Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 Indiana University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.iu.lda; import cc.mallet.types.Dirichlet; import edu.iu.dymoro.Rotator; import edu.iu.dymoro.Scheduler; import edu.iu.harp.example.DoubleArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.example.IntArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.example.LongArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Partition; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Table; import edu.iu.harp.resource.DoubleArray; import edu.iu.harp.resource.IntArray; import edu.iu.harp.resource.LongArray; import edu.iu.harp.schdynamic.DynamicScheduler; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.CollectiveMapper; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class LDAMPCollectiveMapper extends CollectiveMapper<String, String, Object, Object> { private int numTopics; private double alpha; private double beta; private int numIterations; private int numThreads; private double scheduleRatio; private boolean enableTuning; private int minBound; private int maxBound; private long time; private boolean hasOverTrained; private int lastUnderTrainIte; private int breakPeriod; private String modelDirPath; private boolean printModel; private int printInterval; private int freeInterval; private int numModelSlices; private long computeTime; private long waitTime; /** * Mapper configuration. */ @Override protected void setup(Context context) { "start setup: " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Configuration configuration = context.getConfiguration(); numTopics = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_TOPICS, 100); alpha = configuration.getDouble(Constants.ALPHA, 0.1); beta = configuration.getDouble(Constants.BETA, 0.001); numIterations = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_ITERATIONS, 100); numThreads = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_THREADS, 16); scheduleRatio = configuration.getDouble(Constants.SCHEDULE_RATIO, 2.0); minBound = configuration.getInt(Constants.MIN_BOUND, Constants.TRAIN_MIN_THRESHOLD); maxBound = configuration.getInt(Constants.MAX_BOUND, Constants.TRAIN_MAX_THRESHOLD); if (minBound <= 0 || minBound > 100) { minBound = Constants.TRAIN_MIN_THRESHOLD; } if (maxBound <= 0 || maxBound > 100) { maxBound = Constants.TRAIN_MAX_THRESHOLD; } if (maxBound < minBound) { maxBound = minBound; } if (maxBound == 100) { minBound = 100; enableTuning = false; } else { enableTuning = true; } time = enableTuning ? 1000L : 1000000000L; hasOverTrained = false; lastUnderTrainIte = 0; breakPeriod = 0; modelDirPath = configuration.get(Constants.MODEL_DIR, ""); printModel = configuration.getBoolean(Constants.PRINT_MODEL, false); printInterval = 10; freeInterval = 10; numModelSlices = 2; computeTime = 0L; waitTime = 0L; long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"config (ms): " + (endTime - startTime));"Num Topics " + numTopics);"Alpha " + alpha);"Beta " + beta);"Num Iterations " + numIterations);"numThreads\\scheduleRaito " + numThreads + "\\" + scheduleRatio);"enableTuning\\Time\\Bounds " + enableTuning + "\\" + time + "\\" + minBound + "\\" + maxBound);"Model Dir Path " + modelDirPath);"Print Model " + printModel);"Model Slices " + numModelSlices);"Container Memory " + configuration.get(""));"Java Memory " + configuration.get("")); } protected void mapCollective(KeyValReader reader, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LinkedList<String> docFiles = getDocFiles(reader); try { runLDA(docFiles, context.getConfiguration(), context); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Fail to run LDA.", e); }"Total execution time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } private LinkedList<String> getDocFiles(final KeyValReader reader) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final LinkedList<String> docFiles = new LinkedList<>(); while (reader.nextKeyValue()) { final String value = reader.getCurrentValue();"File: " + value); docFiles.add(value); } return docFiles; } private void runLDA(final LinkedList<String> vFilePaths, final Configuration configuration, final Context context) throws Exception { // Load training data Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<DocWord> vDocMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<String> docIDMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); final int maxDocIDw = LDAUtil.load(vFilePaths, numThreads, configuration, vDocMap, docIDMap);"Max Doc ID on Worker " + maxDocIDw); // --------------------------------------------- // Create vHMap and W model int numSplits = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((double) numThreads * (double) numThreads * scheduleRatio)); final int numRowSplits = numSplits; final int numColSplits = numSplits;"numRowSplits: " + numRowSplits + " numColSplits: " + numColSplits); // D model and W model final LongArrayList[] dMap = new LongArrayList[maxDocIDw + 1]; Table<TopicCountMap> wordTable = new Table<>(0, new TopicCountMapCombiner()); // vDMap grouped to splits based on row IDs final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<DocWord>[] vDWMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap[numRowSplits]; LDAUtil.createDWSplitAndModel(vDocMap, dMap, wordTable, vDWMap, numRowSplits, numTopics, numThreads); vDocMap = null; this.freeMemory(); this.freeConn(); System.gc(); // Create global W model Table<TopicCountList>[] wordTableMap = new Table[numModelSlices]; final int vocabularySize = LDAUtil.createWordModel(wordTableMap, numModelSlices, wordTable, this); wordTable = null; printWordModelSize(wordTableMap); printDocModelSize(dMap); sortTopicCounts(wordTableMap, dMap); // Count the training points per worker final long numTokens = getNumTokens(vDWMap); final int selfID = this.getSelfID(); final int numWorkers = this.getNumWorkers(); final long totalTokens = countWorkerTokenSum(numTokens, selfID, numWorkers); this.freeMemory(); this.freeConn(); System.gc(); // ---------------------------------------------- // Calculate topic sums final int[] topicSums = new int[numTopics]; getTopicSums("get-initial-topics-word-sum", topicSums, wordTableMap); printNumTokens(topicSums); printLikelihood(wordTableMap, numWorkers, 0, topicSums, vocabularySize); final double[] commons = new double[numTopics]; final double[] rCoeffDistr = new double[numTopics]; double rCoeffSum = calculateCommons(vocabularySize, topicSums, commons, rCoeffDistr); // Create scheduler and rotator boolean randomModelSplit = false; int[] order = null; Rotator<TopicCountList> rotator = new Rotator<>(wordTableMap, numColSplits, randomModelSplit, this, order, "lda"); rotator.start(); List<LDAMPTask> ldaTasks = new ObjectArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { LDAMPTask task = new LDAMPTask(dMap, numTopics, alpha, beta, commons, rCoeffDistr); task.setRCoeffSum(rCoeffSum); ldaTasks.add(task); } Scheduler<Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<DocWord>, TopicCountList, LDAMPTask> scheduler = new Scheduler<>( numRowSplits, numColSplits, vDWMap, time, ldaTasks); // ----------------------------------------- // For iteration for (int i = 1; i <= numIterations; i++) { long iteStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < numWorkers; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Partition<TopicCountList>>[] wMap = rotator.getSplitMap(k); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); scheduler.schedule(wMap, false); long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); rotator.rotate(k); waitTime += (t2 - t1); computeTime += (t3 - t2); } } long itePause1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); rotator.pause(); long itePause2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long numVTrained = scheduler.getNumVItemsTrained(); if (enableTuning) { long newTime = time; // Stop adjust the timer, // if recently there was a under train if (lastUnderTrainIte == 0 || i - lastUnderTrainIte >= breakPeriod) { newTime = adjustMiniBatch(selfID, computeTime, numVTrained, totalTokens, i, time, minBound, maxBound, numWorkers, numModelSlices); } if (time != newTime) { // if (newTime < time) { // this.freeMemory(); // } time = newTime; scheduler.setTimer(time); sortTopicCounts(wordTableMap, dMap); } } long itePause3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Update topic sums, rCoeff distr and sum getTopicSums("get-topics-word-sum-" + i, topicSums, wordTableMap); rCoeffSum = calculateCommons(vocabularySize, topicSums, commons, rCoeffDistr); for (LDAMPTask ldaTask : ldaTasks) { ldaTask.setRCoeffSum(rCoeffSum); } long iteEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); int percentage = (int) Math.ceil((double) numVTrained / (double) numTokens * 100.0);"Iteration " + i + ": " + (iteEnd - iteStart) + ", compute time: " + computeTime + ", misc: " + waitTime + "\\" + (itePause2 - itePause1) + "\\" + (itePause3 - itePause2) + "\\" + (iteEnd - itePause3) + ", numTokens: " + numVTrained + ", percentage(%): " + percentage); computeTime = 0L; waitTime = 0L; if (i % freeInterval == 0) { this.freeMemory(); } if (i % printInterval == 0 || i == 1 || i == numIterations) { // this.logMemUsage(); // this.logGCTime(); printNumTokens(topicSums); printWordModelSize(wordTableMap); printDocModelSize(dMap); double likelihood = printLikelihood(wordTableMap, numWorkers, i, topicSums, vocabularySize); if (printModel && i % (printInterval * 10) == 0) {"Start to print word model."); try { printWordTableMap(wordTableMap, modelDirPath + "/tmp_word_model/" + i + "/", selfID, configuration); // printDocMap( // dMap, docIDMap, modelDirPath // + "/tmp_doc_model/" + i + "/", // selfID, configuration); if (isMaster() && (i == numIterations)) { saveLikelihood(likelihood, modelDirPath, selfID, configuration); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Fail to print model.", e); } } context.progress(); } rotator.start(); } scheduler.stop(); rotator.stop(); } private long