
            LOGGER.debug("Downloading application archive from {} to {}", applicationPackage, destination);
            applicationPackage.downloadFileToFile(new AbstractFile(destination));
            LOGGER.debug("User application archive successfully downloaded. Extracting user application to {}",
            ZipUtils.unzip(destination, destination.getParentFile());
            LOGGER.debug("Deleting user application archive. Success: {}", destination.delete());
            LOGGER.debug("User application successfully extracted. Performing variable substition.");
            LOGGER.debug("Variable substitution finished. Storing custom properties.");
            Properties settings = pTask.getExecutionSettingsAsObject();
            if (settings != null) {
                propertiesStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(workingDirectory, ""));
      , null);
            LOGGER.debug("Custom properties stored. User application successfully prepared.");
        } catch (MalformedURLException | AdalapiException ex) {
            throw new ExecutionPreparationException("Failed to obtain user application package.", ex);
        } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException ex) {
            throw new ExecutionPreparationException(
                    "Failed to extract user application package or failed to substitute DataWorkflow variables.",
        } finally {
            if (propertiesStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    //ignore this

     * Stage all data needed for pTask to the storage location accessible by the
     * processing environment. The staging phase can only be entered if pTask is
     * in status {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FINISHED} or
     * for checks if the status is
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FINISHED}
     * or {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FAILED}. Otherwise, a
     * StagingPreparationException will be thrown. If this method is called for
     * pTask for the first time, downloads will be scheduled for all digital
     * objects associated with pTask. The ids of the downloads will be stored in
     * the task, the task status will change to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING} and FALSE will be returned.
     * If scheduling fails, the status will change to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FAILED} and a
     * StagingPreparationException will be thrown.
     * In subsequent calls, the transfer ids are used to query for the staging
     * status of all transfers. As long as not all transfers have finished, this
     * method will return FALSE and the status will remain
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING}. As soon as all data is
     * staged, the task status will switch to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FINISHED} and TRUE is
     * returned. If any transfer fails, the status will switch to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FAILED} and TRUE will be
     * returned in subsequent calls to indicate that the staging is in a final
     * state.
     * In that case the task has to be reset to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PREPARATION_FINISHED} in order to
     * reattempt the staging process.
     * @param pTask The task for which the transfers will be created/checked.
     * @return TRUE if the staging process has finished (successful or not),
     * FALSE if at least one download is still unfinished.
     * @throws StagingPreparationException if at least one associated object has
     * no valid transfer or if any download is in a failure state.
    private boolean performStaging(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws StagingPreparationException {
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isStagingPhase(pTask.getStatus())) {
            throw new StagingPreparationException("Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is in state "
                    + pTask.getStatus() + ". Staging not possible.");

        boolean stagingFinished = true;
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {
            //only enter as long as staging is not finished
            if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PREPARATION_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//schedule staging
                LOGGER.debug("Schedule staging for task with id {}", pTask.getId());
                stagingFinished = false;
                boolean statusUpdated = false;
                try {
                    Properties objectTransferMap = DataWorkflowHelper.scheduleStaging(pTask);
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING);
                    statusUpdated = true;
                } catch (StagingPreparationException | IOException ex) {
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED);
                    statusUpdated = true;
                    throw new StagingPreparationException("Failed to schedule staging of input objects.", ex);
                } finally {
                    if (!statusUpdated) {
                        //try to update manually again
                        setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED);
            } else if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//status is STAGING, monitor status
                try {
                    boolean wasStatusChangedToError = false;
                    //update status
                    LOGGER.debug("Checking staging status. Obtaining object-transfer map.");
                    Properties dataMap = pTask.getObjectTransferMapAsObject();
                    Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entries = dataMap.entrySet();
                    LOGGER.debug("Checking {} transfer(s).", entries.size());
                    IAuthorizationContext ctx = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskContext(pTask);
                    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries) {
                        String objectId = (String) entry.getKey();
                        Long transferId = Long.parseLong((String) entry.getValue());
                        LOGGER.debug("Checking download status for object {} with download id {}", objectId,
                        DownloadInformation result = DownloadInformationServiceLocal.getSingleton()
                                .getDownloadInformationById(transferId, ctx);
                        if (result == null) {//failed due to missing download entry
                            setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED);
                            LOGGER.error("No download information found for id " + transferId
                                    + ". Processing of task " + pTask.getId() + " cannot be continued.");
                            //"stagingFinished" remains 'TRUE' as the staging process itself ends here
                            wasStatusChangedToError = true;
                        } else if (DOWNLOAD_STATUS.DOWNLOAD_READY.equals(result.getStatusEnum())) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Download for object {} with download id {} is ready.", objectId,
                        } else if (DOWNLOAD_STATUS.SCHEDULED.equals(result.getStatusEnum())
                                || DOWNLOAD_STATUS.PREPARING.equals(result.getStatusEnum())) {
                                    "Download for object {} with download id {} is still in preparation with status {}.",
                                    objectId, transferId, result.getStatusEnum());
                            stagingFinished = false;
                            //cancel loop over downloads
                        } else {//transfer has failed normally
                            setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED);
                            LOGGER.error("Download for object " + objectId + " with download id " + pTask.getId()
                                    + " has failed with status " + result.getStatusEnum());
                            //"stagingFinished" remains 'TRUE' as the staging process itself ends here
                            wasStatusChangedToError = true;
                    if (stagingFinished && !wasStatusChangedToError) {
                        //if stagingFinished is still true, all downloads have been done
                        setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FINISHED);

