Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This software is released under the University of Illinois/Research and Academic Use License. See
 * the LICENSE file in the root folder for details. Copyright (c) 2016
 * Developed by: The Cognitive Computation Group University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.transliteration;

import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.Pair;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.Triple;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.utils.InternDictionary;
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.utils.SparseDoubleVector;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

 * I don't know what CSPTransliteration or CSPModel are for. --Stephen
class CSPTransliteration {

    public static SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> CreateFallbackPair(
            SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> counts,
            InternDictionary<String> internTable) {
        SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> result = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
        for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : counts.keySet()) {
            Double value = counts.get(key);
            for (int i = 0; i <= key.getFirst().getFirst().length(); i++) {
                Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> reskey = new Pair<>(
                        new Triple<>(internTable.Intern(key.getFirst().getFirst().substring(i)),
                                internTable.Intern(key.getFirst().getSecond()), internTable.Intern(key.getFirst()
                                        .getThird().substring(0, key.getFirst().getThird().length() - i))),
                result.put(reskey, result.get(reskey) + value);


        return result;

    public static SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> CreateFallback(
            SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> segCounts, InternDictionary<String> internTable) {
        SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> result = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
        for (Triple<String, String, String> key : segCounts.keySet()) {
            Double value = segCounts.get(key);
            for (int i = 0; i <= key.getFirst().length(); i++) {
                Triple<String, String, String> reskey = new Triple<>(
                        internTable.Intern(key.getFirst().substring(i)), internTable.Intern(key.getSecond()),
                        internTable.Intern(key.getThird().substring(0, key.getThird().length() - i)));
                result.put(reskey, result.get(reskey) + value);

        return result;

    public static CSPModel LearnModel(List<Triple<String, String, Double>> examples, CSPModel model) {
        // odd notation...
        CSPExampleCounts counts = new CSPTransliteration().new CSPExampleCounts();
        //CSPExampleCounts intCounts = new CSPExampleCounts();

        counts.productionCounts = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
        counts.segCounts = new SparseDoubleVector<>();

        for (Triple<String, String, Double> example : examples) {
            CSPExampleCounts exampleCount = LearnModel(example.getFirst(), example.getSecond(), model);
            counts.productionCounts.put(example.getThird(), exampleCount.productionCounts);
            counts.segCounts.put(example.getThird(), exampleCount.segCounts);

            //intCounts.productionCounts += exampleCount.productionCounts.Sign();
            //intCounts.segCounts += exampleCount.segCounts.Sign();

        CSPModel result = (CSPModel) model.clone();

        //normalize to get "joint"
        result.productionProbs = counts.productionCounts.divide(counts.productionCounts.PNorm(1));

        InternDictionary<String> internTable = new InternDictionary<>();

        SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> oldProbs = null;
        if (model.underflowChecking)
            oldProbs = result.productionProbs;

        //now get production fallbacks
        result.productionProbs = CreateFallbackPair(result.productionProbs, internTable);

        //finally, make it conditional
        result.productionProbs = PSecondGivenFirst(result.productionProbs);

        if (model.underflowChecking) {
            //go through and ensure that Sum_X(P(Y|X)) == 1...or at least > 0!
            SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> sums = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
            for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : model.productionProbs.keySet()) {
                Double value = model.productionProbs.get(key);

                Triple<String, String, String> ff = key.getFirst();

                Double val = sums.get(ff);
                sums.put(ff, val + value);

            List<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> restoreList = new ArrayList<>();

            for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : model.productionProbs.keySet()) {
                Double value = model.productionProbs.get(key);

                if (value == 0 && sums.get(key.getFirst()) == 0)

            for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> pair : restoreList) {
                //model.productionProbs[pair] = oldProbs[pair];
                model.productionProbs.put(pair, oldProbs.get(pair));


        //get conditional segmentation probs
        if (model.segMode == CSPModel.SegMode.Count)
            result.segProbs = CreateFallback(
                    PSegGivenFlatOccurence(counts.segCounts, examples, model.segContextSize), internTable); // counts.segCounts / counts.segCounts.PNorm(1);
        else if (model.segMode == CSPModel.SegMode.Entropy) {
            SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> totals = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
            for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : result.productionProbs.keySet()) {
                Double value = result.productionProbs.get(key);

                //totals[pair.Key.x] -= pair.Value * Math.Log(pair.Value, 2);
                double logValue = value * Math.log(value);

                if (!Double.isNaN(logValue)) {
                    Double lv = totals.get(key.getFirst());
                    totals.put(key.getFirst(), lv + logValue);
                //totals[pair.Key.x] *= Math.Pow(pair.Value, pair.Value);

            result.segProbs = totals.Exp(); //totals.Max(0.000001).Pow(-1);