getNumTokens(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<DocWord>[] vDWMap) { long countV = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < vDWMap.length; i++) { Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<DocWord> vWMap = vDWMap[i]; ObjectIterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<DocWord>> iterator = vWMap.int2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); for (; iterator.hasNext();) { DocWord docWord =; // Number of tokens for (int k = 0; k < docWord.numV; k++) { countV += docWord.z[k].length; } } } return countV; } private long countWorkerTokenSum(long numTokens, int selfID, int numWorkers) { Table<LongArray> workerVSumTable = new Table<>(0, new LongArrPlus()); LongArray array = LongArray.create(1, false); array.get()[0] = numTokens; workerVSumTable.addPartition(new Partition<>(selfID, array)); this.allgather("lda", "allgather-vsum", workerVSumTable); long totalNumToken = 0; for (Partition<LongArray> partition : workerVSumTable.getPartitions()) { int workerID =; long numV = partition.get().get()[0]; totalNumToken += numV;"Worker ID: " + workerID + " " + numV); }"Total number of tokens " + totalNumToken); return totalNumToken; } private void getTopicSums(String opName, int[] topicSums, LongArrayList[] dMap) { Arrays.fill(topicSums, 0); for (int i = 0; i < dMap.length; i++) { if (dMap[i] != null) { for (int j = 0; j < dMap[i].size(); j++) { long t = dMap[i].getLong(j); topicSums[(int) t] += (int) (t >>> 32); } } } Table<IntArray> table = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus()); table.addPartition(new Partition<IntArray>(0, new IntArray(topicSums, 0, numTopics))); this.allreduce("lda", opName, table); } private void getTopicSums(String opName, int[] topicSums, Table<TopicCountList>[] wTableMap) { Arrays.fill(topicSums, 0); for (int i = 0; i < wTableMap.length; i++) { for (Partition<TopicCountList> partition : wTableMap[i].getPartitions()) { LongArrayList list = partition.get().getTopicCount(); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { long t = list.getLong(j); topicSums[(int) t] += (int) (t >>> 32); } } } Table<IntArray> table = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus()); table.addPartition(new Partition<IntArray>(0, new IntArray(topicSums, 0, numTopics))); this.allreduce("lda", opName, table); } private double calculateCommons(int vocabularySize, int[] topicSums, double[] commons, double[] rCoeffDistr) { double rCoeffSum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numTopics; i++) { commons[i] = 1.0 / (topicSums[i] + beta * vocabularySize); rCoeffDistr[i] = commons[i] * beta; rCoeffSum += rCoeffDistr[i]; } return rCoeffSum; } private long adjustMiniBatch(int selfID, long computeTime, long numTokenTrained, long totalTokens, int iteration, long miniBatch, int minBound, int maxBound, int numWorkers, int modelSlices) { // Try to get worker ID // and related computation Time // and the percentage of // completion Table<LongArray> arrTable = new Table<>(0, new LongArrPlus()); LongArray array = LongArray.create(2, false); array.get()[0] = computeTime; array.get()[1] = numTokenTrained; arrTable.addPartition(new Partition<>(selfID, array)); array = null; this.allgather("lda", "allgather-compute-status-" + iteration, arrTable); long totalComputeTime = 0L; long totalTokensTrained = 0L; for (Partition<LongArray> partition : arrTable.getPartitions()) { long[] recvArr = partition.get().get(); totalComputeTime += recvArr[0]; totalTokensTrained += recvArr[1]; } arrTable.release(); arrTable = null; // must been the ceiling // make sure the minimum is not 0 long predictedComputeTime = miniBatch * (long) numWorkers * (long) modelSlices * (long) numWorkers; // adjust the percentage int percentage = (int) Math.ceil(((double) totalTokensTrained * 100.0 / (double) totalTokens) * ((double) predictedComputeTime / (double) totalComputeTime)); // real percentage is the percentage got in // execution int realPercentage = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalTokensTrained * 100.0 / (double) totalTokens); boolean overTrain = false; boolean underTrain = false; if (percentage > maxBound) { overTrain = true; } if (percentage < minBound) { underTrain = true; } long newMinibatch = miniBatch; if (overTrain) { if (!hasOverTrained) { hasOverTrained = true; } newMinibatch /= 2L; } else if (underTrain) { if (hasOverTrained) { lastUnderTrainIte = iteration; if (breakPeriod == 0) { breakPeriod = 1; } else { breakPeriod *= 2; } } newMinibatch *= 2L; int potential = percentage * 2; while (potential < minBound) { potential *= 2; newMinibatch *= 2L; } } if (newMinibatch != miniBatch) {"Total trained tokens: " + totalTokensTrained + " percentage: " + percentage + " " + realPercentage + " new timer: " + newMinibatch); } return newMinibatch; } private void sortTopicCounts(Table<TopicCountList>[] wTableMap, LongArrayList[] docMap) { // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); LinkedList<SortTask> sortTasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { sortTasks.add(new