                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FAILED);
                    LOGGER.error("Failed to obtain object-transfer mapping for task with id " + pTask.getId(), ex);
                    //"stagingFinished" remains 'TRUE' as the staging process itself ends here
            } else {//status should be STAGING_FAILED...just set dataAvailable to false
                stagingFinished = false;
        } //status is STAGING_FINISHED, just return TRUE
        return stagingFinished;

     * Perform the processing phase of pTask. The processing phase can only be
     * entered if pTask is in status
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FINISHED} or for checks if
     * the status is
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FINISHED}
     * or {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FAILED}. Otherwise, a
     * DataWorkflowProcessingException will be thrown. If this method is called
     * for pTask for the first time, the processing will be started, either
     * locally or remotely, depending on the handler implementation. Also
     * depending on the handler implementation the execution may or may not be
     * blocking (preferably it should be non-blocking). However, in all cases
     * the task status will switch to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING} and FALSE will be
     * returned after the first call (if no DataWorkflowProcessingException is
     * thrown) as indicator that the task has not finished yet. This happens
     * until
    * {@link #getTaskStatus(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask) }
     * returns {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FINISHED} or
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FAILED}. In both cases the
     * status of the task will be updated and TRUE will be returned as indicator
     * that the processing has finished. The caller has than to check whether
     * the processing was successful or not.
     * Once a task has failed the processing can be retried by setting the task
     * to status {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FINISHED}.
     * @param pTask The task for which the processing will be created/checked.
     * @return TRUE if the underlaying user application has finished
     * (successfully or not), FALSE if it has not yet finished.
     * @throws DataWorkflowProcessingException if the task is in a wrong state
     * or if starting the user application has failed.
    private boolean performProcessing(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws DataWorkflowProcessingException {
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isProcessingPhase(pTask.getStatus())) {
            throw new DataWorkflowProcessingException("Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is in state "
                    + pTask.getStatus() + ". Processing not possible.");
        boolean processingFinished = false;
        if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//start processing
            boolean started = false;
            try {
                LOGGER.debug("Delegating user application start to implementation class.");
                LOGGER.debug("User application start has returned. Updating status.");
                setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING);
                started = true;
            } finally {
                if (!started) {
                    //exception occured...change status
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING_FAILED);
        } else if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//monitoring
            LOGGER.debug("Delegating process status check to implementation class.");
            DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS currentStatus = getTaskStatus(pTask);
            //Check for valid state. As getTaskStatus() only allows the return of PROCESSING, PROCESSING_FINISHED or PROCESSING_FAILED any other result will lead to 
            //the new task status PROCESSING_FAILED. If a valid status is returned it'll be checked further.
            if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isProcessingPhase(currentStatus)
                    || DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.STAGING_FINISHED.equals(currentStatus)) {
                        "Invalid status {} returned by handler implementation. Setting status to PROCESSING_FAILED.",
                currentStatus = DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING_FAILED;
            LOGGER.debug("Status check returned current status of: {}", currentStatus);
            if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING.equals(currentStatus)) {//not any longer in PROCESSING status. Status is either PROCESSING_FINISHED or PROCESSING_FAILED.
                LOGGER.debug("Updating task status to current status.");
                setTaskStatus(pTask, currentStatus);
                processingFinished = true;
            } else {//still PROCESSING status
                LOGGER.debug("Current status is still PROCESSING. Waiting until next check cycle.");

