Java tutorial
/* * * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at */ package edu.illinois.enforcemop.examples.jbosscache; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.transaction.Synchronization; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jboss.cache.Cache; import org.jboss.cache.CacheException; import org.jboss.cache.CacheSPI; import org.jboss.cache.Fqn; import org.jboss.cache.UnitTestCacheFactory; import org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration; import org.jboss.cache.lock.IsolationLevel; import org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException; import org.jboss.cache.notifications.annotation.CacheListener; import org.jboss.cache.notifications.annotation.NodeModified; import org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionSetup; import org.jboss.cache.util.CachePrinter; import org.jboss.cache.util.TestingUtil; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; /** * Replicated unit test for sync transactional CacheImpl Note: we use * DummyTransactionManager for Tx purpose instead of relying on jta. * * @version $Revision: 7301 $ */ public class PessimisticSyncReplTxTest { //private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PessimisticSyncReplTxTest.class); private CacheSPI<Object, Object> cache1; private CacheSPI<Object, Object> cache2; Semaphore lock; private Throwable t1_ex; private Throwable t2_ex; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { t1_ex = t2_ex = null; lock = new Semaphore(1, true); initCaches(Configuration.CacheMode.REPL_SYNC); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { TestingUtil.killTransaction(TransactionSetup.getManager()); destroyCaches(); } private TransactionManager beginTransaction() throws SystemException, NotSupportedException { return beginTransaction(cache1); } private TransactionManager beginTransaction(CacheSPI c) throws SystemException, NotSupportedException { TransactionManager mgr = c.getConfiguration().getRuntimeConfig().getTransactionManager(); mgr.begin(); return mgr; } private void initCaches(Configuration.CacheMode caching_mode) throws Exception { Configuration c1 = new Configuration(); Configuration c2 = new Configuration(); c1.setCacheMode(caching_mode); c2.setCacheMode(caching_mode); c1.setNodeLockingScheme(Configuration.NodeLockingScheme.PESSIMISTIC); c2.setNodeLockingScheme(Configuration.NodeLockingScheme.PESSIMISTIC); c1.setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE); c2.setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE); c1.setTransactionManagerLookupClass(TransactionSetup.getManagerLookup()); c2.setTransactionManagerLookupClass(TransactionSetup.getManagerLookup()); c1.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(5000); c2.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(5000); cache1 = (CacheSPI<Object, Object>) new UnitTestCacheFactory<Object, Object>().createCache(c1, false, getClass()); cache2 = (CacheSPI<Object, Object>) new UnitTestCacheFactory<Object, Object>().createCache(c2, false, getClass()); configureMultiplexer(cache1); configureMultiplexer(cache2); cache1.start(); cache2.start(); validateMultiplexer(cache1); validateMultiplexer(cache2); } /** * Provides a hook for multiplexer integration. This default implementation is * a no-op; subclasses that test mux integration would override to integrate * the given cache with a multiplexer. * <p/> * param cache a cache that has been configured but not yet created. * * @param cache * cache * @throws Exception * exception */ protected void configureMultiplexer(Cache cache) throws Exception { // default does nothing } /** * Provides a hook to check that the cache's channel came from the * multiplexer, or not, as expected. This default impl asserts that the * channel did not come from the multiplexer. * * @param cache * a cache that has already been started */ protected void validateMultiplexer(Cache cache) { assertFalse("Cache is not using multiplexer", cache.getConfiguration().isUsingMultiplexer()); } private void destroyCaches() { TestingUtil.killCaches(cache1, cache2); cache1 = null; cache2 = null; } public void testLockRemoval() throws Exception { cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); TestingUtil.extractLockManager(cache1).unlockAll(cache1.getRoot()); TransactionManager tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/bela/ban", "name", "Bela Ban"); assertEquals(3, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); tm.commit(); assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); } public void testSyncRepl() throws Exception { Integer age; Transaction tx; cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); cache2.