SortTask(numTopics)); } DynamicScheduler<LongArrayList, Object, SortTask> sortCompute = new DynamicScheduler<>(sortTasks); // compute local partial likelihood for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { for (Partition<TopicCountList> partition : wTableMap[k].getPartitions()) { sortCompute.submit(partition.get().getTopicCount()); } } for (int i = 0; i < docMap.length; i++) { if (docMap[i] != null) { sortCompute.submit(docMap[i]); } } sortCompute.start(); sortCompute.stop(); // long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // "Sort topic counts, took " + (t2 - t1)); } private void printWordTableMap(Table<TopicCountList>[] wordTableMap, String folderPath, int selfID, Configuration congfiguration) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(congfiguration); Path folder = new Path(folderPath); if (!fs.exists(folder)) { fs.mkdirs(folder); } Path file = new Path(folderPath + "/" + selfID); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(file)))); for (Table<TopicCountList> wTable : wordTableMap) { for (Partition<TopicCountList> wPartition : wTable.getPartitions()) { int wordID =; LongArrayList wRow = wPartition.get().getTopicCount(); // Print word writer.print(wordID); // Print topic count for (int i = 0; i < wRow.size(); i++) { long t = wRow.getLong(i); writer.print(" " + (int) t + ":" + (int) (t >>> 32)); } writer.println(); } } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } private void printDocMap(LongArrayList[] docMap, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<String> docIDMap, String folderPath, int selfID, Configuration congfiguration) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(congfiguration); Path folder = new Path(folderPath); if (!fs.exists(folder)) { fs.mkdirs(folder); } Path file = new Path(folderPath + "/" + selfID); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(file)))); for (int i = 0; i < docMap.length; i++) { if (docMap[i] != null) { LongArrayList dRow = docMap[i]; // Print real doc ID writer.print(docIDMap.get(i)); // Print topic count for (int j = 0; j < dRow.size(); j++) { long t = dRow.getLong(j); writer.print(" " + (int) t + ":" + (int) (t >>> 32)); } writer.println(); } } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } private void printWordModelSize(Table<TopicCountList>[] wordTableMap) { long size = 0L; for (Table<TopicCountList> wTable : wordTableMap) { for (Partition<TopicCountList> partition : wTable.getPartitions()) { size += partition.get().getTopicCount().size() * 8; } }"Word model size: " + size + " bytes"); } private void printDocModelSize(LongArrayList[] docMap) { long size = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < docMap.length; i++) { if (docMap[i] != null) { size += (long) docMap[i].size() * 8L; } }"Doc model size: " + size + " bytes"); } private void printNumTokens(int[] topicSums) { long numTokens = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < topicSums.length; i++) { numTokens += topicSums[i]; }"Total Topic Sum " + numTokens); } private double printLikelihood(Table<TopicCountList>[] wTableMap, int numWorkers, int iteration, int[] topicSums, int vocabularySize) { LinkedList<CalcLikelihoodTask> calcLHTasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { calcLHTasks.add(new CalcLikelihoodTask(numTopics, alpha, beta)); } DynamicScheduler<Partition<TopicCountList>, Object, CalcLikelihoodTask> calcLHCompute = new DynamicScheduler<>( calcLHTasks); // compute local partial likelihood for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { calcLHCompute.submitAll(wTableMap[k].getPartitions()); } calcLHCompute.start(); calcLHCompute.stop(); double likelihood = 0.0; for (CalcLikelihoodTask calcTask : calcLHCompute.getTasks()) { likelihood += calcTask.getLikelihood(); } // all reduce to get the sum DoubleArray array = DoubleArray.create(1, false); array.get()[0] = likelihood; Table<DoubleArray> lhTable = new Table<>(0, new DoubleArrPlus()); lhTable.addPartition(new Partition<DoubleArray>(0, array)); this.allreduce("lda", "allreduce-likelihood-" + iteration, lhTable); likelihood = lhTable.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]; lhTable.release(); // the remain parts for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { likelihood -= Dirichlet.logGammaStirling((beta * vocabularySize) + topicSums[topic]); } // logGamma(|V|*beta) for every topic likelihood += Dirichlet.logGammaStirling(beta * vocabularySize) * numTopics; // output"Iteration " + iteration + ", logLikelihood: " + likelihood); return likelihood; } private void saveLikelihood(double likelihood, String folderPath, int selfID, Configuration congfiguration) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(congfiguration); Path folder = new Path(folderPath); if (!fs.exists(folder)) { fs.mkdirs(folder); } Path file = new Path(folderPath + "/evaluation"); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(file)))); writer.print(likelihood); writer.println(); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }