Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.api.impl.distributed; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.classes.EnvironmentValue; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.classes.GridkitCloud; import edu.isi.wings.catalog.resource.classes.Machine; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.api.PlanExecutionEngine; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.api.StepExecutionEngine; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.api.impl.local.LocalExecutionEngine; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimeInfo; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimePlan; import edu.isi.wings.execution.engine.classes.RuntimeStep; import; import; import; import edu.isi.wings.workflow.plan.classes.ExecutionFile; public class DistributedExecutionEngine extends LocalExecutionEngine implements PlanExecutionEngine, StepExecutionEngine { public DistributedExecutionEngine(Properties props) { super(props); } @Override public void execute(RuntimeStep exe, RuntimePlan planexe) { Machine machine = this.selectStepMachine(exe); // If no healthy machine found. Log an error, and exit if (machine == null) { exe.onStart(this.logger); exe.onEnd(this.logger, RuntimeInfo.Status.FAILURE, "No healthy machine to run " + exe.getStep().getName()); return; } // If machine is localhost, just call execute for the LocalExecutionEngine if (machine.getName().equals("Localhost")) { super.execute(exe, planexe); } else { // Submit job on machine Future<?> job = executor.submit( new DistributedStepExecutionThread(exe, planexe, planEngine, logger, resource, machine)); exe.setProcess(job); exe.onStart(this.logger); } } private Machine selectStepMachine(RuntimeStep exe) { // Get machine ids first ArrayList<String> machineIds = exe.getStep().getMachineIds(); ArrayList<Machine> healthyMachines = new ArrayList<Machine>(); for (String machineId : machineIds) { Machine machine = this.resource.getMachine(machineId); if (machine.isHealthy()) healthyMachines.add(machine); } if (healthyMachines.size() == 0) return null; // Pick a random healthy machine for now // TODO: This should be based on machine load, connectivity, etc Random rand = new Random(); int index = rand.nextInt(healthyMachines.size()); return healthyMachines.get(index); } class DistributedStepExecutionThread implements Runnable { RuntimeStep exe; RuntimePlan planexe; PlanExecutionEngine planEngine; ExecutionLoggerAPI logger; ExecutionMonitorAPI monitor; ExecutionResourceAPI resource; Machine machine; Future<ProcessStatus> job; String localfolder = ""; String remotefolder = ""; ArrayList<String[]> uploadFiles; public DistributedStepExecutionThread(RuntimeStep exe, RuntimePlan planexe, PlanExecutionEngine planEngine, ExecutionLoggerAPI logger, ExecutionResourceAPI resource, Machine machine) { this.exe = exe; this.exe.setRuntimePlan(planexe); this.planexe = planexe; this.planEngine = planEngine; this.logger = logger; this.resource = resource; this.machine = machine; this.uploadFiles = new ArrayList<String[]>(); } private void addToUploadList(File f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String oldf = f.getAbsolutePath(); String newf = oldf.replace(localfolder, remotefolder); String md5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(f)); this.uploadFiles.add(new String[] { oldf, newf, md5 }); } @Override public void run() { try { this.localfolder = this.resource.getLocalStorageFolder(); this.remotefolder = machine.getStorageFolder(); // Add all items in code directory to the list of files to upload File codeDir = new File(exe.getStep().getCodeBinding().getCodeDirectory()); for (File f : FileUtils.listFiles(codeDir, null, true)) { this.addToUploadList(f); } // Add all input files to the list of files to upload for (ExecutionFile exf : exe.getStep().getInputFiles()) { File f = new File(exf.getLocation()); this.addToUploadList(f); } // Create command arguments for the machine ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); String codebin = exe.getStep().getCodeBinding().getLocation().replace(localfolder, remotefolder); args.add(codebin); String outfilepath = null; for (String argname : exe.getStep().getInvocationArguments().keySet()) { ArrayList<Object> values = exe.getStep().getInvocationArguments().get(argname); if (argname.equals(">")) { ExecutionFile outfile = (ExecutionFile) values.get(0); outfilepath = outfile.getLocation().replace(localfolder, remotefolder); } else { args.add(argname); for (Object value : values) { if (value instanceof String) args.add((String) value); else if (value instanceof ExecutionFile) { args.add(((ExecutionFile) value).getLocation().replace(localfolder, remotefolder)); } } } } // Logon to machine, and check the list of upload files // to see which ones really need to be uploaded this.uploadFiles = GridkitCloud.getNode(machine).exec(new MachineUploadLister(this.uploadFiles)); // Upload the required files (if any) if (this.uploadFiles.size() > 0) { exe.onUpdate(this.logger, "Uploading files to " + machine.getName()); HashMap<String, String> uploadMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String[] fobj : this.uploadFiles) { uploadMap.put(fobj[0], fobj[1]); } GridkitCloud.uploadFiles(machine, uploadMap); } exe.onUpdate(this.logger, "Running on " + machine.getName()); exe.onUpdate(this.logger, StringUtils.join(args, " ")); // Run code on the machine HashMap<String, String> environment = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (EnvironmentValue eval : machine.getEnvironmentValues()) { environment.put(eval.getVariable(), eval.getValue()); } MachineCodeRunner mcr = new MachineCodeRunner(planexe.getName(), exe.getName(), codebin, args, outfilepath, environment); this.job = GridkitCloud.getNode(machine).submit(mcr); ProcessStatus status = this.job.get(); exe.onUpdate(this.logger, status.getLog()); if (status.exitValue() == 0) { // Fetch outputs from the machine // Add all output files to the list of files to download HashMap<String, String> downloadMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (ExecutionFile exf : exe.getStep().getOutputFiles()) { String fp = (new File(exf.getLocation())).getAbsolutePath(); String newfp = fp.replace(localfolder, remotefolder); downloadMap.put(fp, newfp); downloadMap.put(fp + ".met", newfp + ".met"); // Also download .met files } exe.onUpdate(this.logger, "Downloading output files from " + machine.getName()); GridkitCloud.downloadFiles(machine, downloadMap); exe.onEnd(this.logger, RuntimeInfo.Status.SUCCESS, ""); } else { exe.onEnd(this.logger, RuntimeInfo.Status.FAILURE, ""); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (this.job != null) this.job.cancel(true); exe.onEnd(this.logger, RuntimeInfo.Status.FAILURE, "!! Stopping !! .. " + exe.getName() + " interrupted"); } catch (Exception e) { exe.onEnd(this.logger, RuntimeInfo.Status.FAILURE, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //GridkitCloud.resetNode(machine); this.planEngine.onStepEnd(planexe); } } } } class MachineUploadLister implements Callable<ArrayList<String[]>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5960512182954001309L; ArrayList<String[]> totalList; ArrayList<String[]> uploadList; public MachineUploadLister(ArrayList<String[]> list) { this.totalList = list; this.uploadList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); } @Override public ArrayList<String[]> call() throws Exception { for (String[] fobj : totalList) { String newf = fobj[1]; String oldmd5 = fobj[2]; File f = new File(newf); if (!f.exists()) { if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) if (!f.getParentFile().mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Could not create directories in remote node"); uploadList.add(fobj); } else { String newmd5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(f)); if (!newmd5.equals(oldmd5)) uploadList.add(fobj); } } return uploadList; } } class MachineCodeRunner implements Callable<ProcessStatus>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5960512182954001309L; String planName; String exeName; String codeBinary; Process process; ArrayList<String> args; String outfilepath; HashMap<String, String> environment; public MachineCodeRunner(String planName, String exeName, String codeBinary, ArrayList<String> args, String outfilepath, HashMap<String, String> environment) { this.planName = planName; this.exeName = exeName; this.codeBinary = codeBinary; this.args = args; this.outfilepath = outfilepath; this.environment = environment; } @Override public ProcessStatus call() throws Exception { File tempdir = File.createTempFile(planName + "-", "-" + exeName); if (!tempdir.delete() || !tempdir.mkdirs()) throw new Exception("Cannot create temp directory"); ProcessStatus status = new ProcessStatus(); try { File codef = new File(this.codeBinary); codef.setExecutable(true); PrintWriter fout = null; if (outfilepath != null) { File f = new File(outfilepath); f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); fout = new PrintWriter(f); } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);; pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // Set environment variables for (String var : this.environment.keySet()) pb.environment().put(var, this.environment.get(var)); this.process = pb.start(); // Read output stream StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(this.process.getInputStream(), fout); outputGobbler.start(); // Wait for the process to exit this.process.waitFor(); status.setExitValue(this.process.exitValue()); status.setLog(outputGobbler.getLog()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (this.process != null) { //System.out.println("Stopping remote process"); this.process.destroy(); } status.setLog("!! Stopping Remotely !! .. " + exeName); status.setExitValue(-1); } catch (Exception e) { status.setLog(e.getMessage()); status.setExitValue(-1); } // Delete temp directory FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempdir); return status; } } class StreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is; String log; PrintWriter fout; public StreamGobbler(InputStream is, PrintWriter fout) { = is; this.fout = fout; this.log = ""; } public void run() { try { String line = ""; BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; while ((line = b.readLine()) != null) { if (fout != null) fout.println(line); else this.log += line + "\n"; } b.close(); if (fout != null) fout.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getLog() { return this.log; } } class ProcessStatus implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3638512231716838756L; String log; int exitValue; public String getLog() { return log; } public void setLog(String log) { this.log = log; } public int exitValue() { return exitValue; } public void setExitValue(int exitValue) { this.exitValue = exitValue; } }