Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013-2017 Indiana University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.iu.subgraph;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;

import edu.iu.harp.example.IntArrPlus;
import edu.iu.harp.example.DoubleArrPlus;
import edu.iu.harp.partition.Partition;
import edu.iu.harp.partition.Table;
import edu.iu.harp.resource.IntArray;
import edu.iu.harp.resource.DoubleArray;
import edu.iu.harp.resource.LongArray;
import edu.iu.harp.resource.ResourcePool;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntAVLTreeSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context;

// using HJlib 
import static edu.rice.hj.Module0.launchHabaneroApp;
import static edu.rice.hj.Module1.forallChunked;

//for BSP-LRT
import java.util.*;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
//threads affinity
import net.openhft.affinity.Affinity;

// for triggering vtune 
import java.nio.file.*;

// for hadoop assert
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 * @brief A colorcount method that implements 
 * a BSP-LRT style 
public class colorcount_HJ {

    // ----------------------------- for graph  -----------------------------

    //local graph 
    Graph g;
    // vertice number of local graph
    int num_verts_graph;
    //color val for each vertex on local graph
    int[] colors_g;
    // max vertice abs id of global graph
    private int max_abs_id;
    // ----------------------------- for templates  -----------------------------
    //global template
    Graph t;
    //equals to subtemplate size
    int num_colors;

    //partitioning a template into a chain of sub templates
    partitioner part;
    //partitioned subtemplates
    Graph[] subtemplates;
    // number of subtempaltes
    int subtemplate_count;
    // vertices num of each subtemplate 
    int[] num_verts_table;
    // vertice num of current subtemplate
    private int num_verts_sub_ato;
    // num of color comb num for current subtemplate
    private int num_combinations_ato;

    // ----------------------------- for dynamic programming  -----------------------------
    //store counts in dynamic programming table
    dynamic_table_array dt;

    // current active and passive template id for debug use
    private int active_child;
    private int passive_child;

    //hold all the nonzero position in updating 
    //comm data in passive child of each subtemplate
    // private int[][] comm_nonzero_index;

    // ----------------------------- for combination colorset index  -----------------------------

    //stores the combination of color sets
    int[][] choose_table;
    // temp index sets to construct comb_num_indexes 
    int[][][][] index_sets;
    // temp index sets to construct comb_num_indexes 
    int[][][][][] color_sets;
    // record comb num values for active and passive children 
    int[][][][] comb_num_indexes;
    // record comb num values for each subtemplate and each color combination
    int[][] comb_num_indexes_set;

    // ----------------------------- for multi-threading counting -----------------------------

    //thread barrier
    private CyclicBarrier barrier;
    // for mutual locking
    private ReentrantLock lock;

    private int thread_num = 24;
    private int core_num = 24;
    // physical threads per core
    private int tpc = 2;
    private String affinity = "compact";

    // chunks of local vertices of graph for each thread
    private int[] chunks;
    private int[] chunks_pipeline;
    // chunks of mappers for each thread
    private int[] chunks_mapper;

    private double[] cc_ato;
    //store the local counts for last template
    private double[] count_local_root;
    //store the local counts for last template
    private double[] count_comm_root;

    // total counts on local graph
    private double full_count_ato = 0;
    // cumulated total counts from all iterations
    private double cumulate_count_ato = 0;

    // ----------------------------- for communication  -----------------------------
    //harp communicator
    private SCCollectiveMapper mapper;

    private int mapper_num = 1;
    private int local_mapper_id;
    // adding adj_abs_v to each mapper
    private Set<Integer>[] comm_mapper_vertex;

    // private Table<IntArray> recv_vertex_table;
    // harp table that stores vertex sent to other mappers
    private Table<IntArray> send_vertex_table;
    // harp table that regroups send/recv abs_v_id 
    private Table<IntArray> comm_vertex_table;
    // harp table that regroups send/recv color counts  
    private Table<SCSet> comm_data_table;

    //comm adj_abs_id for each local rel_v_id 
    private int[][] update_map;
    // the size of comm adj_abs_id for each local rel_v_id 
    private int[] update_map_size;
    // mapping an arbitary abs_v_id to its belonged mapper id
    private int[] abs_v_to_mapper;
    // mapping an arbitary abs_v_id to the relative position in updating queues 
    private int[] abs_v_to_queue;
    private int[] update_mapper_len;

    // start/end counts pos of each adj_v_id counts on each mapper
    private int[][][] update_queue_pos;
    // adj_v_id counts on each mapper
    private float[][][] update_queue_counts;
    private short[][][] update_queue_index;

    //cache the compressed sending data
    private float[][] compress_cache_array;
    private short[][] compress_cache_index;
    private int[] compress_cache_len;

    // cache the rel pos of adj for each local v in pipeline rotation
    private int[][] map_ids_cache_pip;
    private int[][] chunk_ids_cache_pip;
    private int[][] chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip;

    // by default send array size 250MB
    private long send_array_limit = 250L * 1024L * 1024L;
    private boolean rotation_pipeline = true;

    private int pipeline_update_id = 0;
    private int pipeline_send_id = 0;
    private int pipeline_recv_id = 0;

    // ---------------------------- for label and other func ----------------------------
    int[] labels_g;
    int[] labels_t;
    boolean labeled;
    double[] final_vert_counts;
    boolean do_graphlet_freq = false;
    boolean do_vert_output = false;

    // -------------------------------- Misc --------------------------------

    // record computation time 
    private long start_comp = 0;
    // avg computation time of all iterations
    private long time_comp = 0;

    //global comm time, excluding the waiting time on local 
    private long start_comm = 0;
    private long time_comm = 0;

    //local sync time, including comm time and waiting time because of 
    //load imbalance
    private long start_sync = 0;
    private long time_sync = 0;

    private long start_misc = 0;

    private Context context;

    //number of iteration
    int num_iter;
    int cur_iter;

    final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(colorcount_HJ.class);
    boolean verbose = false;

     * @brief initialize local graph 
     * @param local_graph 
     * @param global_max_v_id
     * @param thread_num
     * @param core_num
     * @param affinity
     * @param calc_auto
     * @param do_gdd
     * @param do_vert
     * @param verb
    void init(SCCollectiveMapper mapper, Context context, Graph local_graph, int global_max_v_id, int thread_num,
            int core_num, int tpc, String affinity, boolean do_gdd, boolean do_vert, boolean verb) {
        // assign params
        this.mapper = mapper;
        this.context = context;
        this.g = local_graph;
        this.max_abs_id = global_max_v_id;
        this.thread_num = thread_num;
        this.core_num = core_num;
        this.tpc = tpc;
        this.affinity = affinity;
        this.do_graphlet_freq = do_gdd;
        this.do_vert_output = do_vert;
        this.verbose = verb;

        // init members 
        this.labels_g = this.g.labels;
        this.labeled = this.g.labeled;
        this.num_verts_graph = this.g.num_vertices();
        this.colors_g = new int[this.num_verts_graph];

        this.cc_ato = new double[this.thread_num];
        this.count_local_root = new double[this.thread_num];
        this.count_comm_root = new double[this.thread_num];

        this.dt = new dynamic_table_array();
        this.barrier = new CyclicBarrier(this.thread_num);

        if (do_graphlet_freq || do_vert_output) {
            //ToDo for graphlet freq and vert output


     * @brief init members related to communications  
     * @param mapper_id_vertex
     * @param mapper
    void init_comm(int[] mapper_id_vertex, long send_array_limit, boolean rotation_pipeline) {

        //create abs mapping structure
        this.abs_v_to_mapper = mapper_id_vertex;
        this.send_array_limit = send_array_limit;
        this.rotation_pipeline = rotation_pipeline;

        // init members
        this.mapper_num = this.mapper.getNumWorkers();
        this.local_mapper_id = this.mapper.getSelfID();
        this.abs_v_to_queue = new int[this.max_abs_id + 1];
        // this.chunks_mapper = divide_chunks(this.mapper_num, this.thread_num);

        // init comm mappers
        this.comm_mapper_vertex = new HashSet[this.mapper_num];
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mapper_num; i++)
            this.comm_mapper_vertex[i] = new HashSet<>();

        //loop over all the adj of local graph verts
        //adj_array stores abs id 
        int[] adj_array = this.g.adjacencies();
        for (int i = 0; i < adj_array.length; i++) {
            int adj_abs_id = adj_array[i];
            int mapper_id = this.abs_v_to_mapper[adj_abs_id];
            this.comm_mapper_vertex[mapper_id].add(new Integer(adj_abs_id));

        this.update_map = new int[this.num_verts_graph][];
        for (int i = 0; i < this.num_verts_graph; i++)
            this.update_map[i] = new int[this.g.out_degree(i)];

        this.update_map_size = new int[this.num_verts_graph];
        this.update_queue_pos = new int[this.mapper_num][][];
        this.update_queue_counts = new float[this.mapper_num][][];
        this.update_queue_index = new short[this.mapper_num][][];
        this.update_mapper_len = new int[this.mapper_num];

