Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.jhuapl.tinkerpop; import; import; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.*; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.DefaultGraphQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.ExceptionFactory; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.StringFactory; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.*; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.RegExFilter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.TimestampFilter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.Pair; import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.PeekingIterator; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * * This is an implementation of Tinkerpop's Graph API backed by Apache Accumulo. The implementation currently Supports KeyIndexable and Indexable interfaces. * * It currently relies on 6 to N tables with the format. Every Index created by the Indexable interface gets its own table. * * VertexTable * <table border=1> * <thead> * <tr> * <th>ROWID</th> * <th>COLFAM</th> * <th>COLQAL</th> * <th>VALUE</th> * </tr> * </thead> <tbody> * <tr> * <td>VertexID</td> * <td>LABEL</td> * <td>EXISTS</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>VertexID</td> * <td>INEDGE</td> * <td>InVertedID_EdgeID</td> * <td>EdgeLabel</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>VertexID</td> * <td>OUTEDGE</td> * <td>OutVertedID_EdgeID</td> * <td>EdgeLabel</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>VertexID</td> * <td>PropertyKey</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * <td>PropertyValue</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * * EdgeTable * <table border=1> * <thead> * <tr> * <th>ROWID</th> * <th>COLFAM</th> * <th>COLQAL</th> * <th>VALUE</th> * </tr> * </thead> <tbody> * <tr> * <td>EdgeID</td> * <td>LABEL</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * <td>Encoded LabelValue</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>EdgeID</td> * <td>INEDGE</td> * <td>InVertedID</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>EdgeID</td> * <td>OUTEDGE</td> * <td>OutVertedID</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>EdgeID</td> * <td>PropertyKey</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * <td>Encoded Value</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * * VertexIndexTable/EdgeIndexTable * <table border=1> * <thead> * <tr> * <th>ROWID</th> * <th>COLFAM</th> * <th>COLQAL</th> * <th>VALUE</th> * </tr> * </thead> <tbody> * <tr> * <td>Encoded PropertyValue</td> * <td>PropertyKey</td> * <td>ElementID</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * * MetadataTable/KeyMetadataTable * <table border=1> * <thead> * <tr> * <th>ROWID</th> * <th>COLFAM</th> * <th>COLQAL</th> * <th>VALUE</th> * </tr> * </thead> <tbody> * <tr> * <td>IndexName</td> * <td>IndexClassType</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * <td>[empty]</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> */ public class AccumuloGraph implements Graph, KeyIndexableGraph, IndexableGraph { protected AccumuloGraphConfiguration config; static byte[] EMPTY = new byte[0]; public static final String IDDELIM = "_"; public static final String SLABEL = "L"; public static final String SINEDGE = "I"; public static final String SOUTEDGE = "O"; public static final String SEXISTS = "E"; public static final byte[] EXISTS = SEXISTS.getBytes(); public static final byte[] LABEL = SLABEL.getBytes(); public static final byte[] INEDGE = SINEDGE.getBytes(); public static final byte[] OUTEDGE = SOUTEDGE.getBytes(); protected static final Text TEXISTS = new Text(EXISTS); protected static final Text TINEDGE = new Text(INEDGE); protected static final Text TOUTEDGE = new Text(OUTEDGE); protected static final Text TLABEL = new Text(LABEL); protected static final String TIMESTAMPFILTER = "TIMESTAMP_FILTER"; private static final ThreadLocal<IteratorSetting> timestamFilter = new ThreadLocal<IteratorSetting>() { }; MultiTableBatchWriter writer; BatchWriter vertexBW; BatchWriter edgeBW; LruElementCache<Vertex> vertexCache; LruElementCache<Edge> edgeCache; protected Range range = null; public AccumuloGraph(Configuration cfg) { this(new AccumuloGraphConfiguration(cfg)); } /** * Constructor that ensures that the needed tables are made * * @param config */ public AccumuloGraph(AccumuloGraphConfiguration config) { if (config.getInstanceType() != AccumuloGraphConfiguration.InstanceType.Mini) { config.validate(); } this.config = config; if (config.useLruCache()) { vertexCache = new LruElementCache<Vertex>(config.getLruMaxCapacity(), config.getVertexCacheTimeoutMillis()); edgeCache = new LruElementCache<Edge>(config.getLruMaxCapacity(), config.getEdgeCacheTimeoutMillis()); } AccumuloGraphUtils.handleCreateAndClear(config); try { setupWriters(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void setupWriters() throws Exception { writer = config.getConnector().createMultiTableBatchWriter(config.getBatchWriterConfig()); vertexBW = writer.getBatchWriter(config.getVertexTable()); edgeBW = writer.getBatchWriter(config.getEdgeTable()); } /** * Factory method for GraphFactory */ public static AccumuloGraph open(Configuration properties) throws AccumuloException { return new AccumuloGraph(properties); } protected Scanner getElementScanner(Class<? extends Element> type) { try { String tableName = config.getEdgeTable(); if (type.equals(Vertex.class)) tableName = config.getVertexTable(); Scanner scanner = config.getConnector().createScanner(tableName, config.getAuthorizations()); if (timestamFilter.get() != null) { scanner.addScanIterator(timestamFilter.get()); } if (range != null) { scanner.setRange(range); } return scanner; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void disableTimestampFilterOnThisThread() { timestamFilter.remove(); } protected void enableTimestampFilterOnThisThread(Long start, Long end) { Preconditions.checkState(start != null || end != null, "start OR end should be specified."); if (start != null && end != null) { Preconditions.checkState(start <= end, "Start should be earlear/equal to end."); } // TODO What priority is good? IteratorSetting it = new IteratorSetting(21, TimestampFilter.class); it.setName(TIMESTAMPFILTER); if (end != null) { TimestampFilter.setEnd(it, end, true); } if (start != null) { TimestampFilter.setStart(it, start, true); } // put result on ThreadLocal variable for later use. timestamFilter.set(it); } protected Scanner getScanner(String tablename) { try { return config.getConnector().createScanner(tablename, config.getAuthorizations()); } catch (TableNotFoundException | InterruptedException | IOException | AccumuloSecurityException | AccumuloException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } // Aliases for the lazy protected Scanner getMetadataScanner() { return getScanner(config.getMetadataTable()); } protected Scanner getVertexIndexScanner() { return getScanner(config.getVertexIndexTable()); } protected Scanner getEdgeIndexScanner() { return getScanner(config.getEdgeIndexTable()); } protected BatchWriter getVertexIndexWriter() { return getWriter(config.getVertexIndexTable()); } protected BatchWriter getMetadataWriter() { return getWriter(config.getMetadataTable()); } protected BatchWriter getEdgeIndexWriter() { return getWriter(config.getEdgeIndexTable()); } private Scanner getKeyMetadataScanner() { return getScanner(config.getMetadataTable() + "KEY"); } protected BatchWriter getKeyMetadataWriter() { return getWriter(config.getMetadataTable() + "KEY"); } public BatchWriter getWriter(String tablename) { try { return writer.getBatchWriter(tablename); } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException | TableNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private BatchScanner getElementBatchScanner(Class<? extends Element> type) { try { String tableName = config.getVertexTable(); if (type.equals(Edge.class)) tableName = config.getEdgeTable(); BatchScanner x = config.getConnector().createBatchScanner(tableName, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQueryThreads()); x.setRanges(Collections.singletonList(new Range())); return x; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // End Aliases // For simplicity, I accept all property types. They are handled in not the // best way. To be fixed later Features f; public Features getFeatures() { if (f == null) { f = new Features(); f.ignoresSuppliedIds = true; f.isPersistent = true; f.isWrapper = false; f.supportsBooleanProperty = true; f.supportsDoubleProperty = true; f.supportsDuplicateEdges = true; f.supportsEdgeIndex = true; f.supportsEdgeIteration = true; f.supportsEdgeRetrieval = true; f.supportsEdgeKeyIndex = true; f.supportsEdgeProperties = true; f.supportsFloatProperty = true; f.supportsIndices = true; f.supportsIntegerProperty = true; f.supportsKeyIndices = true; f.supportsLongProperty = true; f.supportsMapProperty = true; f.supportsMixedListProperty = true; f.supportsPrimitiveArrayProperty = true; f.supportsSelfLoops = true; f.supportsSerializableObjectProperty = true; f.supportsStringProperty = true; f.supportsThreadedTransactions = false; f.supportsTransactions = false; f.supportsUniformListProperty = true; f.supportsVertexIndex = true; f.supportsVertexIteration = true; f.supportsVertexKeyIndex = true; f.supportsVertexProperties = true; f.supportsThreadIsolatedTransactions = false; } return f; } public Vertex addVertex(Object id) { return addVertex(id, 0L); } public Vertex addVertex(Object id, long timestamp) { String myID; if (id == null) { myID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } else { try { myID = id.toString();// (String) id; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } } Vertex vert = null; if (!config.skipExistenceChecks()) { vert = getVertex(myID); if (vert != null) { throw ExceptionFactory.vertexWithIdAlreadyExists(myID); } } Mutation m = new Mutation(myID); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(LABEL, EXISTS, timestamp, EMPTY); } else { m.put(LABEL, EXISTS, EMPTY); } try { vertexBW.addMutation(m); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } checkedFlush(); vert = new AccumuloVertex(this, myID); if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.cache(vert); } return vert; } public Vertex getVertex(Object id) { if (id == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.vertexIdCanNotBeNull(); } String myID; try { myID = (String) id; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } Vertex vertex = null; if (vertexCache != null) { vertex = vertexCache.retrieve(myID); if (vertex != null) { return vertex; } } vertex = new AccumuloVertex(this, myID); Scanner scan = null; try { if (!config.skipExistenceChecks()) { // in addition to just an "existence" check, we will also load // any "preloaded" properties now, which saves us a round-trip // to Accumulo later... scan = getElementScanner(Vertex.class); scan.setRange(new Range(myID)); scan.fetchColumn(TLABEL, TEXISTS); String[] preload = config.getPreloadedProperties(); if (preload != null) { // user has requested specific properties... Text colf = new Text(""); for (String key : preload) { if (StringFactory.LABEL.equals(key)) { colf.set(AccumuloGraph.LABEL); } else { colf.set(key); } scan.fetchColumnFamily(colf); } } Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = scan.iterator(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { return null; } preloadProperties(iter, (AccumuloElement) vertex); } } finally { if (scan != null) { scan.close(); } } if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.cache(vertex); } return vertex; } public void removeVertex(Vertex vertex) { removeVertex(vertex, 0L); } public void removeVertex(Vertex vertex, long timestamp) { if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.remove(vertex.getId()); } if (!config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) clearIndex(vertex.getId()); Scanner scan = getElementScanner(Vertex.class); scan.setRange(new Range(vertex.getId().toString())); BatchDeleter edgedeleter = null; BatchDeleter vertexdeleter = null; BatchWriter indexdeleter = getVertexIndexWriter(); try { // Set up Deleters edgedeleter = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(config.getEdgeTable(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQueryThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); vertexdeleter = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(config.getVertexTable(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQueryThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = scan.iterator(); List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<Range>(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { throw ExceptionFactory.vertexWithIdDoesNotExist(vertex.getId()); } try { // Search for edges while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> e =; Key k = e.getKey(); if (k.getColumnFamily().equals(TOUTEDGE) || k.getColumnFamily().equals(TINEDGE)) { ranges.add(new Range(k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM)[1])); Mutation vm = new Mutation(k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM)[0]); if (timestamp > 0L) { vm.putDelete(invert(k.getColumnFamily()), new Text(vertex.getId().toString() + IDDELIM + k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM)[1]), timestamp); } else { vm.putDelete(invert(k.getColumnFamily()), new Text(vertex.getId().toString() + IDDELIM + k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM)[1])); } vertexBW.addMutation(vm); } else { Mutation m = new Mutation(e.getValue().get()); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.putDelete(k.getColumnFamily(), k.getRow(), timestamp); } else { m.putDelete(k.getColumnFamily(), k.getRow()); } indexdeleter.addMutation(m); } } checkedFlush(); scan.close(); // If Edges are found, delete the whole row if (!ranges.isEmpty()) { // TODO don't we also have to propagate these deletes to the // vertex index table? edgedeleter.setRanges(ranges); edgedeleter.delete(); ranges.clear(); } // Delete the whole vertex row ranges.add(new Range(vertex.getId().toString())); vertexdeleter.setRanges(ranges); vertexdeleter.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (edgedeleter != null) edgedeleter.close(); if (vertexdeleter != null) vertexdeleter.close(); } } // Maybe an Custom Iterator could make this better. private void clearIndex(Object id) { Iterable<Index<? extends Element>> it = this.getIndices(); Iterator<Index<? extends Element>> iter = it.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AccumuloIndex<?> in = (AccumuloIndex<?>); String table = in.tableName; BatchDeleter del = null; try { del = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(table, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getMaxWriteThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); del.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range())); StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(); regex.append(".*\\Q").append(id.toString()).append("\\E$"); IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(10, "getEdgeFilter", RegExFilter.class); RegExFilter.setRegexs(is, null, null, regex.toString(), null, false); del.addScanIterator(is); del.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (del != null) del.close(); } } } private Text invert(Text columnFamily) { if (columnFamily.toString().equals(INEDGE)) { return TOUTEDGE; } return TINEDGE; } public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices() { Scanner scan = getElementScanner(Vertex.class); scan.fetchColumnFamily(TLABEL); if (config.getPreloadedProperties() != null) { for (String x : config.getPreloadedProperties()) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(x)); } } return new ScannerIterable<Vertex>(this, scan) { @Override public Vertex next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { // TODO could also check local cache before creating a new instance? AccumuloVertex vert = new AccumuloVertex(AccumuloGraph.this, iterator.peek().getKey().getRow().toString()); String rowid =; List<Entry<Key, Value>> vals = new ArrayList<Entry<Key, Value>>(); while (iterator.peek() != null && rowid.compareToIgnoreCase(iterator.peek().getKey().getRow().toString()) == 0) { vals.add(; } preloadProperties(vals.iterator(), vert); return vert; } }; } public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(String key, Object value) { checkProperty(key, value); if (config.isAutoIndex() || getIndexedKeys(Vertex.class).contains(key)) { // Use the index Scanner s = getVertexIndexScanner(); byte[] val = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(value); Text tVal = new Text(val); s.setRange(new Range(tVal, tVal)); s.