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); TransactionManager mgr = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); tx = mgr.suspend(); assertNull("age on cache2 must be null as the TX has not yet been committed", cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age")); // log.debug("cache1: locks held before commit: " // + CachePrinter.printCacheLockingInfo(cache1)); // log.debug("cache2: locks held before commit: " // + CachePrinter.printCacheLockingInfo(cache2)); mgr.resume(tx); mgr.commit(); // log.debug("cache1: locks held after commit: " // + CachePrinter.printCacheLockingInfo(cache1)); // log.debug("cache2: locks held after commit: " // + CachePrinter.printCacheLockingInfo(cache2)); // value on cache2 must be 38 age = (Integer) cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"); assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache2 must be non-null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 38", age == 38); } public void testSimplePut() throws Exception { cache1.put("/JSESSION/localhost/", "Instructor", "Ben Wang"); cache1.put("/JSESSION/localhost/", "Number", 10); } public void testSimpleTxPut() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; final Fqn NODE1 = Fqn.fromString("/one/two/three"); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE1, "age", 38); tm.commit(); /* * tx=beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE1, "age", new Integer(38)); * cache1.put(NODE2, "name", "Ben of The Far East"); cache1.put(NODE3, * "key", "UnknowKey"); * * tx.commit(); */ /* * tx=beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE1, "age", new Integer(38)); * cache1.put(NODE1, "AOPInstance", new AOPInstance()); cache1.put(NODE2, * "AOPInstance", new AOPInstance()); cache1.put(NODE1, "AOPInstance", new * AOPInstance()); tx.commit(); */ } public void testSyncReplWithModficationsOnBothCaches() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; final Fqn NODE1 = Fqn.fromString("/one/two/three"); final Fqn NODE2 = Fqn.fromString("/eins/zwei/drei"); // create roots first cache1.put("/one/two", null); cache2.put("/eins/zwei", null); cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); cache2.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE1, "age", 38); cache2.put(NODE2, "age", 39); try { tm.commit(); fail("Should not succeed with SERIALIZABLE semantics"); } catch (Exception e) { // should be a classic deadlock here. } /* * assertTrue(cache1.exists(NODE1)); assertTrue(cache1.exists(NODE2)); * assertTrue(cache1.exists(NODE1)); assertTrue(cache2.exists(NODE2)); * * age = (Integer) cache1.get(NODE1, "age"); * assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache1 for " + NODE1 + * " must be non-null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 38", age == 38); * * age = (Integer) cache2.get(NODE1, "age"); * assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache2 for " + NODE1 + * " must be non-null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 38", age == 38); * * age = (Integer) cache1.get(NODE2, "age"); * assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache1 for " + NODE2 + * " must be non-null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 39", age == 39); * * age = (Integer) cache2.get(NODE2, "age"); * assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache2 for " + NODE2 + * " must be non-null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 39", age == 39); */ assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); } public void testSyncReplWithModficationsOnBothCachesSameData() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; final Fqn NODE = Fqn.fromString("/one/two/three"); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE, "age", 38); cache2.put(NODE, "age", 39); try { tm.commit(); fail("commit should throw a RollbackException, we should not get here"); } catch (RollbackException rollback) { } assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfNodes()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfNodes()); } public void testSyncReplWithModficationsOnBothCachesWithRollback() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; final Fqn fqn1 = Fqn.fromString("/one/two/three"); final Fqn fqn2 = Fqn.fromString("/eins/zwei/drei"); cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncRollbackPhase(true); cache2.getConfiguration().setSyncRollbackPhase(true); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put(fqn1, "age", 38); cache2.put(fqn2, "age", 39); // this will rollback the transaction Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction(); tx.registerSynchronization(new TransactionAborter(tx)); try { tm.commit(); fail("commit should throw a RollbackException, we should not get here"); } catch (RollbackException rollback) { } assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfNodes()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfNodes()); } /** * Test for JBCACHE-361 -- does marking a tx on the remote side rollback-only * cause a rollback on the originating side? */ public void testSyncReplWithRemoteRollback() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; final Fqn NODE1 = Fqn.fromString("/one/two/three"); cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncRollbackPhase(true); cache2.getConfiguration().setSyncRollbackPhase(true); // Test with a rollback on the remote side // listener aborts any active tx // TransactionAborterListener tal = new TransactionAborterListener(cache2); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put(NODE1, "age", 38); // instead of a listener lets just get a WL on ROOT on cache2. And hold on // to it. Transaction tx = tm.suspend(); tm.begin(); cache2.getRoot().put("x", "y"); Transaction tx2 = cache2.getTransactionManager().suspend(); tm.resume(tx); try { tm.commit(); fail("commit should throw a RollbackException, we should not get here"); } catch (RollbackException rollback) { } finally { tm.resume(tx2); tm.rollback(); } // Sleep, as the commit call to cache2 is async Thread.sleep(1000); // assertNull(tal.getCallbackException()); assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, cache1.getNumberOfNodes()); assertEquals(0, cache2.getNumberOfNodes()); } public void testASyncRepl() throws Exception { Integer age; TransactionManager tm; tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); Thread.sleep(1000); assertNull("age on cache2 must be null as the TX has not yet been committed", cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age")); tm.commit(); Thread.sleep(1000); // value on cache2 must be 38 age = (Integer) cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"); assertNotNull("\"age\" obtained from cache2 is null ", age); assertTrue("\"age\" must be 38", age == 38); } /** * Tests concurrent modifications: thread1 succeeds and thread2 is blocked * until thread1 is done, and then succeeds too. However, this is flawed with * the introduction of interceptors, here's why.<br/> * <ul> * <li>Thread1 acquires the lock for /bela/ban on cache1 * <li>Thread2 blocks on Thread1 to release the lock * <li>Thread1 commits: this means the TransactionInterceptor and the * ReplicationInterceptor are called in the sequence in which they registered. * Unfortunately, the TransactionInterceptor registered first. In the PREPARE * phase, the ReplicationInterceptor calls prepare() in cache2 synchronously. * The TxInterceptor does nothing. The the COMMIT phase, the TxInterceptor * commits the data by releasing the locks locally and then the * ReplicationInterceptor sends an asynchronous COMMIT to cache2. * <li>Because the TxInterceptor for Thread1 releases the locks locally * <em>before</em> sending the async COMMIT, Thread2 is able to acquire the * lock for /bela/ban in cache1 and then starts the PREPARE phase by sending a * synchronous PREPARE to cache2. If this PREPARE arrives at cache2 * <em>before</em> the COMMIT from Thread1, the PREPARE will block because it * attempts to acquire a lock on /bela/ban on cache2 still held by Thread1 * (which would be released by Thread1's COMMIT). This results in deadlock, * which is resolved by Thread2 running into a timeout with subsequent * rollback and Thread1 succeeding.<br/> * </ul> * There are 3 solutions to this: * <ol> * <li>Do nothing. This is standard behavior for concurrent access to the same * data. Same thing if the 2 threads operated on the same data in * <em>separate</em> caches, e.g. Thread1 on /bela/ban in cache1 and Thread2 * on /bela/ban in cache2. The semantics of Tx commit as handled by the * interceptors is: after tx1.commit() returns the locks held by tx1 are * release and a COMMIT message is on the way (if sent asynchronously). * <li>Force an order over TxInterceptor and ReplicationInterceptor. This * would require ReplicationInterceptor to always be fired first on TX commit. * Downside: the interceptors have an implicit dependency, which is not nice. * <li>Priority-order requests at the receiver; e.g. a COMMIT could release a * blocked PREPARE. This is bad because it violates JGroups' FIFO ordering * guarantees. * </ol> * I'm currently investigating solution #2, ie. creating an * OrderedSynchronizationHandler, which allows other SynchronizationHandlers * to register (atHead, atTail), and the OrderedSynchronizationHandler would * call the SynchronizationHandler in the order in which they are defined. * * @throws Exception * exception */ @Test // @Schedule(name = "concurrentPuts", value = "afterT1Put@t1->beforeT2Put@t2, [beforeT2Put:afterT2Put]@t2->beforeT1Commit@t1, " // + "afterT1Commit@t1->afterT2Put@t2") public void testConcurrentPuts() throws Exception { cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); Thread t1 = new Thread("t1") { TransactionManager tm; public void run() { try { tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/bela/ban", "name", "Bela Ban"); Thread.sleep(2000);// Thread2 will be blocked until we // commit tm.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = ex; } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread("t2") { TransactionManager tm; public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(1000);// give Thread1 time to acquire the lock tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/bela/ban", "name", "Michelle Ban"); tm.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t2_ex = ex; } } }; // Let the game start t1.start(); t2.start(); // Wait for threads to die t1.join(); t2.join(); if (t1_ex != null) { fail("Thread1 failed: " + t1_ex); } if (t2_ex != null) { fail("Thread2 failed: " + t2_ex); } assertEquals("Michelle Ban", cache1.get("/bela/ban", "name")); } /** * Should reproduce JBCACHE-32 problem * ( */ @Test //WAIT@Schedule(name = "concurrentCommitsWith1Thread", value = "beforeWait@t1->beforeNotify@main" //WAIT + ", beforeNotify@main->afterWait@t1") public void testConcurrentCommitsWith1Thread() throws Exception { _testConcurrentCommits(1); } /** * Should reproduce JBCACHE-32 problem * ( */ @Test public void testConcurrentCommitsWith5Threads() throws Exception { _testConcurrentCommits(5); } /** * Should reproduce JBCACHE-32 problem * ( */ private void _testConcurrentCommits(int num_threads) { Object myMutex = new Object(); Configuration conf1 = new Configuration(); Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(); conf1.setClusterName("TempCluster"); conf2.setClusterName("TempCluster"); conf1.setCacheMode(Configuration.CacheMode.REPL_SYNC); conf2.setCacheMode(Configuration.CacheMode.REPL_SYNC); conf1.setSyncCommitPhase(true); conf2.setSyncCommitPhase(true); conf1.setSyncRollbackPhase(true); conf2.setSyncRollbackPhase(true); conf1.setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ); conf2.setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ); conf1.setTransactionManagerLookupClass("org.jboss.cache.transaction.DummyTransactionManagerLookup"); conf2.setTransactionManagerLookupClass("org.jboss.cache.transaction.DummyTransactionManagerLookup"); conf1.