        //convert set to arraylist
        this.comm_vertex_table = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus());
        this.send_vertex_table = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus());

        this.compress_cache_array = new float[this.num_verts_graph][];
        this.compress_cache_index = new short[this.num_verts_graph][];
        this.compress_cache_len = new int[this.num_verts_graph];

        this.map_ids_cache_pip = new int[this.num_verts_graph][];
        this.chunk_ids_cache_pip = new int[this.num_verts_graph][];
        this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip = new int[this.num_verts_graph][];

        // prepareing send/recv information
        // the requested adj_abs_v queues will be sent to each mapper
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mapper_num; i++) {
            // i is the mapper id from which local_mapper demands adj data
            if ((i != this.local_mapper_id) && this.comm_mapper_vertex[i].size() > 0) {

                //create partition id, the upper 16 bits stores requested id
                //the lower 16 bits stores sender id (local id)
                int comm_id = ((i << 16) | this.local_mapper_id);

                // retrieve communicated adj_abs_id
                ArrayList<Integer> temp_array = new ArrayList<>(comm_mapper_vertex[i]);
                int[] temp_array_primitive = ArrayUtils
                        .toPrimitive(temp_array.toArray(new Integer[temp_array.size()]));

                // recored the length of total vertices array received from other mappers
                this.update_mapper_len[i] = temp_array_primitive.length;

                //create mapping from adj_abs_id to relative t in update offset queue
                for (int j = 0; j < temp_array_primitive.length; j++)
                    this.abs_v_to_queue[temp_array_primitive[j]] = j;

                IntArray comm_array = new IntArray(temp_array_primitive, 0, temp_array_primitive.length);
                //table to communicate with other mappers
                this.comm_vertex_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(comm_id, comm_array));


        if (this.verbose)
  "Start regroup comm_vertex_table");

        this.mapper.regroup("sc", "regroup-send-recv-vertex", this.comm_vertex_table,
                new SCPartitioner(this.mapper_num));
        // the name of barrier should not be the same as that of regroup
        // otherwise may cause a deadlock
        this.mapper.barrier("sc", "regroup-send-recv-sync");

        if (this.verbose)
  "Finish regroup comm_vertex_table");

        // pack the received requested adj_v_id information into send queues
        for (int comm_id : this.comm_vertex_table.getPartitionIDs()) {
            int dst_mapper_id = comm_id & ((1 << 16) - 1);
            // this shall equal to local_mapper_id
            int src_mapper_id = comm_id >>> 16;
            //create send table
                    .addPartition(new Partition(dst_mapper_id, comm_vertex_table.getPartition(comm_id).get()));

            if (this.verbose) {
                //check src id add assertion
                assertEquals("comm_vertex_table sender not matched ", this.local_mapper_id, src_mapper_id);
      "Send from mapper: " + src_mapper_id + " to mapper: " + dst_mapper_id
                        + "; partition size: " + comm_vertex_table.getPartition(comm_id).get().get().length);


        //release memory
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mapper_num; i++)
            this.comm_mapper_vertex[i] = null;

        this.comm_mapper_vertex = null;

     * @brief compute color counting in N iterations 
     * @param template
     * @param N
     * @return 
    public double do_full_count(Graph template, int N) {

        this.t = template;
        this.num_iter = N;
        this.labels_t = t.labels;

        // --------------------------- creating subtemplates and comb number index system --------------------------- 

        if (this.verbose) {
  "Begining partition...");

        //partition the template into subtemplates 
        this.part = new partitioner(this.t, this.labeled, this.labels_t);

        if (this.verbose) {
  "done partitioning");

        //colors equals the num of vertices
        this.num_colors = this.t.num_vertices();
        //get array of subtemplates
        this.subtemplates = this.part.get_subtemplates();
        //subtemplates num
        this.subtemplate_count = this.part.get_subtemplate_count();

        //obtain the hash values table for each subtemplate and a combination of color sets

        //initialize dynamic prog table, with subtemplate-vertices-color array
        this.dt.init(this.subtemplates, this.subtemplate_count, this.num_verts_graph, this.num_colors,

        //vertice num of the full graph, huge
        this.chunks = divide_chunks(this.num_verts_graph, this.thread_num);
        // in pipeline regroup-update, thread 0 is doing communication
        this.chunks_pipeline = divide_chunks(this.num_verts_graph, this.thread_num - 1);

        //triggering vtune profiling add command option for vtune 
        // java.nio.file.Path vtune_file = java.nio.file.Paths.get("vtune-flag.txt");
        // String flag_trigger = "Start training process and trigger vtune profiling.";
        // try{
        //     java.nio.file.Files.write(vtune_file, flag_trigger.getBytes());
        // }catch (IOException e)
        // {
        //"Failed to create vtune trigger flag");
        // }

        if (this.verbose) {
  "Starting Multi-threading Counting Iterations");

        launchHabaneroApp(() -> forallChunked(0, this.thread_num - 1, (threadIdx) -> {

            //set Java threads affinity
            BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(this.core_num);
            int thread_mask = 0;

            if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0) {
      "Set up threads affinity: Core Num: " + this.core_num + "; Total Threads: "
                        + this.thread_num + "; thd per core: " + this.tpc + "; affinity: " + this.affinity);

            if (this.affinity == "scatter") {
                //implement threads bind by core round-robin
                thread_mask = threadIdx % this.core_num;

            } else {
                //default affinity compact
                //implement a compact bind, 2 threads a core
                int tpn = this.tpc * this.core_num;
                thread_mask = threadIdx % tpn;
                thread_mask /= this.tpc;


            try {

                // start the main loop of iterations
                for (int cur_itr = 0; cur_itr < this.num_iter; cur_itr++) {
                    if (threadIdx == 0)
                        this.cur_iter = cur_itr;

                    //start sampling colors

                    if (verbose && threadIdx == 0) {
              "Start Sampling Graph for Itr: " + cur_itr);
                        // this.start_comp = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        this.start_misc = System.currentTimeMillis();

                    Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
                    //sampling the vertices of full graph g
                    for (int i = this.chunks[threadIdx]; i < this.chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++i) {
                        this.colors_g[i] = rand.nextInt(this.num_colors);

                    if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0) {
              "Finish Sampling Graph for Itr: " + cur_itr + "; use time: "
                                + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_misc) + "ms");

                    // start doing counting
                    for (int s = this.subtemplate_count - 1; s > 0; --s) {

                        if (threadIdx == 0) {

                            //get num_vert of subtemplate s
                            this.num_verts_sub_ato = this.num_verts_table[s];

                            if (this.verbose)
                      "Initing Subtemplate " + s + ", t verts: " + num_verts_sub_ato);

                            int a = this.part.get_active_index(s);
                            int p = this.part.get_passive_index(s);

                            if (this.verbose)
                      "Subtemplate: " + s + "; active_idx: " + a + "; passive_idx: " + p);

                            this.dt.init_sub(s, a, p);


                        if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0)
                  "Start Counting Local Graph Subtemplate " + s);

                        //hit the bottom of subtemplate chain, dangling template node
                        if (this.num_verts_sub_ato == 1) {

                            if (s == this.subtemplate_count - 1) {
                                init_table_node_HJ(s, threadIdx, this.chunks);
                            } else {
                                if (threadIdx == 0)
                                    dt.set_to_table(this.subtemplate_count - 1, s);

                        } else {
                            colorful_count_HJ(s, threadIdx, this.chunks);


                        if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0)
                  "Finish Counting Local Graph Subtemplate " + s);

                        //start communication part single thread 
                        // only for subtemplates size > 1, having neighbours on other mappers
                        // only if more than one mapper, otherwise all g verts are local
                        if (this.mapper_num > 1 && this.num_verts_sub_ato > 1) {
                            if (this.rotation_pipeline)
                                regroup_update_pipeline(s, threadIdx);
                                regroup_update_all(s, threadIdx, this.chunks);

                        // printout results for sub s

                        if (threadIdx == 0) {

                            if (this.verbose)
                      "JVM Memory Used in subtemplate: " + s + " is: "
                                        + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()));

                            int a = this.part.get_active_index(s);
                            int p = this.part.get_passive_index(s);

                            //release the template with size > 1
                            if (a != SCConstants.NULL_VAL) {
                                // do not free the dangling template node
                                if (this.num_verts_table[a] > 1)
                            if (p != SCConstants.NULL_VAL) {
                                if (this.num_verts_table[p] > 1)



                        //print out counts for this subtemplate 
                        if (this.verbose) {
                            print_counts(s, threadIdx, this.chunks);
                            if (threadIdx == 0) {
                                double sub_total_counts = 0;
                                for (int x = 0; x < this.thread_num; x++)
                                    sub_total_counts += cc_ato[x];

