Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 Indiana University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.iu.subgraph; import edu.iu.dymoro.Rotator; import edu.iu.harp.example.IntArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.example.DoubleArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Partition; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Table; import edu.iu.harp.resource.IntArray; import edu.iu.harp.resource.DoubleArray; import edu.iu.harp.resource.LongArray; import edu.iu.harp.schdynamic.DynamicScheduler; import edu.iu.harp.schstatic.StaticScheduler; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.CollectiveMapper; import*; import java.util.*; /* * use key-object; in-memory * Instead of using allgather, using rotation */ public class SCCollectiveMapper extends CollectiveMapper<String, String, Object, Object> { private int numMappers; private int numColor; private String templateFile; private Random rand = new Random(); private int numThreads; private int harpThreads; //always use the maximum hardware threads to load in data and convert data private int numIteration; private int numCores; private int tpc; private long send_array_limit; private boolean rotation_pipeline; private String affinity; boolean useLocalMultiThread; int numModelSlices; // number of slices for pipeline optimization private int vert_num_count = 0; private int vert_num_count_total = 0; private int adj_len = 0; private int max_v_id = 0; private Graph t; private Table<IntArray> abs_ids_table; private int[] mapper_id_vertex; @Override protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {"start setup"); Configuration configuration = context.getConfiguration(); numMappers = configuration.getInt(SCConstants.NUM_MAPPERS, 10); templateFile = configuration.get(SCConstants.TEMPLATE_PATH); useLocalMultiThread = configuration.getBoolean(SCConstants.USE_LOCAL_MULTITHREAD, true); rotation_pipeline = configuration.getBoolean(SCConstants.ROTATION_PIPELINE, true);"init templateFile");; numThreads = configuration.getInt(SCConstants.THREAD_NUM, 10); numCores = configuration.getInt(SCConstants.CORE_NUM, 24); affinity = configuration.get(SCConstants.THD_AFFINITY); tpc = configuration.getInt(SCConstants.TPC, 2); //always use the maximum hardware threads to load in data and convert data harpThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();"Num Threads " + numThreads);"Num harp load data threads " + harpThreads); send_array_limit = (configuration.getInt(SCConstants.SENDLIMIT, 250)) * 1024L * 1024L; numIteration = configuration.getInt(SCConstants.NUM_ITERATION, 10);"Subgraph Counting Iteration: " + numIteration); numModelSlices = 2; } protected void mapCollective(KeyValReader reader, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Start collective mapper"); this.logMemUsage();"Memory Used: " + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LinkedList<String> vFiles = getVFiles(reader); try { runSC(vFiles, context.getConfiguration(), context); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Fail to run Subgraph Counting.", e); }"Total execution time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } private void runSC(final LinkedList<String> vFilePaths, final Configuration configuration, final Context context) throws Exception { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); // ------------------------- read in graph data ------------------------- //"Start read Graph Data"); long readGraphbegintime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Graph g_part = new Graph(); readGraphDataMultiThread(conf, vFilePaths, g_part); long readGraphendtime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Loaded local graph verts: " + g_part.num_vertices() + "; takes time: " + (readGraphendtime - readGraphbegintime) + "ms"); // this.logMemUsage(); //"Memory Used: "+ (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); // logGCTime(); // ------------------------- read in template data ------------------------- Graph t = new Graph(); readTemplate(templateFile, context, t);"Finish load templateFile, num_verts: " + t.num_vertices() + "; edges: " + t.num_edges()); // --------------- main computation ---------------------------------- colorcount_HJ graph_count = new colorcount_HJ(); graph_count.init(this, context, g_part, max_v_id, numThreads, numCores, tpc, affinity, false, false, true); // ------------------- generate communication information ------------------- // send/recv num and verts if (this.getNumWorkers() > 1) { graph_count.init_comm(mapper_id_vertex, send_array_limit, rotation_pipeline);"Finish graph_count initialization"); } // --------------------- start counting --------------------- long computation_start = System.currentTimeMillis(); double full_count = 0.0; full_count = graph_count.do_full_count(t, numIteration); long computation_end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long local_count_time = (computation_end - computation_start); long local_comm_time = graph_count.get_comm_time(); long local_sync_time = graph_count.get_sync_time(); Table<DoubleArray> time_table = new Table<>(0, new DoubleArrPlus()); DoubleArray time_array = DoubleArray.create(3, false); time_array.get()[0] = (double) local_count_time; time_array.get()[1] = (double) local_comm_time; time_array.get()[2] = (double) local_sync_time; time_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(0, time_array)); this.allreduce("sc", "get-time", time_table); double global_count_time = time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0] / this.getNumWorkers(); double global_comm_time = time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[1] / this.getNumWorkers(); double global_sync_time = time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[2] / this.getNumWorkers();"Total Counting time: " + global_count_time + " ms" + "; Avg per itr: " + (global_count_time / (double) numIteration) + " ms");"Total comm time: " + global_comm_time + " ms" + "; Avg per itr: " + (global_comm_time / (double) numIteration) + " ms");"Total