Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2017 Indiana University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.iu.ccd; import edu.iu.dymoro.RotationUtil; import edu.iu.dymoro.Rotator; import edu.iu.harp.example.DoubleArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.example.IntArrPlus; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Partition; import edu.iu.harp.partition.PartitionStatus; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Partitioner; import edu.iu.harp.partition.Table; import edu.iu.harp.resource.DoubleArray; import edu.iu.harp.resource.IntArray; import edu.iu.harp.schdynamic.DynamicScheduler; import edu.iu.sgd.SGDUtil; import edu.iu.sgd.VRowCol; import edu.iu.sgd.VSet; import edu.iu.sgd.VSetCombiner; import edu.iu.sgd.VSetSplit; import edu.iu.sgd.VStore; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrays; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.CollectiveMapper; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class CCDMPCollectiveMapper extends CollectiveMapper<String, String, Object, Object> { private int r; private double lambda; private int numIterations; private int numThreads; private String modelDirPath; private int numModelSlices; private int rmseIteInterval; private boolean printRMSE; private double testRMSE; private String testFilePath; private long computeTime; private long prepareResTime; private long totalNumV; private long waitTime; /** * Mapper configuration. */ @Override protected void setup(Context context) { "start setup: " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Configuration configuration = context.getConfiguration(); r = configuration.getInt(Constants.R, 100); lambda = configuration.getDouble(Constants.LAMBDA, 0.001); numIterations = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_ITERATIONS, 100); numThreads = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_THREADS, 16); modelDirPath = configuration.get(Constants.MODEL_DIR, ""); numModelSlices = configuration.getInt(Constants.NUM_MODEL_SLICES, 2); testFilePath = configuration.get(Constants.TEST_FILE_PATH, ""); rmseIteInterval = 1; printRMSE = false; testRMSE = 0.0; computeTime = 0L; prepareResTime = 0L; totalNumV = 0L; waitTime = 0L; long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"config (ms): " + (endTime - startTime));"R " + r);"Lambda " + lambda);"No. Iterations " + numIterations);"No. Threads " + numThreads);"Model Dir Path " + modelDirPath);"No. Model Slices " + numModelSlices);"TEST FILE PATH " + testFilePath); } protected void mapCollective(KeyValReader reader, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<String> vFiles = getVFiles(reader); try { runCCD(vFiles, context.getConfiguration(), context); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Fail to run CCD.", e); }"Total execution time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } private LinkedList<String> getVFiles(final KeyValReader reader) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final LinkedList<String> vFiles = new LinkedList<>(); while (reader.nextKeyValue()) { final String value = reader.getCurrentValue();"File: " + value); vFiles.add(value); } return vFiles; } private void runCCD(final List<String> vFilePaths, final Configuration configuration, final Context context) throws Exception {"Use Model Parallelism"); VStore vStore = new VStore(vFilePaths, numThreads, configuration); vStore.load(true, true); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> vWMap = vStore.getVWMap(); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> vHMap = vStore.getVHMap(); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> testVHMap = SGDUtil.loadTestVHMap(testFilePath, configuration, numThreads); long totalNumTestV = 0L; for (VRowCol vRowCol : testVHMap.values()) { totalNumTestV += vRowCol.numV; }"Total num of test V: " + totalNumTestV); // --------------------------------------------- // Find the W ID range and H ID range // Create vHMap and W model final int numRowSplits = 10000; final int numColSplits = 10000;"Split: " + numRowSplits + " " + numColSplits); Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol>[] vWSplitMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap[numRowSplits]; Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol>[] vHSplitMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap[numColSplits]; final long workerNumWV = createSplitMap(vWMap, vWSplitMap, numRowSplits, numThreads, "W"); final long workerNumHV = createSplitMap(vHMap, vHSplitMap, numColSplits, numThreads, "H");"workerNumWV: " + workerNumWV + ", workerNumHV: " + workerNumHV); vWMap = null; vHMap = null; System.gc(); // Trim TestVHMap trimTestVHMap(testVHMap, vHSplitMap, numColSplits); List<VRowCol>[] vWSplitList = new List[numRowSplits]; List<VRowCol>[] vHSplitList = new