                      "Total counts for sub-temp: " + s + " is: " + sub_total_counts);


                        if (threadIdx == 0)

                    } // end of a subtemplate

                    if (verbose && threadIdx == 0)
              "Done with initialization. Doing full count");

                    // do the count for the full template
                    if (threadIdx == 0) {
                        this.num_verts_sub_ato = this.num_verts_table[0];
                        int a = this.part.get_active_index(0);
                        int p = this.part.get_passive_index(0);

                        if (this.verbose)
                  "Subtemplate 0 ; active_idx: " + a + "; passive_idx: " + p);

                        dt.init_sub(0, a, p);


                    colorful_count_HJ(0, threadIdx, chunks);

                    //comm and add the communicated counts to full_count_ato
                    // only for subtemplates size > 1, having neighbours on other mappers
                    // only if more than one mapper, otherwise all g verts are local
                    if (this.num_verts_sub_ato > 1 && this.mapper_num > 1) {

                        if (this.rotation_pipeline)
                            regroup_update_pipeline(0, threadIdx);
                            regroup_update_all(0, threadIdx, this.chunks);

                    // printout results for last sub 
                    if (threadIdx == 0) {
                        double sum_count = 0.0;
                        for (int k = 0; k < this.thread_num; k++) {
                            sum_count += this.count_local_root[k];
                            sum_count += this.count_comm_root[k];

                        this.full_count_ato = sum_count;
              "Finish update comm counts for last subtemplate: " + "; total counts: "
                                + sum_count);


                    if (threadIdx == 0) {
                        if (this.verbose)
                  "JVM Memory Used in Last subtemplate is: "
                                    + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()));

                        int a = this.part.get_active_index(0);
                        int p = this.part.get_passive_index(0);

                        if (a != SCConstants.NULL_VAL)
                        if (p != SCConstants.NULL_VAL)

                        //free the first dangling template node
                        this.dt.clear_sub(subtemplate_count - 1);

                    //add counts from every iteration
                    if (threadIdx == 0) {
                        this.cumulate_count_ato += this.full_count_ato;

                    // free comm data
                    if (threadIdx == 0) {
                        if (this.mapper_num > 1) {

                } // end of an iteration


            } catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException e) {
      "Catch barrier exception in itr: " + this.cur_iter);


        //----------------------- end of color_counting -----------------

        double final_count = cumulate_count_ato / (double) this.num_iter;

        //free memory
        this.send_vertex_table = null;
        this.comm_vertex_table = null;
        this.update_map = null;
        this.colors_g = null;

        this.compress_cache_array = null;
        this.compress_cache_index = null;

        this.map_ids_cache_pip = null;
        this.chunk_ids_cache_pip = null;
        this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip = null;


        return final_count;


     * @brief divide local graph vertices into multi-threading chunks
     * @param total
     * @param partition
     * @return 
    int[] divide_chunks(int total, int partition) {
        int chunks[] = new int[partition + 1];
        chunks[0] = 0;
        int remainder = total % partition;
        int basic_size = total / partition;
        for (int i = 1; i <= partition; ++i) {
            chunks[i] = chunks[i - 1] + basic_size + (remainder > 0 ? 1 : 0);

        return chunks;

     * @brief divide chunks in preparing sending/receiving packets
     * @param total
     * @param partition
     * @return 
    int[] divide_chunks_comm(int total, int partition) {
        int chunks[] = new int[partition + 1];
        chunks[0] = 0;
        int remainder = total % partition;
        int basic_size = total / partition;

        for (int i = 1; i <= partition - 1; ++i) {
            chunks[i] = chunks[i - 1] + basic_size;

        // for last chunk
        chunks[partition] = chunks[partition - 1] + basic_size + remainder;
        return chunks;

    private void init_table_node_HJ(int s, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {
        //replace unlabeled implementation with multi-threading
        if (!labeled) {

            //initialization the bottom, using relative v_id
            for (int v = chunks[threadIdx]; v < chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {
                //get the randomly assigned color value
                int n = colors_g[v];
                //put counts into curTable for rel v id 
                //template s and color n
                dt.set(v, comb_num_indexes_set[s][n], 1.0f);


        } else {

            if (threadIdx == 0) {

                int set_count_loop = 0;
                int[] labels_sub = part.get_labels(s);
                int label_s = labels_sub[0];
                for (int v = 0; v < num_verts_graph; ++v) {
                    int n = colors_g[v];
                    int label_g = labels_g[v];
                    if (label_g == label_s) {
                        dt.set(v, comb_num_indexes_set[s][n], 1.0f);



     * @brief counting
     * @param s
     * @param threadIdx
     * @param chunks
     * @return 
    private void colorful_count_HJ(int s, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        if (threadIdx == 0) {
            //get vert num of subtemplate
            num_verts_sub_ato = subtemplates[s].num_vertices();

            //get vert num of active child 
            int active_index = part.get_active_index(s);
            int num_verts_a = num_verts_table[active_index];

            // colorset combinations from active child
            num_combinations_ato = this.choose_table[num_verts_sub_ato][num_verts_a];

        //clear counts
        count_local_root[threadIdx] = 0.0d;

        int[] valid_nbrs = new int[g.max_degree()];
        assert (valid_nbrs != null);
        int valid_nbrs_count = 0;

        // each thread for a chunk
        // loop by relative v_id
        for (int v = chunks[threadIdx]; v < chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {

            // v is relative v_id from 0 to num_verts -1 
            valid_nbrs_count = 0;

            // check vertex v is initialized in active child table
            // all the local verts already initialized at the bottom of subtemplate chain
            if (dt.is_vertex_init_active(v)) {

                //adjs is absolute v_id
                int[] adjs_abs = g.adjacent_vertices(v);
                int end = g.out_degree(v);

                //indexed by comb number
                //counts of v at active child
                float[] counts_a = dt.get_active(v);

                //loop overall its neighbours
                int nbr_comm_itr = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
                    int adj_i = g.get_relative_v_id(adjs_abs[i]);
                    //how to determine whether adj_i is in the current passive table
                    if (adj_i >= 0 && dt.is_vertex_init_passive(adj_i)) {
                        valid_nbrs[valid_nbrs_count++] = adj_i;

                    if (this.mapper_num > 1 && adj_i < 0)
                        this.update_map[v][nbr_comm_itr++] = adjs_abs[i];

                if (this.mapper_num > 1)
                    this.update_map_size[v] = nbr_comm_itr;

                if (valid_nbrs_count != 0) {

                    //add counts on local nbs
                    //number of colors for template s
                    //different from num_combinations_ato, which is for active child
                    int num_combinations_verts_sub = this.choose_table[num_colors][num_verts_sub_ato];

                    // for a specific vertex v initialized on active child
                    // first loop on different color_combs of cur subtemplate
                    for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_verts_sub; ++n) {

                        double color_count = 0.0f;

                        // more details
                        int[] comb_indexes_a = comb_num_indexes[0][s][n];
                        int[] comb_indexes_p = comb_num_indexes[1][s][n];
                        int p = num_combinations_ato - 1;

                        // second loop on different color_combs of active/passive children
                        // a+p == num_combinations_ato 
                        // (total colorscombs for both of active child and pasive child)
                        for (int a = 0; a < num_combinations_ato; ++a, --p) {

                            float count_a = counts_a[comb_indexes_a[a]];
                            if (count_a > 0) {

                                //third loop on different valid nbrs
                                for (int i = 0; i < valid_nbrs_count; ++i) {
                                    //validated nbrs already checked to be on passive child
                                    color_count += (double) count_a
                                            * dt.get_passive(valid_nbrs[i], comb_indexes_p[p]);

                        if (color_count > 0.0) {

                            // if(do_graphlet_freq || do_vert_output)
                            //     final_vert_counts[v] += (double)color_count;
                            if (s != 0)
                                dt.set(v, comb_num_indexes_set[s][n], (float) color_count);
                            else {
                                //last template store counts into count_local_root
                                count_local_root[threadIdx] += color_count;



        valid_nbrs = null;

     * @brief obtain the hash values table for each subtemplate and a combination of color sets
     * @return 
    private void create_tables() {
        //C_n^k compute the unique number of color set choices 
        //two dimensional
        this.choose_table = Util.init_choose_table(this.num_colors);
        //record vertices number of each subtemplate
        //create color index for each combination of different set size
        //create color sets for all subtemplates
        //convert colorset combination into numeric values (hash function)
        //free up memory space 
        //free up memory space

    private void delete_tables() {
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_colors; ++i)
            this.choose_table[i] = null;
        this.choose_table = null;

        num_verts_table = null;

     * @brief record vertices number of each subtemplate
     * @return 
    private void create_num_verts_table() {
        this.num_verts_table = new int[this.subtemplate_count];
        for (int s = 0; s < this.subtemplate_count; ++s) {
            this.num_verts_table[s] = this.subtemplates[s].num_vertices();