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); return new ScannerIterable<Vertex>(this, s) { @Override public Vertex next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { Key key =; AccumuloVertex v = null; if (vertexCache != null) { v = (AccumuloVertex) vertexCache.retrieve(key.getColumnQualifier().toString()); } v = (v == null ? new AccumuloVertex(AccumuloGraph.this, key.getColumnQualifier().toString()) : v); int timeout = config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(key.getColumnFamily().toString()); if (timeout != -1) { v.cacheProperty(key.getColumnFamily().toString(), AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(key.getRow().getBytes()), timeout); } if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.cache(v); } return v; } }; } else { byte[] val = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(value); if (val[0] != AccumuloByteSerializer.SERIALIZABLE) { BatchScanner scan = getElementBatchScanner(Vertex.class); scan.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(10, "filter", RegExFilter.class); RegExFilter.setRegexs(is, null, null, null, Pattern.quote(new String(val)), false); scan.addScanIterator(is); return new ScannerIterable<Vertex>(this, scan) { @Override public Vertex next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { Entry<Key, Value> kv =; AccumuloVertex v = null; if (vertexCache != null) { v = (AccumuloVertex) vertexCache.retrieve(kv.getKey().getRow().toString()); } v = (v == null ? new AccumuloVertex(AccumuloGraph.this, kv.getKey().getRow().toString()) : v); int timeout = config .getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(kv.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString()); if (timeout != -1) { v.cacheProperty(kv.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString(), AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(kv.getValue().get()), timeout); } if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.cache(v); } return v; } }; } else { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Filtering on binary data not currently supported."); } } } public Edge addEdge(Object id, Vertex outVertex, Vertex inVertex, String label) { return addEdge(id, outVertex, inVertex, label, 0L); } public Edge addEdge(Object id, Vertex outVertex, Vertex inVertex, String label, long timestamp) { if (label == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.edgeLabelCanNotBeNull(); } String myID; if (id == null) { myID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } else { try { myID = id.toString(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } } // TODO we arent suppose to make sure the given edge ID doesn't already // exist? try { Mutation m = new Mutation(myID); String inV = inVertex.getId().toString(); String outV = outVertex.getId().toString(); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(LABEL, (inV + IDDELIM + outV).getBytes(), timestamp, AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(label)); } else { m.put(LABEL, (inV + IDDELIM + outV).getBytes(), AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(label)); } edgeBW.addMutation(m); m = new Mutation(inV); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(INEDGE, (outV + IDDELIM + myID).getBytes(), timestamp, (IDDELIM + label).getBytes()); } else { m.put(INEDGE, (outV + IDDELIM + myID).getBytes(), (IDDELIM + label).getBytes()); } vertexBW.addMutation(m); m = new Mutation(outV); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(OUTEDGE, (inV + IDDELIM + myID).getBytes(), timestamp, (IDDELIM + label).getBytes()); } else { m.put(OUTEDGE, (inV + IDDELIM + myID).getBytes(), (IDDELIM + label).getBytes()); } vertexBW.addMutation(m); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } checkedFlush(); AccumuloEdge edge = new AccumuloEdge(this, myID, label, inVertex, outVertex); if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.cache(edge); } return edge; } public Edge getEdge(Object id) { String myID; if (id == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.edgeIdCanNotBeNull(); } else { try { myID = (String) id; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } } Edge edge = null; if (edgeCache != null) { edge = edgeCache.retrieve(myID); if (edge != null) { return edge; } } Scanner s; if (!config.skipExistenceChecks()) { s = getElementScanner(Edge.class); s.setRange(new Range(myID, myID)); s.fetchColumnFamily(TLABEL); if (config.getPreloadedProperties() != null) { for (String x : config.getPreloadedProperties()) { s.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(x)); } } boolean found = s.iterator().hasNext(); s.close(); if (!found) { return null; } } else { return new AccumuloEdge(this, myID); } // Preload The Properties edge = new AccumuloEdge(this, myID); preloadProperties(s.iterator(), (AccumuloElement) edge); if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.cache(edge); } return edge; } private void preloadProperties(Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter, AccumuloElement e) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> entry =; Key key = entry.getKey(); String attr = key.getColumnFamily().toString(); Integer timeout = config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(attr); if (SLABEL.equals(attr)) { if (!key.getColumnQualifier().toString().equals(SEXISTS)) { AccumuloEdge edge = (AccumuloEdge) e; String[] ids = key.getColumnQualifier().toString().split("_"); edge.setInId(ids[0]); edge.setOutId(ids[1]); edge.setLabel(entry.getValue().toString()); } continue; } Object val = AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(entry.getValue().get()); e.cacheProperty(attr, val, timeout); } } public void removeEdge(Edge edge) { removeEdge(edge, 0L); } public void removeEdge(Edge edge, long timestamp) { if (!config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) clearIndex(edge.getId()); if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.remove(edge.getId()); } Scanner