List[numRowSplits]; convertMapToList(vWSplitMap, vWSplitList, numRowSplits); convertMapToList(vHSplitMap, vHSplitList, numColSplits); vWSplitMap = null; vHSplitMap = null; // Create W model // Create H model final double oneOverSqrtR = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(r); final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); final int numWorkers = this.getNumWorkers(); final int selfID = this.getSelfID(); final Table<DoubleArray>[] wTableMap = new Table[numModelSlices]; final Table<DoubleArray>[] hTableMap = new Table[numModelSlices]; final long totalNumRows = createModel(wTableMap, numModelSlices, vWSplitList, r, oneOverSqrtR, random, "W"); final long totalNumCols = createModel(hTableMap, numModelSlices, vHSplitList, r, oneOverSqrtR, random, "H"); for (Table<DoubleArray> table : wTableMap) {"W Table Slice: " + table.getNumPartitions()); } for (Table<DoubleArray> table : hTableMap) {"H Table Slice: " + table.getNumPartitions()); } this.freeMemory(); this.freeConn(); System.gc(); // ---------------------------------------------- // Create rotators int[] orders = RotationUtil.getRotationSequences(random, numWorkers, (numIterations + 1) * 4, this); Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator = new Rotator<>(wTableMap, 1, false, this, orders, "ccdw"); Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator = new Rotator<>(hTableMap, 1, false, this, orders, "ccdh"); wRotator.start(); hRotator.start(); List<CCDMPTask> ccdTasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ccdTasks.add(new CCDMPTask(lambda)); } DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, CCDMPTask> ccdCompute = new DynamicScheduler<>(ccdTasks); List<ResTask> resTasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { resTasks.add(new ResTask()); } DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, ResTask> resCompute = new DynamicScheduler<>(resTasks); List<TestRMSETask> rmseTasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { rmseTasks.add(new TestRMSETask()); } DynamicScheduler<VRowCol, Object, TestRMSETask> rmseCompute = new DynamicScheduler<>(rmseTasks); ccdCompute.start(); resCompute.start(); rmseCompute.start(); boolean useRow = false; if (totalNumRows < totalNumCols) { useRow = true;"useRow " + useRow); }"Calculate Res."); printRMSE(wRotator, hRotator, resCompute, vWSplitList, vHSplitList, numWorkers, numThreads, "0", totalNumV, useRow); printTestRMSE(wRotator, hRotator, rmseCompute, testVHMap, numWorkers, totalNumTestV, "0");"Iteration Starts."); // ----------------------------------------- // For iteration for (int i = 1; i <= numIterations; i++) { long iteStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // scheduler use row computeCCD(wRotator, hRotator, ccdCompute, resCompute, vWSplitList, vHSplitList, numWorkers, useRow); // scheduler use col computeCCD(wRotator, hRotator, ccdCompute, resCompute, vWSplitList, vHSplitList, numWorkers, !useRow); long iteEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long iteTime = iteEnd - iteStart;"Iteration " + i + ": " + iteTime + ", compute time: " + computeTime + " " + prepareResTime + ", misc: " + waitTime); computeTime = 0L; prepareResTime = 0L; waitTime = 0L; // Calculate RMSE printRMSE = (i == 1 || i % rmseIteInterval == 0 || i == numIterations); if (printRMSE) { // this.logMemUsage(); // this.logGCTime(); printTestRMSE(wRotator, hRotator, rmseCompute, testVHMap, numWorkers, totalNumTestV, i + "-1"); } context.progress(); } wRotator.stop(); hRotator.stop(); ccdCompute.stop(); resCompute.stop(); rmseCompute.stop(); } long createSplitMap(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> vMap, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol>[] vSplitMap, int numSplits, int numThreads, String opName) { Table<VSet> vSetTable = new Table<>(0, new VSetCombiner()); ObjectIterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<VRowCol>> iterator = vMap.int2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Int2ObjectMap.Entry<VRowCol> entry =; int id = entry.getIntKey(); VRowCol vRowCol = entry.getValue(); vSetTable.addPartition(new Partition<>(id, new VSet(, vRowCol.ids, vRowCol.v, vRowCol.numV))); } vMap.clear(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); regroup("ccd", "regroup-v-" + opName, vSetTable, new Partitioner(getNumWorkers())); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Regroup " + opName + " took: " + (end - start) + ", number of rows in local: " + vSetTable.getNumPartitions()); this.freeMemory(); VSetSplit[] vSetList = new VSetSplit[numSplits]; for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) { vSplitMap[i] = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); vSetList[i] = new VSetSplit(i); } long workerNumV = 0L; IntArray idArray = IntArray.create(vSetTable.getNumPartitions(), false); int[] ids = idArray.get(); vSetTable.getPartitionIDs().toArray(ids); IntArrays.quickSort(ids, 0, idArray.size()); for (int i = 0; i < idArray.size(); i++) { Partition<VSet> partition = vSetTable.getPartition(ids[i]); VSet vSet = partition.get(); workerNumV += vSet.getNumV(); int splitID = i % numSplits; vSetList[splitID].list.add(vSet); } idArray.release(); idArray = null; List<DataInitTask> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { tasks.add(new DataInitTask(vSplitMap)); } DynamicScheduler<VSetSplit, Object, DataInitTask> compute = new DynamicScheduler<>(tasks); compute.submitAll(vSetList); compute.start(); compute.stop(); while (compute.hasOutput()) { compute.waitForOutput(); } vSetList = null; vSetTable.release(); vSetTable = null; this.freeMemory(); return workerNumV; } void trimTestVHMap(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> testVHMap, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol>[] vHSplitMap, int numVHSplits) { // TODO filter the test points without row or // column in the training dataset ObjectIterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<VRowCol>> iterator = testVHMap.int2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); IntArrayList rmColIDs = new IntArrayList(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Int2ObjectMap.Entry<VRowCol> entry =; int colID = entry.getIntKey(); VRowCol vCol = entry.getValue(); boolean exist = false; for (int i = 0; i < numVHSplits; i++) { if (vHSplitMap[i].containsKey(colID)) { exist = true; } } if (exist) { int[] ids = new int[vCol.numV]; double[] v = new double[vCol.numV]; System.arraycopy(vCol.ids, 0, ids, 0, vCol.numV); System.arraycopy(vCol.v, 0, v, 0, vCol.numV); vCol.ids = ids; vCol.v = v; // m1 is used for storing residual vCol.m1 = new double[vCol.numV]; } else { rmColIDs.add(colID); } } for (int colID : rmColIDs) { testVHMap.remove(colID); } } private void convertMapToList(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol>[] vSplitMap, List<VRowCol>[] vListMap, int numSplits) { for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) { vListMap[i] = new LinkedList<>(); vListMap[i].addAll(vSplitMap[i].values()); } } private long createModel(Table<DoubleArray>[] mTableMap, int numModelSlices, List<VRowCol>[] vSplitList, int r, double oneOverSqrtR, Random random, String opName) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < numModelSlices; i++) { mTableMap[i] = new Table<>(i, new DoubleArrPlus()); } Table<IntArray> vSumTable = new Table<>(0, new IntArrPlus()); for (int i = 0; i < vSplitList.length; i++) { for (VRowCol vRowCol : vSplitList[i]) { IntArray array = IntArray.create(1, false); array.get()[0] = vRowCol.numV; PartitionStatus status = vSumTable.addPartition(new Partition<IntArray>(, array)); if (status != PartitionStatus.ADDED) { array.release(); } } } int numWorkers = this.getNumWorkers(); this.regroup("ccd", "regroup-vsum-" + opName, vSumTable, new Partitioner(numWorkers)); this.allgather("ccd", "allgather-vsum-" + opName, vSumTable); totalNumV = 0L; int totalNumRowCols = vSumTable.getNumPartitions(); int maxID = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Partition<IntArray> partition : vSumTable.getPartitions()) { int id =; totalNumV += (long) partition.get().get()[0]; if (id > maxID) { maxID = id; } } vSumTable.release(); vSumTable = null; this.freeMemory(); int len = maxID + 1; int sliceIndex = 0; int selfID = this.getSelfID(); for (int i = selfID; i < r; i += numWorkers) { DoubleArray array = DoubleArray.create(len, false); SGDUtil.randomize(random, array.get(), len, oneOverSqrtR); mTableMap[sliceIndex % numModelSlices].addPartition(new Partition<>(i, array)); sliceIndex++; } + " model is created." + " n. training points " + totalNumV + " n. row/cols " + totalNumRowCols + " maxID " + len + " local n. dimensions " + sliceIndex); return totalNumRowCols; } private void computeCCD(Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator, Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator, DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, CCDMPTask> ccdCompute, DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, ResTask> resCompute, List<VRowCol>[] vWSplitList, List<VRowCol>[] vHSplitList, int numWorkers, boolean useRow) throws InterruptedException { for (int j = 0; j < numWorkers; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Partition<DoubleArray>> wList = wRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; List<Partition<DoubleArray>> hList = hRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; for (CCDMPTask task : ccdCompute.getTasks()) { task.useRow(useRow); task.setWHPartitionLists(wList, hList); } for (ResTask task : resCompute.getTasks()) { task.setInit(false); task.setRMSE(false); if (j == 0 && k == 0) { task.setInit(true); } task.useRow(!useRow); task.setWHPartitionLists(wList, hList); } long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (useRow) { ccdCompute.submitAll(vWSplitList); } else { ccdCompute.submitAll(vHSplitList); } while (ccdCompute.hasOutput()) { ccdCompute.waitForOutput(); } long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (useRow) { resCompute.submitAll(vHSplitList); } else { resCompute.submitAll(vWSplitList); } while (resCompute.hasOutput()) { resCompute.waitForOutput(); } long t4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); wRotator.rotate(k); hRotator.rotate(k); waitTime += (t2 - t1); computeTime += (t3 - t2); prepareResTime += (t4 - t3); } } } private void printRMSE(Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator, Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator, DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, ResTask> resCompute, List<VRowCol>[] vWSplitList, List<VRowCol>[] vHSplitList, int numWorkers, int numThreads, String name, long totalNumV, boolean useRow) throws InterruptedException { // Reset for (ResTask task : resCompute.getTasks()) { task.getRowRMSE(); task.getColRMSE(); } calcRes(wRotator, hRotator, resCompute, vWSplitList, vHSplitList, numWorkers, useRow); double rowRMSE = 0.0; double colRMSE = 0.0; for (ResTask task : resCompute.getTasks()) { rowRMSE += task.getRowRMSE(); colRMSE += task.getColRMSE(); } DoubleArray array = DoubleArray.create(2, false); array.get()[0] = rowRMSE; array.get()[1] = colRMSE; Table<DoubleArray> rmseArrTable = new Table<>(0, new DoubleArrPlus()); rmseArrTable.addPartition(new Partition<DoubleArray>(0, array)); this.allreduce("ccd", "allreduce-rmse-" + name, rmseArrTable); rowRMSE = rmseArrTable.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]; colRMSE = rmseArrTable.getPartition(0).get().get()[1]; rmseArrTable.release(); rowRMSE = Math.sqrt(rowRMSE / (double) totalNumV); colRMSE = Math.sqrt(colRMSE / (double) totalNumV);"Row RMSE " + rowRMSE + ", Col RMSE " + colRMSE); } private void calcRes(Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator, Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator, DynamicScheduler<List<VRowCol>, Object, ResTask> resCompute, List<VRowCol>[] vWSplitList, List<VRowCol>[] vHSplitList, int numWorkers, boolean useRow) throws InterruptedException { for (int j = 0; j < numWorkers; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { List<Partition<DoubleArray>> wList = wRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; List<Partition<DoubleArray>> hList = hRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; for (ResTask task : resCompute.getTasks()) { task.setInit(false); task.setRMSE(false); if (j == 0 && k == 0) { task.setInit(true); } if (j == (numWorkers - 1) && k == (numModelSlices - 1)) { task.setRMSE(true); } task.useRow(useRow); task.setWHPartitionLists(wList, hList); } if (useRow) { resCompute.submitAll(vWSplitList); } else { resCompute.submitAll(vHSplitList); } while (resCompute.hasOutput()) { resCompute.waitForOutput(); } wRotator.rotate(k); hRotator.rotate(k); } } } private void printTestRMSE(Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator, Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator, DynamicScheduler<VRowCol, Object, TestRMSETask> rmseCompute, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> testVHListMap, int numWorkers, long totalNumTestV, String name) throws InterruptedException { double result = computeTestRMSE(wRotator, hRotator, rmseCompute, testVHListMap, numWorkers); DoubleArray array = DoubleArray.create(1, false); array.get()[0] = result; Table<DoubleArray> rmseArrTable = new Table<>(0, new DoubleArrPlus()); rmseArrTable.addPartition(new Partition<DoubleArray>(0, array)); this.allreduce("ccd", "allreduce-test-rmse-" + name, rmseArrTable); testRMSE = rmseArrTable.getPartition(0).get().get()[0]; rmseArrTable.release(); testRMSE = Math.sqrt(testRMSE / (double) totalNumTestV);"Test RMSE " + testRMSE); } private double computeTestRMSE(Rotator<DoubleArray> wRotator, Rotator<DoubleArray> hRotator, DynamicScheduler<VRowCol, Object, TestRMSETask> rmseCompute, Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> testVHListMap, int numWorkers) throws InterruptedException { double result = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < numWorkers; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < numModelSlices; k++) { List<Partition<DoubleArray>> wList = wRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; List<Partition<DoubleArray>> hList = hRotator.getSplitMap(k)[0]; for (TestRMSETask task : rmseCompute.getTasks()) { task.setInit(false); task.setRMSE(false); if (j == 0 && k == 0) { task.setInit(true); } if (j == (numWorkers - 1) && k == (numModelSlices - 1)) { task.setRMSE(true); } task.setWHPartitionLists(wList, hList); } rmseCompute.submitAll(testVHListMap.values()); while (rmseCompute.hasOutput()) { rmseCompute.waitForOutput(); } wRotator.rotate(k); hRotator.rotate(k); } } for (TestRMSETask task : rmseCompute.getTasks()) { result += task.getRMSE(); } return result; } }