     * @brief create color index for each combination of different set size
     * @return 
    private void create_all_index_sets() {

        //first dim (up to) how many colors
        this.index_sets = new int[this.num_colors][][][];

        for (int i = 0; i < (this.num_colors - 1); ++i) {

            int num_vals = i + 2;

            this.index_sets[i] = new int[num_vals - 1][][];

            // second dim, for up to num_vals colors, has different set sizes
            for (int j = 0; j < (num_vals - 1); ++j) {

                int set_size = j + 1;

                int num_combinations = Util.choose(num_vals, set_size);
                // third dim, for a set size, how many combinations from a given num of colors
                this.index_sets[i][j] = new int[num_combinations][];

                //set start from 1 to set_size
                //init set in increase order
                int[] set = Util.init_permutation(set_size);

                for (int k = 0; k < num_combinations; ++k) {

                    // fourth dim, for a combination, having a set_size of color values
                    this.index_sets[i][j][k] = new int[set_size];

                    for (int p = 0; p < set_size; ++p) {
                        this.index_sets[i][j][k][p] = set[p] - 1;

                    // permutate the color set
                    Util.next_set(set, set_size, num_vals);
                set = null;

     * @brief create color sets for all subtemplates
     * @return 
    private void create_all_color_sets() {

        //first dim, num of subtemplates
        this.color_sets = new int[this.subtemplate_count][][][][];

        for (int s = 0; s < this.subtemplate_count; ++s) {

            int num_verts_sub = this.subtemplates[s].num_vertices();

            if (num_verts_sub > 1) {

                //determine how many sets in a subtemplate
                //choose num vertices of subtemplate from colors
                int num_sets = Util.choose(this.num_colors, num_verts_sub);

                //second dim, num of sets in a subtemplate 
                this.color_sets[s] = new int[num_sets][][][];

                //init permutation in colorset
                int[] colorset = Util.init_permutation(num_verts_sub);

                for (int n = 0; n < num_sets; ++n) {

                    int num_child_combs = num_verts_sub - 1;
                    //third dim, for a subtemplate, a set, how many child combinations
                    this.color_sets[s][n] = new int[num_child_combs][][];

                    for (int c = 0; c < num_child_combs; ++c) {
                        int num_verts_1 = c + 1;
                        int num_verts_2 = num_verts_sub - num_verts_1;

                        int[][] index_set_1 = this.index_sets[num_verts_sub - 2][num_verts_1 - 1];
                        int[][] index_set_2 = this.index_sets[num_verts_sub - 2][num_verts_2 - 1];

                        int num_child_sets = Util.choose(num_verts_sub, c + 1);
                        this.color_sets[s][n][c] = new int[num_child_sets][];

                        for (int i = 0; i < num_child_sets; ++i) {

                            this.color_sets[s][n][c][i] = new int[num_verts_sub];

                            for (int j = 0; j < num_verts_1; ++j)
                                this.color_sets[s][n][c][i][j] = colorset[index_set_1[i][j]];

                            for (int j = 0; j < num_verts_2; ++j)
                                this.color_sets[s][n][c][i][j + num_verts_1] = colorset[index_set_2[i][j]];
                    Util.next_set(colorset, num_verts_sub, this.num_colors);

                colorset = null;

     * @brief convert colorset combination into numeric values (hash function)
     * @return 
    private void create_comb_num_system_indexes() {

        this.comb_num_indexes = new int[2][this.subtemplate_count][][];
        this.comb_num_indexes_set = new int[this.subtemplate_count][];

        // each subtemplate
        for (int s = 0; s < this.subtemplate_count; ++s) {

            int num_verts_sub = this.subtemplates[s].num_vertices();
            int num_combinations_s = Util.choose(this.num_colors, num_verts_sub);

            if (num_verts_sub > 1) {
                //for active and passive children  
                this.comb_num_indexes[0][s] = new int[num_combinations_s][];
                this.comb_num_indexes[1][s] = new int[num_combinations_s][];

            this.comb_num_indexes_set[s] = new int[num_combinations_s];

            int[] colorset_set = Util.init_permutation(num_verts_sub);

            //loop over each combination instance
            for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_s; ++n) {

                //get the hash value for a colorset instance
                //Util.get_color_index the impl of hash function
                this.comb_num_indexes_set[s][n] = Util.get_color_index(colorset_set, num_verts_sub);

                if (num_verts_sub > 1) {

                    int num_verts_a = this.part.get_num_verts_active(s);
                    int num_verts_p = this.part.get_num_verts_passive(s);

                    int[] colors_a;
                    int[] colors_p;
                    int[][] colorsets = this.color_sets[s][n][num_verts_a - 1];

                    int num_combinations_a = Util.choose(num_verts_sub, num_verts_a);
                    comb_num_indexes[0][s][n] = new int[num_combinations_a];
                    comb_num_indexes[1][s][n] = new int[num_combinations_a];

                    int p = num_combinations_a - 1;
                    for (int a = 0; a < num_combinations_a; ++a, --p) {
                        colors_a = colorsets[a];
                        //are they the same?
                        // colors_p = colorsets[p] + num_verts_a;
                        colors_p = new int[num_verts_p];
                        System.arraycopy(colorsets[p], num_verts_a, colors_p, 0, num_verts_p);

                        int color_index_a = Util.get_color_index(colors_a, num_verts_a);
                        int color_index_p = Util.get_color_index(colors_p, num_verts_p);

                        this.comb_num_indexes[0][s][n][a] = color_index_a;
                        this.comb_num_indexes[1][s][n][p] = color_index_p;

                //permutate the colorset_set
                Util.next_set(colorset_set, num_verts_sub, num_colors);

            colorset_set = null;

    private void delete_comb_num_system_indexes() {
        for (int s = 0; s < subtemplate_count; ++s) {
            int num_verts_sub = subtemplates[s].num_vertices();
            int num_combinations_s = Util.choose(num_colors, num_verts_sub);

            for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_s; ++n) {
                if (num_verts_sub > 1) {
                    comb_num_indexes[0][s][n] = null;
                    comb_num_indexes[1][s][n] = null;

            if (num_verts_sub > 1) {
                comb_num_indexes[0][s] = null;
                comb_num_indexes[1][s] = null;

            comb_num_indexes_set[s] = null;
        comb_num_indexes[0] = null;
        comb_num_indexes[1] = null;
        comb_num_indexes = null;
        comb_num_indexes_set = null;


     * @brief free up memory space 
     * @return 
    private void delete_all_color_sets() {

        for (int s = 0; s < this.subtemplate_count; ++s) {
            int num_verts_sub = this.subtemplates[s].num_vertices();
            if (num_verts_sub > 1) {
                int num_sets = Util.choose(this.num_colors, num_verts_sub);

                for (int n = 0; n < num_sets; ++n) {
                    int num_child_combs = num_verts_sub - 1;
                    for (int c = 0; c < num_child_combs; ++c) {
                        int num_child_sets = Util.choose(num_verts_sub, c + 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < num_child_sets; ++i) {
                            this.color_sets[s][n][c][i] = null;
                        this.color_sets[s][n][c] = null;
                    this.color_sets[s][n] = null;
                this.color_sets[s] = null;

        this.color_sets = null;

     * @brief free up memory space
     * @return 
    private void delete_all_index_sets() {

        for (int i = 0; i < (this.num_colors - 1); ++i) {
            int num_vals = i + 2;
            for (int j = 0; j < (num_vals - 1); ++j) {
                int set_size = j + 1;
                int num_combinations = Util.choose(num_vals, set_size);
                for (int k = 0; k < num_combinations; ++k) {
                    this.index_sets[i][j][k] = null;
                this.index_sets[i][j] = null;
            this.index_sets[i] = null;
        this.index_sets = null;

     * @brief divided comm_vert_list on each node into small parcels of vertices
     * partition num within comm_data_table is far more than the num of mappers
     * break int[] comm_vert_list into segments, each segment is a partition
     * chunk size is the total num of partitions divided by threads num
     * @param sub_id
     * @return 
    private void regroup_comm_all(int sub_id) {
        if (this.verbose)
  "Start prepare comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id);

        this.start_sync = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.start_misc = System.currentTimeMillis();

        //prepare the sending partitions
        this.comm_data_table = new Table<>(0, new SCSetCombiner());
        int comb_len = this.dt.get_num_color_set(this.part.get_passive_index(sub_id));

        //prevent the single comm_data array exceeds the limitation of heap allocation 8GB
        for (int send_id : this.send_vertex_table.getPartitionIDs()) {
            int[] comm_vert_list = this.send_vertex_table.getPartition(send_id).get().get();
            long send_divid_num = (comm_vert_list.length * ((long) comb_len) + this.send_array_limit - 1)
                    / this.send_array_limit;

            if (this.verbose) {
      "Send id: " + send_id + "; send_divid_num: " + send_divid_num + "; comb len: " + comb_len
                        + "; Total vertices num: " + comm_vert_list.length + "; mul: "
                        + comm_vert_list.length * (long) comb_len);