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(5000); conf2.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(5000); final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c1 = (CacheSPI<Object, Object>) new UnitTestCacheFactory<Object, Object>() .createCache(conf1, false, getClass()); final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c2 = (CacheSPI<Object, Object>) new UnitTestCacheFactory<Object, Object>() .createCache(conf2, false, getClass()); c1.start(); c2.start(); final List<Exception> exceptions = new ArrayList<Exception>(); class MyThread extends Thread { final Object mutex; public MyThread(String name, Object mutex) { super(name); this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { TransactionManager tm = null; try { tm = beginTransaction(c1); c1.put("/thread/" + getName(), null); //OPWAIT synchronized (mutex) { //OPWAIT mutex.wait(); //OPWAIT } tm.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.add(e); } finally { try { if (tm != null) tm.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } } } MyThread[] threads = new MyThread[num_threads]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { threads[i] = new MyThread("t" + (i + 1), myMutex); } for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { MyThread thread = threads[i]; thread.start(); } try { Thread.sleep(6000); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } //OPWAIT synchronized (myMutex) { //OPWAIT myMutex.notifyAll(); //OPWAIT } for (MyThread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } assertEquals(0, c1.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); assertEquals(0, c2.getNumberOfLocksHeld()); c1.stop(); c2.stop(); // if(ex != null) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // fail("Thread failed: " + ex); // } // we can only expect 1 thread to succeed. The others will fail. So, // threads.length -1 exceptions. // this is a timing issue - 2 threads still may succeed on a multi cpu // system // assertEquals(threads.length - 1, exceptions.size()); for (Exception exception : exceptions) assertEquals(TimeoutException.class, exception.getClass()); } /** * Conncurrent put on 2 different instances. */ @Test public void testConcurrentPutsOnTwoInstances() throws Exception { final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c1 = this.cache1; final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c2 = this.cache2; Thread t1 = new Thread("t1") { TransactionManager tm; public void run() { try { tm = beginTransaction(); c1.put("/ben/wang", "name", "Ben Wang"); Thread.sleep(8000); tm.commit();// This should go thru } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = ex; } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread("t2") { TransactionManager tm; public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(1000);// give Thread1 time to acquire the lock tm = beginTransaction(); c2.put("/ben/wang", "name", "Ben Jr."); tm.commit();// This will time out and rollback first because Thread1 // has a tx going as well. } catch (RollbackException rollback_ex) { } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t2_ex = ex; } } }; // Let the game start t1.start(); t2.start(); // Wait for thread to die but put an insurance of 5 seconds on it. t1.join(); t2.join(); if (t1_ex != null) { fail("Thread1 failed: " + t1_ex); } if (t2_ex != null) { fail("Thread2 failed: " + t2_ex); } assertEquals("Ben Wang", c1.get("/ben/wang", "name")); } public void testPut() throws Exception { final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c1 = this.cache1; Thread t1 = new Thread() { public void run() { try { lock.acquire(); c1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); lock.release(); Thread.sleep(300); Thread.yield(); lock.acquire(); c1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 39); lock.release(); assertEquals(39, c1.get("/a/b/c", "age")); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = ex; } finally { lock.release(); } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(100); Thread.yield(); lock.acquire(); // Should replicate the value right away. Integer val = (Integer) cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"); assertEquals(new Integer(38), val); lock.release(); Thread.sleep(300); Thread.yield(); Thread.sleep(500); lock.acquire(); val = (Integer) cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"); lock.release(); assertEquals(new Integer(39), val); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t2_ex = ex; } finally { lock.release(); } } }; // Let the game start t1.start(); t2.start(); // Wait for thread to die but put an insurance of 5 seconds on it. t1.join(); t2.join(); if (t1_ex != null) { fail("Thread1 failed: " + t1_ex); } if (t2_ex != null) { fail("Thread2 failed: " + t2_ex); } } /** * Test replicated cache with transaction. Idea is to have two threads running * a local cache each that is replicating. Depending on whether cache1 * commit/rollback or not, the cache2.get will get different values. Note that * we have used sleep to interpose thread execution sequence. Although it's * not fool proof, it is rather simple and intuitive. */ public void testPutTx() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm; try { cache1.