Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2013 Johns Hopkins University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.DbPoolServlet;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.DbPoolServlet.SqlWorker;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.api.exceptions.NotFoundException;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.Node;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.Node.PropertyType;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.NodeFactory;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.NodeInfo;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.NodePath;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.NodeType;
import edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId;

 * This class represents a metadata store for VOSpace based on the MySQL
 * open source database
public class MySQLMetaStore2 implements MetaStore {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MySQLMetaStore2.class);
    private String owner;

    public MySQLMetaStore2(String username) {
        this.owner = username;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.caltech.vao.vospace.meta.MetaStore#getNodeBytes(java.lang.String)
    public byte[] getNodeBytes(final VospaceId identifier) {
        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("Retrieving node " + identifier + " for user " + owner + " from meta DB",
                "SELECT node FROM nodes JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "WHERE `current_rev` = 1 AND `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?",
                new SqlWorker<byte[]>() {
                    public byte[] go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, owner);
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                        if (
                            return rs.getBytes(1);
                        else {
                            logger.error("Node " + identifier.toString() + " not found.");
                            throw new NotFoundException("NodeNotFound");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.caltech.vao.vospace.meta.MetaStore#getNodeChildren(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, boolean)
    public NodesList getNodeChildren(final VospaceId identifier, final boolean searchDeep /*always false*/,
            final boolean includeDeleted /*not used*/, final int start, final int count) {
        if (identifier.getNodePath().isRoot(false)) {
            String deletedCondition = includeDeleted ? "" : "nodes.`deleted` = 0 AND ";
            return DbPoolServlet.goSql("GetNodeChildren root request",
                    "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS containers.container_name as container, nodes.rev, nodes.deleted, nodes.mtime, nodes.size, nodes.mimetype, nodes.type "
                            + "FROM nodes JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                            + "WHERE " + deletedCondition
                            + "`parent_node_id` is NULL AND `identity` = ? AND `container_name` <> '' order by container "
                            + ((count > 0) ? " limit ?, ?" : ""),
                    new SqlWorker<NodesList>() {
                        public NodesList go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                            ArrayList<Node> result = new ArrayList<Node>();
                            int countRows = 0;

                            stmt.setString(1, owner);

                            if (count > 0) {
                                stmt.setInt(2, start);
                                stmt.setInt(3, count);

                            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                            while ( {
                                try {
                                    VospaceId id = new VospaceId(new NodePath(rs.getString("container")));

                                    NodeInfo info = new NodeInfo();
                                    info.setMtime(new Date(rs.getTimestamp("mtime").getTime()));

                                    Node newNode = NodeFactory.createNode(id, owner,

                                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                                    logger.error("Error in child URI: " + e.getMessage());

                            ResultSet resSet = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
                            countRows = resSet.getInt(1);

                            return new NodesList(result, countRows);
        } else {
            String deletedCondition = includeDeleted ? "" : "nodes.`deleted` = 0 AND ";
            String request = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS containers.container_name as container, nodes.path, nodes.rev, nodes.deleted, nodes.mtime, nodes.size, nodes.mimetype, nodes.type "
                    + "FROM nodes JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                    + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                    + "JOIN nodes b ON nodes.parent_node_id = b.node_id " + "WHERE " + deletedCondition
                    + "containers.container_name = ? AND b.`path` = ? AND `identity` = ? order by path "
                    + ((count > 0) ? " limit ?, ?" : "");

            return DbPoolServlet.goSql("GetNodeChildren request", request, new SqlWorker<NodesList>() {
                public NodesList go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                    ArrayList<Node> result = new ArrayList<Node>();
                    int countRows = 0;

                    stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                    stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                    stmt.setString(3, owner);

                    if (count > 0) {
                        stmt.setInt(4, start);
                        stmt.setInt(5, count);

                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                    while ( {
                        try {
                            VospaceId id = new VospaceId(
                                    new NodePath(rs.getString("container") + "/" + rs.getString("path")));

                            NodeInfo info = new NodeInfo();
                            info.setMtime(new Date(rs.getTimestamp("mtime").getTime()));

                            Node newNode = NodeFactory.createNode(id, owner,

                        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                            logger.error("Error in child URI: " + e.getMessage());

                    ResultSet resSet = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
                    countRows = resSet.getInt(1);

                    return new NodesList(result, countRows);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#getNodeInfo(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId)
    public NodeInfo getNodeInfo(final VospaceId identifier) {
        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("Retrieving node info",
                "select rev, deleted, nodes.mtime, nodes.size, mimetype, chunked_name from nodes "
                        + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                        + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "LEFT JOIN chunked_uploads ON nodes.node_id = chunked_uploads.node_id "
                        + "WHERE current_rev = 1 and container_name = ? and path = ? and identity = ?",
                new SqlWorker<NodeInfo>() {
                    public NodeInfo go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        NodeInfo info = new NodeInfo();

                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, owner);

                        ResultSet resSet = stmt.executeQuery();

                        if ( {
                            info.setMtime(new Date(resSet.getTimestamp("mtime").getTime()));
                        } else {
                            throw new NotFoundException("NodeNotFound");