        //return the finished model
        return result;

    private static Triple<String, String, String> GetContextTriple(String originalWord, int index, int length,
            int contextSize) {
        return new Triple<>(WikiTransliteration.GetLeftContext(originalWord, index, contextSize),
                originalWord.substring(index, length),
                WikiTransliteration.GetRightContext(originalWord, index + length, contextSize));

    public static SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> PSegGivenFlatOccurence(
            SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> segCounts,
            List<Triple<String, String, Double>> examples, int contextSize) {
        SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> counts = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
        for (Triple<String, String, Double> example : examples) {
            String word = StringUtils.repeat('_', contextSize) + example.getFirst()
                    + StringUtils.repeat('_', contextSize);
            for (int i = contextSize; i < word.length() - contextSize; i++) {
                for (int j = i; j < word.length() - contextSize; j++) {
                    Triple<String, String, String> gct = GetContextTriple(word, i, j - i + 1, contextSize);
                    counts.put(gct, counts.get(gct) + example.getThird());

        return segCounts.divide(counts);
    //    public static SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> PSegGivenLength(SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> segCounts)
    //    {
    //        SparseDoubleVector<Integer> sums = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
    //        for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, Double> pair : segCounts)
    //        sums[pair.Key.y.Length] += pair.Value;
    //        SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> result = new SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String,String,String>>(segCounts.Count);
    //        for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, Double> pair : segCounts)
    //        result[pair.Key] = pair.Value / sums[pair.Key.y.Length];
    //        return result;
    //    }

    public static SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> PSecondGivenFirst(
            SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> counts) {
        SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> totals = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
        for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : counts.keySet()) {
            Double value = counts.get(key);
            totals.put(key.getFirst(), totals.get(key.getFirst()) + value);

        SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> result = new SparseDoubleVector<>(
        for (Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> key : counts.keySet()) {
            Double value = counts.get(key);
            double total = totals.get(key.getFirst());
            if (total == 0) {
                result.put(key, 0.0);
            } else {
                result.put(key, value / total);

        return result;

    public static CSPExampleCounts LearnModel(String word1, String word2, CSPModel model) {
        CSPExampleCounts result = new CSPTransliteration().new CSPExampleCounts();

        int paddingSize = Math.max(model.productionContextSize, model.segContextSize);
        String paddedWord = StringUtils.repeat('_', paddingSize) + word1 + StringUtils.repeat('_', paddingSize);
        HashMap<Triple<Double, String, String>, Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double>> lastArg = new HashMap<>();

        Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double> raw = LearnModel(paddingSize, paddedWord,
                word1, word2, model, lastArg);

        if (raw.getSecond() == 0)
            raw.setFirst(new SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>());
            //raw.x = Program.segSums[Math.Min(39,word1.length()-1)][Math.Min(39,word2.length()-1)] * (raw.x);
        //raw.x = raw.y >= 1 ? raw.x : raw.x / raw.y;

        if (model.emMode == CSPModel.EMMode.MaxSourceSeg) {
            HashMap<Pair<Integer, String>, Triple<Integer, String, String>> bestProdProbs = new HashMap<>();
            SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Integer, String>> maxProdProbs = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
            for (Triple<Integer, String, String> key : raw.getFirst().keySet()) {
                Double value = raw.getFirst().get(key);

                Pair<Integer, String> keyXY = new Pair<>(key.getFirst(), key.getSecond());

                if (maxProdProbs.get(keyXY) < value) {
                    bestProdProbs.put(keyXY, key);
                    maxProdProbs.put(keyXY, value);

            for (Triple<Integer, String, String> triple : bestProdProbs.values())
                raw.getFirst().put(triple, 1.0);

        } else if (model.emMode == CSPModel.EMMode.BySourceSeg) {
            //Dictionary<Pair<int, String>, Triple<int, String, String>> bestProdProbs = new Dictionary<Pair<int, String>, Triple<int, String, String>>();
            SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Integer, String>> sumProdProbs = new SparseDoubleVector<>();
            for (Triple<Integer, String, String> key : raw.getFirst().keySet()) {
                Double value = raw.getFirst().get(key);
                Pair<Integer, String> keyXY = new Pair<>(key.getFirst(), key.getSecond());
                sumProdProbs.put(keyXY, sumProdProbs.get(keyXY) + value);

            SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>> newCounts = new SparseDoubleVector<>(
            for (Triple<Integer, String, String> key : raw.getFirst().keySet()) {
                Double value = raw.getFirst().get(key);
                Pair<Integer, String> keyXY = new Pair<>(key.getFirst(), key.getSecond());
                newCounts.put(key, value / sumProdProbs.get(keyXY));

        result.productionCounts = new SparseDoubleVector<>(raw.getFirst().size());
        result.segCounts = new SparseDoubleVector<>(raw.getFirst().size());

        for (Triple<Integer, String, String> key : raw.getFirst().keySet()) {
            Double value = raw.getFirst().get(key);
            Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> pckey = new Pair<>(
                    new Triple<>(
                                    .GetLeftContext(paddedWord, key.getFirst(), model.productionContextSize),
                                    key.getFirst() + key.getSecond().length(), model.productionContextSize)),
            result.productionCounts.put(pckey, result.productionCounts.get(pckey) + value);

            Triple<String, String, String> sckey = new Triple<>(
                    WikiTransliteration.GetLeftContext(paddedWord, key.getFirst(), model.segContextSize),
                    key.getSecond(), WikiTransliteration.GetRightContext(paddedWord,
                            key.getFirst() + key.getSecond().length(), model.segContextSize));
            result.segCounts.put(sckey, result.segCounts.get(sckey) + value);

        return result;

    public static char[] vowels = new char[] { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y' };

     * Gets counts for productions by (conceptually) summing over all the possible alignments
     * and weighing each alignment (and its constituent productions) by the given probability table.
     * probSum is important (and memoized for input word pairs)--it keeps track and returns the sum of the probabilities of all possible alignments for the word pair
     * @param position         ?
     * @param originalWord1    ?
     * @param word1            ?
     * @param word2            ?
     * @param model            ?
     * @param memoizationTable ?
     * @return ?
    public static Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double> LearnModel(int position,
            String originalWord1, String word1, String word2, CSPModel model,
            HashMap<Triple<Double, String, String>, Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double>> memoizationTable) {
        Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double> memoization;

        Triple check = new Triple<>(position, word1, word2);
        if (memoizationTable.containsKey(check)) {
            return memoizationTable.get(check);

        Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double> result = new Pair<>(
                new SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>(), 0.0);

        if (word1.length() == 0 && word2.length() == 0) //record probabilities
            result.setSecond(1.0); //null -> null is always a perfect alignment
            return result; //end of the line

        int maxSubstringLength1f = Math.min(word1.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);
        int maxSubstringLength2f = Math.min(word2.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);

        String[] leftContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetLeftFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position,
                Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

        int firstVowel = -1;
        int secondVowel = -1;
        if (model.syllabic) {
            for (int i = 0; i < word1.length(); i++) {

                if (Arrays.asList(vowels).contains(word1.charAt(i))) {
                    firstVowel = i;
                } else if (firstVowel >= 0) {

            if (firstVowel == -1)
                firstVowel = word1.length() - 1; //no vowels!

            for (int i = firstVowel + 1; i < word1.length(); i++) {
                if (Arrays.asList(vowels).contains(word1.charAt(i))) {
                    secondVowel = i;

            if (secondVowel == -1 || (secondVowel == word1.length() - 1 && word1.charAt(secondVowel) == 'e')) //if only one vowel, only consider the entire thing; note consideration of silent 'e' at end of words
                firstVowel = maxSubstringLength1f - 1;
                secondVowel = maxSubstringLength1f;
        } else {
            firstVowel = 0;
            secondVowel = maxSubstringLength1f;

        for (int i = firstVowel + 1; i <= secondVowel; i++)
        //for (int i = 1; i <= maxSubstringLength1f; i++) //for each possible substring in the first word...
            String substring1 = word1.substring(0, i);
            String[] rightContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetRightFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position + i,
                    Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

            double segProb;
            if (model.segProbs.size() == 0)
                segProb = 1;
            else {
                segProb = 0;
                int minK = model.fallbackStrategy == FallbackStrategy.NotDuringTraining ? model.segContextSize : 0;
                for (int k = model.segContextSize; k >= minK; k--) {
                    if (model.segProbs.containsKey(new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]))) {
                        segProb = model.segProbs.get(new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]));

            for (int j = 1; j <= maxSubstringLength2f; j++) //foreach possible substring in the second
                if ((word1.length() - i) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word2.length() - j
                        && (word2.length() - j) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word1.length() - i) //if we get rid of these characters, can we still cover the remainder of word2?
                    String substring2 = word2.substring(0, j);
                    //Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> production = new Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>(new Triple<String, String, String>(leftProductionContext, substring1, rightProductionContext), substring2);

                    double prob;
                    if (model.productionProbs.size() == 0)
                        prob = 1;
                    else {
                        prob = 0;
                        int minK = model.fallbackStrategy == FallbackStrategy.NotDuringTraining
                                ? model.productionContextSize
                                : 0;
                        for (int k = model.productionContextSize; k >= minK; k--) {
                            Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> v = new Pair<>(
                                    new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]), substring2);
                            if (model.productionProbs.containsKey(v)) {
                                prob = model.productionProbs.get(v);

