Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 Indiana University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.iu.daal_subgraph; import edu.iu.fileformat.MultiFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class SCDaalLauncher extends Configured implements Tool { // int numMapTasks; // String template; // String graphDir; // String outDir; // int numThreads; // boolean useLocalMultiThread; // ArrayList<SCSubJob> subjoblist; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { long begintime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int res = Configuration(), new SCDaalLauncher(), args); long endtinme = System.currentTimeMillis(); long costTime = (endtinme - begintime); System.out.println(costTime + "ms"); System.exit(res); } /* * a template is like: i graph 5 u5-1 u3-1 u2 u3-1 i u2 u2 i i final u5-1 5 2 */ @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration configuration = getConf(); //load in dynamic libs for harp-daal modules DistributedCache.createSymlink(configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI("/Hadoop/Libraries/"), configuration); if (args.length < 16) { System.err.println("Usage: edu.iu.subgraph.SCDaalLauncher" + " <number of map tasks> " + "<useLocalMultiThread> " + "<template> " + "<graphDir> " + " <outDir> " + "<num threads per node> " + "<num cores per node> " + "<thread affinity> " + "<omp schedule>" + "<thread per core> " + "<mem per mapper>" + "<mem java ratio>" + "<mem per regroup array (MB)>" + "<len per nbr split task>" + "<rotation-pipeline>" + "<num iteration>"); ToolRunner.printGenericCommandUsage(System.err); return -1; } int numMapTasks = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); boolean useLocalMultiThread = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[1]); String template = args[2]; String graphDir = args[3]; String outDir = args[4]; int numThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); int numCores = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); String affinity = args[7]; String omp_opt = args[8]; int tpc = Integer.parseInt(args[9]); int mem = Integer.parseInt(args[10]); double memjavaratio = Double.parseDouble(args[11]); int send_array_limit = Integer.parseInt(args[12]); int nbr_split_len = Integer.parseInt(args[13]); boolean rotation_pipeline = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[14]); int numIteration = Integer.parseInt(args[15]); System.out.println("use Local MultiThread? " + useLocalMultiThread); System.out.println("set Number of Map Tasks = " + numMapTasks); System.out.println("set number of threads: " + numThreads); System.out.println("set threads affinity: " + affinity); System.out.println("set omp scheduler: " + omp_opt); System.out.println("set number of cores per node: " + numCores); System.out.println("set number of thd per core: " + tpc); System.out.println("set mem size per regroup array (MB): " + send_array_limit); System.out.println("set len of split nbr task: " + nbr_split_len); launch(graphDir, template, outDir, numMapTasks, useLocalMultiThread, numThreads, numCores, affinity, omp_opt, tpc, mem, memjavaratio, send_array_limit, nbr_split_len, rotation_pipeline, numIteration); return 0; } public void launch(String graphDir, String template, String outDir, int numMapTasks, boolean useLocalMultiThread, int numThreads, int numCores, String affinity, String omp_opt, int tpc, int mem, double memjavaratio, int send_array_limit, int nbr_split_len, boolean rotation_pipeline, int numIteration) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { boolean jobSuccess = true; int jobRetryCount = 0; Job scJob = configureSCJob(graphDir, template, outDir, numMapTasks, useLocalMultiThread, numThreads, numCores, affinity, omp_opt, tpc, mem, memjavaratio, send_array_limit, nbr_split_len, rotation_pipeline, numIteration); // ---------------------------------------------------------- jobSuccess = scJob.waitForCompletion(true); // ---------------------------------------------------------- } private Job configureSCJob(String graphDir, String template, String outDir, int numMapTasks, boolean useLocalMultiThread, int numThreads, int numCores, String affinity, String omp_opt, int tpc, int mem, double memjavaratio, int send_array_limit, int nbr_split_len, boolean rotation_pipeline, int numIteration) throws IOException { Configuration configuration = getConf(); Job job = Job.getInstance(configuration, "subgraph counting"); Configuration jobConfig = job.getConfiguration(); Path jobOutDir = new Path(outDir); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(configuration); if (fs.exists(jobOutDir)) { fs.delete(jobOutDir, true); } FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, graphDir); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, jobOutDir); //job.setInputFormatClass(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class); //use harp multifile input format to have a better control on num of map tasks job.setInputFormatClass(MultiFileInputFormat.class); job.setJarByClass(SCDaalLauncher.class); job.setMapperClass(SCDaalCollectiveMapper.class); JobConf jobConf = (JobConf) job.getConfiguration(); jobConf.set("", "map-collective"); // // 125000 jobConf.setInt("", mem); // // -Xmx120000m -Xms120000m // int xmx = (mem - 5000) > (mem * 0.9) // ? (mem - 5000) : (int) Math.ceil(mem * 0.5); // int xmx = (int) Math.ceil((mem - 5000)*0.2); int xmx = (int) Math.ceil((mem - 5000) * memjavaratio); int xmn = (int) Math.ceil(0.25 * xmx); jobConf.set("", "-Xmx" + xmx + "m -Xms" + xmx + "m" + " -Xmn" + xmn + "m"); jobConf.setNumMapTasks(numMapTasks); jobConf.setInt("mapreduce.job.max.split.locations", 10000); jobConf.setInt("mapreduce.task.timeout", 60000000); job.setNumReduceTasks(0); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.NUM_MAPPERS, numMapTasks); jobConfig.set(SCConstants.TEMPLATE_PATH, template); jobConfig.set(SCConstants.OUTPUT_PATH, outDir); jobConfig.setBoolean(SCConstants.USE_LOCAL_MULTITHREAD, useLocalMultiThread); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.NUM_THREADS_PER_NODE, numThreads); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.THREAD_NUM, numThreads); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.CORE_NUM, numCores); jobConfig.set(SCConstants.THD_AFFINITY, affinity); jobConfig.set(SCConstants.OMPSCHEDULE, omp_opt); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.TPC, tpc); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.SENDLIMIT, send_array_limit); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.NBRTASKLEN, nbr_split_len); jobConfig.setBoolean(SCConstants.ROTATION_PIPELINE, rotation_pipeline); jobConfig.setInt(SCConstants.NUM_ITERATION, numIteration); return job; } }