            // send_chunks.length == send_divid_num + 1
            int[] send_chunks = divide_chunks_comm(comm_vert_list.length, (int) send_divid_num);

            // store send_chunks 
            for (int j = 0; j < send_divid_num; j++) {
                int chunk_len = send_chunks[j + 1] - send_chunks[j];

                if (this.verbose)
          "Chunk id: " + j + "; chunk size: " + chunk_len);

                int[] send_chunk_list = new int[chunk_len];
                System.arraycopy(comm_vert_list, send_chunks[j], send_chunk_list, 0, chunk_len);

                //comm_id (32 bits) consists of three parts: 1) send_id (12 bits); 2) local mapper_id (12 bits) 3) array_parcel id (8 bits)
                int comm_id = ((send_id << 20) | (this.local_mapper_id << 8) | j);
                SCSet comm_data = compress_send_data(send_chunk_list, comb_len);
                this.comm_data_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(comm_id, comm_data));


        if (this.verbose) {
  "Finish prepare comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id + "; use time: "
                    + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_misc) + "ms");

        //start the regroup communication
        if (this.verbose)
  "Start regroup comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id);

        this.start_misc = System.currentTimeMillis();

        this.mapper.regroup("sc", "regroup counts data", this.comm_data_table, new SCPartitioner2(this.mapper_num));
        this.mapper.barrier("sc", "all regroup sync");

        if (this.verbose) {
  "Finish regroup comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id + "; use time: "
                    + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_misc) + "ms");

        //update local g counts by adj from each other mapper
        for (int comm_id : this.comm_data_table.getPartitionIDs()) {
            int update_id_tmp = (comm_id & ((1 << 20) - 1));
            int update_id = (update_id_tmp >>> 8);
            int chunk_id = (update_id_tmp & ((1 << 8) - 1));

            // create update_queue 
            if (this.update_queue_pos[update_id] == null) {
                long recv_divid_num = (this.update_mapper_len[update_id] * ((long) comb_len) + this.send_array_limit
                        - 1) / this.send_array_limit;
                this.update_queue_pos[update_id] = new int[(int) recv_divid_num][];
                this.update_queue_counts[update_id] = new float[(int) recv_divid_num][];
                this.update_queue_index[update_id] = new short[(int) recv_divid_num][];

            if (this.verbose) {
      "Local Mapper: " + this.local_mapper_id + " recv from remote mapper id: " + update_id
                        + " chunk id: " + chunk_id);

            // update vert list accounts for the adj vert may be used to update local v
            SCSet scset = this.comm_data_table.getPartition(comm_id).get();

            this.update_queue_pos[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_v_offset();
            this.update_queue_counts[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_counts_data();
            this.update_queue_index[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_counts_index();

        // all reduce to get the miminal sync time from all the mappers, set that to the comm time
        long cur_sync_time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_sync);
        Table<LongArray> comm_time_table = new Table<>(0, new LongArrMin());
        LongArray comm_time_array = LongArray.create(1, false);
        comm_time_array.get()[0] = cur_sync_time;
        comm_time_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(0, comm_time_array));
        this.mapper.allreduce("sc", "get-global-comm-time", comm_time_table);
        this.time_comm += (comm_time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]);

        // get the local sync time 
        this.time_sync += (cur_sync_time - comm_time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]);

        comm_time_array = null;
        comm_time_table = null;

        if (this.mapper_num > 1) {



     * @brief used in pipelined ring-regroup 
     * operation
     * @param sub_id
     * @param send_id
     * @return 
    private int regroup_comm_atomic(int sub_id, int send_id) {
        int update_id_pipeline = 0;

        if (this.verbose)
  "Pipeline Start prepare comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id + "; send to mapper: " + send_id);

        this.start_sync = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.start_misc = System.currentTimeMillis();

        //prepare the sending partitions
        this.comm_data_table = new Table<>(0, new SCSetCombiner());
        int comb_len = this.dt.get_num_color_set(this.part.get_passive_index(sub_id));

        //prevent the single comm_data array exceeds the limitation of heap allocation 8GB
        int[] comm_vert_list = this.send_vertex_table.getPartition(send_id).get().get();
        if (comm_vert_list != null) {

            long send_divid_num = (comm_vert_list.length * ((long) comb_len) + this.send_array_limit - 1)
                    / this.send_array_limit;

            if (this.verbose) {
      "Pipeline Send id: " + send_id + "; send_divid_num: " + send_divid_num + "; comb len: "
                        + comb_len + "; Total vertices num: " + comm_vert_list.length + "; mul: "
                        + comm_vert_list.length * (long) comb_len);

            // send_chunks.length == send_divid_num + 1
            int[] send_chunks = divide_chunks_comm(comm_vert_list.length, (int) send_divid_num);

            // store send_chunks 
            for (int j = 0; j < send_divid_num; j++) {
                int chunk_len = send_chunks[j + 1] - send_chunks[j];

                if (this.verbose)
          "Chunk id: " + j + "; chunk size: " + chunk_len);

                int[] send_chunk_list = new int[chunk_len];
                System.arraycopy(comm_vert_list, send_chunks[j], send_chunk_list, 0, chunk_len);

                //comm_id (32 bits) consists of three parts: 1) send_id (12 bits); 2) local mapper_id (12 bits) 3) array_parcel id (8 bits)
                int comm_id = ((send_id << 20) | (this.local_mapper_id << 8) | j);
                SCSet comm_data = compress_send_data(send_chunk_list, comb_len);
                // SCSet comm_data = compress_send_data_cached(send_chunk_list, comb_len);
                this.comm_data_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(comm_id, comm_data));


        if (this.verbose) {
  "Pipeline Finish prepare comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id + "; send to mapper: " + send_id
                    + "; use time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_misc) + "ms");

        //start the regroup communication
        if (this.verbose)
  "Pipeline Start regroup comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id);

        this.start_misc = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (this.verbose)
  "Pipeline table partitions: " + this.comm_data_table.getNumPartitions());

        this.mapper.regroup("sc", "regroup counts data", this.comm_data_table, new SCPartitioner2(this.mapper_num));
        this.mapper.barrier("sc", "atomic regroup sync");

        if (this.verbose) {
  "Pipeline Finish regroup comm for subtemplate: " + sub_id + "; use time: "
                    + (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_misc) + "ms");

        for (int comm_id : this.comm_data_table.getPartitionIDs()) {
            int update_id_tmp = (comm_id & ((1 << 20) - 1));
            int update_id = (update_id_tmp >>> 8);
            int chunk_id = (update_id_tmp & ((1 << 8) - 1));

            // create update_queue 
            if (this.update_queue_pos[update_id] == null) {
                long recv_divid_num = (this.update_mapper_len[update_id] * ((long) comb_len) + this.send_array_limit
                        - 1) / this.send_array_limit;
                this.update_queue_pos[update_id] = new int[(int) recv_divid_num][];
                this.update_queue_counts[update_id] = new float[(int) recv_divid_num][];
                this.update_queue_index[update_id] = new short[(int) recv_divid_num][];

            if (this.verbose) {
      "Pipeline Local Mapper: " + this.local_mapper_id + " recv from remote mapper id: "
                        + update_id + " chunk id: " + chunk_id);

            // update vert list accounts for the adj vert may be used to update local v
            SCSet scset = this.comm_data_table.getPartition(comm_id).get();

            this.update_queue_pos[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_v_offset();
            this.update_queue_counts[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_counts_data();
            this.update_queue_index[update_id][chunk_id] = scset.get_counts_index();

            // there shall be only one update_id sent from one mapper
            update_id_pipeline = update_id;

        // all reduce to get the miminal sync time from all the mappers, set that to the comm time
        long cur_sync_time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_sync);
        Table<LongArray> comm_time_table = new Table<>(0, new LongArrMin());
        LongArray comm_time_array = LongArray.create(1, false);
        comm_time_array.get()[0] = cur_sync_time;
        comm_time_table.addPartition(new Partition<>(0, comm_time_array));
        this.mapper.allreduce("sc", "get-global-comm-time-atomic", comm_time_table);
        this.time_comm += (comm_time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]);

        // get the local sync time 
        this.time_sync += (cur_sync_time - comm_time_table.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]);

        comm_time_array = null;
        comm_time_table = null;

        return update_id_pipeline;