s = getElementScanner(Edge.class); s.setRange(new Range(edge.getId().toString())); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); Text inVert = null; Text outVert = null; List<Mutation> indexMutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> e =; Key k = e.getKey(); if (k.getColumnFamily().equals(TLABEL)) { String[] ids = k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM); inVert = new Text(ids[0]); outVert = new Text(ids[1]); } else { Mutation m = new Mutation(k.getColumnQualifier()); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.putDelete(k.getColumnFamily(), k.getRow()); } else { m.putDelete(k.getColumnFamily(), k.getRow(), timestamp); } indexMutations.add(m); } } s.close(); if (inVert == null || outVert == null) { return; } BatchDeleter edgedeleter = null; try { getEdgeIndexWriter().addMutations(indexMutations); Mutation m = new Mutation(inVert); m.putDelete(INEDGE, (outVert.toString() + IDDELIM + edge.getId().toString()).getBytes()); vertexBW.addMutation(m); m = new Mutation(outVert); m.putDelete(OUTEDGE, (inVert.toString() + IDDELIM + edge.getId().toString()).getBytes()); vertexBW.addMutation(m); m = new Mutation(edge.getId().toString()); m.putDelete(LABEL, (inVert.toString() + IDDELIM + outVert.toString()).getBytes()); edgeBW.addMutation(m); checkedFlush(); edgedeleter = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(config.getVertexTable(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQueryThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); edgedeleter.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range(edge.getId().toString()))); edgedeleter.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (edgedeleter != null) edgedeleter.close(); } } public Iterable<Edge> getEdges() { BatchScanner scan = getElementBatchScanner(Edge.class); scan.fetchColumnFamily(TLABEL); if (config.getPreloadedProperties() != null) { for (String x : config.getPreloadedProperties()) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(x)); } } return new ScannerIterable<Edge>(this, scan) { @Override public Edge next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { // TODO I dont know if this should work with a batch scanner.... Entry<Key, Value> entry =; AccumuloEdge edge = new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, entry.getKey().getRow().toString(), AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(entry.getValue().get()).toString()); String rowid = entry.getKey().getRow().toString(); List<Entry<Key, Value>> vals = new ArrayList<Entry<Key, Value>>(); while (iterator.peek() != null && rowid.compareToIgnoreCase(iterator.peek().getKey().getRow().toString()) == 0) { vals.add(; } preloadProperties(vals.iterator(), edge); if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.cache(edge); } return edge; } }; } public Iterable<Edge> getEdges(String key, Object value) { nullCheckProperty(key, value); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("label")) { key = SLABEL; } if (config.isAutoIndex() || getIndexedKeys(Edge.class).contains(key)) { // Use the index Scanner s = getEdgeIndexScanner(); byte[] val = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(value); Text tVal = new Text(val); s.setRange(new Range(tVal, tVal)); s.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); return new ScannerIterable<Edge>(this, s) { @Override public Edge next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { AccumuloEdge e = null; Entry<Key, Value> kv =; if (edgeCache != null) { e = (AccumuloEdge) edgeCache.retrieve(kv.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString()); } e = (e == null ? new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, kv.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString()) : e); int timeout = config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(kv.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString()); if (timeout != -1) { e.cacheProperty(kv.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString(), AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(kv.getKey().getRow().getBytes()), timeout); } if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.cache(e); } return e; } }; } else { BatchScanner scan = getElementBatchScanner(Edge.class); scan.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); byte[] val = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(value); if (val[0] != AccumuloByteSerializer.SERIALIZABLE) { IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(10, "filter", RegExFilter.class); RegExFilter.setRegexs(is, null, null, null, Pattern.quote(new String(val)), false); scan.addScanIterator(is); return new ScannerIterable<Edge>(this, scan) { @Override public Edge next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { Key k =; if (k.getColumnFamily().compareTo(AccumuloGraph.TLABEL) == 0) { String[] vals = k.getColumnQualifier().toString().split(AccumuloGraph.IDDELIM); return new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, k.getRow().toString(), null, vals[0], vals[1]); } return new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, k.getRow().toString()); } }; } else { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Filtering on binary data not currently supported."); } } } // TODO Eventually public GraphQuery query() { return new DefaultGraphQuery(this); } public void shutdown() { try { writer.close(); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (vertexCache != null) { vertexCache.clear(); } if (edgeCache != null) { edgeCache.clear(); } } // public methods not defined by Graph interface, but potentially useful for // applications that know they are using an AccumuloGraph public void clear() { shutdown(); try { TableOperations to; to = config.getConnector().tableOperations(); Iterable<Index<? extends Element>> it = this.getIndices(); Iterator<Index<? extends Element>> iter = it.