                        return info;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#getType(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId)
    public NodeType getType(final VospaceId identifier) {
        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("Get node type",
                "select nodes.type from nodes JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "WHERE `current_rev` = 1 and `container_name` = ? and `path` = ? and `identity` = ?",
                new SqlWorker<NodeType>() {
                    public NodeType go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, owner);
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                        if ( {
                            return NodeType.valueOf(NodeType.class, rs.getString(1));
                        } else {
                            throw new NotFoundException("NodeNotFound");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#incrementRevision(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId)
    public void incrementRevision(final VospaceId identifier) {
    DbPoolServlet.goSql("Updating node "+identifier+" current revision",
            "UPDATE nodes SET rev = rev+1 "+
                  "WHERE current_rev = 1 AND node_id = "+
                  "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes JOIN containers "+
                  "ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities "+
                  "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",
            new SqlWorker<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                    stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                    stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                    stmt.setString(3, owner);
                    int upd = stmt.executeUpdate();
                    if (upd > 0)
                        return true;
                    else {
                       logger.error("Node "+identifier.toString()+" not found in incrementRevision.");
                        throw new NotFoundException("NodeNotFound");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.caltech.vao.vospace.meta.MetaStore#isStored(java.lang.String)
    public boolean isStored(final VospaceId identifier) {
        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("Is node stored?", "select count(*) from nodes "
                + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                + "WHERE `current_rev` = 1 AND `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?",
                new SqlWorker<Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, owner);
                        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                        return rs.getInt(1) > 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#markRemoved(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, boolean)
    public void markRemoved(final VospaceId identifier, final boolean isRemoved) {
        if (identifier.getNodePath().isRoot(false))
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Marking node as removed", "update nodes set deleted = ? " + "WHERE node_id = "
                + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes JOIN containers "
                + "ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities "
                + "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setBoolean(1, isRemoved);
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(3, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(4, owner);
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#remove(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId)
    public void remove(final VospaceId identifier) {
        if (identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath().isEmpty()) {
            DbPoolServlet.goSql("Removing root" + identifier, "delete from containers " + "WHERE container_id in "
                    + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT containers.container_id FROM containers JOIN user_identities "
                    + "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",

                    new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                        public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                            stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                            stmt.setString(2, owner);
                            return stmt.executeUpdate();
        } else {
            DbPoolServlet.goSql("Removing non-root" + identifier,
                    "delete from nodes " + "WHERE node_id in " + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes "
                            + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                            + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                            + "WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",

                    new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                        public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                            stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                            stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                            stmt.setString(3, owner);
                            return stmt.executeUpdate();

    //TODO edit method for new db (cont+path)
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.caltech.vao.vospace.meta.MetaStore#search(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, java.lang.String, int, boolean)
    public List<VospaceId> search(final VospaceId identifier, final String searchPattern, final int fileLimit,
            final boolean includeDeleted) {
        String request = "select container, path from nodes where " + (includeDeleted ? "" : "deleted = 0 and ")
                + " current_rev = 1 and owner = ? and container = ? and path like ? and path regexp ? order by path limit ?";

        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("search request", request, new SqlWorker<List<VospaceId>>() {
            public List<VospaceId> go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                ArrayList<VospaceId> result = new ArrayList<VospaceId>();

                stmt.setString(1, owner);
                stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                stmt.setString(3, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath() + "%");
                        "^" + identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath() + ".*" + searchPattern + ".*");
                stmt.setInt(5, fileLimit);
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                    try {
                        NodePath npath = new NodePath("/" + rs.getString(1) + "/" + rs.getString(2));
                        result.add(new VospaceId(npath));
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                        logger.error("Error in child URI: " + e.getMessage());
                return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#storeData(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.NodeType, java.lang.Object)
    public void storeData(final VospaceId identifier, final NodeType type) {
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding container",
                "insert ignore into containers (container_name, user_id) select ?, user_id from user_identities where identity = ?",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, owner);
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();

        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding metadata",
                "insert into nodes (container_id, path, parent_node_id, type, mimetype) "
                        + "SELECT containers.`container_id`, ?, nodes.node_id, ?, ? FROM containers "
                        + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.`user_id` = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "LEFT JOIN nodes ON containers.`container_id` = nodes.`container_id` and nodes.path = ? "
                        + "WHERE `identity` = ? and `container_name` = ?",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {

                        String mimeType = "";
                        if (type == NodeType.DATA_NODE || type == NodeType.STRUCTURED_DATA_NODE
                                || type == NodeType.UNSTRUCTURED_DATA_NODE)
                            mimeType = "application/file";

