Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.isi.wings.portal.controllers; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import edu.isi.wings.ontapi.KBAPI; import edu.isi.wings.ontapi.KBTriple; import edu.isi.wings.ontapi.OntFactory; import edu.isi.wings.ontapi.OntSpec; import edu.isi.wings.opmm.MD5Util; import edu.isi.wings.portal.classes.config.Publisher; import edu.isi.wings.portal.classes.config.ServerDetails; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import edu.isi.wings.opmm.Mapper; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.component.ComponentFactory; import; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.ResourceFactory; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.classes.GridkitCloud; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.classes.Machine; import edu.isi.wings.common.URIEntity; import edu.isi.wings.common.UuidGen; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.api.PlanExecutionEngine; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimeInfo; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimeInfo.Status; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimePlan; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimeStep; import; import edu.isi.wings.planner.api.WorkflowGenerationAPI; import edu.isi.wings.planner.api.impl.kb.WorkflowGenerationKB; import edu.isi.wings.portal.classes.config.Config; import edu.isi.wings.portal.classes.JsonHandler; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.plan.api.ExecutionPlan; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.plan.api.ExecutionStep; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.plan.classes.ExecutionCode; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.plan.classes.ExecutionFile; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.template.TemplateFactory; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.template.api.Template; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.template.api.TemplateCreationAPI; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.template.classes.variables.Variable; import; import; import; public class RunController { public Config config; public Gson json; public String dataUrl; public String templateUrl; private Properties props; public RunController(Config config) { this.config = config; this.json = JsonHandler.createRunGson(); this.props = config.getProperties(); this.dataUrl = config.getUserDomainUrl() + "/data"; this.templateUrl = config.getUserDomainUrl() + "/workflows"; } public String getRunListJSON() { ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor = config.getDomainExecutionMonitor(); ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (RuntimePlan exe : monitor.getRunList()) { HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("runtimeInfo", exe.getRuntimeInfo()); map.put("template_id", exe.getOriginalTemplateID()); map.put("id", exe.getID()); if (exe.getQueue() != null) { int numtotal = exe.getQueue().getAllSteps().size(); int numdone = exe.getQueue().getFinishedSteps().size(); ArrayList<RuntimeStep> running_steps = exe.getQueue().getRunningSteps(); ArrayList<RuntimeStep> failed_steps = exe.getQueue().getFailedSteps(); map.put("running_jobs", this.getStepIds(running_steps)); map.put("failed_jobs", this.getStepIds(failed_steps)); if (numtotal > 0) { map.put("percent_done", numdone * 100.0 / numtotal); map.put("percent_running", running_steps.size() * 100.0 / numtotal); map.put("percent_failed", failed_steps.size() * 100.0 / numtotal); } } list.add(map); } return json.toJson(list); } private String getStepIds(ArrayList<RuntimeStep> steps) { ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (RuntimeStep stepexe : steps) { ids.add(stepexe.getName()); } return ids.toString(); } public String getRunJSON(String runid) { ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor = config.getDomainExecutionMonitor(); Map<String, Object> returnmap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); RuntimePlan planexe = monitor.getRunDetails(runid); if (planexe != null && planexe.getPlan() != null) { for (ExecutionStep step : planexe.getPlan().getAllExecutionSteps()) { for (ExecutionFile file : step.getInputFiles()) { file.loadMetadataFromLocation(); } for (ExecutionFile file : step.getOutputFiles()) { file.loadMetadataFromLocation(); } } TemplateCreationAPI tc = TemplateFactory.getCreationAPI(props); Template tpl = tc.getTemplate(planexe.getExpandedTemplateID()); Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); variables.put("input", tpl.getInputVariables()); variables.put("intermediate", tpl.getIntermediateVariables()); variables.put("output", tpl.getOutputVariables()); returnmap.put("variables", variables); returnmap.put("constraints", this.getShortConstraints(tpl)); } returnmap.put("execution", planexe); returnmap.put("published_url", this.getPublishedURL(runid)); return json.toJson(returnmap); } private String getPublishedURL(String runid) { Publisher publisher = config.getPublisher(); if (publisher == null) return null; Mapper opmm = new Mapper(); String tstoreurl = publisher.getTstoreUrl(); String puburl = publisher.getUrl(); opmm.setPublishExportPrefix(puburl); String rname = runid.substring(runid.indexOf('#') + 1); String runurl = opmm.getRunUrl(rname); // Check if run already published if (graphExists(tstoreurl, runurl)) return runurl; return null; } private Map<String, Object> getShortConstraints(Template