Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory * All rights reserved. * * This material may be used, modified, or reproduced by or for the U.S. * Government pursuant to the rights granted under the clauses at * DFARS 252.227-7013/7014 or FAR 52.227-14. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * NO WARRANTY. THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED "AS IS." JHU/APL DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES IN THE MATERIAL, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING (BUT NOT * LIMITED TO) ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF PERFORMANCE, * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF * INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. ANY USER OF THE MATERIAL ASSUMES THE ENTIRE * RISK AND LIABILITY FOR USING THE MATERIAL. IN NO EVENT SHALL JHU/APL BE * LIABLE TO ANY USER OF THE MATERIAL FOR ANY ACTUAL, INDIRECT, * CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF, OR * INABILITY TO USE, THE MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES * FOR LOST PROFITS. */ package edu.jhuapl.openessence.controller; import edu.jhuapl.bsp.detector.DetectorHelper; import edu.jhuapl.bsp.detector.TemporalDetectorInterface; import edu.jhuapl.bsp.detector.TemporalDetectorSimpleDataObject; import edu.jhuapl.bsp.detector.temporal.epa.NoDetectorDetector; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.Encoding; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.GraphException; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.GraphSource; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.PointInterface; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.DefaultGraphData; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.GraphController; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.GraphDataHandlerInterface; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.GraphDataInterface; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler; import edu.jhuapl.graphs.controller.GraphObject; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.Dimension; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.FieldType; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.Filter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.OeDataSource; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.OeDataSourceAccessException; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.OeDataSourceException; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.Record; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.dataseries.AccumPoint; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.dataseries.DataSeriesSource; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.dataseries.Grouping; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.dataseries.GroupingDimension; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.JdbcOeDataSource; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.QueryRecord; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.ResolutionHandler; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.dataseries.AccumPointImpl; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.dataseries.GroupingImpl; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.entry.JdbcOeDataEntrySource; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.filter.FieldFilter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.filter.GteqFilter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.filter.LteqFilter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.filter.OneArgOpFilter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.filter.sorting.OrderByFilter; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.timeresolution.sql.pgsql.PgSqlDateHelper; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.jdbc.timeresolution.sql.pgsql.PgSqlWeeklyHandler; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.ui.ChildTableConfiguration; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.ui.DimensionConfiguration; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.datasource.ui.PossibleValuesConfiguration; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.i18n.InspectableResourceBundleMessageSource; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.logging.LogStatements; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.model.ChartData; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.model.ChartModel; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.model.DataSourceDetails; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.model.TimeSeriesModel; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.ControllerUtils; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.DetailsQuery; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.ErrorMessageException; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.FileExportUtil; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.Filters; import edu.jhuapl.openessence.web.util.Sorters; import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser.Feature; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletWebRequest; import org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; @Controller @RequestMapping("/report") public class ReportController extends OeController { private static final int DEFAULT_LABEL_LENGTH = 45; private static final String PIE = "pie"; private static final String BAR = "bar"; private static final int DEFAULT_WEEK_STARTDAY = 1; private static final int DEFAULT_DAILY_PREPULL = 40; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportController.class); private static final Logger translationLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("TranslationLogger"); private DateFormat dateFormatDay = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private DateFormat dateFormatWeek = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-'W'w"); private DateFormat dateFormatWeekPart = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private DateFormat dateFormatMonth = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); private DateFormat dateFormatYear = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); private static final String DAILY = "daily"; private static final String WEEKLY = "weekly"; private static final String MONTHLY = "monthly"; private static final String YEARLY = "yearly"; private static final String TIMEZONE_ENABLED = "timezone.enabled"; private String graphDir; @Resource private InspectableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource; private Map<String, Integer> intervalMap; public ReportController() { intervalMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); intervalMap.put("hourly", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); intervalMap.put(DAILY, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); intervalMap.put(WEEKLY, Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); intervalMap.put(MONTHLY, Calendar.MONTH); } @Autowired public void setGraphDir(@Qualifier("graphDir") String graphDir) { this.graphDir = graphDir; File f = new File(this.graphDir); if (!f.exists()) { if (!f.mkdirs()) { log.error("Unable to make directory " + graphDir); } } } @RequestMapping("/getFields") // TODO return real domain object public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> getFields(@RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds) throws IOException { final Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final List<DimensionConfiguration> filters = new ArrayList<DimensionConfiguration>(); filters.addAll(getDimensionsInformation(ds.getFilterDimensions())); if (ds instanceof DataSeriesSource) { final DataSeriesSource dss = (DataSeriesSource) ds; // Add reserved fields, accumId, resolution field, and resolutions // each available 'entry' is a 'possible value' in the combo if (ds.getFilterDimension("accumId") != null) { if (!dss.getAccumulations().isEmpty()) { for (final DimensionConfiguration filter : filters) { if ("accumId".equals(filter.getName())) { final List<List<Object>> possvals = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(); for (final Dimension accum : dss.getAccumulations()) { final LinkedList<Object> accEntry = new LinkedList<Object>(); // Id then display value accEntry.add(accum.getId()); if (accum.getDisplayName() == null) { accEntry.add(accum.getId()); } else { accEntry.add(accum.getDisplayName()); } possvals.add(accEntry); } filter.setPossibleValues(new PossibleValuesConfiguration(possvals)); break; } } // Group/Resolutions final DimensionConfiguration timeseriesGroupResolution = new DimensionConfiguration(); timeseriesGroupResolution.setName("timeseriesGroupResolution"); timeseriesGroupResolution.setType(FieldType.TEXT); final Map<String, Object> formMetaData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); formMetaData.put("allowBlank", false); final Map<String, Object> metaData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); metaData.put("form", formMetaData); timeseriesGroupResolution.setMeta(metaData); final List<List<Object>> groupResolutionValues = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(); for (final GroupingDimension gdim : dss.getGroupingDimensions()) { for (final String res : gdim.getResolutions()) { final LinkedList<Object> groupResolutionEntry = new LinkedList<Object>(); // Id then display value groupResolutionEntry.add(gdim.getId() + ":" + res); groupResolutionEntry.add(messageSource.getDataSourceMessage(gdim.getId(), dss) + " / " + messageSource.getDataSourceMessage(res, dss)); groupResolutionValues.add(groupResolutionEntry); } } timeseriesGroupResolution .setPossibleValues(new PossibleValuesConfiguration(groupResolutionValues)); filters.add(timeseriesGroupResolution); } } } result.put("filters", filters); //Updated detail dimensions to use new dimension configuration that populates //possibleValues List<DimensionConfiguration> detailDimensions = new ArrayList<DimensionConfiguration>(); detailDimensions.addAll(getDimensionsInformation(ds.getResultDimensions())); result.put("detailDimensions", detailDimensions); if (ds instanceof JdbcOeDataEntrySource) { final JdbcOeDataEntrySource jdes = (JdbcOeDataEntrySource) ds; result.put("pks", jdes.getParentTableDetails().getPks()); final ArrayList<Object> editDimensions = new ArrayList<Object>(); editDimensions.addAll(getDimensionsInformation(jdes.getEditDimensions())); // Add child table information for (final String tableName : jdes.getChildTableMap().keySet()) { editDimensions.add(new ChildTableConfiguration(tableName, jdes)); } result.put("editDimensions", editDimensions); } // Data source level meta data final Map<String, Object> meta = ds.getMetaData(); if (meta != null) { result.put("meta", meta); } result.put("success", true); return result; } private List<DimensionConfiguration> getDimensionsInformation(final Collection<? extends Dimension> dimensions) throws OeDataSourceException { List<DimensionConfiguration> results = new ArrayList<DimensionConfiguration>(); for (final Dimension dimension : dimensions) { results.add(new DimensionConfiguration(dimension)); } return results; } @RequestMapping("/timeSeriesJson") public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> timeSeriesJson(@RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds, TimeSeriesModel model, Principal principal, WebRequest request, HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws ErrorMessageException { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); DataSeriesSource dss = null; if (ds instanceof DataSeriesSource) { dss = (DataSeriesSource) ds; } String groupId = ""; String resolution = ""; // TODO put this logic in a custom HandlerMethodArgumentResolver if (model.getTimeseriesGroupResolution() != null) { String[] parts = model.getTimeseriesGroupResolution().split(":"); if (parts.length == 2 && !parts[0].trim().isEmpty() && !parts[1].trim().isEmpty()) { groupId = parts[0]; resolution = parts[1]; } } if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new OeDataSourceException("No Grouping Dimension ID specified"); } GroupingDimension groupingDim = dss.getGroupingDimension(groupId); // find resolution handlers as appropriate for groupings if (resolution == null || "".equals(groupId)) { String[] res = groupingDim.getResolutions().toArray(new String[groupingDim.getResolutions().size()]); if (res.length > 0) { resolution = res[0]; } } if (ds.getDimensionJoiner() != null) { ds.getDimensionJoiner().joinDimensions(); } List<Dimension> accumulations = ControllerUtils.getAccumulationsByIds(ds, model.getAccumId()); List<Dimension> timeseriesDenominators = ControllerUtils.getAccumulationsByIds(ds, model.getTimeseriesDenominator(), false); final List<OrderByFilter> sorts = new ArrayList<OrderByFilter>(); GroupingImpl group = new GroupingImpl(groupId, resolution); if (resolution.equals(DAILY) && model.getPrepull() < 0) { model.setPrepull(DEFAULT_DAILY_PREPULL); } if (model.getPrepull() < 0) { model.setPrepull(0); } //union accumulations to get all results List<Dimension> dimensions = new ArrayList<Dimension>( ControllerUtils.unionDimensions(accumulations, timeseriesDenominators)); List<Grouping> groupings = new ArrayList<Grouping>(); groupings.add(groupingDim.makeGrouping(resolution)); //create results group dimension + all dimensions final List<Dimension> results = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); for (Dimension d : dimensions) { results.add(ds.getResultDimension(d.getId())); } Map<String, ResolutionHandler> resolutionHandlers = dss.getGroupingDimension(group.getId()) .getResolutionsMap(); List<Filter> filters = new Filters().getFilters(request.getParameterMap(), dss, group.getId(), model.getPrepull(), resolution, getCalWeekStartDay(resolutionHandlers)); String clientTimezone = null; String timezoneEnabledString = messageSource.getMessage(TIMEZONE_ENABLED, "false"); if (timezoneEnabledString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { clientTimezone = ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezoneAsHourMinuteString(request); } //details query for all records Collection<Record> records = new DetailsQuery().performDetailsQuery(ds, results, dimensions, filters, sorts, groupings, false, clientTimezone); //create graph data and set known configuration DefaultGraphData graphData = new DefaultGraphData(); graphData.setShowSingleSeverityLegends(false); graphData.setGraphTitle(model.getTimeseriesTitle()); graphData.setGraphWidth(model.getWidth()); graphData.setGraphHeight(model.getHeight()); graphData.setShowLegend(true); graphData.setBackgroundColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); // only set an array if they provided one if (model.getGraphBaseColors() != null && model.getGraphBaseColors().length > 0) { // TODO leverage Spring to convert colors graphData.setGraphBaseColors(ControllerUtils.getColorsFromHex(Color.BLACK, model.getGraphBaseColors())); } String graphTimeSeriesUrl = request.getContextPath() + servletRequest.getServletPath() + "/report/graphTimeSeries"; graphTimeSeriesUrl = appendGraphFontParam(ds, graphTimeSeriesUrl); //TODO, this still uses the html method from the graph module and then wraps in json...move to a pure json method Map<String, Object> timeseriesResult = createTimeseries(principal.getName(), dss, filters, group, resolution, model.getPrepull(), graphTimeSeriesUrl, records, accumulations, timeseriesDenominators, model.getTimeseriesDetectorClass(), model.isIncludeDetails(), model.isDisplayIntervalEndDate(), graphData, ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezone(request)); result.putAll(timeseriesResult); return result; } @RequestMapping("/chartJson") public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> chartJson(WebRequest request, HttpServletRequest servletRequest, @RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds, ChartModel chartModel) throws ErrorMessageException { + request.getUserPrincipal().getName()); final List<Filter> filters = new Filters().getFilters(request.getParameterMap(), ds, null, 0, null, 0); final List<Dimension> results = ControllerUtils.getResultDimensionsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("results")); Dimension filterDimension = null; if (results.get(0).getFilterBeanId() != null && results.get(0).getFilterBeanId().length() > 0) { filterDimension = ds.getFilterDimension(results.get(0).getFilterBeanId()); } // if not provided, use the result dimension // it means name and id columns are same... if (filterDimension != null) { results.add(results.size(), filterDimension); } // Subset of results, should check final List<Dimension> charts = ControllerUtils.getResultDimensionsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("charts")); final List<Dimension> accumulations = ControllerUtils.getAccumulationsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("accumId")); final List<OrderByFilter> sorts = new ArrayList<OrderByFilter>(); try { sorts.addAll(Sorters.getSorters(request.getParameterMap())); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to get sorters, using default ordering"); } // TODO put this on ChartModel //default to white allows clean copy paste of charts from browser Color backgroundColor = Color.WHITE; String bgParam = request.getParameter("backgroundColor"); if (bgParam != null && !"".equals(bgParam)) { if ("transparent".equalsIgnoreCase(bgParam)) { backgroundColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 0); } else { backgroundColor = ControllerUtils.getColorsFromHex(Color.WHITE, bgParam)[0]; } } String graphBarUrl = request.getContextPath() + servletRequest.getServletPath() + "/report/graphBar"; graphBarUrl = appendGraphFontParam(ds, graphBarUrl); String graphPieUrl = request.getContextPath() + servletRequest.getServletPath() + "/report/graphPie"; graphPieUrl = appendGraphFontParam(ds, graphPieUrl); // TODO eliminate all the nesting in response and just use accumulation and chartID properties Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> graphs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); response.put("graphs", graphs); String clientTimezone = null; String timezoneEnabledString = messageSource.getMessage(TIMEZONE_ENABLED, "false"); if (timezoneEnabledString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { clientTimezone = ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezoneAsHourMinuteString(request); } Collection<Record> records = new DetailsQuery().performDetailsQuery(ds, results, accumulations, filters, sorts, false, clientTimezone); final List<Filter> graphFilters = new Filters().getFilters(request.getParameterMap(), ds, null, 0, null, 0, false); //for each requested accumulation go through each requested result and create a chart for (Dimension accumulation : accumulations) { Map<String, Object> accumulationMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Create charts for dimensions (subset of results) for (Dimension chart : charts) { DefaultGraphData data = new DefaultGraphData(); data.setGraphTitle(chartModel.getTitle()); data.setGraphHeight(chartModel.getHeight()); data.setGraphWidth(chartModel.getWidth()); data.setShowLegend(chartModel.isLegend()); data.