        //return status
        return processingFinished;

     * Perform the ingest phase of pTask. The ingest phase can only be entered
     * if pTask is in status
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#PROCESSING_FINISHED} or for checks if
     * the status is
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED}
     * or {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FAILED}. Otherwise, a
     * IngestException will be thrown. If this method is called for pTask for
     * the first time, the pre-ingest will be performed. This means, all
     * metadata structures will be created, an ingest will be scheduled and the
     * result data of the processing will be linked to the ingest location.
     * Finally, the status of the ingest is set to PRE_INGEST_FINISHED and the
     * task will be in the status INGEST.
     * In the next step the data will be ingested to the repository storage,
     * which takes place asynchronously. The ingest status will be checked using {@link #isIngestFinished(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * }. As long as this method not returns TRUE, {@link #performIngest(edu.kit.dama.mdm.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * } will return FALSE and the task status will be
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST}. As soon as the ingest has
     * finished (successfully or not), TRUE is returned and the task will have
     * the status {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED} or
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FAILED}.
     * Once a ingest has been failed the ingest phase can be entered again by
     * setting the task to status
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#STAGING_FINISHED}.
     * @param pTask The task for which the ingest will be scheduled/checked.
     * @return TRUE if the ingest has finished (successfully or not), FALSE if
     * it has not yet finished.
     * @throws IngestException if the task is in a wrong state or if
     * scheduling/checking the ingest has failed.
    private boolean performIngest(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws IngestException {
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isIngestPhase(pTask.getStatus())) {
            throw new IngestException("Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is in state " + pTask.getStatus()
                    + ". Ingest not possible.");

        boolean ingestFinished = false;
        if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.PROCESSING_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//start ingest
            LOGGER.debug("Processing is in finished state. Scheduling ingest.");
        } else if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.INGEST.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//monitor ingest
            LOGGER.debug("Ingest is in running state. Checking status.");
            ingestFinished = isIngestFinished(pTask);
            ingestFinished = true;
        return ingestFinished;

     * Schedule the ingest of the output data of the provided task. At first, a
     * new digital object is created and added to the investigation linked to
     * the provided task. The object label will be statically assigned by the
     * pattern
     * <i>"DataWorkflowProcessingResult of Task #TASK_ID"</i> where TASK_ID is
     * the numeric key of the task.
     * In the next step, an ingest is scheduled. As soon as the ingest is
     * prepared, all files located in the output directory of pTask will be
     * linked into the staging location. Due to the fact, that repository and
     * execution environment can access the same location, this can be done
     * immediately. As soon as all file links are created, the pre-ingest is
     * marked as finished and the final ingest step into the repository storage
     * can take place asynchronously. The status of the ingest is then checked
     * within {@link #performIngest(edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * } by calling {@link #isIngestFinished(edu.kit.dama.dataworkflow.DataWorkflowTask)
     * }.
     * @param pTask The task whose output should be ingested.
     * @throws IngestException If the ingest scheduling fails for some reason,
     * e.g. if the metadata/ingest creation fails.
    private void scheduleIngest(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws IngestException {
        IAuthorizationContext ctx = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskContext(pTask);
        File stagingPath;
        try {
            stagingPath = DataWorkflowHelper.getStagingBasePath(pTask);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to schedule ingest.", ex);
        File outputDir = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskOutputDirectory(stagingPath);
        LOGGER.debug("Performing ingest of output directory {}", outputDir);
        setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.INGEST);

        IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager();
        Investigation inv = null;
        try {
            inv = mdm.find(Investigation.class, pTask.getInvestigationId());
        } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Failed to access investigation with id " + pTask.getInvestigationId(), ex);

        if (inv == null) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to obtain investigation. Ingest not possible.");
        LOGGER.debug("Creating result data object for task {}", pTask.getId());
        DigitalObject resultObject = DigitalObject.factoryNewDigitalObject();
        resultObject.setLabel("DataWorkflowProcessingResult of Task #" + pTask.getId());
        resultObject.setUploadDate(new Date());
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Storing digital object with id {} for result data of task {}",
                    resultObject.getDigitalObjectId(), pTask.getId());
            resultObject =;
            LOGGER.debug("Adding object with base id {} to investigation with id {}", resultObject.getBaseId(),
            LOGGER.debug("Base metadata for task with id {} successfully stored.", pTask.getId());
        } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException | EntityNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to create base metadata structure for task " + pTask.getJobId(), ex);

