Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.hku.sdb.upload; import edu.hku.sdb.catalog.*; import edu.hku.sdb.conf.HiveServerConf; import edu.hku.sdb.conf.JDBCServerConf; import edu.hku.sdb.conf.ODPSServerConf; import edu.hku.sdb.conf.ServerConf; import edu.hku.sdb.connect.JDBCResultSet; import edu.hku.sdb.crypto.SDBEncrypt; import edu.hku.sdb.crypto.SearchEncrypt; import edu.hku.sdb.parse.ColumnDefinition; import edu.hku.sdb.utility.ParserConstant; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Major tasks: * 1. Read plaintext line by line * 2. For every line, generate row-id, encrypt sensitive integer columns with row-id. * 3. Upload file to HDFS. */ public class UploadHandler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UploadHandler.class); private List<ColumnMeta> trueValueColMetas = new ArrayList<>(); private List<ColumnMeta> auxiliaryColMetas = new ArrayList<>(); private String dbName; private BigInteger prime1; private BigInteger prime2; private BigInteger n; private BigInteger g; private BigInteger totient; // Original records are delimited private String defaultRowFormat = "\\|"; private String rowFormat = defaultRowFormat; private SearchEncrypt searchEncrypt; //List<ColumnMeta> allCols; public UploadHandler(MetaStore metaStore, String tableName, ServerConf serverConf) { searchEncrypt = SearchEncrypt.getInstance(); switch (serverConf.getType()) { case HIVE: dbName = ((JDBCServerConf) serverConf).getDatabaseName(); break; case ODPS: dbName = ((ODPSServerConf) serverConf).getProject(); break; default: LOG.error("Unsupported server type: " + serverConf.getType()); System.exit(-1); break; } DBMeta dbMeta = metaStore.getDB(dbName); n = new BigInteger(dbMeta.getN()); prime1 = new BigInteger(dbMeta.getPrime1()); prime2 = new BigInteger(dbMeta.getPrime2()); g = new BigInteger(dbMeta.getG()); totient = SDBEncrypt.evaluateTotient(prime1, prime2); List<ColumnMeta> colMetas = metaStore.getTbl(dbName, tableName).getCols(); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < colMetas.size(); columnIndex++) { ColumnMeta colMeta = colMetas.get(columnIndex); if (colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME) || colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME) || colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME)) { auxiliaryColMetas.add(colMeta); } else trueValueColMetas.add(colMeta); } } public String processLine(String line) { StringBuffer newLine = new StringBuffer(); String[] columnValues = line.split(rowFormat); //80 bit long rowId is sufficient BigInteger rowId = SDBEncrypt.generatePositiveRandShort(prime1, prime2); // Each table has three extra column: row_id, r, s for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < trueValueColMetas.size(); columnIndex++) { ColumnMeta colMeta = trueValueColMetas.get(columnIndex); if (colMeta.getType() instanceof ScalarType) { String plaintext = columnValues[columnIndex]; ScalarType type = (ScalarType) colMeta.getType(); switch (type.getType()) { case INT: case TINYINT: case SMALLINT: case BIGINT: if (colMeta.isSensitive()) { SdbColumnKey colKey = new SdbColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); String encryptedValue = getSDBEncryptedValue(new BigInteger(plaintext), rowId, colKey); newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, encryptedValue); } else { newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, plaintext); } break; case DECIMAL: if (colMeta.isSensitive()) { SdbColumnKey colKey = new SdbColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); int scale = type.getScale(); // TODO: overflow is not checked. float valueF = Float.valueOf(plaintext); long valueL = (long) (valueF * Math.pow(10, scale)); String encryptedValue = getSDBEncryptedValue(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(valueL)), rowId, colKey); newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, encryptedValue); } else newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, plaintext); break; case CHAR: case VARCHAR: case STRING: if (colMeta.isSensitive()) { SearchColumnKey searchColKey = new SearchColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); searchEncrypt.prkey = searchColKey.getPubKey(); // We only count letters and numbers as keyword. String[] parts = plaintext.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"); StringBuilder encryptedValues = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i].length() > 2) { // keyword with at least 3 chars if (count > 0) { encryptedValues.append(ParserConstant.DEFAULT_COLLETION_DELIMETER); } encryptedValues.append(Base64 .encodeBase64String( searchEncrypt.encrypt(searchColKey.getPriKey(), count, parts[i])) .trim()); count++; } else { LOG.warn("There is sensitive string with length less than 3."); } } newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, encryptedValues); } else { newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, plaintext); } break; default: // They should not be sensitive, since we have do the checking before. newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, plaintext); break; } } else { // Nothing to do now. } } for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < auxiliaryColMetas.size(); columnIndex++) { ColumnMeta colMeta = auxiliaryColMetas.get(columnIndex); if (colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME)) { SdbColumnKey colKey = new SdbColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); BigInteger encryptedR = SDBEncrypt.SIESEncrypt(rowId, colKey.getM(), colKey.getX(), n); newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnValues.length, SDBEncrypt.getSecureString(encryptedR)); } else if (colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.R_COLUMN_NAME)) { BigInteger randomInt = SDBEncrypt.generatePositiveRandShort(prime1, prime2); SdbColumnKey colKey = new SdbColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); String encryptedR = getSDBEncryptedValue(randomInt, rowId, colKey); newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, encryptedR); } else if (colMeta.getColName().equals(ColumnDefinition.S_COLUMN_NAME)) { SdbColumnKey colKey = new SdbColumnKey(colMeta.getM(), colMeta.getX()); String encryptedS = getSDBEncryptedValue(new BigInteger("1"), rowId, colKey); newLine = appendColumnString(newLine, columnIndex, encryptedS); } } return newLine.toString(); } /** * Encrypt the data based on SDB encryption scheme * * @param value * @param rowID * @param colKey * @return */ private String getSDBEncryptedValue(BigInteger value, BigInteger rowID, SdbColumnKey colKey) { BigInteger itemKey = SDBEncrypt.generateItemKeyOp2(colKey.getM(), colKey.getX(), rowID, g, n, totient, prime1, prime2); BigInteger encryptedValue = SDBEncrypt.encrypt(value, itemKey, n); return SDBEncrypt.getSecureString(encryptedValue); } /** * Append a new column value to line, separated by ";" * * @param newLine * @param columnIndex 0 for the beginning of line * @param plaintext * @return */ private StringBuffer appendColumnString(StringBuffer newLine, int columnIndex, Object plaintext) { if (columnIndex != 0) { newLine.append(ParserConstant.DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIMETER); } newLine.append(plaintext.toString()); return newLine; } }