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); data.setShowGraphLabels(chartModel.isShowGraphLabels()); data.setLabelBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); data.setPlotHorizontal(chartModel.isPlotHorizontal()); data.setNoDataMessage(chartModel.getNoDataMessage()); data.setTitleFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12)); GraphObject graph = createGraph(ds, request.getUserPrincipal().getName(), records, chart, filterDimension, accumulation, data, chartModel, graphFilters); String graphURL = ""; if (BAR.equalsIgnoreCase(chartModel.getType())) { graphURL = graphBarUrl; } else if (PIE.equalsIgnoreCase(chartModel.getType())) { graphURL = graphPieUrl; } graphURL = appendUrlParameter(graphURL, "graphDataId", graph.getGraphDataId()); chartModel.setImageUrl(graphURL); chartModel.setImageMap(graph.getImageMap()); chartModel.setImageMapName(graph.getImageMapName()); accumulationMap.put(chart.getId(), chartModel); } graphs.put(accumulation.getId(), accumulationMap); }"Chart JSON Details query for %s", request.getUserPrincipal().getName())); return response; } private Map<String, Object> createTimeseries(String userPrincipalName, DataSeriesSource dss, List<Filter> filters, GroupingImpl group, String timeResolution, Integer prepull, String graphTimeSeriesUrl, final Collection<Record> records, final List<Dimension> accumulations, final List<Dimension> timeseriesDenominators, String detectorClass, boolean includeDetails, boolean displayIntervalEndDate, GraphDataInterface graphData, TimeZone clientTimezone) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, ResolutionHandler> resolutionHandlers = null; result.put("success", false); try { GroupingDimension grpdim = dss.getGroupingDimension(group.getId()); resolutionHandlers = grpdim.getResolutionsMap(); String dateFieldName = group.getId(); Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; if (grpdim != null && (grpdim.getSqlType() == FieldType.DATE || grpdim.getSqlType() == FieldType.DATE_TIME)) { for (Filter f : filters) { if (f instanceof OneArgOpFilter) { OneArgOpFilter of = (OneArgOpFilter) f; if (of.getFilterId().equalsIgnoreCase(grpdim.getId()) && (of.getSqlSnippet("").contains(">="))) { startDate = (Date) of.getArguments().get(0); } else if (of.getFilterId().equalsIgnoreCase(grpdim.getId()) && (of.getSqlSnippet("").contains("<="))) { endDate = (Date) of.getArguments().get(0); } } } } //union accumulations to get all results List<Dimension> dimensions = new ArrayList<Dimension>( ControllerUtils.unionDimensions(accumulations, timeseriesDenominators)); int timeOffsetMillies = 0; String timezoneEnabledString = messageSource.getMessage(TIMEZONE_ENABLED, "false"); if (timezoneEnabledString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { timeOffsetMillies = (clientTimezone.getRawOffset() - clientTimezone.getDSTSavings()) - (TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset() - TimeZone.getDefault().getDSTSavings()); } Calendar startDayCal = Calendar.getInstance(clientTimezone); startDayCal.setTime(startDate); startDayCal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, timeOffsetMillies); //get data grouped by group dimension List<AccumPoint> points = extractAccumulationPoints(userPrincipalName, dss, records, startDayCal.getTime(), endDate, dimensions, group, resolutionHandlers); if (points.size() > 0) { DateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(timeResolution); //dateFormat.setTimeZone(timezone); DateFormat tmpDateFormat = (DateFormat) dateFormat.clone(); tmpDateFormat.setTimeZone(clientTimezone); // number format for level NumberFormat numFormat3 = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); numFormat3.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); numFormat3.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); // number format for expected count NumberFormat numFormat1 = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); numFormat1.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); numFormat1.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(startDayCal.getTime()); //offset start date to match prepull offset if (timeResolution.equals("weekly")) { cal.add(Calendar.DATE, (7 * prepull)); } else if (timeResolution.equals("daily")) { cal.add(Calendar.DATE, prepull); } Date queryStartDate = cal.getTime(); //-- Handles Denominator Types -- // double[] divisors = new double[points.size()]; double multiplier = 1.0; boolean percentBased = false; String yAxisLabel = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.count", dss); boolean isDetectionDetector = !NoDetectorDetector.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(detectorClass); //if there is a denominator we need to further manipulate the data if (timeseriesDenominators != null && !timeseriesDenominators.isEmpty()) { // divisor is the sum of timeseriesDenominators divisors = totalSeriesValues(points, timeseriesDenominators); multiplier = 100.0; percentBased = true; yAxisLabel = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.percent", dss); } else { //the query is for total counts Arrays.fill(divisors, 1.0); } double[][] allCounts = new double[accumulations.size()][]; int[][] allColors = new int[accumulations.size()][]; String[][] allAltTexts = new String[accumulations.size()][]; String[] dates = new String[] { "" }; double[][] allExpecteds = new double[accumulations.size()][]; double[][] allLevels = new double[accumulations.size()][]; String[][] allLineSetURLs = new String[accumulations.size()][]; String[][] allSwitchInfo = new String[accumulations.size()][]; String[] lineSetLabels = new String[accumulations.size()]; boolean[] displayAlerts = new boolean[accumulations.size()]; //get all results Collection<Dimension> dims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(dss.getResultDimensions()); Collection<String> dimIds = ControllerUtils.getDimensionIdsFromCollection(dims); Collection<String> accIds = ControllerUtils.getDimensionIdsFromCollection(dss.getAccumulations()); //remove extra accumulations in the result set using string ids dimIds.removeAll(accIds); //for each accumulation we run detection and gather results int aIndex = 0; for (Dimension accumulation : accumulations) { String accumId = accumulation.getId(); // use display name if it has one, otherwise translate its ID String accumIdTranslated = accumulation.getDisplayName(); if (accumIdTranslated == null) { accumIdTranslated = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage(accumulation.getId(), dss); } TemporalDetectorInterface TDI = (TemporalDetectorInterface) DetectorHelper .createObject(detectorClass); TemporalDetectorSimpleDataObject TDDO = new TemporalDetectorSimpleDataObject(); int[] colors; double[] counts; String[] altTexts; double[] expecteds; double[] levels; String[] switchInfo; String[] urls; //pull the counts from the accum array points double[] seriesDoubleArray = generateSeriesValues(points, accumId); //run divisor before detection for (int i = 0; i < seriesDoubleArray.length; i++) { double div = divisors[i]; if (div == 0) { seriesDoubleArray[i] = 0.0; } else { seriesDoubleArray[i] = (seriesDoubleArray[i] / div) * multiplier; } } //run detection TDDO.setCounts(seriesDoubleArray); TDDO.setStartDate(startDate); TDDO.setTimeResolution(timeResolution); try { TDI.runDetector(TDDO); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Failure to create Timeseries"; if (e.getMessage() != null) { errorMessage = errorMessage + ":<BR>" + e.getMessage(); } result.put("message", errorMessage); result.put("success", false); return result; } TDDO.cropStartup(prepull); counts = TDDO.getCounts(); int tddoLength = counts.length; if (!DAILY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { //toggle between start date and end date //TDDO.setDates(getOurDates(startDate, endDate, tddoLength, timeResolution)); TDDO.setDates(getOurDates(queryStartDate, endDate, tddoLength, timeResolution, displayIntervalEndDate)); } double[] tcolors = TDDO.getColors(); Date[] tdates = TDDO.getDates(); altTexts = TDDO.getAltTexts(); expecteds = TDDO.getExpecteds(); levels = TDDO.getLevels(); switchInfo = TDDO.getSwitchInfo(); colors = new int[tddoLength]; dates = new String[tddoLength]; urls = new String[tddoLength]; //add the accumId for the current series dimIds.add(accumId); StringBuilder jsCall = new StringBuilder(); jsCall.append("{"); jsCall.append("dsId:'").append(dss.getClass().getName()).append("'"); //specify results jsCall.append(",results:[") .append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(dimIds, ",", "'", "'")).append(']'); //specify accumId jsCall.append(",accumId:'").append(accumId).append("'"); addJavaScriptFilters(jsCall, filters, dateFieldName); //this builds urls and hover texts int startDay = getWeekStartDay(resolutionHandlers); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(clientTimezone); // Calendar curr = Calendar.