        LOGGER.debug("Storing digital object transition information");
        try {
            DataWorkflowTransition t = new DataWorkflowTransition(pTask);
            Properties inputObjects = pTask.getObjectViewMapAsObject();
            Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entries = inputObjects.entrySet();
            for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries) {
                try {
                    LOGGER.debug("Getting input object with object id {}", (String) entry.getKey());
                    DigitalObject input = mdm
                            .findSingleResult("SELECT o FROM DigitalObject o WHERE o.digitalObjectIdentifier='"
                                    + (String) entry.getKey() + "'", DigitalObject.class);
                    if (input == null) {
                        throw new IngestException(
                                "Failed to obtain digital object for id " + (String) entry.getValue()
                                        + ". Result is null. Unable to build object transition.");
                    LOGGER.debug("Adding input object to transition.");
                    t.addInputMapping(input, (String) entry.getValue());
                } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) {
                    throw new IngestException("Failed to obtain digital object for id " + (String) entry.getValue()
                            + ". Unable to build up object transition.", ex);
            //add single output object
            LOGGER.debug("Storing transition for task {}", pTask.getId());
            LOGGER.debug("DataWorkflow task transition for task {} successfully stored.", pTask.getId());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new IngestException(
                    "Failed to get object-view map to build up object transitions for task " + pTask.getId(), ex);
        } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to store object transitions for task " + pTask.getId(), ex);

        LOGGER.debug("Collecting TransferClientProperties");
        TransferClientProperties props = new TransferClientProperties();
        IngestInformation ingest;
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Scheduling new ingest for object with id {}", resultObject.getDigitalObjectId());
            ingest = IngestInformationServiceLocal.getSingleton().prepareIngest(resultObject.getDigitalObjectId(),
                    props, ctx);
            LOGGER.debug("Scheduled ingest with id {}", ingest.getId());
        } catch (TransferPreparationException ex) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to prepare ingest for task results.", ex);

        //Wait for the ingest to be prepared. Basically, this should be the case immediately.
        int sleepCnt = 6;
        while (!INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_SCHEDULED.equals(ingest.getStatusEnum()) && sleepCnt > 0) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            //reload ingest information
            ingest = IngestInformationServiceLocal.getSingleton().getIngestInformationById(ingest.getId(), ctx);

        //Check again for status...if it is not PRE_INGEST_SCHEDULED the preparation has failed.
        if (!INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_SCHEDULED.equals(ingest.getStatusEnum())) {
            //ingest preparation not successful...abort.
            throw new IngestException(
                    "Preparation of result ingest did not succeed within one minute. Current status is "
                            + ingest.getStatusEnum() + ". Ingest will be aborted.");

        AbstractStagingAccessPoint ap = StagingConfigurationManager.getSingleton()
        File dataFolder = ap.getLocalPathForUrl(ingest.getDataFolderUrl(), ctx);

        for (File outputFile : outputDir.listFiles()) {
            try {
                SystemUtils.createSymbolicLink(outputFile, new File(dataFolder, outputFile.getName()));
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new IngestException("Linking output data from " + outputDir + " to ingest data folder "
                        + dataFolder + " failed. Ingest will be aborted.", ex);
                "Output data successfully linked to ingest data directory. Setting status of ingest with id {} to {}",
                ingest.getId(), INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_FINISHED);
        if (IngestInformationServiceLocal.getSingleton().updateStatus(ingest.getId(),
                INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_FINISHED.getId(), null, ctx) == 1) {
            LOGGER.debug("Ingest status successfully updated. Pre-Ingest finished.");
            Properties ingestTransferMap = new Properties();
            ingestTransferMap.put(ingest.getDigitalObjectId(), Long.toString(ingest.getId()));
            try {
                LOGGER.debug("Updating object-transfer map in task with id {}", pTask.getId());
                LOGGER.debug("Persisting updated task.");
                LOGGER.debug("Object-transfer map in task successfully updated.");
            } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException | IOException ex) {
                throw new IngestException(
                        "Failed to update object-transfer map in task with id {} " + pTask.getId(), ex);
        } else {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to update ingest status. No rows where modified.");