                        if (model.emMode == CSPModel.EMMode.Smoothed)
                            prob = Math.max(model.minProductionProbability, prob);

                    Pair<SparseDoubleVector<Triple<Integer, String, String>>, Double> remainder = LearnModel(
                            position + i, originalWord1, word1.substring(i), word2.substring(j), model,

                    double cProb = prob * segProb;

                    //record this production in our results

                    result.getFirst().put(cProb, remainder.getFirst());
                    result.setSecond(result.getSecond() + remainder.getSecond() * cProb);

                    Triple<Integer, String, String> pp = new Triple<>(position, substring1, substring2);
                    result.getFirst().put(pp, result.getFirst().get(pp) + cProb * remainder.getSecond());

        memoizationTable.put(new Triple<>((double) position, word1, word2), result);
        return result;

    public static double GetProbability(String word1, String word2, CSPModel model) {
        int paddingSize = Math.max(model.productionContextSize, model.segContextSize);
        String paddedWord = StringUtils.repeat('_', paddingSize) + word1 + StringUtils.repeat('_', paddingSize);

        if (model.segMode != CSPModel.SegMode.Best) {
            Pair<Double, Double> raw = GetProbability(paddingSize, paddedWord, word1, word2, model,
                    new HashMap<Triple<Integer, String, String>, Pair<Double, Double>>());
            return raw.getFirst() / raw.getSecond(); //normalize the segmentation probabilities by dividing by the sum of probabilities for all segmentations
        } else
            return GetBestProbability(paddingSize, paddedWord, word1, word2, model,
                    new HashMap<Triple<Integer, String, String>, Double>());

    //Gets the "best" alignment for a given word pair, defined as max P(s,t|S,T).
    public static double GetBestProbability(int position, String originalWord1, String word1, String word2,
            CSPModel model, HashMap<Triple<Integer, String, String>, Double> memoizationTable) {
        double result;
        Triple<Integer, String, String> v = new Triple<Integer, String, String>(position, word1, word2);
        if (memoizationTable.containsKey(v)) {
            return memoizationTable.get(v); //we've been down this road before

        result = 0;

        if (word1.length() == 0 && word2.length() == 0)
            return 1; //perfect null-to-null alignment

        int maxSubstringLength1f = Math.min(word1.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);
        int maxSubstringLength2f = Math.min(word2.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);

        String[] leftContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetLeftFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position,
                Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

        double minProductionProbability1 = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i <= maxSubstringLength1f; i++) //for each possible substring in the first word...
            minProductionProbability1 *= model.minProductionProbability;

            String substring1 = word1.substring(0, i);
            String[] rightContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetRightFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position + i,
                    Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

            double segProb;
            if (model.segProbs.size() == 0)
                segProb = 1;
            else {
                segProb = 0;
                for (int k = model.productionContextSize; k >= 0; k--) {
                    Triple<String, String, String> v5 = new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]);
                    if (model.segProbs.containsKey(v5)) {
                        segProb = model.segProbs.get(v5);

            double minProductionProbability2 = 1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= maxSubstringLength2f; j++) //foreach possible substring in the second
                minProductionProbability2 *= model.minProductionProbability;

                if ((word1.length() - i) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word2.length() - j
                        && (word2.length() - j) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word1.length() - i) //if we get rid of these characters, can we still cover the remainder of word2?
                    double minProductionProbability;
                    if (model.smoothMode == CSPModel.SmoothMode.BySource)
                        minProductionProbability = minProductionProbability1;
                    else if (model.smoothMode == CSPModel.SmoothMode.ByMax)
                        minProductionProbability = Math.min(minProductionProbability1, minProductionProbability2);
                    else //if (model.smoothMode == SmoothMode.BySum)
                        minProductionProbability = minProductionProbability1 * minProductionProbability2;

                    String substring2 = word2.substring(0, j);
                    //Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> production = new Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>(new Triple<String, String, String>(leftProductionContext, substring1, rightProductionContext), substring2);

                    double prob;
                    if (model.productionProbs.size() == 0)
                        prob = 1;
                    else {
                        prob = 0;
                        for (int k = model.productionContextSize; k >= 0; k--) {
                            Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> v4 = new Pair<>(
                                    new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]), substring2);
                            if (model.productionProbs.containsKey(v4)) {
                                prob = model.productionProbs.get(v4);