     * @brief update the received count arrays 
     * in standard regroup version
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx
     * @param chunks
     * @return 
    private void update_comm_all(int sub_id, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        if (threadIdx == 0) {
            active_child = part.get_active_index(sub_id);
            passive_child = part.get_passive_index(sub_id);

            if (this.verbose)
      "Start updating remote counts on local vertex");

        count_comm_root[threadIdx] = 0.0d;


        int num_combinations_verts_sub = this.choose_table[num_colors][num_verts_table[sub_id]];
        int active_index = part.get_active_index(sub_id);
        int num_verts_a = num_verts_table[active_index];

        // colorset combinations from active child
        // combination of colors for active child
        int num_combinations_active_ato = this.choose_table[num_verts_table[sub_id]][num_verts_a];

        // to calculate chunk size
        int comb_len = this.dt.get_num_color_set(this.part.get_passive_index(sub_id));

        if (verbose && threadIdx == 0) {
  " Comb len: " + comb_len);

        // this decompress counts will be reused
        float[] decompress_counts = new float[comb_len];
        // accumulate the updates on a n position, then writes to the dt table
        double[] update_at_n = new double[num_combinations_verts_sub];

        // start update 
        // first loop over local v
        // debug
        int effect_count = 0;
        for (int v = chunks[threadIdx]; v < chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {
            if (dt.is_vertex_init_active(v)) {
                //clear the update_at_n array
                for (int x = 0; x < num_combinations_verts_sub; x++)
                    update_at_n[x] = 0.0d;

                int adj_list_size = this.update_map_size[v];
                if (adj_list_size == 0)

                // store the abs adj id for v
                int[] adj_list = this.update_map[v];
                float[] counts_a = dt.get_active(v);

                int[] map_ids = this.map_ids_cache_pip[v];
                int[] chunk_ids = this.chunk_ids_cache_pip[v];
                int[] chunk_internal_offsets = this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip[v];

                int compress_interval = 0;

                //second loop over nbrs, decompress adj from Scset
                for (int i = 0; i < adj_list_size; i++) {
                    int[] adj_offset_list = this.update_queue_pos[map_ids[i]][chunk_ids[i]];

                    // get the offset pos
                    int start_pos = adj_offset_list[chunk_internal_offsets[i]];
                    int end_pos = adj_offset_list[chunk_internal_offsets[i] + 1];

                    if (start_pos != end_pos) {

                        // the num of compressed counts
                        compress_interval = end_pos - start_pos;

                        // get the compressed counts list, all nonzero elements
                        float[] adj_counts_list = this.update_queue_counts[map_ids[i]][chunk_ids[i]];
                        short[] adj_index_list = this.update_queue_index[map_ids[i]][chunk_ids[i]];

                        // ----------- start decompress process -----------
                        for (int x = 0; x < comb_len; x++)
                            decompress_counts[x] = 0.0f;

                        for (int x = 0; x < compress_interval; x++)
                            decompress_counts[(int) adj_index_list[start_pos + x]] = adj_counts_list[start_pos + x];

                        // ----------- Finish decompress process -----------

                        //third loop over comb_num for cur subtemplate
                        for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_verts_sub; n++) {
                            // more details
                            int[] comb_indexes_a = comb_num_indexes[0][sub_id][n];
                            int[] comb_indexes_p = comb_num_indexes[1][sub_id][n];

                            // for passive 
                            int p = num_combinations_active_ato - 1;

                            // fourth loop over comb_num for active/passive subtemplates
                            for (int a = 0; a < num_combinations_active_ato; ++a, --p) {
                                float count_a = counts_a[comb_indexes_a[a]];
                                if (count_a > 0) {
                                    update_at_n[n] += ((double) count_a * decompress_counts[comb_indexes_p[p]]);


                        } // finish all combination sets for cur template

                    } // finish all nonzero adj

                } // finish all adj of a v

                //write upated value 
                for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_verts_sub; n++) {
                    if (sub_id != 0)
                        dt.update_comm(v, comb_num_indexes_set[sub_id][n], (float) update_at_n[n]);
                        count_comm_root[threadIdx] += update_at_n[n];

                if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0 && (effect_count % 1000 == 0))
          "Thd 0 proceesed: " + effect_count + " vertices");

            } // finishe an active v

        } // finish all the v on thread

        if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0)
  "Thd 0 finished all the vertices");

        decompress_counts = null;
        update_at_n = null;


        if (verbose && threadIdx == 0)
  "Finish updating remote counts on local vertex");

     * @brief Used in a pipeline regroup-update 
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx exclude thread 0
     * @param chunks chunks not included thread 0 
     * @return 
    private void update_comm_atomic(int sub_id, int update_mapper_id, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        if (threadIdx == 1) {
            active_child = part.get_active_index(sub_id);
            passive_child = part.get_passive_index(sub_id);
            if (this.verbose)
      "Start updating remote counts from mapper: " + update_mapper_id + " on local vertex");

        int num_combinations_verts_sub = this.choose_table[num_colors][num_verts_table[sub_id]];
        int active_index = part.get_active_index(sub_id);
        int num_verts_a = num_verts_table[active_index];

        // colorset combinations from active child
        // combination of colors for active child
        int num_combinations_active_ato = this.choose_table[num_verts_table[sub_id]][num_verts_a];

        // to calculate chunk size
        int comb_len = this.dt.get_num_color_set(this.part.get_passive_index(sub_id));

        if (verbose && threadIdx == 1)
  " Comb len: " + comb_len);

        // this decompress counts will be reused
        float[] decompress_counts = new float[comb_len];
        // accumulate the updates on a n position, then writes to the dt table
        double[] update_at_n = new double[num_combinations_verts_sub];

        // start update 
        // first loop over local v
        int effect_count = 0;
        for (int v = chunks[threadIdx - 1]; v < chunks[threadIdx]; ++v) {
            if (dt.is_vertex_init_active(v)) {
                //clear the update_at_n array
                for (int x = 0; x < num_combinations_verts_sub; x++)
                    update_at_n[x] = 0.0d;

                int adj_list_size = this.update_map_size[v];
                if (adj_list_size == 0)

                // ----------------- cache and re-use the map_ids, chunk_ids, and chunk_internal_offsets in each rotation -----------------
                // assertTrue("adj_list_size 0", (adj_list_size > 0));
                // store the abs adj id for v
                int[] adj_list = this.update_map[v];
                // assertTrue("adj_list null", (adj_list != null));
                float[] counts_a = dt.get_active(v);
                // assertTrue("counts_a null", (counts_a != null));

                int compress_interval = 0;

                // retrieve map_id and chunk id for each adj in adj_list
                int[] map_ids = this.map_ids_cache_pip[v];
                int[] chunk_ids = this.chunk_ids_cache_pip[v];
                int[] chunk_internal_offsets = this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip[v];

                //second loop over nbrs, decompress adj from Scset
                for (int rand_i = 0; rand_i < adj_list_size; rand_i++) {

                    if (map_ids[rand_i] != update_mapper_id || this.update_queue_pos[map_ids[rand_i]] == null
                            || this.update_queue_pos[map_ids[rand_i]][chunk_ids[rand_i]] == null) {

                    //get a non-null adj, received by pipeline comm in last turn
                    int[] adj_offset_list = this.update_queue_pos[map_ids[rand_i]][chunk_ids[rand_i]];

                    // get the offset pos
                    int start_pos = adj_offset_list[chunk_internal_offsets[rand_i]];
                    int end_pos = adj_offset_list[chunk_internal_offsets[rand_i] + 1];

                    if (start_pos != end_pos) {

                        // the num of compressed counts
                        compress_interval = end_pos - start_pos;

                        // get the compressed counts list, all nonzero elements
                        float[] adj_counts_list = this.update_queue_counts[map_ids[rand_i]][chunk_ids[rand_i]];
                        short[] adj_index_list = this.update_queue_index[map_ids[rand_i]][chunk_ids[rand_i]];

                        // assertTrue("adj_counts_list null", (adj_counts_list != null));
                        // assertTrue("adj_index_list null", (adj_index_list != null));

                        // ----------- start decompress process -----------
                        for (int x = 0; x < comb_len; x++)
                            decompress_counts[x] = 0.0f;

                        // assertTrue("compress_interval negative", (compress_interval > 0));

                        for (int x = 0; x < compress_interval; x++) {
                            // assertTrue("adj index out of bound", (adj_index_list[start_pos + x] < comb_len  && adj_index_list[start_pos + x] >=0 ));
                            // assertTrue(" adj counts list out of bound", (start_pos + x < adj_counts_list.length));
                            decompress_counts[(int) adj_index_list[start_pos + x]] = adj_counts_list[start_pos + x];

                        // ----------- Finish decompress process -----------

                        //third loop over comb_num for cur subtemplate
                        for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_verts_sub; n++) {
                            // more details
                            int[] comb_indexes_a = this.comb_num_indexes[0][sub_id][n];
                            int[] comb_indexes_p = this.comb_num_indexes[1][sub_id][n];

                            // assertTrue("comb_indexes_a null", (comb_indexes_a != null));
                            // assertTrue("comb_indexes_p null", (comb_indexes_p != null));