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); cache2.getConfiguration().setSyncCommitPhase(true); tm = beginTransaction(); cache1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); cache1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 39); Object val = cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age");// must be null as not yet // committed assertNull(val); tm.commit(); tm = beginTransaction(); assertEquals(39, cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"));// must not be null tm.commit(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = t; } finally { lock.release(); } } /** * Have both cache1 and cache2 do add and commit. cache1 commit should time * out since it can't obtain the lock when trying to replicate cache2. On the * other hand, cache2 commit will succeed since now that cache1 is rollbacked * and lock is released. */ public void testPutTx1() throws Exception { final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c1 = this.cache1; final Semaphore threadOneFirstPart = new Semaphore(0); final Semaphore threadTwoFirstPart = new Semaphore(0); final Semaphore threadOneSecondPart = new Semaphore(0); Thread t1 = new Thread() { public void run() { TransactionManager tm; try { tm = beginTransaction(); c1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); c1.put("/a/b/c", "age", 39); threadOneFirstPart.release(); threadTwoFirstPart.acquire(); try { tm.commit(); } catch (RollbackException ex) { } finally { threadOneSecondPart.release(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = ex; } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread() { public void run() { TransactionManager tm; try { threadOneFirstPart.acquire(); tm = beginTransaction(); assertNull(cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"));// must be null as not yet // committed cache2.put("/a/b/c", "age", 40); threadTwoFirstPart.release(); threadOneSecondPart.acquire(); assertEquals(40, cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"));// must not be null tm.commit(); tm = beginTransaction(); assertEquals("After cache2 commit", 40, cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age")); tm.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t2_ex = ex; } finally { lock.release(); } } }; // Let the game start t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); if (t1_ex != null) { fail("Thread1 failed: " + t1_ex); } if (t2_ex != null) { fail("Thread2 failed: " + t2_ex); } } public void testPutTxWithRollback() throws Exception { final CacheSPI<Object, Object> c2 = this.cache1; Thread t1 = new Thread() { public void run() { TransactionManager tm; try { lock.acquire(); tm = beginTransaction(); c2.put("/a/b/c", "age", 38); c2.put("/a/b/c", "age", 39); lock.release(); Thread.sleep(100); lock.acquire(); tm.rollback(); lock.release(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t1_ex = ex; } finally { lock.release(); } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread() { public void run() { TransactionManager tm; try { sleep(200); Thread.yield(); lock.acquire(); tm = beginTransaction(); assertNull(cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"));// must be null as not yet // committed lock.release(); Thread.sleep(100); lock.acquire(); assertNull(cache2.get("/a/b/c", "age"));// must be null as rolledback tm.commit(); lock.release(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); t2_ex = ex; } finally { lock.release(); } } }; // Let the game start t1.start(); t2.start(); // Wait for thread to die but put an insurance of 5 seconds on it. t1.join(); t2.join(); if (t1_ex != null) { fail("Thread1 failed: " + t1_ex); } if (t2_ex != null) { fail("Thread2 failed: " + t2_ex); } } static class TransactionAborter implements Synchronization { Transaction ltx = null; public TransactionAborter(Transaction ltx) { this.ltx = ltx; } public void beforeCompletion() { try { ltx.setRollbackOnly(); } catch (SystemException e) { // who cares } } public void afterCompletion(int status) { } } @CacheListener static class CallbackListener { CacheSPI<Object, Object> callbackCache; Object callbackKey; Exception ex; final Object mutex = new Object(); CallbackListener(CacheSPI<Object, Object> cache, Object callbackKey) { this.callbackCache = cache; this.callbackKey = callbackKey; cache.getNotifier().addCacheListener(this); } Exception getCallbackException() { synchronized (mutex) { return ex; } } } static class TransactionAborterCallbackListener extends CallbackListener { TransactionManager callbackTM; TransactionAborterCallbackListener(CacheSPI<Object, Object> cache, Object callbackKey) { super(cache, callbackKey); callbackTM = callbackCache.getTransactionManager(); } } }