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AccumuloIndex<?> in = (AccumuloIndex<?>); to.delete(in.tableName); } for (String t : config.getTableNames()) { if (to.exists(t)) { to.delete(t); to.create(t); SortedSet<Text> splits = config.getSplits(); if (splits != null) { to.addSplits(t, splits); } } } setupWriters(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void flush() { try { writer.flush(); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void clearCache() { vertexCache.clear(); edgeCache.clear(); } private void checkedFlush() { if (config.isAutoFlush()) { flush(); } } // methods used by AccumuloElement, AccumuloVertex, AccumuloEdge to interact // with the backing Accumulo data store... <T> Pair<Integer, T> getProperty(Class<? extends Element> type, String id, String key) { Text colf = null; if (StringFactory.LABEL.equals(key)) { colf = AccumuloGraph.TLABEL; } else { colf = new Text(key); } Scanner s = getElementScanner(type); s.setRange(new Range(id)); s.fetchColumnFamily(colf); T toRet = null; Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { toRet = AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(; } s.close(); return new Pair<Integer, T>(config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(key), toRet); } /** * Return property for each timestamp when timestampFilter is enabled. * Map is a LinkedHashMap with order of insertion. */ <T> LinkedHashMap<Long, T> getVersionedProperty(Class<? extends Element> type, String id, String key) { //TODO Add caching, timestampFilter is available here, slice in time could be loaded before. Text colf = null; if (StringFactory.LABEL.equals(key)) { colf = AccumuloGraph.TLABEL; } else { colf = new Text(key); } Scanner s = getElementScanner(type); s.setRange(new Range(id)); s.fetchColumnFamily(colf); LinkedHashMap<Long, T> toRet = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (Entry<Key, Value> e : s) { T desserialize = AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(e.getValue().get()); toRet.put(e.getKey().getTimestamp(), desserialize); } s.close(); return toRet; } void preloadProperties(AccumuloElement element, Class<? extends Element> type) { String[] toPreload = config.getPreloadedProperties(); if (toPreload == null) { return; } Scanner s = getElementScanner(type); s.setRange(new Range(element.getId().toString())); // user has requested specific properties... Text colf = new Text(""); for (String key : toPreload) { if (StringFactory.LABEL.equals(key)) { colf.set(AccumuloGraph.LABEL); } else { colf.set(key); } s.fetchColumnFamily(colf); } Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); // Integer timeout = config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(); // Change this while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> entry =; Object val = AccumuloByteSerializer.desserialize(entry.getValue().get()); element.cacheProperty(entry.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString(), val, config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(entry.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString())); } s.close(); } Set<String> getPropertyKeys(Class<? extends Element> type, String id) { Scanner s = getElementScanner(type); s.setRange(new Range(id)); Set<String> toRet = new HashSet<String>(); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> e =; Key k = e.getKey(); String cf = k.getColumnFamily().toString(); toRet.add(cf); } toRet.remove(TINEDGE.toString()); toRet.remove(TLABEL.toString()); toRet.remove(TOUTEDGE.toString()); s.close(); return toRet; } Integer setProperty(Class<? extends Element> type, String id, String key, Object val) { return setProperty(type, id, key, val, 0L); } /** * Sets the property. Requires a round-trip to Accumulo to see if the property exists iff the provided key has an index. Therefore, for best performance if at * all possible create indices after bulk ingest. * * @param type * @param id * @param key * @param val * @param timestamp */ Integer setProperty(Class<? extends Element> type, String id, String key, Object val, long timestamp) { checkProperty(key, val); try { byte[] newByteVal = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(val); Mutation m = null; if (config.isAutoIndex() || getIndexedKeys(type).contains(key)) { BatchWriter bw = getIndexBatchWriter(type); Object old = getProperty(type, id, key).getSecond(); if (old != null) { byte[] oldByteVal = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(old); m = new Mutation(oldByteVal); m.putDelete(key, id); bw.addMutation(m); } m = new Mutation(newByteVal); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(key.getBytes(), id.getBytes(), timestamp, EMPTY); } else { m.put(key.getBytes(), id.getBytes(), EMPTY); } bw.addMutation(m); checkedFlush(); } m = new Mutation(id); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(key.getBytes(), EMPTY, timestamp, newByteVal); } else { m.put(key.getBytes(), EMPTY, newByteVal); } getBatchWriter(type).addMutation(m); checkedFlush(); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return config.getPropertyCacheTimeoutMillis(key); } private BatchWriter getBatchWriter(Class<? extends Element> type) { if (type.equals(Edge.class)) return edgeBW; return vertexBW; } private BatchWriter getIndexBatchWriter(Class<? extends Element> type) { if (type.equals(Edge.class)) return getEdgeIndexWriter(); return getVertexIndexWriter(); } <T> T removeProperty(Class<? extends Element> type, String