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < tddoLength; i++) { colors[i] = (int) tcolors[i]; // For a time series data point, set time to be current server time // This will allow us to convert this data point date object to be request timezone date c.setTime(tdates[i]); c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, timeOffsetMillies); if (timeResolution.equals(WEEKLY)) { dates[i] = dateFormatWeekPart.format(tdates[i]) + "-W" + PgSqlDateHelper.getWeekOfYear(startDay, c) + "-" + PgSqlDateHelper.getYear(startDay, c); } else { dates[i] = tmpDateFormat.format(c.getTime()); } altTexts[i] = "(" + accumIdTranslated + ") " + // Accum "Date: " + dates[i] + // Date ", Level: " + numFormat3.format(levels[i]) + // Level ", Count: " + ((int) counts[i]) + // Count ", Expected: " + numFormat1.format(expecteds[i]); // Expected if (switchInfo != null) { altTexts[i] += ", Switch: " + switchInfo[i] + ", "; } // build the click through url StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(jsCall.toString()); // add the date field with start and end dates from the data point if (!DAILY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { Calendar timeSet = Calendar.getInstance(clientTimezone); timeSet.setTime(tdates[i]); if (WEEKLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { timeSet.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, startDay + 1); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_start:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); timeSet.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 6); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_end:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); } else if (MONTHLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { // Compute last day of month timeSet.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); timeSet.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); timeSet.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_end:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); // set first day of month timeSet.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_start:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); } else if (YEARLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { // Compute last day of month timeSet.set(Calendar.DATE, 31); timeSet.add(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DECEMBER); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_end:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); timeSet.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); timeSet.add(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_start:'") .append(timeSet.getTimeInMillis()).append("'"); } } else { // compute end date for individual data points based on the selected resolution // detailsPointEndDate = computeEndDate(tdates[i],timeResolution); // add the date field with start and end dates from the data point tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_start:'").append(tdates[i].getTime()) .append("'"); tmp.append(",").append(dateFieldName).append("_end:'").append(tdates[i].getTime()) .append("'"); } tmp.append("});"); urls[i] = tmp.toString(); } allCounts[aIndex] = counts; allColors[aIndex] = colors; allAltTexts[aIndex] = altTexts; allExpecteds[aIndex] = expecteds; allLevels[aIndex] = levels; allLineSetURLs[aIndex] = urls; allSwitchInfo[aIndex] = switchInfo; lineSetLabels[aIndex] = accumIdTranslated; displayAlerts[aIndex] = isDetectionDetector; aIndex++; //remove the accumId for the next series dimIds.remove(accumId); } GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler hndl = new GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler(graphDir); GraphController gc = getGraphController(null, hndl, userPrincipalName); //TODO figure out why I (hodancj1) added this to be accumulation size ~Feb 2012 // gc.setMaxLegendItems(accumulations.size()); graphData.setShowSingleAlertLegends(isDetectionDetector); graphData.setCounts(allCounts); graphData.setColors(allColors); graphData.setAltTexts(allAltTexts); graphData.setXLabels(dates); graphData.setExpecteds(allExpecteds); graphData.setLevels(allLevels); graphData.setLineSetURLs(allLineSetURLs); graphData.setLineSetLabels(lineSetLabels); graphData.setDisplayAlerts(displayAlerts); // graphData.setDisplaySeverityAlerts(displayAlerts); graphData.setPercentBased(percentBased); graphData.setXAxisLabel(messageSource.getDataSourceMessage(group.getResolution(), dss)); graphData.setYAxisLabel(yAxisLabel); int maxLabels = graphData.getGraphWidth() / 30; graphData.setMaxLabeledCategoryTicks(Math.min(maxLabels, allCounts[0].length)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); GraphObject graph = gc.writeTimeSeriesGraph(sb, graphData, true, true, false, graphTimeSeriesUrl); result.put("html", sb.toString()); //added to build method calls from javascript Map<String, Object> graphConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(); graphConfig.put("address", graphTimeSeriesUrl); graphConfig.put("graphDataId", graph.getGraphDataId()); graphConfig.put("imageMapName", graph.getImageMapName()); graphConfig.put("graphTitle", graphData.getGraphTitle()); graphConfig.put("xAxisLabel", graphData.getXAxisLabel()); graphConfig.put("yAxisLabel", graphData.getYAxisLabel()); graphConfig.put("xLabels", graphData.getXLabels()); graphConfig.put("graphWidth", graphData.getGraphWidth()); graphConfig.put("graphHeight", graphData.getGraphHeight()); graphConfig.put("yAxisMin", graph.getYAxisMin()); graphConfig.put("yAxisMax", graph.getYAxisMax()); // fix invalid JSON coming from GraphController String dataSeriesJson = graph.getDataSeriesJSON().replaceFirst("\\{", "") // remove trailing "}" .substring(0, graph.getDataSeriesJSON().length() - 2); // read malformed JSON ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory jsonFactory = mapper.getJsonFactory() .configure(Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true) .configure(Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_CONTROL_CHARS, true); JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createJsonParser(dataSeriesJson); // array of String -> Object maps TypeReference<Map<String, Object>[]> dataSeriesType = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>[]>() { }; // write JSON as Map so that it can be serialized properly back to JSON Map<String, Object>[] seriesMap = mapper.readValue(jsonParser, dataSeriesType); graphConfig.put("dataSeriesJSON", seriesMap); if (includeDetails) { int totalPoints = 0; List<HashMap<String, Object>> details = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); HashMap<String, Object> detail; for (int i = 0; i < allCounts.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allCounts[i].length; j++) { totalPoints++; detail = new HashMap<String, Object>(); detail.put("Date", dates[j]); detail.put("Series", lineSetLabels[i]); detail.put("Level", allLevels[i][j]); detail.put("Count", allCounts[i][j]); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(allExpecteds[i])) { detail.put("Expected", allExpecteds[i][j]); } if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(allSwitchInfo[i])) { detail.put("Switch", allSwitchInfo[i][j]); } detail.put("Color", allColors[i][j]); details.add(detail); } } result.put("detailsTotalRows", totalPoints); result.put("details", details); } result.put("graphConfiguration", graphConfig); result.put("success", true); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<h2>" + messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.nodataline1", dss) + "</h2>"); sb.append("<p>" + messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.nodataline2", dss) + "</p>"); result.put("html", sb.toString()); result.put("success", true); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failure to create Timeseries", e); } return result; } protected DateFormat getDateFormat(String timeResolution) { DateFormat dateFormat = dateFormatDay; String formatKey = ""; String formatError = "[" + formatKey + "]"; String formatValue = ""; if (DAILY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { formatKey = ""; dateFormat = dateFormatDay; } else if (WEEKLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { formatKey = ""; dateFormat = dateFormatWeek; } else if (MONTHLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { formatKey = ""; dateFormat = dateFormatMonth; } else if (YEARLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { formatKey = ""; dateFormat = dateFormatYear; } formatError = "[" + formatKey + "]"; formatValue = messageSource.getMessage(formatKey); if (!"".equals(formatValue) && !formatError.equals(formatValue)) { try { dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(formatValue); } catch (Exception ex) { translationLog.error("Error parsing " + formatKey + " into a DateFormat", ex); } } return dateFormat; } //Original code taken from TemporalDetectorSimpleDataObserver.setupDates and reworked to better handle months private Date[] getOurDates(Date queryStartDate, Date endDate, int size, String timeResolution, boolean displayIntervalEndDate) { Date startDate = queryStartDate; if (displayIntervalEndDate) { startDate = computeResolutionBasedEndDate(queryStartDate, timeResolution, endDate); } Date[] dates = new Date[size]; String tr = timeResolution; if (tr == null) { tr = DAILY; } int zeroFillInterval = intervalMap.keySet().contains(timeResolution) ? intervalMap.get(timeResolution) : -1; if (startDate != null && size >= 0) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); //forward point allows us to place the accumulated data at the front int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { //reset date to avoid unexpected date changes cal.setTime(startDate); cal.add(zeroFillInterval, 1 * i); if (endDate != null && cal.getTime().after(endDate)) { cal.setTime(endDate); } //store date after interval addition dates[i] = cal.getTime(); } } return dates; } /** * Compute end date based on time resolution. Defaults to the original date unless the resolution is weekly, monthly * or yearly in which case it is padded accordingly. * * @param maxDate optionally used to keep the computed date below a maxDate (end date for the query for example) * @return Date */ private Date computeResolutionBasedEndDate(Date startDate, String timeResolution, Date maxDate) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(startDate); if (WEEKLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); } else if (MONTHLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); } else if (YEARLY.equalsIgnoreCase(timeResolution)) { cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); } else { //do nothing for daily currently } //we want the end date/label to not exceed the query end date if (maxDate != null && cal.getTime().after(maxDate)) { cal.setTime(maxDate); } return cal.getTime(); } private GraphObject createGraph(OeDataSource dataSource, final String userPrincipalName, final Collection<Record> records, final Dimension dimension, final Dimension filter, final Dimension accumulation, DefaultGraphData data, ChartModel chart, List<Filter> filters) { String filterId = (filter == null) ? dimension.getId() : filter.getId(); Map<String, String> possibleKeyValueMap = null; if (dimension.getPossibleValuesConfiguration() != null && dimension.getPossibleValuesConfiguration().getData() != null) { List<List<Object>> dataMap = dimension.getPossibleValuesConfiguration().getData(); possibleKeyValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataMap.size(); i++) { String dispVal = dataMap.get(i).size() == 2 ? dataMap.get(i).get(1).toString() : dataMap.get(i).get(0).toString(); possibleKeyValueMap.put(dataMap.get(i).get(0).toString(), dispVal); } } GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler hndl = new GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler(graphDir); GraphObject graph = null; Color[] colorsFromHex = null; //only set an array if they provided one if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(chart.getGraphBaseColors())) { colorsFromHex = ControllerUtils.getColorsFromHex(Color.BLUE, chart.getGraphBaseColors()); //TODO when we limit the series these colors need augmented. Create a map of id = graphbasecolor[index] first, then use that map to create a //new graph base color array that combines the parameter list with the default list... data.setGraphBaseColors(colorsFromHex); } GraphController gc = getGraphController(null, hndl, userPrincipalName); List<Record> recs = new ArrayList<Record>(records); String otherLabel = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.category.other", dataSource); LinkedHashMap<String, ChartData> recordMap = getRecordMap(recs, accumulation.getId(), dimension.getId(), filterId); //perform series limit recordMap = ControllerUtils.getSortedAndLimitedChartDataMap(recordMap, chart.getCategoryLimit(), otherLabel); //if there is no data (all zeros for a pie chart) the chart will not display anything if (!ControllerUtils.isCollectionValued(getCountsForChart(recordMap)) && !chart.isShowNoDataGraph()) { //this will hide the title and message if there is no data data.setGraphTitle(""); data.setNoDataMessage(""); } // Create urls for each slice/bar DataSeriesSource dss = null; StringBuilder jsCall = new StringBuilder(); jsCall.append("{"); if (dataSource instanceof DataSeriesSource) { dss = (DataSeriesSource) dataSource; Collection<Dimension> dims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(dss.getResultDimensions()); Collection<String> dimIds = ControllerUtils.getDimensionIdsFromCollection(dims); Collection<Dimension> accums = new ArrayList<Dimension>(dss.getAccumulations()); for (Dimension d : accums) { if (dimIds.contains(d.getId()) && d.getId().equals(accumulation.getId())) { } else { dimIds.remove(d.getId()); } } jsCall.append("dsId:'").append(dss.getClass().getName()).append("'"); //specify results jsCall.append(",results:[").append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(dimIds, ",", "'", "'")) .append(']'); //specify accumId jsCall.append(",accumId:'").append(accumulation.getId()).append("'"); addJavaScriptFilters(jsCall, filters, dimension.getId()); } int rSize = recordMap.size(); int aSize = 1; String[] lbl = new String[rSize]; String[][] txtb = new String[1][rSize]; double[][] bardat = new double[aSize][rSize]; String[][] txtp = new String[rSize][1]; double[][] piedat = new double[rSize][aSize]; String[][] urlsP = new String[rSize][1]; String[][] urlsB = new String[1][rSize]; int i = 0; double totalCount = 0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); for (String key : recordMap.keySet()) { if (recordMap.get(key) != null && recordMap.get(key).getCount() != null && !recordMap.get(key).getCount().isNaN()) { totalCount += recordMap.get(key).getCount(); } } for (String key : recordMap.keySet()) { Double dubVal = recordMap.get(key).getCount(); String strPercentVal = df.format(100 * dubVal / totalCount); lbl[i] = recordMap.get(key).getName(); //create bar data set bardat[0][i] = dubVal; txtb[0][i] = lbl[i] + " - " + Double.toString(dubVal) + " (" + strPercentVal + "%)"; if (lbl[i].length() > DEFAULT_LABEL_LENGTH) { lbl[i] = lbl[i].substring(0, DEFAULT_LABEL_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } //create pie data set piedat[i][0] = dubVal; txtp[i][0] = lbl[i] + " - " + Double.toString(dubVal) + " (" + strPercentVal + "%)"; if (lbl[i].length() > DEFAULT_LABEL_LENGTH) { lbl[i] = lbl[i].substring(0, DEFAULT_LABEL_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } //TODO all "Others" to return details of all results except for those in recordMap.keyset //We need a "Not" filter if (!otherLabel.equals(key)) { if (dataSource instanceof DataSeriesSource) { if (dimension.getId().equals(filterId) && possibleKeyValueMap != null) { if (possibleKeyValueMap.containsKey(key)) { urlsP[i][0] = jsCall.toString() + "," + filterId + ":'" + key + "'" + "});"; urlsB[0][i] = jsCall.toString() + "," + filterId + ":'" + key + "'" + "});"; } else { urlsP[i][0] = jsCall.toString() + "});"; urlsB[0][i] = jsCall.toString() + "});"; } } else { if (key == null || key.equals("") || key.equals(messageSource.getMessage("graph.dimension.null", "Empty Value"))) { // TODO: This is when we have an ID field also marked as isResult:true and the value is null // We can not provide url param filterId:null as field can be numeric and we get a java.lang.NumberFormatException... urlsP[i][0] = jsCall.toString() + "});"; urlsB[0][i] = jsCall.toString() + "});"; } else { urlsP[i][0] = jsCall.toString() + "," + filterId + ":'" + key + "'" + "});"; urlsB[0][i] = jsCall.toString() + "," + filterId + ":'" + key + "'" + "});"; } } } } i++; } if (BAR.equalsIgnoreCase(chart.getType())) { data.setCounts(bardat); data.setXLabels(lbl); data.setMaxLabeledCategoryTicks(rSize); data.setAltTexts(txtb); if (jsCall.length() > 0) { data.setLineSetURLs(urlsB); } //TODO add encoding? graph = gc.createBarGraph(data, false, true); } else if (PIE.equalsIgnoreCase(chart.getType())) { data.setCounts(piedat); data.setLineSetLabels(lbl); data.setAltTexts(txtp); if (jsCall.length() > 0) { data.setLineSetURLs(urlsP); } graph = gc.createPieGraph(data, Encoding.PNG_WITH_TRANSPARENCY); } return graph; } private Collection<Double> getCountsForChart(LinkedHashMap<String, ChartData> recordMap) { Collection<Double> counts = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (String id : recordMap.keySet()) { counts.add(recordMap.get(id).getCount()); } return counts; } private LinkedHashMap<String, ChartData> getRecordMap(List<Record> records, String accumId, String dimensionId, String filterId) { LinkedHashMap<String, ChartData> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ChartData>(records.size()); int rSize = records.size(); for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++) { Record record = records.get(i); Object accumValue = record.getValue(accumId); Object dimenValue = record.getValue(dimensionId); Object filterValue = record.getValue(filterId == null ? dimensionId : filterId); String dimenString = ""; String filterString = ""; if (dimenValue != null) { dimenString = String.valueOf(dimenValue); } else { dimenString = messageSource.getMessage("graph.dimension.null"); } if (filterValue != null) { filterString = convertFilter(filterValue); } else { filterString = messageSource.getMessage("graph.dimension.null"); } try { Double dubVal = Double.NaN; if (accumValue != null) { dubVal = Double.valueOf(accumValue.toString()); } map.put(filterString, new ChartData(filterString, dimenString, dubVal)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } return map; } @RequestMapping("/graphTimeSeries") public void graphTimeSeries(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, @RequestParam("graphDataId") String dataId, @RequestParam(required = false) String graphTitle, @RequestParam(required = false) String xAxisLabel, // TODO put these all in a graph model object and let Spring deserialize from JSON @RequestParam(required = false) String yAxisLabel, @RequestParam(required = false) Double yAxisMin, @RequestParam(required = false) Double yAxisMax, @RequestParam(required = false) String dataDisplayKey, @RequestParam(required = false) String getImageMap, @RequestParam(required = false) String imageType, @RequestParam(required = false) String resolution, @RequestParam(required = false) String getHighResFile) throws GraphException, IOException { GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler hndl = new GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler(graphDir); GraphController gc = getGraphController(dataId, hndl, req.getUserPrincipal().getName()); GraphDataInterface data = hndl.getGraphData(dataId); if (graphTitle != null) { data.setGraphTitle(graphTitle); } if (xAxisLabel != null) { data.setXAxisLabel(xAxisLabel); } if (yAxisLabel != null) { data.setYAxisLabel(yAxisLabel); } GraphObject graph = gc.createTimeSeriesGraph(data, yAxisMin, yAxisMax, dataDisplayKey); BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(resp.getOutputStream()); if (getImageMap != null && (getImageMap.equals("1") || getImageMap.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) { resp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=utf-8"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(graph.getImageMap()); out.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); } else { resp.setContentType("image/png;charset=utf-8"); String filename = graph.getImageFileName(); filename = filename.replaceAll("\\s", "_"); resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); int imageResolution = 300; if (resolution != null) { try { imageResolution = Integer.parseInt(resolution); graph.writeChartAsHighResolutionPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight(), imageResolution); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } else { graph.writeChartAsPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight()); } } } @RequestMapping("/graphBar") public void graphBar(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, @RequestParam("graphDataId") String dataId, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer resolution) throws GraphException, IOException { GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler hndl = new GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler(graphDir); GraphController gc = getGraphController(dataId, hndl, req.getUserPrincipal().getName()); GraphDataInterface data = hndl.getGraphData(dataId); GraphObject graph = gc.createBarGraph(data, false); String filename = graph.getImageFileName(); filename = filename.replaceAll("\\s", "_"); resp.setContentType("image/png;charset=utf-8"); resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); // why can't the graph module handle this? if (resolution == null) { graph.writeChartAsPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight()); } else { graph.writeChartAsHighResolutionPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight(), resolution); } } @RequestMapping("/graphPie") public void graphPie(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, @RequestParam("graphDataId") String dataId, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer resolution) throws GraphException, IOException { GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler hndl = new GraphDataSerializeToDiskHandler(graphDir); GraphController gc = getGraphController(dataId, hndl, req.getUserPrincipal().getName()); GraphDataInterface data = hndl.getGraphData(dataId); GraphObject graph = gc.createPieGraph(data); String filename = graph.getImageFileName(); filename = filename.replaceAll("\\s", "_"); resp.setContentType("image/png;charset=utf-8"); resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); // why can't the graph module handle this? if (resolution == null) { graph.writeChartAsPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight()); } else { graph.writeChartAsHighResolutionPNG(out, data.getGraphWidth(), data.getGraphHeight(), resolution); } } @RequestMapping("/detailsQuery") public @ResponseBody DataSourceDetails detailsQuery(WebRequest request, @RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds, @RequestParam(value = "firstrecord", defaultValue = "0") long firstRecord, @RequestParam(value = "pagesize", defaultValue = "200") long pageSize) throws ErrorMessageException, OeDataSourceException, OeDataSourceAccessException { List<Filter> filters = new Filters().getFilters(request.getParameterMap(), ds, null, 0, null, 0); List<Dimension> results = ControllerUtils.getResultDimensionsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("results")); List<Dimension> accumulations = ControllerUtils.getAccumulationsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("accumId")); final List<OrderByFilter> sorts = new ArrayList<OrderByFilter>(); try { sorts.addAll(Sorters.getSorters(request.getParameterMap())); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to get sorters, using default ordering"); } String clientTimezone = null; String timezoneEnabledString = messageSource.getMessage(TIMEZONE_ENABLED, "false"); if (timezoneEnabledString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { clientTimezone = ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezoneAsHourMinuteString(request); } return new DetailsQuery().performDetailsQuery(ds, results, accumulations, filters, sorts, false, clientTimezone, firstRecord, pageSize, true); } @RequestMapping("/detailsPivot") public @ResponseBody DataSourceDetails detailsPivot(WebRequest request, @RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds, @RequestParam(value = "pivotX") String pivotX, @RequestParam(value = "pivotY") String pivotY, @RequestParam(value = "firstrecord", defaultValue = "0") long firstRecord, @RequestParam(value = "pagesize", defaultValue = "200") long pageSize) throws ErrorMessageException, OeDataSourceException, OeDataSourceAccessException { // Do the normal details query using the pivots as dimensions DataSourceDetails details = this.detailsQuery(request, ds, firstRecord, pageSize); // Expand the sparse results into a full matrix Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> matrix = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>(); matrix.put("Total", new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>()); // TODO: Colin: (Round 2 feature) Perform some check to disable the pivot button if the report doesn't have an ACCUM field, or if it only has 1 "DS" field // TODO: Colin: (Round 2 feature) Put this where the button gets created in a JS file. String accum = null; for (String key : details.getRows().get(0).keySet()) { if (!key.equals(pivotX) && !key.equals(pivotY)) { accum = key; break; } } for (Map<String, Object> row : details.getRows()) { // Add a new column to the matrix for the value of the pivotX dimension if needed // Otherwise, find the column for the value of the pivotX dimension Map<String, Integer> col; if (!matrix.containsKey(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotX)))) { col = (matrix.size() < 1) ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>() : new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(matrix.get(matrix.keySet().iterator().next())); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : col.entrySet()) { col.put(e.getKey(), null); } matrix.put(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotX)), col); } else { col = matrix.get(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotX))); } // Make sure that every column in the matrix has a key for the value of the pivotY dimension // If not, set it to 0 for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> e : matrix.entrySet()) { if (!e.getValue().containsKey(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotY)))) { e.getValue().put(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotY)), null); } } // Set