tpl) { Map<String, Object> varbindings = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Variable v : tpl.getVariables()) { List<Object> constraints = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (v.isParameterVariable()) continue; for (KBTriple t : tpl.getConstraintEngine().getConstraints(v.getID())) { Map<String, Object> cons = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (t.getPredicate().getName().equals("hasDataBinding")) continue; cons.put("p", t.getPredicate().getName()); cons.put("o", t.getObject()); constraints.add(cons); } varbindings.put(v.getID(), constraints); } return varbindings; } public String deleteRun(String rjson, ServletContext context) { HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ret.put("success", false); JsonElement el = new JsonParser().parse(rjson); if (el == null) return json.toJson(ret); String runid = el.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(); ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor = config.getDomainExecutionMonitor(); if (monitor.runExists(runid)) { this.stopRun(runid, context); if (!monitor.deleteRun(runid)) return json.toJson(ret); } ret.put("success", true); return json.toJson(ret); } public boolean stopRun(String runid, ServletContext context) { ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor = config.getDomainExecutionMonitor(); if (monitor.getRunDetails(runid).getRuntimeInfo().getStatus() == RuntimeInfo.Status.RUNNING) { PlanExecutionEngine engine = (PlanExecutionEngine) context.getAttribute("engine_" + runid); RuntimePlan rplan = (RuntimePlan) context.getAttribute("plan_" + runid); if (engine != null && rplan != null) { engine.abort(rplan); return true; } } return false; } public String runExpandedTemplate(String origtplid, String templatejson, String consjson, String seedjson, String seedconsjson, ServletContext context) { Gson json = JsonHandler.createTemplateGson(); Template xtpl = JsonHandler.getTemplateFromJSON(json, templatejson, consjson); xtpl.autoLayout(); Template seedtpl = JsonHandler.getTemplateFromJSON(json, seedjson, seedconsjson); String requestid = UuidGen.generateAUuid(""); WorkflowGenerationAPI wg = new WorkflowGenerationKB(props, DataFactory.getReasoningAPI(props), ComponentFactory.getReasoningAPI(props), ResourceFactory.getAPI(props), requestid); ExecutionPlan plan = wg.getExecutionPlan(xtpl); String seedid = UuidGen.generateURIUuid((URIEntity) seedtpl); if (plan != null) { // Save the expanded template, seeded template and plan if (! return ""; if (!seedtpl.saveAs(seedid)) return "";; RuntimePlan rplan = new RuntimePlan(plan); rplan.setExpandedTemplateID(xtpl.getID()); rplan.setOriginalTemplateID(origtplid); rplan.setSeededTemplateId(seedid); this.runExecutionPlan(rplan, context); return rplan.getID(); } return ""; } // Run the Runtime Plan public void runExecutionPlan(RuntimePlan rplan, ServletContext context) { PlanExecutionEngine engine = config.getDomainExecutionEngine(); // "execute" below is an asynchronous call engine.execute(rplan); // Save the engine for an abort if needed context.setAttribute("plan_" + rplan.getID(), rplan); context.setAttribute("engine_" + rplan.getID(), engine); } public String publishRun(String runid) { HashMap<String, String> retmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor = config.getDomainExecutionMonitor(); RuntimePlan plan = monitor.getRunDetails(runid); if (plan.getRuntimeInfo().getStatus() != Status.SUCCESS) { retmap.put("error", "Can only publish successfully completed runs"); } else { try { Mapper opmm = new Mapper(); Publisher publisher = config.getPublisher(); String tstoreurl = publisher.getTstoreUrl(); String puburl = publisher.getUrl(); String upurl = publisher.getUploadServer().getUrl(); opmm.setPublishExportPrefix(puburl); String rname = runid.substring(runid.indexOf('#') + 1); String runurl = opmm.getRunUrl(rname); String tid = plan.getOriginalTemplateID(); String tmpname = tid.substring(tid.indexOf('#') + 1); String tmd5 = getTemplateMD5(plan.getOriginalTemplateID()); String tname = tmpname + "-" + tmd5; String turl = opmm.getTemplateUrl(tname); // Check if run already published if (graphExists(tstoreurl, runurl)) { retmap.put("url", runurl); retmap.put("error", "Run already published"); return json.toJson(retmap); } // Fetch expanded template (to get data binding ids) TemplateCreationAPI tc = TemplateFactory.getCreationAPI(props); Template xtpl = tc.getTemplate(plan.getExpandedTemplateID()); HashMap<String, String> varBindings = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Variable var : xtpl.getVariables()) { varBindings.put(var.getID(), var.getBinding().getID()); } // Create a temporary directory to upload/move File _tmpdir = File.createTempFile("temp", ""); File tempdir = new File(_tmpdir.getParent() + "/" + rname); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempdir); if (!_tmpdir.delete() || !tempdir.