id, String key) { if (StringFactory.LABEL.equals(key) || SLABEL.equals(key)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot remove the " + StringFactory.LABEL + " property."); } T obj = (T) getProperty(type, id, key).getSecond(); try { if (obj != null) { byte[] val = AccumuloByteSerializer.serialize(obj); Mutation m = new Mutation(id); m.putDelete(key.getBytes(), EMPTY); BatchWriter bw = getBatchWriter(type); bw.addMutation(m); m = new Mutation(val); m.putDelete(key, id); getIndexBatchWriter(type).addMutation(m); checkedFlush(); } } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return obj; } Iterable<Edge> getEdges(String vertexId, Direction direction, String... labels) { Scanner scan = getElementScanner(Vertex.class); scan.setRange(new Range(vertexId)); if (direction.equals(Direction.IN)) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TINEDGE); } else if (direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TOUTEDGE); } else { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TINEDGE); scan.fetchColumnFamily(TOUTEDGE); } if (labels.length > 0) { applyRegexValueFilter(scan, labels); } return new ScannerIterable<Edge>(this, scan) { @Override public Edge next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { // TODO better use of information readily available... // TODO could also check local cache before creating a new // instance? Entry<Key, Value> kv =; String[] parts = kv.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString().split(IDDELIM); String label = (new String(kv.getValue().get())).split("_")[1]; if (kv.getKey().getColumnFamily().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(AccumuloGraph.SINEDGE)) { return new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, parts[1], label, kv.getKey().getRow().toString(), parts[0]); } else { return new AccumuloEdge(AccumuloGraph.this, parts[1], label, parts[0], kv.getKey().getRow().toString()); } } }; } private void applyRegexValueFilter(Scanner scan, String... labels) { StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(); for (String lab : labels) { if (regex.length() != 0) regex.append("|"); regex.append(".*_\\Q").append(lab).append("\\E$"); } IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(10, "getEdgeFilter", RegExFilter.class); RegExFilter.setRegexs(is, null, null, null, regex.toString(), false); scan.addScanIterator(is); } Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(String vertexId, Direction direction, String... labels) { Scanner scan = getElementScanner(Vertex.class); scan.setRange(new Range(vertexId)); if (direction.equals(Direction.IN)) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TINEDGE); } else if (direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TOUTEDGE); } else { scan.fetchColumnFamily(TINEDGE); scan.fetchColumnFamily(TOUTEDGE); } if (labels != null && labels.length > 0) { applyRegexValueFilter(scan, labels); } return new ScannerIterable<Vertex>(this, scan) { @Override public Vertex next(PeekingIterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator) { // TODO better use of information readily available... // TODO could also check local cache before creating a new // instance? String[] parts =; AccumuloVertex v = new AccumuloVertex(AccumuloGraph.this, parts[0]); if (vertexCache != null) vertexCache.cache(v); return v; } }; } Vertex getEdgeVertex(String edgeId, Direction direction) { Scanner s = getElementScanner(Edge.class); try { s.setRange(new Range(edgeId)); s.fetchColumnFamily(TLABEL); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); if (!iter.hasNext()) { return null; } String id; String val =; if (direction == Direction.IN) { id = val.split(IDDELIM)[0]; } else { id = val.split(IDDELIM)[1]; } Vertex v = new AccumuloVertex(this, id); if (vertexCache != null) vertexCache.cache(v); return v; } finally { s.close(); } } private void nullCheckProperty(String key, Object val) { if (key == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyKeyCanNotBeNull(); } else if (val == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyValueCanNotBeNull(); } else if (key.trim().equals(StringFactory.EMPTY_STRING)) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty(); } } // internal methods used by this class private void checkProperty(String key, Object val) { nullCheckProperty(key, val); if (key.equals(StringFactory.ID)) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyKeyIdIsReserved(); } else if (key.equals(StringFactory.LABEL)) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyKeyLabelIsReservedForEdges(); } else if (val == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.propertyValueCanNotBeNull(); } } public String toString() { return "accumulograph"; } public <T extends Element> Index<T> createIndex(String indexName, Class<T> indexClass, Parameter... indexParameters) { return createIndex(indexName, indexClass, 0L, indexParameters); } public <T extends Element> Index<T> createIndex(String indexName, Class<T> indexClass, long timestamp, Parameter... indexParameters) { if (indexClass == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.classForElementCannotBeNull(); } if (config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("IndexableGraph is disabled via the configuration"); Scanner s = this.getMetadataScanner(); try { s.setRange(new Range(indexName, indexName)); if (s.iterator().hasNext()) throw ExceptionFactory.indexAlreadyExists(indexName); BatchWriter writer = getWriter(config.getMetadataTable()); Mutation m = new Mutation(indexName); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(indexClass.getSimpleName().getBytes(), EMPTY, timestamp, EMPTY); } else { m.put(indexClass.getSimpleName().getBytes(), EMPTY, EMPTY); } try { writer.addMutation(m); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new AccumuloIndex<T>(indexClass, this, indexName); } finally { s.close(); } } public <T extends Element> Index<T> getIndex(String indexName, Class<T> indexClass) { if (indexClass == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.classForElementCannotBeNull(); } if (config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("IndexableGraph is disabled via the configuration"); Scanner scan = getScanner(config.getMetadataTable()); try { scan.setRange(new Range(indexName, indexName)); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = scan.