the pivotX column at pivotY as the value of the accumulation col.put(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotY)), (Integer) row.get(accum)); // Add the accumulation value to the total matrix for bookkeeping Integer oldValue = matrix.get("Total").get(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotY))); oldValue = (oldValue != null) ? oldValue : 0; matrix.get("Total").put(String.valueOf(row.get(pivotY)), oldValue + (Integer) row.get(accum)); } // Calculate totals for each column for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> row : matrix.entrySet()) { Integer total = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> col : row.getValue().entrySet()) { if (col.getValue() != null) { total += col.getValue(); } } row.getValue().put("Total", total); } // Move the total column to the end matrix.put("Total", matrix.remove("Total")); // Reformat the expanded data back into rows for the grid List<Map<String, Object>> rows = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (String key : matrix.get(matrix.keySet().iterator().next()).keySet()) { Map<String, Object> row = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); row.put(pivotY, key); for (String col : matrix.keySet()) { row.put(col, matrix.get(col).get(key)); } rows.add(row); } DataSourceDetails pivotDetails = new DataSourceDetails(); pivotDetails.setRows(rows); pivotDetails.setTotalRecords(rows.size()); return pivotDetails; } private int getCalWeekStartDay(Map<String, ResolutionHandler> resolutionHandlers) { ResolutionHandler handler = resolutionHandlers.get("weekly"); int startDay; if (handler == null || !(handler instanceof PgSqlWeeklyHandler)) { switch (Integer.parseInt(messageSource.getMessage("", Integer.toString(DEFAULT_WEEK_STARTDAY)))) { case 0: startDay = Calendar.SUNDAY; break; case 2: startDay = Calendar.TUESDAY; break; case 3: startDay = Calendar.WEDNESDAY; break; case 4: startDay = Calendar.THURSDAY; break; case 5: startDay = Calendar.FRIDAY; break; case 6: startDay = Calendar.SATURDAY; break; default: startDay = Calendar.MONDAY; break; } return startDay; } return ((PgSqlWeeklyHandler) handler).getCalWeekStartDay(); } private int getWeekStartDay(Map<String, ResolutionHandler> resolutionHandlers) { ResolutionHandler handler = resolutionHandlers.get("weekly"); if (handler == null || !(handler instanceof PgSqlWeeklyHandler)) { return Integer.parseInt( messageSource.getMessage("", Integer.toString(DEFAULT_WEEK_STARTDAY))); } return ((PgSqlWeeklyHandler) handler).getWeekStartDay(); } /** * Extracts AccumPoint from a Collection of <code>records</code> where * * @param principal, used for logging */ private List<AccumPoint> extractAccumulationPoints(String principal, DataSeriesSource ds, final Collection<Record> records, Date startDate, Date endDate, List<Dimension> accumulations, final GroupingImpl group, Map<String, ResolutionHandler> resolutionHandlers) { + principal); int startDayCal = getCalWeekStartDay(resolutionHandlers); int startDay = getWeekStartDay(resolutionHandlers); String resolution = group.getResolution(); final String groupId = group.getId(); int zeroFillInterval = intervalMap.keySet().contains(resolution) ? intervalMap.get(resolution) : -1; GroupingDimension grpdim = ds.getGroupingDimension(group.getId()); if (zeroFillInterval != -1 && (grpdim.getSqlType() == FieldType.DATE || grpdim.getSqlType() == FieldType.DATE_TIME)) { ArrayList<AccumPoint> fullVector = new ArrayList<AccumPoint>(records.size()); //create zero points for each accumulation Map<String, Number> zeroes = new HashMap<String, Number>(); for (Dimension accumulation : accumulations) { zeroes.put(accumulation.getId(), 0); } if (records.size() > 0) { final Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(startDate); Iterator<Record> recordsIterator = records.iterator(); Record currRecord = (recordsIterator.hasNext()) ? : null; //currently iterates over data incrementing cal by the resolution (weekly, daily etc) for (int i = 1; !cal.getTime().after(endDate); i++) { // if (DAILY.equalsIgnoreCase(resolution)) { boolean addRecord = false; if (currRecord != null) { // 2013/03/25, SCC, GGF, There are some weird edge cases with selecting data ranges that span // the EDT/EST cross-overs. Sometimes the "filter" will have the "23:00" and the data will have // "00:00". So, since we only care about the "date" anyway, clear out any subordinate fields. // Database record date (set hour, minute, second, millisec to 0) final Calendar rowValue = Calendar.getInstance(); rowValue.setTime((Date) currRecord.getValue(groupId)); rowValue.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); rowValue.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); rowValue.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); rowValue.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // looping variable date (set hour, minute, second, millisec to 0) final Calendar calValue = Calendar.getInstance(); calValue.setTime(cal.getTime()); calValue.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calValue.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calValue.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calValue.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if (resolution.equalsIgnoreCase(DAILY) && rowValue.equals(calValue)) { addRecord = true; } else { Calendar currRecCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); currRecCalendar.setTime((Date) currRecord.getValue(groupId)); if (resolution.equalsIgnoreCase(WEEKLY)) { if (PgSqlDateHelper.getYear(startDay, cal) == PgSqlDateHelper.getYear(startDay, currRecCalendar) && PgSqlDateHelper.getWeekOfYear(startDay, cal) == PgSqlDateHelper .getWeekOfYear(startDay, currRecCalendar)) { addRecord = true; } } else if (resolution.equalsIgnoreCase(MONTHLY)) { if (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == currRecCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == currRecCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)) { addRecord = true; } } } if (addRecord) { //if the current record matches the date put it in fullVector.add(createAccumulationPoint(currRecord, accumulations)); currRecord = (recordsIterator.hasNext()) ? : null; } } if (!addRecord) { //add a zero fill Map<String, Dimension> m = new HashMap<String, Dimension>(); m.put(groupId, ds.getResultDimension(groupId)); HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(groupId, cal.getTime()); Record r = new QueryRecord(m, map); fullVector.add(new AccumPointImpl(zeroes, r)); } if (resolution.equalsIgnoreCase(WEEKLY)) { // add 7 days if current date falls on week start date if (i != 1) { cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1); } else { cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); while (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != startDayCal) { cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); } } } else { // reset the date each time to account for +month oddness cal.setTime(startDate); // increment the interval cal.add(zeroFillInterval, 1 * i); } } } return fullVector; } else { //pretty sure this is raw non filled List<AccumPoint> rawVector = new ArrayList<AccumPoint>(records.size()); for (Record record : records) { rawVector.add(createAccumulationPoint(record, accumulations)); } return rawVector; } } private AccumPoint createAccumulationPoint(Record record, List<Dimension> accumulations) { Map<String, Number> values = new LinkedHashMap<String, Number>(); for (Dimension a : accumulations) { Object value = record.getValue(a.getId()); Number number = (Number) value; values.put(a.getId(), number); } AccumPoint accumPoint = new AccumPointImpl(values, record); return accumPoint; } /** * Takes a List of SeriesPoints and generates a double array that holds the value of each SeriesPoint * * @param seriespoints - List<AccumPoint> whose values need to be extracted into a double[] for detectors * @param dimId - The dimension id to pull from each AccumPoint * @return pointarray - double[] that holds all the values from the passed in list of SeriesPoint */ private double[] generateSeriesValues(List<AccumPoint> seriespoints, String dimId) { //List<Number> pointlist = new ArrayList<Number>(); double[] pointarray = new double[seriespoints.size()]; int i = 0; for (AccumPoint point : seriespoints) { //pointlist.add(point.getValue()); if (point != null && point.getValue(dimId) != null) { pointarray[i] = point.getValue(dimId).doubleValue(); } else { pointarray[i] = Double.NaN; } i++; } return pointarray; } /** * Takes a List of AccumPoints and generates a double array that holds the total of accumulations * * @param points - List<AccumPoint> whose values need to be extracted into a double[] for detectors * @param dimensions - The list of dimensions to sum from each AccumPoint * @return double[] that holds all the values from the passed in list of SeriesPoint */ private double[] totalSeriesValues(List<AccumPoint> points, List<Dimension> dimensions) { double[] totalArray = new double[points.size()]; int i = 0; for (AccumPoint point : points) { if (point != null) { for (Dimension dim : dimensions) { Number value = point.getValue(dim.getId()); if (value != null) { totalArray[i] = totalArray[i] + value.doubleValue(); } } } else { totalArray[i] = Double.NaN; } i++; } return totalArray; } /** * Returns a File Download Dialog for a file containing information in the data details grid. * * @param request the request contains needed parameters: the 'results' headers that appear in the grid * @param response the response object for this request */ @RequestMapping("/exportGridToFile") public void exportGridToFile(@RequestParam("dsId") JdbcOeDataSource ds, ServletWebRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ErrorMessageException, IOException { TimeZone timezone = ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezone(request); response.setContentType("application/json;charset=utf-8"); final List<Filter> filters = new Filters().getFilters(request.getParameterMap(), ds, null, 0, null, 0); final List<Dimension> results = ControllerUtils.getResultDimensionsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("results")); final List<String> columnHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Dimension result : results) { if (result.getDisplayName() != null) { columnHeaders.add(result.getDisplayName()); } else { columnHeaders.add(messageSource.getDataSourceMessage(result.getId(), ds)); } } final List<Dimension> accumulations = ControllerUtils.getAccumulationsByIds(ds, request.getParameterValues("accumId")); final List<OrderByFilter> sorts = new ArrayList<OrderByFilter>(); try { sorts.addAll(Sorters.getSorters(request.getParameterMap())); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to get sorters, using default ordering"); } String clientTimezone = null; String timezoneEnabledString = messageSource.getMessage(TIMEZONE_ENABLED, "false"); if (timezoneEnabledString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { clientTimezone = ControllerUtils.getRequestTimezoneAsHourMinuteString(request); } Collection<Record> points = new DetailsQuery().performDetailsQuery(ds, results, accumulations, filters, sorts, false, clientTimezone); response.setContentType("text/csv;charset=utf-8"); String filename = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("panel.details.export.file", ds) + "-" + new DateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss") + ".csv"; response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); // Cache-Control = cache and Pragma = cache enable IE to download files over SSL. response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "cache"); FileExportUtil.exportGridToCSV(response.getWriter(), columnHeaders.toArray(new String[columnHeaders.size()]), points, timezone); } private String appendUrlParameter(String url, String param, String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(url); if (url.contains("?")) { sb.append('&'); } else { sb.append('?'); } URLCodec codec = new URLCodec(); try { sb.append(codec.encode(param)); } catch (EncoderException e) { log.error("Exception encoding URL param " + param, e); } try { sb.append('=').append(codec.encode(value)); } catch (EncoderException e) { log.error("Exception encoding URL value " + value, e); } return sb.toString(); } /** * If the graph.font property is specified, append its value as a parameter to the given URL. Otherwise, do * nothing. * * @return new URL */ private String appendGraphFontParam(JdbcOeDataSource dataSource, String url) { try { String graphFont = messageSource.getDataSourceMessage("graph.font", dataSource); return appendUrlParameter(url, "font", graphFont); } catch (NoSuchMessageException e) { log.debug("Property graph.font not found, using default"); return url; } } /** * Get a new GraphContoller instance with sane metadata */ private GraphController getGraphController(String graphDataId, GraphDataHandlerInterface graphDataHandler, String userId) { final String graphFont = messageSource.getMessage("graph.font", "Arial"); GraphController graphController = new GraphController(graphDataId, graphDataHandler, userId) { // TODO graph module needs to be totally rewritten private void setGraphMetaData(Map<String, Object> graphMetaData) { graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.GRAPH_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.BOLD, 14)); graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.GRAPH_Y_AXIS_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.BOLD, 12)); graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.GRAPH_Y_AXIS_LABEL_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.BOLD, 12)); graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.GRAPH_X_AXIS_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.PLAIN, 11)); graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.GRAPH_X_AXIS_LABEL_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.PLAIN, 12)); graphMetaData.put(GraphSource.LEGEND_FONT, new Font(graphFont, Font.PLAIN, 12)); } @Override public void setTimeSeriesGraphMetaData(GraphDataInterface graphData, Double yAxisMin, Double yAxisMax, double maxCount, Map<String, Object> graphMetaData) { super.setTimeSeriesGraphMetaData(graphData, yAxisMin, yAxisMax, maxCount, graphMetaData); setGraphMetaData(graphMetaData); } @Override public void setBarGraphMetaData(GraphDataInterface graphData, boolean stackGraph, Map<String, Object> graphMetaData) { super.setBarGraphMetaData(graphData, stackGraph, graphMetaData); setGraphMetaData(graphMetaData); } @Override public void setPieGraphMetaData(GraphDataInterface graphData, Map<String, Object> graphMetaData, List<PointInterface> points) { super.setPieGraphMetaData(graphData, graphMetaData, points); setGraphMetaData(graphMetaData); } }; Map<String, String> translationMap = graphController.getTranslationMap(); translationMap.put("Normal", messageSource.getMessage("graph.normal")); translationMap.put("Warning", messageSource.getMessage("graph.warning")); translationMap.put("Alert", messageSource.getMessage("graph.alert")); graphController.setTranslationMap(translationMap); return graphController; } /** * Used to add all of the given filters to the JavaScript callback. This is intended to fix the issue when the user * selects more than 1 item in a multi-select filter box. It will also handle converting dates into their numeric * format for later parsing on the backend. * * @param javaScript The string builder that contains the JavaScript callback information. * @param filters The filters to add. * @param ignoredField Sometimes, we want to ignore adding a certain filter to the callback. */ private static void addJavaScriptFilters(final StringBuilder javaScript, final Collection<Filter> filters, final String ignoredField) { if ((filters != null) && (!filters.isEmpty())) { for (final Filter filter : filters) { if ((filter != null) && (filter instanceof FieldFilter)) { final FieldFilter fieldFilter = (FieldFilter) filter; final String id = fieldFilter.getFilterId(); final List<Object> arguments = fieldFilter.getArguments(); if ((id != null) && (!id.equals(ignoredField)) && (arguments != null) && (!arguments.isEmpty())) { if (arguments.size() == 1) { final Object value = arguments.get(0); if (fieldFilter instanceof LteqFilter) { javaScript.append(",").append(id).append("_end:'").append(convertFilter(value)) .append("'"); } else if (fieldFilter instanceof GteqFilter) { javaScript.append(",").append(id).append("_start:'").append(convertFilter(value)) .append("'"); } else { javaScript.append(",").append(id).append(":'").append(convertFilter(value)) .append("'"); } } else { javaScript.append(",").append(id).append(":["); for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < arguments.size(); loopIndex++) { javaScript.append(loopIndex == 0 ? "" : ",").append("'") .append(convertFilter(arguments.get(loopIndex))).append("'"); } javaScript.append("]"); } } } } } } /** * Used to convert the given dimension value into a Javascript-safe function call value. * * <p> In the event that the object is a <code>java.util.Date</code>, the numeric will be returned. * * <p> If <code>null</code> is given, then an empty string is returned. * * @param value The dimension value to be converted. * @return The safe string representation of the given value. */ private static String convertFilter(final Object value) { // // All Reserved Chars: ! # $ & ' ( ) * + , / : ; = ? @ [ ] // Others Handled: % < > ` ~ ^ | { } . - " \ _ // If a literal _ or % (the single char and variable char wild card symbols in PostgreSQL) // are desired in the filter criteria, then they need to be backslash escaped by the user. // Yes, some need lots of backslashes due to various levels of decoding between PostgreSQL, Java, Javascript if (value == null) { return ""; } else if (value instanceof Date) { return String.valueOf(((Date) value).getTime()); } else { return String.valueOf(value).replaceAll("%", "%25") // To fix query filters: %fever% .replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\") // To fix chart groupings: This is a sad face :\ .replaceAll("'", "\\\\'") // To fix chart groupings: Prince George's .replaceAll("\"", """) // To fix chart groupings: Bob said "his quote". .replaceAll(" ", "%20"); } } }