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Cannot create temp directory"); File datadir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/data"); File codedir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/code"); File dcontdir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/ont/data"); File acontdir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/ont/components"); File wflowdir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/ont/workflows"); File execsdir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/ont/executions"); datadir.mkdirs(); codedir.mkdirs(); dcontdir.mkdirs(); acontdir.mkdirs(); wflowdir.mkdirs(); execsdir.mkdirs(); String tupurl = upurl + "/" + tempdir.getName(); String dataurl = tupurl + "/data"; String codeurl = tupurl + "/code"; String dconturl = tupurl + "/ont/data"; String aconturl = tupurl + "/ont/components"; String wflowurl = tupurl + "/ont/workflows"; String execsurl = tupurl + "/ont/executions"; Properties props = config.getProperties(); String dclib = props.getProperty(""); String dcont = props.getProperty(""); String aclib = props.getProperty("lib.concrete.url"); String acabs = props.getProperty("lib.abstract.url"); String wfpfx = props.getProperty("domain.workflows.dir.url"); String expfx = props.getProperty("domain.executions.dir.url"); String cdir = props.getProperty(""); String ddir = props.getProperty(""); // Get files to upload && modify "Locations" to point to uploaded urls HashSet<ExecutionFile> uploadFiles = new HashSet<ExecutionFile>(); HashSet<ExecutionCode> uploadCodes = new HashSet<ExecutionCode>(); for (ExecutionStep step : plan.getPlan().getAllExecutionSteps()) { for (ExecutionFile file : step.getInputFiles()) uploadFiles.add(file); for (ExecutionFile file : step.getOutputFiles()) uploadFiles.add(file); uploadCodes.add(step.getCodeBinding()); } for (ExecutionFile file : uploadFiles) { File copyfile = new File(file.getLocation()); // Only upload files below a threshold file size long maxsize = publisher.getUploadServer().getMaxUploadSize(); if (copyfile.length() > 0 && (maxsize == 0 || copyfile.length() < maxsize)) { // Copy over file to temp directory FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(copyfile, datadir); // Change file path in plan to the web accessible one file.setLocation(file.getLocation().replace(ddir, dataurl)); } else { String bindingid = varBindings.get(file.getID()); file.setLocation(config.getServerUrl() + this.dataUrl + "/fetch?data_id=" + URLEncoder.encode(bindingid, "UTF-8")); } } for (ExecutionCode code : uploadCodes) { File copydir = null; if (code.getCodeDirectory() != null) { copydir = new File(code.getCodeDirectory()); // Change path in plan to the web accessible one code.setCodeDirectory(code.getCodeDirectory().replace(cdir, codeurl)); } else { File f = new File(code.getLocation()); copydir = f.getParentFile(); } // Copy over directory to temp directory FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(copydir, codedir); // Change path in plan to the web accessible one code.setLocation(code.getLocation().replace(cdir, codeurl)); } String dcontdata = IOUtils.toString(new URL(dcont)); dcontdata = dcontdata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); FileUtils.write(new File(dcontdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/ontology.owl"), dcontdata); String dclibdata = IOUtils.toString(new URL(dclib)); dclibdata = dclibdata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); dclibdata = dclibdata.replace(dclib, dconturl + "/library.owl"); dclibdata = dclibdata.replace(ddir, dataurl); FileUtils.write(new File(dcontdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/library.owl"), dclibdata); String aclibdata = IOUtils.toString(new URL(aclib)); aclibdata = aclibdata.replace(dcont, aconturl + "/ontology.owl"); aclibdata = aclibdata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); aclibdata = aclibdata.replace(cdir, codeurl); FileUtils.write(new File(acontdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/library.owl"), aclibdata); String acabsdata = IOUtils.toString(new URL(acabs)); acabsdata = acabsdata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); acabsdata = acabsdata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); acabsdata = acabsdata.replace(acabs, aconturl + "/abstract.owl"); FileUtils.write(new File(acontdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/abstract.owl"), acabsdata); File planfile = new File(execsdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + plan.getPlan().getName() + ".owl"); String plandata = plan.getPlan().serialize(); plandata = plandata.replace("\"" + wfpfx, "\"" + wflowurl); plandata = plandata.replace("\"" + expfx, "\"" + execsurl); plandata = plandata.replace(dclib, dconturl + "/library.owl"); plandata = plandata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); plandata = plandata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); plandata = plandata.replace(acabs, aconturl + "/abstract.owl"); FileUtils.write(planfile, plandata); String rplanurl = execsurl + "/" + plan.getName() + ".owl"; File rplanfile = new File(execsdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + plan.getName() + ".owl"); String rplandata = IOUtils.toString(new URL(runid)); rplandata = rplandata.replace(wfpfx, wflowurl); rplandata = rplandata.replace(expfx, execsurl); rplandata = rplandata.replace(tmpname + ".owl", tname + ".owl"); rplandata = rplandata.replace("#" + tmpname + "\"", "#" + tname + "\""); rplandata = rplandata.replace(dclib, dconturl + "/library.owl"); rplandata = rplandata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); rplandata = rplandata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); rplandata = rplandata.replace(acabs, aconturl + "/abstract.owl"); FileUtils.write(rplanfile, rplandata); URL otplurl = new URL(plan.getOriginalTemplateID()); String otmplurl = wflowurl + "/" + otplurl.getRef() + ".owl"; File otplfile = new File(wflowdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + otplurl.getRef() + ".owl"); String otpldata = IOUtils.toString(otplurl); otpldata = otpldata.replace(wfpfx, wflowurl); otpldata = otpldata.replace(expfx, execsurl); otpldata = otpldata.replace(dclib, dconturl + "/library.owl"); otpldata = otpldata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); otpldata = otpldata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); otpldata = otpldata.replace(acabs, aconturl + "/abstract.owl"); FileUtils.write(otplfile, otpldata); URL xtplurl = new URL(plan.getExpandedTemplateID()); File xtplfile = new File(execsdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + xtplurl.getRef() + ".owl"); String xtpldata = IOUtils.toString(xtplurl); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(wfpfx, wflowurl); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(expfx, execsurl); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(dclib, dconturl + "/library.owl"); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(dcont, dconturl + "/ontology.owl"); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(aclib, aconturl + "/library.owl"); xtpldata = xtpldata.replace(acabs, aconturl + "/abstract.owl"); FileUtils.write(xtplfile, xtpldata); // TODO: Change base url to an opmw.url + "/resource/WorkflowTemplate/ ?? uploadDirectory(publisher.getUploadServer(), tempdir); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempdir); // Convert results into prov and opmw File opmwfile = File.createTempFile("opmw-", ".owl"); File provfile = File.createTempFile("prov-", ".owl"); File tmplfile = File.createTempFile("tmpl-", ".owl"); String liburl = props.getProperty("lib.domain.execution.url"); runurl = opmm.transformWINGSResultsToOPMW(rplanurl, liburl, "RDF/XML", opmwfile.getAbsolutePath(), provfile.getAbsolutePath(), rname); turl = opmm.transformWINGSElaboratedTemplateToOPMW(otmplurl, "RDF/XML", tmplfile.getAbsolutePath(), tname); // Publish run opmw data publishFile(tstoreurl, runurl, opmwfile.getAbsolutePath()); // Publish provenance data to the default graph publishFile(tstoreurl, "default", provfile.getAbsolutePath()); // Publish template if it doesn't already exist if (!graphExists(tstoreurl, turl)) publishFile(tstoreurl, turl, tmplfile.getAbsolutePath()); opmwfile.delete(); provfile.delete(); tmplfile.delete(); retmap.put("url", runurl); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); retmap.put("error", e.getMessage()); } } return json.toJson(retmap); } private void uploadDirectory(ServerDetails server, File tempdir) { if (server.getHost() != null) { Machine m = new Machine(server.getHost()); m.setHostName(server.getHost()); m.setUserId(server.getHostUserId()); m.setUserKey(server.getPrivateKey()); HashMap<String, String> filemap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String srvdir = server.getDirectory(); for (File f : FileUtils.listFiles(tempdir, null, true)) { String fpath = f.getAbsolutePath(); String srvpath = fpath.replace(tempdir.getParent(), srvdir); filemap.put(fpath, srvpath); } GridkitCloud.uploadFiles(m, filemap); } else { try { FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(tempdir, new File(server.getDirectory())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void publishFile(String tstoreurl, String graphurl, String filepath) { try { CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(tstoreurl + "?graph=" + graphurl); int timeoutSeconds = 5; int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = timeoutSeconds * 1000; RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectionRequestTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS) .setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS).setSocketTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS).build(); putRequest.setConfig(requestConfig); File file = new File(filepath); String rdfxml = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); if (rdfxml != null) { StringEntity input = new StringEntity(rdfxml); input.setContentType("application/rdf+xml"); putRequest.setEntity(input); httpClient.execute(putRequest); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean graphExists(String tstoreurl, String graphurl) { try { CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(tstoreurl + "?graph=" + graphurl); int timeoutSeconds = 5; int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = timeoutSeconds * 1000; RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectionRequestTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS) .setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS).setSocketTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS).build(); getRequest.setConfig(requestConfig); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getRequest); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) return true; return false; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } private String getTemplateMD5(String templateurl) throws Exception { String tdbdir = this.config.getProperties().getProperty("tdb.repository.dir"); OntFactory fac = new OntFactory(OntFactory.JENA, tdbdir); KBAPI kbapi = fac.getKB(templateurl, OntSpec.PLAIN); ArrayList<String> triples = new ArrayList<String>(); for (KBTriple triple : kbapi.getAllTriples()) { triples.add(triple.fullForm()); } Collections.sort(triples); return MD5Util.MD5(triples.toString()); } }