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Key k =; if (k.getColumnFamily().toString().equals(indexClass.getSimpleName())) { return new AccumuloIndex<T>(indexClass, this, indexName); } else { throw ExceptionFactory.indexDoesNotSupportClass(indexName, indexClass); } } return null; } finally { scan.close(); } } @Override public Iterable<Index<? extends Element>> getIndices() { if (config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("IndexableGraph is disabled via the configuration"); List<Index<? extends Element>> toRet = new ArrayList<Index<? extends Element>>(); Scanner scan = getScanner(config.getMetadataTable()); try { Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = scan.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Key k =; toRet.add(new AccumuloIndex(getClass(k.getColumnFamily().toString()), this, k.getRow().toString())); } return toRet; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { scan.close(); } } private Class<? extends Element> getClass(String e) { if (e.equals("Vertex")) { return Vertex.class; } return Edge.class; } @Override public void dropIndex(String indexName) { if (config.isIndexableGraphDisabled()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("IndexableGraph is disabled via the configuration"); BatchDeleter deleter = null; try { deleter = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(config.getMetadataTable(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQueryThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); deleter.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range(indexName))); deleter.delete(); config.getConnector().tableOperations().delete(config.getName() + "_index_" + indexName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (deleter != null) deleter.close(); } } public <T extends Element> void dropKeyIndex(String key, Class<T> elementClass) { if (elementClass == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.classForElementCannotBeNull(); } String table = null; if (elementClass.equals(Vertex.class)) { table = config.getVertexIndexTable(); } else { table = config.getEdgeIndexTable(); } BatchWriter w = getKeyMetadataWriter(); BatchDeleter bd = null; Mutation m = new Mutation(key); m.putDelete(elementClass.getSimpleName().getBytes(), EMPTY); try { bd = config.getConnector().createBatchDeleter(table, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getMaxWriteThreads(), config.getBatchWriterConfig()); w.addMutation(m); bd.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range())); bd.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); bd.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (bd != null) bd.close(); } checkedFlush(); } public <T extends Element> void createKeyIndex(String key, Class<T> elementClass, Parameter... indexParameters) { createKeyIndex(key, elementClass, 0L, indexParameters); } public <T extends Element> void createKeyIndex(String key, Class<T> elementClass, long timestamp, Parameter... indexParameters) { if (elementClass == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.classForElementCannotBeNull(); } BatchWriter w = getKeyMetadataWriter(); Mutation m = new Mutation(key); if (timestamp > 0L) { m.put(elementClass.getSimpleName().getBytes(), EMPTY, timestamp, EMPTY); } else { m.put(elementClass.getSimpleName().getBytes(), EMPTY, EMPTY); } try { w.addMutation(m); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } checkedFlush(); // Re Index Graph BatchScanner scan = getElementBatchScanner(elementClass); try { scan.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range())); scan.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(key)); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = scan.iterator(); BatchWriter bw = getIndexBatchWriter(elementClass); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Value> entry =; Key k = entry.getKey(); Value v = entry.getValue(); Mutation mu = new Mutation(v.get()); if (timestamp > 0L) { mu.put(k.getColumnFamily().getBytes(), k.getRow().getBytes(), timestamp, EMPTY); } else { mu.put(k.getColumnFamily().getBytes(), k.getRow().getBytes(), EMPTY); } try { bw.addMutation(mu); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { // TODO handle this better. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } finally { scan.close(); } checkedFlush(); } public <T extends Element> Set<String> getIndexedKeys(Class<T> elementClass) { if (elementClass == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.classForElementCannotBeNull(); } Scanner s = getKeyMetadataScanner(); try { s.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(elementClass.getSimpleName())); Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = s.iterator(); Set<String> toRet = new HashSet<String>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { toRet.add(; } return toRet; } finally { s.close(); } } public boolean isEmpty() { for (String t : config.getTableNames()) { if (getScanner(t).iterator().hasNext()) { return false; } } return true; } }