                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, mimeType);
                        stmt.setString(4, identifier.getNodePath().getParentPath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(5, owner);
                        stmt.setString(6, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();

    public void storeInfo(final VospaceId identifier, final NodeInfo info) {
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding nodeinfo",
                "update nodes set size = ?, mimetype = ?, rev = ? where current_rev = 1 and node_id = "
                        + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes JOIN containers "
                        + "ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities "
                        + "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setLong(1, info.getSize());
                        stmt.setString(2, info.getContentType());
                        stmt.setInt(3, info.getRevision());
                        stmt.setString(4, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(5, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(6, owner);
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#makeStructured(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, boolean)
    public void makeStructured(final VospaceId identifier, final boolean isStructured) {
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding nodeinfo", "update nodes set type = ? where current_rev = 1 and node_id = "
                + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes JOIN containers "
                + "ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities "
                + "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, (isStructured) ? NodeType.STRUCTURED_DATA_NODE.toString()
                                : NodeType.UNSTRUCTURED_DATA_NODE.toString());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(3, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(4, owner);
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.jhu.pha.vospace.meta.MetaStore#updateData(edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId, edu.jhu.pha.vospace.node.VospaceId)
    public void updateData(final VospaceId identifier, final VospaceId newIdentifier) {
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Updating metadata",
                "update nodes set container_id = SELECT container_id from containers JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE identity = ? AND container_name = ?, "
                        + "path = ? where current_rev = 1 and node_id = "
                        + "(SELECT * FROM (SELECT nodes.node_id FROM nodes JOIN containers "
                        + "ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id JOIN user_identities "
                        + "ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) a)",
                new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                    public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        stmt.setString(1, owner);
                        stmt.setString(2, newIdentifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(3, newIdentifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(4, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(5, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(6, owner);
                        return stmt.executeUpdate();

    public void updateUserProperties(final VospaceId identifier, final Map<String, String> properties) {
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Updating properties", "INSERT IGNORE INTO properties (property_uri) VALUES (?)",
                new SqlWorker<Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        for (String uri : properties.keySet()) {
                            stmt.setString(1, uri);
                        return true;
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Updating properties",
                "INSERT INTO node_properties (node_id, property_id, property_value) SELECT `node_id`, `property_id`, ? FROM nodes "
                        + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                        + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "JOIN properties "
                        + "WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ? AND `property_uri` = ? AND `property_readonly` = 0 "
                        + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE property_value = ?",
                new SqlWorker<Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        for (String uri : properties.keySet()) {
                            if (null != properties.get(uri)) {
                                stmt.setString(1, properties.get(uri));
                                stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                                stmt.setString(3, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                                stmt.setString(4, owner);
                                stmt.setString(5, uri);
                                stmt.setString(6, properties.get(uri));
                        return true;
        DbPoolServlet.goSql("Deleting properties",
                "DELETE from node_properties WHERE node_id = (SELECT nodes.`node_id` FROM nodes "
                        + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                        + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "WHERE `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?) "
                        + "AND `property_id` = (SELECT property_id FROM properties WHERE property_uri = ? and `property_readonly` = 0)",
                new SqlWorker<Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                        for (String uri : properties.keySet()) {
                            if (null == properties.get(uri)) {
                                stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                                stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                                stmt.setString(3, owner);
                                stmt.setString(4, uri);
                        return true;

    public String createShare(final VospaceId identifier, final String groupId, final boolean write_perm) {
        final String shareKey = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(15);

        if (groupId != null && !groupId.isEmpty()) {
            DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding new share for container",
                    "insert into container_shares (share_id, container_id, group_id, share_write_permission) select ?, container_id, group_id, ? from containers JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id JOIN groups WHERE identity = ? AND container_name = ? and group_id = ?",
                    new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                        public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                            stmt.setString(1, shareKey);
                            stmt.setBoolean(2, write_perm);
                            stmt.setString(3, owner);
                            stmt.setString(4, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                            stmt.setString(5, groupId);
                            return stmt.executeUpdate();
        } else {
            DbPoolServlet.goSql("Adding new share for container",
                    "insert into container_shares (share_id, container_id, share_write_permission) select ?, container_id, ? from containers JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id WHERE identity = ? AND container_name = ?",
                    new SqlWorker<Integer>() {
                        public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                            stmt.setString(1, shareKey);
                            stmt.setBoolean(2, write_perm);
                            stmt.setString(3, owner);
                            stmt.setString(4, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                            return stmt.executeUpdate();
        return shareKey;

    public Map<String, String> getProperties(final VospaceId identifier) {
        return DbPoolServlet.goSql("Get node properties",
                "select property_uri, property_value from node_properties "
                        + "JOIN properties ON node_properties.property_id = properties.property_id "
                        + "JOIN nodes ON node_properties.node_id = nodes.node_id "
                        + "JOIN containers ON nodes.container_id = containers.container_id "
                        + "JOIN user_identities ON containers.user_id = user_identities.user_id "
                        + "WHERE `current_rev` = 1 AND `container_name` = ? AND `path` = ? AND `identity` = ?",
                new SqlWorker<Map<String, String>>() {
                    public Map<String, String> go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {

                        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        stmt.setString(1, identifier.getNodePath().getContainerName());
                        stmt.setString(2, identifier.getNodePath().getNodeRelativeStoragePath());
                        stmt.setString(3, owner);
                        ResultSet resSet = stmt.executeQuery();
                        while ( {
                            map.put(resSet.getString("property_uri"), resSet.getString("property_value"));
                        return map;