                            // for passive 
                            int p = num_combinations_active_ato - 1;
                            // fourth loop over comb_num for active/passive subtemplates
                            for (int a = 0; a < num_combinations_active_ato; ++a, --p) {
                                // assertTrue("counts_a null", (counts_a != null));
                                // assertTrue("a out of bound ", (a < comb_indexes_a.length));
                                // assertTrue("comb_indexes_a not in range", (comb_indexes_a[a] < counts_a.length));
                                float count_a = counts_a[comb_indexes_a[a]];
                                if (count_a > 0) {
                                    update_at_n[n] += ((double) count_a * decompress_counts[comb_indexes_p[p]]);


                        } // finish all combination sets for cur template

                    } // finish all nonzero adj

                } // finish all adj of a v

                //write upated value 
                for (int n = 0; n < num_combinations_verts_sub; n++) {
                    if (sub_id != 0)
                        dt.update_comm(v, comb_num_indexes_set[sub_id][n], (float) update_at_n[n]);
                        count_comm_root[threadIdx] += update_at_n[n];

                if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 1 && (effect_count % 1000 == 0))
          "Trace update counts for Thd 1: " + effect_count);

            } // finishe an active v

        } // finish all the v on thread

        if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 1)
  "Trace update counts for Thd 1 Finished");

        decompress_counts = null;
        update_at_n = null;

        if (verbose && threadIdx == 1)
  "Finish updating remote counts from mapper: " + update_mapper_id + " on local vertex");

     * @brief compress local vert data for remote mappers
     * cache the compressed data of each local v into a global lookup table
     * this will consume more memory space
     * single thread
     * @param vert_list
     * @param num_comb_max
     * @return 
    public SCSet compress_send_data_cached(int[] vert_list, int num_comb_max) {

        this.start_comm = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int v_num = vert_list.length;
        int[] v_offset = new int[v_num + 1];

        //to be trimed
        //counts_idx_tmp is not required, can be removed
        float[] counts_data_tmp = new float[num_comb_max * v_num];
        // float[] compress_array = new float[num_comb_max];

        // compress index uses short to save memory, support up to 32767 as max_comb_len
        short[] counts_index_tmp = new short[num_comb_max * v_num];
        // short[] compress_index = new short[num_comb_max];

        int count_num = 0;
        int effective_v = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < v_num; i++) {
            v_offset[i] = count_num;
            //get the abs vert id
            int comm_vert_id = vert_list[i];
            int rel_vert_id = this.g.get_relative_v_id(comm_vert_id);

            //if comm_vert_id is not in local graph
            if (rel_vert_id < 0 || (this.dt.is_vertex_init_passive(rel_vert_id) == false))

            // float[] counts_arry = null; 
            float[] compress_counts = this.compress_cache_array[rel_vert_id];
            short[] compress_index = this.compress_cache_index[rel_vert_id];

            if (compress_counts == null) {
                //compress the sending counts and index
                float[] counts_raw = this.dt.get_passive(rel_vert_id);
                if (counts_raw == null) {
          "ERROR: null passive counts array");

                //check length 
                if (counts_raw.length != num_comb_max) {
          "ERROR: comb_max and passive counts len not matched");

                // further compress nonzero values
                // float[] compress_counts_tmp = new float[num_comb_max];
                // short[] compress_index_tmp = new short[num_comb_max];
                // int compress_itr = 0;
                // for(int j=0; j<counts_raw.length; j++)
                // {
                //     if (counts_raw[j] > 0.0f)
                //     {
                //         compress_counts_tmp[compress_itr] = counts_raw[j];
                //         compress_index_tmp[compress_itr] = (short)j;
                //         compress_itr++;
                //     }
                // }
                // // trim the tmp arrays
                // compress_counts = new float[compress_itr];
                // compress_index = new short[compress_itr];
                // System.arraycopy(compress_counts_tmp, 0, compress_counts, 0, compress_itr);
                // System.arraycopy(compress_index_tmp, 0, compress_index, 0, compress_itr);

                // further compress nonzero values
                compress_counts = new float[num_comb_max];
                compress_index = new short[num_comb_max];

                int compress_itr = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < counts_raw.length; j++) {
                    if (counts_raw[j] > 0.0f) {
                        compress_counts[compress_itr] = counts_raw[j];
                        compress_index[compress_itr] = (short) j;

                //store compress data in the table
                this.compress_cache_array[rel_vert_id] = compress_counts;
                this.compress_cache_index[rel_vert_id] = compress_index;
                this.compress_cache_len[rel_vert_id] = compress_itr;

                // compress_counts_tmp = null;
                // compress_index_tmp = null;

            int compress_len = this.compress_cache_len[rel_vert_id];


            // System.arraycopy(compress_counts, 0, counts_data_tmp, count_num, compress_counts.length);
            // System.arraycopy(compress_index, 0, counts_index_tmp, count_num, compress_index.length);
            // count_num += compress_counts.length;

            System.arraycopy(compress_counts, 0, counts_data_tmp, count_num, compress_len);
            System.arraycopy(compress_index, 0, counts_index_tmp, count_num, compress_len);
            count_num += compress_len;


        v_offset[v_num] = count_num;
        //trim the tmp array
        float[] counts_data = new float[count_num];
        short[] counts_index = new short[count_num];

        System.arraycopy(counts_data_tmp, 0, counts_data, 0, count_num);
        System.arraycopy(counts_index_tmp, 0, counts_index, 0, count_num);

        counts_data_tmp = null;
        counts_index_tmp = null;

        SCSet set = new SCSet(v_num, count_num, v_offset, counts_data, counts_index);

        if (this.verbose) {
            long effective_size = ((long) effective_v * num_comb_max);
  "Estimated counts size w/o compression: " + effective_size + "; mem usage: "
                    + (effective_size * 4));
  "Actual counts array size after compression: " + count_num + "; mem usage: "
                    + ((long) count_num * 6));
  "Save memory "
                    + ((effective_size * 4 - (long) count_num * 6) / (double) (effective_size * 4)) * 100.0f + "%");

        this.time_comm += (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_comm);
        return set;

    public SCSet compress_send_data(int[] vert_list, int num_comb_max) {

        this.start_comm = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int v_num = vert_list.length;
        int[] v_offset = new int[v_num + 1];

        //to be trimed
        //counts_idx_tmp is not required, can be removed
        float[] counts_data_tmp = new float[num_comb_max * v_num];
        float[] compress_array = new float[num_comb_max];

        // compress index uses short to save memory, support up to 32767 as max_comb_len
        short[] counts_index_tmp = new short[num_comb_max * v_num];
        short[] compress_index = new short[num_comb_max];

        int count_num = 0;
        int effective_v = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < v_num; i++) {
            v_offset[i] = count_num;
            //get the abs vert id
            int comm_vert_id = vert_list[i];
            int rel_vert_id = this.g.get_relative_v_id(comm_vert_id);

            //if comm_vert_id is not in local graph
            if (rel_vert_id < 0 || (this.dt.is_vertex_init_passive(rel_vert_id) == false))

            //compress the sending counts and index
            float[] counts_raw = this.dt.get_passive(rel_vert_id);
            if (counts_raw == null) {
      "ERROR: null passive counts array");

            //check length 
            if (counts_raw.length != num_comb_max) {
      "ERROR: comb_max and passive counts len not matched");

            int compress_itr = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < counts_raw.length; j++) {
                if (counts_raw[j] > 0.0f) {
                    compress_array[compress_itr] = counts_raw[j];
                    compress_index[compress_itr] = (short) j;


            System.arraycopy(compress_array, 0, counts_data_tmp, count_num, compress_itr);
            System.arraycopy(compress_index, 0, counts_index_tmp, count_num, compress_itr);
            count_num += compress_itr;


        v_offset[v_num] = count_num;
        //trim the tmp array
        float[] counts_data = new float[count_num];
        short[] counts_index = new short[count_num];

        System.arraycopy(counts_data_tmp, 0, counts_data, 0, count_num);
        System.arraycopy(counts_index_tmp, 0, counts_index, 0, count_num);

        counts_data_tmp = null;
        counts_index_tmp = null;
        compress_array = null;
        compress_index = null;

        SCSet set = new SCSet(v_num, count_num, v_offset, counts_data, counts_index);

        if (this.verbose) {
            long effective_size = ((long) effective_v * num_comb_max);
  "Estimated counts size w/o compression: " + effective_size + "; mem usage: "
                    + (effective_size * 4));
  "Actual counts array size after compression: " + count_num + "; mem usage: "
                    + ((long) count_num * 6));
  "Save memory "
                    + ((effective_size * 4 - (long) count_num * 6) / (double) (effective_size * 4)) * 100.0f + "%");

        this.time_comm += (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start_comm);
        return set;