sync waiting time: " + global_sync_time + " ms" + "; Avg per itr: " + (global_sync_time / (double) numIteration) + " ms");"Time Ratio: Comm: " + (global_comm_time / global_count_time) * 100 + " %; Waiting: " + (global_sync_time) / global_count_time * 100 + " %; Local Computation: " + (global_count_time - global_sync_time - global_comm_time) / global_count_time * 100 + " %"); // --------------- allreduce the final count from all mappers --------------- // Table<DoubleArray> final_count_table = new Table<>(0, new DoubleArrPlus()); DoubleArray final_count_array = DoubleArray.create(1, false); final_count_array.get()[0] = full_count; final_count_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(0, final_count_array)); this.allreduce("sc", "get-final-count", final_count_table); full_count = final_count_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]; //formula to compute the prob int num_colors = t.num_vertices(); boolean calculate_automorphisms = true; double prob_colorful = Util.factorial(num_colors) / (Util.factorial(num_colors - t.num_vertices()) * Math.pow(num_colors, t.num_vertices())); int num_auto = calculate_automorphisms ? Util.count_automorphisms(t) : 1; double final_count = Math.floor(full_count / (prob_colorful * num_auto) + 0.5);"Finish counting local color count: " + full_count + "; final alll count: " + final_count); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // } private LinkedList<String> getVFiles(final KeyValReader reader) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final LinkedList<String> vFiles = new LinkedList<>(); while (reader.nextKeyValue()) { final String value = reader.getCurrentValue();"File: " + value); vFiles.add(value); } return vFiles; } /** * @brief read in data and store them in Fascia structure * * @param conf * @param vFilePaths * * @return */ private void readGraphDataMultiThread(Configuration conf, List<String> vFilePaths, Graph g) {"[BEGIN] SCCollectiveMapper.readGraphDataMultiThread"); Table<IntArray> graphData = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus()); List<GraphLoadTask> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < harpThreads; i++) { tasks.add(new GraphLoadTask(conf)); } DynamicScheduler<String, ArrayList<Partition<IntArray>>, GraphLoadTask> compute = new DynamicScheduler<>( tasks); compute.start(); for (String filename : vFilePaths) { compute.submit(filename); } ArrayList<Partition<IntArray>> output = null; while (compute.hasOutput()) { output = compute.waitForOutput(); if (output != null) { ArrayList<Partition<IntArray>> partialGraphDataList = output; for (Partition<IntArray> partialGraph : partialGraphDataList) { graphData.addPartition(partialGraph); } } } compute.stop();"[END] SCCollectiveMapper.readGraphDataMultiThread"); //get num vert and size of adjacent array vert_num_count = 0; adj_len = 0; max_v_id = 0; for (int p = 0; p < tasks.size(); p++) { vert_num_count += tasks.get(p).get_vert_num_local(); adj_len += tasks.get(p).get_adjacent_local_num(); int max_id_local = tasks.get(p).get_max_v_id(); max_v_id = max_id_local > max_v_id ? max_id_local : max_v_id; } //debug"vert num count local: " + vert_num_count + " total partitions: " + graphData.getNumPartitions() + "; local max v id: " + max_v_id + "; total local nbrs num: " + adj_len); vert_num_count = graphData.getNumPartitions(); //allreduce to get the total vert number Table<IntArray> table_max_id = new Table<>(0, new IntArrMax()); IntArray array_max_id = IntArray.create(1, false); array_max_id.get()[0] = max_v_id; table_max_id.addPartition(new Partition<>(0, array_max_id)); this.allreduce("sc", "get-max-v-id", table_max_id); max_v_id = table_max_id.getPartition(0).get().get()[0];"Max vertex id of full graph: " + max_v_id); table_max_id.release(); table_max_id = null; //initialize the Graph class g.initGraph(vert_num_count, max_v_id, adj_len, graphData); //communication allgather to get all global ids abs_ids_table = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus()); IntArray abs_ids_array = new IntArray(g.get_abs_v_ids(), 0, g.num_vertices()); abs_ids_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(this.getSelfID(), abs_ids_array)); this.allgather("sc", "collect all abs ids", abs_ids_table); //create an label array to store mapper ids info mapper_id_vertex = new int[max_v_id + 1]; for (int p = 0; p < this.getNumWorkers(); p++) { // mapper_vertex_array stores abs ids from each mapper int[] mapper_vertex_array = abs_ids_table.getPartition(p).get().get(); for (int q = 0; q < mapper_vertex_array.length; q++) mapper_id_vertex[mapper_vertex_array[q]] = p; }"Finish creating mapper-vertex mapping array"); abs_ids_table = null; } /** * @brief read in template file * * @param template * * @return */ private void readTemplate(String templateFile, Context context, Graph t) { FSDataInputStream in = null; BufferedReader fReader = null; try { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); Path path = new Path(templateFile); String template_file = path.toUri().toString(); Path template_input = new Path(template_file); FileSystem fs = template_input.getFileSystem(conf); in =; fReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in), 1048576); // BufferedReader fReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f_t)); int n_g, m_g; //get number of nodes (vertice) n_g = Integer.parseInt(fReader.readLine()); //get number of edges m_g = Integer.parseInt(fReader.readLine());"templateFile verts: " + n_g + "; edges: " + m_g); int[] srcs_g = new int[m_g]; int[] dsts_g = new int[m_g]; for (int p = 0; p < m_g; ++p) { String[] src_dst = fReader.readLine().split("\\s+"); srcs_g[p] = Integer.parseInt(src_dst[0]); dsts_g[p] = Integer.parseInt(src_dst[1]); } fReader.close(); in.close(); t.initTemplate(n_g, m_g, srcs_g, dsts_g); srcs_g = null; dsts_g = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (fReader != null) { try { fReader.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { } } if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { } }"Failed in reading in templateFile"); } } }