                        prob = Math.max(prob, minProductionProbability);

                    double remainder = prob * GetBestProbability(position + i, originalWord1, word1.substring(i),
                            word2.substring(j), model, memoizationTable);

                    if (remainder > result)
                        result = remainder; //maximize

                    //record this remainder in our results
                    //result.x += remainder.x * prob * segProb;
                    //result.y += remainder.y * segProb;

        memoizationTable.put(new Triple<>(position, word1, word2), result);
        return result;

    //    //Gets counts for productions by (conceptually) summing over all the possible alignments
    //    //and weighing each alignment (and its constituent productions) by the given probability table.
    //    //probSum is important (and memoized for input word pairs)--it keeps track and returns the sum of the probabilities of all possible alignments for the word pair
    public static Pair<Double, Double> GetProbability(int position, String originalWord1, String word1,
            String word2, CSPModel model,
            HashMap<Triple<Integer, String, String>, Pair<Double, Double>> memoizationTable) {
        Pair<Double, Double> result;
        Triple<Integer, String, String> v = new Triple<>(position, word1, word2);
        if (memoizationTable.containsKey(v)) {
            return memoizationTable.get(v);

        result = new Pair<>(0.0, 0.0);

        if (word1.length() == 0 && word2.length() == 0) //record probabilities
            result.setFirst(1.0); //null -> null is always a perfect alignment
            return result; //end of the line

        int maxSubstringLength1f = Math.min(word1.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);
        int maxSubstringLength2f = Math.min(word2.length(), model.maxSubstringLength);

        String[] leftContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetLeftFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position,
                Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

        double minProductionProbability1 = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i <= maxSubstringLength1f; i++) //for each possible substring in the first word...
            minProductionProbability1 *= model.minProductionProbability;

            String substring1 = word1.substring(0, i);
            String[] rightContexts = WikiTransliteration.GetRightFallbackContexts(originalWord1, position + i,
                    Math.max(model.segContextSize, model.productionContextSize));

            double segProb;
            if (model.segProbs.size() == 0)
                segProb = 1;
            else {
                segProb = 0;
                for (int k = model.productionContextSize; k >= 0; k--) {

                    Triple<String, String, String> v2 = new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]);
                    if (model.segProbs.containsKey(v2)) {
                        segProb = model.segProbs.get(v2);

            double minProductionProbability2 = 1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= maxSubstringLength2f; j++) //foreach possible substring in the second
                minProductionProbability2 *= model.minProductionProbability;

                if ((word1.length() - i) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word2.length() - j
                        && (word2.length() - j) * model.maxSubstringLength >= word1.length() - i) //if we get rid of these characters, can we still cover the remainder of word2?
                    double minProductionProbability;
                    if (model.smoothMode == CSPModel.SmoothMode.BySource)
                        minProductionProbability = minProductionProbability1;
                    else if (model.smoothMode == CSPModel.SmoothMode.ByMax)
                        minProductionProbability = Math.min(minProductionProbability1, minProductionProbability2);
                    else //if (model.smoothMode == SmoothMode.BySum)
                        minProductionProbability = minProductionProbability1 * minProductionProbability2;

                    String substring2 = word2.substring(0, j);
                    //Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> production = new Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>(new Triple<String, String, String>(leftProductionContext, substring1, rightProductionContext), substring2);

                    double prob;
                    if (model.productionProbs.size() == 0)
                        prob = 1;
                    else {
                        prob = 0;
                        for (int k = model.productionContextSize; k >= 0; k--) {
                            Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String> v3 = new Pair<>(
                                    new Triple<>(leftContexts[k], substring1, rightContexts[k]), substring2);
                            if (model.productionProbs.containsKey(v3)) {
                                prob = model.productionProbs.get(v3);

                        prob = Math.max(prob, minProductionProbability);

                    Pair<Double, Double> remainder = GetProbability(position + i, originalWord1, word1.substring(i),
                            word2.substring(j), model, memoizationTable);

                    //record this remainder in our results
                    result.setFirst(result.getFirst() + remainder.getFirst() * prob * segProb);
                    result.setSecond(result.getSecond() + remainder.getSecond() * segProb);


        memoizationTable.put(new Triple<>(position, word1, word2), result);
        return result;

    class CSPExampleCounts {
        public SparseDoubleVector<Pair<Triple<String, String, String>, String>> productionCounts;
        public SparseDoubleVector<Triple<String, String, String>> segCounts;