     * @brief calculate and printout counts number for each intermediate subtemplates
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx
     * @param chunks
     * @return 
    private void print_counts(int sub_id, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        cc_ato[threadIdx] = 0.0;

        for (int v = chunks[threadIdx]; v < chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {
            float[] counts_a_test_cur = dt.get_table(sub_id, v);
            if (counts_a_test_cur != null) {
                for (int x = 0; x < counts_a_test_cur.length; x++)
                    cc_ato[threadIdx] += (double) counts_a_test_cur[x];


    public long get_comm_time() {
        return this.time_comm;

    public long get_sync_time() {
        return this.time_sync;

     * @brief update the received counts for each local vertex
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx
     * @param chunks
     * @return 
    private void regroup_update_all(int sub_id, int threadIdx, int[] chunks)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {
        // single thread communication
        if (threadIdx == 0)

        //release the cached sending data
        //after regroup update for one subtemplate
        if (threadIdx == 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.num_verts_graph; i++) {
                this.compress_cache_array[i] = null;
                this.compress_cache_index[i] = null;

        // precompute the maperids, chunkids, and offsets for adjlist of each local v
        calculate_update_ids(sub_id, threadIdx);

        try {

            update_comm_all(sub_id, threadIdx, chunks);

        } catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException e) {

        //release precomputed ids

        if (threadIdx == 0)

     * @brief pre-computing the chunk ids and offsets in communication packets
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx
     * @return 
    private void calculate_update_ids(int sub_id, int threadIdx)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        int comb_len = this.dt.get_num_color_set(this.part.get_passive_index(sub_id));

        for (int v = this.chunks[threadIdx]; v < this.chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {
            if (dt.is_vertex_init_active(v)) {
                int adj_list_size = this.update_map_size[v];
                if (adj_list_size == 0)

                // ----------------- cache and re-use the map_ids, chunk_ids, and chunk_internal_offsets in each rotation -----------------
                // assertTrue("adj_list_size 0", (adj_list_size > 0));
                // store the abs adj id for v
                int[] adj_list = this.update_map[v];
                // assertTrue("adj_list null", (adj_list != null));
                // retrieve map_id and chunk id for each adj in adj_list
                int[] map_ids = new int[adj_list_size];
                int[] chunk_ids = new int[adj_list_size];
                int[] chunk_internal_offsets = new int[adj_list_size];

                int adj_id = 0;
                int adj_offset = 0;
                int map_id = 0;
                int adj_list_len = 0;

                int chunk_size = 0;
                int chunk_len = 0;

                int chunk_id = 0;
                int chunk_internal_offset = 0;

                int compress_interval = 0;

                //calculate map_ids, chunk_ids, and chunk_internal_offset
                for (int j = 0; j < adj_list_size; j++) {
                    adj_id = adj_list[j];
                    adj_offset = this.abs_v_to_queue[adj_id];
                    map_id = this.abs_v_to_mapper[adj_id];
                    adj_list_len = this.update_mapper_len[map_id];

                    // assertTrue("adj_list_len < 1", (adj_list_len > 0));
                    //calculate chunk id 
                    chunk_size = (int) ((adj_list_len * (long) comb_len + this.send_array_limit - 1)
                            / this.send_array_limit);
                    chunk_len = adj_list_len / (int) chunk_size;

                    // from 0 to chunk_size - 1
                    chunk_id = adj_offset / chunk_len;
                    chunk_internal_offset = adj_offset % chunk_len;

                    // assertTrue("chunk id non zero: ", (chunk_id == 0));
                    // reminder
                    if (chunk_id > chunk_size - 1) {
                        chunk_id = chunk_size - 1;
                        chunk_internal_offset += chunk_len;

                    map_ids[j] = map_id;
                    chunk_ids[j] = chunk_id;
                    chunk_internal_offsets[j] = chunk_internal_offset;

                // store ids for this v
                this.map_ids_cache_pip[v] = map_ids;
                this.chunk_ids_cache_pip[v] = chunk_ids;
                this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip[v] = chunk_internal_offsets;

            } // finishe an active v



    private void release_update_ids(int threadIdx) {
        for (int v = this.chunks[threadIdx]; v < this.chunks[threadIdx + 1]; ++v) {
            this.map_ids_cache_pip[v] = null;
            this.chunk_ids_cache_pip[v] = null;
            this.chunk_internal_offsets_cache_pip[v] = null;

     * @brief regourp and updates cross-partition counts in a pipelined way.
     * The original AlltoAll like regroup is decomposed into this.mapper_num times
     * Each turn, thread 0 sends/receives partitions to/from a certain mapper while the 
     * other threads update the local counts by received data in previous turn. The send/recive 
     * sequence is predefined.
     * pipeline version requires at least two Java threads
     * @param sub_id
     * @param threadIdx
     * @param chunks
     * @return 
    private void regroup_update_pipeline(int sub_id, int threadIdx)
            throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {

        // first turn of regroup data send to its neighbour mapper id 
        // get the update id as the received mapper id 
        if (threadIdx == 0) {
            this.pipeline_send_id = (this.local_mapper_id + 1) % this.mapper_num;
            this.pipeline_recv_id = regroup_comm_atomic(sub_id, this.pipeline_send_id);
            this.pipeline_update_id = this.pipeline_recv_id;

        // precompute the maperids, chunkids, and offsets for adjlist of each local v
        calculate_update_ids(sub_id, threadIdx);

        // start update
        if (this.mapper_num == 2) {
            //no need of pipeline all the data transferred
            update_comm_all(sub_id, threadIdx, this.chunks);

            if (threadIdx == 0)


        } else {
            //start pipelined comm and update
            //mapper num > 2
            this.count_comm_root[threadIdx] = 0.0d;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.mapper_num - 2; i++) {
                if (threadIdx == 0) {

                    this.pipeline_send_id = this.pipeline_send_id % this.mapper_num;
                    this.pipeline_recv_id = regroup_comm_atomic(sub_id, this.pipeline_send_id);

                    if (this.verbose)
              "Pipeline " + i + " finish comm send id: " + this.pipeline_send_id + "; recv id: "
                                + this.pipeline_recv_id);
                } else {
                    //update local received data from previous turn
                    update_comm_atomic(sub_id, this.pipeline_update_id, threadIdx, this.chunks_pipeline);

                    if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 1)
                                "Pipeline " + i + " finish compute on data from mapper " + this.pipeline_update_id);


                // sync and wait for the finish of comm and update

                if (threadIdx == 0) {
                    if (this.verbose)
              "Start Pipeline Mem Recycle");

                    this.pipeline_update_id = this.pipeline_recv_id;

                    if (this.verbose)
              "Finish Pipeline Mem Recycle");


            // finish the udpating of comm data in the last pipeline step
            if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0)
      "Update Last remain of pipeline");

            if (threadIdx != 0)
                update_comm_atomic(sub_id, this.pipeline_update_id, threadIdx, this.chunks_pipeline);


            if (threadIdx == 0)



        //release the compressed sending data
        if (threadIdx == 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.num_verts_graph; i++) {
                this.compress_cache_array[i] = null;
                this.compress_cache_index[i] = null;

        //release precomputed ids

        if (this.verbose && threadIdx == 0)
  "Finish pipeline for sub: " + sub_id);


     * @brief release the JVM memory and harp comm table 
     * @return 
    private void recycleMem() {
        // clean up memory
        if (this.comm_data_table != null) {
            this.comm_data_table = null;

        for (int k = 0; k < this.mapper_num; k++) {
            if (this.update_queue_pos[k] != null) {
                for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_pos[k].length; x++)
                    this.update_queue_pos[k][x] = null;

            this.update_queue_pos[k] = null;

            if (this.update_queue_counts[k] != null) {
                for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_counts[k].length; x++)
                    this.update_queue_counts[k][x] = null;

            this.update_queue_counts[k] = null;

            if (this.update_queue_index[k] != null) {
                for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_index[k].length; x++)
                    this.update_queue_index[k][x] = null;

            this.update_queue_index[k] = null;



     * @brief release the JVM memory and harp comm table 
     * after a pipeline step
     * @return 
    private void recycleMemPipeline(int k) {

        if (this.comm_data_table != null) {
            // remove items from inUseMap
            this.comm_data_table = null;

        // only clean up memory associated with clear_id (mapper)
        if (this.update_queue_pos[k] != null) {
            for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_pos[k].length; x++)
                this.update_queue_pos[k][x] = null;

        this.update_queue_pos[k] = null;

        if (this.update_queue_counts[k] != null) {
            for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_counts[k].length; x++)
                this.update_queue_counts[k][x] = null;

        this.update_queue_counts[k] = null;

        if (this.update_queue_index[k] != null) {
            for (int x = 0; x < this.update_queue_index[k].length; x++)
                this.update_queue_index[k][x] = null;

        this.update_queue_index[k] = null;