     * Check if the scheduled ingest has finished. Therefor, the associated
     * ingest stored in the object-transfer-map of pTask will be checked for the
     * status {@link INGEST_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED}. If the ingest status is
     * {@link INGEST_STATUS#INGEST_RUNNING} FALSE is returned. If the ingest
     * status is {@link INGEST_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED} or
     * {@link INGEST_STATUS#INGEST_FAILED} then TRUE is returned as the ingest
     * is basically finished because it won't change its state without further
     * interaction.
     * @param pTask The task for which the ingest will be checked.
     * @return TRUE the ingest has finished (successfully or not), FALSE if the
     * ingest is not yet or still running.
     * @throws IngestException If the ingest has failed.
    private boolean isIngestFinished(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws IngestException {
        boolean ingestFinished = true;
        try {
            Properties dataMap = pTask.getObjectTransferMapAsObject();
            Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entries = dataMap.entrySet();
            IAuthorizationContext ctx = DataWorkflowHelper.getTaskContext(pTask);
            for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries) {
                String objectId = (String) entry.getKey();
                Long transferId = Long.parseLong((String) entry.getValue());
                LOGGER.debug("Checking ingest status for object {} with ingest id {}", objectId, transferId);
                IngestInformation result = IngestInformationServiceLocal.getSingleton()
                        .getIngestInformationById(transferId, ctx);
                if (result == null) {
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.INGEST_FAILED);
                    throw new IngestException("No ingest information found for id " + transferId
                            + ". Processing of task " + pTask.getId() + " cannot be continued.");
                if (INGEST_STATUS.INGEST_FINISHED.equals(result.getStatusEnum())) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Ingest for object {} with ingest id {} has finished.", objectId, transferId);
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.INGEST_FINISHED);
                } else if (INGEST_STATUS.INGEST_RUNNING.equals(result.getStatusEnum())
                        || INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_FINISHED.equals(result.getStatusEnum())) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Ingest for object {} with ingest id {} is still in progress with status {}.",
                            objectId, transferId, result.getStatusEnum());
                    ingestFinished = false;
                } else {
                    setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.INGEST_FAILED);
                    throw new IngestException("Ingest for object " + objectId + " with ingest id " + pTask.getId()
                            + " has failed with status " + result.getStatusEnum());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new IngestException("Failed to obtain object-transfer mapping for task with id " + pTask.getId(),

        return ingestFinished;

     * Perform the cleanup phase of pTask. The cleanup phase can only be entered
     * if pTask is in status
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED} or for checks if the
     * status is
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP}, {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP_FINISHED}
     * or {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP_FAILED}. Otherwise, a
     * CleanupException will be thrown.
     * If this method is called for pTask for the first time, the entire cleanup
     * procedure is executed. Internally, the task status will change to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP} and then directly to
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP_FINISHED} or
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#CLEANUP_FAILED}, depending on the
     * cleanup result. However, in both cases the first call to this method for
     * pTask will return TRUE as long as the task is in the cleanup phase.
     * Once a cleanup has been failed the cleanup phase can be entered again by
     * setting the task to status
     * {@link DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS#INGEST_FINISHED}.
     * @param pTask The task for which the cleanup will be performed.
     * @return TRUE if the cleanup has finished (successfully or not).
     * Currently, except a CleanupException, there is not other possible result
     * than TRUE.
     * @throws CleanupException if the task is in a wrong state.
    private boolean performCleanup(DataWorkflowTask pTask) throws CleanupException {
        if (!DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.isCleanupPhase(pTask.getStatus())) {
            throw new CleanupException("Task with id " + pTask.getId() + " is in state " + pTask.getStatus()
                    + ". Cleanup not possible.");

        //cleanup will always be finished after the first call as it is implemented synchronously for the moment.
        boolean cleanupFinished = true;
        if (DataWorkflowTask.TASK_STATUS.INGEST_FINISHED.equals(pTask.getStatus())) {//start ingest
            LOGGER.debug("Ingest is in finished state. Cleaning up task.");
            //setting cleanup state...actually not necessary, just to follow the protocol
            setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.CLEANUP);
            //remove the staging base path of the task
            File stagingPath = null;
            try {
                stagingPath = DataWorkflowHelper.getStagingBasePath(pTask);
                LOGGER.debug("Try to remove task directory of task {} at {}", pTask.getId(), stagingPath);
                LOGGER.debug("Task directory at {} successfully deleted.", stagingPath);
                setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.CLEANUP_FINISHED);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to remove task directory of task " + pTask.getId() + " at " + stagingPath
                        + ". Setting task status to CLEANUP_FAILED.", ex);
                setTaskStatus(pTask, TASK_STATUS.CLEANUP_FAILED);

        return cleanupFinished;